Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170806 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170806

has voted unanimously to impose tough new sanctions against north korea. the resolution was drafted by the united states and comes in response to two long—range ballistic missile tests last month. the sanctions aim to deprive pyongyang of more than $1 billion a year in export earnings. china and russia also called on the us to stop the deployment of its thaad anti—missile system in south korea. from the un in new york, nick bryant reports. this was a show of ambition and menace. north korea last month testing an intercontinental ballistic missile that appeared capable of reaching the american mainland, west coast cities such as los angeles and even beyond. it's this kind of brinkmanship that has intensified talks at the united nations security council and led to a deal between the us and china, north korea's ally, to impose tough new sanctions. this is the most stringent set of sanctions on any country in a generation. these sanctions will cut deep, and in doing so, will give the north korean leadership a taste of the depravation they have chosen to inflict on the north korean people. every country must ensure these measures are adhered to. every country must live up to their word. this time there is too much at stake and we simply cannot afford to fail. most of north korea's export trade goes gci’oss most of north korea's export trade goes across this border to china. pyongyang could be deprived of roughly a third of its export income, sanction hitting its trade in coal, iron, and seafood. but they don't limit oil deliveries, a move that could make the pyongyang regime collapse. translation: we hope that the parties will immediately take action to prevent further escalation and create the conditions for the resumption of talks and to bring the nuclear issue of north korea back on the right track, seeking a peaceful solution through dialogue and consultation. this week, the pentagon conducted its own test of an unarmed intercontinental ballistic missile, proving that the us is already able to prevent these attacks. last weekend, in another show of force, they flew supersonic bombers over the korean peninsula. but as well as displaying military hardware, the donald trump administration has indicated it might be willing to conduct talks with north korea. these sanctions increase the pressure on pyongyang to enter into dialogue. so far, sanctions have failed, and most intelligence analysts here believe north korea won't come to the negotiating table until there is no longer any doubt they have a missile that can not only reach the us mainland, but one that can be armed with a nuclear warhead. nick bryant, bbc news, at the un. venezuela's opposition groups say the country's institutions have been taken hostage after the top prosecutor, a vocal critic of the president maduro, was sacked. politicians removed luisa ortega from office following a unanimous vote in the new controversial assembly. she says she's been stopped from investigating alleged corruption and human rights abuses. dozens of national guard officers took up position around her office preventing herfrom entering. will grant reports from caracas. it did not take long for venezuela's chief prosecutor to feel the consequences of her opposition towards the constituent assembly. just hours after the controversial new legislative body was sworn in, miss ortega's office was surrounded by security forces. she posted photographs onto her twitter account of national guardsmen in riot gear, and she said she denounced the siege in front of the national and international community. a prominent member of the new assembly, the former foreign minister, indicated such high—profile opponents could expect swift action when she spoke at her swearing—in ceremony. more broadly, the chief prosecutor has become a serious obstacle to mr maduro since she abandoned her support of his government. the supreme court briefly took control of the opposition led assembly. since the constituent assembly was proposed, she has consistently denounced it publicly and brought forward legal action to halt its advance. let's take a look at some of the other stories making the news. campaigning in the kenyan general election has officially closed ahead of tuesday's vote, with the two front—runners holding theirfinal rallies. president uhuru kenyatta led his jubilee party supporters in prayer. his main challenger, raila odinga, leader of the national super alliance party, addressed his followers in the capital, nairobi. in rwanda, supporters of president paul kagame have been celebrating after he won a third term in office with a landslide victory. the electoral commission said partial results of friday's election gave mr kagame 98% of the votes. the iranian president, hassan rouhani, has warned the united states against jeopardising its nuclear deal with world powers, saying president trump risks political suicide. mr rouhani was speaking at his inauguration, after being elected for a second term in may. mr rouhani said iran would respect the terms of the deal as long as the other signatories did the same. police in italy are investigating the kidnapping of a british model who was held captive for nearly a week. the young woman, who hasn't been named, had been in milan for what she thought was a photo—shoot. detectives say she was drugged, and attempts were made to try to sell her on the internet. a polish man, who lives in britain, has been arrested. catriona renton reports. the 20—year—old model had travelled to milan for a photoshoot. but it was bogus and the young woman was abducted and held here, an abandoned shop on the outskirts of the city. the car was driven to an abandoned shop on the outskirts of the city and then to this cottage in the mountains near turin. translation: the victim was doped with ketamine, then she was locked in a bag and carried for hours in a car. think what could have happened if she suffered from asthma. it's understood when she was at the cottage the woman was handcuffed to a chest of drawers. her kidnapper is alleged to have tried to sell her for sex online and demanded a ransom of $350,000 from her agent. after six days she was released, no ransom was paid reportedly because the kidnapper found out she was paid reportedly because the kidnapperfound out she had a was paid reportedly because the kidnapper found out she had a trial. translation: the perpetrator is a dangerous person. keep in mind he introduced himself as someone willing to provide final solution is both as a paid killer and part of an organisation that works on the dark web, offering mercenary services, bomb attacks, kidnappings and so on. a polish man said to be resident in britain has been arrested. it's been reported this happened after he was seen taking the woman to the british consulate. the uk foreign office said they had been providing consular support to a british woman in italy. this is a story that pulls into sharp focus the potential dangers for young people trying to get on in the modelling industry. catriona renton, bbc news. usain bolt will certainly enter the history books as one of the greatest sprinters, but his final individual ioom race did not play out for the story books. the jamaican champion finished with the bronze medal in a race won by american justin gatlin, who has served two separate drug bans. natalie pirks has the story. it began with a thunderstorm and then gave way to blue skies. jamaican fans made to feel at home in london as they got ready for what they believed would be a fairy tale ending for their hero. the last run, the last time. we will be here with him. i want to say i am confident, overconfident. i know he will win. when he finishes it will be the best celebration. it will be all night and all morning. by the evening, the night sky was crackling with expectation. the only british finalist was first out. they saved usain bolt in the last. but the warning signs had been there, beaten for the first time in four years in a semi—final by a young american. he was shaking. he looks to the heavens for divine intervention one last time. coleman gets a brilliant start in lane number five. balta coleman gets a brilliant start in lane numberfive. balta is chasing him through. disbelief swept around the stadium. this was not in the script. there would be no 12th title, no dream goodbye. the crowd made it more than clear what they thought of the result. usain bolt was their darling, gatlin their pantomime villain. a two—time drug cheat now three—time champion. he had to settle for third—best. despite this, his legacy was secure. injamaica people were out in the streets to watch the 100 metre final and with the last four championship won by a jamaican it's normally a night of celebrations. here's the reaction from kingston. can't believe, man! gatland beat him, 9.92. he crossed the line and he's made jamaica prout and he's the best thing to happen to track and field ever. we love him and we support him no matter what. to south america where thousands of brazilian army troops have raided slums in rio in a crackdown on criminal gangs. their main goal was to stop gangs behind a surge in brazen robberies of commercial trucks. authorities say there were 10,000 trucks. authorities say there were i0,000 cargo thefts last year. the swoop ended arrests of 10,000 cargo thefts last year. the swoop ended arrests of 18 people and the deaths of two more. greg dawson reports. searched going in, searched going out. these troops are looking for drugs and weapons. this is the new reality for residents of rio's favellas, all part of the military‘s newly launched operation to get a grip on the criminal gangs overwhelming this city. it's not just those on foot being searched, with roadblocks also in force as troops tried to stop a recent surge in robberies of commercial trucks. translation: they break the tracks, they steal money. it's traumatic. those of us with more experience are used to it but some drivers give up theirjobs used to it but some drivers give up their jobs because of used to it but some drivers give up theirjobs because of what's going on in rio. it's been a week since the military was deployed across the city with the police unable to cope with the growing levels of violence. the focus of the crackdown is rio's favellas, five separate neighbourhoods were targeted on saturday with many residents saying they awoke to the sound of gunfire. 18 people were arrested during the raids, two were killed. the military calm us, says this woman. there are so many robberies, so many shootouts. with the military we feel more secure. many residents have complained, though, that their neighbourhood now resembles a war zone but the government says the troops are here to stay until the end of the year at the earliest. this ina end of the year at the earliest. this in a week that rio marks exactly a year since the opening of its olympic games. the atmosphere of celebration now a distant memory. greg dawson, bbc news. stay with us on bbc news, still to come: he's at it again. russia's action hero president poses for the cameras during a fishing trip in siberia. the question was whether we wanted to save our people, and the japanese as well, and win the war, or whether we wanted to take a chance on being able to win the war by killing all our young men. invasion began at 2am this morning. mr bush, like most other people, was clearly caught by surprise. and we call for the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of all the iraqi forces. 100 years old, and still full of vigor, vitality and enjoyment of life. no other king or queen in british history has lived so long, and the queen mother is said to be quietly very pleased indeed that she has achieved this landmark anniversary. this is a pivotal moment for the church as an international movement. the question now is whether the american vote will lead to a split in the anglican community. this is bbc news. the headlines. the un security council imposes a billion dollars worth of sanctions on north korea over its nuclear and missile programmes. venezuela's chief prosecutor is fired by the new constituent assembly — she says it wants to stop her investigating corruption. more now on the new sanctions just imposed on north korea by the united nations security council. they're intended to hit north korea's trade in coal and iron to try to force it to give up its missile and nuclear weapons programmes. joining me now from washington is harry kazianis, director of defence studies at the us think tank — the centre for the national interest. an easy one to start off with, what do you think of the billion—dollar sanctions? they certainly sound good. we keep in mind that the economy is only worth $14 billion. in fact, it is only one third of the size of tiny ep —— ethiopia. this is a challenge that has been facing us for over a decade. will the chinese who actually import 90% of north korea's goods actually enforce the sanctions? we have been talking about this for what seems like a long time. the chinese are the ones who could pull the trigger and really make the sanctions happen. while i think it's a good thing that the international community recognises what we need to do, the question is, will china act? i hate to say it, but i think the answer is no. you have been tweeting suggesting that chinese banks need to be tackled by the rest of the world, as it were, to stop the sanctions being gotten around? rights. we all know how money flows in north korea, mostly through big chinese banks that essentially helped launder money into the country. that is where the trump administration has to focus its efforts. i think for the trump administration, this is a moment of truth when it comes to relations of china. they are trying to signal that xijinping, they china. they are trying to signal that xi jinping, they are saying, this is kind of your last chance, you have to work with this and help rein in north korea, i would not be surprised if the president wants to impose some sanctions on the chinese, or at change trade, because of the negotiations with china, he has been changing his mind a lot. president trump has been talking tough, but so far we have not seen much action? we have not seen a lot of action. he has been very active on his twitter feed? of action. he has been very active on his twitterfeed? i think of action. he has been very active on his twitter feed? i think you are going to see a much tougher response in the coming weeks. the north korean missile programmes are advancing at a dramatic rate. i spoke to source this week that confirmed that north korea is actually 6— 18 months away from a hydrogen bomb. that is the most advanced nuclear device you can get, it could kill millions of people. the trump administration is going to have to act fast. with that worrying news, thank you very much. at least five people have died as large parts of southern europe and the balkans endure unprecedented hot weather. the severe heat wave has affected a huge area, bringing with it drought and forest fires. from sicily, gavin lee reports.. scorching times for sicily. with records temperatures, the island's grapes suddenly need to be harvested weeks early. but working in the fields in 43 degrees is brutal. translation: today, unfortunately, the temperature was so high, we had to tell the workers to come back later when it's cooler. we all suffer, the machines suffer, the vineyard suffers. the fight here against the sun to save the grape and wine industry is reflected in vineyards across europe. but the wider impact has led to some governments to warn people to stay indoors in the afternoon because of the threat to public health. in the balkans, authorities have been advising people to stay indoors and increase their water intake. in hungary, it's about keeping cool and carrying on, and there's strong advice from hungarian officials. translation: if you know any elderly people ask them if they need any help and offer to do their shopping instead for them. don't let them go to the market in this heat. we also draw your attention to adequate fluid replacement for children and infants. he says it's very hot where he is — marseille, france. it's 40 degrees. staying hydrated while travelling has been a key message here. this is galicia in northern spain — flames turning the sky red and shutting highways. here in sicily, the usually packed summer streets look more like ghost towns. for those hoping for a break from europe's heatwave, temperatures are expected to return to some normality late next week. this is something scientists predict we should get used to, though, suggesting global warming will lead to more of us being exposed to increased extreme weather patterns in the years to come. gavin lee, bbc news, sicily. while europe's heatwave has at least another week, scientists have given a grim forecast for extreme weather in the future. a study published in the lancet healthjournal says that by the end of the century 150,000 people in europe would die yearly because of the weather. the study comes as the united states officially informed the un that it will pull out of the paris climate agreement. sarah—jane bungay reports. it makes for the grimmest of weather warnings. deaths from weather disasters could increase 50 fold across europe by the start of next century. from flooding to wildfires, heatwaves, cold snaps, scientists at the european commission joint research centre looked at the effects of seven of the most dangerous weather events. across europe, those events we do to 3000 deaths from 1981— 2010. in the future, that figure could increase dramatically. the report says global warming needs to be curbed as a matter of urgency, adding population change will play only a marginal role in the number of people affected when compared to climate change. it as the first britain was delivered to the un that america still intends to withdraw from the paris climate change agreement. an agreement president trump sets would punish his country, costing millions of americanjobs. punish his country, costing millions of american jobs. this president is putting america first, like when he announced that the united states ratified the united nations that we are withdrawing from the paris climate accord. washington added it would remain in the talks process over climate change in a bid to seek a better dealfor the over climate change in a bid to seek a better deal for the american people. president trump is beginning a 17 day golfing holiday, but his russian counterpart, valdimir putin, had more energetic pursuits in mind for his summer break. the russian president made a three day trip to the siberian wilderness and he's been showing off his fishing, snorkelling and quad biking skills. and, once again, baring his chest for the cameras. sarah rainsford reports. it's russia, it's summer, so it's time for it's russia, it's summer, so it's time foeradimir it's russia, it's summer, so it's time for vladimir putin's photo shoot. in this year, he went fishing in siberia. but it ran for ten minutes on state television. this was the highlight. this year, vladimir putin once underwater with a spear gun. the kremlin says he was hunting his prey for two hours. i had to shoot twice, he admits, surfacing with his cat. after notching up 17 years in power, the russian leader is a dab hand at such stu nts. russian leader is a dab hand at such stunts. he once took to the skies as a human crane. he is regularly snapped on his skates. horseriding is another favourite for the judo black belt. this year, it was all about vladimir putin, the macho man, even at 64. the strong leader, ready as ever to stand up to the west. and never shy of revealing a bit of flesh, he took a moment to flex his muscles in the siberian sunshine. now, that's good fishing, he tells his entourage. he suggests he is preparing to run for president again, despite refusing to confirm it officially. nobody here doubts he would win. this was a bid to boost his rating, in any case, with cameras poised to capture his every try —— triumph. to capture his every try —— the entire video runs for ten minutes if you feel the need to watch it. the amsterdam canals turned rainbow this year for their pride parade. while many embraced the celebrant or revive, others made a political statement, including an iranian boat with gallows. homosexuality is still illegal in iran and punishable by execution. some stunning pictures of that parade. hello there. saturday brought with it some intense downpours, showers with hail and thunder. equally, we had some stunning photos. this is my favourite, a double rainbow in aberdeenshire. this was through the afternoon from kent. all those showers just about died out through the night, and it is chilly. 10—11 in towns and cities, single figures to start the morning in rural areas, some frost if you are up early enough. that high—pressure hanging on in the east today, that will start to bring some rain into northern ireland fairly quickly through the morning hours. a brisk south—westerly wind driving that rain eastwards into western scotland, in the afternoon, pushing across the irish sea into england and wales. the east will be best as we go through sunday. come the afternoon, the rain should have blown away from northern ireland. a few showers, but the sun will come out. we may not see that many showers east of the grampians, certainly not in northeastern scotland and the northern isles until later in the day. a fairly damp afternoon for parts of north—western england and wales. cloud in the south—west, possibly a few showers. by and large, for central and eastern parts of england, it should stay dry, bright and warm with some hazy sunshine. very usable weather, looks to stay dry for the world athletics championships in london. because the football is taking place at wembley, the community shield should be dry as well. however, it won't always be driest in the east through the week. through sunday evening, that rain staggers to a halt as you can see across central parts of the uk. that weather front weakening, behind it, brisk wind and some showers. tied in with low pressure, generating some heavy showers at times. quite dreary stuck underneath that weather front, but to the south—east of that, still dry and reasonably warm, if not cloudy. brighter with showers to the north and west. then things starting to change. low pressure moving out of the north sea, picking up low pressure. in the south, heavy and thundery rain. dragging our winds down from the north. a strong wind, look at those tightly packed isoba rs. it looks as if by the middle part of the week, it could be the west that is best. for many of us, heavy rain and showers, strong wind at times which will make it feel quite cool. this is bbc news, the headlines. the un security council has voted unanimously to impose tough new sanctions against north korea. the resolution comes in response to two long—range ballistic missile tests last month. the sanctions aim to deprive pyongyang of more than $1 billion a year in export earnings. venezuela's new constituent assembly has sacked the country's chief prosecutor, luisa ortega, is an outspoken government critic. she says she's been stopped from investigating alleged corruption and human rights abuses. opposition groups say the country's institutions have been taken hostage. usain bolt has been beaten in his last individual 100 metre race before he retires. the eight—time olympic champion finished with the bronze medal in a race won by americanjustin gatlin, who has served two separate drug bans. after the race gatlin was booed a stately home in north yorkshire has transferred part of its art collection to public ownership in order to settle a tax bill.

Related Keywords

Kidnapping , Man , British , Shock Result , Drugging , Programme , Model , World Athletics Championships , Auction , Milan , Polish , Usain Bolt , Un Security Council , Race , Individual , Retirement , 100m , Sanctions , North Korea , Response , Ballistic Missile , Resolution , Pyongyang , Export Earnings , United States , 1 Billion , Two , Billion , Show , Deployment , China , South Korea , Ambition , Menace , Russia , Nick Bryant , New York , Bryant , Thaad Anti Missile System , Missile , Mainland , West Coast , Talks , Kind , Brinkmanship , Los Angeles , Country , Deal , Leadership , Led , Taste , Set , Generation , Depravation , Ally , People , Word , Stake , Measures , Most , Coal , Trade , Border , Iron , Export Income , Seafood , Oil Deliveries , Export Trade , Translation , Action , Move , Parties , Resumption , Escalation , Conditions , Regime Collapse , Issue , Dialogue , Solution , Pentagon , Consultation , Track , Test , Force , Bombers , Attacks , Military Hardware , Donald Trump , Korean Peninsula , Pressure , Administration , On Pyongyang , Won T , Analysts , One , Doubt , Negotiating Table , Bbc News , Luisa Ortega , Maduro , Institutions , Office , Venezuela , Politicians , Prosecutor , Hostage , Vote , Critic , Warhead , Opposition Groups , Corruption , Human Rights Abuses , Assembly , Officers , Dozens , Position , National Guard , Herfrom Entering , Caracas , Chief Prosecutor , Constituent Assembly , Consequences , Opposition , Security Forces , Body , Foreign Minister , Community , Photographs , Front , Twitter , Guardsmen , Account , Siege , Riot Gear , Government , Support , Opponents , Ceremony , Obstacle , Opposition Led Assembly , Control , Advance , Supreme Court , Stories , Uhuru Kenyatta , News , Supporters , Some , Look , Jubilee Party , Rallies , Campaigning , Prayer , Holding Theirfinal , Kenyan General Election , Tuesday , Paul Kagame , Raila Odinga , Term , Super Alliance Party , Followers , Capital , Nairobi , Rwanda , Hassan Rouhani , Iranian , Results , Votes , Election , Landslide Victory , 98 , World Powers , Electoral Commission , Friday , 98 , Police , Trump , Italian , Mr , Terms , Signatories , Suicide , May , Inauguration , Same , Woman , Hasn T , Photo , Captive , Detectives , Polish Man , Photoshoot , Internet , Attempts , Catriona Renton , 20 , City , Shop , Outskirts , Car , Cottage , Victim , Mountains , Ketamine , Turin , Kidnapper , Bag , Asthma , Chest Of Drawers , Ransom , Kidnapperfound , Sex , Agent , Trial , 50000 , Six , 350000 , Part , Mind , Perpetrator , Organisation , Person , Someone , Killer , Services , Offering Mercenary , Dark Web , Foreign Office , Consulate , Kidnappings , Resident , Bomb Attacks , Story , Focus , Consular , Modelling Industry , Dangers , Drug Bans , Medal , Champion , History Books , Story Books , Sprinters , Ioom , Justin Gatlin , Jamaican , Natalie Pirks , Home , Fans , Thunderstorm , Blue Skies , Hero , London , Fairy Tale Ending , The Last Run , Overconfident , Celebration , Last , Morning , Evening , Expectation , Warning Signs , Finalist , Semi Final , Young American , Night Sky , Four , Start , Heavens , Divine Intervention One Last Time , Coleman , Stadium , Script , Disbelief , Balta , Lane Numberfive , No Dream Goodbye , 12th Title , 12 , Five , Darling , Result , Crowd , Pantomime Villain , Legacy , Drug Cheat , Injamaica , Three , It , Final , Celebrations , Streets , 100 , Thing , Reaction , Line , Kingston , Gatland Beat Him , Jamaica Prout , 9 92 , Matter , Troops , Crackdown , Trio , Thousands , What , Slums , Brazilian Army , Trucks , Robberies , Surge , Swoop , Gangs , Authorities , Arrests , I0000 Cargo Thefts Last , Goal , 18 , 10000 , Residents , More , Deaths , Weapons , Drugs , Reality , Greg Dawson , Military , Grip , Operation , Roadblocks , Favellas , Money , Tracks , Experience , Drivers , Levels , Violence , Jobs , Theirjobs , Neighbourhoods , Raids , Sound , Gunfire , Shootouts , Neighbourhood , War Zone , Opening , Memory , Atmosphere , Stay , Olympic Games , Question , Cameras , War , Siberia , Well , Poses , Action Hero , Fishing Trip , Japanese , Chance , Bush , Men , Withdrawal , Invasion , Surprise , 2 , Queen , King , Vigor , Life , Vitality , Enjoyment , Iraqi Forces 100 Years Old , British History , Mother , Movement , Church , Split , Headlines , A Billion Dollars , A Billion , Programmes , Washington , Harry Kazianis , Interest , Centre , Defence Studies , Think Tank , Economy , Size , Yep , Fact , Ethiopia , 4 Billion , 14 Billion , Challenge , Chinese , Goods , 90 , Ones , Trigger , Banks , Will China Act , World , Answer , Tweeting , Rest , Rights , Launder , Efforts , Truth , Relations , Saying , Xijinping , Help , Rein , Change Trade , Lot , Negotiations , Tough , Missile Programmes , Twitterfeed , Millions , Rate , Device , Hydrogen Bomb , 6 , Weather , Southern Europe , Parts , Balkans , Times , Sicily , Records Temperatures , Area , Forest Fires , It Drought , Heat Wave , Gavin Lee , Machines , Vineyard , Temperature , Grapes , Workers , Island , 43 , The Sun , Grape , Vineyards , Fight , Industry , Governments , Impact , Health , Threat , Shopping , Officials , Advice , Water Intake , Offer , Hungarian , Hungary , Carrying On , Heat , Attention , Market , Infants , Fluid Replacement , Children , Travelling , Don T , Marseille , France , 40 , Highways , Message , Galicia , Sky Red , Northern Spain , Heatwave , Temperatures , Ghost Towns , Break , Something , Summer Streets , Normality , Scientists , Warming , Being , Patterns , Forecast , Study , Lancet Healthjournal , Weather Warnings , Grimmest , Bungay Reports , Paris Climate Agreement , Sarah Jane , 150000 , Wildfires , Weather Disasters , Flooding , 50 , Heatwaves , Weather Events , Events , Seven , Effects , Cold Snaps , European Commission , Joint Research Centre , 1981 , 2010 , 3000 , Number , Report , Population Change , Figure , Role , Urgency , Global Warming , Agreement President Trump Sets , Paris , Climate Change Agreement , American Jobs , America First , Bid , Counterpart , Dealfor , 17 , Fishing , President , Showing , Summer Break , Chest , Pursuits , Snorkelling , Quad Biking Skills , Valdimir Putin , Siberian Wilderness , Summer , Photo Shoot , Sarah Rainsford Reports , Highlight , State Television , Spear Gun , Kremlin , Ten , Power , Prey , Cat , Surfacing , Leader , Favourite , Dab Hand , Skies , Stunts , Human Crane , Skates , Judo , Horseriding , Stu Nts , West , Bit , Black Belt , 64 , Muscles , Flesh , Entourage , Siberian Sunshine , Try , Nobody , Rating , Case , Triumph , Canals , Video , Amsterdam , Statement , Celebrant , Homosexuality , Pride Parade , Boat , Gallows , Others , Parade , Execution , Pictures , Showers , Double Rainbow , Photos , Downpours , Thunder , Hail , Aberdeenshire , Saturday , Afternoon , Towns , Cities , Figures , Kent , 10 , 11 , Rain , Areas , Frost , Changing , Northern Ireland , East , Wind Driving , England , Rain Eastwards , Wales , Irish Sea , Western Scotland , Grampians , Northeastern Scotland , Northern Isles , Cloud In The South West , Sunshine , Community Shield , Football , Place , Halt , Weather Front Weakening , Wembley , Rain Staggers , Wind , Weather Front , Things , South East , North , South , Winds , North Sea , Isoba , Many , Heavy Rain , Government Critic , Americanjustin Gatlin , Eight , Deprivation , Gatlin , Art Collection , Tax Bill , Ownership , Order , North Yorkshire , 30 ,

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