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This is bbc news with the latest headlines for viewers in the uk and around the world. Im Lewis Vaughan jones. One month after the death of george floyd in Police Detention, the us house of represenatives passes a Police Reform bill. His brother tells us what he would have made of the changes. He would be humbled. He would be, you know, sad that he is not here to be in a world that is making change like this. The us faces a coronavirus spike, as social distancing is relaxed. More than 35,000 new cases are identified in a single day. Thousands flock to the beach in england, despite warnings coronavirus cases will rise again if people abandon social distancing. Cheering and applause. Liverpool claim the premier league title, ending a 30 year wait to be crowned english football champions again. Lets start in the us because, in the past few minutes, the house of representatives has approved the democratic Police Reform legislation named in honour of george floyd, whose death in Police Custody a month ago sparked calls to address police misconduct. The reform has provisions to end qualified immunity for law enforcement, prohibit racial profiling and ban chokeholds. The legislation is opposed by President Donald Trump and its unlikely to pass in its current form in the senate, where the republicans have a majority. Its been a month since the death of george floyd in Police Custody in minneapolis and so much has changed. 0ur north america correspondent nick bryant reports. In this month of ceaseless protest, a new generation has been fighting an age old american struggle, here converging on the steps of the lincoln memorial, the sacred spot where Martin Luther king delivered his most celebrated speech. Cheering and applause in these united states, black people do not have freedom, justice or equality. But his dream of true racial equality has continually been deferred, and weve been reminded that the wounds of slavery and segregation have never truly healed. Black lives matter chant black lives matter it was Police Brutality that brought protesters out onto the streets, but its a deeper sense of Racial Injustice that has kept them marching every day for the past month. A multi racial and multi generalization mobilisation thats claiming tangible progress. This is a merging of the past and the future. We all understand that were standing on the shoulders of civil rights. This is our civil rights now. This is our civil rights movement. This will change the world. And its already changing america. Confederate statues memorializingt confederate statues memorializing the champions of slavery have been brought down, and new landmarks has emerged. In washington the mantra black lives matter has been painted on the doorstep of the white house. As for policing. Tear gas fired. Polls now suggest that an overwhelming majority want clearly defined standards for when officers can use force, and consequences for those who do so excessively. Some cities have banned the controversial chokehold. This has been a time of fury and frustration, a greater understanding of heightened recognition. But it would be a mistake to see this as a moment of national reconciliation. Racial problems have been laid bare, but remedies are still a long way off. Its hard to see a consensus emerging around defunding the police, the demand from demonstrators to reduce policing budgets, and reallocate the money to social programmes. But protest leader, nelini stamp, does sense an important attitudinal shift whites finally acknowledging their privilege. Theres this theory about pulling yourself up by your bootstraps, and privilege isjust something that we cant talk about, but white folks are realising that they got a better set of boots than the black community ever did. And they are realising that, you know what, may be my boots helped me to get where i am quicker and better because of the history. That is a sea change. Its a sea change, its a huge sea change. A tide is turning in this country and we are a force to be reckoned with. In a nation born of protest, many have seen american beauty in what is largely been a peaceful movement, this but history teaches us that when african america ns this but history teaches us that when african america ns achieve progress its often followed by a white backlash. This is a moment that has pricked the conscience of a rising number of sympathetic americans but it could easily harden the prejudice of others. Nick bryant, bbc news, new york. Speaking to the bbc one month he said how difficult it had been to lay his brother to rest, whilst also contemplating what george floyd would have made of the global outcry sparked by his death. He is not the type of guy that is going to just try to muscle you and do wrong. He was more of a comforting guy, he is always saying things to would bring you up. I know he would listen to whatever they said and on the video, as you can see that he did everything the right way, it is just the officers, theyjust had a lot of hatred in them at that time because you have to to put your knee on someones neck for that time, that time limit. And it is just constantly hollering, please, sir, please. I cant breathe. It just hurt a lot watching the video and its even worse when i heard him scream out for our deceased mother. That was painful. And kids had to look at that, theres just a lot of pain right now. If my big brother would have seen everything like this going on right now, he preached it a lot. He always talked to the youth and explained to them Different Things and trials that they will go through if this is going to happen and things like that, butjust by what he would see, he would be humble. Sad that he is not here right now to be in a world that is making change like this, but he will be happy that i am advocating for him and the world is trying to get united we are trying to kick a door down that has ever been kicked on before and basically, he would be very excited. Very excited. Historically, where black people have been killed by police were denied accountability, they were denied any kind ofjustice. This has been the history of america since slavery. But, i believe, just as philonise was articulated so passionately, this is the time to see systematic reforms when it comes to the culture and behaviour of policing in america, especially as it relates to black america. The protests have been multi cultured, you have seen not only black people marching for george floyd, but white people, hispanic people, native americans, and really the young people are saying enough is enough, we do not want to see another hashtag of a black american being killed unjustifiably and senselessly, by the people who were supposed to protect and serve them. And so right now, we are asking everybody to take a breath for peace, to take a breath for equaljustice, to take a breath for respect and healing our society. But most importantly, lets take a breath for george floyd, the breath that those Police Officers in minneapolis did not give him, so we can breathe again because we will try to achieve change in the legacy of george floyd, that is when we will all be able to breathe again. The us state of texas has suspended plans to further re open the economy, because of a significant rise in coronavirus infections. Governor greg abbott said no new businesses would be allowed to re sta rt, but those already open would be allowed to keep trading. The number of cases in texas has nearly doubled in ten days. It eased restrictions in may, before much of the rest of the country. Its notjust texas which has faced a rise in cases. More than 35,000 new coronavirus cases were identified on wednesday. It was the highest number reported in a single day since late april. Florida, texas, oklahoma and South Carolina all reported their highest single day totals. To discuss this latest spike, here is eve wittenberg, a Senior Research scientist, at harvard university. She has not been impressed by the lockdown measures in the us. Many parts of the country in the us have not actually imposed particularly stringent restrictions, even from the outset. So we are seeing cases that are migrating around the country from the parts that have had the earlier and more severe outbreaks to the rest of the country because people are moving around more and we know this from cellphone data that shows where people are moving and what sort of travel is happening. So not only did some parts of the country not imposed particularly stringent restrictions in the beginning impose particularly stringent restrictions in the beginning but they are also loosening what they had imposed at any level. And cases are rising. Cases are rising. Does this constitute a second wave . Are we about to see one . I believe that what our officials had designated this as is a first wave. This is still the first wave. We have not really come down from the beginning. So were still looking at the first round this virus in the united states. And the restrictions and the lockdown as it was, politics and politicians always have a balance to make here. They need to protect the economy and the economy fundamentally is peoples lives and people affording healthcare, kids going hungry so there is a difficult balance but do you think the politicians have got it wrong . There is always a balance, of course. We cannot permit a mass spread of cases across the country and at a certain point you need to trade off how much we open up our economy and how much we allow people to die and what we are seeing is death rising as infection is rising and we have not even seen yet what sort of death will come from the spikes in infections now. So if were going to open up the economy more we have already, we will have all people dead and our governor in new york state said it eloquently, the alternative that we face now is death. Here in the uk, the governments chief medical adviser has issued a warning about large public gatherings after around half a Million People flocked to the beach in bournemouth on the hottest day of the year. Chris whitty said coronavirus cases would rise again if people didnt continue to respect social distancing. Heres duncan kennedy. These were the unprecedented scenes. The opportunity for social distancing was almost entirely gone, even though many did try to create safe spaces. This afternoon the council said it could no longer cope and declared a major incident. Right now the restaurants are closed, the bars are closed, the attractions are closed, you cant play crazy golf, you cant go in the arcade, you cant do any of the fabulous things weve got available. So after the 4th ofjuly those people can be spread around those various activities. Also, hotels will be open, so hotel car parks are open, so theres other places for people to park. Right now theres not enough facilities here, so its kettling everybody to the beach and thats causing a lot of problems. With many facilities closed, the beach was the only place to go. Agencies came together to pull resources amidst sense of chaos and overcrowding. It is not good, is it . The beaches have witnessed huge gatherings at other times, the weather and the golden sands attract people from as far afield as the midlands. The local mp says you cannot shut the beaches when it gets overcrowded but government help is now needed. Its very important that the government understands that its got to be flexible as well, its got to be dynamic in recognising just as if there is a big demonstration in the centre of london and police come in to help, that if dorset requests extra help from a policing perspective that we are quick there to support them. But the advice remains covid and crowds dont mix, not even in the glorious setting of our finest beaches. Duncan kennedy, bbc news, in bournemouth. Stay with us on bbc news, still to come celebrations on merseyside, as liverpool claim the premier league title and end a 30 year wait to be crowned english football champions again. Members of the neo nazi Resistance Movement stormed the World Trade Center armed with pistols and shotguns. We believe that, according to international law, that we have a rightful claim on certain parts of this country as our land. I take pride in the words ich bin ein berliner. Cheering as the uk woke up to the news that it is to exit the european union, leave campaigners began celebrating. In total, 17. 4 Million People voted for the uk to leave the eu. The medical Research Council have now advised the government that the great increase in lung cancer is due mainly to smoking tobacco. It was closing time for checkpoint charlie, which, for 29 years, has stood on the border as a mark of allied determination to defend the city. This is bbc news, the latest headlines one month after the death of george floyd in Police Detention the us house of represenatives passes a Police Reform bill. Next were going to east africa, where huge swarms of locusts are eating through crops and threatening food supplies. Anne soy has this report from kenya, where locust trackers are on the frontline to fightback. Many devours on the move. It every man is destroyed his crop. Im as county he invites his neighbours and shows them how to grow food for bob but this challenge he has never had to stop it is a disaster stop it affects not just to stop it is a disaster stop it affects notjust me, it affects other farmers one there, one there. So into days, all farms will be finished. There is nothing. And together, ina swarm, there is nothing. And together, in a swarm, they consume as much food in one day as 2500 people would in a year. Tracking them is a difficult task we have come to send the co ordinate. Reporting mean. A spectacular sight. Never seen anything like this. Millions upon millions of locusts everywhere. Look at that tree. They have taken over and you can barely see the leaves. They are eating them and once they are eating them and once they are done and fly away it will be left there. Albert has now trained team works with to collect information on the ground. They feed it through an ca rsey to ground. They feed it through an carsey to the controls and the kenyan government and the un food and agriculture organisation. With the gps co ordinates from the trackers pilots with spray planes have gone to specific areas infested with locusts and applied pesticide. Albert is the new hero in his community. These people are pastoralists stop livestock means everything. They call him the locust man. Albert had tried the locusts. An prevented regeneration. He then filmed the second one hatching and incredibly rare thing to see. But took it as a sign they may not winning the fight. If nothing is done, each time they breed they multiply by at least 20. Inching ever closer to becoming a plague. And watching the devastation locusts are causing farms like francis is, albert worries about what the future holds. Liverpool supporters are celebrating after the Football Club clinched their first English Premier League title in thirty years with a record seven games to spare. Last seasons champions, Manchester City, had to win against chelsea to remain in contention but they lost 2 1. A little earlier i spoke to jenny kirkham, a reporterfrom the Liverpool Echo whos has been soaking up the atmosphere in liverpools city centre. As you can hear behind me, the crowd in the city centre is still going very strong at this point. They are showing no signs of slowing down at all. The cheering and booing that you hear behind me for the next couple of minutes is because a football match of their own has broke out in the crowd and they are all cheering them on. They are in great spirits and the emotion you can see in every single one of them just shows how long they have waited for this. For viewers around the world, we should explain there are social distancing cora navirus lockdown measures in place so the fans have not all been able to gather together in one huge place and watch the game in pubs and bars. People have been watching it at home, have they, and then come out onto the streets . Whats been happening in the city . A lot of people obviously watched it at home with their families and thoser in their social bubbles. Weve had quite a few Families Watch it on their phones and on tablets outside and in the city centre, obviously wanting to celebrate with as many people as they can. It has been difficult for them but it is a positive night for them and i do not think that it will be tarnished at all with regards to social distancing. What does this mean for the city . For these fans, everything. I have never seen a group of people so emotional and so elated about somerthing liek this in the entire time that i have been in liverpool and covering the fans that have been going to the matches. This is a once in a lifetime thing. Some of the people were children the last time this happened and hopefully they will see it over and over again in years to come but this may be the only chance and that is why they are celebrating the way they. Because we have had this strange season where it was stopped and liverpool fans were nervous about not get a season finish at all and the title would be taken away, they must be a lot of relief they have now won . There was a lot of conversation about whether they would prefer to have won the next week against Manchester City but that is all been thrown out because they wanted it so bad and they are relieved at this point. The celebration havent been limited to mersyside liverpool fc is one of the most widely supported clubs in the world. Weve been hearing some of their reactions. It is amazing, so delighted. It has been 30 years. We have been down the pub all the time. We have had to take a break for this covid i9 stuff but were doing our best, being responsible and having few beers. Laughter. We are looking forward to a dynasties. We want to come out and celebrate and we realise it is much earlier here than in the uk so we have many hours to drink. Jurgen klopp has demonstrated that he is very good at what he does and just looking forward to it. We will continue to support our group full. We will go to matches whenever we can and we will continue to come to the games here, watch, drink, celebrate support we are so excited right now. There are so many people here it is incredible full of jurgen klopp is the key to that. A great manager and has been with us for four years. He has built the team up to what he wants but it is notjust him. Those years of history before him and the great managers and the great players we have had stop we have gotten very close a couple of times butjurgen klopp very close a couple of times but jurgen klopp makes very close a couple of times butjurgen klopp makes the difference. Great team selection, strengthen the defence and we just have a great squad, a squad that combines and plays well together. The premier league soccer, the atmosphere around the fan and the culture is so different to what we have in american foot all. It is just as passionate but it is passionate in a different way and English Premier League socceris and English Premier League soccer is an and English Premier League soccer is an soccer and English Premier League soccer is an soccer in general i find to be a lot more welcoming, a lot easier for people to get into and when you have a Supporters Group like the one we have, you come in singing and chanting and it is easy. People want to be a part of it so it is easy to get more people on board and it has been amazing to see, for example, how this group has grown in the seven years we have been a Supporters Group so it is really infectious. You never walk alone. They chia we are the champions congratulations to them and to this next chapter. Before we go a small scale miner in tanzania has become an overnight millionaire after selling two rough ta nzanite stones. He earned 3. 4 Million Dollars from the countrys Mining Ministry for the gemstones. Tanzanite is only found in northern tanzania and is used to make ornaments. It is one of the rarest gemstones on earth, and one you can reach me on twitter im lvaughanjones. Hello. Thursday brought us, for the third consecutive day, the hottest day of the year so far in the uk. Temperatures at heathrow in london reached 33. 1 celsius, but if you are not a fan of the heat and the humidity, you will probably be pleased to hear that things are now turning fresher. Through friday, it will be a cooler day, the chance of some heavy showers and some thunderstorms around too. Still quite a mild, muggy start to the morning. First thing friday, those temperatures quite widely in the mid to high teens, could be not shy of 20 degrees for Central London first thing friday morning. Now, we start with this band of fairly heavy showers and thunderstorms. This is nine oclock in the morning. It will be drier down towards the southwest of england and wales. The southeast of england, through the midlands, up towards north and northwest of england into Northern Ireland as well, thats where we are likely to see some of those heavy downpours. And for the western isles, some of them are going to be really heavy and thundery once again. Northern and eastern scotland, probably avoiding quite a good deal of those heavy showers. Now, across england and wales, they push their way northwards and eastward through the course of the day. So, its much of northern england, north wales into scotland that is going to be seeing some of the heavy showers and thunderstorms. Northern ireland seeing fewer, i think, during the afternoon, but they will be hit and miss. It will still feel warm in the east with temperatures around 28, possibly up to around 30 degrees, but for many of us, it is turning cooler. Into the weekend, fresher conditions moving across the whole of the uk with some rainfall in the forecast as well. Down to the fact that weve got this area of low pressure moving its way in from the west, quite a lot of isobars on the map, as well as those heavy showers rattling around that area of low pressure. So this is how saturday is shaping up then, sunny spells but frequent heavy showers. Again with some hail in some lightning mixed in with some of those heavy thunderstorms. Quite blustery winds as well, particularly where you do see the heavy showers, the thunderstorms, with hail as well, thats where you could see some squally and gusty winds at times too. Temperatures quite a bit cooler than recent days, somewhere between about 18 21 celsius for many of us. Still a bit of sunshine in between the showers. By the time we get to sunday, the heaviest of the showery rain will be in the north and northwest. A little bit drier further south with a little bit more sunshine on offer, but the winds will be picking up. A blustery fresher feeling day with highs of 15 21 degrees. Bye bye. This is bbc news, the headlines one month after the death of george floyd in Police Custody, in minneapolis. The us house of represenatives has passed a Police Reform bill. The manner of his death has led to a global wave of protests, calling for Police Reform and an end to institutional racism. The us is facing a new coronavirus spike, after lockdown restrictions were relaxed. Texas has now suspended plans to further re open the economy, because of a significant rise in covid i9 cases. Across the country a record 35,000 new cases were identified in a single day. There are fears that a lack of social distancing could see a spike in uk covid i9 cases, after around half a Million People flocked to the beach in bournemouth, on the hottest day of the year. The governments chief medical adviser issued a stark warning about large public gatherings. Now on bbc news, the week in parliament

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