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Languages. That is reviewed in 2013 with me mark kermode. Its 5 oclock. Our main story. Italian police have shot dead the man believed to have carried out the attack on a Christmas Market in berlin. 0fficials officials said there was no doubt that he was dead as fingerprints matched those found. German chancellor Angela Merkel said she was relieved that he posed no longer any threat. Average near the central berlin, anis amri swears a pledge of allegiance, to al baghdadi, the leader of so called islamic state. It has just released the video online. And this is where he died, a backstreet in milan. Killed after pulling a gun from his backpack and shooting at police. The question for the authorities is how did he evade one of the biggest manhunts in german history . Look in the doorway, this is thought to be him just hours after the attack in berlin, caught on cctv, leaving a mosque in the city. After that, the authorities lost track of him. But we now know that he travelled to france, then crossing the italian border to milan. Arriving early this morning. At 3am according to the Italian Interior Ministry he was challenged bya Interior Ministry he was challenged by a two man Police Patrol and shot dead. Without a Shadow Of A Doubt the person who was killed is anis amri, the suspect of the Terrorist Attack in berlin. Footage has now emerged of the attack, on the left, the lorry speeds through the traffic lights. The taxi dashcam keeps filming as it heads towards the market. Shoppers run away in terror. It took German Police two days to focus on anis amri, his fingerprints we re focus on anis amri, his fingerprints were found on the steering wheel, his documents hidden in the cab. But what do we know about him . He left his family in tunisia, travelling illegally to italy in 2011. He spent four years in illegally to italy in 2011. He spent fouryears injail illegally to italy in 2011. He spent four years injailfor violence illegally to italy in 2011. He spent four years in jail for violence and theft but without a passport he couldnt be deported. So last year he moved to germany, and neither side, once again he wasnt deported. Security services feared he was trying to get automatic weapons for an attack but with no new evidence surveillance of him was halted in september. The case raises questions, questions that are not only tied to this crime but also to the time before since he came to germany in july 20 the time before since he came to germany injuly 2015. We will now intensively examine to what extent official procedures need to be changed. From a village of tunisia to the streets of europe, from Petty Criminal to terror suspect, anis amris Journey Criminal to terror suspect, anis amrisjourney ended criminal to terror suspect, anis amris journey ended here. Lets try and take stock with our security correspondent anis amri, he is dead but does this look like a failure or a successful the European Security authorities . failure or a successful the European Security authorities . I think it is a bit of both, the italians and germans have cooperated very successfully, this was a success for the italians and they have rightly praised the bravery and alertness of those people, who saw somebody suspicious, hanging around a Train Station at 3am, challenged him, and good marksmanship by somebody who didntjust good marksmanship by somebody who didnt just recently good marksmanship by somebody who didntjust recentlyjoined good marksmanship by somebody who didnt just recently joined them, put an end to it. There are several failures. The germans have got some questions to answer, because yes they are still processing a large number of people who arrived there in the last year and a half but this was somebody that they knew about and he was on the edge, on the fringes of a very dangerous circle, whose leader they arrested in the member, and they dropped the ball quite frankly but the problem for any intelligence and Security Agency is they have got to be evidence led and if they have observed somebody and if they have observed somebody and despite their suspicions they dont actually do anything or commit a crime or indicate they are going to commita a crime or indicate they are going to commit a crime there is only so long they can do that for, they have got to move on to other targets, and thatis got to move on to other targets, and that is exactly what happened in britain with Mohammed Sadiq khan, the ringleader of the 7 7 london bombers. Because they knew that he had some pretty dangerous ideas and connections, but he hadnt shown his hand. So m15 started looking at somebody else or other people, other priorities and they dropped it. That seems to be what happened here. There are also questions about borderless europe, some people are starting to say that this has got to stop and they have got to start having more controls and others will resist that. But the fact is he was able to cross three countries in a very short space of time including boarding a high speed train, france isato boarding a high speed train, france is a to have tightened up his security and he was undetected and thatis security and he was undetected and that is partly because he had a head start for the German Authorities to discover the clues that they needed, so discover the clues that they needed, so the all Party Broadcast that went out with his picture and his description, didnt go out immediately, nevertheless, there are m ista kes immediately, nevertheless, there are mistakes that have been made here. Thank you very much indeed, frank gardner. Let us just pick up on some of your. Frank was outlining, you canjoin in freiburg in germany, the former director of europol. Max peter ratzel. 0ur Security Cause bond and was saying how is it that this man was able to travel, from germany to france to italy and apparently quite easily, it is very worrying . It is worrying to some extent, but on the other hand, this is the consequence if you open the borders for good reasons, we have got the region know more strict border control. Although we have implemented Border Controls between germany and france since the attack of the last days in berlin, obviously, it was possible for him to cross borders. Personally i do know he went from germany to france 01 know he went from germany to france or to italy or italy by austria and switzerland but it doesnt matter finely. 0n the other hand we had to see that the italian security people we re see that the italian security people were clever enough to challenge him and to control him and finally also to shoot him, after he had opened fire against the police officers, so the cooperation between the Police Agencies across border why did work in that particular case. But we saw with the paris Terror Attacks and the brussels Terror Attacks, and again now with this german attack that it has been relatively easy for terrorists, to come and go, to slip across borders, within the Schengen Zone . Yes that is true but we had the same also outside of shane gent, may i remind you that perpetrators from the uk who travel from the uk to the Schengen Zone area, to the uk, despite the Border Controls in the uk in many cases, they were not even detected at the border, they could cross the border and even transport firearms and other explosive devices by the border, so It Isa Explosive Devices by the border, so it is a kind of reality, that criminals are able and able in future to cross borders inside the Schengen Zone but also outside. The other issues surrounding him was that there were attempts to deport him but barrell got delayed it calls of bureaucratic paperwork and so on, because of bureaucratic paperwork. How worried are you about that, Angela Merkel was saying that they need to look again at the procedures with Asylum Seekers . Yes but this is not mainly a question of bureaucratic measures will procedures, it is more a question of political willingness. As far as i understood the case, the team issuing authorities did not accept him to be brought back to his country as he had no passport the tunisian authorities. He has either lost his passport or destroyed his passport, so if tunisia is politically not willing to accept people, then this must be sold from a political level and i understand that mrs merkel and the German Government is going to put in for morejudicial government is going to put in for more judicial procedures and at the same time they are in dealings with the foreign governments to accept the foreign governments to accept the citizens to be deported. Thank you so much for talking to us. The former director of europol. I want to take you live to berlin, because the brandenburg gate, there isa because the brandenburg gate, there is a concert right now underway, as this city tries to come to terms with what happened, on monday. And the deaths of 12 people, and a concert ready to underline the fact that people there want to show that life does continue and that they wont be forced to stay away from public areas because of this terror attack, they will come out into the open and that life goes on. That is a Tribute Concert Taking Place to those who lost their lives and were injured in that Terrorist Attack on monday. When the lorry smashed into all of those people in the Christmas Market in berlin. Just to say there will be continuing coverage of the story on bbc news and you can also keep up to date with all of the latest of elements online and our bbc news website. Two men have been convicted of using aid convoys to get cash and supplies to terrorists in syria. The old bailey heard the high profile Muslim Community led convoys became unwitting vehicles for the plan to fund terrorism. Our Home Affairs Correspondent Dominic Casciani has the latest from the old bailey this is quite a significant Criminal Conviction here at the old bailey not just because of conviction here at the old bailey notjust because of the severity of the allegations but also to all intents and purposes it is the First Official confirmation that the major aid convoys that people will rememberfrom 2013, aid convoys that people will remember from 2013, some aid convoys that people will rememberfrom 2013, some of aid convoys that people will remember from 2013, some of them we re remember from 2013, some of them were exploited and infiltrated by jihadists. This was a suspicion long held by intelligence chiefs, and the jury held by intelligence chiefs, and the jury verdict confirms that. At the heart of this story is a man from stoke on trent, his nephew had gone off to fight in syria early in 2013, and the two of them agreed, that basically he would be supplied with cash, the nephew wanted to buy a weapon out there in syria to take pa rt weapon out there in syria to take part in the fighting, he joined weapon out there in syria to take part in the fighting, hejoined an aid convoy in july part in the fighting, hejoined an Aid Convoy Injuly 2013 and took that cash with the aid convoy, 100 vehicles and ambulances, but within that, the £3000 which he took for his nephew. After delivering akashi agreed to send an extra £1500 on the second convoy that went in December 2013. These were two quite serious allegations, commander dean hayden who is the head of counterterrorism at Scotland Yard and this is what he had to say about the verdict. At Scotland Yard and this is what he had to say about the verdictlj welcome it today is what happened in this case undermines the genuine work done by members of the public to help those involved in the suffering of the syrian crisis. Aid convoys suffering of the syrian crisis. Aid c0 nvoys We Re Suffering of the syrian crisis. Aid convoys were in portrait it and the goodwill of charities was abused, i taking money and goods from the uk how to syria to help terrorists. Out to syria. The second tranche of cash, was taken with the help of a second man, from east london and he was convicted today of funding terrorism. A third man on that convoy, is a well known Charity Worker from convoy, is a well known Charity Workerfrom huddersfield who has raised hundreds of thousands of pounds for good causes. He today was cleared of involvement, and part of what he had told the trial is that he had been devastated in December 2013 because another man on the convoy 2013 because another man on the c0 nvoy was 2013 because another man on the convoy was alan henning, the taxi driver, who was subsequently kidnapped and murdered by is fighters. After going out will stop mr rafiq told the trial that he had no idea that these allegations of Infiltration Byjihadists and other people, he had no idea that there we re people, he had no idea that there were attempts to take equipment and cash. In fact the jury heard from him that he had spoken to m15 who had asked him for his help in identifying who the bad guys were. He walked out of court a free man as did a fourth defendant, we are waiting to hear about sentencing, i suspect that will come in the new year. Studio thank you very much indeed. Authorities in malta say that the hijacking of a passenger plane, has ended peacefully. Thejet from libya landed with a people to the letter. With me to tell us small details, is is smitha mundasad. The hundred passengers on board thought they were taking an internal domestic flight, to the capital tripoli, instead what transpired, there were two hijackers on board, probably of libyan descent and they had Hand Grenades and possibly pistols with them. There are reports that they threaten to blow up the plane. The pilots got in touch with air Traffic Control in libya, but communication was lost and he was forced, rather than landing in libya to land some 300 miles away in malta. Now when they got to malta the situation was by no means over quickly. For the next two hours, the plane was grounded and the engines we re plane was grounded and the engines were still running and passengers we re were still running and passengers were on the plane and no one was coming off or going on and it was surrounded by Security Forces and negotiators and paramedics. Finally, people started to be let off. First the women and then the children and then on, and then the crew, and finally the two hijackers came off. So terrifying for the passengers and the crew, do we have any clear idea of what was the motive of these hijackers . As you can imagine there has been lots of speculation but the maltese Prime Minister has been speaking at a press conference. We we re very we were very clear that we were not willing to negotiate and no conditions, unless there was a surrender. Until now they have made no demands, obviously they are not now ina no demands, obviously they are not now in a position to make any demands but we were very clear that we we re demands but we were very clear that we were not negotiating. There have been no request for political asylum so been no request for political asylum so far, the commander hasjust confirmed to me that during his negotiations, the maltese government position was crystal clear, no demands were made. It is still unclear as to why this event took place, the Prime Minister said he was interrupted during the annual festive lunch when this happened but he was very happy that everyone is off safely. They are now questioning all of the people on board, all of the passengers and crew to see if they can get more information, the plane is still being searched and the hijackers are being held in custody and there are still questions to be answered. Thank you very much indeed. The latest headlines. Chancellor Angela Merkel says shell speed up deportations of failed Asylum Seekers as she thanks Italian Police who shot dead the berlin terror suspect. The hijacking of a libyan airliner forced to land in malta has ended peacefully, with the hijackers surrendering to the authorities. There are difficult travelling conditions and power cuts across parts of scotland, as Storm Barbara sta rts parts of scotland, as Storm Barbara starts to hit. Right we are going to catch up on all of the latest sports news. Arlene foster is the man with that. Sam alla rdyce is Sam Allardyce is set to become the Crystal Palace manager this evening, alan pardew was sacked after almost see is in charge, the club have moved very quickly to secure the services of allardyce, he was let go by england after Just Services of allardyce, he was let go by england afterjust one match with them, but as club manager, he has never been relegated and that is what palace need at the moment, the assistant coach keith millen was put in front of the media today and he was asked about Sam Allardyces imminent arrivals stop you there he is an experienced Premier League manager, isnt he . He has been successful and he knows the game and he did a greatjob sunderland keeping them up. You are getting the experienced manager coming in. Sam is one of those ones who has been there and done it, he will certainly be able to talk to the players. Joey barton has been charged by the Football Association for breaching their rules on betting. Its alleged that he placed 1,260 bets over a 10 year period up to may this year. Barton was also charged by the scottish Football Association for betting on matches this season during his brief spell with rangers. He was given a one match ban which hell serve at burnley after re signing for them this week. He has Untiljanuary 5th to respond to the latest charge what would possess a 25 year old at the premier League Leaders to go and play in the Chinese Super league . Oscar is reported to have signed a contract with Shanghai Sipg worth around 400 thousand pounds a week and chelsea are getting 60 Million Pounds for him, that makes him the seventh most expensive player in history. The brazilian has won three trophies, including the league title during his 4 and half years at stamford bridge. He has struggled to force his way into the first team this season. The shanghai manager is the former chelsea boss andre vilas boas. In the czech republic. She needed a four operation on her hand. It follows a knife attack earlier this week at her home, after she disturbing a suspected burglar. Doctors have told her shell be out for at least six month but kvitova says shes determined to return to the sport. Yesterday morning during a session with a doctor i was able to move the fingers on my left hand, which i think was the biggest gift i could have, to feel the fingers. And this was the greatest Christmas Present i could have wished for. Thats all sport for now. You can keep up to date with all those stories on the bbc sport website. You will see we have Sam Allardyce becoming manager as soon as we have confirmation of that. The United Nations Churchy Council is set to vote on israels construction of settlements, nearly all of the International Community opposes the construction on palestinian territory as an obstacle to peace, and the United States is expected to abstain, reversing his policy from previously imposing such moves. Israel and the incoming us President Donald Trump said the resolution should be vetoed. The United Nations Refugee Agency says that 5000 migrants have died in the mediterranean, the milestone followed the deaths of around a hundred migrants reported to have drowned yesterday when two boat sank off the italian coast. Here, extensive rail engineering works, start across britain from midnight with 200 different projects being carried out over the christmas break, the biggest Resignalling Scheme in a networked history will close the line between cardiff central, bridgend, newportand close the line between cardiff central, bridgend, newport and the valleys. Services around manchester will be affected by the work there, and Paddington Station in london will close to another Crossroad Line to be completed. Roads are expected to be completed. Roads are expected to be completed. Roads are expected to be busy and britains airports are predicting the busiest festive travel getaway car. Syriza transport correspondent. Whos going to be the biggest rail upgrade ever taken on, hitting services across south wales, london and manchester. The lack of trains will make the road this year, this is the m6 today and it is a popular time to fly way for the holidays. Heres stansted. So why do they always pick christmas to close the railways . We have a huge programme of works that we have to deliver as part of our Railway Upgrade programme and some of that workjust cant be done on a live railway. We have to shut the railway. So christmas is the best time to do it because its one of the quietest times of year. 211,000 engineers will work on 200 sites across britain. One of the biggerjobs they are doing this christmas is to open up and test these new lines between the concrete blocks there. Critically, they unblock a bottleneck between the trains going from heathrow into Paddington Station in london. Itll hit services across the country. Paddington station will actually close for six days after the last train leaves tonight. Services at other big stations, including london bridge, Charing Cross and liverpool street, will be severely affected. Therell be no trains late on Christmas Eve between cardiff central, bridgend, newport and the valleys as they finish the biggest re signalling job ever done. Its affected me, i have to take an extra day off work because the Replacement Bus Service is not good enough for what i need. But i understand the work needs to be done. They know it is the busiest time of year. Families want to get together and they havent seen each other for a while, and theyre all disrupted. You cant get to where you want to go. Totally inconvenient. A lot of commuters over the christmas period, shopping between christmas and new year, so bus services totally are necessary. Christmas engineering overran two years ago, causing chaos because the back up plan failed. Network rail says all the holiday work since then has gone without a hitch. Most roadworks have been cleared for the holidays but tonight could still be tricky. Between the hours of 4pm and 8pm this evening, we think will be the busiest. Thats the rush hour period. Additional traffic travelling long distances, its going to get busy. The pinch points will be the obvious choices of the m1, m6, m25 and m5. As ever, leave plenty of time before you head off or take the sleigh instead richard westcott, bbc news. Meanwhile the met office has issued Severe Weather warnings for the north west of the united kingdom, scotla Nd North West of the united kingdom, scotland when the brunt of Storm Barbara. Lorna gordon has this report. Storm barbara is barrelling in. The worst of the weather has yet to hit, but already, conditions are difficult out at sea. Ferries to many of the islands have been cancelled. For those who couldnt get home early, Christmas Travel plans are, for now, on hold. Today, theres some services operating. They re battling through. But the Northern Area is definitely off. We are reviewing those services and will make announcements regarding tomorrow evening, and people may be able to travel, however, we cant guarantee that. Gusts reaching more than 70 miles an hour have already been recorded in the outer hebrides. Some homes on the Isle Of Lewis and south uist left without power. But the stormy conditions were forecast well ahead. Extra generators have been shipped out and others, including farmers here, have taken precautions. I slept quite well until5am, when the winds started to hit. I spent all day yesterday preparing for it, moving livestock to sheltered areas and making sure everything was tied down so i dont lose anything. This Christmas Tree in dunoon is holding tight, for now while festive rides in edinburgh are off limits because of high winds. Storm barbara is an unwanted early gift. Travelling may get more difficult as the gales increase, and those hoping to get away will be hoping the weather eases for long enough to get home for christmas, when more Stormy Weather is expected to sweep in once again. Lorna gordon, bbc news. Lets get the very latest from the weather, james watt are conditions like the tonight . The peak of the storm was going to be around lunchtime but as i stand here on the banks of the Firth Of Clyde you can properly see the town of cool look in the background, the wind is picking up on the rain is driving straight of the camera so conditions here pretty difficult and it is just very surprisingly conditions have not improved, it is as though Storm Barbara hasnt quite finished with scott and just yet. Thank you very much indeed james, jamie shaul with us. Let us get the latest forecast. Darren is it going to get worse . Yes, it was forecast to get worse . Yes, it was forecast to get worse . Yes, it was forecast to get worse, it is the north of scotland, north of the clyde, that is going to get the worst of the weather and it is not actually that unusualfor weather and it is not actually that unusual for this weather and it is not actually that unusualfor this time weather and it is not actually that unusual for this time of the year. This was the scene earlier on today in lerwick in the shetland isles, we have had gusts of 70 miles an hour. Through this evening we could see the win speaking at 80 or possibly even as high as 90 miles an hour. The Camber Wind Warning expires at midnight. We had some gusty winds here, sweeping away from england and wales and although the wind is strong, across scotland and northern ireland, there will still be gales and wintry showers and icy conditions on the way. Quite tricky and let us not forget the snow showers, more of them to come on Christmas Eve. Last re showers, further south bright and breezy, dry and sunshine, increasing cloud, rain arriving, and that arrives on the next Weather System which will bring with it for Christmas Day some very mild air which will bring with it some gusty winds, some cold air in the north of scotland, which could lead to a quiet Christmas Eventually. Hello again, you are watching bbc news. The headlines suspect in the Burlington Market Attack has been shot dead in milan, anis amri was killed after opening fire on police,

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