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Hello. The widow of Rayshard Brooks, the African American man killed by police in atlanta, georgia, on friday has appealed for protests against his killing to be peaceful but says her family will take a long time to heal. He was shot in the back as he fled from two White Police Officers in a restaurant car park. According to his niece, he was killed as if hed been a piece of trash in the street. Our north america correspondent nick bryant has the story. Atlanta, georgia the birthplace of Martin Luther king, a cradle of the civil rights movement. And now the scene again of americas on ending racial struggle. Protests sparked by yet another Police Killing of an African American. Rayshard brooks, 27 year old father of four. His young family appeared before the cameras today. This has become an all too familiar ritual of american life. I can never tell my daughter, 0h, hes coming to take you skating, or swimming lessons. So. Its just going to be a long time before i heal. How many more protests will it take. To ensure that the next victim isnt your cousin, your brother, your uncle, your nephew, your friend or your companion . Yall took my brother. The press conference ended with a family struggling to contain their emotions. They re demanding that murder charges be brought. Rayshard brooks had been sleeping in his car when he was approached by two White Police Officers. After failing a breath test, the police tried to arrest him. Then came a struggle in which he grabbed one of their tasers. During a brief chase, he pointed the taser at the officer, who responded by fatally shooting him in the back. George floyd so black lives matter is the cry once again. This latest killing fuelling what has become a multiracial, global movement. This has been a moment of reckoning and awakening. But the protesters have seized upon this killing in atlanta as proof that even at this time of heightened racial tensions, the police are continuing to use Excessive Force. Nick bryant, bbc news, new york. Atlanta mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms has announced new Police Reforms which will come into effect immediately after the death of Rayshard Brooks. She said she couldnt wait for official recommendations before taking action. We saw the worst happen on friday night with mr brooks. It angered me and it saddened me beyond words. But i know its my responsibility as mayor of this great city for us to continue to work to put that anger and that sadness into action. And so, this is the first of a series of actions and steps that we will take, and i look forward to continuing to work with all of our community stakeholders. Justin miller is a lawyer for the family of Rayshard Brooks i asked him how he is pursuing this case. We are working very hard right now, there is a lot of stuff going on. So were just going to take it step by step to make sure we do not miss anything. Presumably its going to be very difficult for the police to argue they faced a threat to their lives, since although they knew that Rayshard Brooks had one of their tasers, when police use a taser, the official argument is always a taser is not lethal. Well, when they first stopped him for a dui, they checked him for weapons. They knew he didnt have a knife or a gun or any other lethal weapon. So him having a taser and shooting backwards, we dont think that was warranting of the force they used to take his life. And if you watch the tape closely, you can see the officer went to his gun before mr brooks had the taser up, and when mr brooks was turned and running away from him he shot him in the back, which was terrible and not warranted at all. Can you tell us more about raysha rd brooks . We saw you at the press conference with the family, youre obviously close to them . Yes. Gosh. Mr brooks is a father of four, or he was, and he worked at a local tacoria here in the atlanta area. That day was a very important day for mr brooks because it was his daughters eighth birthday. He had told his daughter they were going to go skating. When we went to the house that day after the family had found out mr brooks was killed, the daughter had on a very pretty birthday dress. She was prepared and she thought one of us was her father coming through the door. Sadly, it was not. So he was a good family man, a good guy, and by all accounts, all members said he was a pillar of the family. Is it clear why he was asleep in the car . He had been slightly impaired because he had been out having festivities for his daughters birthday earlier at his sisters house. He went and decided to go out to grab a burgerfrom a local wendys restaurant. What is your response to the mayors executive order . We think its a step in the right direction. A lot of reforms need to happen with policing here in america. The police are more of a militarised unit, somewhat of an occupying force, more than the Community Liaisons they should be. So we think the mayors order goes towards getting there, but there is a lot more work that needs to be done. And the way police are governed is particular to individual areas. What is your feeling about this in atlanta, georgia . Generally police in atlanta are pretty good. But we are finding its like when you push a rock over in the wilderness, and all of the bugs start crawling around and you get to see everything, that happens sometimes here, too. So, you know, we had another case. My partner chris and i, about two weeks ago, where the Police Department took kids out of a car, tased them and used Excessive Force when it wasnt necessary. So its happening here too. Generally i know a lot of police officers, and a lot of them agree with me that this and a lot of them agree with me that this needs to change. And this has become a National Issue and an issue worldwide. Is this a turning point for change . Does this feel to you like a real moment . There have been so many moments and so little has changed. You know, thats a difficult question. It could be, and it has felt like that before. My partner and i represented George Floyds 6 year old daughter, gianna. And uring that case, and were still working on that, that was just a couple weeks ago, but we talked and we said this seems like its really changing, and something is about to happen. Then you follow up with Something Like this. Its really hard to say. We would like the protesters and other people to stay there, wed like people in other countries to keep protesting, keep fighting, keep letting people know how you feel about this, because thats the only way things are going to really change. A landmark decision in the United States Supreme Court has ruled that discrimination in the workplace based on sex, is to include gay and transgender people. The clarification of the law comes as a major victory for the lgbtq community, and may come as a shock, given the court was transformed by President Trump and is fundamentally conservative. Our reporter freya cole explains. The freya cole explains. Rainbow flag, a symbol of pride, the rainbow flag, a symbol of pride, and outside americas top court, a man celebrates an outcome which will protect lgbt q outcome which will protect lgbt 0 people from Workplace Discrimination. The United States Supreme Court stood on the right side of history, declaring that Sexual Orientation and gender identity discrimination are both prohibited underfederal discrimination are both prohibited under federal law. Six of the nine Supreme Court judges agree that the 1964 civil rights act, which prohibits discrimination based on sex, should include gay and transgender people. Leading the decision is President Trump appointed conservative justice neil gorsuch. He said Gerald Bostock is one of three people whose case was heard in court. Mr bostock was fired from hisjob after court. Mr bostock was fired from his job afterjoining court. Mr bostock was fired from hisjob afterjoining a 93v from hisjob afterjoining a gay friendly softball team. |j did nothing wrong and i now have validated from the United States Supreme Court. We share this victory together as a community and i learned early on that this was more than just about my own personal circumstances, that it impacts so circumstances, that it impacts so many people across this country. President donald trump has said it was a very powerful decision. They ruled. Ive read the decision and some people we re the decision and some people were surprised but they ruled and we live with their decision, thats what its all about. It comes at a time of great social upheaval in america, where millions of people are fighting for equality. Trans people are fighting for equality. Tra ns women people are fighting for equality. Trans women are women and the ruling has gained widespread reaction from high profile activists and allies. Victory, yes a victory for the Lgbt Community in the Supreme Court today. This is great news. You know, trans voices must be heard and they are, this is a great thing. I mean black trans lives matter, trans lives mean black trans lives matter, tra ns lives matter. Mean black trans lives matter, trans lives matter. We are not going to be erased. More than half of americas states will have to adjust to their understanding of the Workplace Discrimination law, a victory for the lgbt q discrimination law, a victory for the lgbt 0 community and their continuing fight for equal rights. Freya cole, bbc news. Charlotte clymer is a transgender activist and us military veteran. She says this is a major victory. The fact that weve had a 6 3 ruling is enormous. The fact that we had a 6 3 ruling in favour of full lg btq Employment Rights isjust enormous. I cannot overstate how big this is for lgbtq people in the us. The president s reaction was quite careful, i suppose, givenjust on friday he made a ruling that went very much in the other direction. Yes. He put in a regulation in place that would essentially allow medical personnel to deny even life saving healthcare to lgbtq people, but specifically trans people, so if they present with Something Like a cold or pneumonia or a broken arm, and they go to the emergency room, this regulation would allow doctors to turn them away. Will this ruling by the Supreme Court affect what the president has done at all . No, it wont, this only applies to employment discrimination. That is why we need to get the equality act passed next year once biden is elected. You are depending on who wins the next election. But youd expect challenges to the president s order . The Human Rights Campaign has already launched a lawsuit against the administration on this legislation. I think we will be victorious in the end. You talk about the surprise at the Supreme Court ruling. It has quite often been the case thatjustices who were appointed for what was seen to be their conservative viewpoints have become more of a wildcard once they have been on the bench a while . Thats right, thats right. Justice kennedy, when he was appointed was said to be more conservative. Then he turned out to be quite fantastic for the lg btq community. There have been a number of justices appointed under president bush, president reagan, who turned out to be quite beneficial to liberal causes. Lets get some of the days other news. President trump, here visiting troops in germany, has announced that the us ill cut its military presence there by 9,500. That will leave about 25,000 servicemen and women in the country. Speaking to reporters, mr trump complained that berlin is not paying enough on defence, as required by its membership in nato. The british Prime Minister Boris Johnson and eu chiefs have agreed to breathe new life into post brexit trade talks. Both sides have committed to ramp up negotiations over the summer. The uk is due to leave the post brexit transition arrangement at the end of the year. The number of confirmed Coronavirus Infections across the world has passed 8 million. The United States accounts for a quarter of all cases, but the disease is spreading fastest now in latin america, where 80,000 people have died after contracting covid 19. Stay with us on bbc news, still to come the biggest easing of lockdown in england as clothing shops and Department Stores reopen. There was a bomb in the city centre. A code word known to be one used by the ira was given. Army bomb experts were examining a suspect van when there was a huge explosion. The South African Parliament has destroyed the foundation of apartheid by abolishing the population registration act, which for 40 years, forcibly classified each citizen according to race. Just a day old, and the royal baby is tonight sleeping in his cot at home. Early this evening, the new prince was taken by his mother and father to their apartments in kensington palace. Germanys parliament, the bundestag, has voted by a narrow majority to move the seat of government from bonn to berlin. Berliners celebrated into the night, but the decision was greeted with shock in bonn. The real focus of attention today was valentina tereshkova, the worlds first woman cosmonaut. What do you think of the russian woman in space . I think its a wonderful achievement and i think we might be able to persuade the wife it would be a good idea if i could to get her to go up there for a little while. This is bbc news. The latest headlines the family of another African American man killed by police, speak of their grief and call for action. In a landmark ruling in the us, the Supreme Court says its illegal to fire someone based on their sexuality. As europe opens up, beijing is shutting down. Chinese authorities are racing to contain a new coronavirus outbreak in the capital. Its a sign of how precarious this process is. All entertainment and Indoor Sports venues are being closed, and 21 Housing Estates have been locked down as cases increase. The city had previously seen no signs of the virus for more than 50 days. Stephen mcdonell reports. Residents in large parts of south western beijing are again behind fences, with fears that a second wave of the coronavirus could take hold. Housing estates have been sealed off to all but those who live there. Deliveries must be made to the perimeter fence only. Shops, schools, and some public transport have been closed. Translation id be lying if i said i wasnt worried. I came to beijing on the 13th. If this was one day later, then i definitely wouldnt be able to come. Right now, there arent many people on the subway. There arent as many as before. In beijing today, dozens of new confirmed Coronavirus Infections have been added to the tally, which has been growing since the end of last week. It may not sounds like many, but its caused quite some concern, especially when you consider from where the cluster has emanated. The massive xinfadi wholesale market, responsible for 80 of the citys vegetables and meat, has been shut for cleaning and testing. All the infections in this cluster have been traced back to the market in some way. Chinese Officials Say theyre hoping to test up to 200,000 people who visited xinfadi in the last two weeks. As well as 90,000 residents. In the response to beijings cluster, were seeing the best and the worst of chinas communist party. 0n the one hand, the speed and the scale of the social isolation of the testing has been something to behold. 0n the other, the party has also been criticised for going after scapegoats, for dismissing local officials on whose watch the outbreak occurred. If you wanted to guarantee a culture whereby cover up was your first choice, rather than open reporting, theres probably not a better way to do it. Stephen mcdonnell, bbc news, beijing. Here in england there was the unfamiliar sight of shoppers on the high street as clothes shops and Department Stores opened their doors for the First Time Since lockdown. Heres our business correspondent, emma simpson. The doors are finally open a big moment for retailers who have lost billions of pounds in sales, and we are ready for some Retail Therapy too. Birmingham, 7 30am. This is what happens when our high streets come out of hibernation after three long months. Queues, and in lots of other places too, with primark drawing the biggest crowds. I got the day off workjust to come. Really excited, a bit of normality. Like a Good Shopping spree is not the same as online shopping. Just as long as you use your disinfectant, your anti sort of thing, and keep your distance, its absolutely fine. I think this will be the way of life for a long time. Hopefully not like this, though. The re opening at nike town on Oxford Street was farfrom orderly. Small shops are back in business, too. In bishop auckland, wendys relieved to be open. Its absolutely amazing. Its been a long time coming. I think we just need to keep encouraging customers, let them know its safe to come into shops again, making sure we have our Safety Measures in place. Safe, but different. Just look at the beauty counters here. So we have put shields here in front of the till points, we have our visors. We have also removed all our testers, and along our beauty halls, all of our chairs have now gone to avoid touch. Touch is unavoidable if youre trying on trainers. Atjd sports theyll be sanitised straight after, if you dont buy. Extraordinary measures, but the boss of this business told me that two metre rule has to be relaxed. I think its economically unviable with that distancing in place. You just cannot allow a sufficient number of potential customers inside a store to give it an economic chance. Its all very well, queueing on a day like this, but how many of us will be prepared to do this all the time, for stuff that maybe isnt essential . Some are still too nervous to come out. There is clearly some pent up demand today, but the big question for retailers and the economy is, will it last . Rushden lakes retail park springing back into life today, but some think shopping isnt going back to what it used to be. Oh, i think there will be less retail, for sure. Physical retail will lessen. But interestingly, well probably get better physical retail. Local is going to be more important. I think whats going to suffer are the big town centres, when you have to have a real reason to go there. They wont be going to this debenhams store in gateshead. Its one of 20 shut for good. Some big household names have disappeared from the high street altogether during lockdown, with more casualties to come. The great retail re opening is under way, but its far from business as usual. Emma simpson, bbc news. There are increasing calls to tackle racism in the Entertainment Industry both in the us and in the uk. Following the black lives matter protests which have taken place around the world, artists have been opening up about their experiences of racism. In a recent open letter the black Writers Committee of the Writers Guild of america said it is now a public duty to interrogate the entertainments industrys role in perpetuating racism both in front of and behind the camera. Well, a little earlier i spoke to Piya Sinha Roy who is a journalist and former film editor at the hollywood reporter. I asked her if she feels the Entertainment Industry is really taking on the message that black lives matter. Its really difficult to tell if the industry is actually taking it on board. I think they are listening, because they have to right now, the noise is far too loud for them to ignore. But we have not seen change implemented really in previous years. You know, i have to bring up, 0scars so white came up in 2016, which was four years ago, and there were all these promises at the time, studios, networks, streamers, everybody saying, 0h, were going to do more to improve these numbers, and we havent really seen the impact of that for black and just generally people of colour in the industry. And so i think, you know, its great that people are listening right now and theyre willing to listen, but this could be dismissed very easily, so until i see change i think a lot of us are just waiting to see what change is going to be made and what levels is it going to be made at. And what would that sea change involve . Surely more black writers and more black executive, just bringing in the black perspective more generally. Yes, i think having more black executives in positions of power is the most important thing. If you start to look at the executive boards of all of the networks and studios, you know, you have a problem when your highest ranking black member staff happens to be the person who is the diversity and inclusion officer. We need to see more black people, more people of colour in the industry at the highest levels. And until theyre there were not going to see that change. Because, as weve seen, you know, an all white board does not generally do much to help diversity within its own company. And what i have seen and what i have experienced myself is when you bring in people of colour at higher levels theyre much more cognizant of the diverse make up of the newsrooms, of their executive rooms, of their writers rooms, all across each arm the industry there can be a sea change only if you start bringing in people and places of power. And of course they need more white people to become more conscious of our own privilege. From the outside hollywood, of course, is thought of as a liberal and diverse place. But i know many people in the industry who say that really isnt true. No, its not true at all. I think thats obvious of our entire society. You now, la is supposed to be a very liberal place, england, you know, london is supposed to be a very liberal place, thats just not true, because the undercurrents of racism exist. And so, you know, the best thing about whats happening right now is that theres a rising unity of the voices. Piya sinha roy there. The arc de triomphe has reopened. It is only available toa reopened. It is only available to a few thousand visitors per day. Thats it for now. Thank you very much for watching. Hello there. The phrase sunshine and showers can at times seem quite trivial, cant it . But im sure if you were caught in the thundering downpours on monday, you knew about it. There was a lot of heavy rain and a very sort space of time. If you take a look at the rain radar and the thunder and lightning strikes as he went to the afternoon, they were quite frequent across southwest scotland, northwest england and north wales. It looks as though tuesday, we could see more showers ina similararea. Plenty of showers across europe as well, all under the influence of low pressure at the moment. Starts off with a fair amount of cloud across eastern half of the uk, rolling in off the north sea, that will slowly burn away. Well see sunny spells and chatters hours developing. Showers widespread across england and wales but they have heaviest across wales and northwest england along with southwest scotland. There could be around an inch of rain falling within an hour, and that potentially is heavy enough to cause localised flooding. But dodge the showers, keep some sunshine, temperatures peaking at 23 degrees. Thats the mid 70s in terms of fahrenheit. As we move through tuesday evening, the showers are likely to continue for a while and then start to fade away overnight. Once again, well see some cloud filtering from the north sea. But its going to be a relatively mild, foggy night. Double figures across the country, in some areas around 13 14 degrees. Its a repeat performance almost as we move into wednesday. Lots of cloud or on the east coast. That burns away, sunshine comes through and we see more showers around on wednesday. Yet again, some could be heavy and thundery. Temperatures still peeking between 14 23 degrees. As we move out of wednesday into thursday, theres likely to be a change with more heavy, persistent rain from a frontal system. Still a level of uncertainty where thats going to be sitting across england and wales, but it will bring some further outbreaks of rain through england and wlaes on thursday, friday. Just want to end on a glimpse of good news as we had towards the weekend. Things will be likely to quiet down. Dry and sunny for all of us and just that little bit warmer. Take care. This is bbc news. The headlines the widow of Rayshard Brooks, the African American man shot dead by police in atlanta, georgia, on friday, has appealed for protests to be peaceful. Tomika miller said the family will take a long time to heal. The mayor has ordered immediate changes to police procedures. President trump has expressed surprise at a landmark ruling by the us Supreme Court that employers cannot fire workers for being gay or transgender. The expectation had been that more conservative judges might not uphold civil rights law. Last week the Trump Administration removed Health Insurance protections for transgender people. China has moved to shut down a coronavirus outbreak linked to a massive market in beijing. More than 100 cases have been confirmed. The World Health Organisation has described a new outbreak as a significant event and warned it needs careful tracking

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