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But people are in. Welcome to bbc news. The white house wanted its message to be about changing us policy toward cuba. But then a tweet from President Trump caused the news agenda to change. Earlier on friday he said that sparked this response from senator Dianne Feinstein who sits on the intelligence committee. She went on to call it a blatant violation of the president s oath of office. For more on mr trumps comments and the resulting firestorm, heres our North America editorjon sopel. The ball has been set rolling, largely because of mr trumps own actions in the way he has communicated on some of these things. We all know there was an investigation going on into the trump campaigns links with russia. Then donald trump fired the fbi Directorjames Comey and the white house and the Attorney General and the Deputy Attorney general gave a set of reasons for why james comey had been fired for top donald trump them directly contradicts those reasons, saying it was because of the rush of thing a mark that was said ina the rush of thing a mark that was said in a tv interview, and reportedly set to Sergey Lavrov that he had been under huge pressure because of the Russian Investigation and that had now been relieved. That looks like donald trump fired james comey because of russia and it now emerges that donald trump himself is under direct investigation. He seemed to confirm it himself, saying, i and seemed to confirm it himself, saying, land being investigated seemed to confirm it himself, saying, i and being investigated for firing the fbi director. So donald trump by his own communications, by every utterance, seems to have taken the waters that he is swimming in into much deeper waters, much more treacherous waters. A considerable amount of damage has been done. He has been under advice from everybody under the sun. Stop tweeting about this. If you look at the restrained statement that was issued by the white house on the night that the Special Counsel was appointed, almost exactly one month ago, it was, we just want this to happen swiftly. He was told to say nothing but donald trump has been unable to resist the temptation to tweet, to make noise and it is having consequences. Well, as i mentioned fridays message was supposed to be all about cuba. President trump announced he was cancelling what he called the obama administrations one sided deal which had lifted decades of restrictions. Mr trump called for free elections and the release of Political Prisoners in exchange for lifting sanctions. The bbcs Barbara Plett usher has more on what could change. Fa nfa re for fanfare for another historic announcement on relations with cuba. Resident ron medich in front of a sympathetic audience. Previous administrations, easing of restrictions on travel and trade, does not help the cuban people. They only enrich the cuban regime. He was revealing a pledge to Cuban Americans who believe barack obama gave too much to an oppressive cuban government. Barack obamas deterrent. I am cancelling the last administrations completely one sided deal with cuba. Administrations completely onesided deal with cuba. President obama ended decades of cold war hostility with cuba and opened up economic channels, choosing engagement with the communist regime. The main result was an american tourist boom. Trump will slow that down by enforcing travel restrictions, but not ended. He wont stop cruise ships and airlines. He is also planning business with the commercial arm of the military which controls much of the military which controls much of the economy, so that will affect us investment. But he stopped short of breaking diplomatic relations. Investment. But he stopped short of breaking Diplomatic Relationsm investment. But he stopped short of breaking diplomatic relations. It is going to be a great day for cuba, thank you. It is a partial rollback, aimed at forcing havana to grant more political freedoms, aimed at forcing havana to grant more politicalfreedoms, but the machine has a tendency to dig in under pressure and this may signal a return to adversarial relationships that only delays reforms. A Us Navy Destroyer has collided with a philippine Container Ship off the east coast of japan. The Uss Fitzgerald hit the vessel southwest of the city of yokosuka. The japanese coastguard dispatched two patrol ships and a helicopter to the scene. Other Us Navy Ships have also been sent to help. The Uss Fitzgerald, seen in this library footage, is said to have experienced flooding in some places but is making its way back to port on its own power. One crew member has been airlifted to hospital. Japanese media is reporting others may be missing. Joining me now is michael auslin, who is director Ofjapan Studies at the American Enterprise institute, hes been following the developments. Just give us a sense of how busy these waters are where this collision took face. Place. Theres a lot of space around fair, so it will be an investigation as to why this may have occurred. We know it occurred in the dead of night, about 2 30am, but whether the philippines ship had Running Lights going on, with the us ship was operating with Running Lights, its a little hard to see how they could have collided. They should have had radar, the ability to have pretty good site, but we dont yet know what the conditions were. This was about 50 60 miles south west of the main us and Japanese Navy base on the main islands ofjapan. It is busy waters because it is near tokyo, but, again, its not like they were in port. Do we know what they were in port. Do we know what the Navy Destroyer might have been doing there . These are fairly regular patrols for the us. Navy ships. There are about 60 of these missile destroyers, they are really the work cause of the us. Navy and area the work cause of the us. Navy and are a lot easier to manoeuvre around and put into different types of water areas that our aircraft carriers, for example. So they do a great dog of what we call the Prisons Operations of the us. Navy, meaning they do port visits, training with other navy ships, they do operations and they do Search And Rescue if necessary. So theres quite a great deal that it could have been doing in the region. It may also have been, said it was so close, it was probably either going into are leaving yokosuka, but there isa into are leaving yokosuka, but there is a great deal of activity down on the South China Sea and a lot of our ships come out of the japanese area and go down into this very composted waters. Presumably there are systems in place to stop Something Like this happening. Contested waters. These are two will countries that work closely together and they would have opened channels of communication . You would think so. This was not a Philippines Navy vessel, it was a private merchant vessel, it was a private merchant vessel, the widow to the degree to which the crew was trained and we dont know what was going on on that ship, we dont know if it was running in waters that it was not familiar with. 0bviously theres a great deal of trade between japan and the philippines, so these are ships that should be familiar with the waters. There will obviously be a major investigation. If you saw pictures of this ship after the collision, this was pretty significant. There is major damage to the ship at any time you hear about a ship is taking on water that means of course that the whole has been breached, so this was notjust bumping each other, this was a serious collision. Hull has been. We will have to wait and see why the ships didnt see each other or communicate clearly, or whether there was Something Else going on. We will have to leave it there. Thank you very much. Police have now confirmed that at least 30 people died in the fire that engulfed Grenfell Tower in west london. But the bbc understands many more people are still missing. There is growing anger at the way the authorities have dealt with the aftermath of the fire. Earlier, around 500 protestors stormed kensington town hall. Some protestors then moved to the centre of london and held a sit in at oxford circus, in the heart of londons west end, and just a few hundred metres from this building. Jeremy cooke reports now on how those affected by the fire have begun expressing their anger. Crowd chants we want justice a crowd Storms Kensington town hall, demanding action and justice. And demanding answers. We need to be heard we all have things to say we are in pain i understand that the response we get from the council is not satisfactory. They want to hear from the local Authority Officials who they hold responsible. Justice how could this tragedy have happened on this scale in this city in 2017 . The whole procedure is chaos. We are sent from hospital to hospital, to shelters. Why is there not a Community House for Family Members . Why . Why do we have to go out there and look actively for them, and then be told misled information . But today, again, in The Shadow Of G Re nfell tower, but today, again, in the shadow of Grenfell Tower, a different kind of response. Sorry it is an Overwhelming Community tragedy with an Overwhelming Community response. If we get all the missing people on the same window. A continuing grassroots mobilisation, doing all they can. And visited today by royalty. A time to reflect and to thank. You guys did a brilliantjob in unprecedented circumstances. But the queen and Prince William left in no doubt of the agony and the grief here. Royal protocol meets raw emotion. William, harry, come on here, please where are the children . The rescue crews are still making their way through the building. Its hard to imagine a more challenging task. Dangerous and slow work, it is why the official death toll remains so much lower than what the people here expect, and what they fear. The building itself is in a very hazardous state. It is going to take a period of time for our specialists, both from the police and the london fire brigade, to fully search that building to make sure we locate and recover everybody that has sadly perished in that fire. We will be doing that as swiftly as we can. With all of that comes frustration and the sense that more needs to be done. Theres a woman on the train and she sees loads of body bags. Why are they lying . Even if you cant identify them, the like, say we have this many bodies unidentified. Because there are people out here that are looking for their family and theirfriends. That are looking for their family and their friends. The investigations, the inquest and enquiries will take months and perhaps years to complete, at the people here believe they already have a fundamental understanding of this tragedy, that the fire swept through the building at breathtaking pace and that so many people from this neighbourhood have lost their lives. Away from the crowds, it is now three days on. The fire is out and london rumbles on. Grenfell tower, 127 homes, stands monument now to the lives, the families who have been lost. Theresa may has offered nearly 6. 5 million in relief fund for those affected by the fire. Little while ago she spoke to my colleague and insisted the government was doing everything it could. We are committed to ensuring that people are rehoused as far as possible within the borough or in neighbouring boroughs. Some people may actually want to go to another pa rt may actually want to go to another part of london where perhaps they have greater support networks, friends and relatives. We are ensuring that within three weeks people will be rehoused, so they have a home to go to. I ask you again, do you accept that you miss read the public mood, the level of anger . You didnt meet residents and they really resented that . This was a terrible tragedy that took base. People have lost their lives and others have lost everything. All their possessions. There are home and everything. What we are doing is putting in place the support that will help them, but its a terrible tragedy. I have heard horrifying stories from the fire brigade, from police, and from the victims themselves who were in that hour, but also from other residents. Some of whom of course have not been able to go back to their homes either. What i am now. What i am now absolutely focused on is ensuring that we get that support on the ground. As that we get that support on the ground. As i say, government is making money available, we are ensuring that we will get to the bottom of what happened, we will ensure that people are rehoused, but we need to make sure that actually happens. Lets take a look at some of the other stories making the news a jury in minnesota has acquitted the Police Officer who fatally shot an african american. Philando castiles dying moments during a traffic stop were captured on a facebook video in a case which shocked america. Jeronimo yanez was found not guilty on three charges, including Second Degree manslaughter. Ajudge in massachusetts has ruled that a 20 year old American Woman who encouraged her boyfriend to kill himself is guilty of his death. Michelle carter faces up to 20 years in prison for involuntary manslaughter. 18 year old conrad roy was found dead from Carbon Monoxide poisoning in his pickup truck injuly 2014. The court heard that carter had urged him in Text Messages to follow through on his plan to kill himself. An Israeli Border policewoman has been killed in a stabbing and gun attack outside the old city ofjerusalem. Her attacker was shot dead, as were two other assailants who had opened fire at a group of officers nearby. Police say all three attackers were palestinians, and they were armed with automatic guns and knives. Stay with us on bbc world news, still to come. Tributes to the man who oversaw the reunification of germany after the collapse of communism, chancellor helmut kohl, who has died at the age of 87. There was a bomb in the city centre. A code word known to be one used by the ira was given. Army bomb experts were examining a suspect van when there was a huge explosion. The South African Parliament has destroyed the foundation of apartheid by abolishing the population registration act, which for a0 years forcibly classified each citizen according to race. Germanys parliament, the bundestag, has voted by a narrow majority to move the seat of government from bonn to berlin. Berliners celebrated into the night but the decision was greeted with shock in bonn. Just a day old and the royal baby is tonight sleeping in his cot at home. Early this evening, the new prince was taken by his mother and father to their apartments in kensington palace. The Real Focus Today was valentina tereshkova, the worlds first woman cosmonaut. What do you think of the russian woman in space . I think its a wonderful achievement and i think we might be able to persuade the wife it would be a good idea if i could to get her to go up there for a little while. This is bbc news. The latest headlines President Trump tweets that hes being investigated for Obstruction Ofjustice by the man who told him to sack james comey. The president revokes obama s decision about ties with cuba. The United Arab Emirates has warned qatar to change its behaviour or face isolation from its neighbours. The uae, together with saudi arabia and several other states, last week imposed unprecedented sanctions against qatar over its alleged support for terrorist groups. Qatar denies the claims. Our chief international correspondent, lyse doucet spoke to the uaes minister of state, dr Anwar Gargash, and asked him how he thought this crisis could be resolved. The main ask is an acceptance by qatar that it has to change course in its support of what is and extremist jihadist terrorist agenda. Ka rtar extremist jihadist terrorist agenda. Kartar has been accused of having links with alqaeda but saudi arabia has also been accused of propagating a more extremist form of islam. Of course, there is a huge difference. Carter is a state is trying to use this agenda to promote its role in the region and beyond. Saudi is not . Saudi is not. The sponsoring. The saudis are dealing with a legacy issue. Saudi has suffered a lot from tourism and they are addressing it. It is really not a fair comparison. A Monitoring Mechanism of where the money is going is this a possible solution . In 2013, countries raised their concerns about Qatar Support for extremist terrorists and this resulted in an agreement. U nfortu nately, resulted in an agreement. Unfortunately, words were not, promises were not kept. As a result, it is logical that any new solution, as it transpires, has to be monitored. We have to see where the money goes. Is this about Regime Change . It is about behavioural change. It is about taking out one of the major, major supporters of extremist jihadist of the major, major supporters of extremistjihadist in the region and one with a lot of Financial Resources to make a difference. Has the arrival of President Trump and bald and you . With the Trump Administration we see the prioritisation of the fight against extremists and against terrorism. On the macro level this is a big change, i would say. Which message from washington to listen to . President trumps tweets already tell us and is asking to pull and signing deals. I think the message from washington has been great. We are pro Diplomatic Solutions but not unconditional solutions, one where we can see kartar change its behaviour. Where we can see kartar change its behaviour. Qatar. President trump is voicing the frustrations of many countries and many diplomats and has said in public what has been said for a very long time in private conversations. Do you worry that the golf could be severed resulting in possibly the expulsion of qatar . Golf could be severed resulting in possibly the expulsion of qatar7m is time for wiser counsel to prevail ina is time for wiser counsel to prevail in a qatar. This sort of approach, denying qatars fingerprint which is all over the place, what serves the region is to address the issues and emerging qatars reputation. That was dr Anwar Gargash speaking to the bbc. The former chancellor of germany, helmut kohl has died aged 87. Hell be remembered for presiding over the reunification of west germany with the former communist east. The current chancellor, angela merkel, has led the tributes, describng him as a great german and a great european. The bbcs paul adams looks back at his life. As the cold war ended, helmut kohl seemed to tower, quite literally, over everyone and everything around him. As a child he witnessed the destruction of his country. The Second World War inspiring his lifelong desire to unify germany and europe. He rose through the ranks of the christian democratic union, becoming chancellor in 1982. His provincial manners were frequently mocked but he was tough and he knew how to wield power, and when history came calling, he was ready. The fall of the berlin wall, a moment of euphoria and, for helmut kohl, a chance to put his fractured country back together. But unity did not stop there, with frances president francois mitterrand, he pursued his other big idea the new European Union and its own currency, the euro. He didnt always agree with his political protege and his career ended in scandal but today she says his legacy is not in doubt. Translation we can all be grateful for what helmut kohl did for us and our country in the long years he was in office, and he will live on in our memory is the great european and he will live on in our memory as the great european and chancellor of unity. I bow down in his remembrance. In brussels tonight, a gesture of respect at the headquarters of the European Union. One of its founders and champions is dead. The eu may not be as confident as it once was, but helmut kohls other cherished union, germany, is stronger than ever. Helmut kohl whos died at the age of 87. One more story to bring you this hour, often called a superfood that should be in all our Kitchen Cupboards coconut oil might be losing its shine. Thats according to new research from the us that says its as unhealthy as beef fat or butter. The American Heart Association says studies show its packed with saturated fat that can lead to bad cholesterol and that there are no good studies to support its superfood status. And you can read the full updated advice from the American Heart Association on our website just log on to bbc. Com news dont forget you can get in touch with me and some of the team on twitter im benmbland the headlines coming up injust a moment. We have some warmer weather indeed coming up over the next few days with High Pressure firmly in charge. That will bring very warm if not hot weather to most of the british isles. It will turn increasingly humid through the weekend but it will be mainly sunny for most of us. The reason for this warm, hot weather is a jetstream. High pressure with high concentrating hot air Nearthe Pressure with high concentrating hot air near the surface. Temperatures through Western Europe up to 36 degrees in parts of iberia and hot weather here. Well into the 30s for france and in the uk temperatures peaking at 30 degrees. The hottest weather we have seen so far this year. These are the kind of temperatures you might see first thing in the morning. 20 of sunshine but quite a bit of cloud in wales and northern england. You should be quite thin so should clear quite quickly and the sunshine should come out. Western scotland, thicker cloud. This is where we will have the coolest weather with outbreaks of rain on and off. Brisk south westerly winds. The rest of scotla nd south westerly winds. The rest of scotland and join some sunshine. Northern ireland looking fine. Across england and wales, temperatures fairly widely getting well into the 20s. Pushing into the 80s in terms of fahrenheit. Fairweather cloud bubbling up. High levels of uv. You might want to take the sunscreen with you. Through saturday evening and overnight, temperatures are slow to fall. An uncomfortable night was sleeping once again. No lower than 19 degrees in the centre of town. If youve got patches developing in the irish sea close. Sunday, a repeat of of us but more in the way of cloud moving in the north west. The best of the Sunshine Eastern Parts of Northern Ireland and eastern parts of scotland. Temperatures if anything getting higher with temperatures peaking at 30 degrees celsius making it the hottest day of the year so far. Temperatures could reach 32 degrees at early in the new week. It sta rts degrees at early in the new week. It starts to get cooler across Western Areas is to get into tuesday. It will also turn cloudy. This is bbc news. The headlines President Trump says hes being personally investigated for sacking the fbi director, james comey. He repeated his accusation that the probe by a Special Prosecutor into alleged russian interference in last years election is a witch hunt. Terrible and misguided. Thats President Trumps view on the previous administrations deal with cuba. Hes signed an order to revoke the agreement set up by barack obama, which he described as a one sided deal. The british prime minister, theresa may, says shes been deeply affected by the tragedy of the fire at a tower block in west london. She has setting up a 6 Million Emergency Fund for victims of the blaze. Tributes have been paid to the man who oversaw the reunification of germany, former chancellor helmut kohl, whos died age 87

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