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Its theirs. Of course, its very important that the young people should be concerned about this and they are, in increasing numbers. Its extraordinarily touching and i feel privileged that they should listen to what an old bloke like me is talking about. Sir David Attenborough talking to louise minchin. Time for a look at the weather. Heres susan powell. Good afternoon. A lot of cloud to the north of the uk at the moment, pretty grey skies across yorkshire, the cloud coming down low over the hills, bringing a bit of drizzle. It isa hills, bringing a bit of drizzle. It is a very different story either side of the weather front of that stretches the uk. Further east, into the south east of england, some sunshine through the morning and there should be more of that to come this afternoon as this band of cloud pulls off into the continent. This line here is our weatherfront stretching from scotland currently, into wales in the south west of england and that is slowly progressing eastwards for the second half of the day, so this guy is becoming a little greyer across the midlands, into the west country the sky. Patchy rain for west and wales, perhaps a little heavierfor southern scotland and up into aberdeenshire but becoming brighter for the north west of scotland and Northern Ireland. Temperatures today, mid teens, perhaps up to 20 in the south east of england. The front continues eastward through the evening and overnight, mostly light rain but some quite big cloud across the eastern side of the uk will make for a mild enough night, temperatures in double figures. Elsewhere, a little ridge of High Pressure building, lighter winds, clear skies, sunshine first thing on tuesday but quite chilly, especially across parts of scotland and Northern Ireland. But tuesday, as you can see, a lot of sunshine across sunshine across the uk. Just ta kes a across sunshine across the uk. Just takes a little while for some of the cloud in the east too thin and break, the slim chance of a shower for the far west of scotland but, tuesday, a quiet day. Look towards the west, it is all change from mid week. This area of low pressure comes barrelling in for wednesday, kicks the wind up overnight tuesday into wednesday and starts to usher in the rain. Eastern parts of england not too bad first thing on wednesday but then albarn island and southern scotland, the rain grinds toa southern scotland, the rain grinds to a halt here Northern Ireland. Some heavier rain approaching the south of the uk later on into the afternoon through into the evening. 0nce afternoon through into the evening. Once that area of low pressure sta rts once that area of low pressure starts to approach us, there is no stopping low pressure having a hold on the weather across the uk to the end of the week. Several low Pressure Centre swelling around each other, making the detail on pinpointing the wettest and windiest weather difficult but i can tell you, the latter part of the week will be feeling chilly because we are starting to pick up a more arctic air stream. It is also looking very unsettled. Thursday, perhaps a drier story across the board but friday and on into the weekend, looking wet, feeling chilly and sunday could turn out to be very windy indeed. A reminder of our top story. Calls on the government to think again on its 10pm curfew on pubs and restaurants in england, as the government increases fines for breaches of those self isolating. Thats all from the bbc news at one, so its goodbye from me. 0n bbc one, we nowjoin the bbcs news teams where you are. Good afternoon, its 1. 30pm and heres your latest sports news. Theres been a stark warning to the government today as some of footballs most prominent figures claim the sports structure is set to collapse due to the pandemic. Two former fa chairmen are among those to sign a letter to mps urging them to take action and create a coronavirus rescue package for clubs. They say many efl and National League clubs are now preparing to cease playing. And put their business into administration. A lot of premier League Clubs Spend the money they get anyway and they too have suffered the costs of covid but the real question is the danger is that nobody sought it out. The government doesnt do it, the premier league doesnt do it on an awful lot of small clubs will, im afraid, go bust. Are we prepared to let a lot of clubs in this country, a lot of small clubs, i wouldnt have a lot of sympathy for the premier league, they can sort themselves out, but a lot of small clu bs themselves out, but a lot of small clubs go bust because nobody helps them out. You couldnt guess but it could be anywhere between one third and one half, that would be in real trouble. Former england goalkeeper david james says its vital that people use the facilities offered at Grassroots Football clubs or they may not survive. With small clubs struggling financially under the pandemic, james is also urging clubs to develop other ways of gaining income. Its part of the community and hear a dwelling garden city which, i would like to say, typical Grassroots Football club. We have facilities for other use, such as darts, im not a darts player, but i can come down and play darts, theres a bar there, you can watch live football. The hall is used for multiple purposes throughout the day, throughout the week in a normal condition, so its notjust about the footballers, its about what the Community Use of facilities for. If you take those facilities away, you then have a substandard community value. On to controversy on the pitch now. And handball was the word of the weekend in the premier league. Three controversial penalties were awarded at the weekend. Tottenhams eric dier was the man punished against newcastle. It was given because diers arm wasjudged to have been made unnaturally bigger. The question mark is around the interpretation of existing rules, which are being enforced more harshly by fifa. So far this season, six penalties have been awarded for handball compared to 19 in the entirety of the last campaign. I feel for the referees because ifeel for the referees because i know that they dont agree with this new interpretation. Its going to kill the game. It will kill the game. It will stop people going, when crowds are back, it will stop people going and we can put a stop to this. The stakeholders, the clu bs, to this. The stakeholders, the clubs, managers, players, coaches, they can say no when they have stakeholders meetings. Britains liam broady and Cameron Norrie will be in action at the french open this afternoon. Theyll be hoping to do better than andy murray, dan evans and Johanna Konta who all went out on day one yesterday. Newly crowned us open champion Dominic Thiem is making steady progress against marin cilic. The number three seed has taken the first two sets of their match. But cilic is 2 1 up with a break in the third. How about this for a fabulous bit of fielding. It happened in the ipl. The ball is heading for what looks like a huge six. But Nicholas Pooran has other ideas. Lets have a look at the slow motion replay he dives over the rope, and manages to flick the ball back into play before hitting the groud saving the six. Thats the sport for now ill have more for you in the next hour. Totally ridiculous, isnt it . Speaking at the Scottish Governments coronavirus briefing, the first minister Nicola Sturgon has outlined updated guidance from the Scottish Government which sets out what those who are studying Higher Education can do if they wish to change household. Students have been asked to follow self isolating rules and not use public transport if they decide to permanently return to another home, while still saying it is an offence to undertake short stays without a reasonable excuse. That guidance has been developed in consultation with the National Union of students in scotland, universities scotland and others, and essentially offers some additional advice as to how the rules should be applied in three different scenarios. Firstly, where a student wishes to return home for a short visit, secondly if they want to return home while self isolating, or if they might want to return home on a more permanent basis. The students who wish to return home for a short visit, perhaps for a weekend, the key thing to remember is that you have formed a new household within your student accommodation, you cannot stay overnight in another household. Unfortunately, that includes your parents home, however, this si the same rule that applies to all of us at the moment, it is not a rule that is particular to students. Like the rest of us, you can only meet your parents or carers or other family members or friends outdoors or in a public indoor space such as a cafe. There should be no more than six people in total in the group from no more than two households. There are of course possible exceptions to that, for example, if you have caring responsibilities or for childcare. And of course, forfamily emergencies, such as a bereavement, can also constitute reasonable grounds for visiting indoors. However, in general, a rulejust now, for all of us, is that we should not meet other households indoors. I know these rules are tough, and they are tough for everybody, not just students, but they are necessary to reduce the risk of the virus spreading between different households. The guidance also provides advice for students who are required to self isolate, and wherever possible, students who are self isolating should stay within their student accommodation. That is the best way to stop the virus spreading, and the advice we give. If you require support, please first of contact your college, university or accommodation provider, because they are there to help you and they have a responsibility to do so. The Welsh Government has announced a £140 million package of measures to support businesses in the post covid economy. It comes as three more counties in wales will have extra coronavirus restrictions imposed, leaving nearly two thirds of the countrys population under lockdown. Speaking at the daily government briefing, the welsh finance minister, ken skates gave more details about the help available to businesses. Up to £60 million of that funding will be used to support a new local lockdown fund, to help businesses and individuals in those areas experiencing local restrictions. Today, we have nine local Authority Areas under restrictions. By midnight, that number will have increased to 12. It is likely that over the next few weeks and months we will see a Rolling Programme of restrictions to help us respond to local increases in cases. We need to be dynamic in our approach to responding to coronavirus. None of us would wish to see a National Lockdown if we can avoid it. But we know that businesses in containment areas will need extra help. So grants of £1500 will be available to retail, leisure and hospitality businesses with a rateable value of between £12,001 and £51,000 that have seen a Material Impact on their businesses as a result of local restrictions. Grants of £1000 will be available to Small Businesses with a rateable value of £12,000 or less and who, again, can demonstrate a Material Impact on their business. 5 of this funding will be made available to local authorities to support businesses materially impacted by local lockdown, but not registered to pay business rates, nor be discretionary grants of up to £1500 for those businesses. I will be making more detail on the qualifying criteria for those businesses in the coming days. The second major plank of the support package will be £80 million to help businesses prepare for the post covid economy. This is an important and necessary change. The first two phases of the Economic Resilience fund was shaped in the initial phases of the crisis, when the virus was new and when we were all experiencing the shock and awe of the first wave of the impact of a National Lockdown. The Economic Resilience fund provided the cover for firms to hibernate through the lockdown and help them adjust. But the third phase of the Economic Resilience fund will take a different form. It will be designed to support businesses with projects that can help them transition to the new normal. To the economy of tomorrow. It will be more than just getting through, it is about the potential to thrive in the future, notjust survive in the present. It will require Co Investment from companies and a clear Adjustment Plan for a post covid economy. The Vice President of the European Commission has reiterated calls for the uk to withdraw plans which will override the brext Withdrawal Agreement. Marcos sefcovic said said the uks position was still far apart from what the eu could accept. He went on to say that if the brexit bill was adopted in its current form it would constitute an extremely serious violation of protocol and of international law. We just concluded our third wejust concluded our third meeting of thejoint wejust concluded our third meeting of the joint committee on implementation and application the Withdrawal Agreement and im happy to report back after the meeting as the last time, our main message is on the much needed acceleration of the implementation work to prepare for the 1st of january 2021 and the need to ensure full, timely and effective implementation of the Withdrawal Agreement. Much work remains to be done before the transition period ends in fewer than 100 days. Let me therefore turn it to the Main Elements of todays meeting. 0n citizens to the Main Elements of todays meeting. 0n citizens rights. The eu and the Member States continue to ta ke ste ps and the Member States continue to take steps to ensure the rights under the Withdrawal Agreement of around 11. 5 million eu citizens and uk nationals. We are confident that all Member States are on track to fully deploy their resident schemes and process all uk nationals on time. To that effect, some Member States have introduced, due to the pandemic, a more flexible approach. In particular, prolongation of the grace period beyond june 2021 in Member States with a constitutive system or prolongation of validity of residence documents issued under the Eu Free Movement directive. Turning to the situation in the united kingdom, while acknowledging effo rts united kingdom, while acknowledging efforts to reduce all eu citizens, i have raised our serious concern over the uk settlement scheme granting New Residence status. In practice, it distinguishes between different categories of eu citizens with the same resident status. As such, it undermines legal certainty, also affecting the rights and entitlement. We cannot have two classes of beneficiaries under the Withdrawal Agreement. Moving to the protocol on irelands, Northern Ireland. Here, the window of opportunity to put in place the operational measures needed for it to function is rapidly closing. I have therefore reiterated the urgent need for the uk to accelerate its work on all aspects of the protocol and in particular with regards to sanitary controls, customs related systems and registration of Northern Irish traders for value added tax purposes. We welcome that the uk is 110w purposes. We welcome that the uk is now engaging on some of the joint Committee Decisions that need to be adopted before the end of the year to fully implement the protocol. Many difficult issues remain. The uk position is far apart from what the eu can accept. I have repeated to the eus request to withdraw the contentious parts of the draft internal markets built by the end of september. We maintain that the bill, if adopted in its current form, would constitute an extremely serious violation of the protocol as an essential part of the Withdrawal Agreement and of international law. There Withdrawal Agreement is to be implemented, not to be renegotiated, let alone unilaterally changed, disregarded. It cannot be stressed enough that the protocol is specifically designed to protect the good friday agreement and the achievements of the peace process, including avoiding a hardboard on the island of ireland. It recognises the island of ireland. It recognises the unique circumstances of Northern Ireland allowing growth and prosperity to continue. We are willing to work hard with the uk on theseissues willing to work hard with the uk on these issues over the coming days and weeks. I have requested in the next meeting of the respective specialised Committee Takes place in early october at the latest. We also discussed protocols on the sovereign base on the island of cyprus and gibraltar, the ongoing in ventilation work of the financial settle m e nt ventilation work of the financial settlement as well as the remaining joint Committee Decisions which should be adopted before the end of the transition period. It is important to accelerate the preparatory work on all of these decisions. All in all, todayjoint Committee Meeting has shown the urgent need to move into higher gear. Therefore, the nextjoint committee by mid 0ctober should take stock of the results achieved by the specialised committees. The eu is fully committed to achieving a full, timely and effective implementation of the Withdrawal Agreement within the remaining time available. Constructively, at full speed and in good faith. Thats the view from brussels. The prime and assists spokesperson says that is on trying to make progress the talks. He says that as we enter the final stages of the negotiations, the focus is on what it will take. Although the last few talks have been relatively positive, there remains much to be done. The fundamentals of our position havent changed. From the start of this process, we simply wa nt start of this process, we simply want a standard free trade agreement. The eus decision has been less straightforward and we continue to be asked to accept provisions which do not respect the reality of our status as an independent country. He adds that while the formal talks on this week, there is still the opportunity to keep talks going informally in the run up to the European Council next month. Of course, borisjohnson has said that the deadline for these talks to have completed is october the 15th. Those talks at the European Council. We will bring more reaction to that as we get it. Revised restrictions on the number of people permitted at weddings in england come in today, with a maximum of 15 people allowed to attend. In scotland up to 20 people can go to a wedding, while its a maximum of 30 in wales and Northern Ireland. The uk government says weddings are particularly vulnerable to the spread of covid 19. Earlier, my colleague Victoria Derbyshire spoke tojessica baines, who has had to cancel her wedding twice due to coronavirus restrictions, and also runs a wedding cake business. She told victoria about her wedding cancellations and how the pandemic has affected her business. Our first wedding was booked for the 7th of may 2020 and we had booked a nice venue over in the cotswolds. We had everything planned, everything bought, we were ready to go and then lockdown hit. So obviously, we had to get our head around postponing our wedding, like many other couples across the uk and the world, so we spoke to our venue and they were quite limited with the Dates Available to us, quite restricted to where we could postpone to, so we had to postpone to a date this year, so we booked for the 27th of november this year. And you were thinking you might have, what, 30 guests, and now it has got to be 15 . Yes, we were hopeful the whole journey throughout the summer that by november, things would have picked up in the wedding industry but obviously they havent done, the 30 was announced and we were like, we are going to go ahead with it with our 30 favourite people and even that in itself was quite a shift from having nearly 100 guests to 30. We had gone through who we were going to have, we had made different plans, we had completely changed our wedding to fit around it, and we had finally got our head around 30 people and had started to get quite excited about it again. And how do you feel about the fact that it is now 15 . I mean, its absolutely devastating, to be honest. We had planned this, and gone through all of the unpredictability of the summer in the wedding industry and we felt like the 30, we had been given an opportunity to go ahead, we wanted to take that, and then last minute, out of nowhere, just to slash it in half, its so difficult, its not a decision of choosing out of your friends, its now choosing which immediate family members you can choose. For some people they have to choose whether they can have their brother or their sister there. And its just not really viable. Youre ending up spending a huge amount of money on a wedding for only 15 people. Did you consider trying to postpone again, or was that not really an option . I think because of the way the wedding industry has suffered so much, so many people did get the opportunity to postpone from their 2020 to 2021 wedding, so, wedding venues are just chock a block now with weddings next year, and theres no Dates Available, or if they are, they are very limited, on a tuesday or a wednesday, they are right at the end of next year, and the options are so slim now for someone postponing, youre left with nothing on the table, really. So, we are going ahead with our november wedding, with just our parents and sisters and brothers. And i know one of the reasons i think for going ahead is because your fiances dad has alzheimers, and you really, really want him to be there . Yeah, you know, for my fiance and for me, he is such an incredible part of our life, and, you know, if we do postpone until 2021 or 2022, which is our option at the moment, you just dont know which of your loved members will be able to be there, and we want him there, and our wedding wouldnt be the same without him, so, yes, we are going to go ahead so that we can have our closest people with us. And one word about your own business, because i can see that you make wedding cakes for a living that must have been really hit badly. Yeah, the hit on the wedding industry has been absolutely horrendous. 0ur income is seasonal anyway so we have lost an entire season worth of weddings already. Some people have not even had a wedding this year. I have been lucky enough to have two. And then because of the six month restrictions to 15 people, it is going to hit next years weddings, as well, and it is going to carry on going through next year, and there isjust no predictability, you cant plan your wedding, for other couples, you know, people having their wedding in august dont know if it is going to be ok by then. As a wedding business, we cant financially survive off nothing. The wedding industry contributes about £10 billion to the uk economy a year, and were such a creative backbone to the country, and were just not able to do ourjobs and there is no support there for us at all. I am in a privileged position that i do have support from my fiance and family but a lot of people dont and businesses cant survive off nothing for much longer. She was talking to Victoria Derbyshire a little earlier. Now its time for a look at the weather with susan powell. Hello. The middle part of this week and the tail end of the week on into the weekend are going to be producing some pretty lively weather offerings for the uk. Tomorrow, a little bit of a breather, then dry and sunny thanks to a ridge of High Pressure just toppling in from the atlantic. This is the weather front that has been working its way eastwards across the uk over the course of monday. It will push a little bit of thicker cloud and rain into the midlands and Eastern England through the evening and overnight, but underneath the covering of cloud it will stay relatively mild, temperatures dropping no lower than double figures. Further west, as the ridge of High Pressure builds in and the sky is clear, temperatures in some sheltered rural spots in Northern Ireland and scotland will get down to the lower end of single figures but, here, some of the best sunshine first thing on tuesday, whereas it willjust take a little while for this cloud across Eastern England to thin and break, but, for tuesday, a lot of sunshine to come, plenty of dry weather, as you can see, and light winds, too. In terms of the temperatures, i think probably 1a or 15 willjust about cover it for scotland and Northern Ireland. We could get close to 20 across the south east of england, but then, as we look at the remainder of the week, it is all change. An area of low pressure comes to dominate for wednesday, it will kick the winds up in the west, even overnight tuesday. Windy pretty much across the board on wednesday, with some heavy rain moving into the west. Eastern england, perhaps, not faring too bad overall, but, for parts of Northern Ireland and the south west of scotland, that rain could prove quite relentless, and we could get some pretty hefty totals here, although this rain approaching southern england looks like it could also be on the heavier side later in the day and on into the evening. And then, once the low pressure starts to take hold, we are really at the mercy of a series of low Pressure Centres rolling around each other, but generally still dominating the uk through the remainder of the week and on into the weekend. Because of the way those areas of low pressure interplay with each other, pinning down the detail on exactly when we will get the wettest and windiest of the weather will be somewhat tricky, but what we definitely can say is that the end of the week and next weekend are looking very unsettled, with potential for some very heavy spells of rain and some strong winds, and the temperatures, well, considerably disappointing for the time of year highs for the majority probably not even making it into the mid teens. This is bbc news, im simon mccoy. The headlines at 2pm end the curfew chaos calls on the government to think again on its 10pm curfew on pubs and restaurants in england, as ministers increases fines for breaches of those self isolating. I do hope that people who are watching, listening today, anyone planning a night out this week, will think, actually, no, i really get it, i realise that though it might seem like the fun thing to do, to keep on partying, doesnt mean its the right thing to do. As thousands of students face isolation in their university accomodation many ask how much longer can this go on. Trumps huge losses and a £55,000 hairstyling bill the New York Times report which says there were ten years where he paid no tax. Its totally fake news, made up, fake

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