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President trump has insisted he has complete power to pardon people. It comes amid reports that hes been looking at ways of pardoning himself and his family should investigators conclude there was collusion with russia during the election campaign. Next week, his eldest son and his Son In Law Are Due to testify before congress. But there was no mention of the controversy when the president spoke at a naval ceremony in virginia. From washington, laura bicker reports. Donald trump hoped this week would be a celebration of all that is made in america, including this new state of the art aircraft carrier. He is clearing the decks to coyte and fight off claims the kremlin helped in when the white house. His core message and golf by benny of the investigations. He gave the kind of sales pitch in virginia. American steel and american hands have constructed a 100,000 ton message to the world. America might is second to none. Donald trump is reshaping and upgrading his team just as the scope of the investigation widens to include his finances and that has infuriated the president. It is also no longer outside the white house gates, his family will give evidence to congress. Jared kushner is one of his closest advisers, seem so often at his side but rarely heard. He has done some talking though, the russians during the campaign and he has been asked about that will be asked about that in congress. His son it was revealed met with a russian lawyer offering information about hillary clinton, during the campaign. John spicer offered struggled to convey the president message. If the president puts russian Salad Dressing on his salad tonight, somehow thats a russian connection. Hes now saying farewell, resigning. I think it was in the best interests of our communications department, of our press organisation, to not have too many cooks in the kitchen. Donald trump relishes a good fight. He has described the enquiry is a witch hunt, a hoax. He is getting combat ready just in witch hunt, a hoax. He is getting Combat Readyjust in case investigated do not agree with him. Well i spoke to laura earlier who told us what the response had been to the president s claim he can pardon people many legal experts have come forward this afternoon saying, no, it is not constitutionally legally to pardon himself. It would not work. However, when it comes to donald trump, this is one tweet we have to take into a little bit of context. Earlier in the week there was a story in the Washington Post and New York Times which suggest he had been asking whether or not he has the power to pardon and when it came to that question, he was asking around. This morning he tweets on the back of all of that, saying, when it comes to the power of pardoning, he has the power. It is in playing to his days. I think it needs to be taken into some context and i am not quite sure whether or not the president was entirely being serious when he said he would pardon himself. This is all in the run up to another extraordinary week in washington. We are expecting Donald Trumps sun and son in law to be questioned by congress. What is going to happen . When it comes into the enquiry into whether or not russia medal into the president ial election, this week could be crucial. Jared kushner, the president son in law, has been very active behind the scenes. He has been seen a lot at not really heard. We will not get to hear his testimony in parliament but he will be talking to members of congress about his contact with russia which came to light. When it comes to his son, donald trump junior, came to light. When it comes to his son, donald trumpjunior, the questions will be about his meeting with the russian lawyer about getting dirt about hillary clinton. In poland the conservative government has dismissed criticism that a law reforming the Supreme Court would undermine the independence of the judiciary. More protests have taken place in the capital, warsaw. Hungarys Prime Minister viktor orban also weighed in. Hungary is of sourse a fellow eu member. He said he will use all Legal Options to support poland if the European Union attempted to penalise them. Translation concerning the polish judicial reform, here we face a case of double standards. The polish did not do anything. They did not change anything on theirjustice system that does not fit the mutually accepted and shared the spoils and ideas of the European Union. This is unfair. Unjust, unprincipled. This is what the principles are doing today. Thats why an honourable person not only because real hungarians, but because we are honourable people, cannot accept Something Like this. In these kinds of cases, one should always stand by the side of the attacked. So i send my word to mr scholz, we stand with poland in solidarity. Kata ryna volczuk is the Deputy Director for russian and east European Studies at the university of birmingham. I asked her how surprising it is that the hungarian Prime Minsiter has weighed into this row. It is not surprising at all but hungary has been smoke about not going against the eu very openly despite the problem with the rule of law and democracy in hungary. Now viktor orban is adopting it openly. How significant is it that this law has passed the senate, is poland now ona has passed the senate, is poland now on a Collision Course with the European Union . It is difficult to see how the eu would respond. If it was one beale, perhaps things would not consider properly. But both houses, a packet of bills, which subordinates the core system from the Supreme Court, to the ruling party by the parliament and the Minister Ofjustice so from that point of view, poland is playing with very aspects of democracy and you have been trying to intervene but what has happened in the last week and especially in the last couple of days, concerns about the way pollard is going and it is difficult for the eu not to act one way or another. The European Commission president has threatened poland to veto it its rights to vote. It will be very difficult. That support would require anonymity in the European Council and hungary has already this morning pledged to support poland. Having said that, this is article seven of the treaty of the European Union, it is in Uncharted Waters because it has not been used so procedures are to be developed. The state united by law but the right creative ways in which the eu could develop a way to discipline poland one way or another. Lets take a look at some of the other stories making the news israel has indicated that it is willing to consider alternatives to the controversial Metal Detectors that it has installed at a holy site injerusalem. It follows days of protests in which three israelis and four palestinians have died. The detectors were put in place after two israeli policemen were killed at the site. Venezuelan soldiers on motorbikes fired teargas at hundreds of masked, stone throwing protesters in caracas the latest round of demonstrations against the government of nicolas maduro. Several people were injured in the clashes which came as the opposition attempted to march to the Supreme Court building. A german prosecutor has confirmed a 16 year old german girl, suspected of joining Islamic State in iraq, was arrested last week. The teenager, simply known as linda w, was arrested in mosul. German media is reporting that she was captured along with three other suspected isis brides in a tunnel. The hospital at the centre of a controversial case involving a terminally ill baby, has contacted police after its staff received abuse and death threats. The ii month old baby, charlie gard, is receiving life support at Great Ormond Street Hospital in london. But the hospital want to withdraw that life support and is involved in a bitter legal battle with charlie gards parents. Laura tra nt reports. Its a case thats touched people around the world. Attracting a growing number of campaigners who disagree with medical experts over the treatment of a critically ill baby boy. Ii month old charlie gard has a form of mitochondrial disease, a condition that causes progressive Muscle Weakness and irreversible brain damage. His parents, connie yates and chris gard, want to take him to the us for pioneering treatment, but Great Ormond Street Hospital says it in charlies best interests to turn off his life support and allow him to die. Tonight, the hospital said in a statement, that their doctors and nurses have been subjected to a shocking and disgraceful tide of hostility. The hospital has reported the abuse to the police. It comes as the High Court Decides on charlies future and a day after the judge urged any campaigners outside the hospital to respect the needs and wishes of Sick Children being treated there and their parents. Medecins sans frontieres has opened a new clinic in the afghan city of kunduz. Its after a hospital it ran there was destroyed by american air strikes in 2015. 42 people were killed in the attack which took place during intense clashes between the Security Forces and taliban militants. An barasan ethirajan has more. After a gap of nearly two years, msf is returning to kunduz. A much needed helpline for the residents of this northern afghan city. And now the facilities are basic. The new clinic will provide Outpatient Chairman for minor or chronic injuries. Translation i have had this problem before. I have had severe pain previously and i was treated by a foreign doctors. I very happy this facility has reopened. Now i can come here and get treated for my other problems. The other hospital was bombed by american planes in 2015 during clashes between afghan planes in 2015 during clashes between afg ha n forces planes in 2015 during clashes between Afghan Forces and taliban relatives. More than a0 people, including patients and medical staff, were killed in the attack. The us military blamed a combination of human error and equipment failure. Medecins sans frontieres wa nt failure. Medecins sans frontieres want security from both sides before expanding operations in kunduz. We are in the process of finalising commitment assuring us of the safety of our staff, patients and structure and we think we will be able to reopen activities and have communication enough to call co ordinates. Communication enough to call coordinates. They have to build a new, centre in 2018 although it is likely to be smaller than the previous facility. Even so it would help to relieve the pressure on the problems. Stay with us on bbc world news, still to come victims of the needle the corner of america thats both Heaven And Hell for heroin addicts. Mission control you can see them coming down the ladder now. Its One Small Step for man, One Giant Leap for mankind. A catastrophic engine fire is being blamed tonight for the first crash in the 30 year history of concorde, the worlds only supersonic airliner. It was one of the most vivid symbols of the violence and hatred that tore apart the state of yugoslavia. But now, a decade later, its been painstakingly rebuilt and opens again today. Theres been a 50 decrease in Sperm Quantity and an increase in malfunction of sperm unable to swim properly. Thousands of households across the country are suspiciously quiet this lunchtime as children bury their noses in the final instalment of harry potter. This is bbc news. The latest headlines President Trump has asserted his absolute power of pardon amid reports that he has been looking at ways of pardoning himself and his family should the findings of a special investigation go against him. Hungarys Prime Minister, viktor 0rban, has vowed to defend poland from criticism from the eu after it approved Controversial Court reforms. This year, more than 80,000 migrants have landed in italy, a 16 rise over the same period last year. Over the last four years, the country has received 600,000 migrants, a figure which is causing rising anger. The government is aiming to disperse migrants across the country, but some smaller communities are resisting. 0ur correspondent, james reynolds, reports from sicily. The council has called an emergency public meeting. This town has been ordered to take in around 20 migrants. Translation ordered to take in around 20 migrants. Translationzlj ordered to take in around 20 migrants. Translation iwant guarantees. They need medical and criminal checks. That was a retired teacher. They were already checked, says this man. The next morning, the mayors of the region get together to oppose the plan to take on so many migrants. They have come to the capital, messina, to persuade the government to reconsider. The Italian Government is struggling to find a working solution. It wants to scatter migrants as soon as they arrived here in big ports, but that just shuffles the problem to the depths of the countryside. The semi derelict Kangaroo Hotel is now home to 60 migrants, six times the government recommendation that the translation it is not good. It is not good. We dont know who they are. The mayor of the town returns with news of a victory. The state has agreed that half of the new arrivals will go back to messina. Translation i certainly dont want to become a hero. They need someone else to defend them. Aaron townsend is too small. 0ur town. Else to defend them. Aaron townsend is too small. Our town. Amid cheers from volunteers, migrants are escorted out. They barely know where they are going. Messina. Do you know where that is . No, sir. Italys plant, haphazard, has to start again. Plan. In an area of philadelphia known locally as the badlands, some of the purest heroin in the country can be bought forjust 5. But from next week, the city authorities will clear the area to stop the heroin trade. But where will the addicts go . The bbc has been to the city to find out. We live in a world of heroin, that is the reality we live in. Heroin is what is killing people, but, like, not giving people the opportunity to say help me, not giving people the opportunity to ask for or seek treatment, it keeps them in the basement, it keeps them on the train tracks. That is why they are down there, that is why they are in abandoned buildings. So they can be left alone. Kensington has the purists heroin in the country. It is the most potent and is the most inexpensive, about 5 a bag. A lot of them, like, i would say seven out of them, like, i would say seven out of ten, if they hear someone had a shot of dope and overdosed, the first thing they would ask is where they can get it. Gurney street, it is like a safe consumption site underground no one knows about. My soii underground no one knows about. My son was addicted to heroin. He is in recovery. He was on the streets of kensington on and off for five years. We know that if we go to that street, there is a Certain Group of people that we might always see that. When we disperse people, where are we getting them to, and will we be able to find them once we do that . That extraordinary piece was filmed in philadelphia. And you can find much more on that piece on our website. Bbc. Com. The british, and londoners in particular, arent especially known for being outgoing and friendly, but a new government backed initiative wants them to shake off some of those inhibitions In The Name Of mental health. As dougal shaw reports, it involves pop up Health Centres and londoners talking to each other. The problem is i keep waking up thinking i have got to do this, do this, do this, and every time there is more i have to do. That is exactly what i go through. A problem shared is a problem halved, but would you share your problems with a com plete would you share your problems with a complete stranger . And would you share them spontaneously in public . That is what one clinical psychiatrist is hoping as she launches a bold experiment in london despite challenging weather conditions. 13 creates Pop Up Problem talking booths. Her team. What is the big idea behind it . Problem solving booths are about people realising we can all help each other all of the time. The problem is we dont really have a culture of having permission to ask. Iama culture of having permission to ask. I am a trained psychologist and generally worked in a clinic. At the end of the day, i think, gosh, if only all of the people i have met in private in the clinic today can talk to each other, because they are suffering similar things. While we we re suffering similar things. While we were there, there were trickles of participants, rather than a deluge, but they embraced the idea. They volunteered to share problems and listen to other people. So many people in london have anxiety. Do you think possibly it is maybe because of, you know, not upbringing, but your parents . Umm, well, no, ithought i upbringing, but your parents . Umm, well, no, i thought i would be upbringing, but your parents . Umm, well, no, ithought i would be more tolerant. Trained psychologist are a lwa ys tolerant. Trained psychologist are always on hand in case of serious problems. Psychologists. The council is backing the reject. Problems. Psychologists. The council is backing the rejectm problems. Psychologists. The council is backing the reject. It is about opening up conversations to get people doing something about it. If successful, the scheme will be rolled out across the country. Bbc london news. The actor, john heard, best known for the home alone films, has died at 72, found dead in his home in california. He earned an emmy award for playing a corrupt detective in the sopranos. The british cyclist, chris froome, has effectively won his fourth Tour De France title. Its after finishing third in the penultimate stage of the race in marseille. The Team Sky Rider has a clear lead before sundays final stage into paris, which is largely processional. He said it was an amazing feeling. And that is it from me and the team. Goodbye for now. Saturday turned into the day of the downpour. That is not surprising when you see skies like this and many others from weather watchers. The area of low pressure producing showers and outbreaks of rain on saturday are still close by on sunday. Even if you have a dry start, be prepared for some showers as the day goes on. Cloud around first thing. 0utbreaks as the day goes on. Cloud around first thing. Outbreaks of rain in the midlands and Northern England and eastern scotland, with low cloud. We will look at things in greater detail at 9am. Where we have clear skies overnight, mist and fog patches. They will clear. England, brighter spots, sunny spells. A fair amount of cloud to begin the day. Rain in the midlands and it will clear and to showers and brighten up. Northern ireland, dry weather to come. Western scotland starting find. East scotland, low cloud and a cool breeze. That Rain Will Go South during the day across scotland. It should brighten up again. Northern ireland. The odd shower. Dry weather. Sunny spells. Into the afternoon, showers getting going in england and wales. Some could be heavy. Sunny spells in between. Temperatures in the high teens and low 20s. What does that mean for Royal Birkdale . A cloudy start. 0vernight cloud lingering. Some showers. Improving pictures through the day. Easier compared to saturday. The womens world cup, sunshine in the morning, but in the afternoon, the increasing chance of afternoon, the increasing chance of a shower that could be heavy. Some showers will continue into sunday evening before slowly fading. By the time we get to monday, it is only slowly clearing from parts of eastern england. A cool breeze with that. Elsewhere, a dry and sunny day. Temperatures in the west approaching the mid 20s. Looking at The Big Picture for tuesday. In between Weather Systems. Most places will have a fine day. Look at this, the next Weather System is not too far away. Take advantage of the fine day on tuesday. Some pleasantly warm and sunny spells. Wednesday, that system will come in and more rain will come in with it. This is bbc news, the headlines President Trump has insisted he has complete power to pardon people. It comes amid reports that hes looking at ways of pardoning himself and his family, should the findings of a special investigation into links with russia go against him. The East West Split within the European Union appears to be growing over polands controversial newjudicial reforms. On saturday there were more protests in cities across the country. The american actorjohn heard, best known for the home alone films and the sopranos, has died aged 71. The british cyclist chris froome is all but certain to win his fourth Tour De France title, after increasing his lead in the penultimate time trial in marseille. The last stage on sunday is largely ceremonial. Now on bbc news its time for a special Programme Former girls aloud singer Nicola Roberts and youtube vlogger

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