Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170626 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170626

are missing after a passenger boat full with tourists sank on a reservoir in colombia. the vessel, which had four decks, began taking on water while cruising on the artificial lake, outside the resort of guatape, that's about 80km from the city of medellin. other tourist ferries quickly came to the rescue of those on board. there are no details yet on why the boat sank. nimesh thaker reports. passengers on the foredeck ship can be seen panicking and calling for help as their vessel started taking on water and swayed from side to side. pleasure boat and tourist on jetskis rushed towards the craft to help those who had jumped into the water. others still on board tried to find safety on the upper decks. alok businessmen recorded this video and he told bbc the boat took five minutes to sink in an area of the reservoir that is about 45 metres deep. it is reported that 170 people including crew were on the boat. at least 20 people were taken to hospital. the authorities are still trying to establish the exact number of people involved and nationalities of people involved and nationalities of the tourists on board. columbia's air force of the tourists on board. columbia's airforce and of the tourists on board. columbia's air force and firefighters are still searching for the people reported missing. investigators are yet to explain what caused the boat to sing. they will also be asking what safety procedures were followed and if life vests were injured —— issued. the bbc mundo‘s colombia correspondent, natalio cosoy, who's in bogota, gave me an update on the tragedy. it was the middle of a long weekend in colombia. people were expecting a day of relaxation in this tourist town in the centre of the country in the province of antioquia. this is an artificial lake where people take tours on boats like the one that sank and unexpectedly, the boat started to sink. it took only five minutes to go under water. people from the shores managed to record videos and take photographs of what was happening. the emergency authorities in colombia and in antioquia are working on finding those who might be disappeared, treating the injured and dealing with the casualties of this accident. some are starting to suggest that maybe the compliance, the rules of the boat operators were not the ones expected. it is something that will be investigated by the authorities here in colombia. on the line is amanda amid. she is a shop keeper in the town of guatape where the accident happened. thanks very much forjoining us. i understand you are not there to witness this event take place but you are now on the scene. describe for us what you are seeing. right now, it is outside of the theatre where the boats were affected. there is the columbia red cross that is treating folks and they have psychologists on side and there is actually 3a boats driving off right 110w. actually 3a boats driving off right now. so it there is a co-ordinated response taking place. i understand the red cross have set up a survivor centre, is that right? yes, it is in the theatre where they gather for events. amanda, your line is intermittent but we will proceed for the moment. are you getting a sense of where these tourists are from? you know, i'm not sure exactly but it isa you know, i'm not sure exactly but it is a long weekend here, monday is a holiday. when it is a long weekend like this, lots and lots of colombian tourists come. there were lots of folks here in the village this weekend and i honestly don't know the numbers or i haven't heard but mostly i think it would be colombian tourists. are you seeing any evidence that the survivors were wearing or had access to life vests? you yourself, i imagine you have taken these boats in the past, is a security paramount when you taking these journeys? i haven't been on these journeys? i haven't been on these bigger boats because these bigger boats take a lot more boat —— people. i have been on the smaller boats with between five and 15 people and it is mandatory. on the small boats, it is absolutely mandatory, everything or person has to wear a life vests. the bigger boats, i'm not sure but i have seen at times when we went by with the smaller boats that the folks on bigger boats didn't have life vests on. i know if they have been given one 01’ on. i know if they have been given one or not, have no idea. and there is no sense yet as to what caused this. what are the conditions like? the water looks calm but is it windy today? the water was calm, as bar as i know, it was a beautiful day, actually. —— as far as i know. today was nice and funny and it is fine. really briefly, is there anything you can remember like this happening in guatape, in your memory?” you can remember like this happening in guatape, in your memory? i have only been here since last year. from hearsay and what i have been hearing, other folks saying, hearsay and what i have been hearing, otherfolks saying, they don't recall something like this happening here. i don't know but this is what amd here. -- this is what i am hearing. and you can find more about the colombian boat packed with holidaymakers that's sunk outside the resort of guatape — on the bbc website. just go to — for further background and analysis. reports from iraq are saying that there have been a counter—attack mounted and iraqi commanders have told the bbc that british fighters as well as chechens and other fighters are among the militants. the bbc‘s a team have been given exclusive access to the front line. here is their report. heading to the front line in mosul. you have to run. and beware of snipers. but troops from iraq's emergency response division are advancing every day. the target here — a hospital complex. gunfire. we move deeper into the battle. getting a chance to see how the fight has been taken to the so—called islamic state. urban warfare at its most intimate. near enough to throw a hand grenade. then this... gunfire. the fight here is at extremely close quarters. this is the most forward position is iraqi troops have. they tell us the nearest is position is just 15 metres away, and when they're firing here the distance is so small that sometimes they can see the faces of the is militants. the troops here — mostly young — determined to end a reign of terror. "daesh came and killed civilians", says ali. "they destroyed life in the city." "our duty is to bring mosul back to life." here's the hospital building where commanders say about 200 foreign militants are holed up, including some britons. "that's what our intelligence tells us", says this colonel. "and also we heard them speaking on the radio." "we can tell their nationality from that." and iraqi drones monitor their movements, if they dare to move at all. here, militants run from building to building in the vast medical complex, looking for cover. commanders tell us there are french, russians and chechens here, as well as the british. they say there are three senior is leaders along with them, trapped below ground. now their caliphate is turning to ash, their positions being pounded from above with a series of air strikes. we counted three in an hour. it's the final push against an enemy that once controlled a third of iraq, and that tonight has begun a counter attack. orla guerin, bbc news, mosul. let's take a look at some of the other stories making the news. hopes are fading in china's sichuan province of finding any more survivors after the devastating landslide. so far only 15 bodies have been found, along with three survivors, but around 100 people are missing. thousands of rescue workers have been deployed after some a0 homes were destroyed. more than 2,000 people in south—west spain have been evacuated from the path of a huge forest fire. it broke out in a pine forest near the city of huelva on saturday night. it's being treated as a level one — the maximum threat — by emergency services. windy conditions are making it difficult to bring the flames under control. at least seven people have died in a cable car accident in indian administered kashmir. police say the main cable that carried the six seater cabin snapped due to strong winds. hundreds of people stranded at high altitude were later rescued. police have intervened on the streets of istanbul to stop the annual gay pride march going ahead. it is now the third year in a row the march has been banned and authorities say it is because of security concerns after threats of far right groups. gay activist groups say that is an excuse. around 150 people have died in central pakistan, after an overturned oil tanker burst into flames. local villagers gathered around the vehicle, which had crashed in the city of ahmed—pur east, to siphon the oil, just before it exploded. secunder kermani has the latest from karachi. hundreds of local villagers flocked to the scene of the overturned tanker, despite being warned not to. in this impoverished area, they collected fuel in buckets, jerry cans, and even empty water bottles. but moments later, grief and anguish — thousands of litres of petrol went up in flames, engulfing those nearby. early reports suggest the blaze began when someone lit a cigarette. translation: the oil tanker capsized, people shouted, "oil, oil!" the local traffic police asked people to leave, warning it may explode, then suddenly there was fire. translation: i had already taken some petrol, i was about to fill another can but felt dizzy due to the fumes so decided not to go back for more. dozens of the injured had to be airlifted to hospital. the nearest burns unit is around 100 miles away from the site. the empty charred wreckage, too graphic to show on video, bodies lying alongside. amongst those critically hurt our —— children. some in pakistan complained the —— some in pakistan have blamed the victims for rushing towards the scene of the accident, but in other quarters there is a sense of anger that people here are not educated enough about basic safety issues, and that poverty forces them to risk their lives for a few litres of free petrol. the tragedy casts a shadow over preparations for the muslim festival of eid al—fitr. instead of celebrations, there'll be funerals. secunder kermani, bbc news, karachi. stay with us on bbc news, still to come: the uk's brexit secretary says he's "pretty sure" — but not certain — the country can secure a deal with brussels about leaving the european union. members of the of the neo—nazi resistance movement stormed the world trade center armed with pistols and shotguns. we believe that, according to international law, that we have a right to claim certain parts of this country as ourland. i take pride in the words "ich bin ein berliner." cheering and applause chapman, prison—pale and slightly chubby, said not a single word in open court. it was left to his lawyer to explain his decision to plead guilty to murdering john lennon. he believes that onjune 8th, god told him to plead guilty, and that was the end of it. the medical research council have now advised the government that the great increase in lung cancer is due mainly to smoking tobacco. it was closing time for checkpoint charlie which, for 29 years, has stood on the border as a mark of allied determination to defend the city. this is bbc news. the latest headlines: a boat packed with holidaymakers sinks in a reservoir in colombia. at least nine people have died — dozens are reported missing. pakistan's prime minister nawaz sharif has cut short a visit to london after the oil tanker disaster in punjab which left at least 150 dead. india's prime minister, narendra modi, is due to hold his first meeting with president trump at the white house. ties between india and the united states were said to be healthy under barack obama, but differences have surfaced between the two countries since mr trump took office. sanjoy majumder reports from delhi. donald trump and narendra modi have a lot in common — both powerful politicians who have courted controversy, and have strong domestic constituencies. but ahead of the trip, there are rumblings under the surface. donald trump recently attacked india over climate change, identifying it as one of the world's biggest polluters at the cost of countries such as the united states. india makes its participation contingent on receiving billions and billions and billions of dollars in foreign aid from developed countries. india hit back, saying it is committed to protecting the environment but will continue to use coal for its energy needs. there are other concerns. immigration, for instance. shreyasi nag has reason to celebrate. she has just been granted a visa to study computer science at a major american university. i was anxious. i know someone who got their visa rejected as well so that gave me a lot of tension before i went for the interview. like the thousands of indian students headed to the us each year, she is hoping to find a job there after graduating but under a trump administration, she is apprehensive. i'm not sure how it's going to be, especially because i'm not going to start working this year, it's up to two years and so much has changed, i'm not sure how it will be two years into the future so that is definitely a concern. and there is more. as part of his ‘america first‘ campaign, mr trump wants us firms to stop investing overseas and instead boost jobs at home. it is at odds with mr modi‘s ‘make in india‘ drive, to press foreign countries to set up factories in his country. the trick is to find ways to make ‘america first‘ and ‘make in india‘ more compatible. you can do that. particularly in the defence sector, where big us defence firms are trying to convince the white house that moving some of the manufacturing to india because the wages are competitive, because the market is there, will also createjobs in the us. relations between india and the united states blossomed under the obama presidency. the question now is whether mr modi can repeat the magic with his successor. well, here in the uk, more residential tower blocks have failed safety checks on their exterior cladding, in the wake of the grenfell tower fire in west london. local councils are being urged to send samples in for testing more quickly. with the latest, here‘s duncan kennedy. pendleton in salford, the latest location where tower block cladding is being removed. it is an unsettling sight for another group of residents who have lived here many years. it‘s left us, as residents, very confused and very concerned about the safety of where we live. the government has continued to test cladding. tonight, they released new figures. 60 buildings have now failed safety checks. that is across 25 local authorities. many to ensure those high—rise buildings are as safe as they possibly can be, as quickly as possible. arnold tarling has been a fire safety expert for 20 years. he says cladding currently only has to withstand flame tests from the front. but he says this is simply not enough. make the tests more robust. test everything, test every angle, then you will know it works. in camden, entire families have been hauling their possessions away from four tower blocks. safety measures are being put in place. michelle urquhart and her 87—year—old father, edward, are prepared to move out, but don‘t know where to go. i have actually heard they are quite hot. maureen went in and filmed on her phone to see if it was suitable for theirfamily. afterwards, she seemed satisfied with what was being offered. how was the hotel? good enough? yeah, good enough. will you be moving? yes, we will. tonight, residents have been with muslims celebrating the end of ramadan. a small moment of celebration. the uk‘s brexit secretary, david davis, says he‘s "pretty sure" but not certain, that the country can secure a deal with brussels, as it leaves the european union. here‘s our political correspondent eleanor garnier. a year after the vote to leave the eu, talks about the terms of britain‘s divorce have now started. and brexit looms overhead for the prime minister. but a week after the chancellor said no deal would be very, very bad for the uk, the brexit secretary, the man tasked with securing that deal, seems uncertain as to whether he will get one. i‘m pretty sure. i‘m not 100% sure. you can never be. it is a negotiation. you said right at the beginning of this, "we are guaranteed to get a deal, you can be sure we will get a deal." you can be sure there will be a deal. whether it‘s the deal that i want, which is the free—trade agreement, the customs agreement and so on, it‘s — i‘m pretty sure, but i‘m not certain. with the clock for two years of talks ticking down, there are some key issues at the top of the government in—tray. working out what form the border between northern ireland and the irish republic will take, with car number plate recognition and tagging containers being considered. plus, calculating how much the uk‘s financial settlement, also called divorce bill, will be. and crucially, getting a deal on the rights of eu citizens in the uk and brits living abroad. we are trying to ensure that every individual citizen gets their current position, as it were, locked in place for them, so the anxiety can go. this is the real issue. it is about people‘s anxiety. it‘s not about the prospect of deporting people. david davis acknowledged having left we would need a one or two year transitional arrangement, with a phased process, to allow businesses and government time to adapt. but he still insists a bad deal would mean britain walking away. what david davis has revealed is that his handling of this whole affair inspires about as much confidence as a drunken trapeze artist. the problem is that when he crashes to earth, he will bring the whole of the country with him. the details of labour‘s position remains unclear, but the party insists the economy must come first. what we have to have is a brexit which works forjobs and for growth, and also for the protections which working people have. how that comes out of the negotiations remains to be seen. with rumours of potential leadership contenders whistling around westminster, theresa may is under pressure from all sides, from within her own party, inside her own cabinet and from brussels, too. it‘s clear there is now a new conciliatory, far less combative tone, from those at the top of government. she is in charge of the negotiations for now. but many tories aren‘t sure if she will see brexit through to the finish, as the prime minister is all too aware. the president of south korea has proposed that north and south korea join together to the next olympics. he said he hoped the two countries could return to submitting joint teams that international sporting events. and before we go, it is bring you the latest from formula 1 and australia‘s daniel ricciardo has recorded his first win of the season in azerbaijan and the theft of his career. the victory puts daniel ricciardo fourth in the championship. it wasn‘t a great day for lewis hamilton. hello there, good morning. the week that lies ahead will be very different from the weekjust gone, because the next few days are looking very unsettled which means we will see spells of rain which could be quite heavy. quite windy and you will notice things cooler, on a downward trend. it‘s a reasonable start to the day. lighter winds than we are seeing through the weekend, but we are looking out west for this low pressure to bring rain in from the west. a pretty reasonable start, much lighter winds and good spells of sunshine early on but a fresh start to the day, but in more rural spots, dipping into single figures. a bright start for many. some good spells of sunshine. but out west, that low pressure system pushing its way into the west of ireland. that is making progress northwards and eastwards and will continue to do so. a lovely start in many places with a good deal of sunshine. that will turn a bit cloudier across wales and the south—west of england. as this area of low pressure shows its hand, there will be some cloud and rain working its way into northern ireland. they‘ll bring a shower but the eastern side of england, lengthy spells of sunshine. 2a in london but only 1a degrees in aberdeenshire. this evening, that rain making slow progress northwards and eastwards. quite wet by the end of the night, quite windy as well in scotland and dribs and drabs of rain into northern england and possibly north wales. tuesday, the south, another area of low pressure drifting in from the near continent. this may bring some thundery downpours to southern counties. we start off quite wet and windy in northern ireland which eases away to the east, improving here maybe with a few showers in the afternoon, quite wet and windy for much of scotland. further south, potentially some thundery showers and a messy picture on tuesday afternoon. 21 degrees on monday for london but only 12 degrees in aberdeen. tuesday night and wednesday, some thundery rain moving northward in a broad area of rain across england and wales, up into southern scotland. by the middle of the week, this huge area of low pressure affecting much of central and western europe. things will be cooling down here. a pretty tricky forecast trying to get the detail right but at the moment, it looks as if we are going to see some wetter, windy weather across much of northern england and with the breeze coming in, the north sea coastal areas will be on the cool side, that is for sure. this is bbc news — the headlines: a passenger boat carrying at least one—hundred—and—fifty tourists has sunk in a reservoir in colombia, taking less than five minutes to go down. police said nine people had died and twenty—eight others were missing. there are no details yet on why the boat sank. reports from iraq say fighters from so—called islamic state have mounted a counter attack against iraqi troops, who are trying to recapture parts of the old city of mosul. the battle is intense, and iraqi commanders have told the bbc that british fighters, as well as chechens and other foreigners, are among the militants. pakistan‘s prime minister, nawaz sharif, has cut short a visit to london to return home, after more than 140 people were killed when an oil tanker exploded in punjab province. dozens of others were critically injured when the tanker — carrying thousands of litres of petrol — overturned and then blew up. now on bbc news, the week in parliament.

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Istanbul , Turkey , Alok , Buryatiya , Russia , Azerbaijan , Bogota , Cundinamarca , Colombia , China , Northern Ireland , Craigavon , United Kingdom , Brussels , Bruxelles Capitale , Belgium , Pakistan , London , City Of , Aberdeenshire , United States , Salford , Iraq , India , Antioquia , Nowa , Rajasthan , Ireland , South Korea , France , Spain , Karachi , Sindh , Northern England , Northumberland , North Sea , Oceans General , Oceans , Colombian , America , Britons , Scotland , Britain , French , Iraqi , British , Russians , Irish Republic , Nawaz Sharif , Orla Guerin , Barack Obama , Eleanor Garnier , Michelle Urquhart , Lewis Hamilton , Duncan Kennedy Pendleton , John Lennon , Australias Daniel Ricciardo , Narendra Modi , David Davis ,

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