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Stable and improving. Italy warns the eu could fail lockdown, do you think you still as a project unless it better would made that move out of living co ordinates its response in military life on a base. There to the coronavirus. Countries across europe are cautiously starting to ease their lockdown measures, as infection rates slowly decline. Are currently about 9000 troops deployed abroad. With many countries on lockdown, many have no idea when they will next see loved ones. The charity working with military children says they have seen an increase in people reaching out for good morning and support because of the instability. Welcome to bbc news. We know roughly when the separation ministers are to discuss a review period will come to an end and we of the uks coronavirus lockdown have an end point that we are to consider whether the current reaching for. At the moment there is measures should be extended. The governments emergency cobra just no timescales. People are committee will look at evidence from scientists on the impact coming and saying a six month of measures brought deployment is going to be a in two and a half weeks ago. In this mornings other developments. Year long deployment. For children the uk Prime Minister to have a parent absent from the borisjohnson has spent a third family home for up to a year is just night in intensive care, where hes said to be stable and improving. Really difficult for families to be in his current position as first secretary of state, coming to terms with. They are now dominic raab will chair the cobra meeting this afternoon, calling on the mod to help families, and it will also include heads like amy whose husband is in the raf of the devolved nations. In wales, it has already been confirmed that lockdown measures in nigeria. We were supposed to be will stay lockdown measures seeing him injune but thats now will stay in place. Cancelled because of the theres a warning from a leading economic think tank that the crisis will cause far reaching consequences coronavirus. How do you feel about for Peoples Health in the uk, it being cancelled . A bit gutted to because of the impact on the nhs. Say the least. We were all really looking forward to it, especially the children. This obviously we and the likely financial downturn. Dont know whats happening. We meanwhile italys Prime Minister has dont know whats happening. We dont even know if he will be able to get the flight back because nigeria is now on lockdown as well. In response, the mod says it told the bbc that the European Union project might collapse unless it acknowledges the extra pressure on acts decisively to help countries military families and is stepping up worst hit by the outbreak. He said the eu needs to rise to the challenge support, but in the meantime the of what he called the biggest test long wait for these children to see since the second world war. Their dad continues. Mr conte also suggested that italy might start to lift the headlines on bbc news. The number of daily death slowed on thursdays after two days of the uk governments emergency increases. Despite that, the number Response Committee of cases globally continue to rise, known as cobra is due to meet later today to consider and are expected to reach one and whether restrictions on peoples million soon. We will have more on movements should be extended. Borisjohnson has spent a third all of that in a moment. We will night in intensive care at st thomass hospital in london. Also be live from outside the the british Prime Ministers hospital where borisjohnson condition is said to be stable and improving. Also be live from outside the hospital where Boris Johnson is being treated. First this report the italian Prime Minister has warned the eu could from charlotte rose. Fail as a project, unless it better co ordinates a picture of lockdown britain, its response to coronavirus. But for how much longer . 0ur lives of been changed unimaginably in the 16 days since the government brought in measures to slow the spread of coronavirus. Later today, foreign secretary dominic raab will chair a cobra meeting with leaders in scotland, people in the uk are coming to the wales and Northern Ireland to discuss a review of the current end of the third week of lockdown rules, due to take place next week. And many people are feeling the pressure ofjuggling jobs and but has the decision already been made . In wales, they say the lockdown will continue. I must be plain with all members childcare. These restrictions will not end then. With me is psychologist we will not throw away and relationship expert emma kenny the gains we have made and the lives we can save. And also im joined by eva somani who has her two kids, while scotland and Northern Ireland kamil and riyan, at home with her. Are moving in the same direction. They alsojoin us. How are you managing . So far its it gives us hope. Not been too difficult. But speaking at the briefing yesterday, the chancellor would not be drawn on whether the uk government would follow their lead. We committed that there would be a review in and around three weeks that review will be based on the evidence and the data provided by sage, which will only be available next week, but i think that rather im not putting too much pressure on than speculate about the future, them, to be honest with schooling. I we should focus on very seriously on the here and now and the present. Think that we should all make it but it seems any relaxation is increasingly unlikely, as the number of deaths in the uk in the past 2a hours reached 938, easy and we dont have a strict the highest daily figure yet. There were nearly 5,500 structure at home. It is fairly new cases reported yesterday, relaxed. We have not got a brilliant a rise on the previous two days. Connection with you and im but ministers are keen to stress struggling to hear what you are that thisjump is due to many more saying. Im picking up the gist and people being tested than before. Hearing about the importance of hi, folks quick update from me. Structure and getting a good facing his own personal test, Prime Minister Boris Johnson, balance, which obviously applies to who spent his third night everybody right now in these in intensive care at st thomas lockdown conditions. Emma, three hospital in london. The pm is now said to be improving, weeks. Kind of at the start i guess sitting up in bed and engaging positively with his medical team. People thought it may be over soon, now we know we are probably in for but his own personal battle the long haul. Is this a critical against this illness shows the country still has a long way moment for people at home . to go to defeat the virus. The long haul. Is this a critical moment for people at home . I guess charlotte rose, bbc news. Its that moment of realisation that we have all kind of not knowing what would transpire regarding education and now finding out we could be in for the long haul, maybe even to lets talk to our assistant september for example. That means those of us who have been trying to Political Editor, norman smith. Home school our kids loosely, we the main point of discussion today know that we may need to create more is about the lockdown possibly being structure. I want to say to every extended from monday, which is when pa re nt structure. I want to say to every parent out there, the reason i the three week period expires. Are didnt become a teacher and may be we expecting clarity on that . because you didnt become teachers is because we know strengths. Part think we will get a pretty clear of this is about thinking about your steer. It is now a question of not boundaries and your capabilities so whether the lockdown will be its more about doing your best with extended, it is purely a question about whether everything we have heard from ministers over the past education because you have your own few days. No one is seriously job, you have got to get your own suggesting that we might be able to income and you have to work in a way ease the lockdown given as we know that will be effective for all of the death toll is still rising very you. Essentially learning to work markedly, and although it is a smart and not harder, making sure lagging indicator, it has to be of the work you do with the kids considerable concern. Rishi sunak, doesnt create tension. Because with respect there will be an absolute the chancellor yesterday, the one minister you might think would need for the educators to pull back and recognise what extra work needs perhaps wonder if we could ease it to occur when kids go back so i would like parents to take the because of the potential impact on the economy, he as well was clear at pressure off themselves. Life is not normal and we are all learning new the economy, he as well was clear at the briefing that the Health Emergency has to come before any skills in this. How important is it economic emergency. I have as we to actually give a breathing space for people to be able to develop have seen, others are moving in the those skills, to be able to have the same direction. The first minister conversations with each other in a of wales absolutely categorical, no Family Household environment. question of lifting the lockdown in think thats a really brilliant point and a great way to look at it. Wales. Interesting to see what approach Nicola Sturgeon takes at this is an opportunity as a family to have more of a symbiotic experience where we connect with first ministers question at half each other, we spend time cooking past 12, because she jumped the gun together, we take kids out in the garden if we are lucky enough to ahead of the uk government when it came to closing down schools, and i have one, nature trails and colouring. I have said to people, if wonder if there lunchtime she might you have a wall you dont mind also decide she is going to follow redecorating let the kids go crazy the example of wales and signal that on it because it gives them an outlet. The way you can use this scotla nd the example of wales and signal that scotland will roll over the lockdown next few months is as an opportunity as well. As for the British Government position, i think what we will see beginning to emerge, and have some fun. Some parents will certainly following the downing find it simple to be structured, street briefing this afternoon, which i think mr raab will probably thats the way they work. Some parents are more like me. I thats the way they work. Some parents are more like me. Lam thats the way they work. Some parents are more like me. I am a take, is the language the tone will looser educator, so my boys are take. He will be less equivocal working for three hours a day as about whether the lockdown could or opposed to the whole school day and could not be extended, and he will making work they do fit what they begin to pave the way, soften that need to do work on extra, but also public equipment Public Opinion recognising consistently that means as to whether it will be extended. They will not be level with other kids who have been working on a of course, ministers are still waiting for all of that final bit of structure. This is for educators to deal with when they return. Any scientific advice from sage, the parents who feel they are failing, governments scientific and medical advisers which are due to report they are not. The most important next week. At least, that was the line from the cultural secretary when he was interviewed this thing is happy, healthy kids who are morning. We have been absolutely clear about this. This guidance remains in place. People should be staying at home this weekend in connecting with you. Does that chime order to save lives and protect the nhs. We have always said that we with you, eva . Absolutely. As i would review these measures on a periodic basis. Cobra will meet said, im not too keen on putting a today to determine that process, and lot of pressure on my boys. As long as what as long as they do what evidence to consider. You will have seen evidence to consider. You will have seen from the presentation yesterday at the daily press conference, these is set by their teachers, its ok to measures are starting to work. Now play on the playstation and enjoy is not the time to be changing other hobbies. Im not too keen on course. So the message is clear. Stressing around the house and putting too much of a regime in the stick with it, but of course, we said that on a rolling three week house. Im not too keen on that to be honest. I hope the boys can hear basis, we would keep it under review. These measures are in place me because i would like to speak to and will remain in place until any them. What are you learning about decision has been made to change yourselves in lockdown . What have them, and that is not coming this been the Biggest Challenges for you . Easter weekend. As you say, the staying at home for a whole day with excision decision to extend the my family. It gets a bit tiring, but lockdown has been clear in wales, with the minister saying it is its like. I think i have learned important to be straight with people. Why isnt the government in a lot of stuff about myself because, westminster coming out and saying it . I think because they have said like, im dealing with this kind of all along that they will stick crisis. So i think i have learnt a religiously by the scientific advice, and the scientists have not bit about myself during this time. Come up with their final view on the and so what would you say you have lockdown, albeit anyone who has been learned . Oh. Erm. Listening to sir patrick vallance, the chief scientific officer or a chris whitty or any of the others in the past few days, it is pretty and so what would you say you have learned . Oh. Erm. Im not quite clear that they think there needs to sure what ive learned but im sure be more time to accrue more data i will figure it out. Thats fair enough. We are in changing times, we before we can be absolutely sure we are all learning about ourselves in have passed the maximum peak of the terms of our tolerances, what matters, how we communicate with each other. Indeed, yes. And what virus. Although the figures are broadly encouraging, that dreaded curve we keep talking about appears to be bending in the right direction. When you look at the about you, how are you managing . individual figures, direction. When you look at the individualfigures, they are direction. When you look at the individual figures, they are still am coping quite well with jumping around a bit, so in terms of everything. I am hospital admissions, actually the number of new hospital admissions am coping quite well with everything. Lam revising am coping quite well with everything. I am revising for my from coronavirus yesterday jumped year ten mock exams and doing number of new hospital admissions from coronavirus yesterdayjumped by 596 from coronavirus yesterdayjumped by homework so im not struggling that 5 compared with 2 the day before. Ha rd homework so im not struggling that hard actually. I guess the biggest struggle is reallyjust the kind of 16 in east anglia, so market isolation away from your friends and increases in some parts of the country. I think they wanted to keep away from normal life as well because its all rapidly changed. Looking at those figures and want its lovely to be able to talk to more time to look at those figures you all. Thank you very much. Before the scientists finally give their definitive view. I would communicating like this has become a suspect that once we get over the life saver for so many. It communicating like this has become a life saverfor so many. It is communicating like this has become a life saver for so many. It is so bank holiday weekend, provided there important to keep talking even if we isnt a mass of people going out in cannot see and touch each other properly but that will come. Thank the countryside and parks and no you very much. There are fears that question of tightening the lockdown, which of course is another option. Not a likely one i think. Provided people in need of a vital Organ Donation could miss out as a result we get through that, i would expect an announcement possibly on thursday of the covid 19 outbreak. The number next week here in london about the of the covid 19 outbreak. The number of people needing intensive care as a result of falling ill with the rollover of the lockdown in the uk. Virus means there are fewer beds available for donors and recipients, thank you for that. Debra minister as Dominic Hughes explains. Remains in intensive care, and our we just want to know reporter is outside the hospital in whats happening. I think its the unknown london. Any updates from there this thats the scary thing. Getting weaker every day. In desperate need of a liver transplant, anna rose morning . Nothing at all. Actually, is shielding herself, but the coronavirus epidemic poses a terrible dilemma. We werent expecting any. Downing if she was offered a transplant, street would only update if there should anna rose risk infection was a significant change to the in hospital or miss out Prime Ministers health. At the last update we had from downing street, on a life saving operation . It was around seven oclock last having to go into hospital night. A very short statement saying while there are coronavirus patients in there on the same ward the Prime Minister continues to make even, its very worrying. Steady progress. He does however and the longer that im remain in intensive care. We had not being monitored, more detail about the prime the longer i leave it, i could just get sicker and sicker. Ministers condition earlier on it is a matter of life and death. Yesterday from the chancellor, who said that he was sitting up in bed data from nhs blood and transplant, and communicating positively with the body that oversees the uks Organ Donation network, the medical staff around him. Shows the number of transplants carried out each day has crucially, he was improving. That plummeted through march. Was a word we havent heard before this time last year, for before being used about his more than 80 transplants a week health, so he is making steady were being carried out. Now only the most urgent operations progress we have been told. In terms are still happening, such as liver and heart transplants, of the treatment he has been getting and of 23 kidney units in the uk, in intensive care, the standard only four are still operating. Oxygen treatment. He is breathing by himself we are told, and crucially none of them in scotland, not had to be put on a ventilator. Wales or Northern Ireland. That very complex machine. But he is the decline in transplants is linked to the pressure covid 19 is placing still in intensive care. Intensive on intensive care beds. Ca re still in intensive care. Intensive care is the unit in a hospital where 0rgan donors and recipients both need that high level care, only the sickest patients go. They so fewer families of potential need often very complex care and are monitored by very highly skilled donors are being approached. Teams of doctors and nurses around and doctors dont want vulnerable transplant recipients the clock. I think we can expect an with suppressed immune systems alongside infectious covid 19 patients. Update on the Prime Ministers condition and perhaps a couple of hours time or around an hour and a when i hearfrom other countries half when there is that daily who have been at the Centre Briefing to journalists from downing of this covid pandemic, street, but at this stage, the prime they have got to the point where no minister is improving but still in transplant is possible intensive care. Thank you. Let us go in certain regions at all. To sonia, a biographer of boris and we may get to that point in the next days or weeks, johnson. Welcome and thanks for but we are working very hard to keep joining us. We heard from the Organ Donation and transplant open culture secretary this morning for as long as possible. Saying he is stable and improving, set up and engaging with medical staff. It sounds positive, and in this training exercise, relatively upbeat, but he is in staff go through the delicate intensive care, and that is where process of broaching Organ Donation the sickest patients go. Yes, we with a family. The parents are played by actors, just have to hope that he continues but this is a very familiar scenario for amy preston, to improve, but if he remains in a nurse specialising in Organ Donation. Intensive care, then that is still very worrying. I have never been a her other organs are working well enough that she could potentially patient myself, and i have been to help save the lives of maybe seven or eight other people. See my sister there, and it is a very scary place, all of these we recorded this 18 months ago with amy, but since coronavirus, beeps. It does really spook you as she spends half her time as an intensive care nurse. Its unprecedented times. A place, but he is in the right its not how i ever place, he does have an excellent expected my role to look. Tea m place, he does have an Excellent Team there and it is a great but were just doing the best we can to try to ensure that hospital, so we have to hope that he pulls through as soon as possible. When there is an opportunity for donation, when it can go ahead he obviously finds himself, as you despite all the odds, when it does happen in these times, its even more miraculous. Say, ina he obviously finds himself, as you say, in a very unfamiliar, unwelcome and frightening environment. He is so we just concentrate our efforts to make the most someone who much has been said about of the opportunity that arises. Even in a normal year, his very positive outlook, his around a50 people will die while waiting for a transplant. Desire to keep on going, giving the sad reality is that number will probably rise this year short shrift to illness actually as transplants come to a halt. Weather for himself or perhaps even others around him. Absolutely, and i anna rose and thousands like her fear they are at risk have known him since the 19905 when of becoming the unseen casualties of the coronavirus. I was his deputy in brussels. We Dominic Hughes, bbc news. We re i was his deputy in brussels. We were both reporters. I have known him since back then. I have never actually know him to be ill before. In that time, i have also noticed that he has an unusual attitude to we are keeping you up to date with illne55, the latest covid 19 develop and here that he has an unusual attitude to illness, and he rather 5ee5 that he has an unusual attitude to illness, and he rather sees it as a wea kne55 illness, and he rather sees it as a weakness and very intolerant of it. In others on a whole. This is new and around the world. The latest coming up at the top of the hour. Territory for him that he is so ill, now its time for a look at the weather with matt taylor. Andi territory for him that he is so ill, and i think perhaps you can see hello. Hints of that. 0nly some big temperature contrasts across the uk today. Most places, though, and i think perhaps you can see hints of that. Only a month ago, he will be dry once again. Was telling us that he was visiting the main exception being from this a hospital with coronavirus area of cloud, it is a weather front patients, shaking everyones hands, stretching across scotland bringing and we saw him shaking everybodys a view spots of rain or drizzle, particularly in the west. The odd heavier burst towards lewis hands, at a time we were being and harris later on. Advised to start social distancing. Sunshine to the north east of scotland continues but after a frosty start, that was really only a month. It is chilly day here at 6 7 degrees and sunshine further south, like yesterday, 2a celsius is possible. A hotbed of covid 19, where both the with the wind coming Prime Minister and chief of staff off a chilly north sea, which is just seven degrees and chief advisor have all been at the moment, low temperatures on those eastern coasts, diagnosed with this disease. It is almost as if they perhaps thought compared to the west. They were invincible. The terrible truth is that nobody is invincible, we compared to the west. Could see temperatures int it isa low we could see temperatures into the low 205 for some. There could be a few showers truth is that nobody is invincible, it is a killer and an evil disease that will take anyone, whether or to end the day in north wales, Northern England, not you are optimistic by nature. But very, very isolated. With more cloud here and the milder that has nothing to do with it. It air pushing northwards, nowhere near as cold to start is now a simply biological question good friday as it was this morning. As to whether he pulls through. Into good friday, plenty of cloud across northern areas. One or two isolated morning showers for Northern England and of course its tough for his but it is mainly across scotland where we will see the showers. Girlfriend, who is pregnant, who has some could be heavy, may be symptoms of coronavirus, and all of thundery. Turning sunnierfrom the loved ones around him, who like the south later on. With more of a westerly wind eve ryo ne starting to develop, the loved ones around him, who like everyone else with relatives with these eastern coasts nowhere symptoms of covid 19 cannot see near as cold as they will be today. Their loved one. I have a good similar temperatures in the south on saturday, with high pollen levels. Friend in intensive care right now ona friend in intensive care right now the greatest chance of cloud on a ventilator. It is completely and showers will be across central distressing. His family, my heart and western scotland and northern goes out to them, and to carry who ireland. Is pregnant with herfirst temperatures continuing to climb to the eastern coasts thanks goes out to them, and to carry who is pregnant with her first child. To the south westerly wind. This is awful, but also boris changes afoot to the second half of eastern weekend. Johnsons other children. Dont half of easter weekend. Forget there are other people in his low pressure pushes off to norway. Life that he is father too. So this this other one comes is an awful situation for everyone. In from the west. It allows some more shower clouds please dont go to your second home on sunday, particularly for england and wales. Many will stay dry but there is or go out this weekend, no matter a greater chance of a few showers. How nice the weather is. We have all drier for scotland got to stay at home, continue with and Northern Ireland. The lockdown and hope to somehow but here, through the day, temperatures will start to drop. Stop the transmission of the in fact for all of us, temperatures down on what well see over the next few days, but still above average for the time disease. Thank you. Of year across the south. The colder air will be firmly in place as we go into easter monday. Coming in from the north or north east, italys Prime Minister has that colder air will make eastern warned that the future coasts cold once again. Of the European Union project plenty of cloud at times, too. Is at risk unless it acts temperatures way down on what we will see decisively to help countries over the next few days. Worst hit by coronavirus. Giuseppe conte says restrictions could be eased gradually. Here he is speaking to the bbcs and mark lowen. Translation experts are confirming that the curve is starting to decline and stabilise. The number of infections is decreasing. Were confident that if we continue this way, we will overcome the worst phase. But we cannot lower our guard, we cannot go from a lockdown to liberalising our economic activity. Liberalising all economic activity. We need to do it gradually. When will the easing of actions begin . Translation its likely that if scientists confirm it, we might begin to relax some measures already by the end of this month. Italy is not the only Country Planning to ease restrictions. Denmark will reopen primary schools next week. Austria, allowing small shops to reopen after easter. Belgium, france and spain are also looking at ways they can begin to loosen controls on public life. Spains Prime Minister says the latest data shows the country is close to the beginning of a decline in the epidemic. Pedro sanchez said the fire is starting to become under control. The number of daily covid 19 deaths there slowed on this is bbc news, with the latest thursday after two days of headlines for viewers in the uk increases. More than 15,000 people and around the world. Have now died in spain and the the uk governments emergency country has more confirmed cases Response Committee known as cobra will meet later than any other in europe. Today to consider whether restrictions on peoples meanwhile europe is struggling to movements should be extended. Agree on a recovery package in the we said that on a rolling three week wa ke agree on a recovery package in the wake of the covid 19 pandemic. Here basis, we would keep it under is gavin lee in brussels. We have review, but these measures are in place and will remain in place until there is any decision to change them and that is not coming had 16 hours of talks. They couldnt this easter weekend. Meanwhile police in manchester have come up with a recovery package released a map showing more than a thousand parties because on the one hand the and gatherings which have taken place breaking lockdown rules. Countries hit by debt say they dont wa nt countries hit by debt say they dont want harsh conditions attached. Borisjohnson spends a third whatever they borrow they will have to pay back. The dutch particularly holding firm saying we want night in intensive care progressive conditions. There is a term being used, coronabonds, saying at st thomass hospital in london. The british Prime Ministers condition is said to be stable and improving we will offer this together. There the italian Prime Minister has warned the eu isa we will offer this together. There is a meeting at five oclock, could fail as a project unless it better co ordinates ultimately i think it will go to an its response to the coronavirus. Countries across europe are cautiously starting urgency summit online next week. To ease their lockdown measures, as infection rates slowly decline. An update on our headlines. The uk governments cobra emergency Response Committee meets to consider whether restrictions on peoples movements should be extended. The british Prime Minister has spent a third night in intensive care at St Thomas Hospital in london, where his condition is said to be good morning and stable and improving. Welcome to bbc news. The italian Prime Minister has im joanna gosling. Warned the eu could fail as a project unless it better ministers are to discuss a review co ordinates its response of the uks coronavirus lockdown, to coronavirus. To consider whether the current measures should be extended. The uk governments Emergency Cobra Committee will look at evidence from scientists on the impact the United States hasjust of measures brought in two and a half weeks ago. Experienced its worst death toll in a 24 hour period as a result of the coronavirus. Almost 2,000 people lost their lives on wednedsay. Yet despite that, President Trump in this mornings other developments. Has said he believed the country Prime Minister borisjohnson has spent a third night in intensive care, where hes said to be stable could be opening up for business again and improving in his current sooner rather than later. Position as first secretary he also delivered another of state, dominic raab will chair withering assessment the cobra meeting this afternoon, of the World Health Organizations and it will also include heads handling of the pandemic, accusing it of being biased towards china. Of the devolved nations. Heres our north america in wales, it has already been correspondent david willis. Confirmed that lockdown measures will stay in place. New york remains the epicentre of the coronavirus pandemic here. Theres a warning from a leading economic think tank that the crisis wednesdays death toll, will cause far reaching consequences the highest in a single day, nearly 800 people. For Peoples Health in the uk, because of the impact on the nhs but amid the gloom are and the likely financial downturn. Some encouraging signs. Meanwhile, italys prime the curve of new infections minister has told the bbc is finally starting to flatten, that the European Union prompting the president to proclaim america may soon be project might collapse unless it back in business. Acts decisively to help countries it would be nice to be able worst hit by the outbreak. He said the eu needs to open with a big bang to rise to the challenge and open up our country, of what he called the biggest test or certainly most of our since the second world war. Country, and i think were going to do that soon. Mr conte also suggested that you look at whats happening, i italy might start to lift some of its restrictions by the end of april. Would say we are ahead of schedule. In spain, theres a glimmer of hope, after the Prime Minister suggested mr trump is now pinning the blame for this crisis on the World Health Organization, it was close to the and earlier in the week, beginning of the decline. The president took to twitter to declare, the who really blew it. The number of daily deaths slowed on thursday after two days of increases. Despite that, the cases globally continue to rise and are expected to reach 1. 5 million soon. Well have more on all that as well as calling for an investigation in a moment and will also be live into the organisations response to the pandemic, hes threatening from outside the hospital to withhold millions where borisjohnson is being treated, but first this report of dollars in us funding. From charlotte rose. The United States, 452 million a picture of lockdown britain, compared to 112 million, but for how much longer . Thats to the world health 0ur lives of been changed 0rganization. Unimaginably in the 16 days thats not good. Since the government brought not fair. In measures to slow the spread of coronavirus. Not fair at all. Later today, foreign secretary and other countries, as you know, dominic raab will chair a cobra also gave very substantially less than the United States. Meeting with leaders in scotland, wales and Northern Ireland and the world who, world to discuss a review of the current health, get it wrong. Rules, due to take place next week. Health, got it wrong. But has the decision they got it very wrong, already been made . In wales, they say in many ways, they were wrong. The lockdown will continue. They also minimised the threat i must be plain with all members very strongly and. Not good. These restrictions will not end then. The head of who has responded to the criticism, urging the president not to politicise we will not throw away the gains we have made the coronavirus crisis. And the lives we can save. No politicising, no need to use covid 19 to score political points. While scotland and Northern Ireland no need. Are moving in the same direction. It gives us hope. But speaking at the briefing the white house is now facing yesterday, the chancellor would not charges that officials were warned be drawn on whether the uk about the spread of the coronavirus government would follow their lead. As early as last november, yet ignored predictions we committed that there would be by the Intelligence Community that it could amount a review in and around three weeks that review will be based to a cataclysmic event. On the evidence and the data provided by sage, which will only be the president told reporters available next week, the first he learned of such concerns was injanuary. But i think that rather than speculate about the future, we should focus on very seriously when i learned when i started. On the here and now and the present. When i learned about the gravity but it seems any relaxation of it was some time just prior is increasingly unlikely, as the number of deaths in the uk to closing the country to china, when we closed up the flights in the past 2a hours reached 938, coming in from china and various other elements. The highest daily figure yet. And then as you know, we closed up to europe. I dont know exactly, there were nearly 5,500 new cases reported yesterday, but id like to see the information. A rise on the previous two days. The president struck a triumphalist tone in his response to the news but ministers are keen to stress that hospitalisations in new york that thisjump is due to many more are finally starting to flatten out. People being tested than before. For all the president s optimism, hi, folks quick update from me. Health Officials Say letting the guard down too soon could lead facing his own personal test, Prime Minister Boris Johnson, to a second wave of the coronavirus, one that might prove all the more who spent his third night in intensive care at st thomas deadly than the first. David willis, bbc news. Hospital in london. The pm is now said to be improving, sitting up in bed and engaging positively with his medical team. But his own personal battle against this illness shows the country still has a long way to go to defeat the virus. Greater Manchester Police have charlotte rose, bbc news. Released a map showing the extent of social gatherings in the region whilst the country was meant to be on lockdown. 0verall theyve received reports of more than 1,100 gatherings during the first two lets talk to our assistant weeks of the lockdown, beginning on march 25th. It includes nearly 500 house parties or gatherings at houses, Political Editor norman smith. Represented by the green dots and 166 street parties, represented by the brown dots. What do you expect the official line it comes as the government has urged to be with the lockdown going into people to once again remain next week . I expect it will be, as inside despite the good weather predicted over the coming easter weekend. We have heard, that the final decision will be taken on the basis of scientists. That will happen ian hopkins is chief constable of sometime next week. If you listen closely to the language, it will be pretty clear where we are going on this, andi pretty clear where we are going on this, and i think it is quite likely that when dominic rab france greater Manchester Police and says people are not complying with the tonights news conference, he will rules of social distancing. People are coming to each others houses internet that we are moving in that and getting together. It is not the same family just enjoying and getting together. It is not the direction and that he will ask the same familyjust enjoying time together. They are proper parties. Some of the ones i went to at the public to accept a rollover on the lockdown. When the three week review weekend had djs, fireworks, bouncy was first announced by boris castles. We have had Something Like johnson, there were an awful lot of 100 and sixty st parties going on. Raised eyebrows in the scientific community, i think even then they thought theres not much chance of some can comply with social distancing but the calls we are that. Listening to some of the getting are suggesting they are not. Leading figures like Niall Ferguson similarly with people out in parks. Well over 100 of those sorts of from Imperial College who has been doing a lot of the modelling, when goals as well with people he was speaking at the weekend he was actually raising the possibility undertaking sporting activities. Everyone has been clear. Cycle, that the lockdown may have to go on until may. In wales, where as we walk, jog if thats what you want to do but the games of football and know, the first minister has said cricket are not acceptable because they are absolutely not going to it is potentially spreading the lift the lockdown next week, the virus and putting family and loved Health Minister this morning were ones in danger. I will be speaking saying that he thought the lockdown could go on for a number of weeks, to the deputy mayor of policing baroness hughes later this hour. Soi could go on for a number of weeks, so i think that is the direction of travel. That would be, i think, broadly to be expected, because although the figures are Getting Better and the curve of admissions and infections is beginning to turn in the right direction, we are by no theres a warning from a leading economic think tank that the crisis means they are. Perhaps not will cause far reaching consequences for Peoples Health in the uk, surprisingly that the culture because of the impact on the nhs. Secretary 0liver dowden when asked about it this morning, he wasnt giving too much away. Earlier we spoke to a research we have been absolutely clear about this. This guidance remains in place. Economist for the institute of people should be staying at home fiscal study is who co authored the this weekend in order to save lives study about what the end of the lockdown may mean for people from and protect the nhs. Weve always said, though, deprived areas. That we would review these measures on a periodic basis. Cobra will meet today to determine that process, what evidence to consider. But i think you will have seen from, for example, the presentation just yesterday at the daily press conference, these measures i think that is an incredibly important and difficult question are starting to work, that the government will have and now is not the time to grapple with. To be changing course. To take one part of that we talked about delaying so, the message is clear nonurgent operations, and we have also seen huge downturns stick with it. In the number of people going to a e departments, but, of course, we said that for example, with symptoms of a heart attack. On a rolling three week basis, so people themselves we would keep it under review. Are delaying treatment. And in some sense, that is storing up problems for the future, but these measures are in place, and the longer these measures go on, and will remain in place the bigger the problem will be until there is any decision in a few months time. To change them, and that is not coming this easter weekend. In the immediate term, we should be really worried about families with young children, and where the mother is pregnant because we know that economic 0n the plus side, there does not conditions in that part of your life seem to be any appetite in have really long term, far reaching, important consequences for what happens to you. And so there is scope for policy government to intensify the restrictions, which of course has to be better targeted to help those groups. Been the experience in other European Countries where they have a lot has been done for lots of those groups, but not all. Had a review after a few weeks. Not by better cushioning people from the downturn, the government can reduce only have the extended, but they the long term impact on peoples is health. Have actually toughened up to penalties, imposing curfews and the like. Doesnt seem to be where we are going at the moment, although i suspect a lot will be riding on how people respond to the Easter Bank Holiday weekend and whether it is 0fcom has found 46 of adults have thought to many people are just seen false or misleading information coming out to enjoy the sunshine. About the virus online. Joining me thank you. The Prime Minister now a about the virus online. Joining me nowa gp about the virus online. Joining me now a gp who wants to dispel some of the myths right now. He works for remains in intensive care. The myths right now. He works for the National Health service in windsor and is part of the new 0ur reporter Helena Wilkinson is outside st thomas private service known as gpd q, a hospital in london where the british Prime Minister it is being looked after. What is the latest for his condition . We private service known as gpd q, a private service known as gpd q, a private service which offers video appointments to patients. Welcome, have not heard anything at all this thanks forjoining us. Theres a lot morning from downing street, but not surprising. We would only be told if there was a significant change to of it about, we have heard people there was a significant change to the Prime Minister was mikal. The talking about advice they have seen last statement we had was around seven oclock last night from online which is supposedly helpful. Downing street. That said the prime according to 0fcom the most common piece of advice is that drinking minister continued to make steady progress, but he is still remaining more water can flush out an infection, is that not true . It is in intensive care. You may remember not true at all. There is no reason earlier on in the day yesterday, the why drinking plenty of water would chancellor gave a bit more detail flush out the infection because that about the Prime Ministers health, would mean the virus has managed to and perhaps more positive about how get into your mouth, which we very he was trying to recover from the much one it to avoid. It is absorbed virus. The chancellor described mr easily in the mouth end if you consider the size of the virus, johnsons condition as improving. That was the first time we heard which is very tiny, washing it down that word, and we also heard that he with water means theres lots of had been sitting up in his hospital areas in which it can get absorbed bed. He had been talking to medical before it gets to your stomach. Its also in your nose and eyes on the staff positively. In terms of the best thing to do is avoid having it anywhere near your nose, your eyes treatment he has been receiving here, he has been getting what they or mouth in the first place. What about gardening salt water, or called standard oxygen treatment was that he hasnt, quite crucially, drinking hot drinks at the start and end of the day, any of those needed to go on a ventilator. That would be much more serious, of helpful . Gargling with salt water is course. So he is here in intensive useful for things like toothache but ca re course. So he is here in intensive care still, spent a third night in it wont remove the virus. We know intensive care. His fourth night very much what kills the virus and here at st thomass hospital. We are thats why there has been such emphasis on washing your hands with expecting to get some update in the warm water and soap, because it next hour when there is that daily brea ks warm water and soap, because it breaks down the protective fatty layer around the virus and renders briefing to journalists from downing street. Thank you very much. It completely inactive. Salt water italys Prime Minister has told the bbc italy may start doesnt do that, and drinking hot relaxing its virus lockdown water, it would have to be scalding at the end of april. Italy has been under a nationwide lockdown for a month, and Giuseppe Conte says hot, dangerously hot, 65 degrees or if the spread of coronavirus continues to slow, then restrictions above and i wouldnt recommend could be eased gradually. He here is speaking to mark lowen anyone did that. So no, the best thing to do is avoid getting anywhere near the virus through translation experts social distancing and washing your are confirming that the curve hands with soap and water to avoid is starting to decline and stabilise. Getting it near your mouth in the the number of infections first place. Do you think these is decreasing. Were confident that if we continue this way, myths first place. Do you think these oing first place. Do you think these myths going around are actually we will overcome the worst harmful . Because of themselves they phase. Wont do you harm but obviously they but we cannot lower our guard. Are misleading people in terms of we cannot go from a lockdown how they might be able to protect to liberalising all economic activity. We need to do it gradually. Themselves. Absolutely. I can see when will the easing how they have arisen, people are of restrictions begin . Scared of the virus so they are translation its likely that looking for ways to try to reassure if scientists confirm it, themselves that they will be less we might begin to relax some measures already by susceptible than others have been. The end of this month. But it is dangerous information and with infection rates beginning actually it keeps boiling down to to plateau in parts of europe, italy is not the only country the same two core messages which are in the European Union planning social distancing will stop the virus from moving from one to ease restrictions. Individual to another. The virus denmark will reopen nurseries cannot move on its own, it has to be and primary schools next week. The Czech Republic plans to lift a ban on travel. Passed around by human beings, and and austria, which has had 273 social distancing stops that. If you deaths linked to covid 19, will allow small shops do manage to get it on your hands to reopen after easter. Inadvertently, you can remove it and belgium, france, effectively before you pass it to spain are also looking at ways yourself the way thats going to infect yourself, and thats just they can begin to loosen soap and water. I can sound like a controls on public life. Broken record with this but really the only ways to deal with the virus the spanish minister says the latest are to social distance, isolate and covid 19 data is suggesting the wash your hands thoroughly if you have inadvertently picked it up on country is close to a decline in the them. One question i have been epidemic. He told parliament the fire is starting to come under hearing some people asking out and control ahead of a vote on the about is if im in a household and extension of the state of emergency we have been locked down for three by another two weeks. The number of weeks, and none of us have had any daily covid 19 deaths slowed their symptoms, and those in another household of people we love are in after days of increases was not more the same boat with no symptoms or than 15,000 people after days of increases was not more than 15, 000 people have after days of increases was not more than 15,000 people have died in perhaps symptoms in that household spain, and the country has more confirmed cases than any other in have passed, does that mean those households would be safe to start to europe. Integrate . Meanwhile, europe is struggling to agree absolutely not, and the reason is we on a recovery package to manage different countrys dont know what the incubation debts in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. Heres our europe correspondent period before you develop symptoms gavin lee in brussels. Weve had 16 hours of talks is. So we have advised to wait an between finance ministers screen to screen on a Virtual Meeting place up until yesterday morning arbitrary two weeks, and the vast at five oclock. Majority do get symptoms in that they couldnt come up with a recovery package time, but when you consider the because on the one hand, the southern countries already hit by debt are saying statistics that 20 30 of people they dont want harsh conditions attached, because whatever they burrow never get symptoms and are theyll have to pay back. But you have the dutch infectious, then that clearly blows particularly holding firm that theory out of the water almost and saying, we need to be able immediately. It can take. In to trust you that you will pay this back, so we want progressive conditions. China, there have been very rare there was a term used called coronabonds, ious being offered, to all countries cases of people taking three or four are saying we will offer this together. Weeks before they manifest symptoms, i think thats dead. So the important thing with this is the ministers are meeting again not to make any assumptions and to that afternoon at five oclock. Ultimately i think it will go break the chain of infection by not to an emergency european mingling households which are summit online next week. Otherwise safe. Thank you for joining us. An update on our greater Manchester Police in england have released a map showing the headlines. The uks government. Extent of social gatherings in the region while the country is meant to be on lockdown. 0verall, they have uks government. Received reports of more than 1000 the uk governments emergency gatherings during the first two Response Committee weeks of the lockdown is up it known as cobra is due to meet later today to consider includes nearly 500 house parties whether restrictions on peoples which are represented by the green dots on the map, and 160 six st movements should be extended. We said we will keep it under review parties, represented by the brown for a three week basis, and we are dots which they have had to shut down for it comes as the government not going to change it by the easter has urged people to once again weekend. Remain inside, despite the good meanwhile police in manchester weather predicted over the coming have released a map showing more than a thousand parties easter weekend. Hopkins is the chief and gatherings which have taken place breaking lockdown rules. Borisjohnson has spent a third co nsta ble of easter weekend. Hopkins is the chief constable of Greater Manchester night in intensive care police. He says people are just not at st thomass hospital in london. Complying with the rules of social distancing. People having private parties in their home or their the british Prime Ministers condition is said to be garden, and that is where people are stable and improving. Coming to each others houses, the italian Prime Minister getting together. It is not the same has warned the eu could familyjust enjoying time together. Fail as a project, unless it better co ordinates they are proper parties will stop its response to coronavirus. Some of the ones we went to at the countries across europe are cautiously starting to ease their lockdown measures, weekend had djs, bouncy castles, as infection rates slowly decline. Fireworks. We have had Something Like 160 street parties going on. Some of those clearly can comply with social distancing, but the the death toll from covid 19 calls we are getting suggest that in new york reached its highest they do not. Similarly with people level yet on wednesday. State flags will be flown at half out in parks, well over 100 of those mast indefinitely to honor those whove lost their lives. Sorts of calls as well. People are nada tawfik has this report under undertaken sporting on the low income and minority communities who have activities, and everybody has been really clear. Cycle, walk orjog if been hardest hit. Thatis really clear. Cycle, walk orjog if that is what you want to do, but games of football and cricket are the coronavirus has changed everything about life, not acceptable, because it is and now it is upending the rituals of death. Potentially spreading the virus and darlene lost her 83 year old putting all of us and our families father william to covid 19 and loved in danger. The headlines on bbc news. On the eve of her birthday. The uk governments emergency and now, she must say her Response Committee known as cobra final goodbyes without has been meeting to consider whether restrictions on peoples a traditional funeral service. Movements should be extended. The british Prime Minister your loved ones going in. Borisjohnson has spent a third night in intensive care at st thomass hospital in london, thats it. Thats it, you dont get where his condition is said to be to see them no more, stable and improving. Even when you make an arrangement, the italian Prime Minister youre being told that you cant open the casket. Has warned the eu could fail as a project, unless it cant even have no services, really. Better co ordinates its response to coronavirus. Cant even have a memorial. You dont get closure. Her father was supposed to be buried in North Carolina alongside his mother and sister. Instead, he will be cremated. While europe and United States face as if the circumstances werent cruel enough, darlenes mother a shortage of ventilators, intensive is still in the hospital after also ca re being infected by the virus. A shortage of ventilators, intensive care units and equipment, many poorer countries that are affected the family hasnt broken the news by economic crisis have virtually of his death to her yet. None to begin with. A new report by i dont want them to tell my mum the International Rescue committee that because im afraid that shows south sudan only has four if they tell my mum, ventilators for the entire country. That she might regress. Sierra leone has just ventilators for the entire country. Sierra leone hasjust 13. Ventilators for the entire country. Sierra leone hasjust13. In theyve been married 62 years. Venezuela, 90 of hospitals are said to lack critical supplies. Joining morgues and Funeral Homes me now is david miliband, president are so overwhelmed that families in some cases are having to wait and ceo of the International Rescue a week or more to bury committee. Thank you forjoining us. Their loved ones. Coronavirus deaths hit record highs this week in new york and where they happened tells a larger story. The death toll starkly illustrates the inequalities we are seeing how countries with in american society. Established Health Systems are low income communities struggling with this, and how are here in the south are separated byjust a riverfrom manhattan, those without these resources . The but they might as well be a world away. International rescue committee is a death rates here dwarf that global humanitarian. Field of of its wealthy neighbour. Science in 35 countries, and our more than ever, these report shows. In the world. The communities need support, so organisations such as world central kitchen are delivering meals to Public Housing projects to make sure no first challenge is precisely the one goes hungry. Health challenge you describe. Also when youre in one of the poorest communities in the country, it already was a challenge. Running the basics of hand washing, social distancing are those small businesses, they cant wait weeks for the fed to help them, they need it in days. Difficult. David miliband, i am and so what people are watching right now is what happens sorry, we have a bad connection to when you dont invest in addressing you. We will say goodbye for now and poverty for generations. Hope that we can work a better there is hope that cases connection. Maybe if we can hang up of infections may have peaked and call you back, we might be able after the deadliest week yet. To hear him a bit better. 0bviously, but until the threat is gone, the city remains on a war footing. David miliband talking about nada tawfik, bbc news, new york. Problems in companies without fully developed infrastructure and the there in terms of the spread of lets talk now to dr peter drobac hes a specialist in global medicine covid 19. Infectious diseases at oxford university. The United States has experienced its worst death toll in a day due to the coronavirus. Almost 2,000 people lost their lives on wednedsay. Thank you forjoining us. So people yet despite that President Trump has said he believes the country schedule could be opening up in the bronx are being unequally hit for business again sooner rather than later. He also delivered another by covid 19. What is your assessment withering assessment of the World Health Organizations of why that might be . This is not handling of the pandemic accusing it of being biased towards china. Only in the bronx, this is elsewhere heres our north america in the us, we are seeing it in correspondent david willis. New york remains the epicentre chicago and similar dynamics here in of the coronavirus pandemic here. The uk where we have evidence. What wednesdays death toll, we are the highest in a single the uk where we have evidence. What we a re really the uk where we have evidence. What we are really saying here is communities of colour are day, nearly 800 people. Disproportionately affected, both in but amid the gloom are terms of exposure and death, to some encouraging signs. Coronavirus. This isjust exposing the curve of new infections and deeply entrenched institutional is finally starting to flatten, prompting the president to proclaim america may soon be racism that puts people of colour at back in business. Risk, true of hiv, cancer and just it would be nice to be able to open with a big bang about virtually every other Health Condition that you can name. Why do and open up our country, or certainly most of our you think that is . Again, this is country, and i think were going to do that soon. You look at whats happening, i would say we are ahead of schedule. Based on a long history of mr trump is now pinning the blame for this crisis structural inequalities. In some on the World Health Organization, and earlier in the week, cases, this is going to be a housing the president took to twitter issue, this is going to be less access to health care and education. To declare, the who really blew it. The management of chronic diseases, which is often what will put people more ad risks for convocations of coronavirus, and the list goes on. As well as calling covid 19 is being described as the for an investigation into the organisations response to the pandemic, hes threatening great leveller. Death, fear, stress, to withhold millions of dollars in us funding. They are all great levellers, but the United States, 452 million from what you are describing, people are not being affected the same by compared to 112 million, this. The virus does not thats to the world health discriminate, but we do, and i think 0rganization. Thatis discriminate, but we do, and i think thats not good. That is ultimately what we are seeing here. And it is notjust not fair. Not fair at all. Suffering from covid 19 that is and other countries, as you know, also gave very substantially less than the United States. Causing this impact. It is also an and the world who, world unequal distribution in terms of the health, get it wrong. Number of people suffering from health, got it wrong. Depression, stress, anxiety, they got it very wrong, in many ways, they were wrong. They also minimised the threat suicidal thoughts, an increase in those disproportionately in some very strongly and. Areas. That is adequately right. Not good. The head of who has responded again, health and inequalities are to the criticism, urging the president not to politicise deeply entrenched in the us, along the coronavirus crisis. Racial lines and class lines. It cuts across chronic disease no politicising, no need to use categories like diabetes and heart covid 19 to score political points. Disease, includes Mental Health and Infectious Diseases ranging from hiv no need. To coronavirus. And so what should the white house is now facing charges that officials were warned the policy makers, those tasked with about the spread of the coronavirus carrying four communities du . What as early as last november, can they do to tackle this right yet ignored predictions now . I think there are shortterm by the Intelligence Community that it could amount to a cataclysmic event. The president told reporters responses and long term responses, the first he learned of such and in the short term there are concerns was injanuary. Communities that are more vulnerable and likely to be exposed to when i learned when i started. Coronavirus, so we need to make sure when i learned about the gravity that testing is being rolled out and of it was some time just prior to closing the country to china, ca re can that testing is being rolled out and care can be improved, particularly when we closed up the flights for those uninsured communities coming in from china where people are most vulnerable. Long term, we need to have long hard and various other elements. And then as you know, look at how our Health Care System we closed up to europe. I dont know exactly, is organised, social safety net. But id like to see the information. The president struck a triumphalist so we can look at the structural tone in his response to the news that hospitalisations in new york inequalities. Currently, the situation is one of Fire Fighting are finally starting to flatten out. The situation that we are in, but in for all the president s optimism, terms of the long tail on this, what health Officials Say letting would your expectation be of the the guard down too soon could lead long term impact on people who are to a second wave of the coronavirus, one that might prove all the more suffering from what is happening . Deadly than the first. David willis, bbc news. 0ver suffering from what is happening . Over the long term, again, these communities that will be disproportionately affected are going to sufferfurther lots of numbers are being used to track covid19 the fatality rate is one grim disproportionately affected are going to suffer further the effects. Diseases can often plunge people measure of the impact, into poverty, so if anything, the new confirmed infections is another. But there is another measure outcome of this. You will remember that we have reported far less recoveries. That in poorer communities it is much more difficult to be able to so how many people diagnosed with covid 19 are surviving . Comply with social distancing well, the data is incomplete, but theres quite a bit we can say. Guidelines, so there is a risk that 0ur reality check correspodnent existing inequalities are going to chris morris is here. Be deepened or worsened by covid 19. Thank you forjoining us. Work is yes, we have to be cautious, there are a lot of caveats and estimates involved in this, but there are studies worth looking. Under way to turn the prince about a the uk doesnt issue daily information on how many people have fully recovered. Stadium in cardiff into a 2000 bed but other countries do. Fields hospital to ease pressure on according to the latest french the nhs. It is usually seen packed Public Health statistics, with welsh rugby fans, creating one for example of 82,000 confirmed of sports unique atmospheres, but cases yesterday 21,000 people have fully recovered so far, as our correspondent found out, the mood is very different there this and many others are on the mend. Morning. This would normally be one but that doesnt capture the whole picture. Of the uks biggest stadium, but take a large scale study from wuhan in china instead it has become a hospital. It in february, covering 114,000 people. It showed that 80 of diagnosed is the centre of the much effort for cases had only mild or moderate symptoms, which didnt the pandemic. The principality require hospital treatment. So already survival rates are looking much better. Stadium will hold a capacity for 2000 beds. Initially when it opens the wa the who think the overall on sunday, if this work can be recovery rate is higher than that, completed, they will start off with space for 300 patients. We are told but it seems more positive. Many those patients are ones that are people effected with a virus show no recovering from coronavirus, so they will not have Critical Care symptoms at all. Until they have reliable antibody tests, we dont ventilators here necessarily to know how many, but on the cruise offer that intensive care, and the hope is that patients who have been ship the diamond princess injapan through that process potentially could come here. Eitherfor their for example, nearly 20 of all positive cases showed no symptoms at recovery but also for palliative all. That is a fairly small sample, ca re recovery but also for Palliative Care for people who have sadly reached the end of their life. The but it is reasonable to assume that stadium has been converted to be a in the uk and other countries, eventually tends or hundreds of Field Hospital for use of accident thousands of people will similarly be infected but show no symptoms. And emergency admissions on new now scientists are looking at all of years eve for and emergency admissions on new yea rs eve for example. And emergency admissions on new this in the best and the best years eve for example. Because of its rift, it has been used for pop date at the moment seems to be concerts. It is not the first time pointing towards an estimated it has been used not as a stadium. Overall fatality rate of roughly 1 , may be lower, which means a survival this is a very different effort and rate of 99 . Those numbers are a very different time. The local health board hope that this will obviously not nearly as good for provide them with enough capacity, but the truth is no one really knows 00 40 47,798 4294966103 13 29,430 at the moment how many beds they people who become seriously ill and require intensive care. A uk study showed that of 22119 require intensive care. A uk study showed that of 2219 patients admitted to an intensive care unit, 31 1 admitted to an intensive care unit, 344 were discharged alive from admitted to an intensive care unit, 344 were discharged alive study of have died. But a separate study of icus in italy showed a slightly different figures. The uk Study Suggests that if a patient does not need mechanical ventilation in the first 24 hours of intensive care, the survival rate goes up to at least 70 . Make no mistake anyone in i seriously ill. But many people who go into intensive care will survive. And in the wider community, the overwhelming majority of people who are infected by this virus will go on to make a full recovery. Let us go back to speaking to david miliband, but we had an bad connection to him earlier, hopefully we have a more established line. Well again. President and cto of the International Rescue committee. Picking up on what we had discussed. This is about the lack and inability to manage covid 19 in countries where they dont have the infrastructure. Tell us a bit more about your concerns. There is a double crisis in the poorest countries in the world. To remind you, countries like Central African republic, only three ventilators. Sierra leone, 14. Yemen, a very weak health system. The first part of the crisis is obviously that once people get ill, their chances of dying are higher than the 1 that chris morris was just referring to in the previous package, but the second element of the emergency is that the covered virus threatens to wreak havoc with the economics of these poor countries. It threatens to disrupt Food Supplies and livelihoods, and so we are warning of real carnage in the poorest countries of the world at the time where we recognise that people are focused on their own health in western industrialised countries, but because this disease is a threat to us all and can only be fully beaten if beaten everywhere, we are calling for a much greater action globally, especially in the poorest countries, as well as treating the cases in our own countries. When you look at the map of the world at the moment showing the different numbers of covid 19 cases, many of these countries dont seem to be reporting many cases at all. What is going on . Is it because they dont have them yet or is itjust not being reported . A good point, and there is partly a lack of testing, but also the case that whether by fluke or the case that whether by fluke or the demographics that many of these countries have much younger populations, there is a window of time our staff populations, there is a window of time ourstaff in populations, there is a window of time our staff in these 200 field sites around the world where International Rescue Committee Staff members work, i have been talking to them. They can still do preventative work. The hand washing, testing for fever, triaging, separation of patients, building of isolation centres. We have a very short window of opportunity to do so and provide preventative work, and that money would go a long way to help mitigate the threat that this disease poses. Stay with us. I want to continue talking to, but we are going to say goodbye to viewers watching us around the world. We are of course keeping you up to date on all the latest developments on covid 19, both here in the uk and around the world. You can stay up to date with us world. You can stay up to date with us and also online. Good buy if you are watching us outside the uk. In terms of the help you are talking about, david, that you say is needed around the world, obviously countries fighting this are currently stretched to the limits, spending money that has been found that previously wouldnt have even been considered. There is stretched. What hope therefore it is there for countries to reach out beyond their own borders and offer help to the countries youre talking about . think the lesson of the last few weeks is not we have run out of money, but if you need that you can find it. We have seen that in the uk, the United States. We know that when crisis strikes, the economics profession can be very ingenious. 0ur point is that the cost of intervention now in the poorest countries in the world will be much less tha n countries in the world will be much less than the cost of letting the disease run rampant in some of the poorest countries in the world. There is this window of time where we could do vital preventative work, and frankly hand washing facilities, soap, testing for fever, and frankly hand washing facilities, soap, testing forfever, building areas where people can go if they have the disease to separate them from theirfamilies. Have the disease to separate them from their families. That is have the disease to separate them from theirfamilies. That is not have the disease to separate them from their families. That is not an expensive project compared to the cost of allowing the disease to enter a population where they cant provide the Health Services if people get ill, so i think this is a political problem more than an economic problem. It is a political problem that is striking because of the lack of American Leadership at the lack of American Leadership at the moment, but also a challenge to European Countries like the uk to recognise that they have to be able to use their left hand and the right hand at the same time. There is discussion of a second wave of covid 19 if the first wave isnt tackled properly, if the lock is our ended too soon. What could the potential impact to be if developed countries get this under control but then these less developed countries do not . It will impact us all, wont it . Great point. There will be no return to normal until this disease is beaten everywhere. We are not going to be able to open up britain or america or france if there are swathes of the world where the disease is present. Just think about it. Anybody who wants to travel to an airport, you cant know where people have come from, so that is why there is a very simple point. We are only as strong as the weakest link in the chain, and until the wea kest links link in the chain, and until the weakest links in the global chain are addressed, we are not going to be able to have a return to anything like normality for those of us in a more privileged position. Thank you very much forjoining us. Time for a weather update. Another dry day across most of the uk, but with big temperature contrast. Central western scotland, the weather front pushing northwards, heavier bursts towards the hebrides earlier on. Sunshine south east of scotland, but after a frosty start, six or 7 degrees temperatures. 23 or 24 celsius will be possible, in the south, but even with that there will be big tablatu re south, but even with that there will be big tablature contests. Those eastern coast of Northern England, nine or 10 degrees. Went off the coast, we could get temperatures in the high teens or 205. That will even out as we go through the weekend. Plenty of cloud around in scotla nd weekend. Plenty of cloud around in scotland and Northern England, a few showers dotted here and there, the best conditions in 0rkney and shetland. It does mean a colder night into a good friday across the Northern Health tonic half of the country will stop we should be frost free into friday. A few heavy showers in scotland, but warm in the south as it will be on saturday. Hello this is bbc news. The headlines the uk governments emergency Response Committee known as cobra is due to meet later today to consider whether restrictions on peoples movements should be extended. We said that on a rolling three week basis, we would keep it under review, but these measures are in place and will remain in place until there is any decision to change them and that is not coming this easter weekend. Meanwhile police in manchester have released a map showing more than 1,000 parties and gatherings which have taken place breaking lockdown rules. Borisjohnson has spent a third night in intensive care at St Thomas Hospital in london. The british Prime Ministers condition is said to be stable and improving. The italian Prime Minister has warned the eu could fail as a project unless it better co ordinates its response to coronavirus. Countries across europe are cautiously starting to ease their lockdown measures, as infection rates slowly decline. The first minister of scotland is taking questions from members of the Scottish Parliament by zoom. Lets listening. Our lives have been transformed in ways which would have been unimaginable weeks ago. This is a minor example of that but it is a striking example for parliament so i wa nt to striking example for parliament so i want to place on record my thank you to the presiding officer and Parliament Staff for making this happen. I want to give a brief update on the latest figures we have in relation to covid 19 in scotland. As of 9am there have been 4957 positive cases confirmed, an increase of 392 from the figures reported yesterday. They should be clear these figures will be an underestimate. A total of 1781 patients are currently in hospitals across the country with confirmed or suspected covid 19, an increase of ten on the number reported yesterday. A total of 212 people last night were in intensive care with confirmed or suspected cases of the virus, that is an increase of two from yesterday. It is with Great Sadness i must report an additional 81 deaths of patients who have tested positive for covid 19 taking the total number of deaths in scotla nd the total number of deaths in scotland where the individual had tested positive to 447. National records of scotland are now publishing weekly figures which will report on deaths where the virus is presumed as well as confirmed and i wa nt to presumed as well as confirmed and i want to give my deepest sympathy to all those who have lost loved ones due to the virus and say a heartfelt thank you to everyone who are keeping essential services running. That includes health and care staff, andi that includes health and care staff, and i expect that all of us and thousands across the country will express their appreciation for them again tonight at 8pm with applause. I know opposition leaders will have questions on a range of matters on health and Care Services and the wider economic and social impacts of covid 19, but since we are about to enter the easter weekend i want to conclude with a stronger emphasis of the vital importance of everyone following Public Health restrictions that are in place and staying at home except for the permitted essential services. I know how hard it is for people to do that. It will seem even harder over the Easter Holiday weekend, especially for families with children and children themselves, and for older people who would normally be staying spending time with their grandchildren. Stay in touch in whichever alternative way works best for you. Look out for people even as you stay physically apart, but please follow the rules and stay at home over easter. By doing that we can help slow down the spread of this virus, help to protect the nhs and also to save lives, so i will end by thanking eve ryo ne lives, so i will end by thanking everyone in advance for doing the right thing over this weekend. Thank you, first minister. We will return now to questions. Thank you, presiding officer. Can i begin by expressing the Heartfelt Sympathies of all scottish conservatives for all those who have lost families over the course of the past week, and may i also thank the first ministerand and may i also thank the first minister and politicians from across scotland for their good wishes to the Prime Minister as he recovers from the virus himself. Boris, if you are watching, we are all wishing you are watching, we are all wishing you get well soon. And i also applaud the virtual first we are doing today and begin by asking the first minister about personal protective equipment. Front line staff say the equipment is not robust enough, care homes say they do not get the kit until after the virus has entered a care home, and it emerged the new ppe distribution hubs may be shot at easter. For several weeks we have been told that supplies are adequate, that the problem is with distribution. We know this because we are getting e mails and calls from front line staff and care homes which are being told they have the equipment but they are saying thats not the case. At what point will you be able to say with confidence that an effective distribution is in place for ppe . And if necessary will you use logistics experts . Many are currently doing nothing from the private sector. Or even armed forces if necessary . Thank you for that question. We have Army Logistics support based in this building already, helping with many of these issues and im deeply grateful for to them for that so we will draw on that whenever we need it. The issue of ppe is of fundamental paramount importance and we have been working ha rd to resolve importance and we have been working hard to resolve the concerns people have that roughly fall into the following categories. Adequacy of supplies, distribution of those supplies, distribution of those supplies to wear they are needed, the guidance we are issuing to workers about what types of equipment they should be using in what circumstances, and also there have been concerns raised about the quality. So very briefly we do have adequate supplies, we are not complacent about that. There are global pressures on the supply and we have taken significant steps to improve distribution. We will continue to do that, addressing glitches and concerns when they arise. We commented yesterday about working to make sure distribution centres a re working to make sure distribution centres are open over the easter weekend, just as gp practices and pharmacies will be. On the guidance you may not have had an opportunity to see thejoint you may not have had an opportunity to see the joint Statement Issued this morning between the government and trade unions. That statement endorses the four nations guidance as being good quality guidance but also makes clear that whenever a health or care worker on the front line feels they should be wearing a mask, they should do so. It is their professionaljudgment mask, they should do so. It is their professional judgment that is mask, they should do so. It is their professionaljudgment that is a guiding factor and the Scottish Government will work hard to make sure adequate supplies get to the front line. On the issue of. When the guidance last week was drawn up there was input from experts, from royal colleges and there has also been health and safety executive input into the quality of ppe that is being provided. We treat these issues as hugely important and on a ongoing basis we will continue to address concerns that arise. There is an e mail address anyone on the front line can use if they want to be brought to the immediate attention of me and ministers. Of course i accept you will be taking theseissues course i accept you will be taking these issues incredibly seriously and im pleased the engagement is taking place. Im pleased about the issues of quality and that centres will be open over easter weekend, but obviously i am concerned about this ongoing issue with distribution because so many people are still contacting directly to say they dont have it. Im not sure i did hear when you would be confident there would be a Distribution Strategy in place. I want to raise theissue strategy in place. I want to raise the issue of shielding of Vulnerable People because yesterday sainsbury said they were still waiting for a list of those who were vulnerable. They still dont know when food boxes will be delivered. I accept online delivery is not the only way to help Vulnerable People but there are many who cannot get a slot for several weeks ahead. In scotland it seems this has been rumbling on for weeks whereas it has been resolved elsewhere and i know people are getting incredibly frustrated in my own constituency, and people are e mailing from elsewhere in scotland. When will supermarkets have the names of those who need to be supported and prioritised . have the names of those who need to be supported and prioritised . I want to come to that question in detail ina to come to that question in detail in a moment but before that let me briefly round off on the issue of ppe. You asked me when i can be confident. We have improved the distribution, continue to, and we now have an effective Distribution System in place. Im not going to predict there will never be any glitches that arise without as the scale of what we are trying to achieve so we will continue to have an approach where we quickly and i hope to effectively resolve any issues with distribution that arise. But i do believe those systems are in place and in the main are working effectively, but we want to hear on an ongoing basis if anyone on the front line feels they are not getting what they need. This will apply to everyone, notjust me. I have family on the front line of the nhs, we all want these workers to have the protection they deserve and thatis have the protection they deserve and that is something i take seriously. 0n shielding, let me give an update. The shielded group are within certain medical groups that were carefully considered by medical professionals. We originally said up to 200,000 people in scotland would be in that group. We then thought that would be. The figure that is the final one is 136,000. They all have letters and have been given a text m essa g e have letters and have been given a text message service. I can tell you as of now 21,000 of them have registered with that service. Just under 6000 food packages have been ordered and we have a National Contract with two supermarkets in place for the delivery of those food boxes free of charge. 4700, sorry 4000 200 and i think have already been delivered so that process is under way. We are working with supermarkets for people who want to get the deliveries via supermarkets of their own choice. The text will go out to people who have registered for the service i hope later today asking them if they want their details passed to supermarkets who will then have a priority service, which we expect to be up and running next week. We have taken some time to make sure this is a service that is reliable and robust but i would stress people dont have to rely on normal supermarkets slots because the National Contract that is in place will mean people get these food boxes delivered free of charge if they register for that service and ask for it to be delivered to them. I am conscious of time so i will move swiftly on but that was helpful information and i hope it can be put in place quickly. When grants were announced for business to get through these tough times, fiona hyslop told the Scottish Parliament march 18 that it would be her property and businesses were assured every penny of support funding would be passed on and they planned on that basis. It then emerged in scotland alone grants would only be on the basis of one per business, and that puts any firm in scotland with more than one outlet at a huge disadvantage compared to those in england and wales. Businesses are our high streets are dealing with the reality not the theory of this crisis and saying to us they need the support if they are going to be there at the end of this crisis. They are asking me to ask you as first minister to think again. Will the first minister do so . You saw every single penny of the consequential funding coming from the uk government has been passed on to businesses. We have designed the support in a way that allows more businesses to benefit so by limiting the grants to one per business we have been able to let more businesses benefit. Many would not get that grant they are given if they were in england. We are providing helpful businesses who have difficulties with water charges. We have provided Financial Support package for the bus industry, provided £5 million for the seafood sector, another £10 million for the seafood business resilience, for those in the creative sector, we are providing money for a range of sectors where there is not support available elsewhere. So every penny is being passed on but we are trying to do it ina way passed on but we are trying to do it in a way that captures and provides assistance to as many businesses as possible. But i am acutely aware, and this will be true in the uk is in scotland that businesses will require further support so we continue to talk to individual sectors and businesses about what we can do to support them. That conversation will continue. Its just that the cabinet secretary told them they could expect to receive parallel funding to that available in england and wales. Many of them spoke to their banks on that basis. The danger if you have two or three small outlets and you only have support from one of them is that could mean the loss of two of them. Everybody wants to know when this crisis will end. We realise the key thing is to flatten the curve and release acute pressure on the nhs. We know it is vital we stay at home, protect the nhs and save lives. But people do want to look to the future and todays newspapers are full of reports we might understandably be living under the lockdown for some weeks yet. Can i ask the first minister to confirm that whilst this is first and foremost a Public Health decision, it is one that will be taken in lockstep with the rest of the uk and we can all hope is a country to come out of this together. I certainly hope the uk will be able to come out of these lockdown measures in an orderly way that protects health and is mindful of the other impacts in a unified way, although we do across the different parts of the uk have to be mindful of the spread of the virus in the different nations and regions. I had a call this morning with the other first ministers and the mayor of london where we were discussing our different experiences i dont want these measures to be in place a single minute longer than they have to be but equally i dont wa nt to they have to be but equally i dont want to come out of them prematurely ina way want to come out of them prematurely in a way that will do damage. We that we see the virus spiral out of control and more lives lost. It is vital we stick with it as long as possible. There is no likelihood or prospect of these measures being lifted after the easter weekend. Cobra is likely to meet again later next week, i would certainly support that, to start to think about the exit strategy and what that might look like. It is likely that restrictions and measures will be in place for some weeks to come yet. Againi place for some weeks to come yet. Again i would appeal to people to stick with this. We are not asking people to change their lives in such a fundamental way for no reason. I dont want to be doing it but it is vital for health reasons. dont want to be doing it but it is vitalfor health reasons. I dont have my gavel to hand, it is difficult to make eye contact but i would ask you to be conscious of the time and try to finish the session by one oclock. Richard leonard. Thank you, and can i begin by offering the condolences of the Scottish Labour Party to all of those families who have lost loved ones over the course of the last few weeks, not least to the families of Catherine Sweeney and janice graham, two front line workers in scotland who have lost their life to covid 19. We applaud the efforts of front line workers who are in the end saving lives and at times putting their own lives at risk in so putting their own lives at risk in so doing. Its all the more reason i wa nt so doing. Its all the more reason i want to return to the issue that has arisen over the last few days on the guidance issued on protective equipment, which has caused a good deal of concern amongst people working on the front line, people who are already working in the community providing home care or District Nursing services for example, already under pressure and put under even more stress and pressure. My question is to the first minister, can she give a categorical reassurance that those workers in the community on the front line will receive the personal protective equipment, the right and adequate personal protective equipment that they need . The issue raised is important. The issue raised about the guidance is not so much about the guidance is not so much about the supply of ppe, which we continue to work hard to maintain and distribute, although as i said earlier on, there are pressures globally around these supplies so there is no complacency there. This is an issue about the guidance and the interpretation of this guidance. In short, the chief nursing officer ats z and it was intended to articulate the uk wide guidance that ca re articulate the uk wide guidance that care workers should not feel the need to wear a mask unless they were with someone that they risk assessed they should. What we have done in a joint statement i referred to earlier which i would encourage eve ryo ne earlier which i would encourage everyone to read, it has been flipping it on its head. It says every ca re worker flipping it on its head. It says every care worker should feel that they can wear a mask unless in their professionaljudgment they can wear a mask unless in their professional judgment they dont need to, so it is much more precautionary of a statement, and i hope it builds confidence with care workers who are in the front line are doing incredibly difficultjobs. That statement which endorses the guidance but is very clear about that interpretation of it has been agreed with the Scottish Government, with kozlov and the unions who all took part in a meeting yesterday, so i hope that result that issue and we will continue to focus on supply and is to focus on supply and dissipation. Thank you. The other question i want to touch on is the question i want to touch on is the question of testing for top the World Health Organization continue to advise test, test, test. The National Clinical director told the bbc this morning in an interview that 5000 health and care workers have been tested in scotland, so my question to the first minister is how many health and care workers have requested to be tested, right down between those 5000 people, how many are care workers and how many are nhs workers, and what are the current rates of absenteeism in the National Health service and in our ca re National Health service and in our Care Services . The current absentee rate in the National Health Service Related to the virus has been around 6 , and we continue to monitor that carefully. We a re 6 , and we continue to monitor that carefully. We are increasing our numbers of health care staff, and where appropriate, their families, close contact on a day to day basis. The 5000 figure we have given we hope to update in the next couple of days, and i would expect it to be obviously higher than that. We are building Testing Capacity with every day that passes right now, and by the end of this month, we will have the end of this month, we will have the capacity to do three and half thousand tests per day. It is over 2000 right now and will go higher, and that is within the nhs alone. We are also seeking to bring on stream academic and commercial Testing Capacity as well. Testing is really important. It is important now, it will become really important as we have an exit strategy as a way of going back to a contained phase of this virus are where you test and isolate and trace contacts. But i wa nt to isolate and trace contacts. But i want to be very clear right now about the limitation of testing, the current diagnostic test we are using can tell whether someone has the virus. This is while they are simple magic, and that is important, but what it doesnt do is tell someone in incubation period that they have the virus nor does it tell people once they have recovered that they have had the virus. Symptomatic. There are narrow windows in which this test allows us to say whether a Health Worker or somebody else would be fit to return to work. Because they test 1 day, it may be they are in the incubation period, and they could show up as positive the next day, so it is important and we will use it to the maximum capacity, but we also have to understand the limitations of it. Therefore, the importance of seeing hopefully in the future what is called the Antibody Testing which will allow us to tell whether somebody has had the virus, assuming of course it does confer an element of immunity. The first minister spoke about maximum testing, which i think is important, but i also want to raise the question of compassionate testing. I wa nt question of compassionate testing. I want to ask the first minister today if she will commit to look at the case for testing those people who have lost somebody through covid 19 so have lost somebody through covid 19 so that they are not grieving alone. Would she also consider the case of people who are receiving end of life treatment in our hospices or hospitals, who frankly do not want to die alone . Will you be prepared to die alone . Will you be prepared to agree to the testing of immediate family members of people in that situation . In the end, we talk a lot in this discussion about statistics, but it is about human beings, and i would ask the first minister to look favourably at those compassionate grants for extending testing. Of course, i will look at that and i will look at that very carefully. I will look at that very carefully. I will say two things, because i dont challenge that the premise of the question of the importance of compassion in every aspect of our response to this. The first point i would make is simply that we need to make sure we are using our Testing Capacity in the best strategic way possible, to help us beat the virus and have the best chance of doing that. The second point i would make is, not to negate the fact i will look at the issue carefully, is there is only an effect on this and testing when someone is symptomatic. There is no point to testing somebody before they are displaying symptoms. That is the first minister Nicola Sturgeon taking members from the Scottish Parliament, and she said there is no likelihood or prospect of any of those lockdown message is being lifted over the easter weekend. It looks like the restrictions and measures will be in place for weeks to come. We are not asking people to do this for no good reason. She says she does not want the measures in place for a minute longer than they have to be, but she also said she does not want us to come out prematurely. That would cause damage. She is speaking there of course ahead of the government briefing in westminster later, following on from the cobra meeting where they are discussing what is happening with the lockdown once that initial three week period ends next week. Let us go to leila, our Political Correspondent who is in westminster. Leila, what are you expecting . There has been a lot of talk about the government not saying explicitly that the lockdown will be extended. This meeting at cobra this afternoon is an official meeting to discuss the process of reviewing the lockdown measures. Remember, we were not expecting a decision on that to be taken today. It will be at least next week now. It was three weeks since the pair minister announced that. We are just getting some information from downing street, the latest, saying that this is going to be an evidence based discussion. They will be looking at evidence from sage, the advisory group, for emergencies and others, and the reason for this cobra meeting is to look at what the process for the review of the lockdown measures should be. No decision is going to be taken today, no review today at all. A bit of an update on the Prime Ministers condition from number ten. The Prime Minister we are told had a good night and continues to improve in intensive care at St Thomas Hospital, and downing street reporting he is in good spirits. Thank you very much. The latest covid 19 headlines coming up in a few moments with the one oclock news with jane hill. I will say goodbye. Stay safe and we will come catch up with the weather with alina. Further sunshine today for the far north of scotland, Northern Ireland much of england and wales, away from north east england, more cloud. Breeze of the north sea, temperature is not much higher than nine celsius. Could see temperatures of up to 23 or 24 in parts of england and wales. Through this evening and patchy rain working northwards towards scotland and into the northern isles, mostly staying mainly dry and clear skies further south and west. All of us well above freezing, noticeably so for scotland which has had quite a cold night. Temperatures not much lower than five or six ounces. For good friday, the sunshine returning across north east england, and chance of a few showers across north of england, but scotland has a greater chance of having heavy and thundery showers. Most will have a fine, dry and one day. Highest temperatures across central and southern and south east england. Through the easter weekend, further spells of sunshine but increasing chance of showers and for all of us, it is going to turn quite all of us, it is going to turn quite a bit colder. Goodbye. Police have been carrying out spot checks as people are urged to stick to social distancing rules over the easter weekend a few people, it is a minority, who are quite blatantly flouting the law. It is to those people that i am saying enough is enough. Well have the latest from westminster and from our health editor. Also this lunchtime the Prime Minister has spent a third night in intensive care in hospital. His condition is said to be stable and improving. In the drive to increase testing for coronavirus, we hear from the smaller laboratories preparing

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