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Of the bloodiest episodes of the First World War, will be held this summer. And going full circle. How vinyl is making a comeback, with the sales of records hitting a 25 year high. Its 5 oclock. Our main story the uks most senior diplomat in brussels has resigned just weeks after he warned it could take a decade to reach a trade deal with the European Union once britain has left. Sir ivan rodgers told his office today that he would be stepping down as ambassador to the eu early just two months before formal brexit talks are due to start. He was appointed by the then Prime Minister David Cameron in november 2013. While his four year term would have come to an end this november, some believed he might stay on for the brexit talks. The reasons for his resignation havent been revealed. In the last hour, Brexit Campaigner and former ukip leader, nigel farage, has told the bbc that hes very pleased to see sir ivan hand in his resignation. Afterall, hes a committed europhile. He helped lead the renegotiations with David Cameron that went so badly and then came out the other day with came out the other day with this incredibly negative comment. He thought it might take up to ten years to renegotiate a deal. Clearly the wrong man for the job. The only regret ive got is that he didnt go the day after the referendum. Nigel farage isnt the only brexiteer to be critical of the senior diplomat. However campaigners on the other side of the referendum debate feel that sir ivans departure is a substantial blow for the uk. The former deputy Prime Minister, nick clegg is one of them. It is a spectacular own goal. The only way were going to deliver a successful, Workable Brexit, is precisely with the expertise of people like ivan rodgers, whos now been forced to the margins, forced to the sidelines because of the angry Zeal Of Brexiteers Who just wont accept anyone who says anything different to what they so happen to believe in. In a moment, well be talking to our europe correspondent Damian Grammaticas but first To Westminster and our Political Correspondent iain watson. Iain, one assumes this is a big shock for number ten . Yes, we got a Test Statement after several hours from number ten, clive, Test Statement after several hours from numberten, clive, which Test Statement after several hours from number ten, clive, which said that so you are ivan is going because he is allowing a successor to be put in place ahead of the brexit negotiations in the spring, he is leaving a few months early, they said. But thats masked the fa ct they said. But thats masked the fact that they found it something of a surprise when he announced to his own officials he was going today. It came as a surprise today and it came asa came as a surprise today and it came as a surprise to many other politicians here at else w he hasnt set out his reasons for going, as you were saying. We havent had a statement certainly directly from him but those who know sir ivan rodgers felt that perhaps his advice wasnt being listened to in government n whitehall, and there maybe another reason for his departure, usually Civil Servants give private advice but some of that became public when the bbc revealed that he was suggesting, after talking to other eu Member States that it could take up to ten years to get a trade deal. This Backroom Advisor then stepped into the spotlight and stepped effectively into the firing line of his potential opponents who said he was being far too pessimistic and as you said nigel farage not the only person saying he was glad to see the back of him. John redwood also saying this afternoon, they should get someone who believes in brexit into place before negotiations get under way. But a remarkable intervention today from lord macpherson, he was the most senior Civil Servant at the treasury under george osborne, Alistair Darling and gordon brown for a tiernls as well. He suggests there is now a willful destruction of the eu expertise going on in Downing Street and talked about amateurism in the process. Not what Downing Street will want want to hear as they are telling us they want to get the best Detailfor Britain as telling us they want to get the best detail for britain as they are triggering ar 50 in a few months time. Well, damian in brussels a shock for number ten, how much of a shock for number ten, how much of a shockis shock for number ten, how much of a shock is this for mr rodgers ambassadorial colleagues in brussels . Well, i think it is a little bit of a shock but i think there is an understanding here about there is an understanding here about the intense pressures around brexit. Now there is a few things to say here i mean here the view amongst some of those who knew sir ivan and dealt with him was that he was not, his background was not particularly, asa his background was not particularly, as a pro european. He came from his Civil Service background, from the treasury. Remember the uk is not in the euro. The treasury is seen as one of the more sceptical arms of government, towards the eu and he himself was known to trumpet the fa ct himself was known to trumpet the fact that that was his own background here in brussels. Also, i think, a view here that hes someone who had spent three years here and if you the way things work here, if you the way things work here, if you the way things work here, if you appreciate, the ambassadors are the ones who do the sort of hard work, if you like. They are the one who is sit around the table every week, to negotiate and thrash out theissues week, to negotiate and thrash out the issues that the eu deals with. So, for three years, sir ivan has been doing that, building relationships in brussels with other ambassadors. The leaders then arrive in town and often sign off on the point, the position the ambassadors have agreed or do the final hard yards. So there is a view that that three years of expertise, the uk, is going to have to find someone in a matter of weeks who will have to arrive and then sit around that tail and start dealing with the Brexit Issues sit around the table, without having built up the relationships. 0k. Thank you for that damian and iain watson at westminster. Stay with us, much more on this story throughout the next hour or so but well move on a man has been shot dead by police in a pre planned operation near the m62 motorway In Huddersfield. West Yorkshire Police say the operation was in relation to information received about criminal possession of a firearm. The man has been named locally as yassar yaqub. Police say an officers firearm was fired during the incident and five people have been arrested. The independent Police Complaints commission has sent investigators to the scene. 0ur Correspondent Danny Savage is at ainley top for us this evening. The scene of the shooting. Bring us up to date with the latest . The scene of the shooting. Bring us uptodate with the latest . Clive this is why yasser yacub was shot dead about 25 4 hours ago. It was 6 0clockpm when police boxed off a couple of vehicles on the slip road and we understhand officers from quickly out of their vehicle and shots were fired. At the same time, simultaneously another vehicle was stopped in bradford and in total five people were arrested as part of the investigation and one man shot dead. Now an investigation is now under way here into exactly what happened which led to that man being killed. It was about 6pm yesterday evening when police boxed in a car leaving the m62 at huddersfield and brought it to a stop. Armed officers were quickly out of the dark unmarked cars and shots were fired. Bullet holes can be seen in the windscreen of a white audi. One man died and three others were arrested here. We are hoping to get back down there as soon as he could get home. This man was in a carjust behind the incident as it happened. As soon as the ambulance pulled up, some of the policemen ran up and told the Ambulance Staff to get down as quickly as possible to where the incident had took place. It looked like somebody needed Urgent Medical help. More police soon arrived. Another car was stopped a few miles away as part of a Preplanned Operation and two more people were arrested. Its not clear who was the target, but west Yorkshire Police say it was not terrorism related. Early today, screens have been put up around the scene. Investigators were working on the site from mid morning. The independent Police Complaints commission will oversee the operation. The cars remain exactly where they stopped. The keys of the Police Vehicles involved have been left on the bonnet of the car with the bullet holes. For now, though, is busyjunction, high on a hill between halifax and huddersfield remains sealed off. A couple of developments this afternoon, at yasser yaqubs house, the family home In Huddersfield many Family Friends have been visiting to pay their respects to his family to give their sympathies. At one point armed Police Arrived at the property and lots of people left. It seemed that the police were making further inquiries there and there is still a Police Presence outside that home In Huddersfield at the moment. Police also said this operation was due to try totrack down somebody who was in possession of what they understood to be an illegalfirearm. As for the motorway, this should be a busy junction at this time of the evening. You can see the motorway flowing behind me but all the overhead signs say it would stay shut until 6pm tonight. No indication of it going beyond that either. You can see not much moechl. Screens up shall cars in place, it is likely to stay closed for sometime yet, clive. Many thanks for that, Danny On The M6 near huddersfield. Turkish police are still trying to find the gunman who killed 39 people at an istanbul nightclub on new years day. Carried out the attack in retaliation for Turkish Military action against its fighters in syria. 0ur correspondent selin girit sent this report. A massive manhunt is under way. The Turkish Police are searching for the man who is now called a monster by the media. This is a selfie video of the alleged attacker, apparently Walking Around istanbuls central taksim square. The footage is circulated by tv channels across the country. Security experts say he appears to be well versed in Guerilla Warfare and may have been trained in syria. At least 16 people have been detained in connection with the investigation, including two foreign nationals at the airport. In this neighbourhood of istanbul, where operations have intensified, locals are in a worried mood. The police raids were held in this building and several others in the area. There are many immigrants coming from Central Asian countries who choose to settle in this neighbourhood and locals tell us many of them live in packed flats. Could there be an Islamic State cell around . That is what the police are trying to determine. The Central Asian minority here feels increasingly tense. Translation there could be traitors anywhere, but it would make us very sad if the attacker was from central asia. Because we love this country. I have not seen him before. If i had seen him, i would have killed him with my bare hands. 0utside reina club, where 39 partygoers were killed, around 200 people gathered today in a show of solidarity and to protest the spate of attacks that have crippled turkey, especially the tourism industry. This country has already seen around 30 attacks last year alone and the fear is the spiralling violence could get out of hand. Selin girit, bbc news. A british soldier who died in iraq has been named as 22 year old Lance Corporal scott hetherington. Its understood his death was the result of a Shooting Incident following the accidental discharge of a weapon at camp taji, north of baghdad. The Ministry Of Defence says an investigation is under way. News coming into us from out of wales, from the wales government and the Chief Veterinary Officer is confirming that avian flu strain h 5 n8has confirming that avian flu strain h 5 n 8 has been confirmed in chickens and ducks on a premises in carmarthenshire in west wales. This has come into us in the last couple of minutes. The Chief Veterinary Officer said it was found in a back ya rd officer said it was found in a Back Yard Flock of chickens and ducks on a premises in carmarthenshire and prior to confirmation it was decided to cull the birds on strong suspicion of disease. Now a three kilometre Protection Zone and 10 kilometre Surveillance Zone have been put in place around the infected premises to limit the risk of the disease spreading. Members of the public are encouraged to report dead, wild fourth wall, geese, or gulls, if they find any dead wild birds of other species in the same location, then they should contact a special helpline. So avian flu has been confirmed, according to the chief net nary officer for wales. It has been confirmed in chickens and ducks on a premises in carmarthenshire in west wales. And so more Breaking News that has come na so more Breaking News that has come n a comment from kier starmer, commenting on on the resignation of sir ivan rodgers as the uks ambassador to the eu. He is of course labours Shadow Secretary Of State for exiting the European Union. He said sir Ivan Rodgeers is a highly respectable and capable diplomat, so it is a deeply worrying sign for brexit negotiations that he has resigned. He goes on to say sir ivan was right to share with the government the Sunday Soundings he was receiving from the eu Member States about the complexity of striking an eu uk trade deal within two years. The Prime Minister needs to be far more willing to hear difficult truths. Having met recently with sir ivan im in no doubt his early resignation will be a real loss. And he goes on to say the Prime Minister and the foreign 0ffice need to urgently provide much needed clarity on this and to announce what steps will now be put in place. Remember, theresa may has made it clear that the formal brexit negotiations, triggering article 50 will begin by the end of march. So that news coming in in the last couple of minutes or so. Now the top stories now britains top diplomat to the eu, sir ivan rodgers has resigned. He had been expected to play a key role in brexit talks. A man has been shot dead by the police near the m62 In Huddersfield and has been named as Mohammed Yasser yaqub. A british man is said to have been killed in syria, fighting with Kurdish Forces, against Islamic State Mill Tavenlts Ryan Lock told his family he was going to turkey on holiday. Islamic tait militants. In sport, swansea city have appointed paul clement as their new manjerks appointed paul clement as their new man jerks succeeding Bob Appointed paul clement as their new manjerks succeeding bob bradley appointed paul clement as their new man jerks succeeding bob bradley who was stacked last week. And Bradford Bulls have been lick which dated after the clubs administrator rejected a bid to save them. And sir andy murray is on the brink of a first round win at the qatar open. Has Fis Hirst Ranking event since being knighted. More on those stories at 5. 30pm. His first ranking event. Kurdish militants say a british man has been killed fighting with them against so called Islamic State in syria. Theyve told the bbc that ryan lock, who was 20 and from west sussex, died during an assault on the is stronghold of raqqa. At least two other british men are known to have died while fighting against is in syria. 0ur correspondent Duncan Kennedy reports. Ryan lock went to join Kurdish Forces last summer but a Kurdish Military group the ypg say he was killed four days before christmas during a battle with is. There has been no official confirmation of the death but in a statement at the family home, ryan last couple of minutess fatherjohn said that ryan was a very caring and loving boy who would do anything to help anyone. He had a heart of gold, he said. Ryans family were given the news by kurdish activists, who say the family want the ypg to press for the return of irans body. Family want the ypg to press for the return of irans body. The ypg will be doing be a slautedly everything they can to facilitate the return of they can to facilitate the return of the body to the uk and would urge other parties, such as the british government, and the Kurdistan Regional government to please support the family in every sort of way they can, in facilitating the return of ryan locks body to the uk. Ina uk. In a statement, ryan last couple of minutess former school, near portsmouth, said we are very sorry and saddened to hear the news about ryan lock. He was a well liked pupil during his time at warblington school, our thoughts go out to our friends and family at this time. Ryan lock is one of several british nationals to fight and die for the kurds. Most had no military training, but had wanted to go after seeing pictures of the violence caused by Islamic State. This man was a former royal marine from south yorkshire, he became the first britain to die fighting for the kurds. His parents say they are proud british fighters are helping the Kurdish People my son asked me, in a phone call when are the british coming . And i said they they arent. But i have seen, with the volunteers, they are doing and britain is being represented. Evenif and britain is being represented. Even if it is not being admitted by the government. We are trying to help the kurds and fight isis in the best way a lot of young people can. So im very proud of him. Best way a lot of young people can. So im very proud of him. Ryan lock told friends he believed in the kurdish cause. That commitment, it seems, has now brought tragedy to another british family. With me is henry tuck, from the institute for strategic dialogue, which is a think tank specialising in Counter Terrorism and security. Last year he helped produce a report on the western fighters whove joined up with the kurds to fighting so called Islamic State in syria and iraq. First of all, do we have any idea about the numbers of foreign fighters and particularly britons who may have gone over to fight with the kurds . It is very difficult to put an exact number on because government dont put out estimates in the weah as they do for islamist fighters having said that we found just over a0. I think if i was to estimate, i would say the total over the course of the conflict has been between 50 and 100 britons. Whats the moat racial . A range but the key, is a culmination of repulsing of what they have seen happening, combined with the frustration of the international communitys lack of a response. 0n international communitys lack of a response. On a geopolitical level. 0na more response. On a geopolitical level. On a more personal level you find some people who have a lack of belonging at home or lack of purpose orjust looking for excitement belonging at home or lack of purpose or just looking for excitement and thrills. So it is always a combing of factor and itll vary as well. How unusual is it that one of those people going over there might not have any Military Experience at all . We know that ryan lock, the young man who has now died from west sussex, he had no Military Experience unfortunately not that unusual. From our data base of 300, we found one third had prior Military Experience but two thirds didnt. It is not particularly unusual. They will receive basic training for a couple of weeks before they are moved on to fight but it is not necessarily, it is not going to replace the full Time Military training. And, a western fighter or british fighter going over there, if they were to come back to the uk and the authorities knew what theyd been up to, bearing in mind they are fighting with the kurdish ypg, and any other Kurdish Forces who were taking on Islamic State, does that lesson the possibility this they might be prosecuted because britain is fight the Islamic State itself it is a complex area. The law states that if you are fighting against a group that the uk is at peace with, it is illegal and if you join a proscribed terrorist organisation, it is i will illegal. Having said that you could be prosecuted for war crimes on activities abroad. And with a conflict like syria wrr there are potentially hundreds of groups that overla p potentially hundreds of groups that overlap and allegiances shift and change, it is not clear before people leave whether theyll face prosecution, it is on a by case basis what evidence is available and what they got up to when they were out there. So far there has only been one prosecution in the uk. That was for someone stopped from going to try to stop joining the pkk. We hear of fighters being questioned on their return but no charges have been brought as yet. 0k, very interesting. Thank you forjoining us. P two months after the elections, the us congress is back in session today. For the first time in a decade, the Incoming Administration will be able to rely on a republican majority in both the House Of Representatives and the senate. So, happy days for mr trump . . Well, he has certainly been busy this morning, as if the day wasnt already hectic enough. He has been tweeting about a variety of subjects, most notably, though, a rebuke to his own party, even before the congress has actually been sworn m, the congress has actually been sworn in, because republicans last night decided to scrap an Ethics Office that looks into the way they behave and instead decided to revert all that to a committee on ethics that they effectively run. So, donald trump, not at all happy about that. He tweeted saying this was the wrong thing to do, that they have enough on their plates with Repeeling 0bamacare and on their plates with Repeeling 0bamaca Re and taxover on their plates with Repeeling 0bamacare and taxover haul and what on earth do they think they are doing . Lawmakers have listened because we have been told that they are now thinking of pulling that idea and the Ethics Office wont be scrapped. We are waiting for confirmation but those are the reports we are getting at the moment. Then on the auto industry, he tweeted with General Motors accusing them of manufacturing cars in mexico to be sold in the us. Thats something he is hot and heavy bhe thats something he is hot and heavy b he wants to keep jobs thats something he is hot and heavy b he wants to keepjobs in thats something he is hot and heavy b he wants to keep jobs in america and it make sure that American Companies dont manufacturer overseas, getting tax breaks and then bringing the products back over. Earlier i asked congressman from california about that and whether mr trumps tweets were having the desired affect of keeping jobs in america. Donald trump can tweet about companies every day for the rest of his four year term and it wont have the desired effect on the committee. What you need is systematic change, with law passed through congress. The Republican Congress has a different position that than the incoming president. They dont want to do in terms of infrastructure, as the incoming president does. Itll be very interesting. Very interesting. What about the democrats, are they going to filibuster, block the way that republicans did for, frankly, the last six years of 0bamas presidency . Well thats something i also put to congressman lieu, he said that democrats were prepared to work with republicans, but depending on what the proposals are and thats the sticky wicket. The one thing they wont be able to stop is the repeal of 0bamacare, which was 0bamasing Signature Piece of legislation and the robs have vowed to scrap that but the big question is what will they put in its place. 0bamacare meant 20 million americans gained Health Insurance and there is very little political appetite to leave them high and dry. It is possible some elements of 0bamacare will be kept and the president himself is on his way up to the hill tomorrow, to talk to democrats about how they can save some of the key provisions. 0k. Inauguration, what, 18 days away. Jane, thank you for that. A think tank closely linked with labour is warning that the party has almost no chance of winning the next general election. The Fabian Society says labour is too weak to win a majority and would need to work with rivals like the Liberal Democrats to stand any chance of getting into government. The general secretary of the Fabian Society drew parallels with the labour party here and the democrats in the United States. Labour are in a very similar position to Hillary Clinton in the United States. They could win more votes than the conservatives but go on to lose the election, in terms of how many mps they get. It is very hard for them to get a majority of mps because the Scottish Nationalist Party has won almost all seats in scotland. So, labour will be in the position of being very, very unlikely to win a majority, but far more likely to be in a position to form a partnership with other Political Parties and perhaps form a minority government, if they make some progress. Music lovers have been in a spin this year pushing vinyl sales to the highest theyve been in 25 years. More than 3. 2 million records were sold last year the ninth year in a row that sales have gone up. The industry says its thanks to artists like david bowie and prince. Music streaming was also up by two thirds, while sales of cds fell again. 0ur arts correspondent David Sillito has more. Led zep ii classic album. Why is this better on vinyl . Well, it was made to be on vinyl. The actual format of the record, the fold sleeve. The artwork, so it was made for vinyl. It was never made to be a cd, certainly never to be a download. For phil barton of sister ray records, there is no debate, Musicjust Sounds better when it comes on a 12 inch disc. But, as a business, its been tough. However, things have begun to change. Listen, 10 years ago, i would have given you the keys to the shop and said i cant make any money out of this. I didnt realise this stuff was still going to be hanging around. If we go back to 2007, the industry sold into the trade about 200,000 albums. Pitiful, really. Up to date now, we are about 3. 30 million. Next year we may be a million plus. There has always been a market or old vinyl, this version of let it be is £900 but new vinyl, last year, bowie topped the charts. Prince was also in the top 10. Memories of those weve lost but it is notjust Men Of A Certain Age rediscovering their lost youth. My parents listen to viynl and they were like you dont know what music is really like unless you listen on vinyl. It is really impressive how it has back now. It is having that feeling where you have spent half an hour in the record store and found a gem. The first thing they look at all the records, skim through, it is like a conversational piece. It is more thanjust a fad now. Yes, definitely more than a fad. It sounds better. This is more crackly. I think it has a better effect to it. Of course it is worth putting this into some sort of context. Imagine that each of these records represents 1 million sales. The bpi says if you add in streaming, digital downloads, cds, about 123 million albums were sold last year. The number of vinyl albums sold last year, three million. And both piles are totally dwarfed by the real musicjuggernaut of today, streaming. The number of tracks streamed last year, a5 billion. No static on the weather i am sure, it will be crystal clear. Bitterly cold this morning. We are going to see more cloud coming in and freshening breeze, gusting to gale force for a time across the far north east. There is a Weather Front pushing in through the night. That will hold temperatures up. But tomorrow the Weather Front slicing the country in two. Not much sunshine and also not much rain. Some drizzle moving steadily south and west and behind that some glorious spells of sunshine. But for the north of england, scotland and Northern Ireland, not too bad. With those clear skies tomorrow by day thatis those clear skies tomorrow by day that is going to lead into a frosty start to thursday morning and possibly even freezing fog. This is bbc news at five the headlines. The uks ambassador to the eu, sir ivan rogers, has abruptly resigned, with the formal negotiations on brexit due to begin in less than three months. The reason for his departure isnt clear. Some have welcomed the news. Clearly the wrong man for the job and ijust regret he did not go the day after the referendum. A man has been shot dead by police near the m62 In Huddersfield. Mohammed yasser yaqub died during whats described as a pre planned operation. There are more arrests in turkey after the new years eve nightclub shooting, but the gunman who killed 39 people, is still on the run. Time for a full round up of The Sports News heres damian johnson. Good afternoon. Paul clement has been confirmed as the new manager of swansea city. The former Derby Manager has been Assistant Coach at Bayern Munich sincejune and is thought to have agreed a two and a half year deal at swansea. The club are currently bottom of the Premier League and play Crystal Palace tonight. He takes overfrom bob bradley, who was sacked last week. West ham have confirmed theyre appealing against the red card given to Sofianne Feghouli in their 2 0 defeat yesterday. Referee mike dean gave him a straight red after a collision with united defender philjones. West ham manager slaven bilic said jones made a meal of the tackle by the algerian. Feghouli is the fifth player to be dismissed by dean in the Premier League this season. The fa have contacted Manchester City full back bacary sagna, to ask for his observations following a post on the social media platform instagram. The post read 10 against 12, possibly in reference to the referee lee mason who sent off city Captain Fernandihno in their 2 1 win over burnley last night. Sagna has since deleted the post, and has until friday afternoon to respond to the fa. Ahead of his sides Premier League match at bournemouth tonight arsenal manager Arsene Wenger says this seasons festive fixture list is the most uneven hes seen in 20 years. Wengers team are playing just two days after hosting Crystal Palace, but leaders chelsea arent in action until wednesday following their a 2 victory over stoke on saturday. We have sold the rights to television for a lot of money so we have to accept that the television chooses the games. But i must say on that front, some teams have a bit more luck than others. We get a lot of money to play and this is part of it. But sometimes it goes for you and sometimes against you. Former super league and World Club Champions Bradford Bulls have been liquidated after the clubs administrator rejected a bid to save them. The bulls entered administration for a third time in four years in november. Bradford won four Super League Titles before being relegated to the championship in 201a. Despite the liquidation, the bbc understands that a new incarnation of the club will be in the championship this season but with a 12 point deduction. The rfl are inviting people to come forward to form a new club. They hold the least so a new club could play there with no problem. They also said the new club would still be in the championship next year but they would have to begin with a 12 points deduction. They said there is a lot of interest so there it is likely to be a Bradford Bulls playing next year in the championship. Minus the 12 points but that will live it a bad taste for those who have lost money. Sir andy murray is playing his first singles match of the new year now. Hes taking on frenchman Jeremy Chardy in the first round of the qatar 0pen. Murrays taken the first set set without dropping a game, but chardy has just broken to lead 1 0 in the second. The new pdc world darts champion Michael Van Gerwen says theres been no better player than him in the sport. Van gerwen beat Gary Anderson to win his second pdc title last night. Hes been speaking to our sports correspondent, joe wilson. I believe there are not many better. Statistically, it is true i still think that phil is the greatest, but he did for darts, he made this happen. That a lot of people could earn money. Thats all sport for now. You can keep up to date with all those stories on the bbc sport website and ill have more in sportsday at half past six. For chelsea Football Fans have been handed suspended footballs suspended Prison Sentences in france. They were charged after Video Footage appeared of them pushing a black man off a metro train in paris in february 200015. Lucy williamson is paris. Just fill a thin on the background to the case. This is something that happened in february 2015, a group of chelsea fans were on their way to a match between chelsea and the local Club Paris St germain and it was one of the local passengers caught on his Phone Footage of some of these chelsea fans pushing a black frenchman of the train, repeatedly pushing him from the train whilst singing racist chants. So the four men who were in court today and were being tried today, only two of them were actually in court, there were charged with aggravated violence, violence that had an aggravated racist element to it. And they were found guilty as you said and they were given suspended sentences. The two were we re suspended sentences. The two were were in court, slightly shorter sentences of eight months of six months, but to try it in their absence given a suspended sentence each of one year. As weve been hearing, britains top diplomat in brussels has resigned just months before formal brexit negotiations are due to begin. Sir ivan rogers whos the uks ambassador to the eu had caused controversy when he privately told ministers that a uk eu trade deal might take a decade to finalise. The story was broken by the financial times, whose Political Editor George Parker joins us live from westminster. Thank you for being with us. Do we know why he has resigned . thank you for being with us. Do we know why he has resigned . I think he had grown increasingly frustrated over the last few months that some of the unwelcome information that he was passing back from brussels to Downing Street, he thought was being sidelined or ignored. For example he thought it could take up to a decade to agree and ratify a trade deal, theresa may wants it all wrapped up within two years. He has also been arguing that if theresa may has her way and limit Free Movement of people, then it will be hard to get what is regarded as a soft brexit, good terms of access to the Single Market. And the customs union. Some people like nigel farage have said good riddance, because clearly he is a pro european, he used to work with the Vice President of the European Commission leon britton, he used to work with tony blair, kevin hart, all pro european. It is good that he is gone because he could have helped things up anyway . It is the kind of cd that eurosceptics would hate, they regarded him as one of the architects of the failed David Cameron Will Negotiation back in february. And some see him as representing the worst of foreign offers pessimistic mindset is saying that the uk cannot achieve what it can really achieve in an eu negotiation, that they set the bar too low. 0n the other hand, he probably is our most seasoned and experienced eu negotiator, there are a few others at the top of the Civil Service with his level of contact with other European Countries who can pass on intelligence about what other European Countries are thinking about this negotiation which after all begins in three months time. Which after all begins in three months time. So theresa may and the government when they look for a replacement, some on charitably might suggest that they are just simply going to look for a yes man. They might choose someone who gives the advice they would prefer to hear but whether that would be in the national interest, im not entirely sure. I have seenjacob rees mogg, and other veterans being put in the frame, i would see that probably as slightly eccentric choice. I think they will go for a diplomat, a Civil Servant, but theyre not many people with that level of expertise. You might regard that as a good thing, that we need a fresh start, i think sir ivan rogers leaving the scene three months before negotiations start is quite a serious move for the government. John redwood would say we need someone as a nation whose going to bang the drum for the uk, be positive and optimistic and out there to try to force through as good a deal as we can possibly get. There is nothing wrong with that . Nothing wrong with that but it is rather neglecting the fact that there are two sides to any negotiation. John redwood is right that we need to go in and be optimistic and bullish, but we have to a Cce Pt Optimistic and bullish, but we have to accept that there are 27 countries desperately trying to safeguard a project which is in serious trouble. The second biggest economy in the eu is leaving, that is the uk, we know all about the migration and yours and crisis, the idea that they will bend over backwards to give uk the kind of Dealjohn Redwood thinks we should be offered is probably wishful thinking. Having someone in brussels who gave back truthful intelligence about what others are saying i would argue is a useful national service. Good to see you, thank you. Well the brexit vote came as a surprise to some, but in Great Yarmouth in norfolk, the result was never in doubt. The town delivered the fifth highest leave vote, with more than 70 of residents voting out. 0ur reporter Michael Cowan has been to Great Yarmouth to find out how people feel about the vote now. We first came here six months ago. Our country had just voted to leave the eu and it was summer. But are people here still excited about brexit, and whats more important to them . Is it access to the Single Market, which involves much the same as weve got now . We pay into the eu and, in exchange, we get to trade with them, but we have to accept freedom of movement. That means unlimited numbers of eu workers coming to britain to work. Or is it this complete control of our borders . Because the only certainty we have here is that we cant have both. Does it concern you when you hear things about the economy . So, for example, going on holiday already costs more money because the value of the pound is low. Well, then, why not holiday in britain . Theres some beautiful holiday destinations, this is one of them. If people were putting more money back into our own economy, rather than feeding everybody elses economy, this country would thrive. Do you still feel excited about brexit . Absolutely. I think it was the best thing we could have done. Joining the eu was the worst Decision Britain ever made. Do we want access to the Single Market, or do we want complete control of our borders . Because its one or the other, we cant have both. I think weve got enough here. 0ur Housing Situation is atrocious. You know, and i understand that they do need to go somewhere, and i agree with that, but whens it going to stop . Dyou know what i mean, are we going to be in tents next . So you voted leave . I voted leave because i went with the flow. And if there was another referendum tomorrow, hypothetically . And i knew more about it. Possibly, i could change my mind. Definitely. Hands up to that one. So that is more important to you, even if it comes at the cost of the economy controlling the borders is the most important thing . Thats the most important for me, yeah. Do you think parliament should have a vote on brexit . Yes, without a doubt, they should do. I think they should get back in, put all their heads together, arguing and listen to each other, and obviously, they might get somewhere. 0ur Brexit Boards are clear 5a people went for this complete conviction, like they had six months ago, to control our borders. 2a people went for Single Market access. Were not pollsters and our brexit boards arent scientific, but they clearly suggest for people here, immigration and control of our borders is still the major concern. Theres your change. All the best. But amongst those we spoke to, there is a waning support for the way in which the government is handling brexit. Namely, the lack of information. And its telling that while the vast majority stand by that decision to leave, people here want more input, or even another vote on the exact terms of how we leave the European Union. This could become a reality when the highest court in the land, the supreme court, returns its decision later this month on whether mps should have a vote on triggering article 50 or not. Michael cowan, bbc news. This is bbc news at five the headlines. Britains top diplomat to the eu, sir ivan rogers, resigns he had been expected to play a key role in brexit talks. A man is shot dead by police near the m62 In Huddersfield hes been named as Mohammed Yasser yaqub. A british man is said to have been killed in syria fighting with Kurdish Forces against Islamic State militants. Ryan lock had told his family he was going to turkey on holiday. An update on the Market Numbers for you heres how london and frankfurt ended the day. And in the United States this is how the dow and the nasdaq are getting on. Children in england are eating half of their recommended daily sugar inta ke of their recommended daily sugar intake before they even get to school. Sugary cereals and spreads are to blame. And there has been a Campaign Launched to help us better understand what our children are eating. There are lower Sugar Alternative brea kfast there are lower Sugar Alternative Breakfast Cereals on the market and we have encouraged parents to take a look at those and think about buying them instead. Public Health England has launched an app and the idea is to scan the bar code and it will tell you how much sugar, salt and fat is enough food the results may be surprising and that is the idea to help parents make healthier choices. The average child in england has the equivalent of three cubes of sugar every morning for brea kfast. Cubes of sugar every morning for breakfast. The recommended daily maximum amount for children aged four, to six years old, is five cubes and a7, to ten years old, six cubes. By the end of the day the average child consumes three times more than their daily recommended amount, up to 18 cubes of sugar. With one in five children now starting Primary School overweight or obese, perhaps now more than ever brea kfast or obese, perhaps now more than ever breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. All this week bbc news is focusing on what the big global stories might be in 2017. Today we look at science and ask what will Donald Trumps presidency mean for the battle against Climate Change . And whos behind the next Big Venture Into Space . Heres rebecca morelle. Hi, im rebecca morelle, the bbcs global science correspondent, and heres what to look out for in 2017. China will once again be heading for the moon. After the success of their robotic lander in 2013, theyve decided its time to go back. This time, though, their rover is going to grab some moon rock and then bring it back to earth. This Sample Return Mission could help china to lead the way in lunar mining. In the United States, the sun will put on a spectacular display. In august, from the west coast to the east, a total Solar Eclipse will be visible, moving across the whole of the United States. It will be visible to an estimated 12 million people. So fingers crossed for clear skies. Were gonna cancel billions in payments to the United Nations Climate Change programmes. And in 2017, all eyes will be on donald trump and global warming. He once tweeted that Climate Change was a hoax, and during the election, he said hed pull out of the paris climate deal. No one yet knows what hell do. While hes recently met with climate campaigner al gore, hes also just appointed several key Cabinet Members whove expressed sceptical views about Climate Change. And could we soon see the Land Speed Record broken . After Funding Setbacks and delays, in october, the Bloodhound Super Sonic Car will finally be put to the test. The team will be heading to south africa, where theyre hoping to reach speeds of 1,600 kilometres per hour. And its time for a last look at saturn, as the Cassini Mission comes to an end. Nasa spacecraft has transformed our understanding of this giant world and, for its grand finale, it will fly closer to saturn than ever before, swooping in between its rings, before diving into the thick atmosphere, to bring the mission to a close. It was one of the bloodiest battles of the First World War with more than 325,00 allied troops and 260,000 german soldiers killed in the three months of fighting. Now to honour those who fell at passchendaele, and to mark the 100th anniversary, two special events will be held in ypres injuly. 0ur correspondent robert hall reports. These reconstructed trenches run through a village called Zonnebeke Which was demolished during the battles for passchendaele. Passchendaele is a milestone in the series of events marking the centenary of the First World War. Not least because if you talk to people about the First World War, probably the first images they conjure up are of passchendaele, because of the mud and the scale of the losses. A little bit more about that in a moment, and about those commemorations, but first, lets hear the memories from two people, they wrote it down and they were there. My wound was slight and i was hobbling back and then a shell burst, slick upon the duckboards, so i fell into the Bottomless Mud and lost the light. There was not a sign of life of any sort. Not a bird, not even a rat or a blade of grass. The words of those who tried to sum up the hell of passchendaele. Three months when more than half a million men died. Three months when the allied army fought an enemy, the mud and the cold, to gain a few miles of ground. A century ago, ypres was under siege. The roads leading north climbed steadily to the german lines, which overlooked the allies on three sides. After the war, the british made this sanitised documentary about the battle. Tales of personal heroism to distract from the ghastly reality. The reality of uphill advances, a sucking quagmire, and the horrors of machineguns and gas. This years commemorations will be focussed in ypres a city rebuilt from total destruction. There will be a series of events built around remembrance and the need to help visitors understand what happened here. Steve almond oversees cemeteries across belgium. He says passchendaele holds a particular resonance. As you are working or walking through the cemeteries, you actually see the headstones and see particular dates and theres so many of them at times in one single day, or a month and itsjust sometimes unbelievable that things like that happened. Last post. On a freezing night under the menin gate, the bugles sound for the fallen once again. Passchendaele is burnt into ypress turbulent history. Passchendaele is the loss of a lot of lives for us. A lot of people that we commemorate day after day, and we want to continue the message that the last post has not forgotten. This summers commemorations will be a partnership with a city whose people have never forgotten. Stephen is director of the museum here. Why is paolo poli still such an important series of events . Of course it was a very difficult battle, a50 , 000 course it was a very difficult battle, a50,000 casualties only for advance of 800 kilometres. That is why weve got to remember this battle and especially the First World War. The Memorial Museum here focuses very much on my battle and of course the whole area was torn apart during that period. Yes so in 19a0, 1950, this region was already a bit destroyed but in 1917, there we re a bit destroyed but in 1917, there were heavy bombardment and everything that stood here was destroyed in the battle. You can still see these images, it is a very clear image of the battle, which totally destroyed a church. That is a very strong image. Is it going to be very challenging to bring the message and carried the story to be for the shia . It is of course because it is 100 years, there is a lot of interest in the First World Warand lot of interest in the First World War and especially this battle but still it remains important to keep the memory alive of all the soldiers who have fallen during the First World War. Thank you and that all important way of getting in touch for the government ballot if you wa nt to ta ke for the government ballot if you want to take part and you had relatives, there is a website. Some Breaking News, the first statement we have received from the independent Police Complaints commission into the Fatal Police Shooting on the 62 In Huddersfield yesterday. The ipcc confirming that yassar yaqub was the victim and that he died after being shot by a west Yorkshire Police firearms officer. They say what appears to be a nonpolice issue firearm was found in the fickle that he was travelling in. They also make it clear that a Postmortem Examination will take place tomorrow. So that the latest on the ipcc investigation into the Fatal Shooting of the man on the screen there, yassar yaqub. Time for a look at the weather. Heres louise lear. We have not seen a great deal of sunshine today, it started off quite promising but cloud moved in from the north and has continued to move south today. The best of sunshine has been across Southern England south wales. But stormy skies across aberdeenshire in the past hour or so, a lot of cloud here and a strengthening wind across the Northern Isles in particular. A week when a friend continues to move steadily south overnight. That will bring a band of cloud, meaning that to the north we could see clearer skies and some frost and ahead of that, down into the south west for a time. But the Weather Fronts sits across Northern Ireland and down into the Midlands First Thing tomorrow morning. It is going to clear steadily south and west but a fairamount of clear steadily south and west but a fair amount of cloud and seven drizzle first thing in the morning. So not as cold, six or 8 degrees quite widely, but then quite a clea ra nce quite widely, but then quite a clearance behind that Weather Front, some lovely clear skies and sunshine for the north of england and much of scotland. 0pen for the north of england and much of scotland. Open to the north and east it is still windy and the risk of some showers. But for the afternoon, some showers. But for the afternoon, some Late Afternoon sunshine. The cloud lingering across the far south west. So perhaps a bit cooler in the north but widely temperatures between four and 9 degrees. But the clear skies by day lead to a really cold night wednesday into thursday, a widespread hard frost even in the town and city centres, offering a degree or so below freezing. So in more rural parts around 5 or perhaps even lower. And the potential for some freezing fog first thing on thursday morning. Then we see a glorious day with plenty of sunny weather in the offing and temperature still struggling. An indication of what is to come on friday, wet and windy weather arriving, so feeling milder but unfortunately more rain to come in the forecast. Sir ivan rogers was due to play key role in negotiations, but Leave Campaigners say he was a brexit pessimist. Clearly the wrong man for the job, the only regret ive got is that he didnt go the day after the referendum. It is a spectacular own goal, cos the only way were going to deliver a successful, Workable Brexit is precisely with the expertise of people like ivan rogers. Well be asking where this leaves the governments brexit plans. Also tonight, the Police Operation that ended with a shooting off the M62 Yassar Yaqub was killed by a firearms officer, an investigation is under way. Still on the run after the Istanbul Nightclub Terror attack Turkish Police are hunting for this suspect

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