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The Revolving Doors of the white house are in action again. The latest person to be packing up their desk is the Chief Of Staff Reince Priebus. The announcement of his demise comes a day after the new White House Communications director, Anthony Scaramucci, accused him of Leaking Information to the media. Mr priebus replacement is the current director of Homeland Security, retired Generaljohn Kelly. Mr trump described him as a Great American and a true star of his administration. After President Trump tweeted the news of priebus departure, he had this to say upon returning to washington. Reince is a good man. John kelly will do a fantasticjob. General kelly has been a star, done an incredible job thus far, respected by everybody, a great, Great American. Reince priebus, a good man. Thank you very much. Earlier i spoke with our washington Correspondent Laura Bicker about how the white house wound up in this situation. We are hearing from reuters that two weeks ago donald trump and Reince Priebus decided to part ways. All of the reports that Reince Priebus decided to go last night are unconfirmed. You have to look at it in the backdrop of Donald Trumps administration, what he believes and what he stands for. Donald trump values loyalty and Reince Priebuss loyalty has always been to the republican party, he is part of the establishment and has been part of it for many years. You always got the impression that he was forced upon the Trump Administration rather than donald trump taking him out of the lineup as his white house Chief Of Staff. It was true that he had the political mouse to try to perhaps the an active involved party within the administration and the republican party, as a go between be. But you saw the Healthcare Bill has fallen through on three occasions. So donald trump is looking at his staff and he is seeing Reince Priebus, who he doesnt see as loyal, he employs Anthony Scaramucci, a different character, rubbing Reince Priebus up the wrong way, and Reince Priebus is out of the door. We have to look at the russian investigation. Donald trump is frustrated, he feels his message isnt getting out. When it comes to this investigation, he would like to ramp up the rhetoric with regards to fighting it. Reince priebus is mild mannered and in the past he asked donald trump to tone things down. Thats not mr trumps mode or character at all. Here we have him trying to battle this russian investigation, trying to get a new team around him and hes chosen a general, Generaljohn Kelly, a0 years in the armed forces. 0utspoken himself. Hes choosing people that he believes are a bit like him, to be around him and be pa rt like him, to be around him and be part of his administration. He certainly known for being outspoken, he is blunt in what he has to say, hes going to have to be to get things in order, starting with the lea ks 7 things in order, starting with the leaks . When it comes to those leaks its quite interesting because we heard from Anthony Scaramucci that heard from Anthony Scaramucci that he blamed or seemed to indirectly blame Reince Priebus, he said we should all ask Reince Priebus, who has been leaking all this information. Is donald trump saying its come from Reince Priebus . We havent heard from Reince Priebus himself. Is he playing Reince Priebus for not stopping it . Thats one of the things that perhaps when he valuables loyalty, thats one of the reason why we wonder whats going on in this west wing and who exactly is to blame for the leaks. When it comes to stopping it, scaramucci said he will battle it and get rid of Anyone Leaking and they will be out of the door and Generaljohn Kelly has there in the armed forces for a number of years, he has served in iraq and when it comes to getting the leakers out and being able to seek them out and deal with them harshly, who better than a general to do that . Laura bicker speaking to me earlier. This just happened within the past couple of hours and at the moment Reince Priebus is giving an interview to cnn and some of the lines coming out of it are that he is actually being quite conciliatory given that he has just left his position in the white house. He a p pa re ntly position in the white house. He apparently has told cnn i always talked to the president about making a change and he was saying how great it all is and theres no ill will. Reince priebus very much saying theres no ill will, hes always going to be a trump family, he said, im on team trump. That is something that Anthony Scaramucci was very much saying when he took his position so interesting to hear some of the details of this interview that he is giving to cnn. Some more, im a professional and we dont discuss private conversations in public, he said. A lot of that, perhaps a dig at Anthony Scaramucci, who has been speaking publicly in the last few days since taking on his role in the white house. Some lines coming out. Responding to a question about the interview Anthony Scaramucci gave in the new yorker publication which was scathing about Reince Priebus. Im not going to respond to it to get into the mud, i talked to the president and we agreed that kelly would do a great job, he said. Reince priebus very much being very considerate treat and news just in also that the general, john kelly, who is taking his new position, the us Homeland Security position, now left empty, will be taken by the deputy secretary Elaine Due To conciliatory. She will become the Acting Secretary on monday juke. We will get more action as and when that comes in. Well, from Internal Battles at home to a Crisis Brewing on the international stage. The pentagon has confirmed that north korea has fired off its second interncontinental Ballistic Missile in less than a month. It landed in the sea off the coast of japan, in response, the us and south korea have conducted Live Fire Exercises with surface to surface missiles. South korea concerned about what is happening and the moves they wanted to be conciliatory towards north korea not working . Absolutely, we had a strong response overnight from the president here. We mentioned the live firing exercises that happened, they happened pretty swiftly after they happened pretty swiftly after the firing of this missal. Similar to what we saw a month ago. This missile test, its the same type of missile test, its the same type of missile we saw tested on the fourth ofjuly, and intercontinental Ballistic Missile. Mr maroon also putting up pressure to try to speed up putting up pressure to try to speed up the rollout of the Missile Defence shield an intercontinental mr moon. China has been concerned about that because it worries about spying capacity but mr moon, who had been conciliatory in the past, indicated that needed to be speeded up. We had meetings of the night of the National Security council here in seoul and we also heard from president moon saying that the un Security Council now must now quicken the pace of trying to have a fresh Security Council resolution, pushing tighter sanctions against north korea. We have already seen this week in the United States congress pushing through a bill which would include tighter sanctions particularly on the Shipping Industry and on forced labour inside north korea, basically trying to cut off the streams of funding which are thought to supply pyongyangs nuclear programme. As i say, what were Hearing Tonight Out Of Seoul is a desire by the president here for the un to take the lead, to try to get tougher sanctions and the big question there is whether both china, and more so whether russia, will sign up to Security Council resolutions that tighten those sanctions. Karen, thank you very much. We will continue to monitor that for you. Lets take a look at some of the other stories making the news. Police in germany say a man armed with a knife has attacked people in a supermarket in the Northern City of hamburg. Police say one person was killed and four others injured. The suspect is now in detention, is a 26 year old man born in the united arab emirates, though his nationality is unclear. The police say they have no clear idea of the motive and are not ruling anything out. The Us Government says it plans to regulate the amount of nicotine in cigarettes. The us food and Drug Administration thinks reducing Nicotine Levels will make them less addictive. The agency would explore ways of shifting conventional smokers to electronic cigarettes. Charlie gard, the british baby at the centre of a legal battle over his care, has died. The 11 month old was moved to a hospice, where his life support was removed. A statement from his family said, 0ur Beautiful Little Boy has gone. We are so proud of you charlie. 0ur medical correspondent fergus walsh looks back at the story which captured attention around the world. Today, charlie is two weeks old. This is charlie gard without breathing or feeding tubes. Born apparently healthy, but soon a devastating genetic condition emerged which causes progressive muscle weakness. By his side throughout have been his parents, connie yates and chris gard. Charlie was transferred from Intensive Care at great 0rmond street hospital, where he spent ten months, to a hospice, where he died earlier today. Theyd fought a lengthy battle to keep charlie alive, refusing to accept he had suffered catastrophic brain damage. And they raised funds online for experimental treatment in the United States. Great 0rmond street applied to court to end charlies life support, and everyjudge backed them. At the uk Supreme Court, with charlies parents sitting behind, the hospitals barrister said his suffering should end. The reality is that charlie cant see, he cant hear, he cant move, he cant cry, he cant swallow. Immensely sadly, his condition is one that affords him no benefit. An american Doctor Offering to treat charlie with this experimental powder had not seen his full medical records and it took six months before he came to london to examine him. Finally, on monday, at the high court, charlies parents abandoned their legal fight to keep him alive, saying that time had run out. Our son is an absolute warrior and we could not be prouder of him and we will miss him terribly. His body, Heart And Soul may soon be gone, but his spirit will live on for eternity and he will make a difference to peoples lives for years to come. We will make sure of that. Shame on gosh a private family tragedy was fought out in public. Even the location and timing of charlies death became a matter of dispute. Doctors and nurses at great 0rmond street, one of the worlds most renowned childrens hospitals, received abuse and even death threats, which charlies parents condemned. Let us pray. Pro life groups adopted the cause and charlies plight became an International Issue when both the pope and donald trump tweeted offers of help. The judge said it was a pitfall of social media that people commented without knowing the facts. Charlie died a week before his first birthday. His parents said they were sorry they could not save him, but would set up a foundation in his name to help other sick children. Fergus walsh, bbc news. Many more tributes to charlie gard on our website. Stay with us here on bbc world news, coming up the volunteers trying to save the wild horses of alberta before its too late. Cheering the us space agency, nasa, has ordered an investigation after confirmation today that astronauts were cleared to fly while drunk. The last foot patrol in south armagh. Once an everyday part of the soldiers lot, drudgery and danger, now no more after almost four decades. If one is on ones own, in a private house, not doing any harm to anyone, i dont really see why people should wander in and say, youre doing something wrong. Six rare white lion cubs are on the prowl at Worcestershire Park and, already, they have been met with a roar of approval from visitors. Theyre lovely, yeah. Really sweet. Yeah, they were cute. This is bbc news. The main latest headlines change at the top in the white house, after a tumultuous few days Reince Priebus is leaving as Chief Of Staff to the president. Generaljohn kelly will take over. North korea has test fired an intercontinental Ballistic Missile for the second time this month. Neighbouring countries have condemned the launch as a severe and real threat. Supporters of pakistans former Prime Minister nawaz sharif say he will use all the Legal Options available to defend his name. Mr sharif was forced to resign, after the Supreme Court disqualified him from office for life over corruption allegations. Its the Climax Of A Saga prompted two years ago by the panama papers, leaks which linked mr sharifs three children with Offshore Companies that allegedly enabled Money Laundering or tax evasion. 0ur pakistan correspondent Secunder Kermani reports. Theyve been chanting go, nawaz, go for over a year. And today he left. Nawaz sharif resigned after pakistans highest court disqualified him from holding office. Judges decided hed not been honest in dealing with a corruption inquiry. For his opponents, including cricketer turned leading politician imran khan, todays decision is an unprecedented victory for accountability. Translation for the first time, were hopeful that we can also progress like other countries. A powerful man has been brought down by the authority of law. This is not a personal issue between me and nawaz sharif, its about the future of pakistan. This case centres around four luxury flats in this building in mayfair. It began when millions of secret documents from a law firm in panama were leaked last year. They revealed the flats were linked to a number of Nawaz Sharifs children. The Supreme Court in pakistan has been trying to establish where the money to buy them came from. The Prime Ministers daughter is alleged to have tried to cover up her ownership of the flats. Maryam nawaz had been seen as her fathers successor. Now they both face further inquiries by the National Anti corru ption body. She was defiant on twitter, though, posting this picture of the Prime Minister, promising he would return to power in next years elections. No Prime Minister in pakistan has ever completed a full term in office. Nawaz sharif himself was overthrown by a Military Coup in the 90s. Some of his supporters claim Pakistans Army is the driving force behind the current allegations. Sharif, his family and his allies have always denied any wrongdoing. We have history of such disqualifications in pakistan and we have also seen that such disqualifications are later turned down and they are reversed. The ruling party will now have to nominate a new leader. Amongst the favourites is the Prime Ministers brother, currently Chief Minister of the province of punjab. But, for the moment, the country is facing real uncertainty. This Weekend Commemorations will be held in the uk and belgium, marking the 100th Anniversary of the beginning of the third battle of ypres, also known as the battle of passchendaele. Our special correspondent allan little reports from flanders on a battle that has come to symbolise the horror of the great war. Each ploughing season, even now, the earth here gives up munitions lost in 1917. Human remains, too, of men who disappeared a century ago. Just a metre beneath this fertile topsoil, there lies hidden a substratum of dense clay, through which water doesnt drain. Passchendaele was the infa ntrymans graveyard. We called it the slaughterhouse. Even the most seasoned veteran felt hed be lucky if he went out there and came back. If youre wounded and you slip off the duckboards, you just sank into the mud. Not only that, but every pool youd fall in with decomposed bodies of humans and mules. The point was to break through and capture the belgian channel ports, to stop german u boat attacks. But, like the Battle Of The Somme a year earlier, the breakthrough never came. The Iconic Images of the battle, the moonscape, the water filled craters, they died in hell and called it passchendaele, has really sunk deep into our memory of the war. But its not a rerun of the somme. Mistakes were made, some incorrect approaches were taken. But, overall, the british army gave a much better account of themselves. I think, crucially, they did real, lasting damage the german army. Near Passchendaele Village there is a research centre. It collects the words the fighting men wrote to their families at home. This is a letterfrom richard harding, dated the 30th of september, 1917. My dear mother, just a line to let you know that i am quite well. Nine days later, he was killed in the battle. One from privatejohn fielding. My dear sister, just a few lines to let you know that i am still living. And this one, from an officer in the battle. Im sorry to tell you that major moorhouse has been killed and died in my arms. Wed just brought his son in, mortally wounded. His son was a captain in the same regiment. The major expressed his determination to go back and fetch a doctor for his son, though a Bosch Machine Gun was sniping in a very deadly manner. I tried to dissuade him. So this major moorhouse was killed trying to find a doctor to help his dying son. The public at home had a very distorted sense of what was happening at passchendaele. Most of the newspaper reporting was highly partisan, full of patriotic propaganda. In our own post truth age, that has renewed resonance. Here, actors rehearse a play that will tour the country this autumn. Its called the wipers times. Ypres, what the belgians call wipers. The wipers times was a satirical monthly newspaper produced by men in the trenches, a poignant and sometimes hilarious counterblast to the sanitised accounts of the national papers. The editors of the wipers times really hated the journalists who came out to cover the war, because they felt they were telling lies. They felt the people at home were not being told the truth about the war. And they were furious that this rubbish was being circulated. The other thing is, they were very keen on pricking the bubble of what they would have not called fake news, but obviously was at the time. Just propaganda and nonsense, Written By People A long way away who didnt know what they were talking about. Of the 12,000 men buried here at tyne cot, three quarters are unidentified. A further 35,000 are named on the memorial wall. Their bodies were never recovered, lost to the mud that gave this battle its special horror. Allan little, bbc news, passchendaele. For more than a century horses known as wildies have roamed free in the canadian province of alberta. But recently their numbers on the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains have been dwindling. Today less than 800 wildies remain and now a team of volunteers is taking a new approach to save them. 0ne one only has to go out there and what you heard roaming the hills just to get a sense of what it used to be like in this country watch a herd. If we lost our wildies we would lose in a big spirit of alberta. They were considered feral, straight, nobody cared about them and nobody wanted anything to do with them, and so they were rounded up, killed, just basically abused. In the wild horse herds, where they live closer to private land, the young boys get kicked out of the herds and they start roaming by themselves and maybe join up with a couple of other young bachelors. Most of the boys we have in the barn right now, thats what happened. They got onto private land, trying to find a girlfriend or Something Like that. The contraceptive is administered via a disposable dart and we use at particular type of rifle. It is a true contraceptive, not a sterilisation. The mare will be bred. She will have normal behaviour, but she wont conceive. Be bred. She will have normal behaviour, but she wont conceivelj didnt behaviour, but she wont conceive. didnt start with horses until about ten years ago. My daughter got a horse and she went off to college so guess who ended up with the horse . This technique, every day there something you learn and you can them too. I go out in the woods and i am on my horse or in my vehicle and i still get excited and my heart. Of. It warms me up inside. The more people i can bring out here to show them and the more people i can tell about this while horses. I willjust try to do my best for them. Some beautiful images. Lots more as a lwa ys some beautiful images. Lots more as always on my the website and you can get in touch with the team on social media. All sorts of weather to come this weekend. A very mixed weekend on the way. This sums it up really from recently. This was taken today by a weather watchers in the highlands of scotland. We had sunshiny between the showers. More persistent cloud and rain moving across england and wales, which will push into the north sea. Clearer skies eventually following the many areas. The rain still in the English Channel. We still in the English Channel. We still have showers in scotland, Western Scotland in particular and northern ireland. Those of12 Western Scotland in particular and northern ireland. Those of 12 13, similarto northern ireland. Those of 12 13, similar to the past few nights. Into the weekend and more showers into the weekend and more showers into the west. Northern parts of northern ireland, Western Scotland, dry out with sunshine. A couple of showers to begin within northern england. Not a bad day on the way, at least by recent standards. The odd shower in wales. Sunny through the midlands and east anglia. More cloud in the southern counties of england, with the rain from overnight still sitting through the English Channel and working its way northwards. So we may not be quite so lucky for the cricket. Rain expecting to the afternoon and continue into the evening. The rain is moving Back Northwards in Southern Parts of england and wales. How quickly it gets north, thats a difficult thing, but a good part of the day should have sunshine in wales, the midlands, east anglia and northern england. A slice of Better Weather in between the rain in the south and those showers that are still there in scotland and northern ireland. Some of them will be heavy with hail and thunder. The rain does develop more widely across england and wales on saturday evening will stop some heavy dose with strong winds again. That tends to sweep into the north sea and should be gone by summer on sunday morning. That Weather System out of the way, but we still have low pressure on the scene which has been sitting here today that it will still be there on sunday. Pressure quite a few showers. Sunday star dry and sunny. Showers in the west, developing more widely and pushing eastwards. Some of them could be heavy with hail and thunder again. Adopted which in the south east where it isnt quite as wet. It the beginning of next more sunshine and showers. Heavier ones on monday in scotla nd showers. Heavier ones on monday in scotland and northern ireland. Fuel and light showers on tuesday and hopefully more sunshine. Fewer and lighter. This is bbc news, the headlines the white house Chief Of Staff Reince Priebus is leaving hisjob after he was criticised by another Senior Administration official. Generaljohn kelly, the head of Homeland Security, will take over. North korea has test fired an intercontinental Ballistic Missile for the second time this month. The usa and south korea have responded with a Live Fire Exercise of their own. Charlie gard, the terminally ill british baby whose medical care was the subject of a court battle, has died after a judge ruled his Life Support System be switched off. Pakistans ruling party will choose a new Prime Minister on saturday following the resignation of nawaz sharif. He was forced to step down after the Supreme Court disqualified him from office. Now on bbc news, time for talking books

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