Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20200514 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20200514

good afternoon, gardeners and growers have been kept busy guarding against the effect of frost. last night, an unusually cold night for may across the uk but especially in northern ireland, where the temperature fell to —6.1, a record, you have to go back nearly a0 years to find a cold may night in northern ireland. temperatures are slowly going to be creeping up over the next several days. we will lose these blues with a north—westerly breeze that's been bringing the cold air, more of a southerly flow and warm aircoming ourway. air, more of a southerly flow and warm air coming our way. a bit of rain in the forecast for some in over the weekend, it's needed at the moment. there are a few showers across the northern half of scotland this afternoon, one or two in northern ireland. much of england and wales dry. a bit more cloud, so far today plenty of sunshine and temperatures after that chilly start topping out at around ii—isdc. it's quite breezy with these showers into north—west scotland in particular, wesson will continue overnight. 0ne oi’ wesson will continue overnight. 0ne or two for northern ireland, maybe north west england. cloud increasing from the north, so for some of his it will not be as chilly tonight but for wales in the southern half of england in particular, colder in the countryside though so again the possibility of a touch of frost in a few places, that should just about be the end of the frost after that. tomorrow, we are expecting a cloudy day. still with a few showers into scotla nd day. still with a few showers into scotland on the breeze, northern ireland one or two in north—west england and wales, much of england and wales will stay dry. temperatures a little bit higher, 17 for cardiff and london. high pressure, which has given a lot of dry weather this week, has been squeezed away southwards closely over the weekend and the weather fronts will come into play particularly for northern ireland and scotland. on saturday it's pretty much as you work on a mail the start of the day with a few showers are still for scotland and northern ireland. much of england and wales dry, a bit of hazy brightness around and temperatures toward the mid—teens, a few spots a little warmer than that. remember the weather fronts through saturday night into sunday, this is when thick cloud brings some outbreaks of rain in towards northern ireland and scotland, especially north—west scotland. it will be pretty wet for a time. you may see a bit of rain towards north west england, that's still not guaranteed and again much of england and wales will stay dry. a bit warmer where you have a hazy brightness towards eastern parts of england and into next week the temperatures are heading up a bit further. a reminder of our top story. scientists say a new blood test, which detects whether someone has had coronavirus, is a major step forward. that's all from the bbc news at one. it's goodbye from me. 0n bbc one we nowjoin the bbc‘s news teams where you are. have a good afternoon. i'm gavin ramjaun. it's just after 1.30pm and this is your latest sports news. mclaren have announced daniel ricciardo willjoin them from the 2021 season as a replacement for carlos sainz, who is moving to ferrari to replace sebastian vettel. ricciardo has signed a long—term contract with mclaren and will leave renault at the end of the year. that move paved the way for sainz tojoin ferrari after it was announced on tuesday that vettel would depart at the end of the season. england and tottenham midfielder dele alli has been in training this morning after being held at knifepoint, during a burglary at his home in north london, early this morning. two men broke into his house, threatening and punching alli, who suffered minor facial injuries. the intruders stole items ofjewellery including watches. alli has been thanking fans for their support on social media. he said... "thank you for all the messages. a horrible experience, but we are all ok now. appreciate the support. spurs have offered their support to alli and all those isolating with him. they want anyone with information to come forward and help police with their investigation. a review into the salary cap scandal that saw saracens relegated says that similar offences in the future could see teams stripped of their titles and even suspended from competition. the review was commissioned after reigning premiership champions saracens were found to have breached salary cap regulations in each of the past three seasons. other recommendations include "stronger investigatory powers" and greater accountability for club officials, players and agents, as well as premiership rugby itself. the men's tour of britain cycling race, which had been due to be held in september, has been cancelled for this year. 0rganisers have admitted it was "impractical" to stage the race amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. the women's race had already been called off. the eight—day event was due to start in penzance and finish in aberdeen. that route will be followed next yea r. the chief executive of west indies cricket says he believes this summer's tour of england will go ahead, but says players will be "very nervous" about travelling, due to coronavirus. the three—test series was due to start on athjune, but has been postponed until at leastjuly because of the pandemic. 0ur players will be very nervous in terms of going. 0f 0ur players will be very nervous in terms of going. of paramount importance to all of us is the health and safety of our players. the ecb have a lot of money riding on this in terms of tv, but there will be no coercing players into this. we have to be absolutely clear that it this. we have to be absolutely clear thatitis this. we have to be absolutely clear that it is safe, first and foremost. and then if it is, share the information that we have and try and make life as comfortable as we possibly could for those players. with the return of recreational tennis this week the chief executive of the lta says there's an "appetite" from elite players for the professional game to return. the top level men's and women's tours have been suspended since march due to covid—i9. there is a strong desire to get back and work hard, but that brings some risks as well. i don't expect every player to return today or tomorrow. but what we are trying to do is make sure there is a really clear flame work, really clear guidance that allows players the choice and the option to return to training and ways to do so should they which —— sets framework. south korean lpga tour officially resumed on thursday, the first lpga tour opening in the world since golf was postponed due to the coronavirus.the a2nd klpga championship took place at the lakewood country club in yangju, south korea. this is the first golf event to be played worldwide since march 15 due to the coronavirus pandemic. i'll have more for you in the next hour. i will be with you to take you through all the other coronavirus developments. let's start with what scotland's first minister nicola sturgeon had to say any past hour or so. sturgeon had to say any past hour or so. she has given her daily update on how scotland is performing in the pandemic. she said scotland is still ina pandemic. she said scotland is still in a stay home lockdown and gave the latest statistics related to the pandemic. as of nine o'clock this morning, i can tell you that there have been 13,762 positive cases confirmed, which is an increase of 136 from yesterday. a total of 81 people last night were in intensive ca re people last night were in intensive care with i wrote confirmed suspected covid—19 and that is an increase of one since yesterday. —— sets. as of last night, dominic that is an increase of 165 from yesterday. that increase is entirely in suspected cases. the number of confirmed cases is 1131. that is a decrease of 1a. we are exploring this rise of suspected cases further, but, as you know, all people over 70 admitted to hospital are now being tested even if they do not have covid—19 symptoms. it may therefore be that until a test result is known, some health boards are automatically counting these patients as a suspected, even if they do not have symptoms of the virus. i wanted to say that today to alert you to the fact that this is something we are investigating further having seen these figures today. but at this stage, i would caution against having any undue concern about the hospital figure that i have reported to you today. i can confirm that since the 5th of march, a total of 3167 who had tested positive and been hospitalised for the virus have now been able to leave hospital. i am sure all of us wish them well. u nfortu nately, sure all of us wish them well. unfortunately, i also have to report that in the past 2a hours, deaths have been confirmed, taking the total number of deaths in scotland under that measurement to 1912. tomorrow, we will have the latest national records of scotland publication. a job very often isn't just about the money. it is a big relief to actually escape the confines of the home. it is good to be alive amongst the living and it is excellent to see our colleagues again. premier plant hire in south london where tools and machinery can finally be hired out. what is it like to be back at work? it is very strange. usually there is about 20 of us in the yard but only four of us have come back due to furloughing. it is a very strange and surreal situation. you need work for stability and structure in your life and from the financial point of view so i am glad to be back, put it that way. new balls, new rules. but sebastian and jordan have finally been able to return to the tennis court. i have been stuck at home for seven weeks. it is vital for mental well—being, physical well—being to get people out of the house, exercise again and just to do things again, to live again. doubles should only be played by members of the same household. you are not going to pick people up are you? i am going to use my foot to do that. i could do something like that, not using my hands. you are not allowed to serve either? not allowed to serve. white back for many, this is not a return to normality, but a first glimpse at what a new normality might look like. white back at the jcb factory in staffordshire, there were temperature checks upon entry, facemask on the factory floor. to see people's eyes, it is very difficult to comprehend that this is reality. it does feel, initially, like a chessboard and we are chess pieces moving around the factory. however, this has got to be done. we take the orders to the glacier, then we take the orders to the side and they come out so there is no real contact whatsoever. wendy had not seen her son in person since the lockdown began.|j wendy had not seen her son in person since the lockdown began. i am really excited. i can't wait. it has been a seven and a bit long weeks. white back with meetings with people from different households finally permitted, a reunion between mother and son. amazing. video calling can only decide much, just being able to see them is lovely. the hugs will have to wait. there is nothing more important than keeping the ones you love a safe and healthy. a step forward , love a safe and healthy. a step forward, but reality is we knew it is still a long way off. talking about the easing of restrictions in some parts of the uk. i must apologise for the nicola sturgeon said that we ran. you may well have spotted that that was from yesterday's meeting. apologies for that. we are endeavouring, of course, to find out more about what the first ministry said today and find out more about that later. we will continue with our coronavirus coverage, and figures this morning revealed that the number of people visiting a&e units in england has half since the pandemic began. government ministers have been urging people to use the nhs for health issues other than coronavirus — amid fears that they're too afraid of the risk, or don't want to be a burden on the health service. the shadow health secretary, jon ashworth has been giving his reaction. i think these are alarming figures and while we, of course, support the lockdown, and it is absolutely vital for suppressing this horrific deadly virus, it is building up other long—term health problems. it appears people are avoiding going to a&e. their operations have been cancelled. we know of cancer patients whose treatment, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, has been delayed. this is building up long—term health problems — a ticking time bomb, some would say. we need a plan to treat covid patients, of course, but we also need a plan to reset the nhs to deal with this growing clinical need. the headlines on bbc news... scientists say a new test to show whether people have been infected with covid19 is a major step forward — the government says it could be available in a few weeks. the number of people going to a&e hits a record low in england, because of the coronavirus pandemic. the government promises more details about help for the care sector. more on that antibody test now, which scientists say could be a major step forward in the fight against coronavirus. so, what's different about this test developed by swiss pharmaceutical company roche? it works by testing the blood for antibodies. these are proteins produced by the immune system to help stop viruses or bacteria from harming the body. if you have these antibodies, it means you have previously had covid—19 as the antibodies stay in the blood after you've recovered. previous antibody tests have been found to be unreliable, and it is still not known whether having the virus gives you immunity against the disease. the tests which are currently being offered to key workers and others who are showing symptoms of covid 19 are different. these use a swab of the nose and throat. the swab is then sent to a lab where it is tested for genetic material matching that of the coronavirus. it tells you if you have the disease at that particular time. our medical correspondent, fergus walsh, told us more about the antibody test. this is a different test, so this involves having blood drawn, so it's not something you can do at home, and than it is sent off to a laboratory for very sophisticated analysis. public health england has approved this, it has sent the test to its reference laboratories in porton down in wiltshire and found that it was almost 100% accurate. so this test really will tell you if at some point in the past you have come across coronavirus and now have antibodies in your blood. it is likely that if you have antibodies to this and you have a good, strong antibody response and, in fact, we are finding that in laboratories, some people have stronger and some people are having weaker antibody responses. but if you have antibodies to coronavirus, it probably will give you some protection. whether or not it completely protects you is another thing, and how long that immunity lasts for is also questionable. but those sorts of questions will become clearer in the months ahead. there are lots of labs around the world that are looking into this question of reinfection. but it hopefully will give you some level of protection. it could be very important to front line health workers. and also, it will help us get a really firm grip on how many people in the uk have had coronavirus. the current estimates are somewhere between a% uk—wide and maybe up to 10% in london. the england footballer, dele alli, has thanked fans for their support after he was robbed at knifepoint. police say two men broke into the 2a—year—old's home in north london in the early hours of yesterday morning, and they stole jewellery. alli said it was a ‘horrible experience, but we're all okay now‘. lockdown has been lifted in wuhan and things are getting back to normal with rush hour traffic almost at a standstill this morning. wuhan in china was the original epicentre of the coronavirus outbreak and had its strick lockdown lifted in early april, but local authorities reported new cases on monday — the first since the lockdown was lifted in the area. as lockdowns continue around the world, what does a day in the life of a teenager look like now? we asked young people in 1a different countries to record their day — from when they woke up to the moment they went to bed — to find out how they are coping with coronavirus. music plays. today marks a8 days of being quarantined due to covid—19. and you're about to see how i'm spending... ..a day in quarantine. my time in lockdown. it is going to be a really different ramadan. we cannot go outside, we cannot go to the mosque, we cannot have a gathering prayer, which is really, really sad. last night, we got out of the strict lockdown which hasn't allowed us to surf for five weeks. we are in level three now and we can finally surf. i'm so pumped to be out there. i'm in physical education class. we are doing workouts together by zoom. and as you can see, i'm just lying here on my bed, hibernating away. generally, everyone does this in our class. our school teachers are trying to help us feel more motivated that coronavirus will end soon, they are trying to uplift us that there is still a future, that we will still be able to do things eventually. at 12:30, i have got a phone appointment with the psychologist. because of the quarantine, our appointment came to an end and they were interrupted. i call another psychologist who does appointments online, videos, calls or by the phone because i have found that the time i'm having, counselling mainly for my anxiety helps me manage with social isolation. ijust woke up, it's like 2:30pm and i slept last night at 3am, and i can positively say that my friends do the same. every teenager in mumbai does this. we are recording a tiktok video. i'm posting it on social media just for something fun to do. someone down there is watching. my dad and me go to the cafe and we make food for the underprivileged people and the people who can't afford food. we feed 850 people per day. it has been really hard adjusting to this lifestyle of staying at home but i know it is for everybody's safety and precautions. we are at our daddy's workshop. we usually come here to help him in some work. the coronavirus pandemic has really affected businesses. i am with my family the whole day and that is pretty great because before we didn't spend all that much time together. i think being together now is something we should really appreciate. i really hope that when i wake up tomorrow, this pandemic is over. the life you thought was boring is the life you are hoping to get back to right now and hopefully when the coronavirus ends, we will start to look at our world from a different and better angle. with so many of us being forced to live under one roof for weeks on end, even average—sized families are bound to find things difficult from time to time. what about a household of 1a? welcome to the world of the shaw family from nottingham. 0ur reporter quentin rayner has been to meet them. they are the 1a who live at number 1a. tom and stacey shaw had planned for six and say it was just one of those things — more came along. now under one roof there are three girls, nine boys, and two long—suffering parents. oh, it's fine. it's easier than normality. yeah. how come? less running around to do. it's kind ofjust like the start of the summer holidays where you just kind of change from mayhem to calm, but we're stuck in this kind of groundhog day circle of the first few days of summer holidays. the family live in an eight—bedroom house and are self isolating. lockdown has unlocked some revelations. with this staying at home malarkey, we're having to, i think, get to know each other more. so, i've said before, more of them are quite more intelligent than i assumed, because i'm having to talk to them more, for a start. i was like, "oh, 0k, you're like that." the focus is on hobbies, especially gaming. well, collectively, we all play games on the computer. we actually built a new computer out of an old one just so the kids could use it and we all play together like that. the family's fleet of vehicles hasn't moved in weeks. normally, they'd be driven for up to three hours a day on school runs to three different schools. there's one big food shop a week coming in at about £150. two trolleys at the moment. you do get stared at a lot. like, we're bulk buying. now, there are bound to be fall—outs and bust—ups, how do you sort those out? there has been. but they get dealt with and moved on. soon resolved. so nothing different from normal? no, just like any other family. there's a few arguments but for the most part we stick to our cliques and there's not that much drama, really. and it could have been even more crowded for the 1a at 1a. there are two other girls living elsewhere at the moment. quentin rayner, bbc news, nottingham. now it's time for a look at the weather with matt. hello there. it's going to feel a bit more like mid—may should over the coming days. but this morning certainly began on a cold note. for northern ireland, it was the coldest may night in almost a0 years, with temperatures dropping below —6 at katesbridge. but the day is a dry one and whilst most sunny, a little bit more cloud building. you see this here in the horizon in scotland. it is across scotland and northern ireland where we see more cloud into the afternoon. we have already seen showers across the north and west of scotland pushed down by breeze. they will work a bit further southwards. a bit more cloud for england and wales later, but most will stay dry. still breezy through the english channel, breezy in the north of scotland, but elsewhere, lighter winds and a touch warmer than yesterday after that cold start. 16 the ultimate high across parts of south wales and south—west england. this evening and overnight, showers continue in scotland, even some longer spells of rain for shetland and one or two showers for northern ireland. most will be dry. a bit more cloud around through tonight. not quite as cold as last night, and certainly nowhere near as cold for northern ireland. whilst the frost is a more or less widespread, there will still be some around, particularly across southern areas where this area of high pressure is nosing in. so, the winds are lighter, skies are clear and this is where we start friday with the sunniest but also potentially the frostiest, of the weather. more cloud, though, forjust about all of you on friday. still some sunny spells, the best of which towards the south—west. a few showers across scotland, northern ireland. most, though, will be dry again, and temperatures creeping back closer to where they should be at this time of year. 13 to 17 celsius. still a chilly feel, though, across shetland and 0rkney in particular. that colder air here continues to push through into the rest of northern europe. we have lost that for most of the uk and bringing in south—westerly winds as we go through the weekend. the consequence of that, though, will be more cloud, these weather fronts and a greater chance of rain. that will be limited for the north—west of the country. on saturday, most will have a dry day. still a few showers in scotland as we will see over the next few days. the odd isolated one in northern ireland, maybe northern england. after a sunny start, a bit more cloud through the afternoon and temperatures not that far off friday's values. as we go through saturday night and into sunday, just watch what happens. the rain starts to become more persistent across the west of scotland. the highlands could see a good couple of inches, 50 millimetres or more of rain, to take us through 2a hours. some splashes of rain for northern ireland and northern england as well. further south, though, blue skies are back and temperatures back into the low 20s. bye for now. this is bbc news, i'm jane hill. the headlines at two. scientists say a new test to show whether people have been infected with covid19 is a major step forward — the government says it could be available in a few weeks. we are keen to get as many as we can and get them out, primarily to the front line first, nhs, social care, and then more widely. this really will be as the prime minister said a game changer. because of the coronavirus pandemic. the government promises more details about help for the care sector.

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United Kingdom , Nottingham , China , English Channel , United Kingdom General , Northern Ireland , Craigavon , London , City Of , Reunion , Staffordshire , Jordan , Mumbai , Maharashtra , India , Penzance , Cornwall , Ireland , Wuhan , Hubei , South Korea , Switzerland , Northern England , Northumberland , Britain , Swiss , Scotland , Carlos Sainz , Jon Ashworth , Jane Hill , Quentin Rayner , Fergus Walsh , Nick Miller , Sebastian Vettel Ricciardo , Stacey Shaw ,

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