Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20200226 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20200226

a senior officialfrom the world health organization has warned countries around the globe to prepare immediately for the further spread of the coronavirus. there's particular concern about the number of cases in iran. the deputy health minister there, who's been at the forefront of efforts to control the spread of infection, has now tested positive for the virus. our correspondent rana rahimpour from bbc persian has the latest. here in tehran the authorities spray disinfectant outside the home of a man who has died from the coronavirus. officially, 16 people have died and 95 are infected, but many believe the real figures to be far higher. on monday, iran's deputy health minister, here on the left, publicly denied a cover—up, while he himself looked unwell. 2a hours later, he took to twitter to reveal he had been diagnosed with the virus. translation: i would like to inform you that i also have got corona. i had fever from yesterday. my primary test results came up positive last night and since then i have isolated myself. in the capital, tehran, shoppers have been panic—buying. pharmacies are overcrowded and low on stock. this chemist admits they're short of supplies. so far, at least seven countries in the region have reported confirmed cases — all can be traced back to iran. suffering from economic sanctions and mismanagement, the country is ill—equipped to cope, and its refusal to impose a mass lockdown, like in italy and china, will fuel the crisis. rana rahimpour, bbc news. several european countries have announced their first cases, all apparently linked to the outbreak in italy. in recent days, italy has become europe's worst—affected country, with more than 300 cases and 11 deaths. austria, croatia and switzerland all report cases involving people who've recently been to italy. mark lowen is there. from island haven to health scare lockdown, italy's coronavirus outbreak has spread to tenerife. the costa adeje palace hotel now shut off after an italian guest, a doctor, tested positive. they woke up to this, ordered to stay put. hundreds stuck inside. we've just got to stay in the hotel. we can't leave the hotel. we can walk round the grounds, sit on the sun loungers, but there's a cordon around the hotel with police. in italy itself, cases are still rising. it's europe's worst—affected country and in milan they're not taking any chances. pharmacies across the city have the same sign — "we've run out of masks and sanitising gel." among the places closed, la scala opera has been silenced, a blow for alan and mary spencer who came from somerset to enjoy a verdi classic. well, we were disappointed because we had made plans to visit so many places in milan for the first time and all of them are closed. under new british government rules, if they show symptoms after going home, they'd have to self—isolate for two weeks. we feel we're most at threat, perhaps, during our return journey when we will be in contact with other people travelling by train and by plane. until then, we feel comfortable and safe here. one of italy's key concerns now is the economic impact of the virus. with sites closed, tourists cancelling and businesses suffering, there's talk of it tipping into recession. and until they can stem the outbreak, the eu's third largest economy will feel the shock. prime people—watching spots are virtually people free. cafes count their losses. gabrielle gerosa says it's the worst he's seen in years, "milan is suffering a psychosis. people are scared and aren't going out." a world of easy travel has met a virus that knows no borders. italy's battle is proving heavier than most, but the front line of the fight keeps moving. mark lowen, bbc news, milan. for the second day running, the outbreak has sparked sharp falls on stock markets in europe and the us. in new york, the dowjones index has slumped more than 6% since opening on monday. let's get the latest from the bbc‘s mariko oi, in singapore, who's following the market reaction in asia for us. how is it looking? not too good at all. all of the markets here in asia are in the red from japan, south korea ‘s kospi and the hang seng. the tricky thing about the japanese yen as it is seen as about the japanese yen as it is seen as a about the japanese yen as it is seen as a safe haven. so in times of crisis or uncertainty like this the currency becomes stronger and that is bad news for the country's exporters, it makes them less competitive abroad. that is partly why we're seeing abroad. that is partly why we're seeing japan's nikkei being hit quite hard, sharply. you talked about wall street as well, the dow lost almost 2000 points, wiping of all of the gains of this year. wall street was somewhat slow to react to this outbreak in the beginning but now investors are seriously concerned about the virus spreading well beyond china and asia. mariko oi, thank you very much for that. delhi has seen its worst violence in decades as rioting between opponents and supporters of the controversial citizenship law has spread to new parts of india's capital. at least 13 people have been killed and hundreds injured — many of them police. the riots have coincided with president trump's first official visit to india. our correspondent, yogita limaye, sent this. for a second day, parts of delhi have descended into chaos. areas where hindus and muslims have for centuries lived side—by—side, have erupted in anger. this is the worst religious violence india's capital has seen in decades. this is a tyre market that has been set on fire. most of the shops here were owned by muslims. we have seen signs of arson all day, while we have been on the road. and we are just a few hundred metres from a place where there were violent mobs carrying sticks and stones. it all began as clashes over india's new citizenship law, which grants amnesty to non—muslim illegal immigrants from three neighbouring countries. but we are seeing now is a religious riot, and it has left people scared and angry. this is a muslim home that was burnt down. this man can barely hold back tears as he recounts how he and his family escaped angry hindu mobs. "we had to jump from roof to roof," he says. less than a mile away, some hindu men come running towards us. "muslims are shooting bullets, they are throwing stones," they shouted. rahul solanki died after he was shot in the head. the grief of losing sons, husbands, brothers, shared by both hindu and muslim families today. and, with each hour that goes by, the number of casualties rises. at the hospital, a night ago, we stretcher after stretcher being brought in. a woman whose husband was injured, collapsed into the arms of a bystander. a sister whose brother was shot in the head, wheeled him into an ambulance. the government says the situation is under control. the streets tell a different story. yogita limaye, bbc news, delhi. let's get some of the day's other news: 19 civilians including a number of children are reported to have been killed in attacks targeting rebel—held territory in northern syria. earlier there was fierce fighting around the town of nairab as russian—backed syrian government forces wage an offensive to seize idlib, the final major territory in syria still controlled by opposition fighters. preparations are under way in egypt for a military funeral for the former president hosni mubarak. he died on tuesday morning at the age of 91, nine years after he was overthrown during the arab spring protests. lawyers for harvey weinstein say he will put together a team of "very brilliant lawyers" to lead his appeal against conviction for sexual offences. he was found guilty on monday of a criminal sexual act, and rape in the third degree and was then taken to this hospital under guard after reportedly falling ill. one of the biggest names in corporate america — bob iger — is standing down as chief executive of the walt disney company. he's overseen huge changes at disney during his 15 years there, including major takeovers such as that of 21st century fox. new research reveals the internet was deliberately shut down last year, more than 200 times, in 33 countries. the highest number of blackouts was in india — authorities claiming they were trying to stop the spread of "fake news". across the world, internet shutdowns increasingly look like a tool of government repression. our cybersecurity reporter, joe tidy, reports. the internet has revolutionised democracy. by giving every phone, every computer a more equal chance to speak and share information. and during a big event, be it a celebration or a crisis, any of us look to social media as our primary source of news. however, this network, which is built around bringing us closer together, is now under threat. human rights groups say turning off the internet is now becoming a defining tool of government repression around the world. using the very latest data, this video will reveal the true scale of the internet blackout around the world and show how and when the plug is pulled. take a look at this map. as we move through 2019, watch as the internet is turned off more than 200 times in more than 30 countries. sometimes an entire nation will be switched off but often it is localised to a city or a region. and our analysis shows these blackouts often occur during times of political instability or civil unrest. government often says it is to help ensure public safety and to stop the spread of fake news. critics say the shutdowns stifle the flow of information online and crackdown on any potential dissent off—line. the data shows that in 2019 the internet was switched off during more than 60 protests and a dozen elections. however, nowhere experiences more shutdowns than india. in 2019, indians experienced over 100 blackouts. hardest hit was kashmir where services were suspended for more than half the year. with millions of people affected, forced off social media, deprived of news and restricted in their means to contact loved ones, kashmiris say the shutdown has been devastating. india says the move was necessary to maintain law and order but economically it has been crippling with many local businesses being run into the ground. with state—ordered shutdowns on the rise, the internet, a revolution built to bring us closer together, is under threat. joe tidy, bbc news. stay with us on bbc news, still to come: the arctic global seed vault reaches the milestone of having 1 million varieties stored in its deep freeze. prince charles has' chosen his bride. the prince proposed to lady diana spencer three weeks ago. she accepted, she says, without hesitation. as revolutions go, this had its fair share of bullets. a climax in the night outside the gates of mr marcos's sanctuary, malaca nang, the name itself symbolising one of the cruellest regimes of modern asia. the world's first clone has been produced of an adult mammal. scientists in scotland have produced a sheep called dolly using a cell from another sheep. warren beatty and faye dunaway announced to the world that the winner of best film was la la land. the only trouble was, it wasn't. the mistake was only put right in the middle of gushing speeches by the team behind the modern musical. not for 20 years have locusts been seen in such numbers in this part of africa. some of the swarms have been ten miles long. this is the last time the public will see this pope. very soon, for the sake of the credibility and authority of the next pope, benedict xvi will, in his own words, "be hidden from the world for the rest of his life." this is bbc news. the latest headlines: a senior officialfrom the world health organization has warned countries around the globe to prepare immediately for the further spread of the coronavirus. more now on our top story the impact of coronavirus on the global economy. live now to washington dc and to eshwar prasad, who is senior professor of trade policy at cornell university. and professor, you were previously chief of the financial studies division in the research department of the international monetary fund. what economic impacts of this outbreak are you seeing and what are your particular concerns? what looked like an out that had the potential to be contained and have limited damage is now changing into something that looks like it would be much more virulent for the world economy as well. i think the sanctions both in terms of demand, because travel and tourism are being hit and supply disruptions as well because supply chains around the world are being affected and investment plans will be hit because of the uncertainty created by the spread of this virus and the lack of clarity about when exactly it will be contained. there could be significant damage in the short term and in the long—term to economic growth prospect. term and in the long—term to economic growth prospectm term and in the long—term to economic growth prospect. if it is possible to quantify, what causes the most economic damage? the quarantine, the shutdown or the death or the nervousness and the panic on the market, the reaction from the market, the reaction from the market? financial markets seem the market? financial markets seem to be taking this in a sanguine seem to be taking this in a sanguine manner seem to be taking this in a sanguine manner until about a few days ago when the us markets, for instance, they tumbled taking many of the world markets along with them. there is a concern that what is particularly going to hurt long—term growth is the fact that businesses are putting investment plans on hold. they will think about restructuring their supply chains to be less dependent on a country like china and in the long run that could lead to more problems while businesses wait to see how this plays out. it will feed into more uncertainty, less investment unless productivity. professor, it seems to be a particular worry for many people that china is at the centre of this and yet china did recover well from the sars outbreak. it did. my concern about china this round is what is happening in terms of the disruption on the ground especially for the small business which have a much smaller financial cushion than the large state—owned enterprises. this means that if the shutdown continues you will have restaurants the shutdown continues you will have restau ra nts a nd the shutdown continues you will have restaurants and small businesses which are very important for productivity and employment growth and which are crucial for the dynamism of the chinese economy taking a big hit that could last for a while. so this outbreak and the fa ct while. so this outbreak and the fact that this is playing out across china is spilling over into the rest of the world and it could have it significant impact on the world economy as a consequence of what is happening on the ground in china. in a nutshell, you sound more pessimistic than domestic. at the moment, yes. there is no clear path to a resolution of this uncertainty and i worry a great deal. -- pessimistic than optimistic. thank you so much for your time. it's been a heated showdown for the democratic presidential candidates as they went head to head in a live television debate ahead of saturday's south carolina primary. the left—wing senator, bernie sanders, came under attack by opponents attempting to stop him becoming the us democratic party's presidential nominee. it was expected to be a bad temper to debate, the 10th of this run. he was repeatedly criticised over his plan for universal healthcare and his stance on gun control. the media magnate, michael bloomberg, said russia was helping mr sanders because it was certain he would lose to president trump in november. vladimir putin thinks that donald trump should be president of the united states and that is why russia is helping you get elected because you will lose to him. let me tell mr putin, you will lose to him. let me teler putin, 0k, you will lose to him. let me tell mr putin, ok, i am you will lose to him. let me tell mr putin, 0k, lam not you will lose to him. let me tell mr putin, ok, i am not a good friend of president xi of china. i think president xi is an authoritarian leader and let me tell mr putin who interfered in the 2016 elections, trying to bring americans against americans. mr putin, if i am president of the united states, trust me, you will not interfere in any more american elections. seven candidates there in charleston trying to win the right to fight president trump in november. the indonesian capital, jakarta is the world's fastest sinking city. that is one of many reasons presidentjoko widodo wants to move it, and build a new capital on the once jungle—covered island of borneo. he's promising a sustainable, smart city, the likes of which indonesia has never seen. but as rebecca henschke reports, there's concern about the environmental impact of the move. jakarta is sinking at alarming rate. it's predicted that almost all the land here in north jakarta will be underwater injust 30 years. this was built in an attempt to hold back the tide, a giant seawall that goes for hundreds of metres. but what is on the other side has become an iconic image of a city that is living on borrowed time. this mosque went under years ago, and the predictions for this area are bleak. faced with this future, the president wants to move the capital to a new site, 1,000 km away, to the island of borneo. nearly 2,000 hectares of land has been designated. the estimate cost — $33 billion, and the deadline within just four years. this is what it could look like. the winning urban design, selected through a government—run competition, is of a sustainable forest city. we have a very good opportunity to start from scratch, where we have all the model of the city that is compact, that is walkable. but the indigenous people of this area are fearful about what it will mean for them. translation: we strongly reject the move. we are disappointed and scared. we are worried that our land and forest will be filled with tall buildings, and we will lose our way of life. due to rapid deforestation here, orangutans who call these forests home are now critically endangered. at this sanctuary near the new capital site, orphaned baby orangutans are having to be looked after by humans. the government is vowing to protect and restore forests around the capital, but environmentalists are worried. translation: this is a key habitat for many animals and plants. if this is swallowed up by the new capital, where will the animals go? the promise is that the mistakes of the past injakarta will not be repeated in borneo. but can that dream be realised, and at what cost to one of the most biodiverse places on earth? rebecca henschke, bbc news, kalimantan. let's just take you back to that 10th debate in the primary campaignfor that 10th debate in the primary campaign for the democratic party. let's go live to charleston. it was inevitable that bernie sanders would take a lot of incoming fire. my limburg andjoe a lot of incoming fire. my limburg and joe biden had a lot of work to do. yes. bernie sanders came under sustained pressure for the first time as he is now the clear front—runner and mr bloomberg led the attack charging that russia wanted to get him re—elected and mr biden came in with the second one criticising him on his control, his record on gun control. it went from there. many of the candidates, even the more liberal and progressive ones said that they agreed with mr sanders on his analysis but they thought his programme was too ambitious and that they were the ones to get thejob done. they that they were the ones to get the job done. they said their programmes off, all of them in conjunction to come —— in comparison to him. mr biden had his strongest performance so farduring his strongest performance so far during the night and he really needed to do so because he has been slipping in the polls and he needs a strong showing here in south carolina because this is where he has traditionally had a loyal support from black voters which make up the majority here and mr sanders had been making a dent in that. it was very much on the shoulders of mr biden to put ina on the shoulders of mr biden to put in a strong debate. he seems to have done better than he has before. mr bloomberg was trying to make up for it dismal performance last week. he recovered but he was not the focus of attention mikey was last week when he came under sustained attack. so candidates have set out their last debate now before the big vote next week here in south carolina and then next week's super tuesday when there is a vote in 1a different states. they knew they had to come out fighting today and they really did. just briefly in a nutshell, what is your sense on how this plays with voters? having democrats tearing trans from each other could only give ammunition to mrtrump you could only give ammunition to mr trump you would think. and that point was made by somebody on the debate stage. there is that view. but there is also another view that he was a substantive debate. rancorous but substantive in that candidates were forced to spell out different policy positions. thank you very much indeed for that. and that is it for now. just very briefly, our main story again. a senior official from the world health organization has worn countries around the globe to prepare immediately for the further spread of coronavirus. thank you for watching. hello there. we're stuck in this colder air stream through wednesday and thursday. and that means more showers, more wintry showers as well. and we've already seen snow falling to quite low levels. now, as those showers ease off across central and eastern parts of the uk, we'll see temperatures dropping away. many areas having a touch of frost, particularly cold though, again, in the north—east of scotland. and given those showers, some icy conditions, especially for northern and western parts of the uk where showers keep going into the morning. in general, fewer showers, perhaps, on wednesday. a few will get across to the midlands, eastern england, and eastern scotland, but most of them, certainly during the afternoon, towards northern ireland and western scotland. snow mainly over the hills. some heavier showers, mind you, and temperatures 5—9 degrees once again. chilly in the breeze, but it won't be as windy in the south—west of england. here, during the evening though, cloud is thickening up. we've got some rain moving in. that's moving into the colder air. so there's the threat of snow overnight, in the brecon beacons, perhaps a centimetre or two of wet snow over the cotswolds and later into the chilterns as well. it is mostly rain. further north, the areas colder, of course, wintery showers keep going and there will be some icy patches around as well. now, it's this area of low pressure that brings the threat of some wet snow across more southern parts of england and wales. that then moves away into continental europe on thursday. but it could take much of the morning for that wetter weather to clear the south—east of england. once it does, we're all into that cold north—westerly airflow, sunnier skies, showers mainly for northern ireland, northern and western scotland, and the north—west of england. but many places in the afternoon, away from here, i think will be dry. still, temperatures struggling to 5—7 degrees. another frost, actually, on thursday night. and then we look in to the atlantic to see more weather systems moving further north across the uk. it'll be a cold start, cloud will increase. we'll see outbreaks of rain moving on from the south—west. you can see how the wind direction changes. we pick up more of a south—westerly wind. we may well find some snow over the tops of the pennines, southern uplands, towards the latter part of the day. temperatures 6—7 degrees for most. but milder, perhaps double figures for southern parts of england and wales. but that rain may well get steadier and heavier, actually, on friday night, saturday morning, before pushing away. then a few more isobars in the chart as well. and we're back into that colder, showery airstream as saturday goes on. so remaining very unsettled over the weekend, a spell of rain and some showers, wintry over the hills, more rain on sunday and feeling chilly in the wind. this is bbc news, the headlines: a senior official from the world health organisation has warned countries around the globe to prepare immediately for the further spread of the coronavirus. there's particular concern about the number of cases in iran. several european countries, including austria, croatia and switzerland, have just announced their first coronavirus cases, all apparently linked to the growing outbreak in italy. the outbreak has sparked sharp falls for the second day running on stock markets around the world. in new york, the dowjones index has slumped more than 6% since monday's opening. japan's nikkei has fallen by more than 3%, hitting its lowest in 4 months. the us democrats running for president have held a bad—tempered tv debate, with the frontrunner, bernie sanders and the billionaire, michael bloomberg, both coming under attack. the debate comes just days before the south carolina primary and a week before super tuesday. scotland is a step closer to becoming the first country in the world to make sanitary products freely available. politicians at holyrood have endorsed the general principles of the legislation although concerns have been raised about the cost. the scottish government has estimated the annual bill would be more than £24 million. our scotland correspondent, lorna gordon reports. it has become another everyday part of life in scottish schools — free sanitary products available to anyone who needs them. at this school in glasgow, the students have led the way in making the changes. when people were on their periods, they kind of backed down from doing some things, because they felt uncomfortable, don't they? like what?

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New York , United States , Charleston , South Carolina , Japan , Glasgow , Glasgow City , United Kingdom , Milan , Lombardia , Italy , Kalimantan , Indonesia General , Indonesia , Iran , Washington , China , Austria , Delhi , India , Syria , Russia , Northern Ireland , Craigavon , Brecon , Powys , Egypt , Widodo , Jawa Tengah , Idlib , Croatia , Singapore , Nairab , Lab , Tehran , Switzerland , Jakarta , Jakarta Raya , Americans , America , Indonesian , Scotland , British , Japanese , American , Lorna Gordon , Bbob Iger , Mary Spencer , Rahul Solanki , Gabrielle Gerosa , Walt Disney , Joe Biden , Warren Beatty , Malaca Nang , Hosni Mubarak , Michael Bloomberg , November Vladimir Putin , Bernie Sanders ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20200226 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20200226

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a senior officialfrom the world health organization has warned countries around the globe to prepare immediately for the further spread of the coronavirus. there's particular concern about the number of cases in iran. the deputy health minister there, who's been at the forefront of efforts to control the spread of infection, has now tested positive for the virus. our correspondent rana rahimpour from bbc persian has the latest. here in tehran the authorities spray disinfectant outside the home of a man who has died from the coronavirus. officially, 16 people have died and 95 are infected, but many believe the real figures to be far higher. on monday, iran's deputy health minister, here on the left, publicly denied a cover—up, while he himself looked unwell. 2a hours later, he took to twitter to reveal he had been diagnosed with the virus. translation: i would like to inform you that i also have got corona. i had fever from yesterday. my primary test results came up positive last night and since then i have isolated myself. in the capital, tehran, shoppers have been panic—buying. pharmacies are overcrowded and low on stock. this chemist admits they're short of supplies. so far, at least seven countries in the region have reported confirmed cases — all can be traced back to iran. suffering from economic sanctions and mismanagement, the country is ill—equipped to cope, and its refusal to impose a mass lockdown, like in italy and china, will fuel the crisis. rana rahimpour, bbc news. several european countries have announced their first cases, all apparently linked to the outbreak in italy. in recent days, italy has become europe's worst—affected country, with more than 300 cases and 11 deaths. austria, croatia and switzerland all report cases involving people who've recently been to italy. mark lowen is there. from island haven to health scare lockdown, italy's coronavirus outbreak has spread to tenerife. the costa adeje palace hotel now shut off after an italian guest, a doctor, tested positive. they woke up to this, ordered to stay put. hundreds stuck inside. we've just got to stay in the hotel. we can't leave the hotel. we can walk round the grounds, sit on the sun loungers, but there's a cordon around the hotel with police. in italy itself, cases are still rising. it's europe's worst—affected country and in milan they're not taking any chances. pharmacies across the city have the same sign — "we've run out of masks and sanitising gel." among the places closed, la scala opera has been silenced, a blow for alan and mary spencer who came from somerset to enjoy a verdi classic. well, we were disappointed because we had made plans to visit so many places in milan for the first time and all of them are closed. under new british government rules, if they show symptoms after going home, they'd have to self—isolate for two weeks. we feel we're most at threat, perhaps, during our return journey when we will be in contact with other people travelling by train and by plane. until then, we feel comfortable and safe here. one of italy's key concerns now is the economic impact of the virus. with sites closed, tourists cancelling and businesses suffering, there's talk of it tipping into recession. and until they can stem the outbreak, the eu's third largest economy will feel the shock. prime people—watching spots are virtually people free. cafes count their losses. gabrielle gerosa says it's the worst he's seen in years, "milan is suffering a psychosis. people are scared and aren't going out." a world of easy travel has met a virus that knows no borders. italy's battle is proving heavier than most, but the front line of the fight keeps moving. mark lowen, bbc news, milan. for the second day running, the outbreak has sparked sharp falls on stock markets in europe and the us. in new york, the dowjones index has slumped more than 6% since opening on monday. let's get the latest from the bbc‘s mariko oi, in singapore, who's following the market reaction in asia for us. how is it looking? not too good at all. all of the markets here in asia are in the red from japan, south korea ‘s kospi and the hang seng. the tricky thing about the japanese yen as it is seen as about the japanese yen as it is seen as a about the japanese yen as it is seen as a safe haven. so in times of crisis or uncertainty like this the currency becomes stronger and that is bad news for the country's exporters, it makes them less competitive abroad. that is partly why we're seeing abroad. that is partly why we're seeing japan's nikkei being hit quite hard, sharply. you talked about wall street as well, the dow lost almost 2000 points, wiping of all of the gains of this year. wall street was somewhat slow to react to this outbreak in the beginning but now investors are seriously concerned about the virus spreading well beyond china and asia. mariko oi, thank you very much for that. delhi has seen its worst violence in decades as rioting between opponents and supporters of the controversial citizenship law has spread to new parts of india's capital. at least 13 people have been killed and hundreds injured — many of them police. the riots have coincided with president trump's first official visit to india. our correspondent, yogita limaye, sent this. for a second day, parts of delhi have descended into chaos. areas where hindus and muslims have for centuries lived side—by—side, have erupted in anger. this is the worst religious violence india's capital has seen in decades. this is a tyre market that has been set on fire. most of the shops here were owned by muslims. we have seen signs of arson all day, while we have been on the road. and we are just a few hundred metres from a place where there were violent mobs carrying sticks and stones. it all began as clashes over india's new citizenship law, which grants amnesty to non—muslim illegal immigrants from three neighbouring countries. but we are seeing now is a religious riot, and it has left people scared and angry. this is a muslim home that was burnt down. this man can barely hold back tears as he recounts how he and his family escaped angry hindu mobs. "we had to jump from roof to roof," he says. less than a mile away, some hindu men come running towards us. "muslims are shooting bullets, they are throwing stones," they shouted. rahul solanki died after he was shot in the head. the grief of losing sons, husbands, brothers, shared by both hindu and muslim families today. and, with each hour that goes by, the number of casualties rises. at the hospital, a night ago, we stretcher after stretcher being brought in. a woman whose husband was injured, collapsed into the arms of a bystander. a sister whose brother was shot in the head, wheeled him into an ambulance. the government says the situation is under control. the streets tell a different story. yogita limaye, bbc news, delhi. let's get some of the day's other news: 19 civilians including a number of children are reported to have been killed in attacks targeting rebel—held territory in northern syria. earlier there was fierce fighting around the town of nairab as russian—backed syrian government forces wage an offensive to seize idlib, the final major territory in syria still controlled by opposition fighters. preparations are under way in egypt for a military funeral for the former president hosni mubarak. he died on tuesday morning at the age of 91, nine years after he was overthrown during the arab spring protests. lawyers for harvey weinstein say he will put together a team of "very brilliant lawyers" to lead his appeal against conviction for sexual offences. he was found guilty on monday of a criminal sexual act, and rape in the third degree and was then taken to this hospital under guard after reportedly falling ill. one of the biggest names in corporate america — bob iger — is standing down as chief executive of the walt disney company. he's overseen huge changes at disney during his 15 years there, including major takeovers such as that of 21st century fox. new research reveals the internet was deliberately shut down last year, more than 200 times, in 33 countries. the highest number of blackouts was in india — authorities claiming they were trying to stop the spread of "fake news". across the world, internet shutdowns increasingly look like a tool of government repression. our cybersecurity reporter, joe tidy, reports. the internet has revolutionised democracy. by giving every phone, every computer a more equal chance to speak and share information. and during a big event, be it a celebration or a crisis, any of us look to social media as our primary source of news. however, this network, which is built around bringing us closer together, is now under threat. human rights groups say turning off the internet is now becoming a defining tool of government repression around the world. using the very latest data, this video will reveal the true scale of the internet blackout around the world and show how and when the plug is pulled. take a look at this map. as we move through 2019, watch as the internet is turned off more than 200 times in more than 30 countries. sometimes an entire nation will be switched off but often it is localised to a city or a region. and our analysis shows these blackouts often occur during times of political instability or civil unrest. government often says it is to help ensure public safety and to stop the spread of fake news. critics say the shutdowns stifle the flow of information online and crackdown on any potential dissent off—line. the data shows that in 2019 the internet was switched off during more than 60 protests and a dozen elections. however, nowhere experiences more shutdowns than india. in 2019, indians experienced over 100 blackouts. hardest hit was kashmir where services were suspended for more than half the year. with millions of people affected, forced off social media, deprived of news and restricted in their means to contact loved ones, kashmiris say the shutdown has been devastating. india says the move was necessary to maintain law and order but economically it has been crippling with many local businesses being run into the ground. with state—ordered shutdowns on the rise, the internet, a revolution built to bring us closer together, is under threat. joe tidy, bbc news. stay with us on bbc news, still to come: the arctic global seed vault reaches the milestone of having 1 million varieties stored in its deep freeze. prince charles has' chosen his bride. the prince proposed to lady diana spencer three weeks ago. she accepted, she says, without hesitation. as revolutions go, this had its fair share of bullets. a climax in the night outside the gates of mr marcos's sanctuary, malaca nang, the name itself symbolising one of the cruellest regimes of modern asia. the world's first clone has been produced of an adult mammal. scientists in scotland have produced a sheep called dolly using a cell from another sheep. warren beatty and faye dunaway announced to the world that the winner of best film was la la land. the only trouble was, it wasn't. the mistake was only put right in the middle of gushing speeches by the team behind the modern musical. not for 20 years have locusts been seen in such numbers in this part of africa. some of the swarms have been ten miles long. this is the last time the public will see this pope. very soon, for the sake of the credibility and authority of the next pope, benedict xvi will, in his own words, "be hidden from the world for the rest of his life." this is bbc news. the latest headlines: a senior officialfrom the world health organization has warned countries around the globe to prepare immediately for the further spread of the coronavirus. more now on our top story the impact of coronavirus on the global economy. live now to washington dc and to eshwar prasad, who is senior professor of trade policy at cornell university. and professor, you were previously chief of the financial studies division in the research department of the international monetary fund. what economic impacts of this outbreak are you seeing and what are your particular concerns? what looked like an out that had the potential to be contained and have limited damage is now changing into something that looks like it would be much more virulent for the world economy as well. i think the sanctions both in terms of demand, because travel and tourism are being hit and supply disruptions as well because supply chains around the world are being affected and investment plans will be hit because of the uncertainty created by the spread of this virus and the lack of clarity about when exactly it will be contained. there could be significant damage in the short term and in the long—term to economic growth prospect. term and in the long—term to economic growth prospectm term and in the long—term to economic growth prospect. if it is possible to quantify, what causes the most economic damage? the quarantine, the shutdown or the death or the nervousness and the panic on the market, the reaction from the market, the reaction from the market? financial markets seem the market? financial markets seem to be taking this in a sanguine seem to be taking this in a sanguine manner seem to be taking this in a sanguine manner until about a few days ago when the us markets, for instance, they tumbled taking many of the world markets along with them. there is a concern that what is particularly going to hurt long—term growth is the fact that businesses are putting investment plans on hold. they will think about restructuring their supply chains to be less dependent on a country like china and in the long run that could lead to more problems while businesses wait to see how this plays out. it will feed into more uncertainty, less investment unless productivity. professor, it seems to be a particular worry for many people that china is at the centre of this and yet china did recover well from the sars outbreak. it did. my concern about china this round is what is happening in terms of the disruption on the ground especially for the small business which have a much smaller financial cushion than the large state—owned enterprises. this means that if the shutdown continues you will have restaurants the shutdown continues you will have restau ra nts a nd the shutdown continues you will have restaurants and small businesses which are very important for productivity and employment growth and which are crucial for the dynamism of the chinese economy taking a big hit that could last for a while. so this outbreak and the fa ct while. so this outbreak and the fact that this is playing out across china is spilling over into the rest of the world and it could have it significant impact on the world economy as a consequence of what is happening on the ground in china. in a nutshell, you sound more pessimistic than domestic. at the moment, yes. there is no clear path to a resolution of this uncertainty and i worry a great deal. -- pessimistic than optimistic. thank you so much for your time. it's been a heated showdown for the democratic presidential candidates as they went head to head in a live television debate ahead of saturday's south carolina primary. the left—wing senator, bernie sanders, came under attack by opponents attempting to stop him becoming the us democratic party's presidential nominee. it was expected to be a bad temper to debate, the 10th of this run. he was repeatedly criticised over his plan for universal healthcare and his stance on gun control. the media magnate, michael bloomberg, said russia was helping mr sanders because it was certain he would lose to president trump in november. vladimir putin thinks that donald trump should be president of the united states and that is why russia is helping you get elected because you will lose to him. let me tell mr putin, you will lose to him. let me teler putin, 0k, you will lose to him. let me tell mr putin, ok, i am you will lose to him. let me tell mr putin, 0k, lam not you will lose to him. let me tell mr putin, ok, i am not a good friend of president xi of china. i think president xi is an authoritarian leader and let me tell mr putin who interfered in the 2016 elections, trying to bring americans against americans. mr putin, if i am president of the united states, trust me, you will not interfere in any more american elections. seven candidates there in charleston trying to win the right to fight president trump in november. the indonesian capital, jakarta is the world's fastest sinking city. that is one of many reasons presidentjoko widodo wants to move it, and build a new capital on the once jungle—covered island of borneo. he's promising a sustainable, smart city, the likes of which indonesia has never seen. but as rebecca henschke reports, there's concern about the environmental impact of the move. jakarta is sinking at alarming rate. it's predicted that almost all the land here in north jakarta will be underwater injust 30 years. this was built in an attempt to hold back the tide, a giant seawall that goes for hundreds of metres. but what is on the other side has become an iconic image of a city that is living on borrowed time. this mosque went under years ago, and the predictions for this area are bleak. faced with this future, the president wants to move the capital to a new site, 1,000 km away, to the island of borneo. nearly 2,000 hectares of land has been designated. the estimate cost — $33 billion, and the deadline within just four years. this is what it could look like. the winning urban design, selected through a government—run competition, is of a sustainable forest city. we have a very good opportunity to start from scratch, where we have all the model of the city that is compact, that is walkable. but the indigenous people of this area are fearful about what it will mean for them. translation: we strongly reject the move. we are disappointed and scared. we are worried that our land and forest will be filled with tall buildings, and we will lose our way of life. due to rapid deforestation here, orangutans who call these forests home are now critically endangered. at this sanctuary near the new capital site, orphaned baby orangutans are having to be looked after by humans. the government is vowing to protect and restore forests around the capital, but environmentalists are worried. translation: this is a key habitat for many animals and plants. if this is swallowed up by the new capital, where will the animals go? the promise is that the mistakes of the past injakarta will not be repeated in borneo. but can that dream be realised, and at what cost to one of the most biodiverse places on earth? rebecca henschke, bbc news, kalimantan. let's just take you back to that 10th debate in the primary campaignfor that 10th debate in the primary campaign for the democratic party. let's go live to charleston. it was inevitable that bernie sanders would take a lot of incoming fire. my limburg andjoe a lot of incoming fire. my limburg and joe biden had a lot of work to do. yes. bernie sanders came under sustained pressure for the first time as he is now the clear front—runner and mr bloomberg led the attack charging that russia wanted to get him re—elected and mr biden came in with the second one criticising him on his control, his record on gun control. it went from there. many of the candidates, even the more liberal and progressive ones said that they agreed with mr sanders on his analysis but they thought his programme was too ambitious and that they were the ones to get thejob done. they that they were the ones to get the job done. they said their programmes off, all of them in conjunction to come —— in comparison to him. mr biden had his strongest performance so farduring his strongest performance so far during the night and he really needed to do so because he has been slipping in the polls and he needs a strong showing here in south carolina because this is where he has traditionally had a loyal support from black voters which make up the majority here and mr sanders had been making a dent in that. it was very much on the shoulders of mr biden to put ina on the shoulders of mr biden to put in a strong debate. he seems to have done better than he has before. mr bloomberg was trying to make up for it dismal performance last week. he recovered but he was not the focus of attention mikey was last week when he came under sustained attack. so candidates have set out their last debate now before the big vote next week here in south carolina and then next week's super tuesday when there is a vote in 1a different states. they knew they had to come out fighting today and they really did. just briefly in a nutshell, what is your sense on how this plays with voters? having democrats tearing trans from each other could only give ammunition to mrtrump you could only give ammunition to mr trump you would think. and that point was made by somebody on the debate stage. there is that view. but there is also another view that he was a substantive debate. rancorous but substantive in that candidates were forced to spell out different policy positions. thank you very much indeed for that. and that is it for now. just very briefly, our main story again. a senior official from the world health organization has worn countries around the globe to prepare immediately for the further spread of coronavirus. thank you for watching. hello there. we're stuck in this colder air stream through wednesday and thursday. and that means more showers, more wintry showers as well. and we've already seen snow falling to quite low levels. now, as those showers ease off across central and eastern parts of the uk, we'll see temperatures dropping away. many areas having a touch of frost, particularly cold though, again, in the north—east of scotland. and given those showers, some icy conditions, especially for northern and western parts of the uk where showers keep going into the morning. in general, fewer showers, perhaps, on wednesday. a few will get across to the midlands, eastern england, and eastern scotland, but most of them, certainly during the afternoon, towards northern ireland and western scotland. snow mainly over the hills. some heavier showers, mind you, and temperatures 5—9 degrees once again. chilly in the breeze, but it won't be as windy in the south—west of england. here, during the evening though, cloud is thickening up. we've got some rain moving in. that's moving into the colder air. so there's the threat of snow overnight, in the brecon beacons, perhaps a centimetre or two of wet snow over the cotswolds and later into the chilterns as well. it is mostly rain. further north, the areas colder, of course, wintery showers keep going and there will be some icy patches around as well. now, it's this area of low pressure that brings the threat of some wet snow across more southern parts of england and wales. that then moves away into continental europe on thursday. but it could take much of the morning for that wetter weather to clear the south—east of england. once it does, we're all into that cold north—westerly airflow, sunnier skies, showers mainly for northern ireland, northern and western scotland, and the north—west of england. but many places in the afternoon, away from here, i think will be dry. still, temperatures struggling to 5—7 degrees. another frost, actually, on thursday night. and then we look in to the atlantic to see more weather systems moving further north across the uk. it'll be a cold start, cloud will increase. we'll see outbreaks of rain moving on from the south—west. you can see how the wind direction changes. we pick up more of a south—westerly wind. we may well find some snow over the tops of the pennines, southern uplands, towards the latter part of the day. temperatures 6—7 degrees for most. but milder, perhaps double figures for southern parts of england and wales. but that rain may well get steadier and heavier, actually, on friday night, saturday morning, before pushing away. then a few more isobars in the chart as well. and we're back into that colder, showery airstream as saturday goes on. so remaining very unsettled over the weekend, a spell of rain and some showers, wintry over the hills, more rain on sunday and feeling chilly in the wind. this is bbc news, the headlines: a senior official from the world health organisation has warned countries around the globe to prepare immediately for the further spread of the coronavirus. there's particular concern about the number of cases in iran. several european countries, including austria, croatia and switzerland, have just announced their first coronavirus cases, all apparently linked to the growing outbreak in italy. the outbreak has sparked sharp falls for the second day running on stock markets around the world. in new york, the dowjones index has slumped more than 6% since monday's opening. japan's nikkei has fallen by more than 3%, hitting its lowest in 4 months. the us democrats running for president have held a bad—tempered tv debate, with the frontrunner, bernie sanders and the billionaire, michael bloomberg, both coming under attack. the debate comes just days before the south carolina primary and a week before super tuesday. scotland is a step closer to becoming the first country in the world to make sanitary products freely available. politicians at holyrood have endorsed the general principles of the legislation although concerns have been raised about the cost. the scottish government has estimated the annual bill would be more than £24 million. our scotland correspondent, lorna gordon reports. it has become another everyday part of life in scottish schools — free sanitary products available to anyone who needs them. at this school in glasgow, the students have led the way in making the changes. when people were on their periods, they kind of backed down from doing some things, because they felt uncomfortable, don't they? like what?

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