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Plans to bring in a 14 day quarantine for passengers ariving into the uk. In germany, the infection rate rises again, just days after some lockdown restrictions were eased. President trumps handling of the pandemic is called a chaotic disaster by his predecessor barack obama. And coming up, well be answering your questions on Mental Health during the pandemic in your questions answered. Hello and welcome to audiences in the uk and around the world. Were covering all the latest coronavirus developments here in britain and globally. First, the uk government has been defending its decision to update its core message to the public in england on the coronavirus outbreak from stay at home to stay alert. Borisjohnson confirmed in a tweet that people should continue to stay at home as much as possible, keep two metres apart when going out and limit contact with other people. It comes ahead of the Prime Ministers televised address this evening, in which he will outline a road map towards easing lockdown restrictions in england. Opposition parties have criticised the change in slogan saying the overrall policy now lacks clarity. The devolved governments of scotland, wales and Northern Ireland have confirmed they wont be following england in changing their message and will keep the words stay at home. But Nicola Sturgeon the first minister of scotland has announced one change to the lockdown there people will be now be allowed to exercise more than once per day. In other developments the rate of Coronavirus Infection in germany has accelerated, days after chancellor merkel announced a further easing of restrictions. In the us, the former president barack obama has strongly criticised Donald Trumps response to the pandemic, calling it an absolute chaotic disaster. It comes as the confirmed number of covid i9 cases worldwide passes four million, according tojohns Hopkins University the actual number is thought to be far higher. More on all of those stories coming up but first this report from nick ea rdley. To stay at home. Protect the nhs. And save lives. Its a message we have heard for weeks now, one the government thinks has been highly successful but uk ministers want to move on to the next stage of the coronavirus response. So, this is the new message from borisjohnson. Stay alert, control the virus, save lives. We do think this is the right moment to update and to broaden the message. So stay alert will mean stay alert by staying home as much as possible, but stay alert when you do go out by maintaining social distancing, washing your hands, respecting others in the workplace and the other settings that youll go to. There will be some tweaks to lockdown rules but when Boris Johnson addresses the nation again tonight, he will proceed with caution. No wholesale lifting of restrictions, no return to anything approaching normal. There will be no grand reopening of the economy tonight. There will be a message of caution, of personal responsibility, being vigilant and staying alert and, by doing that, we will help to control the virus and, in time, not today, but in time, well be able to gradually reopen the economy and the other aspects of our lives. Labour had been urging the government to provide more detail of his exit strategy. The problem with the new messages is many people will be puzzled by it, they wont understand what we mean by stay alert, so i hope we can get clarity from the government today, as to what exactly this new message means, because this virus really does exploit ambivalence. Tonight, the Prime Minister will reveal a road map about how life might eventually start to feel more familiar, but coming out of lockdown will be gradual and itll complicated. Nick eardley, bbc news. In the last hour, Scottish First minister has slightly eased restrictions and said people will be allowed to exercise more than once a day. Nicola sturgeon said she still wants people to stay home despite the move by the government in england to change that message. For scotland right now, given the fragility of the progress weve made, given the critical point that we are at then it would be catastrophic for me to drop the stay at home message, which is why i am not prepared to do it. And i am particularly not prepared to do it in favour of a message that is vague and imprecise. I feel very strongly that, and it is a responsibility i bear and feel very heavily, i am asking all of you to do things right now that are not normal in everyday life and therefore i have a duty to be able to be clear to you about what my messages to you involve in terms of what you can do and what you cant do. Stay at home except for x, y and z. Its a clear message and its one i think that allows you to make the judgments about what you can and cant do, should and shouldnt do. I dont know what stay alert means. Presumably we all live our lives in normal times staying alert to danger. But if i said to you my message now is stay alert and you say to me, does that mean i stay at home or not . I cant give you a straight answer to that. Therefore i am failing in my duty to be clear in terms of what im asking you to do. So thats why stay at home is important in scotland right now and it is why i am going to continue for as long, but not any longer, than i think it is necessary to ask you to follow that advice. Joining me now from glasgow is reporter alexandra mackenzie. Interesting. Is reporter alexandra mackenzie. She didnt actuali criticise interesting. She didnt actually criticise borisjohnson, but she did say the message in england was vague and imprecise and wrong for scotland. So just inside, and imprecise and wrong for scotland. Sojust inside, really of any scotland. Sojust inside, really of a ny overtly scotland. Sojust inside, really of any overtly critical message from her . Yes, absolutely. What she has said and what she has been clear about is the stay at home message must remain in force in scotland if we are going to save lives. What he has said about the stay alert slogan is that she read about it in the sunday newspapers. She wasnt told about this by number ten or the Prime Minister and we heard her say there that she doesnt even know what it actually means. So she has said to avoid any confusion and to save lives, the stay at home message will remain in place in scotland. She has asked the uk government that the Advertising Campaign for this slogan does not go out in scotland. So that will go out in england, but will not go out in scotland. But she has made one change, she has eased up has made one change, she has eased up slightly on exercise at the moment people in scotland can exercise i go out for a run or a walk and into the fresh air for once a day for around an hour. But what she has said is people can go out more than that, they can go out twice a day if they want. She said this is especially for people who are perhaps cooped up in flats, people with Young Children who are finding this increasingly difficult. So that has eased up slightly but the message remains clear as far as she is concerned, people in scotland need to stay at home. Thank you very much indeed. With me now is our chief Political Correspondent vicki young. Prime minister due to speak in about three hours. Some of that is already recorded, we understand. Do you know what stay alert means . There has been more clarification because the Prime Minister has tweeted about it and ifi Prime Minister has tweeted about it and if i give you a flavour of what that says, it says stay at home as much as possible. It means if you can work from home, you should continue to do so. But we do know and have known for some time they wa nt to and have known for some time they want to encourage some areas of the economy to open so there will be a lot more emphasis on social distancing in the workplace. Lots of companies having to get their heads around that and how that will work in various scenarios. They said staying alert means keep your distance, if you go out you stay two metres apart where you can. You wash your hands, all of those things still apply if you are in the shielding group, you should still stay indoors. I think as you start to ease these restrictions, of course that simple message of stay at home does end up being a bit more nuanced. For some people that will be an added complication, but i think it is slightly inevitable, given it you are changing the restrictions and starting to ease them then that does become a more gradual message. We have been told from the beginning that this will be a modification in what the Prime Minister will say, but i think there could be some dates. But they do rely on the data showing that the transmission of the virus doesnt start to increase. So there could be, they have called it a road map, talking about schools, maybe some of the schools going back at the beginning ofjune after the half time. They would start with primary schools, but not the whole school. All of these things have to be prepared for so the Prime Minister will be giving notice to lots of people about what is to come later. Vicki young, thank you very much. Just to remind you we will be bringing you Boris Johnsons statement at 7pm uk time. 6pm abroad. A special programme with huw edwards. You can get that on the bbc news channel, bbc world and bbc one with plenty of analysis following that on the news channel. Well, lets take a look at some of the other developments around the world. Daily death tolls are continuing to drop in some nations, including spain, but theres concern that easing lockdown restrictions could lead to a second wave of infections. France has recorded its lowest daily number of coronavirus deaths for more than a month, with 80 deaths over the past 2a hours. The authorities are preparing to relax restrictions from monday. But the picture is worsening in russia, which has recorded a rise of 11,000 new cases in the past 2a hours. Over 200,000 people there are confirmed to have the virus. In germany, the rate of Coronavirus Infection in germany has accelerated, days after chancellor merkel announced a further easing of restrictions. Lets talk to matthew karnitschnig. Hes the chief europe correspondent at politico and joins me now from berlin. Bad news there, that had been the fearfor mangler merkel bad news there, that had been the fear for mangler merkel when she was discussing this with 16 regional leaders, what has the r rate, this rate of infection increased to now . It has gone up slightly to 1. 2. It has to be said it is an estimate, it is not an exact number. So it is a range of i think about 0. 9 to 1. 3 is somewhere what the robert cohort institute in germany, which is their leading Infectious Diseases institute, is estimating. So it is something they are looking closely at and at the same time they have also seen a rise in the daily number of new infections above 1000 consistently now for several days. I think there is a bit of nervousness with these relaxation measures going into effect in the coming week. But the country does seem to be, considerably divided, there have been violent protests of those wanting to ease the lockdown completely, as i mentioned, the 16 states. Angela merkel had to bring them on side and say another lockdown would be reimposed. On the number of deaths, are these believed to be accurate figures . Do they, for example, include care homes, which have only recently been incorporated in the uk, but not in other countries around europe . This is what the issue is in germany, the statistics are not necessarily apples to apples with other countries. Care homes is one issue and because of the regional nature and because of the regional nature and the way these statistics are kept, no one really knows for sure how many deaths in the care home should be included in the covid statistics. I think overall, the number of deaths in germany, looking at all the other measures, even if you include more deaths from the ca re you include more deaths from the care homes or assume those debts are higher, germany would be below many other countries. Debts. That said, Angela Merkel would be the first to say the country is not out of the woods and she is facing this immense pressure from regional leaders and the public to open the country up for business again and it is obviously a risky strategy. We saw from the french Prime Minister and from Emmanuel Macron in the past 48 hours, they have got this colour coded map for france, for example. So paris and just east of paris is still red, but the rest is green. As germany looking at this issue geographically as well. Presumably there will be some areas of the country which have much lower cases than elsewhere . They are looking at it in terms of having more relaxed measures in certain parts of the country. What they havent talked about so far is the colour coding or forcing havent talked about so far is the colour coding orforcing people to register in a certain way, having to wear armbands and that type of thing. That is in large part due to german history, that they dont want to get into the classification of the population into different categories. There are parts of germany that have had no new cases, no fatalities over the last seven days and it is something to be happy about there. It is very much a mixed picture and it reflects the difficulty here and elsewhere are finding the right formula for the country. What might be necessary in a place where you have a lot of new infections is obviously not going to be the case in a part of the country where you dont have any new infections. Even though you dont have as much travel within germany as you normally would. Just mentioning the economic consequences, but how much of a debate is taking place in germany about that . The germans reluctance to ta ke about that . The germans reluctance to take on debt and borrow, that has 110w to take on debt and borrow, that has now disappeared in terms of what they are going to have to do. What about the europe wide responsibilities that germany will have to shoulder after this as well . That has become controversial in a way we saw during the euro crisis. Germany was very reluctant to approve this neutralisation of debt, taking on the debt of others are backing the debt of other countries and we are seeing something of a replay about that now. They have been very generous with germans themselves, they have increased the budget by 60 and they passed emergency measures a couple of months ago would have been unthinkable, totalling more than one cheryl ian e1 trillion. But they are being more cautious and i think we will see that continue. No one knows how long this crisis alas, no country has a magic formula to make these measures work, so it is really something that i think the germans in particular are struggling with. They are the only ones who have the financial wherewithal to deal with it at the moment. 0k, financial wherewithal to deal with it at the moment. Ok, but to speak to you, thank you forjoining us on bbc news. Uk airlines say they have been told the government will bring in a 14 day quarantine for anyone arriving in the uk from any country apart from the republic of ireland in response to the coronavirus pandemic. The new restriction is expected to take effect at the end of this month. With me now is our Business Correspondent katy austin. Uk airlines not happy about this because the industry is already on its knees . Yes, it has been hit very ha rd by its knees . Yes, it has been hit very hard by the ominous collapse of global air travel. There was a meeting, Conference Call between the aviation minister and representatives of airlines and airports in the uk. So that included some airline ceos and trade bodies which represent them as well. According to airlines uk, the trade body for uk based airlines, they we re very body for uk based airlines, they were very Little Details emerging from the meeting. They are sort of telling people not to travel this summer, they think. If you go on holiday, do you want to quarantine for 14 days when you get back. They are concerned it will put people off returning to traveljust at are concerned it will put people off returning to travel just at a are concerned it will put people off returning to traveljust at a time when the industry was hoping to look before a future where things could start to pick up slowly again. And when other countries which impose these quarantine measures weeks and weeks ago, are looking to easing them . Indeed, it is important to say that airlines uk and other groups are saying if this is the scientific advice and it has to be done now, we accept that but you will have to support the sector through this. The people who are asking the question of why the uk government would do this now when it hadnt done it before, and as you point out, when things are changing and other countries. Other countries have adapted to do this in different ways. Austria has a different system which effectively enables people to get a certificate saying they can avoid the quarantine process. The questions are being raised about the timing and everyone is waiting to hear more detailfrom timing and everyone is waiting to hear more detail from the timing and everyone is waiting to hear more detailfrom the uk government. Perhaps it is something we might hear from government. Perhaps it is something we might hearfrom borisjohnson this evening, confirming it will definitely happen. Grant shapps, the transport secretary was saying the idea is now we have got the virus more like under control in the uk, the reason is we dont want to start importing it again. That was his explanation as to why were there and look at borders now. Travel is a key factor when we are thinking about opening the economy, notjust International Travel but how do you get workers physically back to work . Everyone cannot go physically back into the workforce all at once and maintain social distancing. 70 dont want to ease the lockdown at all, according to the latest poll. Katie, thank you very much indeed. Now on bbc news, its time for your questions answered. Hello again. Lots of you have been sending in your questions about the impact the coronavirus lockdown is having on our Mental Health. With me is temitope ademosu, a global Mental Health clinician at Kings College london. Thank you forjoining us. Lets see if we can get through as many of these questions as possible. Lets kick off with this e mail. Carrie says she suffers with depression and anxiety and living in a two bedroom flat on a busy main road with no garden. Being unable to leave my home with my young child has been the hardest time in my life so far. Is there any help for those suffering with Mental Health issues like she is, due to the lockdown . The lockdown has contributed to feelings of fear, frustration and concerns, just as she has put that question forward. What we have seen is these feelings do contribute to peoples Mental Health difficulties. Carrie, like many other people with Mental Health difficulties, the lockdown exacerbates these feelings they have. I do recommend for her to seek professional help because that is Still Available. Just on that point, but even before the pandemic, Mental Health services were and are limited. So what sort of immediate help can people be getting at the moment . Because their condition has deteriorated even more. Just as you say, these conditions are exacerbated by the lockdown and by covid 19 as well. So people like carrie would already be connected to Mental Health services. It is important for her to keep on seeking this professional help. There are online therapies, lots of people have transition to online therapies and receiving virtual help, that she would be able to tap into. But there have been limitations with Mental Health services, but they are Still Available and it is important for people like carrie to keep in contact with these Mental Health services. Thinking about medication, making sure she is taking her medication, if she is a medication. Maybe she will have to resort to online if you cannot get through to people in person. Karen says she works as a key worker and supporting five pensioners including one who is 97. She does all the shopping and daily care. Karen says neither her partner or otherfamily daily care. Karen says neither her partner or other family members are able to support her during the lockdown because they live apart. She says her resilience is being affected and feels like she is starting to crumble. What do you recommend for people like me trying to support everyone else. She says she feels physically and emotionally drained and presumably she hasnt got a history of Mental Health support, what do people like karen do . For people like karen and many other people, the lockdown removed peoples day to day activities and removed connections. We are social creatures as human beings and we thrive off connections and being in contact with people. One of the things i would say to her is make sure she does stay connected with friends and with family, having a trusted network of people she can share these emotions with. It is important she doesnt keep these emotions in but is able to share with other people as well. I would also tell her to think about her physical health. Her physical health is directly impacted, her emotional well being. So make sure she is eating healthily, sleeping regularly and staying hydrated are important things to think about as well. As well as staying connected with friends and family, having a regular check in, i have a regular checking with my sister at the end of each week. Being able to offer those emotions are important. Lets move on to emotions are important. Lets move ontoa emotions are important. Lets move on to a few more. This came in anonymously. It says a lot of people have been really affected by the solitary confinement but as a final thought, how big our Mental Health big Mental Health disaster are we storing up for the future . We know from previous crises, these events really do have an impact on our Mental Health, both long term and short term. We know we need to be thinking about preventative measures and thinking about how we are managing our Mental Health now. Exactly as i said for the previous e mail, it is thinking about looking after your physical health, staying connected with friends and family and managing what you are watching on the news because this can be overwhelming as well. But we definitely know, even prior to this pandemic, Mental Health was an issue we we re pandemic, Mental Health was an issue we were tackling and thinking about and this can be exacerbated in the Current Situation we are in. All right, temitope ademosu, global Mental Health clinician at kings couegein Mental Health clinician at Kings College in london, thank you very much. If you are affected by any of theseissues much. If you are affected by any of these issues that we have been discussing do check out our coronavirus pages on the website. Read some of the reports and analysis we have. Hello, there. Our big weather cooldown is well under way. Yesterday, we had temperatures as high as 25 celsius, with summer like heat across the south. Today, its been winter like cold that we have had across northern areas. The snow coming down in showers across the north of scotland, in moray, and further north, in shetland, the snow has been settling on some of the grassy hills, would you believe it. Hard to believe its may, isnt it . This colder air continues to stream southwards overnight, with a continued risk of a few showers. Wintry at times across northern scotland. Its going to be a cold night, cold enough for some patches of frost, particularly in scotland and potentially in some rural areas elsewhere, where the winds manage to fall light. Tomorrow, there will be some sunshine around. But, again, transmit showers across northern scotland and a few coming down the north sea to affect some of our eastern coastal areas of england too. Some spells of sunshine, but a cool day everywhere. Not quite as cold, though, across the far north of scotland. Thats your latest weather. Hello this is bbc news with me, tim willcox. The headlines borisjohnson says people should stay alert as he prepares to lay out his roadmap for lifting restrictions in england, but his Government Faces criticism the message is confusing. First minister Nicola Sturgeon eases restrictions in scotland slightly and says people can exercise more than once a day, but other rules will stay in place. It would be catastrophic for me to drop the stay at home message, which is why i am not prepared to do it. And i am particularly not prepared to do it in favour of a message that is vague and imprecise. Airlines say theyve had no clarity from the uk government over plans to bring in a 14 day quarantine for passengers ariving into the uk. In germany, the infection rate rises again, just days after some lockdown restrictions were eased. President trumps handling of the pandemic is called a chaotic disaster by his predecessor, ba rack obama. Lets bring you the latest figures we have heard from the number of deaths in the uk. There

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