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A possible alternative to a Covid Vaccine is entering its final stage of trials. Its being developed for people with weakened immune systems this is bbc news. Who cannot be vaccinated. The headlines at five 5,000 patients from around the world borisjohnson is facing questions are taking part in the study, and trials involving 1,000 uk about whether he tried to tone down participants began an independent report which said today in manchester. Home secretary priti patel broke the ministerial professor Anna Maria Geretti code by bullying staff. Is professor of virology at the university of liverpool none of us want to see and explained how this injection bullying or poor practices within the workplace, differs from a vaccine. And the home secretary has been clear that she would never this is a cocktail of two antibodies want to do that intentionally. That can work by blocking the virus an online summit of the worlds from entering inside the body, biggest economies is under way in saudi arabia, with a call inside the human cells. From the countrys king for coronavirus vaccines to be made so they can block infection available to everyone. In those who have never been an alternative to a covid exposed to the virus, vaccine for people and they gain this protection with weakened immune systems is entering its final in case they are exposed. Stage of trials. They can also work at a second level, which is by preventing progression of an infection and in half an hour, which has already as coronavirus swept become established. Across the world earlier this year, our north america correspondent Michelle Fleury chronicles the story the trial which has been announced, this large phase three trial, that tested the ability of this of her neighbourhood in brooklyn cocktail of antibodies as the pandemic took to block the infection, hold of new york city. To prevent the infection in those who had never experienced the infection before but are exposed to it. As you mentioned, it will target specifically a certain patient population, so those that are potentially vulnerable to the consequences of an infection with the coronavirus, good afternoon, and welcome to bbc news. Because they have risk factors. The Prime Minister is facing further criticism for disregarding but at the same time, an independent report which said they have circumstances that mean home secretary priti patel that they would be less suitable broke the ministerial for a vaccine, perhaps they may not be expected to make an effective code by bullying staff. Response to a vaccine, as in the case of people number 10 has rejected claims made by a whitehall source that borisjohnson had asked with defects in the immune system, for the inquiry findings perhaps the immune system has been to be toned down. It has insisted that the conclusions made by sir alex allan weakened by treatment, who has now resigned as independent advisor as in the case of transplant on ministerial standards recipients, for example, or patients with cancer. Were entirely his own. Could this be an answer our Political Correspondent for everybody, not just helen catt reports. For the potentially vulnerable the findings of sir alex allans people you have just talked about . Report into priti patel were stark. I think we have to look at vaccines one of the governments most senior ministers had as the best approach for those shouted and sworn at staff, who can receive the vaccine safely and some of her behaviour had amounted to bullying. And are expected to make yesterday, she apologised. An effective response. We need to look at the antibody im here to give an cocktail as a complement, unreserved apology today, something we hope to develop and i am sorry if i have upset people in any way whatsoever. And that will complement our that was completely unintentional. Strategies, will complement our but she stays in herjob, and thats tools to get on top of the pandemic put the focus back on her boss. By protecting those that borisjohnsons decision to back her and override sir alexs are most vulnerable. Judgment on the ministerial code this is really in the spirit is drawing more criticism. Of leaving nobody behind. The system depends on the prime the vaccine would be our major minister standing up strategy for the prevention of infection and severe disease. For standards in public life, and for taking action the antibodies will complement our when his or her ministers strategy, particularly for those patients who are less likely to benefit from vaccination. Breach those standards, so they are not a replacement, and, for the first time, as far as i can remember, but a complement to vaccination. We have a Prime Minister who doesnt seem willing to stand up for high standards in public life. And there are claims that the Prime Minister had asked for the report to be toned down. A source has told the bbc that back at least eight people have been killed and more than 30 others in the summer there were discussions injured in a series of rocket between sir alex and borisjohnson attacks in the afghan about the challenges capital, kabul. The report presented. The taliban has denied carrying out another whitehall source said that the attack which occurrred shortly before the us secretary of state, sir alex had resisted pressure to make it more palatable. Mike pompeo, was due to meet a downing street spokesman said the groups negotiators in qatar. That, as you would expect, Secunder Kermani reports. The Prime Minister spoke to sir alex allan to further his understanding of the report, but that sir alexs conclusions it should have been were entirely his own. An ordinary day at school. Instead, panic and fear, the report thats being published by sir alex allan as these children run for safety. Is obviously independent. It is a nuanced report, cctv cameras captured the moment reflecting clearly that the home the rockets landed outside secretary was working this popular bakery. In an at times frustrating environment. Translation i was having breakfast borisjohnson considers when the rockets landed. The matter closed. One hit a van belonging to a bakery. Labour does not. It has called for an at least three people were wounded. They have been taken to hospital. Independent investigation. Downing street might be hoping that this will blow over, but there may be repercussions yet. A local resident filmed the rockets helen catt, bbc news, westminster. Being fired from the street. The housing secretary, robertjenrick, has defended the Prime Ministers this was the pick up decision to stand by priti patel. Truck the attackers used. How they managed to get there has been an investigation, it inside the city is and the Prime Minister a major cause for concern. Has made his judgment. He is the arbiter of the ministerial the taliban has denied code, and he has determined, responsibility, but violence has having reviewed all of the evidence, that the home secretary us secretary of state mike pompeo did not breach the code. Arrived there today to meet both afghan and taliban officials. We all work with fantastic some progress on initial issues Civil Servants. Seems to have been made but they havent even begun i certainly do. Discussing a ceasefire i know the home secretary does as well, and were very grateful or power sharing arrangement. For the work that they have done within government during the pandemic. None of us want to see bullying or poor practices within the workplace, in spite of the violence, us troops and the home secretary has been are being withdrawn from here. Clear that she would never the new american president might want to do that intentionally. Look for another way forward now it is very important but the fear is the bloodshed that we move forward and im fully is only going to get worse. Behind the home secretary. Secunder kermani, bbc news. She is a brilliant home secretary and she is getting on with doing a very importantjob government. The Prime Ministers pledge to ban gas boilers from new homes by 2023 has been withdrawn. Alex thomas is a former Civil Servant who now works it first appeared on for the institute for government. The government website earlier this week, as part he told me this incident has shown the weakness of Boris Johnsons io point climate of the oversight system. Plan but downing street said there had been a mix up. It might draw a line under the priti patel matter and, Roger Harrabin reports. Obviously, the Prime Minister has made his decision and hes got normally, its planes, to accept the political fallout cars and industry that get the blame for the emissions that from that, so we will see, are boosting climate change. I suppose, over the next few days but gas central heating whether it proves sustainable. Also plays a role. But the questions that the process that is why the government has raised, they absolutely is committed to improving insulation standards on new build homes. Shouldnt be overlooked or drawn a line under. Heat pumps are one answer, it has shown the essential weakness taking warmth from the ground to create low carbon heating. Of the oversight system that exists but they only work well in that the Prime Minister can not if the standard of insulation just choose to stand is high, so this week, by his minister, but actually the government announced a goal. Conclude that theres been no breach of the ministerial code by 2023, to implement a standard when an independent investigation for new homes with low carbon has concluded otherwise. Heating and world leading levels and if a Prime Minister can override of energy efficiency. An independent investigation, now, that date has it does make you sort of wonder is it Worth Holding them mysteriously disappeared. In the first place . Builders didnt like the idea of well, we obviously know more new standards in just three years. About this than we did before. But the governments critics say it there is a report, an independent will have to face up person has looked into this to industry if it really means and reached conclusions that we know about, even if we havent to tackle climate change. Seen the full report. So there is value in a process like this. Tina dahelely will be here shortly i would say the answer, with the latest National Given what we have seen over the last few days, and International News when well be isnt to sort of scrap the current joined by viewers on bbc one. System or say its valueless, but first, tourist but to strengthen it and make sure destinations in wales that these things are are continuing to be hit hard properly investigated because of tough restrictions both the commissioning of these across the border. Sorts of investigations and the conclusions themselves. Although wales ended its firebreak lockdown almost two weeks ago, and then the Prime Minister can hire and fire who he wants. Many businesses remain closed because people are not what do you make of the claim travelling from england. That the Prime Minister tried to tone down the report to make tomos morgan reports. It more palatable . How credible do you think that is . So, we obviously dont know and there seem to be disputed accounts. I think it is entirely reasonable for a Prime Minister to talk to the person that has produced the report. In fact, i think its part of thejob it is right that the Prime Minister wants to understand what has gone on and to talk to the person who has its never been so quiet in all the done the investigation. If the Prime Minister then i3 applies a bit of pressure, its never been so quiet in all the 13 years peta has run his cafe. Does then the role of the independent investigator, alex allan, is, ita 13 years peta has run his cafe. Does it a ghost town . The locals love it. As seems to be case here, to resist that and say, but as a business, we need the actually, i have reached my conclusions and this people. People need to come. We feel is what stands, and that seems to be what has happened here. So, in one sense, this is part of the system that is working, a bit safer when they dont come in. In that the independent report resisted any pressure if pressure was, indeed, put upon him. I know we can travel in wales, but i in the report, we understand dont think people are doing that priti patel says Civil Servants didnt support her in her work. Either. After the first lockdown, tourist hotspots across wales saw colleagues and friends have come out record numbers visiting with fewer and said she is a very direct people wanting to go abroad. But and passionate person. Would those be mitigating areas like this, according to the circumstances for you . I dont think they are mitigating welsh tourism alliance, are 80 to for the accusation of bullying. Bullying is bullying, 90 reliant on visitors coming from and whatever frustrations you might be experiencing in the job england, so i looked out over the dont justify that. But it does suggest to me border has a Significant Impact on that nobody is coming out of this very well. Businesses. From the celtic manor resort to zip world in snowdonia, to it is pretty extraordinary for alex allan, who was a senior the famous italian style village of Civil Servant, a very long portmeirion, some of the hotspots and distinguished career, remained closed during this period. To conclude that both it is estimated by welsh tourism the home office and the department for International Development were not sufficiently alliance, that than 50 of flexible and didnt support businesses in the sector have remained closed in wales is lockdown their secretary of state. It may not be quite what everybody is focusing on now with the bullying in england goes on. The restaurant accusation, but there is some pretty is closed, the bar, 26 bedrooms and hard questions for the Civil Servants in those Departments Health week. Some, like this hotel, to ask themselves as well. Do you think the home secretary should resign, though . Have closed the majority of their all i can go on is the independent operations and decided to only partially out reopen half of the 26 investigation that concluded that she did breach rooms, three days a week, until the the ministerial code. End of the month. We based our not every breach of the ministerial decision purely on the lockdown in code needs to lead to england. Its a major part of our a resignation or a dismissal, but if it is bullying, that is sufficiently serious, so that is my convoluted way business, coming here. How long can of saying i think if you follow you keep going, do you think, in those steps through, you get to a point where she should resign. This kind of state of in and out, 0k, and i did want to come back to a point that you made partially open . We couldnt, i dont thing any business can. It at the very beginning, and this is probably more with your hat on as Programme Director definitely needs unification now. Of the institute for government. Its a shame that scotland, northern you talked about the political fall out from this instance and whether borisjohnsons position was sustainable. What did you mean by that, exactly . Ireland, and the rest are not working together so we can get at i meant whether his decision the same song sheet. People forget to stand by the home secretary was sustainable. This is the same virus across the so, in terms of the way uk. In response, a spokesperson from the system really is supposed the Welsh Government said, the first to work, a Prime Minister, minister had been clear he would like a regular and reliable rhythm as the Prime Minister did with Dominic Cummings, of four nations meetings. Adding, can choose to stand by their person, but they need to deal the decisions about responsive with the fall out from that. Pandemic in wales arent made in so, if you have got the independent wales. Response from authorities in investigation, you cant really have a situation westminster said, we have helped the where a Prime Minister cant decide who should be in their cabinet Tourism Industry through financial or in their ministerial team, package of measures, of which many but there are and should really be welsh businesses are benefiting from and can you to support the sector consequences to those decisions, so as much as the Prime Minister has through these challenging times. Suffered from standing by Dominic Cummings in the summer, whether or not the lockdown in it is possible that there will be england will finish in december the wider political and public 2nd will have a knock on effect on much of wales economy. With the opinion fallout from that. Prospect of another lockdown early in the new year here in wales, what the Prime Minister has insisted he does not this industry really needs now is want to undermine devolution some assurances so they can get off after saying earlier this week it had been a disaster in scotland. Toa some assurances so they can get off to a flying start in 2021. Borisjohnson told the virtual scottish tory conference he wanted policies which show how devolution can work for scotland and accused the snp of making it work against the rest of the uk. Just because ive criticised the performance of devolution doesnt mean i want to oppose devolution as a concept in itself. Of course not. Im a former mayor of london and i know how effective devolved powers can be, for example in making transport greener or tackling crime. Devolution should be used not by politicians as a wall to sequester, to break away an area of the uk from the rest. Good evening. Leaders of the worlds it should be used as a step richest countries have to pass power to local begun their annual g20 summit, communities and businesses at which theyll discuss the coronavirus pandemic to make their lives better. And other global crises. Borisjohnson is expected the uk and canada have agreed a deal to call on them to be more to continue trading under the same ambitious in their efforts terms as the Current European Union to tackle the pandemic. Agreement after the brexit the meeting is being hosted by saudi arabia but is being held transition period ends. Virtually because of coronavirus. The government says our chief international the agreement paves the way for negotiations to begin next year for a new comprehensive deal correspondent lyse doucet reports. With canada, which has been touted as one of the benefits of the uk a thoroughly modern moment. Many leaving the bloc. Families have to meet like this a further 341 people these days. Even the powerful g20 have died within 28 days of testing positive for covid i9. 00 11 18,003 2147483051 42 23,716 this brings the uk 2147483051 42 23,716 4294966103 13 29,430 total up to 54,626. Family. The 84 year old saudi king presiding. Everyone at their own table this year. Every country struggling with the impact of the deadly pandemic. Its this summits top issue. Shall i take the mask off . The worlds wealthiest under pressure to help the poorest. At the beginning there was a big race between the Different Countries to secure ppe, equipment, medication etc. The g20 role is definitely to make sure that everybody is safe. We cannot be safe unless everybody is safe. From 10 downing street, a ten point plan for a green revolution. That future will only be possible if the world two leading economies drive forward more ambitious action more quickly to prevent further catastrophic climate change. Virtual summit robs leaders of those face to face moments which can make all the difference. It also steals the kingdoms chance to sign on a world stage. A stage also casting a harsh light on issues not on the g20 agenda. So a light was shone on the streets of paris. On three saudi women in saudi jails. Human Rights Groups are calling for their release and many otherss. And here, another light show. On stones three centuries old. This is the town where the saudi kingdom was born. Leaders, brought together as they keep their distance. Lyse doucet, bbc news, riyadh. The latest government figures show there were 19,875 new Coronavirus Infections recorded in the latest 24 hour period. That means that the average number of new cases reported per day in the last week is now 21,290. 1,729 people have been admitted to hospital on average each day over the week to last saturday. And 341 deaths were reported, thats people who died within 28 days of a positive covid 19 test. It means on average in the past week, 409 deaths were announced every day. It takes the total number of deaths so far across the uk to 54,626. The Prime Minister is facing further criticism for his decision to stand by the home secretary, priti patel, despite an independent report that found she had bullied staff. It comes amid claims he tried to tone down the report that said she had broken the ministerial code. Number ten has rejected the claims and insisted the conclusions made by sir alex allan were entirely his own. Our Political Correspondent leila nathoo reports. She holds one of the top jobs in government. Priti patel is still in her post, despite an independent report into how she treated her staff concluding that some of her behaviour had amounted to bullying. Yesterday she gave this apology. Im here to give an unreserved apology today. Im sorry if ive upset people in any way whatsoever. That was completely unintentional. Borisjohnson decided to overrule his adviser on ministerial standards, sir alex allan, who found the home secretary had broken the code governing ministers behaviour. Priti patel wasnt sacked and instead sir alex resigned. Ultimately the decision was the Prime Ministers but its attracted criticism. The system depends on the Prime Minister standing up for standards in public life and for taking action when his or her ministers breach those standards. For the first time as far as i can rememberwe have a Prime Minister who doesnt seem willing to stand up for high standards public life after having the report on his desk here for some time, in the end Boris Johnson rejected its findings. A source has told the bbc that in the summer there were discussions between the Prime Minister and sir alex allan about the challenges the report posed. Another whitehall source said sir alex had resisted pressure to make it more palatable. Downing street said the Prime Minister spoke to sir alex allan to further his understanding of the report but that sir alexs conclusions were entirely his own. There has been an investigation and the Prime Minister has made his judgment. He is the arbiter of the ministerial code and he has determined, having reviewed the evidence, that the home secretary did not breach the code. Labour is calling for the Prime Minister and home secretary to answer questions in the commons on what happened but its clear that downing street considers the matter closed, even though plenty of others dont. Leila nathoo, bbc news, westminster. The Prime Minister has insisted he does not want to undermine devolution, after reportedly saying earlier this week it had been a disaster in scotland. Borisjohnson told the virtual scottish tory conference he wanted policies which show how devolution can work for scotland and accused the snp of making it work against the rest of the uk. The government has confirmed it will make major changes to the way it assesses the value of big spending projects, a move which would benefit Northern England and other regions. The chancellor rishi sunak said the changes were part of the governments levelling up agenda. Theyll be announced in the Spending Review next week, as our Business Correspondent katy austin reports. Major public projects like new transport links can provide a tangible, long lasting boost to the economy. Historically some areas feel they havent had their fair share. This business in hull says that better connections to other cities like york would really help. I feel that the north cities like york would really help. Ifeel that the north has cities like york would really help. I feel that the north has often served second fiddle to the south. I appreciate its where the capital is, where a lot of businesses are. But the Playing Field is getting more and more lopsided. It needs to be levelled. The question looms of how to put the public finances back ona how to put the public finances back on a sustainable footing after the huge cost of coronavirus but the government still wants to be talking about investing, too, across the whole of the uk. Next week in the Spending Review the chancellor wish you soon that is expected to announce tens of billions of pounds for infrastructure including road improvements the chancellor rishi sunak. Flagship programmes will be covered such as fibre broadband and transport and investment in green projects. The rules the treasury uses to assess the value for money off Big Investments will change in an effort to remove a long standing bias towards london and the south east and focus on the possible regional benefits of schemes. And to replace money previously allocated to poorer regions by the eu a fund will be unveiled targeted at in areas including coastal communities and former industrial heartlands. An independent group are presenting business and Civic Leaders across the north of england welcomed the plans saying that projects like transport were crucial to improve productivity and prosperity. We will not close the north south divide if we dont build the full high speed north network, meaning hs2 on the east and west of the country and a new across the pennines. Labours shadow chancellor Anneliese Dodds called for the Spending Review to set the country on the right path saying that communities didnt want more empty rhetoric. Katie austin, bbc news

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