Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20200117 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20200117

all rise together. my kind of platforms means regulation is on the way. and today, some of the most radical proposals yet. socialism is a britain in which in part, sparked by the death everyone is free to dream, free to of molly russell who had been looking at self—harm climb and free to succeed. iran is and suicide material online. supreme climb and free to succeed. iran is supreme leader appeals for national unity following the anti—government and took her own life. protest last week over the protecting children like molly is what her father ian believes accidental shooting down of a these proposals are all about. passenger plane. glasgow reaffirms we are not asking for people's privacy to be invaded here. we are asking for the data its pledge to become a carbon neutral city by 2030 amid fresh that is available, the data warnings over global warning that that those tech companies use might warming. saracens further and monetise, to be notjust turned into their profits but to be used for good as well. do you really think the tech deduction. be companies will willingly hand over their data 7 might warming. saracens further deduction i be relegated at i think the tech companies' first meaning they step seems to me to be a caution. they are very suspicious of people's motives, but i would hope the tech companies will'neaning they will take ing they will take an they that at 11.30 we will take an in—depth look at the newspapers with see the value in that. oui’ 00:01:50,896 --> 2147483051:37:40,163 in—depth look at the newspapers with 2147483051:37:40,163 --> 4294966103:13:29,430 our reviewers. because it is really important. it will save lives. social media is of course not wholly and only bad, but it is important the harmful parts of social media are kept in check, otherwise that is what we will only hear about. i have seen comments telling other people to kill themselves. i have seen comments about different people telling others that they are fat and horrible and worthless and they do not deserve to be alive stop how many of you use social media? learning to stay safe online is a job for all of us. teachers, parents and the youngest users, some still the primary school. sometimes it makes me feel happy because i can makes me feel happy because i can make friends who live far away. sometimes you can talk to someone and they can say that the same age but they are not. some people can feel sad because somebody posted something and they can take out their anger on someone online stop and that can hurt someone else's feeling. i use social media and members of my family use social media for my own children i will be careful with what they are running keepa careful with what they are running keep a close eye on what they are looking at in the content because we do not really fully understand the power of social media or its reach. the government plans a social media regulator and a legal duty of care. not popular with the tech companies. but today, one industry body said that internet companies are committed to keeping people safe online. it is critical we expand our understanding to promote positive and healthy experiences. for now, formerly in children just like and healthy experiences. for now, formerly in childrenjust like her, ian russell's work goes on. if, in any way molly storey has helped and the increased awareness that we have has helped anyone else she would be very pleased. now two of the candidates to succeed jeremy corbyn as leader of the labour party have launched their campaigns today. early this evening, rebecca long—bailey set out her pitch to the membership in manchester. she promised to end the gentleman's club of politics by devolving power to the regions. before that, it was emily form bree's turn. she opened her campaign in her hometown saying it was important to choose a leader to take labour forward and bring important to choose a leader to take labourforward and bring back important to choose a leader to take labour forward and bring back the voters the party had lost. 0ur correspondent has been following the action. from rebecca long-bailey, definitely one of the favourites in this election, a fiery speech there in the last hour talking about how she wanted to fight for labour values, many of those values similar to those thatjeremy corbyn espoused. not a big surprise because long—bailey was one of his key allies and drew up many of his key policies. her argument was that labour lost the election badly because people lost trust in the party and its ability to deliver. her case is that she can help to rebuild that trust over the next few yea rs. rebuild that trust over the next few years. listen to her making her pitch on what labour would stand for if she were leader. my kind of socialism is the kind in which we all rise together. my kind of socialism is a britain in which everyone is free to dream, free to climb and free to succeed. applause and i am not talking about social mobility. lam mobility. i am talking about a society in which structural inequality and financial insecurity are gone. so thatis financial insecurity are gone. so that is her pitch on her broad philosophy. you will hear a lot in this leadership campaign about how the various candidates want to communicate to voters outside london. we know labour lost its heartland in the general election in december so rebecca bailey is talking a lot about devolving power, taking away from london, interesting that she was notjust taking away from london, interesting that she was not just talking taking away from london, interesting that she was notjust talking about westminster there, however, she was talking about a lot of people who previously had voted labour and felt that brussels was too far away and we re that brussels was too far away and were not confident in laws being made thousands of miles away. that is how she thinks brexit happen. emily form bree, the shadow foreign secretary is a london mp but she chose to return to guildford where she was brought up to launch her campaign. she is talking a lot today about her experience on the labour front office about taking on boris johnson as shadow foreign secretary when he was foreign secretary a few yea rs when he was foreign secretary a few years ago. she is not quite doing all that well in this campaign, if you believe the polls so far stop she did not do all that well when it came to nominations from labour mps. the latest poll today suggest she may get just 3% the latest poll today suggest she may getjust 3% of the latest poll today suggest she may get just 3% of the vote from labour members. the point was put away just after the launch. labour members. the point was put awayjust after the launch. i have never taken the easy way. i have never taken the easy way. i have never taken the easy way. but this campaign is just starting. never taken the easy way. but this campaign isjust starting. i am launching tonight and it is a long campaign and what we need to do is to get on the platform, be on the hustings and people can then work out who they feel is potentially the best leader. the idea of stopping the campaign before the campaign has started is shortsighted and i think that in the end i can show that i am the one with the vision and experience with the passion and i the one with the vision and exp take ce with the passion and i the one with the vision and exp take on nith the passion and i the one with the vision and exp take on boris 1e passion and i the one with the vision and exp take on borisjohnson in and i the one with the vision and exp take on borisjohnson and id i the one with the vision and exp take on borisjohnson and that can take on borisjohnson and that is the sort of leader that the liberal party leads. frankly, 100 yea rs, liberal party leads. frankly, 100 years, would it not be nice to have a woman?! fourof years, would it not be nice to have a woman?! four of the five candidates in this race are women. she got rebecca long—bailey, emily form bree, lisa and jess phillips. 0ne form bree, lisa and jess phillips. one man in the race at the moment, still seems to be the man to beat, sir keir starmer. 0ne poll we saw today suggests he is out in front but there is still a long way to go in the race and we will not knowing who the new labour leader is until a. —— april. who the new labour leader is until a. -- april. countdown clock will be projected onto downing street to mark the moment the uk leaves the eu onjanuary mark the moment the uk leaves the eu on january 81. that is mark the moment the uk leaves the eu onjanuary 81. that is according to plans just released the government. loadings around whitehall will also be lit up as part of the light show on the night and union flags will be loa n on the night and union flags will be loan on all the polls in parliament square. plans have been revealed as number 10 comes under increased pressure to support a bid for big ben to chime on the day. the proposal has been ruled out by a commons official despite a suggestion by the prime minister that it would happen. iran's supreme leader has urged his country to unite while launching another fierce attack on the us and european nations. leading friday prayers for the first time in many a decade, the ayatolla hs the first time in many a decade, the ayatollahs are defended the country's armed forces after they admitted shooting down a passenger plane a mistake. he described the crash as tragic but said it shouldn't overshadow the killing of the country's most senior general by the country's most senior general by the us. quentin somerville reports. chanting. it's eight years since ayatollah ali khamenei led friday prayers. his central message hasn't changed much. translation: the evil us government keeps repeating that we stand beside iranian people. you are lying — even if you are standing beside iranian people, it is just so you can stab them with your poison daggers. "death to america, death to england", chanted the crowd. thousands were bussed in from local mosques and given banners to wave. the ayatollah‘s appearance, and these loyalists, are meant to project strength, at a time of weakness for iran. looking down from above, qasem soleimani — the country's ruthless regional fixer. his assassination by the united states has wounded iran. the accidental shooting down of the ukrainian passenger plane with iranians on board brought more trouble. angry crowds defaced the dead general‘s posters. in neighbouring iraq, iran and america continue their battle for influence. when iran and america fight, often it's iraq who bleeds. here in baghdad and across the country, there is a revolt against the government and against iranian influence. tehran has spent decades building up enormous power here. that power is now facing unprecedented pressure. they have been on these streets since october and caused the prime minister to resign and parliament to agree a new electoral roll. but that's not enough. for many, iran and america are no longer welcome here. translation: i send a message to us and iran. we wish iraqis will not be either eastern or western. we want iraq to be ruled by iraqis. change was already coming here in iraq, but the killing of qasem soleimani on iraqi soil means it may come sooner. with enough trouble of their own, iraqis are fast losing patience with america and iran. quentin sommerville, bbc news, baghdad. earlier i spoke to an expert on iranian affairs at the school of history at st andrews university. he told me it has in a momentous start told me it has in a momentous start to 2020 four iran. the assassination of qasem soleimani and then the downing of the plane, the protest that followed. in a way he was providing his official version of events and he was effectively emphasising the assassination of qasem soleimani as a cowardly terrorist attack by americans but did not provide much focus on the downing of the plane and the protests that followed. we got a goodidea protests that followed. we got a good idea here of what the current thinking of the a0 collar is. how essential was this intervention? we don't hear very much from him. how much of a crisis is there in the country for him to step up and make a speech? he wanted to emphasise and claim that the crowds we saw for the funeral of qasem soleimani were the real iranians and he claimed that those who were out to the street after the admission of the missile strike by revolutionary guards were full by media broadcasting from the west. and so he wanted to give the idea that it is business as usual and that the authorities are in control of the situation and the attem pts control of the situation and the atte m pts by control of the situation and the attempts by the west to create chaos in iran are failing. this was one of the reasons why we saw such a choreographed speech today. how likely is it then that what he said calm things down and that iranians have heard his call for national unity? how do you interpret this? pa rt part of the reasons iranians have been protesting recently are not really political, it is economic. two months ago we had severe rioting in iran due to the rise in the price of petrol. that was not referred to at all in this speech today. therefore it needs to be seen whether iran can really study the economic ship. khomenei today interestingly referred to iran's needs to divest from its heavily petrol, its heavily oil dependent economy. maybe as a way to improve the economic situation, and in a way, bring back more harmony between the parts of society. it hasjust gone 11:17pm. the headlines: psychiatrist copper social media companies to hand over their data so they can research what online world does to children's mental health. two of the candidates for the labour party leadership, emily thornberry and rebecca long bailey, launched their campaigns today. iran's supreme leader has appealed for unity following anti—government protests last week over the accidental shooting down of a passenger plane. glasgow is among a number of british cities aiming to go completely carbon neutral by 2030, removing as much carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as it puts into it, in a bid to tackle climate change. the city, which is hosting a major un climate change summit later this year, is promising to achieve this by radically cutting emissions — and by planting enough trees to absorb the outstanding carbon. 0ur science editor david shukman reports now from glasgow, in the latest part of the bbc‘s our planet matters series. from a proud history as an industrial powerhouse, glasgow now wants a future that is carbon neutral. no easy task in a city that depends on fossilfuel. its motorways encourage commuters to use their cars. the council's first move is with its gritting lorries. they run on diesel and are now being adapted to use cleaner hydrogen as well. they are as clean as possible... just one step, says the councillor in charge, anna richardson, of many needed in the next ten years. we need to work as quickly as we can to decarbonise this city, as do all cities across the world. a 2030 target is hugely challenging, certainly. and it is going to mean everybody has to work hard to achieve that. in your heart of hearts, do you think you could ever make it? i think we need to give it our absolute best shot. the biggest challenge in glasgow is that most people live in flats, many of them badly insulated, and nearly all heated by gas. in this social housing scheme, an old heating system is being removed to make way for a greener alternative. it's gone down well. new pumps draw warmth from the air. by contrast, another project on one of the poorest estates involves building this miniature power station. tenants we met described their shock at their bills, which went up by different amounts. worry, panic, anxiety. whether i'm gonna be able to afford it when the bill hits the mat. anxiety to the point of illness. the scheme was imposed on tenants. now, to a certain extent, that blindsided us. james and nick, in these tower blocks, are among thousands of tenants in this particular scheme and cube housing association and sse, which run it, told us they are committed to greener energy and to tackling fuel poverty. according to chris stark, the uk government's independent climate adviser, it is vital that everyone's views are heard. there is a huge risk in foisting upon people solutions that have not had a full process of public consent behind that, behind them. and that is the bit that we haven't done yet. already, more and more electricity, for glasgow and the rest of the country, is becoming cleaner. here on the edge of the city, there are lands to expand this wind farm and to fit solar panels, but getting to zero carbon power is still a big struggle. as things stand, it is hard to see how glasgow, or any major city, could possibly be carbon neutral in as little as ten years. but the council says it wants to send a signal that at least it's trying. and this comes at an important time. because an international summit on climate change is due to take place here in november, so the world will be watching what the city does. to find out more about climate change and the bbc‘s our planet matters series, do go to, or look on the bbc news app. most of the well‘s cocaine is produced in south america, in colombia. record amounts are currently being made. it is one of the reasons that the class a drug is so readily available here. now the colombian government says it is going to restart spraying coca leaves from the air in the effort to reduce the amount of the drug being made in the country. last night our social affairs correspondent michael be canon reported on the devastating effects cocaine is having on users in the uk. —— buchanan. tonight he reports from columbia itself to find out what is behind the surgeon production. in the middle of the andes, after a three—hour hike, i meet the foot soldiers of the cocaine trade. the farmers. how old are you? speaks spanish. every two months, they harvest a crop of coca leaves. it pays them around £75 a month each, mainly for what they do with the leaves. they add a variety of toxins, including ammonia and petrol. the process creates this valuable paste, which the narcos are willing to kill for. colombia's indigenous groups are under attack, murdered for trying to rid their communities of criminal gangs. canes valasco was one of over 50 members of the nasa people killed last year, assassinated in front of his wife messa. colombia is producing more cocaine than ever before. a peace deal in 2016 ended the longest running civil war, but the agreement has allowed narco traffickers to expand their production and control of the cocaine trade. 0ne smuggler told me how easy it is to export the drug. the smuggler often hides the drug among the vast consignments of bananas that head overseas. he says he sends at least six tonnes of cocaine to europe annually. how many of those shipments would you expect to reach europe? the producers and consumers of cocaine both rely on each other, but rarely meet. so, i arrange for the coca farmers to speak to lewis, who we met last night, who occasionally takes the drug. you feel a buzz, a rush, uplifted, you have plenty of energy, yeah, afterwards you feel terrible. thanks, guys. the farmer's advice turned lewis off cocaine, but many more are turning to the drug, creating problems in both colombia and the uk. and you can see more on michael's story. our world, colombia: the new cocaine war on the bbc news channel on saturday and sunday at 9.30pm. an inquest into the death of a teenager who was murdered by a serial offender out on probation has ruled he was unlawfully killed, and support for his probation officer was woefully inadequate. 18—year—old conner marshall was beaten to death in a caravan park in porthcawl, near port talbot, in march 2015. his killer, 26—year—old david braddon, was on probation for drugs offences and assaulting a police officer at the time. 0ne one in seven people in britain are said to be neuro diverse, a term describing those with dyslexia, adhd, or on the autism spectrum. more and more employers are trying to attract people who are neuro diverse. in fact, the intelligence agency, gchq, has been doing so for more than 20 years. now a major record label has produced a guide book aimed at making the working environment more inclusive. so, this can be used to describe most neurodiversities. i typically use it to do either dyspraxia or autism. put these goggles on and what they will do is turn your wold upside down. can you see? yes. now, try and shake my hand. pleasure to meet you. a small gesture that happens all the time in a workplace. but what if you are neurodiverse? neurodiverse people, those with adhd, dyspraxia, dyslexia and the autism spectrum, can sometimes struggle in a work environment. something universal music uk wants to change. they acknowledge some of their work practices and processes were probably stopping neurodiverse people from even applying forjobs with them. so, they did some research and have produced a handbook, giving tips on how to make work more inclusive. that's why we are doing it. you know, there is brilliant folks out there that we have already spoken to, as part of this research, thatjust wouldn't even consider applying to the likes of us, or indeed many companies. but not everywhere operates like universal music. 31—year—old yvonne is a marketing consultant who works in a typical office. so, i am dyslexic. my ds and bs tend to get mixed up, i don't easily recognise errors, in terms of spelling, punctuation and grammar. when i told my previous line manager, in regards to the fact that i was dyslexic, they worked pretty quickly and we were able to adjust my working environment to meet my needs. for people who can read very well but the odd word here and there they get stuck on... and as nat showed me, support is available from the government and will be needed if employers are to tap into the potential of neurodiverse staff. stay with us. coming up shortly we will be taking an in—depth look at the papers. and also the weather. here is helen willis. hello there. friday saw turbulent skylines across the uk with those squally showers, hail, thunder, sleet and snow. we had an array of wonderful weather what a picture sent in. just down the road, you can see from bridgeport to dorchester, this cumulonimbus cloud. but it is all going to change for the weekend when it looks much drier and sunnier, but they will be night—time frost and increasingly a risk of fog. the reason is the low pressure that has been bringing those strong winds across northern scotland, that is moving away. this low pressure will slip away to the south and west. this high—pressure will instead west. this high—pressure will i nstea d ta ke west. this high—pressure will instead take centre stage. butjust for the weekend. in fact, it looks set to last well into next week as well. it will be quite an intense high, keeping those with the at bay, just a week from slipping south, a little bit of rain, but actually we have go back to september to remember such a prolonged spell of dry weather. but it does come with its issues. we will have a night—time frost. a cold start to saturday morning with a few icy patches. it will still be a few hours before those showers finally start to fizzle across the north and west of scotland. they will continue through the night and into saturday morning. saturday evening, they will still be across the northern isles. so it is cold here, especially with the brisk wind, but for many, despite some cloud in the south and west, sunny, dry, feeling chilly, temperature is about average for this time of year. they will drop again very rapidly on saturday night and it will be an even harsher frost. by that i mean temperatures will be lower again. 0ut frost. by that i mean temperatures will be lower again. out in the countryside, minus four degrees or minus five celsius. a little bit of ice, possibly a few pockets of fog. localised, but they take time to clear, of course. a bit more cloud because we have a south—westerly breeze across northern and western parts of scotland on sunday. again, temperature is very much where they should be at this time of year. now, sunday night into monday morning doesn't look as cold, purely because we've got more cloud. frosty on the south and because we have

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