Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170618 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170618

no wi—fi: a team of sailors complete a three year voyage around the world in a polynesian canoe. hello and welcome to bbc news. 58 people are now presumed to have died in the grenfell tower fire in west london. police have warned the death toll is likely to rise. the bbc understands the number of dead or missing could be around 70. the british prime minister, theresa may, has faced criticism over her response to the tragedy. she met with victims and community organisers at downing street. in a statement after, she acknowledged what many local people have been saying for days, that the initial response to the fire on wednesday "was not good enough". jeremy cooke reports. in the midsummer heat, grenfell tower casts a long shadow. a new dark reality on the london skyline, with the power to shock, and to move. a sight which stops you in your tracks. too much to take in. it's hard to know what to say, yeah. it's just horrific. we just said that everyone's busy talking, but yet you can just feel a silence. it's really overwhelming. four days on from disaster, and with every official update, more grim news. sadly, at this time, there are 58 people who we were told... we have been told were in grenfell tower on the night that are missing, and therefore sadly i have to assume that they are dead. the investigations into how this happened will be complex and lengthy, but the residents' association for grenfell tower and the surrounding blocks is already calling for the council and its management agency to be suspended from their landlords‘ responsibility. andrea newton says the community felt ignored before the tragedy, neglected since, with no access to basic information. where is everyone? what are they getting next, where are they going to move, what do they need? who needs what, and where? these are fundamental questions, and we are days after this disaster. i've done the angry. i mean, i've got to get this done. today the residents brought those frustrations to downing street. it was a robust discussion, there was forceful emotion in the room. people were able to say what they wanted to say and we felt that was listened to and listened to carefully. in a statement, the prime minister said: and analysis which chimes with the volunteers who have been working flat out to help victims in the absence of effective official support. they have been completely let down and it is the same people that potentially might have caused this that are now letting them down again and it's tragic. and if it wasn't the community here and the volunteers, i would dread to think what would have happened those people. the prime minister says she accepts there are huge frustrations here and she is promising to send more support into the area. it is the sort of help which is desperately needed but this community could have used it days ago. it's way, way too late. but you're reassured by what theresa may has said to you today? not right now, not right now. no, i'm not, not right now. with so much pain and frustration here, there are warnings that the government help must work with the community to avoid frustration and anger. and high in grenfell tower, the operation to recover bodies goes on. a reminder of what's been lost and the scale of the task ahead. jeremy cooke, bbc news, north kensington. let's get more on that meeting in downing street. here is our correspondent, alex forsyth. the statement that theresa may issued after that meeting was clearly an attempt to counter some of the claims that her government's response has lacked sympathy and understanding. it was a long statement in which the prime minister said she had heard the concerns of residents, their frustration and their fear that their voices hadn't been listened to and their questions were going unanswered. she announced a series of measures, money immediately for things like food and clothes, a promise to rehouse people, extra personal and support down on the ground to offer advice. and the response from some in the community is so far cautiously optimistic. but theresa may has been under significant pressure. notjust in terms of the handling of what happened at grenfell tower but also as a result of the election which left her position weakened. this was clearly an attempt to try to put her government back on the front foot, to show that she understands, that she's offering support and that she's providing action, too. this was her trying to cement her authority. the question remains whether it will be enough, particularly for those in the community which has lost so much. alex forsyth in downing street there. amid the anger some are still trying to find answers about their relatives who have been missing since the fire on wednesday. the first victim to be identified was mohammad al—hajali — a 23—year—old syrian refugee. his family have now released this tribute to him. they said: the home office has confirmed it will assist the family to travel to the uk from syria. mark lowen has more on the search for the victims. this is a tragedy that has shaken faith in safety, equality and justice. singing. it has brought a tight community even closer, waiting, still, for any news of the missing. dozens from grenfell tower are lost. faces from the floors that were engulfed as the fire rose. the anger and demands for accountability are growing. it's always the public that runs to rescue. where's the authorities? where are they? forgotten corners of this area are becoming shrines to grenfell, to grief, to frustration. as the days since the tragedy wear on, the hope of friends and families is fading. the only comfort now would be answers as to what happened. instead, there's the pain of not knowing. though, as time passes, more are presumed dead. still missing, 57—year—old hesham rahman, originally from egypt. his mother and nephew fear the worst. hesham called her shortly after 3am as the fire neared his top floor flat. the last thing he said to my grandmother was, "i had spoken to the police, i told them the smoke was coming into my house and they told me that they were coming, close your door, put some wet towels on the floor, we're coming to get you, it's going to be all right." so he then said to my grandmother, "once i'm out, i'll let you know that i'm 0k." how are you at the moment? you know, we're all angry, we all want the same answers, we're all frustrated. but we really need to do it the right way. we all want to achieve the same thing but not with aggression. it doesn't work, it never did and it never will. my son, he's my son. a mother who watched her son's nearby home turn to horror. one story among so many from the hell of grenfell tower. mark lowen, bbc news, north kensington. the queen observed a minute's silence at the trooping the colour parade in memory of those who died in the grenfell tower tragedy, and also in recent attacks in manchester and london. on what is her official birthday, she said it was "difficult to escape the very sombre national mood". the uk government said a minute's silence will also be observed on monday at 11am. our royal correspondent, nicholas witchell, reports. on a day intended for celebration, the queen led the nation in sorrow. before leaving buckingham palace for horse guards, she stood with the duke of edinburgh for a minute's silence. a moment of reflection, joined by the footguards on the parade ground and the cavalry at the palace gates — in remembrance of those lost at grenfell tower, and in the terrorist attacks in london and manchester. in a statement issued at six o'clock this morning, the queen said: yesterday she'd visited the scene of the fire at grenfell tower and met some of those who have lost friends and neighbours. it had clearly made a deep impression. in her statement she said: "i have been profoundly struck by the immediate inclination of people throughout the country to offer comfort and support to those in desperate need." she went on: band plays her birthday parade went ahead. it had all the familiar components. the footguards marched and trooped the colour of the irish guards, and the royal family appeared on the palace balcony, where prince george as usual stole the show, gazing down at the crowds, and then as the raf fly—past appeared, up at the sky with his sister. but this was no ordinary trooping. this was a year when the head of state reflected the country's feelings of shock and grief. nicholas witchell, bbc news, at buckingham palace. 0k, ok, let's take a look at some more stories making the news, now. more than a hundred migrants have been rescued by a cargo ship in the mediterranean sea. the merchant ship deployed emergency rafts after they saw the rubber dinghies carrying men, women and children deflating off the coast of libya. all of the migrants were then transferred to a rescue ship, and are said to be in good health. a temporary ceasefire has been agreed in an area including the rebel—held syrian city of daraa, in the south of the country. the syrian government side, which has been bombarding the city, says the 48—hour truce is intended to support reconciliation efforts. spanish bullfighter ivan fandino has died after being gored by a bull during a fight in south—western france. the 36—year—old stumbled in the bullring after catching his feet in his cloak and was gored by the bull whose horn punctured his lung. he is the second matador to die in the ring in the past year. the entertainer, bill cosby, has walked free from a court in the united states after a judge declared a mistrial in his sexual assault case. the jury were unable to reach a decision on whether the 79—year—old was guilty of drugging and sexually assaulting a woman at his home 13 years ago. the prosecution says it will seek a retrial. aleem maqbool reports. after so many accused him of being a calculating sexual predator, bill cosby is free now to go home. the jury didn't acquit him, but they couldn't unanimously agree to convict him either. we came here looking for an acquittal, but like that rolling stones song says, you don't always get what you want — sometimes, you get what you need. god bless you all, and happy father's day. chanting: we love bill, we love bill. the mistrial was celebrated like a victory by cosby‘s supporters. is justice way overdue? there's a waste of tax payers‘ money... what do you say to those people, 60 women came forward and accused him... yes, after 20—25 years? c'mon, please. back in his heyday bill cosby was the most prominent african—american, the highest—paid actor, and undoubtedly a trailblazer... but dozens of women who came forward saying he drugged, then sexually assaulted them. most cases couldn't go to trial because it was so long since the alleged incidents. one case was heard in court, though, brought by andrea constand, a former university employee who claims that in 2004 he drugged and molested her. bill cosby didn't take the stand during his trial. instead, his defence team tried to undermine the credibility of his accuser. women's rights lawyers have been appalled but say they still hope for a retrial. if the court allows more accusers to testify next time, it might make a difference. in other words, it's too early to celebrate, mr cosby. round two may be just around the corner. for now, bill cosby does walk free, but there is the prospect he is going to be retried, and there is no question that in spite of this result his reputation as something of an american father figure has now been tarnished. aleem maqbool, bbc news, in morristown, pennsylvania. stay with us on morristown, pennsylvania. stay with us on bbc news. there is plenty more to come, including: orienteering goes urban — how the countryside sport is finding new fans in city centres. there was a bomb in the city centre. a code word known to be one used by the ira was given. army bomb experts were examining a suspect van when there was a huge explosion. the south african parliament has destroyed the foundation of apartheid by abolishing the population registration act, which for a0 years forcibly classified each citizen according to race. germany's parliament, the bundestag, has voted by a narrow majority to move the seat of government from bonn to berlin. berliners celebrated into the night but the decision was greeted with shock in bonn. just a day old and the royal baby is tonight sleeping in his cot at home. early this evening, the new prince was taken by his mother and father to their apartments in kensington palace. the real focus today was valentina tereshkova, the world's first woman cosmonaut. what do you think of the russian woman in space? i think it's a wonderful achievement and i think we might be able to persuade the wife it would be a good idea if i could to get her to go up there for a little while. this is bbc news. the latest headlines: 58 people are missing and presumed dead from london's tower block fire. britain's prime minister theresa may says support for people caught up in the disaster "wasn't good enough". a mistrial is declared in the sexual assault case against entertainer bill cosby — the prosecution insists it wants a re—trial. the government of the philippines says more than 300 people are known to have been killed in the battle against islamist militants in marawi. situated on the southern island of mindanao the city is a centre of islam in the overwhelmingly christian philippines. president duterte says the presence of fighters from the so—called islamic state had made it a brutal conflict. sarah corker reports. despite an intensive bombing campaign by the philippine military, islamist fighters remain holed up in pockets of marawi city. trapped civilians are being used as human shields. the darker plumes of smoke mark the latest battleground. the army says its troops are ranting, retaking bridges. irra it is hard because they have occupied the taught —— tallest buildings and you don't know where they will hit you from. you can't see the snipers. the battle began in may when hundreds of militant waving black barracks of the so—called islamic state group stormed the city. the president then declared martial law across the southern philippines. so far, 329 people have been killed. they have so corrupted the name of the so—called religion who kill mainly innocent persons and to destroy for nothing. the fighting is going on but at the cost of so many soldiers. marawi is a predominantly muslim city in an overwhelmingly catholic nation. the government says ies‘s plan. the damage to the city is extensive. more than 200,000 people have fled, now living in overcrowded ebacc you are in centres. —— evacuation centres. coalition i can't look after my children on may own and my husband has died. keep fainting. —— on my young. the militants have stockpiled food and weapons, thought to be preparing for a long siege. sarah corker, bbc news. let's take a look at some of the other stories making the news. nato says seven us service personnel have been wounded in an insider attack at an army base in the north of afghanistan. the attack happed at camp shaheen in the city of mazar—i—sharif. the afghan defence ministry said the attacker was an afghan soldier. more than 100,000 events have taken place across the uk to remember the labour mp, jo cox, who was murdered a year ago. her husband said she would be "incredibly humbled" by the gatherings taking place in her name. the "great get together" was based on the message in mrs cox's maiden speech in parliament — that "we have more in common — than which divides us". portuguese officials say a forest fire in central portugal has killed at least 19 people and injured several others, including a number of firefighters. sixteen of the victims had burned to death in their vehicles when they were trapped by flames in the district of pedrogao grande. now this is a pretty impressive achievement. a traditional polynesian canoe — has just completed it's first ever round—the—world trip — without using modern navigation methods. the boat returned to honolulu in hawaii — after being on the journey for three years. the crew used the stars, wind and ocean swells to guide it. the same techniques — that brought the first polynesian settlers to hawaii hundreds of years ago. it visited 19 countries in total. let's speak to one of the 14 crew involved in the journey — her name isjenna ishii. —— let's speak to one of the voyaging society captain his name is naalehu anthony. if you didn't use it modern navigation techniques, how did you get around the globe? we have been studying the art of non— instrument navigation. you have swells that come from a certain direction for days at a time as well as wind patterns that do the same. there we re patterns that do the same. there were some of those navigators left in micronesia in the 70s and some of oui’ in micronesia in the 70s and some of our captains in micronesia in the 70s and some of ourcaptains and in micronesia in the 70s and some of our captains and navigators spent many years working with them to be able to learn how it is that this system works. tell me honestly, did you ever get even slightly lost? yeah, i mean, lost is a relative term. the system of navigation is plus or minus five degrees. it is really about finding your land target after many, many miles so, i just got off that can know a week ago and we were, it was a 2500 mile journey from tahiti and we were off by only a few miles. ——i just got off the canoe. i call it successful. there is a serious message. tell us why you have been doing this for the last three years. there is a really important term we have been trying to share with everybody, the idea of that things are changing rapidly with global climate change, with other factors that are really addressing and affecting island people first. we felt we needed to do something that would be able to push back and talk about how it is that the idea of how we made these islands sustainable for many hundreds of years could maybe be applicable to the rest of the planet as well as have the ability to inspire others and be inspired by those different communities that have similar values but in different venues. have similar values but in different venues. remarkable adventure. thank you for sharing it with us. if you like exploring new areas and want a mental, as well as a physical challenge, then orienteering may be the sport for you. british orienteering is celebrating its 50th anniversary this weekend, and it's no longer just a sport for the countryside, as mike bushell discovered. once upon a time you could only find them in the countryside. but now they are popping up in cities as well. and on the search for them, some of britain's 10,000 orienteers. it's a race against the clock around the course, using a map you are given at the start. the idea, really, is to get from the start here which is shown by a triangle, to the finish, visiting all of these points. the aim is to go as fast as you can. so a start of 1.5 kilometres. the control point is getting more challenging because of the buildings, it is a jungle out there. it has made the sport a lot quicker. taken it out of forests and moved it into a whole new area where it's all about speed, the speed of running and the speed of making your mind up about where you will go. where do you want to go? down this way? we've got it! number two! it's not just about being the fastest runner but more importantly reading minute details on the map correctly. it's closed. moving into the cities has helped the sport boom again. 50 clubs and in addition to temporary courses, there are 500 permanent ones across the uk. the british team will be hoping for medals at the world championships in estonia at the end of this month while, at the other end of the scale... the finish! oh, dear, iforgot that bit... there is a lot to think about and i went way off piste which is why i am so far behind the winner who finished the course in ten minutes. that was exhausting just to watch. don't forget you can get in touch with me and some of the team on twitter. hello again. you did not need to catch a long flight to enjoy hot summer weather. temperatures hit 30 degrees and teddington was hotter than teneriffe. the hottest weather the uk has had so far this year with the heat widespread across england and wales. scotland and northern ireland not too bad either. beautiful skies as well, this was a picture showing the sunshine but it was not sunny everywhere. to the north—west of the uk we have a weather front bringing damp weather today into the western side of scotland, particularly the north—west. a mild start to the day, if you not been out already. 20 degrees to begin across norwich and london as well. it will rise quickly in the strong sunshine. across scotland and northern ireland, the weather front close by means cloudy skies to start the day. the damp weather is restricted to the far north west of scotland. for england and wales that will be another beautiful start to the day. clear blue skies for the vast majority and temperatures quick to rise in the june sunshine. barely a breath of wind outside, temperatures 2a degrees at nine in the morning and it will be another hot day. hotter than it was yesterday in the heat, could trigger an isolated shower or across the east anglia. you would be unlucky to see that. the vast majority having a fine dry and hot day. temperatures — 31 also for london and the south—east, essex and newcastle and the mid—20s in edinburgh. high levels of pollen so for some of us it could be quite a sneezy day and not just pollen, you also have high to very high levels of uv. it may be worth thinking about using sunscreen. we will keep the hot air across southern parts of the uk. high pressure still in charge further north but it drags on cooler air so things will cool down across the north and north—east over the next few days. in scotland on monday, a weather front brings damp weather once again, probably cloudy weather working through the central belt so not quite as warm here but still plenty of hot sun shines the england and wales. again, temperatures peak of 31 degrees. call in the north of the uk continue to move southwards so in sheffield the temperature will reach low 20s but stays on the warm side across southern parts of the uk for much of the weekend. this is bbc news. the latest headlines: police say 58 people are now presumed to have died from wednesday's tower block fire in london. police warn it could take weeks to recover the debt, and the number could rise. —— dead. the british prime minister, theresa may, has admitted initial support for victims "was not good enough". prosecutors in the united states say they seek a retrial in the sexual assault case against the entertainer bill cosby. a judge declared a mistrial after the jury was unable to reach a verdict after more than 50 hours of deliberations. bill cosby denied he assaulted his accuser 13 years ago. the government of the philippines says more than 300 people have been killed in the month—long battle with islamist militants. eyewitnesses say militants allied to islamic state group have been attacked with air strikes and artillery fire in the southern city of marawi. as we've been hearing a group of residents,

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Philippines , Germany , Afghanistan , Buckingham Palace , Westminster , United Kingdom , Marawi City , Marawi , Portugal , Syria , Russia , Manchester , Bonn , Nordrhein Westfalen , North Kensington , Kensington And Chelsea , London , City Of , Essex , United States , Estonia , Micronesia , Pennsylvania , Libya , Mediterranean Sea , Oceans General , Oceans , Ireland , Spain , France , Hawaii , South Africa , Edinburgh , Russian , Scotland , Britain , Afghan , Spanish , Portuguese , South African , British , Syrian , Irish , American , Theresa May , Aleem Maqbool , Jeremy Cooke , Alex Forsyth , Mohammad Al Hajali , Sarah Corker , Andrea Newton , Andrea Constand , Jo Cox , Valentina Tereshkova ,

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