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Spanish police say theyve shot dead the main suspect responsible for carrying out last weeks terror attack in barcelona. According to police, the man appeared to be wearing a suicide belt. 22 year old Younes Abouyaaqoub was named as the man who drove the van which hit pedestrians on las ramblas boulevard last thursday killing 13 people. Police also said a moroccan imam, who is suspected to have radicalised those involved in the attacks, was killed in an explosion. 0ur correspondent James Reynolds has the latest from spain. The police say that the hunt for Younes Abouyaaqoub, on the run for four days, is now over. 0fficers rushed to a small town after a woman reported a man hiding by a petrol station. Reports say the police shot the man when he failed to take off a suspected explosives belt. A bomb squad then sent in a robot to check him on the ground. The authorities now confirm it was the man they had been looking for since thursday, since he rented a van and drove it down barcelonas main avenue. This is the route of the attack down las ramblas. The van hit pedestrians. After 500 metres, it stopped, and the police say the attacker then escaped into the nearby market. 22 year old Younes Abouyaaqoub was wearing a striped shirt. His sunglasses on his head. The Police Believe he was alone. These stills appear to show him on his getaway through the market. Now wearing his sunglasses. The pictures appear to show that he is walking, not running, doing nothing to draw any attention to himself. The security cameras pick him up for the last time right here on the edges of the market. The police say he then headed out, and later stabbed a man, stole his car, and drove off. The Police Believe that Younes Abouyaaqoub was part of a larger network, which they have now dismantled. Five suspected members were shot dead when they tried to carry out an attack last thursday. Four more have been arrested. The authorities are hoping to gain valuable information from them. And two were killed in an explosion. They include the networks suspected ringleader. The bbc has learned that he left a mosque near brussels last year, after elders reported him to the police for his radical tone. Shortly after the las ramblas attack, this was filmed from the suburbs. It may show the moments officers find the car stolen by the suspected attacker. They got out of their cars with all the guns, lots of police suddenly, right in seconds. The police then intensified their search inside the city, and then across the region. Now, they say their man hunt is over. Argued up correspondence gavin lee give me this update from barcelona shortly ago. Our europe correspondent. This is a small wine producing town. Police informed me that they have killed the only missing suspect, who drove the car, the white van 500 metres down las ramblas, killing 13 people. They say that Younes Abouyaaqoub, the 22 year old moroccan national, is the only one who had not been arrested or had not been killed or killed themselves, because there was an explosion last week where two of them accidentally killed themselves. So in the operation today, we were told a short while ago, somebody who lived in the region looked outside the window, and noticed somebody who looked as though he was wearing Winter Clothes in the summer, looked more closely, and so what appears to bea more closely, and so what appears to be a suicide vest. She called the police. Within about an hour, they we re police. Within about an hour, they were there. We were told he ran into the vineyards, they he ran into the vineyards, and he shouted in arabic, and the police shot him. The police have confirmed they shot the last suspect, Younes Abouyaaqoub. There are rumours to suggest he was being harboured. They were looking for another person, but they are saying now, the head of the Catalan Government said a short while ago, they have dismantled the cell, they have neutralised it and there is no immediate threat. The investigations continue as to how much support this wider Terror Network had. And i think there was news about the radical cleric who had been talked about, but has been confirmed that he died in the explosion several days ago. Yes. To just go through the chronology, on wednesday, a town further along the coast, about 120 column at us from here, the first six months, police say this terror group led by this cleric that you mention, a cleric in the town in the pyrenees. All these dots connect, because there was an explosion on wednesday night. The police have now confirmed that the reader of these attacks was killed. The others then launched into action the following day. They scrapped the original plan, which police say was the tax vehicles using explosives. Instead, they attacked las ramblas, and then another attack further down the coast, they killed 15 people, because separately, the way that he one of them are managed to escape was by stabbing and killing a spanish driver and fleeing in his car. The appears have connections to belgium. The imam. He tried to get a job as an imam. It was reported to the authorities because they said he was being too radical, andy kim to spain he came to spain. He was imprisoned according to Police Sources with one of the chief suspect of the 2004 madrid bomb attacks. The picture is becoming clearer as the investigations start. And well find out how this story and many others are covered in tomorrows front pages at 10 40 this evening in the papers. Our guests joining me tonight are the defence and security editor for the daily mail, larisa brown, and jim waterson, Political Editor at buzzfeed uk. A total Solar Eclipse has taken place over in the United States with sky gazers gathering across the country to witness day turning into night. After weeks of anticipation, observers experienced an astronomical phenomenon two minutes in which the moon moved directly in front of the sun to create near darkness and cause a drop in temperature. The last coast to coast Solar Eclipse across the United States was 99 years ago. The eclipse first reached totality in oregon, and crossed, completing its path across america a short time ago. Joining me now is dr francisco diego, senior Teaching Fellow in the department of physics and astronomy at University College london. I presume you were watching a screen somewhere is at all unfolded for. What struck me was that people who sought for themselves for all to excited before the event, but it was much more spectacular than expected. You cannot anticipate how spectacular this is. Remember, you are going to be in a landscape which is normal, a normal day, and suddenly, in a matter of minutes, on the last part of the approach, a matter of seconds, this shadow is going to cover the entire landscape, and you are being plunged into darkness. You can see planets, venus, mercury, bright stars, and twilight all around you. That happens so quickly, and you see the shadow coming at twice the speed of the sun, more or less. If you look up, you see a cosmic flower in the sky. It is extraordinary, and extraordinary image. I think we can probably see. Lets have a look. We have various pictures. It is very important because it tells you a lot about the activity of the sun. In this case, it is a corona typical of minimal solar activity. You see the magnetic plumes, you can see on the left and the right, you can see them, like filings in a Magnetic Field and a piece of paper. That is the Magnetic Field of the sun. Why is it so important . Spectacular, amazing to see, but why is it scientifically so important to be able to examined what we can see of the sun . The shape of the las ramblas tells us a lot about the activity of the sun. The sun has a cycle of activity that lasts for about 11 years. Every 11 years, the Magnetic Field changes, and together with this activity, the shape of the corona is changing all the time. When the solar activity reaches maximum, it does not have this shape. You cannot see the magnetic poles of the sun. When it goes to a minimum, then along the equator of the sun, in this case, the access of the sun, in this case, the access of the earth is almost vertical, tilted towards the left. So this is the diamond ring, a beautiful thing to watch. Would get that at the end of the eclipse, you can still watch it for if you seconds without protection. It is the final few seconds when the sun appears behind the moon. Here it is again, fantastic. Fantastic shots of this, really spectacular. And have you seen the eclipses yourself . really spectacular. And have you seen the eclipses yourself . I have seen the eclipses yourself . I have seen probably about 15 total eclipses. We have people with six, seven, eight, but youre the record so seven, eight, but youre the record so far. In cornwall in 1999, with a bbc crew, it was spectacular. But i have missed a few eclipses, one in china, it was raining near shanghai. But i have seen quite a lot. I can say that every eclipse is unique, because of the location where you are, and every eclipse is like the first one. You have seen more before, but every time, i have to emphasise, when you see the shadow of the mint coming over the landscape, it is an amazing feeling, and you forget about the camel and preparations and all the things you wa nt to preparations and all the things you want to do. It takes over, it steals your soul. It happens in complete silence, this event. It is very violent, but it is a very silent violence. It is amazing. You say silence, of course it does happen in silence, of course it does happen in silence, but we get people on the ground cheering. They couldnt resist it. I have had the good fortune of seeing an eclipse com pletely fortune of seeing an eclipse completely on our own, on the four, is from ucl, and there was an body around. In the middle of the desert, in china in the middle of the desert in 2008, on the top of a hill, because you can see the horizon around you, which is important to see the twilight all around you in com plete see the twilight all around you in complete silence. But if you are in a community, it brings people together because you are sharing a very intense experience, and you are sharing with everybody. I have seen people embracing each other after the eclipse, not knowing who they are, justa the eclipse, not knowing who they are, just a kind of beautiful thing. And are you planning to go and see another . Yes, a couple are coming up in south america. I am sure you will find them spectacular all over again. Thank you very much. In a moment, we are speaking to an eclipse chasers. I spoke to her earlier when she witnessed the eclipse in kentucky. Getsjust went on to totality, and it is completely amazing. It is beautiful, everybody is clapping. It is amazing. You are the darkness at the moment, what was it like as the moon moved slowly across the sun . What did you experience . It got dark relatively quickly. It was starting to get starker slowly, but the final darkness comes very quickly, and all ofa darkness comes very quickly, and all of a sudden, a bright light in the sky that goes out, and then you have this fantastic corona all around it. How many eclipses have you witnessed before . Two total. How does this one compare . This one is much better some problems with the clouds in the other ones, so this one is a perfect view, its amazing. Was the sky com pletely view, its amazing. Was the sky completely clear before the eclipse began . Yes. So you get absolutely the best view. Down goes the temperature. Are people around you choosing, or ill be quiet . What are we doing . There were a number of cheers, some clapping, everyone is excited. Presumably you are looking at it through your glasses, being careful about that . Right now, i dont have to use my glasses, so i took them off. But youre not looking at the sun, i hope but because it is very dark, you will be all right. Be given to put them back on when you need to. Can you see those tiny blobs of sunlight . on when you need to. Can you see those tiny blobs of sunlight . I can. That must be amazing from where you are, seeing those little flares from the sun. It is. There are no other words. I can tell by your short a nswer words. I can tell by your short answer is that you are experiencing something quite extraordinary. I dont know how much you know about all these, you just perhaps enjoy looking at them, but it is an important scientific moment as well, isnt it . It is. Sorry, im distracted. Christina thomas in kentucky. She is a due was a bit distracted watching while i was asking all those questions, but i can speak to her now. You have had a bit of time to think back on what you saw. What were your main thoughts . My main thoughts were, it was even better than i expected. I have done this twice before, it has beena have done this twice before, it has been a couple of years, so the magic kind of wears off, but as it happened again, it was better than expected at that moment. It was completely mind blowing. The skies were pretty clear before the eclipse began. So you did really have a ringside seat, the best of it. Absolutely, and the sun was essentially straight overhead, so nothing was on the way. What about the people around you, how did they react . You said they were excited, but it must be an extraordinary feeling to be in a crowd of people. Yes, everybody that i run into, they are winning shirts with eclipses on them, they have the glasses, and they are excited to be here. To see their faces light up when the sky goes dark, it was amazing. Very nice to speak to you again. I am glad you are able tojoin as to speak to you again. I am glad you are able to join as earlier when you we re are able to join as earlier when you were so are able to join as earlier when you were so excited in the middle of it all. Thank you very much indeed. We can now speak to doctor scott fisher from the university of oregon who watched the eclipse with his family. I have to ask you the same question, as we have asked lots of people, you are an expert in this sort of thing, i imagine, but for you, was sort of thing, i imagine, but for you , was a sort of thing, i imagine, but for you, was a more spectacular than you might have expected . It was a much more sensory might have expected . It was a much more sensory experience than i imagined. The temperature drop was traumatic, here in central 0regon, and the high desert, so it was very dry and warm before the eclipse started. We think we had a 15 or 20 degrees five night drop in temperature, so very dramatic over the fume and 15 or 20 degrees fahrenheit. This was my first eclipse, so i am a little envious of our previous speakers, but for the first time, not only did it gets dark, but the power of the late to go and interesting tone, it had a blue or silver haze. Everybody who sees these eclipses takes their own main impression from it. You had yourfamily main impression from it. You had your family with you, children with you . We had everybody, from eight yea rs old to you . We had everybody, from eight years old to almost 80, and everybody had the same experience. Those last few seconds, going into total darkness, you cannot help but gasp. It was an emotional experience, really, moore spectate. As the sun gradually reappears, there was a feeling of relief. Everything is coming back we happened to see here, one or two moments before the sun goes away, the diamond ring effect, withjust one little spot of the sun left, and we got a beautiful diamond ring effect here when the sun was coming back, and thats just drew out another huge gasp from everybody. Listening to the segment section in the distance, we had a hollow ring from there as well. So many people these days have their mobile phones underfilming things, these days have their mobile phones under filming things, what you want to experience it yourself, dont you . I am very proud to say that everybody in our group put the phone is down and we took in the two minutes of the two talented with our own eyes. It was wonderful. Two minutes of the two talented. Thank you forjoining us. Back on earth now, it is time for a round up from the sports centre. Manchester city have welcomed everton, who won 4 0 the last time the two sides met. The sigurdsson on the two sides met. The sigurdsson on the bench for them. This was the best chance so far, have written the first half, 0 0. Scotland manager Gordon Strachan has handed recalls to 5 players, for the vital World Cup Qualifiers against lithuania and malta next month. Hibernians Steven Whittaker is back for the first time in nearly a year and a half, for the must win group f fixtures. We have got to try to win both games. I dont think we have set out to draw a game, we set out to win. If we get a draw, we get a draw. But we set out to win whether it is germany away, or down at england, where we got beat 3 0, but we try to win the game. I do not think we have the physical capabilities to sit back and take long periods of being under intense pressure. Its been claimed female football fans were made to show their bras at security during the stevenage grimsby town match on saturday. The grimsby town fan group made the allegation in a letter to stevenage. The club says its security arrangements were based on past experience, supporter behaviour and police intelligence. They and the English Football League are investigating. Team skys chris froome has had taken the leaders red jersey after stage three of the vuelta a espana. Froome finished third today to take a 2 second lead overall. It was won by italys vincenzo nee bali. The briton is aiming to become just the third man to win the Tour De France and vuelta in the same year. Captain sarah hunter says more changes to the starting line up wont affect england for their Rugby World Cup semi final with france tomorrow. Head coach Simon Middleton has made two changes to his side for the match as Lydia Thompson comes in on the wing and Rachel Burford returns at inside centre. Because we have been professional since january, we have had time together with combinations, so we know each other well, so actually, i think what we want to do is ensure that people are not worn out by playing the same 15, the same 23 for every minute of every game throughout the stages, so when it comes to the knockout places, people feel fresh and ready to go, and i think that can be done when you have a squad of 28 that are equally as good as each other. We have combinations mapped out for all the games, and it was to, late in getting to the stage where we are now, the best 23 that we feel are right for the job. If it is the same 23 for the next one, we will put them out again, or it is not we will make changes. We do not even need to think about the next game until we get this one out of the way and that is what we are really focused on. England have lost the second match of their eurohockey championships campaign 4 3 to germany. Having come from 2 0 down to lead, england conceded two goals in quick succession to go behind at the start of the final quarter. England will most probably have to beat ireland in their next match to reach the last four. I think you can say it was good to come back, i am pleased with the hockey be played in that period. At 20 hockey be played in that period. At 2 0 down, what have we got to lose . We did not start well, but the moment leslie had nothing to lose, we decided to have a go. From our point of view, we wanted to play that attacking hockey. We have got to do that from the start next time. That is all the sport, Manchester City have come close to scoring, but still 0 0 with the wood with everton. The us navy is to pause its worldwide operation to reassess its fleet after a collision between a us destroyer and oil tanker. Ten sailors are still missing since the incident which happened before dawn today. The Ussjohn S Mccain was sailing east of singapore. Its the second collision involving a us navy ship in recent months. 0ur asia correspondent Karishma Vaswani has been to see the ship which has now docked in singapore. This is what happens when a massive Oil Tanker Collides with a us warship. A gaping hole in the left side of the Ussjohn S Mccain, an american destroyer with more than 300 crew on board. It was on its way to singapore when just before dawn it collided with this merchant vessel, the liberian flagged alnic mc, an oil and chemical tanker much larger than the warship. Its still not clear how the collision happened, but an International Search and rescue operation was launched. President donald trump has tweeted about the accident, saying his thoughts and prayers are with the Us Navy Sailors on board, and the search and rescue teams. And the us defence secretary james mattis says there will be a wider investigation into Us Naval Operations after the collision. The chief of Naval Operations broader inquiry will look at all related accidents, incidents at sea, that sort of thing. Hes going to look at all factors, notjust the immediate ones, which will fall rightly under the fleet commanders investigation. But this isnt the first time tragedy has struck a us warship in this region. The last one injune resulted in the deaths of seven american sailors and disciplinary action against the commanders of the ship. This is not normal, no. This is a big deal. This is an International Disaster for them. Its possible that some combination of poor seamanship or some combination of things going wrong with the ship, actually things physically going wrong with the ship that could have led to this. This collision couldnt have come at a more awkward time for the United States. Its in the midst of its annual military drills with south korea that was launched this week. All of this is raising questions aboutjust how effective the worlds most powerful navy is in this part of the world. Karishma vaswani, bbc news, singapore. Time now to take a look at the weather forecast. Hello there. It is good to be a mild night, temperatures likely sitting at admits double digits by first thing tomorrow morning. The cloud and rain will move north, the mist and mark will move north, the mist and mark will lift away, and as we go through the morning, hopefully seeing some sunshine coming through. Cloud and rain returns to Northern Ireland, and eventually into the isle of man. The temperature was a bit more subdued, hourly wrinklies and from scotland, looking at around 14 to 20 degrees. Perhaps a degree or so higher if you get a bit more sunshine. The human trimble not last, and as it moves east, it will introduce fresh showery conditions. Particularly to the far north west. Hello. This is bbc news with me, nicholas 0wen. The headlines at timecheck. Spanish police say theyve shot dead Younes Abouyaaqoub, the man accused of ramming a vehicle into crowds in barcelona, killing thirteen people. Americas witnessed the first total Solar Eclipse to sweep from the us Pacific Coast to the atlantic in almost a century. An american destroyers collided with an oil tanker off Singapore Us Navy has ordered a worldwide operational pause. A worldwide operational pause. A worldwide operational review of its fleet. Tweeting abuse can be as devastating as shouting it. Tough new guidelines come into force, to tackle aggressors on social media. Millions of americans have been watching the first total Solar Eclipse to sweep from the us Pacific Coast to the atlantic in almost a century. Lets speak to Andrew Yarbrough who has just experienced totality in nashville, tennessee. He joins us from there via webcam. Hello, i see you have a dog, how did you enjoy it . She loved it. Shejust kind of lay down and enjoyed it. She was not frightened . Kind of lay down and enjoyed it. She was not frightened . She wasnt, we put something on her so that she could enjoy it, she had a great time. What about yourself, what did you think of it . The thing that stood out was before the eclipse, before totality, the eerie feeling of it growing darker and darker and cooler. And then when totality hit, the site was something you cannot really put into words. Did you have children with you, what did they think of it. No children with me but i enjoyed it with my family, my mother and sister enjoyed the afternoon. We had our glasses and so it was a great family bonding experience. So you are very glad you saw it, spectacular experience. Experience. So you are very glad you saw it, spectacular experiencem was. Well, we are very grateful to you forjoining us, andrew, thank you forjoining us, andrew, thank you very much. 0n the line now is bbc weather presenter from Tomasz Schafernaker who watched the eclipse in nashville. Tomasz, i gather you are on holiday, idid not tomasz, i gather you are on holiday, i did not realise we gave you chaps holidays i am, i came here especially for the eclipse on a short holiday to nashville was it your First Experience of the total eclipse, one that you could enjoy, the whole experience . Eclipse, one that you could enjoy, the whole experience . |j eclipse, one that you could enjoy, the whole experience . I actually saw an eclipse in 1999 in bulgaria on the black sea coast, that was a phenomenal experience. The sky was com pletely phenomenal experience. The sky was completely clear. It was phantasmagorical. Wed been waiting for another opportunity, in 18 years andi for another opportunity, in 18 years and i am very disappointed being in nashville at the wrong time, within two minutes of the famous totality, a big cloud came over and completely obscured the sun we so absolutely nothing, apart from nashville falling into darkness and all the skyscrapers lighting up. Which was eerily unspectacular itself, we saw absolutely nothing. It was eerily and spectacular. I know how the corona looks when you see the actual eclipse, so not to see the actual eclipse, so not to see the actual event is quite disappointing. Iam actual event is quite disappointing. I am sorry to hear that, tomasz. I am sure you will have other opportunities. We did see some amazing pictures of the corona. The point being made that it is an opportunity to study the sun and study what is going on with its atmosphere which of course has a direct bearing on our weather, not just sunny days but the whole of life on earth. Absolutely, its such a rare opportunity for astronomers to study the corona. It is when the moon is right in front of the sun, thatis moon is right in front of the sun, that is and they get that opportunity. And of course when it comes to the averagejoe bloggs experiencing this great astronomical events, the reasoning for me to come to nashville, or somewhere like fiji or in the australian outback s, to go to the famous city, that is great experience. So i did see something the whole thing. Until the next time i the whole thing. Until the next time i did see something, just not the whole thing. We did see images of the city, portland in 0regon where we saw it going very dark and then the light coming back. That is something to take away from this. Yes, absolutely. The thing i would say about the darkness is that it comes very rapidly. People think it comes very rapidly. People think it isa it comes very rapidly. People think it is a gradual darkening, it is, it is like when you are in a cinema, just when the lights go dark, thats the kind of dimness, almost total darkness. The middle of the night, darkness. The middle of the night, dark enough for the building to stand out against the night sky. You see the stars, planets, the crickets started buzzing, the temperature dropped. That in itself is quite an incredible experience. Indeed. That was Tomasz Schafernaker our weather presenter in nashville. Thank you, enjoy the rest of your holiday. Thank you. Hate crimes committed online will be treated as seriously in court as offences carried out face to face. New guidelines for prosecutors in england and wales mean tougher penalties will be sought for abuse on social media. Our Home Affairs Correspondent Dominic Casciani reports. From harassment on facebook to abuse on twitter, online abuse is growing, coming in many forms on social media platforms. A crime of our times. Kate metcalfe knows, she is a transgender person who does not define themselves as man or woman. People messaging me into my inbox, saying horrible things about me, saying horrible things about me, saying i was and it, using dehumanising language. Calling me a lesbian, perhaps, this gender in may, saying that i was mentally unwell. I think it has affected my self confidence, making it difficult for me to trust others. There were more than 15,000 hate crime prosecutions in 2015 20s steam. 0ne third of those convicted saw their sentence increased but the number of cases referred by police fell by almost 10 . Prosecutors promised a new focus on hate and mine will deliver more justice new focus on hate and mine will deliver morejustice for new focus on hate and mine will deliver more justice for victims. New focus on hate and mine will deliver more justice for victimslj hope the difference the guidelines will make is that people will feel more confident to report hate crime. But they will understand they dont have to put up with the abuse. They may feel they just have have to put up with the abuse. They may feel theyjust have to because of their disability, religion or sexuality, and they will feel confident to come forward knowing that we can support them and we will prosecute these crimes were we have sufficient evidence. Todays guidance could seek more people like rhodri phillipps jailed. He used facebook to encourage abuse against gena mellor who led the movement against brexit. She said is worth that are living in fear. We all have the power to say what we think online, the good, the bad, the incredibly offensive, most of us think before they click, prosecutors say they have drawn a virtual line in the sands because words can confuse people the streets. Across south asia, this seasons monsoon rains have devastated huge areas, killing around eight hundred people. Parts of nepal and india have been badly affected, and in bangladesh, the flooding is thought to be the worst for thirty years. Sanjoy majumder has sent this report from northern bangladesh. The only way around northern bangladesh is by boat. All the roads have been washed away. With little sign of the water receding, people are settled on any patch of dry land they can find. A partially submerged bridge is now home to this family. They have been here for over a week. They have brought with them whatever possessions they could carry, and also their cattle. Translation the flood just washed away our home. We were able to quickly grab some things and our animals. Many of bangladeshs major rivers flow through here, which is why it is the worst affected part of the country. This is the brahmaputra river, one of the worlds largest. It flows into bangladesh from india. Whats happened is because of heavy monsoon rain, its breached its banks and the entire area around it is flooded. These people here have taken up the only sliver of land thats been left untouched. Aid workers are trying their best to get relief to flood victims but theres a mad scramble such is the need for something as basic as drinking water. This is one of the worst floods bangladesh has experienced in over 30 years. The communities are very much in need of food, emergency shelter, Safe Drinking Water and clothing. Its now a race against time, to get to those affected before its too late. Bbc news, northern bangladesh. Its three years since professor alexis jays landmark report revealed that fourteen hundred girls in rotherham had been groomed and raped. Since then there have been resignations, convictions, and the council was even taken over by the government. But how much difference has it made . Spencer stokes has been investigating; a conservative estimate is that at least 1400 children in rotherham we re least 1400 children in rotherham were victims over the years. The day that shocked the country a damning report revealed the horrifying scale of abuse in rotherham. 0ne resignation from the Council Leader came immediately and in the following weeks the chief executive, the police and Crime Commission and the police and Crime Commission and the director of Childrens Services all stood down. Within six months the council was declared not fit for purpose and the commissioner stepped in. In three years 27 people in the area have been convicted as part of major investigations into child Sexual Exploitation. August 2014 was the defining month for rotherham, after yea rs of the defining month for rotherham, after years of allegations and denials finally a report confirmed that 1400 girls had been sexually exploited. Attention then turned to working out how it had happened and preventing it from happening again. Thats something Sammy Woodhouse does, a victim of grooming herself, she now works to prevent Sexual Exploitation that feels has a long way to go. Think it is still happening. Abuse happens on the streets, it happens online, in homes, boys and girls can be victims, anyone can commit it. I think we would be very naive to think we would be very naive to think that it has gone away. think we would be very naive to think that it has gone away. If you have sex under the age of 13. Educating children about the dangers of grooming is now part of the curriculum in primary and secondary schools across rotherham. But teachers, police and social workers have also had to change their minds that. This is a group for victims of exploitation. The leader remembers how things used to be. We had a teachable when she expelled 113 year old she wrote in the report that the girl was a prostitute. That was in 2002. In rotherham weve made lea ps was in 2002. In rotherham weve made leaps and bounds in terms of educating professionals and bringing them along. The issue remains a me about the community and how you is you men and women challenges about their views. Professor alexis jay was not the first to address grooming in rotherham. A former house of commons research flagged up theissue house of commons research flagged up the issue in 2002 but her report was suppressed. Now she works as a safeguarding expert. The internet is playing a huge role in that. That wasnt prevalent when i was in rotherham. It is having a massive impact on child Sexual Exploitation now. The austerity drive has had a huge impact on Childrens Services, sadly. They are safe but they are nowhere near safe enough. Three yea rs nowhere near safe enough. Three years ago rotherham joined a list of terms associated with grooming, its reputation damaged. Progress has been made yet many agree that child Sexual Exploitation is not defeated, just diminished. Spencer stokes, bbc news, rotherham. In response to our report Rotherham Council claims that significant progress has been made and the programme has been regularly checked by 0fsted. It says it has invested in its services and they are safer and more responsible for young people and their families as a result. The headlines on bbc news. Spanish police say theyve shot dead Younes Abouyaaqoub, the man accused of ramming a vehicle into crowds in barcelona, killing thirteen people. Millions of americans have been watching the first total Solar Eclipse to sweep from the us Pacific Coast to the Atlantic Coast in almost a century. Ten american sailors are missing after a us destroyer collided with an oil tanker of singapore, the us defence secretary has ordered a worldwide operational pause of the fleet. The ftse100 in london is down a very small amount, the third one, the dowjones, is the main measure of stocks on wall street in america. It is up at the moment, just under 26. 5 points. Norfolk police are in the firing line tonight after a weekend of disruption in the seaside resort of cromer. Restaurants and pubs had to close early. With some residents talking of a town in lockdown. Kim riley reports. Cromer looking at its best in the sunshine today after a weekend that marred the end of a successful carnival week. The owner of an ice cream shop told me of the intimidating presence of a large group of irish travellers. Especially when you have old people and families walking around, to me, thatis and families walking around, to me, that is bad. They might not be fighting or anything, and when they have intimidation and they are frightening families thats not good. At one cafe they shut their doors on sunday morning fearing the safety of their young stuff. Another cafe owner said he had been confronted on his doorstep. They wa nted confronted on his doorstep. They wanted in, they wanted feeding. He refused to let them enter, they were abusive, using foul language, he thought they had been drinking. He isa thought they had been drinking. He is a big man like me, he said, i wa nt to is a big man like me, he said, i want to let you know they are in turn, i phased them down and they are gone but i must say i am shaking like a leaf. It angers and it angers us in the town that this can all be allowed to happen. At the masala twist restaurant, the owners wife was pinned behind a door by six women shouting abuse as the staff attempted to remove a group claimed to have been stealing bottles of beer. I am quite badly bruised. Its very painful, very shocking, scared. I did not expect that in cromer. It is a lovely town, calm, quiet, lovely people here, but after last nights experience, you know, it has got me thinking. I dont want to compare them with animals, because animals are a lot better behaved than they are. For staff at the happy feet shoe shop, it has been an unsettling weekend. We have never felt like that, ever. It was not nice at all. To be having to watch out that much, no, i hope it never happens again. The contrast between what i was told by local people and what the police said in their statement is too great, and i dont think the statement accurately reflected the degree of anxiety and intimidation that there appears to have been in a number of incidents over the weekend. Local businesses counting the cost of closing on one of the busiest weekends of the year are determined to be positive. Absolutely, we will recover. Weve faced other challenges and recovered from them, so i see no reason why cromer wont bounce back, for want of a better phrase, from what has happened, and we willjust continue doing what we do really well, which is welcoming guests to our town. Kim riley reporting from cromer. An england footballer whos accused the National Team manager of discrimination has given her first tv interview. The striker eni aluko claims she was dropped after speaking out in what she thought was a confidential review about alleged racial and prejudicial remarks made by manager mark sampson. Hes been cleared of any wrongdoing in both an fa review and an independent investigation. Eni aluko has been speaking to our sports editor, dan roan. Shes one of her countrys best known female footballers, but last year eni aluko raised serious concerns about the culture in the england setup, when asked to be part of a confidential fa review. And in herfirst broadcast interview since the controversy began earlier this month, the striker told me she fears it may have cost her. The fact is that a week before i was dropped from the england team for the first time in 11 years, i had given my account of what i felt was discrimination towards me, what i felt was a bullying culture. So, which ever way you look at it, being part of that culture review has cost me. Potentially cost me my england career. England manager mark sampson was the subject of alukos complaints and the man who dropped her from the squad. The timing of which the fa insists was purely coincidental. Both an internal inquiry and an independent investigation cleared him and his staff of any wrongdoing, and found no evidence of an alleged racial remark to another player. Sampsons vowed to improve his communication style, but aluko, who is a qualified lawyer, has now gone public with an alleged incident involving the coach before a game in 2014. He asked me, whos coming to watch the game for you . And i said ive got family coming in from nigeria actually. Ive got family flying in. And he said, make sure they dont come over with ebola. When that was said, did you challenge him at the time . Did you say thats unacceptable . No, i laughed. I laughed because i mean i was in shock, i didnt know. You know, i didnt know what to say. You believe it was a racist comment . Yes, i believe it was. And again i go back to the definition. I believe it was an unfavourable comment made to me, that made me feel completely shocked and intimidated. That was said to me because im of african descent. Again, some will say, an offensive comment, but not necessarily a racist one. Is that possible . I dont think it is possible. The fa says while this claim was included in general correspondence last year, it was not raised as a formal allegation. The bbc understands that sampson strongly denies the incident occurred. The fa refutes alukos suggestion the two investigations into her original complaints were flawed, pointing out she refused to participate in the independent inquiry. They say they reached a financial settlement, paying aluko an amount understood to be £80,000 to avoid disruption to the england team ahead of this summers european championships, and not to prevent disclosure. Why speak out now . I feel like there are a lot of half truths out in the public, and i think its in the Public Interest now to understand the severity of this case. To understand that this isnt something i decided to fabricate out of the blue, this wasnt a bitter, impassioned revenge on the england manager. This was something i was asked to do. Aluko has won 102 caps for her country, but she says she now fears her experience could deter other players from raising concerns. Dan roan, bbc news. Transport for london is investigating footage of a bus appearing to move onto a busy road without a driver, after bbc london brought it to their attention. It was all filmed by a camera on a cabbies dashboard. 0ur transport correspondent tom edwards has been watching the footage. Marylebone road early on sunday morning. This is footage from a black cabs dashboard camera. You can hear him talking to his passenger when this happens. A bus months the curb and pulls out into the road and there is no driver at the road and there is no driver at the wheel. Then from the side the driverjumps the wheel. Then from the side the driver jumps behind the the wheel. Then from the side the driverjumps behind the Steering Wheel and stops the bus. He then reverses it off the road and waves at the cab. He wasnt in the driving seat. A whole incident in total last five seconds. It looks like theres only one other passenger on board and the driver stopped the bus just before it hits the central reservation. Buses and bus driving have been under the spotlight recently after a number of incidents. This is a crush on lavender hill, battersea. The London Assembly report found high levels of stress and long shifts among drivers. A london buss Safety Record doesnt compare well to other world cities. It is not yet clear why this incident involving the 453 bus happened. Transport for london have asked the bus operator go ahead to investigate. Nobody was hurt in the incident but this will once more focused attention on the safety of london buses. Tom edwards, bbc news. Big ben fell silent this afternoon. The nations most famous clock wont chime again, except for some special occasions, until 2021. Major repair work is getting underway at the houses of parliament but some mps are unhappy at the length of time itll take. 0ur Political Correspondent ben wrightjoined the crowds around big ben. As midday approached, a crowd swelled in parliament square. All eyes on the clock, waiting for the bell. Theres about ten minutes to go until we hear it for the last time. What does big ben mean to you . Its just part of being british, isnt it . Youre around in london and its one of those things thats always been there. To be a part of all this, and its going to be the last time for four years, erm, a little bit sad. And then, for now, the final chimes. Chimes. Protecting the hearing of workers renovating elizabeth tower is one reason parliament decided big ben must not be struck for four years, except for remembrance sunday and new years eve. But a few mps are mourning, not applauding, badgering the commons authorities to think again. Everybody is interested in whats happening across the world, so itjust shows what a symbol of britain big ben and the palace of westminster is. It means something, it really does. These are the chimes of freedom, and theyve got to be respected. Weve got to keep them bonging. Most mps are not fretting about the infrequency of big bens chimes, but a Commons Commission has said it will look again at the timetable for repairs. Trying to find a fix that would enable the bells to be struck on the same basis that they are currently, i think, would be near impossible. It certainly would be a very, very expensive option. Its now one oclock. The crowds have thinned, the political rumpus will recede, and time, of course, carries on. The renovations are now beginning, and big ben. Is silent. Ben wright, bbc news, westminster. What about the prospects for the weather over the next few days. Fingers crossed. It isa it is a bank holiday weekend, it will be difficult to predict. The weather doesnt look bad across england but is more unsettled north and west. Just a fisher hours ago across cornwall, a misty end to the day, almost an autumnal flavour, just a few hours ago. Tonight a lot of missed developing and some rain pushing north and east across scotland. Look at these temperatures, quite a muggy night, 1417d, a temperatures, quite a muggy night, 14 17d, a murky start to the day, the cloud and the mist will lift, thin, and break, the rain in scotla nd thin, and break, the rain in scotland will ease, and improving picture, at the same time, rain into Northern Ireland and parts of the isle of man telling heavy. Not quite as warm here, 18 20d, generally 2224d but as warm here, 18 20d, generally 22 24d but of the cloud continues to break and we get more such and could even be warmer. If you dont like the humid feel it wont last, the rain in Northern Ireland is a cold front moving east, be handed coming fresh airand front moving east, be handed coming fresh air and with low pressure to the north and west its breezy to the north and west its breezy to the north and west, the best of the dry further south. Welcome to outside source. The main suspect in the barcelona attack is dead. The man who is thought to have driven a van into pedestrians last thursday was found and then shot deadin thursday was found and then shot dead ina thursday was found and then shot dead in a village west of barcelona. This is what parts of the us have been seen, the first total eclipse of the sun and almost 40 years. The iraqi army says it is advancing on a town as a major offensive against the islamic state. The un is warning thousands are fleeing the city. The us navy has ordered a worldwide operational pause of its fleet will stop ten personnel on this destroyer are missing after colliding with an oil tanker close to personnel. Singapore. You can send in questions

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