Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170610 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170610

the conservatives emerged from thursday's election as the largest party, but with no parliamentary majority, and they're hoping to rely on northern ireland's democratic unionists to stay in power. our political editor, laura kuenssberg, reports on a night and day of intense political drama. is this strong and stable, prime minister? she who dares doesn't always win. the most votes, the most seats, but, under this stinging glare, no iron gates nor police protection can shield theresa may from the accusation she looks a political loser. the trappings of power, the visit to the palace, help from northern irish mps mean she can gather enough support to stay on. but having believed herself to be on the brink of a sizeable majority, going backwards seems like defeat. i have just been to see her majesty the queen and i will now form a government. a government that can provide certainty and lead britain forward at this critical time for our country. not a single mention of the result. it is clear that the conservative and unionist party has the legitimacy and ability to provide that certainty by commanding a majority in the house of commons. this will allow us to come together as a country and channel our energies towards a successful brexit deal that works for everyone in this country. still prime minister but damaged, diminished, a smallerfigure. incredible result for the labour party because people voted for hope. very high turnout, huge increase in the labour vote and they did it because they want to see things done differently and they want hope in their lives. because what was surprise at the start... bell tolls and what we're saying is the conservatives are the largest party. note that they don't have an overall majority at this stage. ..gradually, seat after seat, was glorious shock for labour. loss after loss for the conservatives. no obvious pattern or geography to start with. cheering but a hung parliament. # we'll keep the red flag flying here...# with no overall winner becoming clear. what had seemed her unassailable lead at the startjust melted away. personal as well as political loss written all over her face. the tories and labour in scotland dragged the snp down from their high point. the bubble pricked even for alex salmond. cheering other parties took heavy fire. the lib dems adding seats but losing their biggest household name, nick clegg, perhaps loved and loathed. nuttall, paul andrew, ukip. .. and, in reverse, another ukip leader took his leave. no party though can govern alone. meet the ten—strong democratic unionist party, northern irish mps who will prop theresa may up. the prime minister has spoken with me this morning and we will enter discussions with the conservatives to explore how it may be possible to bring stability to our nation. others, though, calling for her to go. we will work with others if it is at all possible to keep the tories out of government. but only late this afternoon did the prime minister acknowledge that anything had gone wrong. i had wanted to achieve a larger majority, but that was not the result that we secured and i'm sorry for all those candidates and hard—working party workers who weren't successful. she won more votes, more seats, she keeps this address, but her gamble failed. the electorate can damn with faint praise. laura keunssberg, bbc news, downing street. as we heard, the politics of northern ireland are now more significant than usual at westminster. theresa may's decision to rely on the support not only for the brexit process, but also for the future of devolved of the democratic unionist party has far—reaching implications, not only for the brexit process, but also for the future of devolved government in northern ireland. but who are they and what do they stand for? here's our ireland correspondent, chris buckler. if last night's count revealed any winner, it was the democratic unionist party. the dup now hold more than half of northern ireland's seats at westminster. and their ten mps could offer theresa may what he wa nted m ost mps could offer theresa may what he wanted most from this election, some stability. although arlene foster has indicated what we want to see happening is a recognition of the particular circumstances of northern ireland, recognising our history and geography. we have always said we wa nt geography. we have always said we want the best deal for northern ireland and that is what we will push for. along with money for northern ireland's economy, the dup is thought to want influence in the upcoming brexit negotiations. questions about what will happen to northern ireland's land border with the republic have become a major sign. the party has always seen itself as british rather than european. we say never! ian paisley, the dup‘s european. we say never! ian paisley, the dup's religious groups are deeply important. stormont, stormont... deeply important. stormont, stormont. .. it deeply important. stormont, stormont... it has deeply important. stormont, stormont. .. it has clashed with campaigners over the decision to block the introduction of same—sex marriage in northern ireland. the other big basal politics here, sinn fein. they won seven seats but as irish republicans they won't sit in the british parliament, helping theresa may by reducing the numbers she needs for a majority. history will show alliances between the ulster unionists and british unionists has always ended in tears. what might bring stability to westminster could end up causing real problems here at stormont. power—sharing collapse at the start of this year and talks to try to restore it had been organised by theresa may's government. but if they are being propped up by the dup, it is hard to see how sinn fein could accept them as honest brokers in those negotiations. among those concerned, jonathan powell, tony blair's chief of staff, he negotiated the good friday peace agreement and he is warning decades of progress could be undone. agreement and he is warning decades of progress could be undonelj agreement and he is warning decades of progress could be undone. i don't think it is worth undermining everything we have achieved in northern ireland and there is a reason we are not on the news pages. do we want to put it back? we stand the risk of doing so. arlene foster and theresa may both have much to gain from this friendship. everything going well? yes, thank you. although it is likely to be tested. the british prime minster‘s decision to call the election was, of course, to bolster her hand in the brexit negotiations. so what effect does this outcome have on the government's approach and the all important timetable? our chief correspondent gavin hewitt has been looking at the impact of the election result on the future of the brexit process. theresa may's authority diminished just when the start of brexit negotiations are days away. complex negotiations have suddenly become more challenging. i think it has made it more difficult for whoever is going to be negotiating with the european union because they will look and say, well, hold on, it's not such a clear message from the general election, it's not clear that you can get everything through the house of commons, so i suspect the negotiations have become that little bit more tough. some of those who campaigned to leave the eu fear momentum will be lost. this is the brexit timetable. negotiations begin on the 19th ofjune, a week on monday. they have to be completed in two years. the 29th of march, 2019, is the leading date. pro—eu campaigners out today claimed the election sent a message. i think what country has just said is we don't want a hard brexit, we don't want to leave the single market, so i think it's about going ahead to putting the punches in first, which is finding a package which means the uk isn'tjumping off a cliff. others are arguing that what some call a hard brexit, which involves leaving the european single market, is now less likely. there is a greater chance now that we will get a softer brexit than there was before the election, but whether or not we definitely will, we'll have to wait and see, because there are still many members of the conservative party who are committed to a hard brexit. others were insisting today the election results changed nothing. when the european union faces theresa may or david davis across the negotiating table, they will be facing the prime minister of the uk and the secretary of state for brexit and they will deal with them on that basis. so i don't really think this makes the task more difficult than it otherwise would be. the reaction from europe, a reminder that the clock is ticking. there's no time to lose, we are ready, they said today. i do strongly hope that britain is ready to open negotiations. as far as the commission is concerned, we can open negotiations tomorrow morning at 9:30am. those who know the workings of brussels well say the negotiations will be tough. money is never easy in this sort of discussion, everybody knows that. the fate of people stranded on either side of the new border, everybody agrees that has to be sorted out as quickly as possible. and then there is ireland. theresa may's motivation in calling the election was to strengthen her hand, to make her less vulnerable to pressure from committed brexiteers within her own party. but, with a hung parliament, she is now more exposed to trouble from all sides. among those who will expect their voices to be heard are theresa may's new allies, the democratic unionists of northern ireland. the prime minister has promised the brexit negotiations will stick to the existing timetable and leaving the single market remains the government's position. in other news: president trump says he is 100% willing to testify under oath to give his side of the story over leaked conversations with james comey, the former fbi director he sacked last month. mr trump said he rejected mr comey‘s assertion that he had urged him to drop an investigation into his presidential campaign's links with russia. this press conference was supposed to be about strengthening nato alliances, especially with the country like romania, who is prepared, they say, to pay their dues. the only thing, the one thing looming large over the trump administration is the testimony from the former fbi director, james comey. yesterday he told the senate intelligence committee that he did not trust the president not to lie about their meeting. so much so, that he kept memos, he kept a note of the meeting, he talked about a meeting with the president, where donald trump is alleged to have turned to him and said, could you see your way to letting the investigation into michael flynn, his former national security advisor, who had to be fired because of co nta ct advisor, who had to be fired because of contact with russia, could he let that investigation go? from the protea n, that investigation go? from the protean, president trump says the account is not has he remembers it —— from the podium. he is prepared to go under oath and talk to the special counsel who is now looking into this whole russia investigation, he is prepared to tell him his version of events. he did say under oath that you told him to let, you said you hoped the fling investigation... i didn't say that. so, he lied about that? well, i didn't say that, and i will tell you ididn't didn't say that, and i will tell you i didn't say that. and it he asked you to pledge... and there would be nothing wrong if i gives a according to everybody today but i didn't say that. and did he ask for a pledge of loyalty from you? no, he did not. he said those things under oath. would you be willing to speak under oath to give your version? 100%. i you be willing to speak under oath to give your version? 10096. i didn't say under oath. i hardly know the man. iam say under oath. i hardly know the man. i am not going to say, i'm not going to ask you to pledge allegiance. who would do that? think of it. i hardly know the man. this is rapidly becoming a case of he says and he says in a case of who you believe. do you believe the former fbi director, james comey, who taught under oath about a president trump who defamed him and who he said lied about their meetings, and now, when it comes to the president, it is an account he saysis the president, it is an account he says is entirely untrue. and then there is a question of tapes, do any tapes of the meetings exist? that is the one thing that could clear it up. when it came to the mention of the tapes, reporters climate and they asked, when will we see them? he said, all in due course —— clamoured. laura bicker in the rose garden of the white house. stay with us on bbc news. still to come: meet the gardener — a new approach to weed control in new york's woodlands. the day the british liberated the falklands and by tonight british troops had begun the task of disarming the enemy. in the heart of the west german capital, crowd to see the man with great hopes for the division of europe. michaeljackson was not guilty on all charges. the screams of the crowd testament to his popularity and theirfaith in his innocence. as long as they'll pay to go and see me, i'll get out there and kick them down the hill. what does it feel to be the first man to go across the channel? it's pretty neat. this is bbc news. million the latest headlines: theresa may has been forced to form a minority government — after losing her parliamentary majority in britain's general election. president trump has called the sacked fbi directorjames comey a liar — and said he's willing to testify under oath. an inquest into the deaths of the 22 people killed at a concert in manchester last month has heard the explosive carried by salman abedi was "designed to kill and maim indiscriminately". investigations are continuing in the uk and libya to try to establish if abedi was linked to other extremists who may be planning further attacks on british soil. the bomber himself was in libya untiljust days before the attack. our correspondent orla guerin has visited the family home, on the outskirts of the capital. well, this area on the outskirts of tripoli is where the manchester bomber, salman abedi, was staying with his family for about a month before the attack. the family home is nearby, it's just around this corner. we got a glimpse of it but we have been prevented from filming outside by a relative. now, a neighbour here has said that salman and his brother, hashim, went to the local mosque to say their daily prayers but otherwise kept themselves to themselves. the authorities told us that salman and hashem arrived here in the middle of april. they say they had both men under surveillance during that time along with their father, ramadan. the reason for this was hashim was suspected of being a member of the so—called is. hashim is still being held with his father by the special deterrence force, that is a tripoli counterterrorism unit. the spokesman for the force, ahmed bin salem, told us that hashim has admitted he and salman were members of is, he said theyjoined in 2015 after going on a pilgrimage to saudi arabia. he said investigators here are still trying to establish whether the men are linked to other cells in the uk planning attacks. they said they had important information to share with the british authorities but they wouldn't say if they had been asked to provide that or if there was any direct cooperation between the two sides. he told us that the bomber had left here without the knowledge of his family and had angered his mother, samia. he said he had placed a call to his mother shortly before the attack, he said that she had been angry, he had said forgive me, those were his last words, but at that time she did not know what he had in mind. let's take a look at some of the other stories making the news. the united nations peacekeeping mission in mali says that three of its troops have been killed, and eight wounded, in an attack in kidal, in the north of the country. the mission's camp came under heavy fire from mortars and rocket—propelled grenades. shortly afterwards peacekeepers outside the camp were attacked. a jihadist group linked to al qaeda said it was responsible. austria has introduced a law banning full—face islamic veils in public. from october, anyone breaking it will face a fine of up to $160. the new legislation includes measures against distributing extremist islamist literature and obliges asylum—seekers to undergo a year—long integration course. the far—right freedom party is riding high in the polls in the run—up to elections in mid—october. its been just over a week since president trump pulled the united states out of the paris climate accord. it was a decision criticised by many, but welcomed by the us coal industry. in line with the president's pledge to bring back mining jobs, a new deep pit has begun operations in pennsylvania. the project has been in the planning for years, but the new administration's policies have helped reassure investors. the bbc has been to somerset county. all of us, somebody works in cool. we were hopeful that this mine opening and that others will follow. they're we are looking at jobs, 180, 150 of them. that is the goal. 150 families all with a good job to support them. many will workers have been goals guys who've been in a coalmine before. it is an opportunity for some of the younger people to stick around, rather than moving somewhere else to find work. that is a bonus for a rural area like this. it is hopeful people here because we saw minds shut down one after the other and we are talking thousands of jobs after the other and we are talking thousands ofjobs that have gone. with the opening of this mine there definitely is a trickle—down effect. one owner of a coalmine who employs hundreds of people, those people go out into the community and they are lying. they have dinner at restau ra nts, lying. they have dinner at restaurants, they go on vacations. write down the road from us and we are excited because i think the first thing many of these guys getting jobs will want to do is purchase a new truck. i think there isa purchase a new truck. i think there is a lot of excitement that this could lead tojobs but i don't think there is a lot of belief that this is sustainable. most of the towns are only here because there was cool but i don't think there are many miners these days that are telling their children that's what they should do. they want their children to get a college or a trade. they wa nt to get a college or a trade. they want to be diversify. i don't think that the whole community is thinking this is the only thing we can do here. we can do a lot of stuff because we have a lot of really great people. general elections are clearly a serious business. a huge amount of effort goes into making sure every vote is counted correctly, so that nothing can go wrong when the results are declared. or at least that's the theory. rob sissons reports now from a north of england constituency where a slip of the tongue led to the wrong person being declared the winner. joseph alan meale has duly been elected... that oscars moment. they read out the wrong result, but then again mansfield has always been labour, so alan meale has been voted time and time again since 1987. not last night. i should have voted conservative! crikey! i'm a socialist at heart, it sticks in your craw to vote conservative. margaret, a retired nhs cleaner, hadn't voted tory before either. it's better the devil we know and we should give theresa may a chance, she hasn't had a chance yet. lifelong labour supporter and i can't believe that mansfield has gone to conservative after all these years. i can't believe it, i can't. it's a miners' town so i'm surprised. last night's winner ben bradley is 27 and thinks he'll be the second youngest mp in parliament. he believes brexit won it. mansfield is changing, demographics are changing and locally people have been crying out for a change. defeated for labour, sir alan meale predicts the party will win the seat back. anybody who wins an election like that will be in for one term, i suspect we will have another very soon. in mansfield many people say it feels like a new political era. a park in america has recruited some new talent to help restore its forest. hurricane sandy tore down the trees in prospect park in brooklyn and left it with a weed problem. now they've found a way to solve it, without using chemicals. caroline davies reports. this is a rather different side to brooklyn in new york. prospect park is the area's last forest and it has some new visitors. max, cinnamon, swell and unicorn. these codes are helping to clear the weeds here without using herbicides. hurricane sandy came through and knocked down around 30 big trees. big gaps of light were opening and weeds flourished. so we wanted to do the removal of invasive weeds but we did not want to use chemicals. people in the community like it when we reduce the community like it when we reduce the use of chemicals. once the weeds are are eaten, new trees can be eaten. these codes are not picky they will even a poison ivy. locals have welcomed their new neighbours. i love that there are goats here. it is awesome. i love goats and seymour wildlife... is awesome. i love goats and seymour wildlife. .. well, is awesome. i love goats and seymour wildlife... well, i guess it is not really wild, but seeing more animals here is great. i think! remember them trumping plants. yum, yum. and there is plenty more for goats to get through, saving this patch of green one lead at a time. this is bbc news. thank you for watching. we will be keeping you updated on any developers around the world throughout the night. —— developments around the world. hello. it's felt a little more like autumn for some this week and although high pressure will build into next week and we'll hopefully see more of these skylines, this was sent in late in the day on friday, before that we will have yet more rain, strong and blustery winds with some sunshine, warm sunshine dispersed, so not a great weekend for heading to the mountains or a small boat. after the rain there will also be more showers following on. this is the area of cloud, the area of low pressure that will bring that disturbed weather through the weekend. not a washout for all but certainly quite a bit of rain to come. the north—east of scotland may start quite chilly with a bit of fog around, the south and east brightening up quite quickly but with the south—westerly wind pushing that rain into the welsh mountains and cumbrian fells, we could see the wettest weather here, 20 to a0 millimetres. once it clears away, northern ireland will have a warm and bright afternoon, warmer and brighterfor the northern isles and northern scotland than yesterday, perhaps 20 here and even with the rain, not especially cold, quite grey with murky low cloud and hill fog. while we come out of that cloud and back into the sunshine in central and eastern areas and we could see 2a or 25, so some very warm and muggy airaround. touch and go for the cricket at edgbaston, england—australia, just because you're close to that rain band, hopefully we will get some play and bad light won't spoil the affair. through the evening that rain will advance further eastwards so we will see patchy rain in southern and eastern areas and then the wind will push the showers into the north and west of scotland, so again not a cold night but particularly warm stuck under that weather front in central and eastern england and here it is on sunday. although the main rain is clearing on sunday with low pressure sat to the north—west, it does means it won't be a particularly settled day, tightly packed isobars indicating strong winds at times, gusting winds with showers, northern ireland, scotland, north—western parts of england and wales could be heavy with thunder. the cloud is meandering south and east so after a bright start some patchy rain before the rain returns in the evening and not as warm as a result across the south and east, fresher air following on behind that weather front. into that fresher air on monday, still a blustery breeze with showers around, especially in the north, not so much in the south but nevertheless not ruling out the risk. gradually the azores high will be just building northwards, pushing more warmth and sunshine north, keeping these weather fronts at bay and keeping them to the north and west. as ever, more detail on the website. this is bbc news with chris rogers. theresa may is forming a minority government one day after losing her majority in a snap election. the party will work with the democratic unionists, who have won ten seats and she says she will keep her senior ministers. she said talks on time is running out. there is a risk ofa no time is running out. there is a risk of a no deal outcome. president trump has said he is 100% willing to testify under oath about his talks with the sacked former fbi director james comey. mr trump rejected the allegation that he urged mrjames comey into his links with russia. that is your lot

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