estonia. safe travels to you. -- lithuania- _ officials in colombia have released more details about the death of the foo fighters drummer taylor hawkins. they say ten substances — including opioids and anti—depressants — were found in his body after he died in the capital city of bogota. will batchelor reports. raucous, riotous, and seemingly unstoppable. taylor hawkins should have been performing with the foo fighters this weekend. in place of that gig, in bogota, colombia, a candlelit tribute. devastated fans could only gather outside the hotel where the drummer, who was 50, was found dead. his bandmates of 25 years broke the news yesterday in a statement, calling it a tragic and untimely loss. now colombia's attorney general has released a statement, revealing the results of initial toxicology tests. he said hawkins had ten different substances in his body, including marijuana, antidepressants, and opioids.