Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170611 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170611

through parliament. the prime minister was left eight seats short of an overall majority in the general election. theresa may has also confirmed to german chancellor angela merkel that britain is ready to begin brexit negotiations "as planned in the next couple of weeks." our political correspondent, alex forsyth, reports. past friends, now even closer political allies. without enough mps of her own, theresa may has turned to the democratic unionist party to help herform a government. she signalled her intention yesterday in this address. we will continue to work with our friends and allies in the democratic unionist party in particular. our two parties have enjoyed a strong relationship over many years, and this gives me the confidence to believe that we will be able to work together in the interests of the whole united kingdom. with its ten seats won on thursday, the dup will back theresa may on key votes like the budget. it's not a full coalition, but a looser agreement. the details, scant so far. now they're politically centre—stage, prompting renewed scrutiny of their policies by some here in westminster. pro—brexit, socially conservative, the party's opposition to same—sex marriage and abortion in northern ireland has caused concern among some tory mps here, but not all. i don't think we're going to go backwards in terms of social legislation. it's part of our dna now, part of what makes us the great country we are. and i'm sure the dup understand that. theresa may's relying on the dup to govern here because she doesn't have an overall majority. because she doesn't have a majority, she will have to balance competing demands on almost every front, taking into account notjust the position of the dup on some issues, but that of her own mps too. and today, two of her closest advisers quit, leaving her to navigate tricky waters without their support. nick timothy and fiona hill were accused of having too much control over policy and tactics, blamed for the election campaign that cost the prime minister her majority. and today, as the consequences of that sunk in, reflection and recrimination. some tory mps saying theresa may had to heed calls to change. there have been plenty of calls to make sure that the circle around her was wider and more inclusive to prevent anyone believing that the two principal advisers had undue influence. the prime minister's under pressure from all sides. with no majority, her plans for things like grammar schools and social care will be hard to get through parliament, and the queen's speech, her programme for government, is just over a week away. i cannot see how a queen's speech can be laden with interesting pieces of legislation, because many of them are going to be items which will cause dispute within the conservative party, and certainly between the conservative party and the dup. the prime minister may be back in number ten, but not how she'd hoped. without her key aides, dependent on support from the dup, thejob of governing here is harder than ever. alex forsyth, bbc news, westminster. well, as we've been hearing, mrs may needs the support of the democratic unionist party, to give her a working majority in parliament. they say discussions are continuing. so, what will the dup demand in return for their loyalty? here's john campbell. political views here are firmly held and slow to change. on saturday mornings for the last five years, unionist protesters have gathered at belfast city hall. they're opposing a council policy to reduce the numbers of days on which it flies the union flag, a decision they feel undermines their british identity. they welcome the dup‘s new influence. from a loyalist point of view, i think northern ireland is in the best position we have ever been in. we couldn't have wished for anything better than a hung parliament. what should they be asking for? first off, they should be asking to stop the witchhunt against the british army. just across the street, what do people think the dup should be prioritising? i think the national health and the hospital is one of the most important ones. mostly all of the schools and welfare and stuff. i'm pleased they are going into government with them, to be honest. a functioning executive for government in northern ireland, because that's what we really need. money's great, but it doesn't answer all the questions. we will organise massive demonstrations! the dup is a party with religious roots, and that continues to influence its social policy. chanting: stormont, stormont, hear us clear! it opposes extending gay marriage and abortion rights to northern ireland. fundamentally, we did not expect to be in this position. but issues like these are unlikely to feature in talks with the conservatives. the dup‘s demands here will be overwhelmingly financial. they have a clear road map they set out in 2015, when they thought they would be in this position. there is very little in that about social policy. but this new relationship raises wider questions about the conservatives' role here. on monday, cross—party talks are due to get under way, aimed at restoring northern ireland's collapsed government. but how can a conservative secretary of state act as an honest broker at those talks when the conservatives are now so reliant on the dup? this deal has come more quickly than many expected, but tonight, the dup are revealing nothing about what they want in return for their support. but on brexit, the dup does not appear to share theresa may's view that walking away with no deal is a viable option. the pa rty‘s financial demands are likely to include more money for infrastructure. and it will not support further austerity measures, like the means testing of winter fuel allowance. in a moment, we'll hear more from alex forsyth at downing street. but first, here's john campbell in belfast with what the dup is likely to do next to secure a deal with the conservatives. we are expecting a major dup delegation to come to westminster next week, probably on tuesday. it is in the interest of the conservatives to have this nailed down as far as possible before brexit negotiations. we have had a statement tonight from sinn fein, the largest nationalist party in northern ireland, who say this decision is transitory. they criticised this deal in the past when dup has tried to prop up tory governments. they say it will end in tears. interestingly, they have also said it is now time for the irish government to speak up. they say it is up to the irish government to now speak for the rights of all the citizens in northern ireland. theresa may is exactly where she did not want to be. she is facing pressure from all sides. we don't know about the deal with the dup, but she will have to give them concessions for support. she is facing pressure from within her own party as well. conservative party members have different views on grammar schools, social care, things theresa may wanted to do. on brexit, they are deeply divided about the direction the government should take. she needs all of them to back her now to get anything done. today, we have seen they are prepared to get pressure put on her, with two key advisers leaving, leaving her feeling isolated tonight. she has appointed a new chief of staff, and is trying to say it is business as usual. it is far from it. the election result has left her authority seriously weakened. well, if you want more on this story, go to our website, which includes all the latest on the fallout from the uk election, including an in—depth look at the democratic unionist party and their polices. that and much more at, or download the bbc news app. let's take a look at some of the other stories making the news: the youngest son of the former libyan leader, colonel gaddafi, is reported to have been released from prison. a militia group controlling the town of zintan in western libya says it freed seif al—islam on friday under an amnesty law. he'd spent six years in jail following the revolution which overthrew his father in 2011. previous reports of his release have turned out to be false. iran's intelligence minister has said the mastermind behind wednesday's attacks at the parliament and mausoleum of ayatollah khomeini in tehran has been killed. the attack carried out by suicide bombers and gunmen killed 17 people on wednesday. the so—called islamic state group has claimed responsibility for the attack. german chancellor, angela merkel, has criticised the us president, donald trump, while on a visit to mexico. she said putting up walls would not solve the problem of migration, a reference to mr trump's repeated promises to build a wall along the mexican border. mrs merkel also backed mexico's free trade position, ahead of talks on renegotiating the north american free trade agreement. let's go to the philippines, where us special forces are helping the military there to dislodge militants allied to so—called islamic state in the city of marawi. philippine troops have struggled to oust the rebels who took control of the city in may. the us involvement comes despite months of hostility towards washington by the philippines‘ president, rodrigo duterte. more from our asia—pacific regional editor, michael bristow. after nearly three weeks of fighting, this is what is left of marawi. until insurgents took over, there was a population of 2000 in this lakeside city. most have left in the streets are largely empty. they are having to battle for every house. 30 marines were killed in a 16 hour clash with rebels on friday. government soldiers are now getting some help from a long—standing ally, the us, after a changing heart from rodrigo duterte, who spent most of his presidency criticising washington. according to a spokesman, us troops are not fighting on the streets, but providing technical support. the process of the us counterparts facilitate the exchanges of intelligence, facilitate subject matter and expertise exchange, and also provides training exchanges. despite government bombardment, the mounting insurgents have managed to hold out, even though there are unconfirmed reports that the two brothers who lead them have been killed. government deadlines for retaking the city have all come and gone. inside marawi, fires rage. hundreds of civilians are still trapped. the militants are fighting from bunker and tunnels and are thought to have hostages. even with american help, the fight to recapture marawi will not be easy. michael bristow, bbc news. stay with us on bbc news. still to come: he was the first batman on the small screen, but adam west has died at the age of 88. the day the british liberated the falklands and by tonight british troops had begun the task of disarming the enemy. in the heart of the west german capital, this was gorbymania at its height. the crowd packed to see the man who, for them, had raised great hopes for the end of the division of europe. michaeljackson was not guilty on all charges. the screams of the crowd testament to his popularity and their faith in his innocence. as long as they'll pay to go see me, i'll get out there and kick 'em down the hill. what does it feel like to be the first man to go across the channel by your own power? it's pretty neat. feels marvellous, really. this is bbc news. the latest headlines: the office of britain's prime minister, theresa may, talks are continuing with a small northern irish political party on a deal that should allow her minority government to function. american special forces have joined the fight against islamic militants who've controlled the southern philippine city of marawi for almost three weeks. let's return to our top story: theresa may has confirmed her intention for brexit talks to begin in the next couple of weeks — as planned. mark urban has been speaking to one of angela merkel‘s ministers — peter altmaier in germany. he began by asking him whether brexit negotiations will still begin a week on monday. it depends on the uk's decision when we will start. what we know so far is that uk has triggered article 50 and that means a delay of two years will be available to negotiate, transitional periods to negotiate citizens‘ rights. we hope all this can be done in due time, but we have never interfered with domestic political debates in the uk. we have allowed for sufficient time to decide when to trigger article 50. we have allowed a reshuffle last year in august. and certainly, we have understood that the uk is in a situation where some things have to be considered and therefore, we will respect widely and as good as we can, the decisions of the british government. what would happen if the uk tried to change its mind about the whole thing and tried to withdraw the article 50 declaration? my god, this is a trap. this is a trap and i have avoided these types of traps for almost one year now because the question whether article 50 application has to be changed or not, this is something to be decided in the uk. we are not interfering with that. theresa may has explained brexit means brexit. this is the official position of the british government and this is understood and accepted by europe. to what extent do you think attitudes across europe are now changing? over the last two months, we have seen a considerable shift in public opinion. we have seen it in france. we have seen it in germany where angela merkel has the support of a growing number of citizens and is leading the polls. we have seen it in the uk. nobody knows the result. younger people are more interested in politics than ever over the last 20 years. we have a more vivid political debate. it is of course awfully difficult but it presents also a chance. it presents a chance for reflection about the challenges of a worldwide scale. this is something we want to do together with the uk, either inside or outside the european union. it's been revealed the ringleader of the london terror attack, had tried to hire a seven and half ton lorry, instead of a van, to run down members of the public. police say the number of injured would have been much higher. eight people died in the knife and van attack almost exactly a week ago. here's our home affairs correspondent, daniel sandford. on the edges of borough market, they were repairing the damage today, replacing the doors that had been shot off by armed police in the desperate hunt to find the killers. the police are gone, but the market itself, where five of the victims were stabbed to death, remains sealed off for now. a scene of horror and heroism. we have stories of people who came out armed with chairs, other items, were throwing bottles and anything they could get their hands on, with a view to try to prevent the attackers coming into pubs and bars, but more importantly, to scare them off, to stop other people being attacked. the weapons the attackers used were 12—inch pink ceramic knives of the ernesto brand, possibly bought at lidl. they were found tied onto the men's hands with leather straps after they'd been shot by police. minutes earlier, they'd killed three other people on london bridge before crashing their b&q van. in the van, police found 13 petrol bombs made with lighter fluid and cloth cut from tracksuit bottoms and two blowtorches. detectives believe that behind this green door in east ham was the men's safe house. in a top floor bedsit rented by rachid redouane two months ago, detectives discovered items that had been used to make their petrol bombs and their fake suicide vests. and an english—language copy of the koran left open at a page referencing martyrdom. the ringleader of the gang, khuram butt, had actually tried to hire a seven and a half tonne truck that morning which would have made the attack worse, but fortunately, his payment did not go through. he was also being investigated by counter—terrorism detectives for fraud and was still on police bail, although the case was about to be dropped. at the present time, i do not regard what i have seen as an intelligence failure. but, you know, everybody would expect us to look at what has happened and to ensure that both we learn whatever we can from what has happened and secondly, that we continue to improve and improve and that is what we have always done in this country in the face of a changing terrorist threat. the men killed three of their victims as they drove across london bridge and stabbed five more to death in borough market. it was the third attack on britain in ten and a half weeks. daniel sandford, bbc news, london. officials in the us say president trump is expected to announce a change in policy towards cuba — during a speech when he visits miami at the end of next week. so what's he likely to say? our correspondent in havana is will grant. we don't know the fine detail but the expectation is absolutely that this will be a rollback, at least a partial rollback, on one of president obama's key legacies which is the warming of ties with cuba. we expect to see, for example, some kind of partial reverse of the relaxation of travel restrictions which has done so much to allow us citizens to come to cuba, opening the doors of cuba to americans who weren't able to visit the island for so many decades. we also expect trade to be impacted as well. there is still a us economic embargo in place on cuba so its not like there's huge amounts of trade already. but what there is may now find it very difficult because we are expecting president trump to say that us entities cannot work with the cuban states, specifically the commercial and tourism wings of the cu ban military. and given that they're so important, so ubiquitous to the cuban economy, that could have a real impact. a major rescue operation has taken place in the mid—atlantic after a fleet of yachts that set out from the uk was hit by a severe storm. one boat sunk and several other crews had to abandon their vessels. caroline davies reports. close to safety after surviving what has been called a once in a lifetime storm. this is the moment a 73—year—old yachtsman was ricky —— rescued by a luxury ocean liner, the queen mary two. he had been taking pa rt queen mary two. he had been taking part ina queen mary two. he had been taking part in a transatlantic race when a storm hit. at the end of last month, 22 boats set off from portsmouth in the uk as part of a race heading to newport in america. but they hit 15 metre waves and 16 knot winds. many of the boats were damaged. tamarind, the boat rescued by the lineup which is one of them. a boat called happy suffered a damaged mast and another one sank. even those who ran the race one sank. even those who ran the ra ce we re one sank. even those who ran the race were surprised by the conditions. della mackay has been involved with these races for 25 yea rs. involved with these races for 25 years. —— ——i have been involved with these races. with these conditions, i can't remember them. it is unusual, it is extreme but it does happen will stop now safely on board. -- now safely on board, at least one yachtsman will enjoy an easierjourney least one yachtsman will enjoy an easier journey according least one yachtsman will enjoy an easierjourney according to one captain of the liner. jelinek he is absolutely fine. he is very happy to be here. -- he is absolutely fine. he will have a much more leisurely transit to the other side of the atla ntic transit to the other side of the atlantic then he would have in his 38 foot boat. despite the damage, organisers say that race will go on. adam west, star of the 1960s hit tv series batman has died. he was 88. his family said he had been suffering from leukaemia. and we need him now. beep. guestimation. batman theme music plays. although batman ran forjust two years, repeats of the show made adam west an icon, and his career after batman often saw him play characters based on himself. more recently he voiced the character, mayor adam west, in the animated series family guy. thanks to his pop culture status, adam west often joked about his career — a point that made his audience laugh when he was inducted into the hollywood walk of fame. it is elegantly appropriate that my star will be in front of the guinness book of world records! cheering and applause. one record i have inside probably noted is the fact that i've played batman more than any other actor alive, at least 170 times. applause. i've been out there fighting crime wherever i find it. thank you very much. and, um... the other record that may be in the book, i'm not sure, but i think i have the record as the actor who has waited the longest to get his star on the sidewalk. laughter, cheering and applause. our correspondent peter bowes has some of the reaction from los angeles. a lot of people paying tribute, he will be missed. and we could tell, just from that clip there of him talking on hollywood boulevard, his sense of humour, it was always with him. i think he will be remembered as the actor who played batman with certainly a sense of humour, with a wink in his eye, a sort of quizzical expression. it certainly wasn't a dark character when he played batman. it changed according to different actors over the years but i think he will be remembered in that way and in fact illustrated in a statement that his family released saying, "our dad always saw himself as the bright knight and inspired to make a positive impact on his fans‘ lives. he was and always will be our hero." don't forget you can get in touch with me and some of the team downing street in london have confirmed discussions are continuing with the democratic unionist party in northern ireland. it is in order to have a supply of confidence arrangement that will allow theresa may's minority government to stay in power. you can keep in touch with me on twitter. i'm duncan golestani. a rough rule of thumb for the day ahead is that where you were warm and sunny yesterday, you will be cloudy and cooler today. where it was wet, a bit brighter. not necessarily dry because there will still be some showers around. it is driven by low pressure to the west of the uk which keeps things blustery on sunday. notice this weather front here brought the rain across northern england and wales through saturday and it is nothing more than a weakening feature in east anglia and the south—east first thing this morning. this morning, across scotland and northern ireland, the showers have been going through the night. they will get heavier as the go through the morning. one or two just pushing into northumbria and cumberland. compared with what you saw on saturday, a much dry and bright day. a lot more cloud in east anglia and the south—east. murky around sussex and kent. it will clear and for the rest of the day, dry it with increasing amounts of sunshine. after a sunny start in northern and western england and wales, a few showers pushing in. scotland and northern ireland, it becomes heavy and thundery in the afternoon. you'll be ha rd—pressed to completely avoid them. temperatures be up a bit on what you saw yesterday down towards the south—east corner but pleasant enough where the sun will be out. it will be out for the airshow. greater chance of showers and dublin four republic of ireland's world cup qualifier. for those heading to wales and the match in belgrade, there will be some showers but a lot of the day will be dry, sunny and warm. through sunday night and into monday, still a bit breezy and still some showers. longer spells of showers for scotland. temperatures are bit down on monday morning. it will feel fresher and scotland because of the breeze. it will cause a few travel issues that are rush—hour. you could see gusts of up to 50 mph. the ferries could be impacted. elsewhere, a breezy, blustery start but the wind easing down. one or two morning showers but nowhere near as frequent as we have seen on sunday. the showers by the afternoon mainly across scotland and northern england. quite a bit of clout on monday. a few sunny breaks in the south and east. temperatures will have dropped down compared to the weekend but that will change for tuesday and into wednesday, a ridge of high pressure builds in. it doesn't quite build enough to stop the showers in northern ireland and scotland. a few showers showing up for belfast but cardiff, london and much of england and wales, increasing amounts of sunshine and temperatures on the up. bye for now. this is bbc news. the headlines: britain's conservative party says it is working on a deal with a small northern irish party to help it pass legislation. the democratic unionist party says discussions will continue next week. the prime minister has faced mounting criticism since she lost her parliamentary majority in thursday's election. american special forces have joined the battle in the southern philippine city of marawi against militants who've declared allegiance to the islamic state group. the fighters have held parts of the city for nearly three weeks despite intense urban fighting. the us forces will provide technical support to philippine forces. a major rescue operation has taken place in the mid—atlantic after a yacht race that set out from the uk was hit by a severe storm. one boat sunk and several other crews had to abandon their vessels. let's. ..

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