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Hello and welcome to audiences in the uk and around the world. Were covering all the latest coronavirus developments in britain and globally. The uk has recorded its highest number of deaths linked to the coronavirus in a single day. 260 people have died in the past 2a hours bringing the total to more than 1,000. In the us, President Trump has been considering putting some of the worst hit areas under quarantine to slow the spread of coronavirus. New york state has recorded more than 53,000 confirmed cases and nearly 900 deaths, but donald trump has ruled out putting it under quarantine. In italy, nearly 900 people with the virus have died in the past 2a hours bringing the total there to more than 10,000. Hospitals in the north of the country are in desperate need of protective equipment for health workers, as well as more staff. Well have more on all of that in a moment, but first heres Dominic Hughes on the uks response. The logistics of setting up a new medicalfacility from scratch. A race against time to prepare the newly named Nightingale Hospital in east london ahead of the coming surge of those who fall seriously ill with covid 19. The sharp rise in todays death toll shows why these facilities are needed. The pressure over the coming weeks is going to be extreme. When the nhs is under increased demand, as we expect, and is already happening in london, is that we are not going to be able to maintain the normal levels of staffing that we currently do, and so were going to have to dramatically change the way that we work, so rather than one intensive care nurse looking after one patient, were going to have to work more as a team. New figures published today give an insight into whos being admitted to Critical Care units. The data covers 775 patients in england, wales and Northern Ireland. More than half of them are being looked after by hospitals in london. Most are aged over the age of 50 and the number of men falling seriously ill was well over twice the number of women. And in virus hot spots like london, the pressure is already building. How full are intensive care units in london and around the uk at the moment . Work is going on all over the country, because as you are also aware, the infection has spread a bit quicker in london. So, we are not at capacity yet within london, but beds are being opened all the time to produce that extra surge capacity. And a reminder that in order to keep the death toll down, this is no time for complacency. If we do reduce the deaths to a level which is below what we initially thought, i want to be absolutely clear that wont be because we are somehow lucky, it wont be because somehow the virus is acting in this country differently from any other country. It will be because every citizen in this country, the british public, have complied with the instructions that the government has given, based on the best scientific evidence, to reduce the transmission of the disease. If the nhs is going to avoid a crisis, it will require all hands on deck. Thats why the introduction of testing staff across the uk, who are currently having to self isolate, as theyve already been doing in wales, is a big step forward. Doctor arash salah is keen to work, but a rough cough means he has to stay away, at least until hes tested. Has it been a bit frustrating then, waiting to find out whether youve got it or not . Yes, very frustrating, because i know i know the hospital is busy, even at this relatively early point, things are really hotting up. I know that my colleagues need me and it is quite frustrating being sat here at home when i know i could be at work and i need to be at work. And from the Prime Minister in isolation, while he recovers from his own covid 19 infection, a letter to every uk household this week, urging people to observe the guidelines to stay at home and protect the nhs. New hospitals, more testing, an immense effort is now under way to try and shore up the Health Service for what lies ahead. Lets get some of the days other coronavirus news. The Stormont Executive in Northern Ireland has agreed tough new measures to limit peoples movements during the pandemic. The regulations give the authorities the power to close Business Premises and ban people from leaving their homes without a reasonable excuse. Fines of up to £5,000 or over 6,000 will be issued to those found to be breaching the rules. People living in ghanas two biggest cities are being ordered to stay at home for two weeks. Residents in the capital, accra, as well as kumasi will only be allowed out to buy food or medicine. Portugal has announced that it will approve all applications for legal residence by migrants, because of a backlog of cases made worse by the virus. All Asylum Seekers whove begun their applications will now be eligible for resident status. So as weve said, in the last few minutes, President Trump has said he will not be imposing a quarantine on new york to try to slow the spread of the virus. He confirmed a change in plans on twitter in the last hour saying hed consulted with the White House Coronavirus taskforce and the governors of new york, new jersey and connecticut. He said a strong travel advisory would be issued by the centers for Disease Control prevention and administered by the governors along with federal authorities. New york has recorded more than 52,000 cases and over seven hundred deaths. Lets get more on this. Im joined now byjake heller, a journalist at enemy magazine in brooklyn, new york. Jayco, donald trump saying that a quarantine will not be necessary. What are your thoughts on that . Its not my place to say, is for the Public Health experts to weigh in on. But i think thats the most important thing, that we are listening to the advice we are getting to guide us in our actions to help everyone fight this crisis. Its a Public Health crisis. We should be listening to Public Health experts. 0ne listening to Public Health experts. One thing i will say about the president s changing messages. In a crisis like this, its important to have consistent messaging to keep people safe stop we have not seen that from the president andi seen that from the president and i hope that changes. Would you rather see a few more scientists may be giving press conferences as opposed to the president . Yeah. I think, conferences as opposed to the president . Yeah. Ithink, as in wartime, when generals are doing the public briefing, it would be completely appropriate in this instance, which is a crisis of global proportions, to have Public Health experts leading those briefings instead ofa leading those briefings instead of a president who is not the best equipped to do so. You are in new york, in brooklyn, you have been quara ntining yourself. What has your personal experience been . yourself. What has your personal experience been . I am here and my girlfriends apartment. She has graciously allowed me to stay. We are still together, so that is great. And its been an interesting one. There is basically a dissidence between income and safety of this small new york apartment and the real Public Health crisis that is going on out there in the city. Talking to friends on zoom, on face time, over the phone in the last few weeks, you hear people still going out onto their rooftops and having parties or overcrowding in parks, because it happened to bea parks, because it happened to be a nice day out. And its important that we will do what we can to stay inside and curb the spread of covid 19. We can to stay inside and curb the spread of covid19. And would you say that the people are at fault there and they are not following the advice or is the advice are simply not clear enough . I think people know, at this point, that staying inside and doing what you can to maintain distance from others to flatten the curve is what we all should be doing. To flatten the curve is what we allshould be doing. So, perhaps, its uncomfortable to seem a little out of the ordinary, perhaps people want to be outside because its a nice day and spend time with family and friends, which is understandable, but we can get back to doing that later. Right 110w back to doing that later. Right now we have a Public Health crisis that we really need to be heading. To get the feeling that states and authorities are working together on this or is it every man for himself . Its been disappointing that there hasnt seemingly been more co ordination. New york mayor bill de blasio said earlier this week that the city was competing against other state and cities for urgent Public Health supplies like masks and gloves and swabs, and thats just not appropriate in a crisis of this magnitude and urgency. So i think mounis to be done, especially from a federal level, to co ordinate the National Pipeline to make sure we are triaging the most serious areas and people are getting the help and equipment they need. Absolutely. Thank you very much indeed. That is all we have time for. To stay safe and healthy. Also you have lots of foliage in the background there. It looks like a nice place to stay. Thank you. That is jake heller live in brooklyn for us. More than 10,000 people have now died in italy, with 898 people dying in the past 2a hours alone. Hospitals in the north of the country are in desperate need for protective equipment, as well as more staff. Gene mackenzie reports from rome. A lifeline lands in lombardy. Converted into a mobile hospital, this morning the German Military flew critically ill patients from italys worst hit region to hospitals around germany. Italys outbreak has been so concentrated in the north that hospitals are struggling to cope. Doctor constantinez was one of the first to be overwhelmed. In my town, the situation is a bit improving. I think we are a couple of weeks ahead of the rest of lombardy, so we now are on the plateau of the curve of the new covid infections. At first, it was beds and ventilators in short supply, but now, its people. Nurses and doctors. Because we have some free beds inside our hospitals, we could use for patients because we dont have any more nurses 01 doctors. Today, italy has reached a sobering milestone. More than 10,000 people dead after nearly 900 more deaths were recorded since yesterday. There is some hope here. The rate of new infections has slowed over the past week, an indication that this lockdown, which began nearly three weeks ago, is starting to work. But italians are wary of being too hopefuljust yet, with the number of deaths still coming so fast. But the governments medical researchers say these recent deaths dont mean italy isnt making progress. These people got the infection two or three weeks ago, so this is an image of italy some weeks ago. How many days away from the peak do you think that we are . We are expecting that the peak will be in the next days. These days will now be critical in determining whether italy has managed to change the course of this cruel epidemic. Jean mckenzie, bbc news, rome. The husband of british Iranian Charity Worker Nazanin Zaghari ratcliffe says her temporary leave from prison in tehran has been extended by two weeks. The 41 year old was released from evin prison on 17th march because of the coronavirus outbreak. Richard ratcliffe said his father in law received the news of the extension when he went to the prosecutors 0ffice. Nazanin Zaghari Ratcliffe was jailed in 2016 on spying charges that she has always denied. Stay with us on bbc news. Still to come millions of people tune in as spains biggest stars from the world of music and football hold a virtual festival to raise money and spirits. The accident that happened here was of the sort that can at worst produce a meltdown. In this case the precautions worked, but they didnt work quite well enough to prevent some old fears about the safety features of these stations from resurfacing. The republic of ireland has become the first country in the world to ban smoking in the workplace. From today, anyone lighting up in offices, businesses, pubs and restaurants will face a heavy fine. The president was on his way out of the washington hilton hotel, where he had been addressing a trade union conference. The small crowd outside included his assailant. It has become a symbol of paris. 100 years ago, many parisians wished it had never been built. The eiffel towers birthday is being marked by a re enactment of the first ascent by gustave eiffel. This is bbc news, the latest headlines the number of deaths in the uk from the coronavirus rises to more than 1,000. And in the us, President Trump has ruled out imposing a quarantine on new york and two other states, to slow the spread of the virus. In a u turn, the panama government says it will now allow a cruise ship that has been stranded for weeks off its coast to travel through the canal, after four people died, and two tested positive for coronavirus. The ship is one of many stranded at sea as ports refuse to accept them amidst the covid 19 pandemic. Reged ahmad reports. Stuck on board for two weeks, passengers on the zaandam cruise ship have been in self isolation is the number of people showing flulike symptoms have grown. In extremely difficult circumstances, desperate messages of help was sent, waiting for news and coronavirus test kits. Translation they have direct contact with the outside world. Everyone is confined to their cabins and the only contact they have is with their lunch drive which is served to them at different times but they do not see anyone. The ship, which has passengers from several nations including britain, the us and parts of europe have been trying to get to florida. The dutch owned operators came up the dutch owned operators came up with a plan to transfer hundreds of the healthy passengers to its sister ship, the rotterdam. In an about face, panama is allowing the sheep through the anime canal body remains unclear what happens to them after that. Some struggling to find a port that will take any vessel as the pandemic spreads. The coral princess has no cases on board but is now heading to Fort Lauderdale after being denied entry several times. Princes are looking after us very well but when it gets to Fort Lauderdale we are uncertain what is going to happen and thatis what is going to happen and that is what is bothering people the most. The crew have been fantastic, looking after us been fantastic, looking after us but we want to get home. Fort lauderdale, we did not know what the solution is and thatis know what the solution is and that is what is bothering people most. As the situation has grown increasingly desperate, some have been allowed to dock because of medical emergency among sick crew and passengers, including respiratory illnesses. Reged ahmad, bbc news. In russia, a partial shutdown has come into effect today, with bars, restaurants, parks and Entertainment Venues shut across the country in an effort to contain the spread of the coronavirus. According to government statistics, russia has a relatively low number of infections so far, although many believe the official figures dont tell the full story. From moscow, Steve Rosenberg reports. At times, it felt like just another saturday in moscow. But today was anything but normal. The park by the kremlin, usually packed, was empty. The iconic Red Square Department store shut. All cafes a nd restau ra nts in russia, too. To slow the spread of coronavirus, russians are being asked to stay off the streets, but not everybody is listening. Theyve exaggerated the danger, he says. Im not scared of anything. Moscow says everyone over 65 must stay at home. Hard to enforce, but the restrictions have reduced the crowds. Until very recently, the kremlin were saying that everything here is under control and in fact, there is no coronavirus epidemic in russia. Now, shops are closing, flights in and out of the country are suspended, and people are being urged to stay at home. Its a mixed message which is causing confusion. So is some of the coverage on russian tv. A deadly virus risks becoming a source of entertainment. But the illness is spreading here. We were allowed to film this moscow medical facility, re purposed for coronavirus cases. Hospitals across the city are preparing for a flood of patients. This week, moscows mayor told president putin the situation in the capital was serious, and he admitted there were far more cases of coronavirus here than official figures had been suggesting. Choral singing and yet, despite the danger of infection, the churches remain open. No social distancing here. They want to be close to god. Its impossible to get infected in a church because it is a holy place, she says. Shes a doctor. More restrictions are expected, possibly a full lockdown, to protect russia. In the chinese city of wuhan, where the global coronavirus emergency began, some transport services are resuming as Hubei Province gradually lifts its lockdown with the Coronavirus Crisis apparently stabilizing there for the time being. James ra nsley reports. Wuhans wu hans train station wuhans train station once empty is now busy with people with places to be. The city slowly coming back to life. Translation i think this is the result of the hard work of all Chinese People who came together as one and defeated the epidemic. For us, the news about lifting the doctor and is the biggest recognition for us staying at home for more than two months. Lockdown. Carrying medical supplies and electronics to europe, this train, thanks in buses back on, resident advised against unnecessary travel and those over 65 told to avoid taking public transport all together. People are allowed to enter wuhan by restrictions on those wishing to leave. We issued until april eight. Transitioning people from hubei who travelled out of the problems faced discrimination. I hope that they do not treat them as a virus. The 11 Million People have faced harsh restrictions and intu bate people have faced harsh restrictions and intubate more than 50,000 people have been infected, more than 3000 have died, but the partial reopening of wuhan is a turning point stop translation chinas land reported only imported cases. Three fatalities reported and all of them in hubei. After months of total lockdown, life is beginning to get back on track. Italy has been on a nationwide lockdown for nearly three weeks and remains the hardest hit country in europe by the pandemic. Even so, italians have shown their support and solidarity from their windows and balconies with music. Like trumpeter Alberto Anguzza from sicily, whose performance of john lennons imagine, went viral online. Plays imagine well, Alberto Anguzza spoke to my colleague, rachel schofield, earlier and explained why he took his trumpet out to play for his neighbours. It is such a difficult time now. In all the world. We stay at home from 15 days now and i do not know how many days we have to stay at home because our government told us about all will be finished in the next three but i do not think so. Wejust next three but i do not think so. We just have to respect the rules, stay at home. We have like summer days. This is the west coast of sicily, it is a Beautiful Day but we cannot go outside. Wejust Beautiful Day but we cannot go outside. We just have to respect the rules, stay at home, pray day by day and enjoy it with the power of music. Just this. We will invite you to have a new audience on bbc news, why dont you play some music for us . I have my trumpet with me. Enjoy, people. Plays imagine a kiss for everybody, god lets you, people. Holding the telephone and playing trumpet is very impressive. The Spanish Football League la liga has hosted a virtual Music Festival to lift spirits and to raise much needed funds for the countrys medical supplies. music playing big names in music and also footballers like barcelonas gerard pique and real madrid captain sergio ramos joined the show. Many of the footballers shared their tips to get through the coronavirus lockdown, while artists performed songs from the comfort of their own homes. A man whod been due to take part in the London Marathon next month has run the 26. 2 miles in his back garden. The event has been cancelled because of the coronavirus pandemic, but that hasnt put off 36 year old james page. He completed 873 laps of his lawn in sidcup in kent, before crossing a finish line made by his son from toilet roll. You do not want to be wasting that. This looking at how a cruise ship in panama is trying to tra nsfer cruise ship in panama is trying to transfer healthy passengers to transfer healthy passengers to another cruise ship. Thank you for watching, i will see you for watching, i will see you soon. Hello there. As far as the clocks are concerned, sunday is the first day of british summertime. Not so for the weather. In fact, its going to feel more like winter. Itll be cold, particularly when we factor in the strength of the wind, and there will be a few wintry showers around as well. Having said that, High Pressure is not too far away, sitting just to the north west of the british isles. Quite strong High Pressure actually. So there will be a lot of dry weather around. But the flow of the air of High Pressure in a clockwise direction means that we are bringing the winds down from the north or north east, and brisk air, bringing cold air our way. There will be some showers throughout the day. Wintry showers in the north and the east over high ground, mainly low in low levels. But there will be a lot of dry weather around. Some spells of sunshine, large amounts of cloud as well. But the wind will be noticeable in england and wales with gusts of a0 miles an hour for some spots, up to 50 miles an hour for some eastern and southern coasts. Not as windy for Northern Ireland and scotland, but still quite breezy. Temperatures on the thermometer between five and 10 degrees. Factoring in the wind, this is what it will feel like. For some of us, it will feel not much better than freezing. Now, as we go through sunday night, we will continue to see a lot of cloud working its way down from the north. I think the increasing chance of seeing showers into northern and eastern areas, some of these wintry over high ground. But at low levels mostly rain showers. At this stage, it might not be quite as chilly. Yes, still a frost for some of us on monday morning, but, generally speaking, monday should feel a little less cold, partly because the winds will be a little later. Yes, it will still be breezy, but not as windy. Some showers in northern and eastern scotland, northern england, maybe is well throughout the day. But temperatures up just a touch, between nine and 11. As the High Pressure slides away slightly westwards into tuesday, we start to bring the air from a different place, the air coming more from the atlantic. So not quite as cold on tuesday. Large amounts of cloud bubbling up through the day. There will be one or two showers. Those temperatures, again, between nine and 11 degrees. As we look deeper into the coming week, our area of High Pressure still not too far away, but like later in the week no pressure will develop to the north. That will work its way into the north east of the uk, and that will bring another plunge of cold air into northernmost areas. Perhaps some rain, perhaps sleet and snow in the high areas. But it will turn milder and will stay mostly dry. This is bbc news. The headlines the uk has recorded its highest number of deaths linked to the coronavirus in a single day. 260 people have died in the past 2a hours bringing the total to more than 1,000. This, as officials warn that social distancing restrictions must be kept in place. The number of coronavirus related deaths in the us has surged past 2,000, doubling within just two days. A quarter of the deaths are in new york state. President trump has said he is no longer considering a quarantine on new york state, newjersey, and parts of connecticut. Italy has become the first country in which more than 10,000 people have died of the coronavirus. The countrys economy minister says europe will need a great Marshall Plan to relaunch its economy after the pandemic similar to the scheme that funded rebuilding after the second world war. Now on bbc news the latest information and health advice

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