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Of care to the public. Matthew gordon had no transport manager and effectively flouted every regulation laid down to ensure safety. Peter woods signed off vehicles as safe when clearly they were not. As the evacuation of Eastern Aleppo continues, well be speaking to the head of the International Rescue committee and former foreign secretary, David Miliband. And, Prince Charles warns of the growing danger of religious persecution, comparing it to the dark days of the 1930s. Its 5. 00pm. Our main story is the continuing investigation by German Police into the attack on the Christmas Market in berlin on monday evening, in which 12 people were killed and dozens injured. The chancellor, Angela Merkel, has said that she is hopeful of an arrest very soon. Police raids have been carried out across germany as they search for the main suspect, anis amri, a tunisian, whose Identification Papers were found in the lorry which was driven into shoppers. A europe wide warrant for the suspects arrest has been issued and his brother has called on him to give himself up. Our correspondent, richard galpin, has the latest. The Prime Suspect, 24 year old anis amir, is being hunted across europe. But he uses many different names and nationalities, Making It Easierfor him to slip away. This video of amir, which hasjust emerged, shows he was in berlin in september. And early this morning, police commandos, trying to track him down, raided apartments here in the kreuzberg district of the city. Apparently thinking they might find him here, but to no avail. Theyre playing catch up, they only named him as a suspect yesterday, three days after the attack. More strong evidence has emerged. We have had additional indications today that indeed the strong suspect is all likelihood the owe fender. We found in the drivers Cab Fingerprints and we also have other indications pointing towards that likelihood. There is more information about his life. He moved to italy, where in 2011 he was jailed for arson. Then, last year, he entered germany where his claim for asylum was rejected. The authorities could not deport him because they didnt have the right paperwork. And yet, the german Intelligence Agencies knew he had links to an islamist network. They monitored his phone calls for months, suspecting he was planning an attack. But they stopped in september. Back in his hometown in tunisia, his family are now the centre of attention. Theyre horrified that hes accused of involvement in the berlin attack. Translation im sure my brother is innocent. He is remembered by friends in tunisia as being very normal. A music lover who went to italy to earn money to buy a car, but then ran into trouble. The market reopened, a move to show the christmas festivities will continue despite what happened, but not without extra security being put in place. On a visit to the Police Headquarters in berlin, the chancellor, Angela Merkel, sought to deflect the wide spread criticism of the police investigation. Again, stressed the need for the country to carry on as normal. Translation im very confident that we will be able to continue living our free and democratic life. We will be able to continue living ourfree and democratic life. Over the past few days ive been proud of the past few days ive been proud of the calmness and composure shown. People here are determined to put on a brave face, but itll be hard to really relax until amir and any other suspects are found. Richard galpin, bbc news. Our correspondent, bethany bell, is in berlin. We are getting a statement from the German Federal Prosecutors Office confirming no arrest has been made. We had a statement from the Interior Minister and chancellor. What is your sense of how the investigation is pro progressing this evening . Well, we heard the chancellor saying she hoped an arrest would be made soon, but of course no arrest has been made yet. The authorities are under increasing pressure to try and find this man. People are asking how is it that this man, who was known to the authorities as having possible links with islamist circles, how it was that they stopped watching him. That they didnt discover, it appears, that his Identity Document in the lorry before they announced it. Whether its a question of incompetence on their part or whether they are overwhelmed by the number of people they are having to check up on . There is a sense of pressure here. We heard from Angela Merkel today saying how proud she was of the way germans have handled this attack. Im here in the Christmas Market this evening, which hasjust reopened today. Its quiet. The music isnt playing that you would normally get here. People are out and laying flowers and candles to the dead and injured, they are out at the stalls, they are drinking mulled wine and eating gingerbread and sausages in a sign, they say, that life must go on. That statement from the chancellor very loud and clear, wasnt it, bethany . Did she respond in anyway or have ministers responded to the criticism that has been made, which you eluded to, to the response and work over the last few months and the fact by their own admission they seems to have missed some rather important clues . think, you know, what we heard today from Angela Merkel and the Interior Minister was praised for the authorities, stressing the difficulty of dealing with cases like this and saying that you know they were working with people throughout europe. You know, its complicated. If you do try and follow a suspect that is round the clock work for the authorities. The question is whether there are enough people to do that with the number of people they are watching at the moment, the suspects. This is something that will of course continue, questions questions to be asked. For the moment everybody here is hoping an arrest can be made soon and that this man who is suspected of being armed will be stopped before more damage is done. Thank you for bringing us up to date there. Bethany bell in berlin. Therell be continuing coverage of the manhunt in germany here on bbc news and you can also keep up to date with the latest developments online on the bbc news website. That will take you to the main website and you can follow the links from there. The owner of a Haulage Company and one of his mechanics have been convicted of manslaughter after a tipper truck with faulty brakes crashed in bath last year, killing four people. Matthew gordon and peter wood will be sentenced next month. The vehicles driver, phillip potter, was cleared of all charges. Jon kay has been following the trial at Bristol Crown court. Police described it as carnage. This 32 tonne truck had careered down a steep hill, its brakes failing. It was School Pick Up time and mitzi steady was crossing the road with her grandma when she was hit, she was just four years old. Then the truck crushed this car, killing the men inside. Robert parker and philip allen were heading back to south wales from a business trip. Their driver, stephen vaughan, was 34 years old and newly married. Its just been horrendous time. I wouldnt wish it on anybody. Sian vaughan today me that being widowed so soon after her wedding day had left her heartbroken. All the plans, the future that we had together, its just all been taken away. We were only married for six months and especially having to spend your first wedding anniversary alone was just so far removed from the one that we had planned. Its just been absolutely horrendous. The prosecution claimed it wasnt simply bad luck, but an Accident Waiting to happen. Experts, who examined the brakes, said some of the parts were so rusty and worn that the 11 year old lorry should not have been on the road. The fact of the matter is that both men failed in their duty of care to the public. Matthew gordon had no transport manager and effectively flouted every regulation laid dune to ensure safety. Peter woods signed off vehicles as safe when clearly they were not. Many of the faults at the time of this crash were longstanding. He planted trees on the family farm in memory of the victims. You close your eyes and you see it. You think, no, there is nothing else i could have done that day to have prevented it. Just thinking of the four people all the time. Just thinking how horrible it must be for the families. Just how hard it would be to lose someone that you love so much. Phillip potter told the trial as he sat here this afternoon trying to ta ke as he sat here this afternoon trying to take in what had just happened his boss came over to him, grabbed him and said, dont tell the police about the brake warning light. This was all very much preventable. They denied us a family. Sian vaughan said she has been horrified to hear in court about the state of the truck especially as her chauffeur husband took safety so seriously. Word he would have used to describe them would have been cowboys because there is no way steve would have put anybodys life in dangerer, let alone his own. The families home matthew gordons conviction will send a clear message to owners of all Haulage Companies. He and peter wood were remanded in custody to be sentenced in the new year. Jon joins us sentenced in the new year. Jon joins us live from bristol now. We heard from some of the affected families there. Have other members been saying things during the course of the afternoon . Yes. Sian vaughan who i interviewed, Stephen Vaughans widow, she is the only one to have done anything on camera. All four bereaved families released statements this afternoon following these guilty of Manslaughter Verdicts for the two main deficits. Defendants. All talk about the impact on their lives losing people so close to them. Mitzis family talking about they will never see her grow up. Talking about they will never see hergrow up. A talking about they will never see her grow up. A little girl who was becoming more confident in her life, full of the future, now deprived of that future. All of those families talking about their losses, but also all of them talking about the importance of these verdicts, not just for them and these deaths, but to try to prevent other Haulage Companies in other parts of the uk, to carry out those checks. Not to try to cut corners. Not to make excuses, but to follow the rules that exist and maybe for there to be new rules. That is one thing some of the families have been talking about. Toll make sure no other families, they say, have to go through what they have been through. All of them were devastated to lose their loved ones, horrified to hear that a vehicle in this kind of state, with brakes like these, you have seen the pictures, that vehicles like that could be on the roads in the uk today. Jon thank you very much again for the latest reaction there to that dreadful case at Bristol Crown court. Jon kay. A woman and a child have died in a fire at a house in braintree in essex. Two other women managed to get out of the house before Emergency Services arrived on the scene. They were taken to Hospital Suffering from smoke inhalation. Essex police say the victims were trapped inside the property and died at the scene. The headlines on bbc news fingerprints of the suspect anis amir have been found on the door of a truck which was used in the berlinle market attack. Truck crashed in bath, killing four people, two men are found guilty of manslaughter after a Tipper Truck Crashed in bath, killing four people, including a young girl. The International Committee of the red cross in syria says the operation to help people leave the remaining rebel held parts of aleppo is close to ending. Alan pardew alan pa rdew has alan pardew has been sacked. George north wont play in the match against sale tomorrow. John buckingham has died at the age of 76. His most famous winner came in the 1001 76. His most famous winner came in the ioo i no hoper foin avon at aintree in 1967. I the 100 1 no hoper foin avon at aintree in 1967. I will be back with more on those stories. Now we return to our main story. German investigators say the fingerprints of anis amir has been found on the door of the lorry used to kill 12 people at the Christmas Market. Police have carried out raids and Border Controls with belgium and the netherlands have been tightened. Lets speak now tojulie lenarz, an expert on islamism and Counter Terrorism and Executive Director of the Human Security centre. Shejoins us from dusseldorf via webcam. Thank you forjoining us. What are the main questions being asked in germany today in the wake of this attack . Well, i think most people wa nt to attack . Well, i think most people want to know what type of measures the government are thinking to take now to prevent such attacks from taking place in the future . This year weve seen a lot of Police Patrolling Christmas Markets and christmas celebrations in the country anyway. After what happened on tuesday, authorities have decided to reinforce Police Presence on the street. I suspect we will see new surveillance measures. In germany we dont have as many cctv cameras as we in the uk. I want to stress one important point, that is this. No matter which measures we are going to ta ke matter which measures we are going to take now in the wake of this atrocity we have to realise that terrorists in the past have shown an incredible ability to adapt to new measures. The attack we are seeing right now, with trucks, cars, knives and weapons is a direct response to the Security Measures that weve took after 9 11 after 7 7. They have learnt from that. They know such large plots run a great risk of intercepted. They adapted. These are the new strategies. We have seen them in israel for many years. Israel has one of the best security and Intelligence Services in the world they find it difficult to prevent. These Security Measures are always, sort of, a measure and we must realise we must prevent people from becoming radicalised in the first place. What are the signs in germany new measures are being considered to counter the process of radicalisation among groups we would associate with radical beliefs, but clearly people coming in who maybe are not integrated in the way that some people would like . Are those the main areas . Yes, i think the sort of the short term measures being taken to reinforce security on the street. Reassure people that the government and the Security Services are in control. Long term of course we have to think in context and we have to think about what we can do to prevent the attacks from taking place and well see more debate, how exactly we will do that over the next couple of days. One thing that germany will needed to reflect on is how they have been taking in large numbers of people. Many people feel the problem is not so much germany has taken people in. That germany has taken people in. That germany has understood, it has a moral and humanitarian responsibility to help people in need, the many people feel like it has been a huge mistake to let these people in without due process , let these people in without due process, without proper registration and we are suffering the consequences of that now. A final thought, if i may, when the chancellor, Angela Merkel, was commending people for their calm response following the dreadful attack on monday, what is your sense of peoples response and is there a sense of another change of attitude towards the chancellor herself . Well, i think people have responded very graciously to what has happened, in fact. All the people ive spoken to they say we will not give in to fear and what terrorists want. They want real a nswe rs. Terrorists want. They want real answers. They want the government to respond to it. They want to know what the government will do about it. How we will tighten security . People are afraid, you know. Angela merkel is under a lot of pressure, not just from the general merkel is under a lot of pressure, notjust from the general public, also from her own party, her own Government Coalition and i think, if she doesnt find the right anticipates to these legitimate concerns and questions, then this will probably translate into the next year when she is fighting for her chancellorship and it could haunt her very badly. Thank you very much for talking to us today. Good of you tojoin much for talking to us today. Good of you to join us. Prince charles has warned against intolerance towards minority religious groups fleeing persecution saying it was reminiscent of what he called the dark days of the 1930s. The Prince Of Wales was speaking on thought for the day, on bbc radio 4s today programme. He also warned about aggression towards minorities from populist groups across the world. Our royal correspondent, nicholas witchell, reports. Hes spoken up for many causes and been a champion for people of different faiths. Charles is a christian. His religious convictions matter to him. Hes been appalled by the persecution of people of faith and particularly of christians in countries in the middle east. It was something he raised on a Visit Tojordan in the early part of last year. Normally, at christmas we think. Now, in his Starkest Warning so far, in a pre recorded broadcast on the bbcs thought for the day, charles has likened the persecution of christians, particularly in iraq, to what happened to thejews in nazi germany. We are now seeing the rise of many populist groups across the world that are increasingly aggressive towards those who adhere to a minority faith. All of this has deeply disturbing echoes of the dark days of the 1930s. I was born in 19118, just after the end of world war ii, in which my parents generation had fought and died in a battle against intolerance, monstrous extremism and an inhuman attempt to exterminate the Jewish Population of europe. That, nearly 70 years later, we should still be seeing such evil persecution is to me beyond all belief. We owe it to those who suffered and died so horribly not to repeat the horrors of the past. The prince concluded his broadcast with a plea for religious tolerance. Whichever religious path you follow the destination is the same. To value and respect the other person, accepting their right to live out their peaceful response to the love of god. It was an appeal from a prince who takes his own faith seriously and who believes tolerance of others is one of its defining principles. Nicholas witchell, bbc news. The queen and Prince Philip have arrived at sandringham after putting the start of their christmas break back by a day because of illness. A helicopter arrived at Buckingham Palace to take them to their norfolk residence. The couple were due to travel yesterday, but were unable to as both were suffering with heavy colds. They made the jourpy today. Journey. The International Committee of the red cross in syria says the operation to help people leave the remaining rebel held parts of aleppo is close to finishing. The evacuation was delayed this week by poor weather. One of those who managed to leave is seven year old bana alabed, who became known across the world afterjoining twitter, where she and her mother tweeted about Life Inside Rebel held east aleppo. Our correspondent, orla guerin, has been to meet them. She met them in turkey and discussed their attempts to live a normal life and amid all the chaos and violence of their home city. How difficult was the journey when you were leaving aleppo. Do you think youll ever be able to go back to aleppo . Will you see aleppo again . Yes. You believe you will . Yes. Some of thoses who have left aleppo in recent days talking to orla. Well have more on the conflict in syria later in this programme when i talk to the former foreign secretary, David Miliband, whos now president of the International Rescue committee. He willjoin us in a few minutes time. Our thanks to him for waiting to talk to us. There has been one development. Retinitis pigmentosa is a rare inherited condition which causes blindness. Until now, theres been no cure. But now nhs england says it will fund further testing of a so called bionic eye implant, which surgeons say can make a real difference to sufferers. Heres our correspondent, keith doyle. Bionic eyes have been around for a long time in the world of science fiction, but its only now that theyre being used in the everyday real world. Keith hayman has been blind for over 20 years. A genetic illness, called retinitis pigmentosa, meant he gradually lost his sight, but now hes got some of it back thanks to this bionic eye. Itjust gives you more of an interest because, instead of walking about in total darkness everywhere and sitting in total darkness, youve got all these shapes to work out what they are, windows, lights, people, cars, everything that, with a contrasting colour, you can scan and make out, try and make out what the shape is. Surgeons have had success with trials with a miniature camera mounted on glasses which transmits a wireless signal to the implant at the back of the retina. This stimulates cells to send a signal to the brain, allowing the blind person to see in a limited way. For us its a very important step for people in the future, for hope, in terms of using electronic coupled devices with a biological system. All these steps have been fantastic. This is a first demonstration that you can do a very complex hook up, i guess, between an Electronic Device and a complex biological system, which the retina is. As many as 15,000 people in the uk have the same condition, although all do not go on to lose their sight. Now 10 people will receive implants over the next year, funded by nhs england. Five at Manchester Royal Eye Hospital and the other five here at Moorfields Eye Hospital in london. If its all a continued success, then more people will get the chance to have their sight restored with this bionic eye. You can see where things are on the table, they sound like Little Things but they mean a lot when you are used to being totally blind. The results of this wireless device will improve as technology advances, but its already transforming peoples lives. Its amazing what a difference this little bit of light can make to your life. Keith doyle, bbc news. Ina in a moment we will have a quick look at the headlines lines and an update on the sport and we will be joined by David Miliband from new york. First the weather. Wet and windy weather on the way in the run up to christmas. It has been tricky if you have been travelling in Scotland Today or yesterday, snow around, particularly in the hills. The showers are turning less wintry and fewer overnight. As you head further south into england and wales it will be clear skies for a while. Chilly as well. We see the wind picking up later. The first signs of our next named storm arriving in the north west. We will see the wind picking up into the morning across scotla nd picking up into the morning across scotland and Northern Ireland. Heavy rain and snow melt, too. The rain will push into england and wales. South east and east anglia dry until late in the day. Heavy showers into the north west later on. Its later in the day, into the evening, that we see the wind ramping up a notch or two we see the wind ramping up a notch ortwo in we see the wind ramping up a notch or two in the north and north West Of Scotland. 80mph 90mph winds from Storm Barbara, the second named storm of the season. We have a met office be prepared warning. It is half past five. The headlines. Fingerprints of the suspect, anis amri, are found on the door of the truck which was used in the berlin market attack. Chancellor Angela Merkel says shes hopeful of an arrest and is pleased by the way her country has responded. Translation i must say, overthe last few days, ive been very proud of the composure shown by people and of the composure shown by people and of course the officers that have been at work here. Two men are found guilty of manslaughter after a Tipper Truck Crashed in bath killing four people, including a young girl. The International Committee of the red cross in syria says the operation to help people leave the remaining rebel held parts of aleppo is in its final stages. The Prince Of Wales warns of the growing danger of religious persecution comparing it to the dark days of the 1930s in a bbc radio 4 thought for the day broadcast. Lets get an up date on this board today and join ollie foster the bbc sports centre. Afterjust under two yea rs sports centre. Afterjust under two years at Selhurst Park alan pardew has been sacked. The Crystal Palace manager has seen his team win just once in their past 11 matches and he leaves the club one point above the relegation zone. Heres our reporter david ornstein. This is a Results Business and thats what steve parish made clear shortly after this news was announced. They cant afford to get relegated from the Premier League but places on record the Tremendous Service that alan pardew has given to the club as a manager and player, pointing to the fa cup final performance against Manchester United in may when they narrowly lost. Pa rdew says united in may when they narrowly lost. Pardew says he is saddened by the decision in a statement but thanks the fans and players and also steve parish and the board, no mention of the american co owners, josh harris and David Blitzerfor their support. Sam allardyce who was sacked by england a few months ago after a match in charge is the early favourite to replace pardew. He helped keep sunderland up last season, other potential candidates includejuergen season, other potential candidates include Juergen Klinsmann and season, other potential candidates includeJuergen Klinsmann and chris coleman. Some good news for spurs fans. The captain hugo lloris has signed a new contract to keep him at the club until 2022. Hes the latest of their First Team Stars to commit long term to the club. He said, it shows again how much i believe in this project and hopefully the best year is ahead. Harry kane, delle alli and Christian Eriksen have all signed new deals recently. George north wont play for northampton against sale tomorrow. Saints say hell continue with a full training schedule to ensure hes fully prepared for first team action. North hasnt played since a head injury in the game against leicester earlier this month. Northampton were criticised for allowing north to play on even though he appeared to be briefly knocked out. The club escaped punishment after an investigation into the incident. London welsh have been granted a temporary licence to play their next two championship games, but have been deducted 20 league points. Earlier this month, the club announced they would be going into voluntary liquidation. Theyre now trading temporarily as a new company. The exiles have lost half the players on their books but are confident theyve enough of the squad left to fulfil their fixture against London Scottish on Christmas Eve. And they are away at yorkshire kearney dion new years day. England have cancelled their rugby league pre season training camp, which was scheduled for dubai in january. A number of Super League Coaches had expressed concern about the timing of the camp, given the late end to the season following the four nations. The trip was to form part of Wayne Bennetts preparations for next years Rugby League World cup. Alastair cook has been named captain of the International Cricket councils test team of the year, thats despite england winning just one of their last 8 tests. Cook is considering his future as skipper after their 4 0 series defeat in india. England have four representatives in the team, more than any other nation, withjoe root, Jonny Bairstow and ben stokes also included. Grand National Winning jockey John Buckingham has died. He was 76. He was best known for riding the 100 1 no Hoper Foinavon to victory at aintree in 1967. His was the only horse to escape a mass fall at the 23rd fence because he was trailing so far behind and that fence still bears the winning horses name. Thats all the sport for now. You can keep up to date with all those stories on the bbc sport website. Thats bbc. Co. Uk sport and ill have more in sportsday at half past 6. The lead story this evening is the sacking of alan pardew. The International Committee of the red cross in syria says the evacuation of civilians from Eastern Aleppo is likely to continue for another day. Thousands of people are waiting to leave the besieged city but heavy snowfall and freezing temperatures are causing delays. The conflict in syria is now in its fifth year. More than a quarter of a million civilians have been killed and some 12 million have had to leave their homes. Over the past 12 months numerous ceasefires have been agreed and then subsequently failed. In march the Syrian Government recaptured the ancient city of palmyra from so called Islamic State but after holding on forjust eight months in early december palmyra fell once again into the control of ls. In recent weeks the International Focus has turned again to aleppo. Since the start of the war aleppo has gone from being a thriving city to a war zone. Throughout november and december president assads forces, backed by russia have taken control of several districts from rebels in the city. According to the International Rescue committee an estimated 35,000 people have been evacuated from Eastern Aleppo. Speaking amid heavy shelling, zouhir alshimale, a journalist in east aleppo, spoke about the distress of civilians when the evacuation was interrupted by further attacks. They were preparing themselves, packaging there are things, take what they have and to leave by the morning. Severely injured people will be evacuated at 5am this morning. And until now no one had ever left easter in aleppo. People we re very ever left easter in aleppo. People were very frightened by the escalation that is taking place right now. A sense of the terror and chaos in aleppo. In his final News Conference as Secretary General of the United Nations before he steps down, ban ki moon expressed his deep dismay at the situation in syria. Aleppo is now a synonym for health. Asi aleppo is now a synonym for health. As i told the Security Council three days ago we have collectively failed the people of syria. Meanwhile, the chair of the uns task force on humanitarian access in syria, jan egeland, said the world had failed those living in aleppo. World civilisation was not where to assist the people of aleppo when they needed us the most. Joining me from new york is David Miliband, the former foreign secretary, now president of the International Rescue committee. Good to have you with us. Thank you for joining good to have you with us. Thank you forjoining us. The question i suppose, for all of those people coming out of aleppo and heading towards id lib, a fear that the violence will follow them. What are your people on the ground telling you . You are exactly right. The terror that people have felt as they left their home city, they now fear that terror will follow them. We are about 25 kilometres to the west of aleppo. And what they are seeing is families who have left everything, sometimes even left members of their family, now waiting to see if the offensive has been a calculated house by house murder that has been reported by the un as well as the bombing that you have just been reporting, further that follows them into idlib, which for the benefit of your viewers, about 1. 9 Million People including the city at the heart of it. The closest and most accurate thing to report is that there is a fear that while the world has paid attention to the higher of aleppo it isnt in a position to stop the new horror in idlib. Aleppo it isnt in a position to stop the new horror in Idlibm Thatis Stop the new horror in idlibm that is the case i wonder at which point does the International Community managed to intervene in a more meaningful way given that we now have a new kind of axis between russia and turkey, clearly altering the Balance Of Power in the region. Dysuria team . The Balance Of Power in the region. Dysuria team . I think 2 3 things are important, firstly the alliance growing between syria, russia, iran and turkey is a marriage of convenience and the First Priority is to make sure the concerns that are being heard around new york from the iranian side about the tactics being used are used as a wedge to try and put a block on the type x, the bombing and siege tactics. Secondly, is the accountability is established for the crimes taking place. My own organisation has had eight hospitals bombed in the last year inside syria, these are not underground facilities, they are marked on maps and are being bombed. The passage of the resolution in the General Assembly calling for an Accountability Mechanism within the un to hold to account those responsible for the crimes is important. And thirdly, a united front to start with across the European Union to get back into the game. At the moment the players on the ground are russians, iranians, syrians and turks but the wider International Community is frankly absent. What would you say to people watching and listening to you who say theyve lost hope in International Institutions to intervene . They get a rather despondent message from yann edlund and ban ki moon and out of what point can they restore their faith in the Great International organisations that we have who are meant to intervene at precisely these moments . I think notjust the sense of despair but also the anger that people feel is well merited. I would say to my great things, first, its ngos and International Institutions on the ground in the danger zones. 2016 has been a year of extraordinary disorder in syria, yemen and libya and the people on the front line from organisations like my own but they are also un staff. The International Institutions either. Secondly the politics of these institutions need serious repair and 2017 presents a major choice. Our country is going to oversee the growing fragmentation of the international system, including a withdrawal by countries in europe and the us, there is obviously a debate here, obviously a focus on the home front or is the danger that approach going to bring what i would argue is common sense, that these institutions, far from threatening the world, we need to strengthen them because those who would abuse International Law and the vacuum created are far more dangerous than the part of the institutions set up to be a bridge across that. Its a Crucial Point because if, as we expect, russia will be increasingly assertive, lets say, if not strident in this arena, now we are talking about a different kind of russian relationship with turkey, if the us focuses on the home front as you put it, that opens up an even greater area of risk . Again, for you in an international arena, what can be done about that . I think the vacuum that you are hinting at is being filled white ngos being pushed into the front line as government and International Institutions retreat but the point i always make is that in an increasingly interconnected world these problems dont stay in syria, they dont stay in libya, yemen, they spread out. This is a major issue obviously for europe, this is a weak to be talking about that, given the pressure existing inside the European Union at the moment, notably after the events in germany which in many ways, are falsely being linked to a refugee problem. Actually this is a matter of geography, if there are Terrorist Groups who want to make trouble in the west, geography makes europe a first target and anyone who has studied isis will tell you the tactics used in germany this week are straight from their manual, literally their manual, which people can view online. I think the most important thing in response is that the same sense of strategy is applied by the west, as is applied by those committing these acts of terrorism, they are seeking to promote a war between the west and islam and in that context, the comment Prince Charles alongside those of Angela Merkel seem extremely wise. Our response has to be strong, vigilant, but it mustnt play into the hands of those who would create a clash of civilisations. Its worth underlining that there are some 2 million syrians currently living inter key as refugees, 200,000 in refugee camps, others in urban areas, most of them, one imagines, would like at some point to return home . That would be the natural thing. There is no prospect of that in the short term so again, what kind of pressures do you think those huge numbers place on the kind of diplomatic effort that can be made to try to alleviate what is going on . Thats a great point because you would think from the coverage of the calle camp or the coverage of child refugees that its less or the coverage in the united states, that its western countries bearing the greatest burden of refugees. Two points 7 million in turkey, 1. 2 million in lebanon. These are middle income, laura Income Countries bearing the greatest load and so the first thing is not diplomatic, its humanitarian. These countries need support in order to post these millions of people, that means economic support. We are arguing very strongly that refugees need to be allowed to work but are there going to be allowed their needs massive Economic Investment income is like jordan, needs massive Economic Investment income is likejordan, lebanon, turkey to allow that kind of contribution to be possible and to be consistent with the needs of the local population. If you like it is a new deal between refugee hosting countries and the refugees and the International Community. If you dont get that you get the kind of scenes that happen in 2015 when 750,000 or so people fled from the middle east to europe, many losing their lives, thousands of them losing their lives in the mediterranean on the way. Its a classic example, you dont do the right thing in the short term you end up paying for it in the medium term and 2016 has proven the Refugee Crisis is here to stay and 2017 needs to be the year in which structural humanitarian measures are taken to address it at source. |j will finish on a more domestic point, david, ifi will finish on a more domestic point, david, if i may . You made the Broad International case in terms of your world view, if you like in 2017 but as a former foreign secretary, you clearly have a close interest in whats going on in the uk. Whats the big challenge for the uk . |j whats going on in the uk. Whats the big challenge for the uk . I wish i could Say Something surprising but you know what it is, a commitment made to brexit is the result of the Referendum Result and now we have to make brexit a reality, the government has to try and make it a reality. And sitting where i do, its more and more striking how difficult, long and convert mice and its going to be for many british interests to make this happen. I think its really important, just looking at it from the outside, that some degree of National Unity is established and ive been very distressed to see that the suggestion of a greater engagement by parliament in the Brexit Process has somehow been seen as against the Referendum Result or against the wishes of the government. It seems to me imperative that over fodder is going to be a two year negotiation but frankly a much longer term set of procedures, the maximum degree of National Unity, identifying what i do British National interest, benchmark of success, the Negotiating Process that will take place, that degree of National Unity will be important. My great fear, if you invite me back on this programme ina year, you invite me back on this programme in a year, two years at three years, the priority will be brexit and thats something i think we are slowly having to come to terms with. Great to talk to you and have a good christmas. Thank you very much and very christmas to you. Donald trump has taken the social media to say if his view the us must strengthen its Nuclear Weapons programme. He said the us youd expand its Data Capability until such time as the world comes to its senses. His words regarding Nuclear Weapons. The time is 12 minutes to six. The headlines. Fingerprints of the suspect anis amri happened found on the door of the truck used in the berlin truck attack. Two men have been found guilty of manslaughter after at Tipper Truck Crashed in bath are linked and number of people including a young child. The red cross and syria says the operation to help people leave the the remaining parts of aleppo is close to ending. Festive travellers around the country are bracing themselves for yet another year of christmas chaos as Severe Weather and Station Closures conspire to cause misery for people trying to get home. The met office says the worst of the weather is expected tomorrow and saturday with gusts of up to 90mph forecast in parts of scotland as Storm Barbara closes in on scotland. In the south, major Rail Disruption is on the way, as Paddington Station closes from the early hours of Christmas Eve and heavy fog has disrupted flights at heathrow, gatwick and city airports. In a moment will take to glasgow to speak to our correspondent james shaw, but first to paul clifton in reading. Many of the passengers into paddington will be taken off trains and diverted. Or, take us through what the arrangements are and what people can expect. If you said would it be worse than usual i think everybody here which id back in pa nto style, everybody here which id back in panto style, all years it will from tomorrow night the railway line from here into london paddington will close completely, no trains at all into paddington for several days. Great western suggesting some passengers could go via london mala bone or around London Waterloo but there is a problem there too. The busiest Station Waterloo will close on Christmas Eve for several days. Quite close paddington . Its the perfect opportunity for network rail to do perfect opportunity for Network Rail Todoa Perfect Opportunity for network rail to do a significant piece of work that will allow crossrail 2 happen and for us to introduce brand new trains that will introduce from next year. Two years ago the work overran, the contractors didnt tell network rail, you didnt tell passengers, the result was thousands of people were stranded. What are the chances of that happening. Things have changed a lot, we havent had an overrun of that calibre since that time, weve got three key routes into london open, waterloo, mala bone and most importantly the Ealing Broadway route which will be open as well. Thank you. On the roads we are told either tomorrow or saturday will be the busiest single day of the year, dont say you havent been warned. Thank you. Paul giving us a sense of some of the difficulties and really go to glasgow now, we can joinjames short, my colleague. Bring us up to date with whats going on in glasgow and the arrangements people can expect there . You might get a sense that there are some rain here in glasgow, perhaps this is the very leading edge of Storm Barbara. But the latest news is that the impact will be somewhat less than had been originally predicted. The centre of the storm has moved north and the duration has decreased. Were talking about hitting relatively sparsely Populated Areas in the north of scotland, the West Of Scotland and also the Western Isles and the northern isles. Sparsely populated but nevertheless it could affect thousands of people and the Christmas Travel plans. The Travel Companies have put in place contingencies, theyve reschedule some services in particular the Ferry Company and loganair, the airline to try and get people away before the storm hits to advise them to travel afterwards. There hasnt been a lot of all cell cancellations, scotrail Counselling Services on two lines from mid morning tomorrow, including the open line but other companies i think will wait until later because they would like to provide a full service if they can. To sum it up, the storm impact from Roundabout Lunchtime tomorrow, it may be a little bit less than had first been feared. 0k, james, thank you for bringing us up to date. More rural homes in the uk are set to get superfast broad and. Its spending have £1 billion, a move which should benefit more than half a million homes homes as our Technology Correspondent now explains. The compa nys contracts the companys contracts of councils and local authorities means it has to return some of the money of more than 20 of homeowners sign up when fast broadband arrives. Now the government says this Cash Claw Back coupled with efficiency savings means another £1140 million could be reinvested in the programme. There isa reinvested in the programme. There is a target of reaching 95 of homes with super fast broadband by the end of 2017. Ministers believe that is within reach and that up to 600,000 more homes and businesses could be hooked up with the new programme. Weve connected for and a half million premises to super fast broadband of which one and a half million have taken up the option of superfast and that take up has led to more money being put back into the system which means we can connect those harder to reach premises and make sure they have super fast broadband two. Premises and make sure they have superfast broadband two. The woman running the Broadband Programmer bt says she sympathises with those waiting to be connected. There is still more to be done. If youre one of the have nots it hurts today and i understand that and were determined to look at how we go further and faster. Edicts said tt has been using the wrong technology, hooking up homeowners by a copper wire to a cabinet rather than laying fibre optic cables direct into the homes. Its one of the more controversial aspects of it, bt went for the wii can roll it out very fast if we go for the partial Fibre Solution that uses green street cabinets and copper from there to your home. That allows them to do 50,60, your home. That allows them to do 50, 60, 70,000 homes every month. Rival firms 50, 60, 70,000 homes every month. Rivalfirms including 50, 60, 70,000 homes every month. Rival firms including sky and talk Toa Rival Firms including sky and talk to a promise they can deliver faster Fibre Connections than bt and without needing public money. In just a moment, george will be here with the bbc news at six. Time for a look at the weather. Lets join darren bett for the forecast. Good evening. The second named storm of the season is on the way for friday. This is a deepening area of low pressure, Storm Barbara, the wind is strengthening, heading towards scotland, but ahead of it, a mixture of weather today. Wintry conditions over the higher parts of scotla nd conditions over the higher parts of scotland in particular, further south, few showers, once we got clear of the four this morning, lots of crisp, winter sunshine. Clear skies across england and wales, showers further north becoming fewer and less wintry, getting quite chilly for a while but the Wind Sta Rts Chilly for a while but the wind starts to pick up in the west, this rain is the first sign of the next storm. The centre of this storm will track to the north of scotland, the closer you are tonight, the stronger the will be. It will be windy for all of us, gaels are severe gales picking up across Northern Ireland and scotland, together with heavy rain and snow melt, some localised flooding possible, squally rain and showers possible. It will be windy, turning more showery in scotland and Northern Ireland, later in the day the wind ramping up a notch or two, especially across the north and north West Of Scotland, costs of 80 possibly 90 miles an hour. Because of that, there is an amber be prepared wind warning from the met office. Could be some travel disruption, may well be some damage, the centre of the storm moves away tomorrow night, the wind gradually easing, gales are severe gales in the north of scotland for a good while and we still have blustery winds across northern parts of the uk on Christmas Eve. Showers possibly attached wintry over the hills, further south it is bright and breezy, sunshine at first but tending to cloud over later. Christmas day, another area of low pressure, this is not as intense or powerful and severe as the storm we will have tomorrow evening. There will have tomorrow evening. There will be a lot of warm air with it and temperatures could get into the mid teens. Very mild, very gusty wind, a spell of rain moving down from the north west. That clears later on christmas day, here gets cold in scotland, possibly a White Christmas over the hills. Otherwise, very mild christmas day, after christmas it gets colder, much drier, and with High Pressure building across the uk, the wind will be lighter but ahead of that, lots of weather warnings, keep up to date with all the latest on the bbc weather website. Thats all from me. See you later. The Tipper Truck Crash that killed four people a company boss and his mechanic found guilty of manslaughter. Matthew gordon and peter wood failed to comply with routine guidelines on Truck Maintenance its brakes failed. A four Year Old Girl and three others were killed by the the out of control truck one of the men was newly married. Especially having to spend your first wedding anniversary alone was so far removed from the one said we had planned. It hasjust so far removed from the one said we had planned. It has just been absolutely horrendous. The young driver of the truck was cleared of all the charges he faced. Also tonight. The Prime Suspect in the berlin Terror Attack Police say his fingerprints link him to the carnage at the Christmas Market. I wonder, though, iwonder, though, if

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