Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170904 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170904

leave millions destitute. aid agencies say they are struggling to cope. and walter becker, guitarist and co—founder of the influential band steely dan, has died at the age of 67. the un security council is holding an emergency meeting on monday after north korea carried out its most powerful nuclear test to date. the trump administration warned pyongyang that it risks a massive military response if it threatens the us or its allies. south korea responded by conducting its own military exercise. we report from tokyo and beijing in a moment. but first, here is our correspondent yogita limaye, in seoul. "it was a perfect success," the newsreader declared, as she announced north korea was close to achieving its nuclear goals. the country says it has detonated a hydrogen bomb small enough to be fitted to an intercontinental missile. this is kimjong—un inspecting what north korea claims is such a device. if true, it would mean that pyongyang is now capable of launching a nuclear attack on cities in the united states. this unprecedented threat prompted president trump to say... any threat to the united states or its territories, including guam, or our allies, will be met with a massive military response, a response both effective and overwhelming. it is a strong message to south korea's president, who for months has said talking to north korea was a solution. today, he expressed outrage and disappointment. translation: north korea has made an absurd tactical mistake by committing a series of provocations, such as launching icbm missiles and conducting a nuclear test, which has heightened tentions on the peninsula and is threatening world peace. it will isolate them further. south korea is most worried, because it has the most to lose. and that is why, even though military measures like these bombing drills are held in the face of the threat from north korea, it is hard to see what further action can be taken. it's certainly our view that none of the military options are good. the distance between north korea and seoul is very, very small. they could basically vaporise large parts of the south korean population, even with conventional weapons. here in seoul, we are only about 50 kilometres from the border with north korea, and at any given time, a mass of weapons is pointing in this direction. and that is why, rather than take a military route, the international community has been trying to put economic pressure on pyongyang. but that isn't working, either, and the impact of every move kim jong—un makes is felt notjust in the korean peninsula, but also across the sea injapan. the pod under the belly of this japanese air force jet can sniff the airfor radiation. this afternoon, it roared off towards north korea to do just that. it is less than a week since north korea fired this missile across japan. for prime minister abe, this is becoming an unwelcome routine. translation: together with the us, south korea, china, and russia, japan will take determined action against north korea. north korea may now have tested a nuclear device that is small enough to put on top of a ballistic missile that could be fired at the united states. and, for the government here injapan, that is very disturbing, because it raises a very troubling question. in future, will the united states be willing to risk one of its own cities, say for example, denver, in order to protect seoul and tokyo? this afternoon, the us ambassador rushed to see japan's foreign minister to reassure him. no action taken by the north koreans will in any way deter our commitment. japan and the us may have the military might to deter north korea, but they have few other levers to pressure pyongyang. only one country does, and that is china. china was quite literally shaken by the blast. north korea's nuclear test site is only 60 miles from the border. it will have sent a diplomaticjolt, too, coming just before president xi jinping opened this international summit. although he made no direct reference, he warned of the challenges to world peace. on state tv, the message was more blunt, with an official statement strongly condemning the test. there can be little doubt that the government here in beijing is rattled. once again, it has had to order emergency radiation monitoring along the border. but, despite the frustration, as always, it may be reluctant to punish north korea too hard. china has recently been stopping cargoes of coal and seafood, in line with toughened un sanctions. but its biggest fear is not nuclear weapons, it is the chaos that would come with the economic collapse of the impoverished state, shrouded in darkness on the other side of this river. john sudworth, bbc news, beijing. later we will be getting reaction and analysis from washington, and there is more on our website. we will have updates, analysis, and the latest from our correspondence in the region. and you can download the bbc news at. —— app. —— correspondents. let's take a look at some of the other stories making the news: the governor of texas says the cost of reconstruction following storm harvey could be as much as $180 billion. greg abbott said the devastation was worse than hurricane katrina, that struck new orleans in 2005. meanwhile, a senior official at the disaster management agency warned that flood—ravaged states cannot rely on the federal government to pick up the bill. the governor of california has declared a state of emergency for los angeles county, as more than 1,000 firefighters battle the city's largest wildfire. more than 700 homes have been evacuated since friday, and only 10% of the fire, which covers 2,400 ha, has been contained. one of cambodia's last independent newspapers has announced it will close, after authorities ordered it to pay a huge tax bill. the cambodia daily has often been critical of the government. the announcement comes just hours after the country's opposition leader, kem sokha, was arrested for treason. prime minister hun sen has accused mr sokha of plotting with the us to harm cambodia. a bbc investigation has found that so—called islamic state was secretly directing would—be extremists to murder people at both london bridge and westminster nearly a year before each attack. recruiters pointed our undercover reporters to terror manuals which showed how best to drive a car at crowds and attack victims with knives. the government says it is trying to suffocate the group's ability to recruit and radicalise people in the uk. nick beake has more. indiscriminate murder on the streets of london, exactly the kind of attack so—called islamic state had been calling for. our investigation reveals the group were not only inspiring such plots, but issuing directions to target both westminster and london bridge. last summer, our undercover reporter made contact with is recruiters active online. the authorities were fully aware of our communication. after inviting us to talk on a secret messaging site, is agents pinpointed westminster, promising, if you succeed with an attack there, it would be huge and damaging. he said that this was a very good target, because it was crowded with disbelievers and civilians. he told me to just kill ordinary people, and that it wouldn't require a very complicated plan. with hindsight, the instructions look like a blueprint for the westminster attack, eight months later. khalid masood used a car to mow down pedestrians, and then stabbed a policeman to death. injuly 2016, we were also in conversation with another is handler, who had another target. london bridge, he wrote. use truck, axe, anything. we were directed to terrorist guides on the so—called dark web. one of them showed how to use a vehicle to kill people. the other showed how to use knives and home—made bombs for maximum impact. there was a description of how to create a fake suicide vest, and how it can be used to stop the police from attacking you if you are standing next to civilians. the instructions bear all the hallmarks of the carnage nearly a year later at london bridge. a van, knives, fake suicide belts and a stash of improvised bombs. hanif qadir, a former al-qaeda fighter, now tackling radicalisation, is alarmed at how quickly encrypted communication can radicalise young britons. at that time, in 2002, it still took me six to seven months. if they'd have had this kind of technology, i would... i would put my hand on my heart and i would say, guaranteed, within a few weeks you could have somebody so enraged with revenge, that's how they see it, that they would become a suicide bomber or a terrorist. the government has vowed to close down what it calls safe space where terrorists can both plot and recruit. i think the authorities have an unbelievably difficult task now. encrypted apps, or anonymous web browsers, or the dark net, these places online that are very, very difficult to properly monitor, are proliferating very quickly. and, as their self—declared caliphate crumbles in the middle east, is are still making the most of secret communications, determined to inspire but also direct atrocities here in the uk. nick beake, bbc news. the most devastating floods to hit south asia in a decade have killed more than 11100 people. focus has turned to the lack of preparations to cope with the monsoon rains, as authorities struggle to get aid to millions of people. our correspondent has been to visit survivors of the floods in bihar. the women managed to grab hold of the trees down here. she said she watched as her father was swept away. translation: now, he's gone. what do i do? sometimes i wish i had been washed away with him. stay with us on bbc news. still to come: the massive second world war bomb defused in frankfurt, forcing the evacuation of more than 60,000 people. she received the nobel peace prize for her work with the poor and dying in india's slums. the head of the catholic church said mother teresa was a wonderful example of how to help people in need. we have to identify the bodies, then arrange the coffins and take them back home. parents are waiting and wives are waiting. hostages appeared, some carried, some running, trying to escape the nightmare behind them. britain lost a princess today, described by all to whom she reached out as irreplaceable. an early—morning car crash in a paris underpass ended a life with more than its share of pain and courage, warmth and compassion. this is bbc news. the latest headlines: the us defence secretary, james mattis, has said there would be a massive military response to any threat to the us or its allies after north korea tested its most powerful nuclear device yet. kimjong—un's regime has hailed the test a ‘perfect success‘ — meanwhile south korea's carried out its own military exercise. let's get more on our top story now: i'm joined now by mark fitzpatrick, executive director of the international institute for strategic studies. thank you for speaking to us. where do you think this latest test puts north korea in terms of its nuclear weapons programme? this test is, i think, just the beginning of probably a series of further tests ofa probably a series of further tests of a hydrogen bomb. it was far less powerful than it could be if it were a real hydrogen bomb. it was only maybe five times more powerful than the hiroshima bombing peter gee be 100,000 times more powerful as they keep testing. given a series of tests a nd keep testing. given a series of tests and announcements you have alluded to, what would you expect to happen in the coming coming weeks and months in terms of the testing programme? it is not clear whether they will keep testing or whether they will keep testing or whether they might, at this point, try to see if they could strike a deal. one note in the announcement said that they have reached the final goal of their nuclear programme. i don't think this is the final goal, as they said, they they could testing get far more powerful yields. but having demonstrated a hydrogen bomb and having demonstrated an inter— continental ballistic missile they are ina continental ballistic missile they are in a good position to hold their cards and see if there is any leveraged that they could employ to strike some kind of deal with the united states. what do you think they want from that deal? well, i don't know that they want the deal. what they want is to be recognised asa what they want is to be recognised as a nuclear power. the united states is not going to do that. they wa nt to states is not going to do that. they want to be able to deter the united states and maybe they can, maybe they cannot, we just heard the us defence secretary saying that any attack on a us ally would be met with suresh ‘s response to north korea. they are not going to get the terrence. they want some kind of sense of recognition of status and maybe that is possible. the united states in the past has more or less recognised the legitimacy or the sovereignty at least of the regime. there are some things that they want that may be possible. do you think it is now time to say that ever angrier threats do not cut it with kimjong—un? angrier threats do not cut it with kim jong-un? i think that is clear. nothing that the president of the united states has said in the past eight months has deterred all stopped north korea. the red lines have been walked all over. i think these kind of threats need to be toned down and a more careful, co—ordinated and diplomatic effort is needed. co—ordinating with america's allies such as japan with whom president trump has been speaking. importa ntly with whom president trump has been speaking. importantly with south korea. i don't think president trump has yet spoken with the south korean president since this latest test. always good to speak with you. with just three weeks to go until the general election in germany — chancellor angela merkel — who is seeking a fourth term — has been facing her main rival martin schulz in a live tv debate. much of the sparring focussed on immigration — and talks on turkey's future as part of the european union were also raised. mrs merkel rejected claims she should have taken tougher action on immigration. mr schulz stressed his opposition to turkey becoming a member of the european union. translation: what can i have done? i am familiar with the scenarios that we re am familiar with the scenarios that were being discussed at the end of 2015. using water cannons against thousands of people, do you think that can solve things? think so. we have a 3000 kilometre border and so we had to address the causes of migration. translation: ifi become chancellor i will call off turkey's succession talks with the eu. we must end the financial and economic ties. we cannot do that alone. we must talk to our european partners about it. i think the next chancellor has a duty to protect germany. german bomb disposal experts have defused a massive unexploded bomb from the second world war. around 60,000 residents of frankfurt left their homes on sunday to allow the work to be carried out. it was the country's biggest evacuation since the war. sarah corker reports. this is ‘blockbuster‘, so—called for its ability to flatten an entire street. the british—made bomb weighs1.4tons and, buried for more than 70 years, the fear was it may have become unstable over time. and so on sunday, there was a massive evacuation of frankfurt's city centre, as technicians worked for hours to make the bomb save. translation: with the british bomb, you have a particularly difficult task on top of it all. once that fusers have been removed, the detonators have to be pulled out and they are highly sensitive. the problem with it is that, over time, crystals could have formed and they are highly explosive. the bomb was found last week, during construction work in the city's west end. it is an area home to germany's central bank, where half of the country's gold reserves are stored. archive: into the dusk and through the long dark hours... the hc4000 bomb was dropped on frankfurt by the royal air force in 1944. there are thought to be hundreds of thousands of unexploded bombs across germany, legacies of intent bombing campaigns against the nazis. the scale of this evacuation was unlike any other. more than 60,000 people forced to leave. elderly residents recalled wartime memories. translation: i was here in west end during the war. i heard the bombs falling when i was in the basement and i helped to extinguish the fires. police officers carried out door—to—door checks before the bomb was successfully disarmed but it will take decades to safely defuse the thousands of other bombs still buried beneath german towns and cities. sarah corker, bbc news. american singer—songwriter walter becker, from band steely dan, has died aged 67. the band co—founder is being remembered as an excellent guitarist and a great songwriter. steely dan blurred musical boundaries through its mix ofjazz, rock and pop, with hits such as "reelin' in the years". in 2001, the band was inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame. # are you gathering up your tears? # have you had enough of mind? hank shteamer is a senior music editor for he joins me live from new york. how should we be remembering walter? i think we should remember him and this partner as two musicians who really wa nted this partner as two musicians who really wanted to take a pop and rock and do something eccentric and different with it. the fact that they were able to have hits while at they were able to have hits while at the same time putting forward an offbeat literary sensibility with jazz influences and, basically, coming at pop and rock and roll from an oblique angle. why would you describe them as eccentric and different? steely dan were, in so many ways they just different? steely dan were, in so many ways theyjust did not fit different? steely dan were, in so many ways they just did not fit the traditional rock star model. everything from after the fact that a few years of success they decided they did not wish to tour any longer and they set themselves up in the studio. also... their lyrics were exploring a lowlife sleazy and unusual character that were not typical. they were not rocks at hero topics. and their music itself was incorporating jazz into pop in ways that had not been done before. they we re that had not been done before. they were definitely not writing typical rock songs. for our international audience who may not be familiar with steely dan, who were their fans? who did they touch? that is a good question. i think that steely dan catered to an outsider mentality. i interviewed walter in 2008 and he describes steely dan as creatures of the margins. i think what he meant was, you know, these nerdy young guys interested in literature and jazz and intellectual influences and incorporating, finding and incorporating back into rock and pop. i think they attracted many of those people who may not relate to standard stones orjust a straightforward rock ‘n' roll band. steely dan, people could find a home with them. thank you forjoining us, hank. reminded now of our top story. the us defence secretary says any threat to the united states or its allies will be met with a massive military response. he was speaking after briefing president trump following north korea's latest nuclear tests. mr trump has warned that america may stop trading with any country that does business with the north. that is how it is looking. stay with us here on bbc news. hello. after a weekend of two halves, this week's weather takes us on a bit of a journey but things are a bit quieter for a time mid—week, as i'll show you in a moment. i will start with a couple of images from sunday's weather. after all that saturday sunshine, grey skies, some rain around. the further east you are, you did not get that rain until quite late on and the weather system that brought it is starting to fizzle out but we are left, as monday begins, with plenty of cloud. it's low cloud, it's misty, murky, some coast and hill fog around. still damp and drizzly in places as well. and it is quite warm, quite humid air that's across us. look these temperatures for 8 o'clock in the morning. some around 16—17 celsius. not as breezy as it has been into england and wales. again the chance of seeing a bit light rain, more especially in parts of northern england and scotland. mainly dry start in northern ireland but this band of wet weather is going to move in and will also push across scotland during the day. still quite windy for some of us here, especially the further north you are. northern isles with a risk of gales, into shetland. on through the day. after all that cloud to begin with, we start to brighten things up a little bit in england and wales, especially east wales and through northern, central, southern and eastern england. if you get some sunny spells for any period of time, it could be quite warm. 23—24 celsius, could well be yours, maybe the chance a shower. we'll move a band of rain through northern ireland. outbreaks of rain through scotland but the further west you are, especially late afternoon gonig into the evening, it could well be brightening up once again. the rain is not done with us though. on monday night it looks like it will pep up again through this zone here, back into parts of northern ireland, maybe scotland, northern england and wales before going into tuesday this energy will run out eastwards into the north sea. we are left on tuesday with this weatherfront still heading south—east, just not as much rain associated with it. a cold front, the leading edge of cooler, fresher air so there is a change to the feel of the weather coming our way by the end of tuesday from the north—west. so a band of rain pushing south eastwards across england on tuesday, behind that one or two showers following, but actually, as you can see, sunnier weather, cooler, fresher feeling weather but at least we have the sunshine as temperatures come down a few degrees. and then we embark on that somewhat quieter spell of weather for a couple of days. wednesday just a few showers in the west, variable cloud and sunshine. many of us dry on thursday but it looks we will see another weather system bearing down on parts of scotland and northern ireland as we go on through thursday. so this week's weather then, a humid, quite warm start for some of us, if you see some sunshine, but then turning cooler and fresher, with sunny spells and showers for a few days. but by the end of the week, thursday night into friday, it looks like it will be turning wet and windy for a time. this is bbc news. the headlines: the us defence secretary, james mattis, says any threat to the united states or its allies will be met with a massive military response. he was speaking after briefing president trump following north korea's latest nuclear test. south korea has responded by carrying out its own military exercise. a bbc investigation has found that so—called islamic state was secretly directing would—be extremists to murder people at both london bridge and westminster, nearly a year before each attack. the government says it is trying to suffocate is's ability to recruit people in the uk. the most devastating floods to hit south asia in a decade have killed more than 1,400 people, and focused attention on lack of preparedness for annual monsoon rains. in many areas, the authorities are struggling to get aid to millions of destitute people. now on bbc news, dateline london.

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