Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20180113 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20180113

to bbc world news. president trump is embroiled in a row about whether he's a racist after being forced to deny making derogatory remarks, including the use of an expletive, about african countries. he's been accused of making the comments in the white house, during a meeting about his plans to overhaul the immigration system. a democratic senator, who sat next to mr trump, insists the president did use the phrase, repeatedly. the african union is demanding an apology, and a un spokesperson has accused the president of making racist comments. from washington, nick bryant reports. this is a great and important day to martin luther king... the forces of american history seemed to collide at the white house today. donald trump signing a proclamation in honour of the civil rights leader, martin luther king, at the moment he stands accused of using a slur directed at african nations. here though he stuck to his script. today we celebrate doctor king for standing up for that self—evident truth americans hold so dear that, no matter the colour of our skin or the place of our birth, we are all created equal by god. reporter: mr president, will you give an apology for the statement yesterday? after the ceremony came a very unceremonious commotion. mr president, are you a racist? a sitting president being asked by a reporter if he is racist. ...answer serious questions about your statement, sir? man: no. that's a lie. i'm talking to the prsident, not you, sir. i'm talking to you. mr president, are you a racist? it was behind closed doors in the oval office that donald trump allegedly claimed that immigrants from haiti, el salvador and african nations came from "shithole" countries. donald trump said he used strong language during the meeting on immigration reform, with senators, though not that word. but he has been fiercely contradicted by a senior democrat who was present. i cannot believe that in the history of the white house and that oval office, any president has ever spoken of the words that i personally heard our president speak yesterday. the no surprise, the president started tweeting this morning, denying that he used those words. it is not true. he said these hateful things and he said that repeatedly. from the united nation, in genveva, came the stiffest of rebukes. these are shocking and shameful comments from the president of the united states. i am sorry but there is now the word one can use but racist. you can not dismiss entire countries and continents as "shitholes". across africe there has been a furious response. the botswana government called donald trump's comments "reprehensible and racist". it may be just words, maybe in another part of the world, but on this continent, that word is an insult. chant: build the wall, build the wall. "build the wall" was the cry of voters who loved donald trump's hardline stance on immigration during the election. we are going to build the wall, folks, don't worry. and he was said to be doing a victory lap at the white house last night, believing this row will rev up his base. donald trump launched his campaign for the white house with an attack on mexican immigrants and rose to political prominence by claiming, falsely, that barack obama was not an american. this latest racial controversy will doubtless please at least some of his supporters at home but it undercuts us leadership abroad and shows again how america first can mean america alone. nick bryant, bbc news, washington. president trump has said he won't pull out of the deal aimed at curbing iran's nuclear programme for now, but it has to change. he said he would waive sanctions against tehran, lifted as part of the 2015 agreement, but would not do so again. and he warned european allies and congress that they had to work with him to fix what he called the "worst—ever" deal‘s "terrible flaws" or face us withdrawal. iran's foreign ministerjavad zarif responded on twitter, saying mr trump's policy and announcement amounted to desperate attempts to undermine a solid multilateral agreement. he added that the deal is not renegotiable. a little earlier i spoke to beh—nam tale—blu, senior iran analyst at the foundation for defense of democracies, and asked him what he made of mr trump's announcement. the president is looking to put a deadline for the europeans and the us congress to amend the deal at home and make sure that the european community, and in particular the transatlantic alliance, develops a similar interpretation of the iranian threat, whether it is the nuclear threat or the lingering non—nuclear threats, and that washington and brussels should address this in concert. you mentioned brussels. how do you think this will go down in europe? ultimately, it is an uphill battle. all of 2017 was an uphill battle making sure that america's european allies see the threat emanating from iran the same way washington does. traditionally washington has had... europe has had commercial and merson to list blinders on when dealing with iran. the us and europe should integrate this into a combined approach to make sure to run sticks to the deal and has its non—nuclear threats rollback. —— make sure iran sticks to the deal. the president has said the deal is nonnegotiable. is that the case? i think the iranian elite have long said things are not negotiable. a decade ago, uranium enrichment was nonnegotiable. the goal should the two gets a deal on the table so that iran knows it is either this way out 01’ no way iran knows it is either this way out or no way out. what do you think this means for relations between iran and the united states? ultimately, at this juncture, iran and the united states? ultimately, at thisjuncture, the relations between the iranian government and the us government remains poor. what i don't see tensions escalating because of the way the decision, the treasury sanctions, or the rhetoric from the white house and brussels. so far, things are the status quo. what is important is what steps are taken in the next 120 days, either in tehran, washington or brussels. what you think those steps will be? ultimately washington is trying to get europe to buy into its interpretation of those threats. washington wants europe to be stronger and human rights violations in iran, to be stronger and missile transgressions, to lend additional support and is nationalforums like the un security council. we have breaking news coming from the white house. we are being told that president trump has been declared to be in excellent health. that is according to doctor ronnie jackson, the presidential physician. he has been giving the president a medical examination on friday. he said the examination went exceptionally well and he would reach journalists with more details on tuesday. simone mcgurk those results will bring them to you. —— so results will bring them to you. —— so when we get those results. let's take a look at some of the other stories making the news. the us ambassador to panama has quit saying he no longer feels able to serve president trump. in a letter to the press, john feeley said he would leave his post in march. according to the us state department feeley notified them of his decision in late december. a number of catholic churches have been vandalised in chile ahead of a visit by pope francis. police said homemade bombs were used to damage two churches in the capital santiago. the attackers left messages threatening the pope, saying the money for the visit could better be spent on the poor. women in saudi arabia have made history by watching a football match pakistan has deployed paramilitary forces to suppress riots in the eastern town of kasur, following the rape and killing of a 6—year—old girl. protesters are angry at the police for failing to find those responsible for a series of child murders over the past two years. officials say the situation is tense but has been brought under control after two days of violence. our pakistan correspondent secunder kermani has more. so far today this city has remained calm. there is a big police business but there hasn't been the kind of angry protests we have seen over the past few days following the discovery of the body of six—year—old zainab ansari. there is an investigative team, and a sense of urgency that whoever killed her needs to be caught. we have seen a police documents that reveals that in this city over the past year, 11 young girls have been attacked. traces of the same dna have team found on the bodies of six of them. all of them were of the did from close to their homes. all of their bodies were later recovered, also nearby their homes. only one of them survived. she is currently in hospital. her relatives say she is unable to talk and unable to move from the head down. translation: unable to talk and unable to move from the head down. translatiosz this happened to the daughter of a politician, wouldn't they have caught the attack by now? our families work, so nobody cares. zeinab‘s family has some political collections, which is why they have had some attention. —— connections. all these girls went missing from the same small neighbourhood. the police have a grainy cctv image of the suspect and a manhunt is under way to try to find him. but many people here still pose the question: why wasn't more done earlier? stay with us on bbc world news, still to come — a new discovery that will delight fans. a solo film of stan laurel, that was long thought to be lost, has been found in the netherlands. day one of operation desert storm to force the iraqis out of kuwait has seen the most intense air attacks since the second world war. tobacco is america's oldest industry, and it's one of its biggest, but the industry is nervous of this report. this may tend to make people want to stop smoking cigarettes. there is not a street that is unaffected. huge parts of kobe were simply demolished as buildings crashed into one another. this woman said she'd been given no help and no advice by the authorities. she stood outside the ruins of her business. tens of thousands of black children in south africa have taken advantage of laws, passed by the country's new multiracial government, and enrolled at formerly white schools. tonight sees the 9,610th performance of her long—running play, the mousetrap. when they heard about her death today, the management considered whether to cancel tonight's performance, but agatha christie would have been the last person to want such a thing. the main story: the african union has expressed outrage and demanded an apology from donald trump, after he allegedly made derogatory and vulgar references to african countries. facebook has announced a major change to how it's news feed works. over the next few weeks, users will see more posts from their family and friends — and less from businesses, brands and media. facebook‘s founder, mark zuckerberg says he hopes the change will bring people closer together, but the move will have massive ramifications for the businesses that have paid millions of dollars to advertise on it. from new york, we are joined from new york, we arejoined by jason koebler. what changes can we expect to see on facebook when we go on our news feeds and have a look and try and catch up?|j on our news feeds and have a look and try and catch up? i think you're going to see a lot more baby photos, a lot more posts from your friends and family and less from publications like ours and probably yours maybe. is that something that yours maybe. is that something that you are worried about the of course. a lot of our viewership comes from facebook. this change is going to be drastic. we're not sure what we are going to see it but we are already some changes. we have the section down the middle with the baby photos and some adverts and of course media articles but we also have the adverts down the side. will they go as well? no, they are usually company advertisements. this change only affects the newsfeed. the algorithm feed which was a reverse chronological order, that will mostly be populated by posts from friends and family and less from what mark zuckerberg calls public posts. mark zuckerberg is talking about spending more quality time on facebook. for someone like you, it's not going to be beneficialfor your company to be more quality time the people and will we be using it less? i think people use facebook for a lot of reasons. and one of the reasons is to talk to friends and family soi reasons is to talk to friends and family so i think it's primarily going to be a different experience on facebook. it's going to be more ofa on facebook. it's going to be more of a social network, less of a news platform but we really don't know what we are going to see. there are changes that will roll out slowly over the next couple of months but it's kind of an open question at this point. given the concern over fa ke this point. given the concern over fake news, is this not positive? should we not be thinking about getting our news from places like facebook? facebook has become the central repository for news. they have faced a lot of pressure in the united states over the russia scandal and tampering with the us election. a lot of that news is shared by people, not necessarily by news organisations. it is still an open question to see whether it makes our feeds more truthful or not. that is part of the calculus that he has here. we will see the changes over the next few weeks. jason koebler, editor—in—chief of motherboard, thank you. young women with a gene mutation that prompted actress angelina jolie to have a pre—emptive double mastectomy are not more likely to die after a breast cancer diagnosis. that's according to new research. the study found that there was no difference in overall survival, the brca mutation. here's fergus walsh. diagnosed with breast cancer when she was just 35 years old and five months pregnant, laura faced childbirth and then cancer treatment. she carries a brca gene mutation and so, like many women in her position, she opted to have both breasts removed. i decided to have a double mastectomy. my oncologist was keen for me to have it and i was, as well, because i was told that the risk of me getting cancer again was 50%, so it didn't seem worth the risk, really. a new study followed nearly 3,000 women aged 40 or younger diagnosed with breast cancer in britain. it found no difference in survival between those who carried brca breast cancer genes and those who didn't. and it found no survival benefit from a double mastectomy. after ten years, around seven in ten women survived in all groups. so what does this mean for women carrying a brca gene? i think the key message is that it allows them time to consider all of their options. so they may still need to go ahead and have a double mastectomy because of their risk and for long—term survival. but i think it encourages us to think that they can take their time and discuss and consider all of their options and make the right decision for them. this study didn't look at prevention. one in a50 women carry faulty brca genes. it means they have a 45—90% chance of getting breast cancer, and many women with a strong family history of breast cancer opt for preventative double mastectomies, which almost eliminates the risk. like angelina jolie, the actress and campaigner who revealed she had preventative surgery, it led to greatly—raised awareness of brca gene mutations. this study looked only at young women, like laura. 95% of breast cancers are in the over 40s. laura says if she had her time again, she might have delayed having a double mastectomy, but she has no regrets. fergus walsh, bbc news. let's return to donald trump because the president visit to britain next month is off. he had been due to attend the official opening of the new us embassy in south london. but he tweeted he was not a "big fan" of the new building. downing street says an invitation for a state visit is still open, although no date has been set. our diplomatic correspondent james landale has more. the new us embassy, on the south bank of the river thames in london. with its very own moat. a monument, we are told, to america's commitment to london that the us ambassador had hoped would be formally opened by donald trump next month. yes, i do hope, and we are going to welcome him when he comes. except that he is not coming. mr trump said that he cancelled the trip because he opposed the sale of the previous embassy building by mrobama. a decision that was welcomed by his critics. here you have the head of state of another country who has not only promoted hatred and division in his own country, but is surely due to his online activity guilty of doing the same in our country as well. actually the decision to sell the old embassy was initially taken by president bush in order to find a new location. the old embassy had also been the scene of many demonstrations in the past and diplomats said it was the threat of similar protests that had spooked the white house. the mayor of london, sadiq khan, said there would be mass protests like these, but peaceful ones. the foreign secretary, borisjohnson, accused mr khan of putting uk us relations at risk, a view that downing street didn't echo, but others did. in this country, we have the mayor of london, jeremy corbyn and others encouraging large—scale street protests against him. i feel that must be part of his decision. and that is the point. in his first year of office, mr trump has travelled the world, including france, germany and belgium. the uk is notable for its absence. the us ambassador has said that this fortress of glass represents a new era in friendship between the us and the uk, a strengthening of the relationship. but the fear among diplomats is that the president's decision not to open this building signals that actually for him at least britain is not a priority. so, for now, the closest we will get to seeing mr trump at the new embassy is this waxwork, as ministers say they look forward to a visit at some point in the future. well, it is for the us president to determine his travel priorities. obviously, it's an important diplomatic partner for the uk. we want the closest possible relationship with the us. tonight, as mr trump honoured martin luther king, he was caught up in yet another row, having to deny making racist remarks about african countries. this waxwork is life like in every respect, except it doesn't speak or tweet. as part of events to mark the 65th anniversary of queen elizabeth's coronation, the bbc is broadcasting a programme called the coronation. in the programme, the queen shares memories of the 1953 coronation ceremony itself as well as memories of herfather, king george vi. here's our royal correspondent nicholas witchell. she famously doesn't do interviews. this is probably as close as she'll get: a conversation with questions about the coronation, the crownjewels, and the imperial state crown worn by her and her father, king george vi. fortunately, my father and i have about the same sort of shaped head. once you put it on, it stays. it just remains itself. you have to keep your head very still? yes. it was huge then. yes. very unwieldy. you can't look down to read a speech, you have take the speech up because if you did, your neck would break, it would fall off. it's difficult to always remember that diamonds are stones, so very heavy. yes. so there are some disadvantages to crowns. but otherwise, they're quite important things. she rode to her coronation in the gold state coach. it weighs four tons. it's not built for comfort. horrible. it's not meant for travelling in at all. it's only sprung on leather. so it rocks around a lot. it's not very comfortable. were you in it for a long time? halfway round london. really? we must have gone about four orfive miles — we could only go at a walking pace. the horses couldn't possibly go any faster. it's so heavy. 65 years after the event, a monarch talking about her coronation — the crown — the real one. nicholas witchell, bbc news. laurel and hardy were one of hollywood's most loved slapstick double acts. oliver hardy was fat and pompous, stan laurel thin and childish, both wore trademark bowler hats. well now a new discovery is being celebrated by their legions of fans. fragments from the british actor stan laurel‘s solo film "detained", which were believed to have been lost, have been found deep in the frisian film archive in the netherlands. it's believed to be the only existing copy in the world. anna holligan reports. do you recognise this man? look a little closer. because that is exactly what this archivist did. he had been stocktaking old nitrate films when he realised he'd stumble upon one of the silent movie world's most captivating characters. the rediscovered scene shows stan laurel playing a prisoner, and eventually exacting a typically absurd escape. this early experiment with special effects ended up on the cutting room floor. these scenes on these fragments that we found were thought to be missing. two men wrote a book about the solo years of stan laurel of which this movie as part and they described this film as being only surviving in a version of 1a minutes and now we found the second reel of the full version so it's very exciting news. their diligence has meant this little lost movie gem has been restored. when we discovered this, we first had to make sure that its digital and when we made contact, he said it was a very exciting movement for movie —— comedy movie history and he was very glad we found the scene so the film can bea glad we found the scene so the film can be a little bit more whole again. and now a digital copy of the entire 9024 film detained has been released including these missing scenes. and a hollington, bbc news. hello there. many of us, the weather has not changed a great deal over the last couple of days. look at the satellite picture from thursday and i will show you what i mean. largely cloudy day across many areas of the british isles. there is a satellite picture from yesterday showing extensive cloud cover. we will leave the saturn —— the satellite picture behind. can you guess what the headline is? another cloudy day. the weather is not that straightforward. we have a weather front in the west wringing outbreaks of rain per some of us. now, the weather will be fairly slow moving again on saturday because this weather front is coming in off the atlantic was running into this massive area of high pressure, influencing the area across northern and central europe so the front will not make much progress. against that massive blocking area of high pressure. when we start off with outbreaks of rain as we start the day on saturday that rain band will probably be in the same kind of errors right way through the day but further restock ross central and eastern england and central and eastern england and central and eastern scotland, the vast majority of us and the day, it's going to be drive extensively cloudy but a bitter breeze around. a few gaps in the cloud to allow some brighter moments. there is the forecast through saturday night. this weather front in the west will fizzle overnight with a bit of rain going on across north—west england into central and eastern areas of scotland. the winds of light across england. some mist and for good cloud thickening up a bit to allow drizzle on sunday but for sunday, another cloudy one for most of us. a change coming into the north—west. we will see another atlantic fronts moving in. this one bringing some heavy rain and strong winds but this one will be a big player to finally break our spell of cloudy weather. this is what happens on sunday night and on into monday. the front springs its way and behind this cold front, the air gets colder. starting to come in with a more north—westerly direction and the skies will brighten up. down the temperatures. monday afternoon, highs of four or five celsius but northern and western areas of the british isles, cold enough snow in the highlands. colder air next week and more in the way of sunshine. the weather will be getting colder and at times it could turn very windy but it also means there is the risk of some snow next week particularly in the north down to low levels at the hills further south would also see some snow at times. welcome bbc news. the headlines: us president donald trump has sparked outrage by reportedly using crude language to describe foreign countries in an oval office meeting. the african union demanded an apology and the united nations called the remarks racist. —— african union. president trump has also said that for the moment at least he will not pull out of the iranian nuclear deal. he describes the 2015 deal as one of the worst in history. he says this new 120 day waiver will be the last. facebook has announced a major change to its newsfeed. it will begin to prioritise posts from family and friends over those from media organisations and businesses. women in saudi arabia have made history by watching effort all much from the stands for the first time at a stadium in jeddah. those stands for the first time at a stadium injeddah. those are the headlines. it is just after 1230 a.m. . it isjust after 1230 a.m. . now

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