Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170830 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170830

yet again, that pyongyang launch no more rockets and abandon its nuclear weapons programmes. north korea's central news agency has released these pictures in the past few hours. it is not clear when they were taken. the agency says kim jong—un was present to guide the launch. it says the missile fired overjapan was a medium—range hwasong—12, which the regime has previously threatened to fire towards the us pacific territory of guam. it says the japan launch was a response to american and south korean military exercises. the current president of the security council delivered this statement on behalf of all its members. translation: the security council further condemns the dprk for its outrageous actions, and demands that the dprk immediately cease all such actions. the security council stresses that these dprk actions are not just a threat to the stresses that these dprk actions are notjust a threat to the region, but to all un member states. the security council expresses its grave concern that the dprk is, by conducting such a launch overjapan, as well as its recent actions and public statements, is deliberately undermining regional peace and stability, and has caused grave security concerns around the world. addressing the security council, the american ambassador nikki haley emphasised the unity of the international community in the face of the latest missile launch. the world is united against north korea, there is no doubt about that. it is time for the north korean regime to recognise the danger they are putting themselves in. the united states will not allow their lawlessness to continue, and the rest of the world is with us. thank you. however, the chinese ambassador, while calling on north korea to abandon its missile programmes, also made a point of opposing american military exercises in south korea, and the deployment of the thaad anti—missile system. translation: china is always committed to the goal of denuclearisation of the peninsula, the maintenance of peace and stability on the peninsula, and the settle m e nt stability on the peninsula, and the settlement of the issue through dialogue and consultations. china stands opposed to any chaos or war on the peninsula. it believes military deployment on the peninsula won't help the goal of denuclearisation or regional stability. the deployment of the thaad system in north—east asia significantly undermines regional balance, undermining the strategic interests of all countries, including china. it will further escalate tension on the peninsula, and make the issue more complicated and make the issue more complicated and intractable. live now to the south korean capital, and our correspondent yogita limaye. despite all this, zhong yang seems to have renewed its threat against guam. that's right, mike. the statement coming from united nations today shows the limitation of what the international community can actually do to stop north korea. and you know, that comes on a day when we have had another very strong, fit statement from north korea. it released photos of that missile which it said it launched yesterday, which it said it launched yesterday, which flew overjapan. not importantly, in that statement, it also said this is a valued to contain guam, so reader rating the threat it made two weeks ago, that it would fire four missiles at the pacific territory, the us pacific territory, of guam, and saying this was only a first step in that direction. it also said that its leader, kim jong—un, had direction. it also said that its leader, kimjong—un, had also ordered more missiles that are targeted at the pacific. so clearly from the language of that statement that, north korea saying it has no intention to stop. what is the thinking here? the analyst tell us that this is a regime which is not suicidal, it wants to survive, but it wants to look tough, to deter innovation. it clearly wants the us off the korean peninsula, it wants to detach the united states from its allies, south korea and japan. whereas the room for movement here? whereas the room for movement here? where are the possibilities for pressure that might actually work? well, you know, they have tried economic sanctions. today's meeting was just economic sanctions. today's meeting wasjust 3.5 weeks economic sanctions. today's meeting was just 3.5 weeks after another un meeting, when you had quite stringent sanctions passed against the country, banning major exporter from the country. it was something backed by china as well, which is north korea's largest trade partner. some analysts say 90% of that country's traders with china. but despite that, even if economically squeezing the country doesn't seem to be working, analysts say sanctions, in a way, push zhong yang's back against the wall even further, and if they start actually affecting the public, then the country conduct these big missile test, and puts out these big statement saying it has to do it as a defence mechanism —— pyongyang. its defence has always been that the drills which are being conducted presently in south korea by the us and south korean forces, they are not just preventative and south korean forces, they are notjust preventative drills, they are not just defensive notjust preventative drills, they are notjust defensive in nature. they are actually preparing to attack north korea, and that is how north korea justifies its repeated missile tests. in the texas city of houston, hammered by tropical storm harvey, the mayor has now imposed a curfew to help deal with the aftermath. it will run from 10:00pm to 5:00am in the morning wednesday. almost 50 inches of rain has now fallen there since harvey swept in on friday. it has set a new record for rainfall in the state, and the storm is expected to make landfall again on wednesday morning in nearby louisiana. more than 30,000 people have been forced from their homes by the storm. two dams near the city have begun overflowing, and a river has burst its banks, and the authorities are warning water levels will be rising for some time. 0ur correspondentjames cook is in houston. baby cries don't worry, it's ok! he is not the only one finding it tough. it is now four days since the hurricane, and still the rescues roll on and on. we're trying to get to a safer, drier place, so... how's the baby doing? 0h, he's fine, he's just scared. are you scared? just a little bit, yeah. in the chaos, though, there is some order. the boats have come from all over the united states, and not a moment too soon. there are a lot of people that need help. and i'm thankful for these people, i really am, ‘cause i've never been through anything like this. this operation was fast and smooth, police, soldiers, civilians, all working together. from above, they can see the problem, and it is a big one. a reservoir a few blocks away is overflowing. it was built 80 years ago, to protect the young city of houston, but nobody then imagined this. the pool of the reservoir is still rising, so flooding is going to continue along the structures and the homes that are against the western edge of the pool. so streets are going to be flooding. they will continue to flood. new streets will continue to flood, new homes will continue to flood. well, this is now what much of houston and its surrounding suburbs look like. it is eerie here. everyone seems to have fled. and, although the scale of this disaster is striking, it may yet get worse. much of this water will eventually work its way downstream, to the city itself, where they are already struggling to cope. this shelter ran out of beds yesterday. since then, 4,000 more people have arrived. and even that is just a fraction of the number looking for a haven. when it's raining outside, some people can't imagine a sunny day. and it's been raining for a week. so imagine what's in people's minds. the lines are so big and so long. we need more physicians, more doctors, more healthcare, for everybody in the whole facility. for houston, and for the us, this is a wake—up yell. a giant of global commerce has been paralysed. should the city have been evacuated? the mayor says no. you cannot put 6.5 million people on the road, two days before a storm that you don't know where it's going. it is absurd. but the fabric of this city is now tearing. even motorways are giving way, and as more deaths are reported, including one police officer, the strain is beginning to show. 0nce our dive team got there, it was too treacherous to go under and look for him. so we made the decision to leave officers there waiting until the morning. because, as much as we wanted to recover him last night, we could not put more officers at risk, for what we knew in our hearts was going to be a recovery mission. every hour brings news of more rescues, more people trapped, more damage. with nearly 50 inches of rain, this is now a record—breaking disaster. james cook, bbc news, houston. president trump flew into texas a few hours ago. he has been meeting emergency workers in corpus christi, where the storm first hit on friday. 0ur north america editor jon sopel reports from texas. a commander—in—chief, determined to show that he is in command. president trump arrived in corpus christi this lunchtime, the city where hurricane harvey made landfall. and the crowds had gathered outside the fire station to hear him. he had come to offer comfort and support... thank you, everybody. ..though it sounded more like a campaign rally. this is historic. it's epic, what happened. but you know what? it happened in texas, and texas can handle anything. thank you all, folks. thank you, thank you. and, with a flourish, he produced the flag of the lone star state, to the crowd's delight. cheering and applause earlier, he met the texas governor, greg abbott, and praised the co—operation between state and federal government. we won't say congratulations. we don't want to do that. we don't want to congratulate. we'll congratulate each other when it's all finished. contrast that with 12 years ago, and the disastrous handling of hurricane katrina, and this utterly tone—deaf comment from then—president bush to his emergency relief coordinator. and brownie, you're doing a heck of a job. the fema director's working 24... applause actually, it was one heck of a mess. nearly 2,000 people died, and in new orleans, it was particularly bad. there was an evacuation, but it seemed that all those who were left behind were black. president bush's reputation wouldn't recover. the response to harvey has been more sure—footed, so far. across this vast state, damage is being assessed. we went to la grange. so how far has it moved? 0nly across there. so your home has moved across the street? uh-huh. this mother, too, shows her children where their house once stood. this is just one small town in texas, and it is estimated that some 500 homes have been destroyed here. at this trailer park, you can see that particular house has been uprooted, fallen on top of a car. and, if we just move across, you can see the water bubbling up from the ground. that is because there is a cracked gas line underneath, and for the emergency services, it means it is still too dangerous to investigate. we are still in the foothills of this disaster. thousands will remain homeless for months to come. there is an economic reckoning to be had. will congress agree to fund the rebuilding? and the biggest question of them all — as louisiana stands next in the path, has tropical storm harvey done his worst, or is there more devastation to come? let's get more now on the situation in houston right now. cbs correspondent kenneth craig is there. kenneth, thanks for being there for us. kenneth, thanks for being there for us. how is it looking now? well, i can tell you, for the first time in five days, just about an hour ago i finally saw blue skies. the rain has finally saw blue skies. the rain has finally stopped here, at least for now, so finally stopped here, at least for now, so some finally stopped here, at least for now, so some much—needed relief in terms of the weather. i have spent all day here at this convention centre, and it has been an extraordinary sight. 9100 evacuees we re extraordinary sight. 9100 evacuees were inside as other few hours ago, in fact the number is now up to 10,000. what is also amazing is the number of volunteers who have shown up. you can see on the other side of the road where there is a line of several dozen volunteers who are waiting to get inside and see where they can help. hundreds have showed up they can help. hundreds have showed up today, many of them with clothes out of the closet, food out of their pantry, and this all as those search and rescue missions are still under way tonight. kenneth, what should we read into the man's imposition of a cu rfew? read into the man's imposition of a curfew? why is it needed? well, he is concerned about looting, and he is concerned about looting, and he is concerned about criminals taking advantage of people who had to leave their homes and everything behind. there have been some reports, sadly and unfortunately, of people breaking into those homes of those people evacuated, and stealing items inside. and so the mayor has decided to impose that curfew. 0riginally starting at 10pm, he has now scaled back, it starts at midnight. and it goes until five a.m.. back, it starts at midnight. and it goes untilfive a.m.. 0f back, it starts at midnight. and it goes until five a.m.. of course, first responders are people going to work are exempt but he wants to keep ron inside, to let the people that need to do theirjobs to them, and everybody else stay out. and kenneth, almost as arley, over the past few days, we have nearly got used to those apocalyptic pictures of highways brimful of streaming water. am i right in thinking actually that is a secondary purpose of those highways? they were always meant to be run off channels, to carry flooding away, and i guess they are doing theirjob. well, in a sense they are, but many of those highways, and there are so many of them, are still covered in water and impossible. it is difficult if not impossible. it is difficult if not impossible to get around this city. what makes houston such a problem, and so susceptible to flooding, is that there are so many waterways, we are surrounded by bayous and rivers, and then that they and the gulf, but also that houston is so flat. and you have all that water surrounding it, sojust even you have all that water surrounding it, so just even a little you have all that water surrounding it, sojust even a little bit you have all that water surrounding it, so just even a little bit of rainfall causes some flooding problems here, never mind catastrophic rainfall like the city has never seen before. thank you so much. stay with us on bbc news. still to come: avoiding a cathedral catastrophe. why paris's notre dame needs millions of dollars' worth of renovations. he is the first african—american to win the presidential nomination of a major party, and he accepts 45 years ago to the day that martin luther king declared, "i have a dream." as darkness falls tonight, an unfamiliar light will appear in the south—eastern sky. an orange, glowing disc that is brighter than anything save the moon — our neighbouring planet mars. there is no doubt that this election is an important milestone in the birth of east timor as the world's newest nation. it will take months, and billions of dollars, to re pair what katrina achieved injust hours. three weeks is the longest the great clock has been off duty in 117 years, so it was with great satisfaction that clockmaker john vernon swung the pendulum to set the clock going again. good to have you with us on bbc news. the latest headlines: the un security council has condemned north korea's firing of a missile overjapan, describing it as an outrageous threat. president trump is in texas to see for himself the disastrous floods caused by tropical storm harvey. 30,000 people have been forced from their homes, and two reservoirs near houston have overflowed. the president of the european commission has told the british government none of its brexit position papers is "satisfactory" and an "enormous" amount needs to be settled before talks on a trade deal can begin. one key brussels issue wants to agree on, first, is the status of more than three and a half million eu nationals who live and work in the uk. 0ur correspondent emma simpson has been talking to some of them. david lenehan runs a small family business in blackburn repairing and revamping old industrial parts, he says his foreign staff are crucial. there's amilcar from spain. and lucas from poland. ramadan‘s from bulgaria. aru nas from lithuania. there's danesia from slovakia. and finally lisa, who moved here two years ago, from france. am i allowed to stay or shall i have to go back to france? i've no idea, really. my future is between the hands of the politicians, they decide, not me, and so that's quite stressful. so what's the uk offering? if an eu national has lived for more than five years in the uk, they'll be able to apply for what's called "settled status." they'll be able to live, work and access benefits. if they've lived here for fewer than five years, they can apply to stay to reach settled status. the cut—off date will be no later than march 29th 2019, although it's yet to be specified. it's not clear, though, what'll happen in the long—term to any eu national who arrives after brexit. irish citizens aren't affected. for the eu, the uk's proposals need more thanjust a bit of "fine tuning." they want eu nationals in the uk to have the same protection as other eu citizens. there are worries over eligibility, the cut off date, they want more precise guarantees. the big stumbling block, though, is over who will enforce the new rules. the uk says — look, these are, basically, uk immigration law rights —— the uk says — look, these are, basically, uk immigration law rights and should be enforced by british courts and the british courts are respected across the world. eu says — actually, these eu nationals have moved under eu law and their rights should be protected through the eu mechanisms, the commission and the court ofjustice. so what's the view from this factory floor? most eu staff here don't seem fazed by the uncertainty. the brexit won't change my plans because i know i can provide here a better future for my daughter. they're selling more stuff abroad thanks to the fall in the pound, but there's a shortage of staff. last year we did 132 countries and language is a key selling point for us. if we can speak the local language, we can get a sale. blackburn's not really that inundated with language speaking staff. so since brexit, we've found it hard to find people, really. 0ne italian employee has already left, the rest here want to keep clocking—on. they just want to know what the deal is going to be. emma simpson, bbc news, blackburn. the countdown has started to the end of the cassini mission to saturn. after two decades in space, it's now made its lowest orbit before it's destroyed next month. scientists hope this final phase of close—up exploration will solve some long—standing mysteries. this from our science correspondent rebecca morelle. instantly recognisable — saturn and its spectacular rings. the cassini spacecraft has revealed this planet in incredible detail. and these are some of its latest close—up images. from its hexagonal north pole to its ring system and even an aurora. but this mission‘s very nearly as its end. cassini's been in space for nearly 20 years. it's set down a probe, spotted plumes on one of the moons, and spotted massive storms. but now it's running out of fuel. its final days, though, will be crucial. we've learnt so much, but in that process we've also raised many new questions. one of the things that we still don't understand about saturn is simply how long its day lasts. over the last few months, cassini's been exploring a region where no spacecraft has been before, sweeping between saturn and its rings. and in its final days, it will get closer still, giving us our best ever view of the planet, revealing its atmosphere and what lies beneath its thick clouds. but these last days could also show us what is hidden beneath its rings, including a mysterious object, nicknamed peggy. we noticed this smudge right at the end of the a—ring... the blurry speck was spotted by carl murray in 2013 on his mother—in—law peggy's birthday, and the name stuck. the ball of dust more than a mile wide is either a moon being born or in its death throes and this is the last chance to find out. we need to understand what object peggy really is. we've only got literally now a matter of days. our last look at peggy will be on september the 14th, and i can't wait to see those images. time's running out but this spacecraft will go out with a bang. its last manoeuvre will be a death dive into saturn's atmosphere, bringing this blockbuster mission to a close. rebecca morrelle, bbc news. notre dame cathedral is one of paris' most iconic landmarks, but it's a landmark that has seen better days. the city's archbishop is launching a $120 million fundraising drive to help restore it to its former glory. pollution and the passing of time have taken quite a toll on the building, as the bbc‘s tim allman explains. when you come to paris, you come to notre—dame. but this landmark is not quite as impressive when you get a close—up view. gargoyles, spires, buttresses, all slowly crumbling away. ancient brickwork that needs to be repaired, and soon. translation: the urgency for the cathedral is to find 100 million euros within the next 20 years, to say the building. 0ne euros within the next 20 years, to say the building. one of the areas which is crumbling arty spires. if nothing is done, the ultimate catastrophic scenario is that they will fall and rip out the roof. workers began on the cathedral around 850 years ago. the last major renovations took place in the 19th century. every year, millions visit notre—dame, make it more thanjust century. every year, millions visit notre—dame, make it more than just a place of worship. it's the symbol of paris or even france, and is very famous, just like the forbidden city in china. so it is a must go place in paris. -- forbidden city. it is the movie to me. it is the movie, the hunchback of notre—dame, and the book, too. thejudges the hunchback of notre—dame, and the book, too. the judges before it donations from around the world, so they can preserve and restore the historic landmark for centuries to come. tim allman, abc news. at the other end of the cultural scale, its baby ultra —— the annual tomato festival is about to start, where people throw tomatoes at each other. it usually takes an hour for 145,000 kilos of tomatoes to be thrown into eppleby mess. that is it for now. —— into a pulpy mess. hello there. for some of us, wednesday looks set to bring a major cooldown. on tuesday, parts of south—east england had temperatures into the mid—to—high 20s. but for wednesday, not so. 15 or 16 degrees is the very best we can expect, with some outbreaks of rain. it may even feel like the end of summer. the cooler weather comes courtesy of this strip of cloud that has been working its way slowly southwards and eastwards. cooler air already in place across scotland, northern ireland and northern england. here, the day ahead will bring a mixture of sunny spells and showers. some of those showers could be on the heavy side. fairly breezy in the far north—west. but the further south and east you are, the greater the chance of being stuck in the areas of cloud, with some outbreaks of rain. where this rain turns heaviest and most persistent, you may be at 12 or 13 degrees at times in the afternoon. if you get a dry or brighter spell, you could possibly add a few degrees to that. for the south—west of england, wales and the north of england, things brightening through the day, some spells of sunshine. just a few showers by the afternoon. showers across scotland. 16,17,18 degrees. it looks like we could see some heavy showers working to northern ireland later in the afternoon. 17 degrees in belfast. a soggy end to the day in east anglia and the south east. but then that should pull away to the east as we get into the early hours of thursday. with clear skies and fairly light winds, it's going to turn chilly. 10—11 degrees for some towns and cities. in the countryside, down to single digits. so a cool and fresh day for the most part on thursday. a day of sunshine and showers. some of those showers could be heavy. they could be thundery. quite hit and miss. good dry spells in between the downpours. top temperatures ranging from 16 in glasgow to 21 degrees in london. on friday it looks like we could see one or two showers down towards the south. the vast majority, it should be dry with spells of sunshine. again, temperatures no great shakes. 15—21 degrees, pleasant enough in the sunshine. the weekend starts fine, but on sunday, we could see more cloud. before i go, a quick update on tropical storm harvey, which has once again over the last 24 hours being feeding huge amounts of rainfall into texas. some spots have seen well over a metre of rain. the wettest weather is sliding further east and north. so across those flood hit parts of texas, the rain will start to ease. however, the floodwaters won't subside for quite some time. this is bbc news. the headlines: the un security council has condemned north korea's firing of a missile overjapan, which pyongyang has confirmed it has carried out. the statement doesn't threaten new sanctions, but the security council has demanded that pyongyang halt any more launches and abandon its nuclear weapons programme. president trump is visiting texas, where rescue efforts are continuing following widespread flooding. the tropical storm harvey has led to a record amount of rainfall, and large swathes of land in houston, america's fourth—largest city, are underwater. at least 11 people are known to have died. the countdown is on for the end of the cassini mission to saturn. the spacecraft, which has spent two decades in space, has performed its lowest orbit, before it is destroyed next month. scientists say they are hoping this final phase of close—up exploration will solve some longstanding mysteries. now on bbc news, it is time for hardtalk.

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