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And gromit, has died. He was 96. And coming up at midnight tim farron and Nicola Sturgeon face audience questions in a Question Time leaders special. Good evening and welcome to bbc news. Two of the three attackers on London Bridge on Saturday Night have been named by the police. Khuram butt, 27 years old, british, living in barking, was known to the police and mi5. He had been a supporter of a banned islamist Extremist Group and had been reported to the Anti Terrorist hotline by suspicious neighbours. But the police say they had no intelligence to suggest he was planning Saturday Nights attack. One other attacker was named Rachid Redouane who was thirty and claimed to be moroccan libyan and also lived in barking the police say he had not previously come to their attention. Tonight questions as to why Khuram Butt In Particular was not a greater priority for the Security Services and how they missed a plot that has killed seven people. Our home editor mark easton has more. They knew him. One of the seven people who murdered seven people on the weekend was known as an extremist. Khuram butt, featured in a channel 4 extremist. Khuram butt, featured in a Channel A Documentary Last year on radical islamist in britain. Its title was thejihadis next door. How was he allowed to go on to kill until Counterterrorism Officers shot him dead . Police have tonight confirmed the names of two of the attackers. Khuram butt, a 27 year old from a british pakistani family, lived in barking and lift with a young baby and was married. He worked for kfc and was a Customer Service advisor in transport for london. Less is known about Rachid Redouane. Police and Security Services said he was unknown to them before the attack but is understood to be 30 years old, claiming to have a libyan or moroccan background. Until last year, he lived in dublin with a scottish partner at according to the irish Prime Minister, he was not known to the Security Services. There are a small number of people in ireland who are being monitored and observed in respect of radicalisation and matters relevant to that. In this case, these flats are being checked but my understanding is that this on to individual was not a member of that small group. Khuram butt was very much of the uk Security Services radio and there will be serious questions about how someone with such well known Extremist Views was able to carry out a murderous attack on the streets of london. Security barriers appeared on some London Bridges overnight as London Bridge itself reopened to people and Traffic Heading in and out of the square mile. London is getting back to normal. This bunch of flowers almost the only sign of the carnage that was here at London Bridge on Saturday Night and into Sunday Morning but a huge police and security operation is continuing, trying to map the network of people behind the idea is that spawned mass murder of londons streets. Bouquets at the border of what is now a huge crime scene. Forensics officers gathering clues and evidence. This afternoon, the commission of the metropolitan police visited the area with the mayor of london. It is deeply, deeply chilling and horribly sad to see what we have just seen and to think about the Barbarous A Cts and to think about the barbarous acts on Saturday Night. We saw extraordinary courage, extraordinary professionalism and extraordinary compassion from our public servants. Political and religious leaders, Emergency Service workers as well of thousands of ordinary londoners attended a Vigil In A Public Park this evening just a short distance from where the attacks occurred. As a proud and patriotic british muslim, i say this, you do not commit these disgusting acts in my name. And you will never succeed in dividing our city. People came to remember, too you unite and seek a nswe is. Remember, too you unite and seek answers. Tonight, they seem to be more questions. This evening, Scotland Yard said that all 12 people arrested so far in connection with the London Bridge attack have been released without charge. But police have continued to Search Properties connected to the attackers. Our Special Correspondent ed thomas has the latest on the investigation. More raids and more searches. This was a garage in east london this morning, surrounded by police. For a second day, forensic teams look for clues inside the home of one of the three london attackers. This man, khuram butt. He was 27 and a father of two young children. Born in pakistan, raised in london. He worked on the london underground. He turned to islamist extremism. My kids loved playing with him. This lady is a neighbour who said that he was well known but now she feels fooled. He was nice to the kids. I was blind. Scary, we have children playing near. Benjamin said hello to khuram butt, even on the day of the attack. Yes, i can remember seeing him. What was he like . He was quiet. What was he wearing . Arsenal t shirt. Was he calm when you saw him on saturday . Yeah he was calm. Michael watched police move into his neighbours house. We thought he was moving out because he was parked in a middle of the road. He also watched the london attacker in the white van speeding up and down their street. What was the van doing . It screeched up, they drove really fast and another car was behind him, a red car. So it was speeding up and braking . Braking on the bend. Notjust known to his neighbours, khuram butt was known to mi5 and Counterterrorism Police as an extremist. He wasnt happy with how women were dressed. He wanted women to wear hijabs. This teenager new khuram butt, they speak in parks and in a nearby mosque. He didnt want to show his face and asked us to protect his identity. He would talk about syria, afghanistan, getting bombed. He said that they would debate syria, iraq and islamic state. You think he was trying to radicalise you . Not sure. I wouldnt wa nt to radicalise you . Not sure. I wouldnt want to turn out like a bad person and going to Different Countries and they are killing people. I wouldnt like want to do that kind of thing. Tonight, the searches continued to reveal the truth behind an enemy within. A canadian woman has become the first of the seven victims of saturdays attack to be officially named. She was Christine Archibald who was Visiting London for the first time with her fiance. This report from our Special Correspondent allan little on the victims of saturdays attack. The faces of those caught up in the attack reflect the character of london diverse, global, a Magnet Drawing Youth and energy from around the world. Chrissy archibald, who was 30 and from canada, was walking on London Bridge with herfiance, tyler ferguson, when she was struck by the killers van. He heard tyres screeching, and he looked back, and hejust saw the mayhem that was going on, and the van hitting people. And then he ran up and tried cpr on her, and she passed in his arms. Her family said she would not have understood the callous cruelty with which she was killed. The French Foreign Ministry Said one french citizen had been murdered, and eight others injured. A further two french nationals remain unaccounted for. Candice hedge was one of four australians injured. She was stabbed in the throat, and is now recovering in hospital. She was hiding at the time, and the guy, you know, got her, and just kind of stabbed her in the neck somewhere. Thats really all i know. I was really, really scared. But, yeah, i eventually got onto the hospital, and they spoke to me, and they said, yeah, shes fine now. Shes going to be ok, thats the main thing. Daniel oneill, whos 23, suffered a seven inch wound to the abdomen. His life was saved by a friend, who stopped the bleeding by applying a tourniquet. Jeff ho, a journalist, was stabbed while trying to stop an attack on someone else. I dont know whether it was stupid or noble, he said on facebook, but that wasnt going to happen on my watch. Oliver dowling from new zealand needed four hours of surgery. His french girlfriend, marie bondeville, was also injured, and is in a different london hospital. Brett freeman, who is from east london, is a father of three, and was stabbed four times. A friend posted this picture on social media, with the words, hes a soldier. 18 people remain critically ill, most of those who died have yet to be named. The list of those killed and injured reflects the character of a global city. An attack in london sends its anguish around the world. Allan little, bbc news, london. The latest from the hot hospital. This is one of the five hospitals treating some of the injured. King s College Hospital in South East London is a major trauma centre. It is treating 14 of the victims. There are another 12 being treated at the royal london hospital. For at st thomas s hospital, for at university College Hospital four. A total of 48 people were taken to hospital during the attack, 36 remain in hospital and their injuries are thought to range from the trauma of being hit by the van on London Bridge to some very severe sta b on London Bridge to some very severe stab wounds. A doctor said today that the patients he had seen, he said, of the people who were stabbed, they had been stamped with the clear intent to kill. He also said that those victims he said was so said that those victims he said was so shocked that they couldnt speak. It is perhaps some measure of the brutality of this attack that out of half of all of those in hospital tonight, thats 18 people, need critical care. The sister of a man whos been missing following the London Bridge attack, says she believes that he was killed. Melissa mcmullan, whose Brother James was last seen outside one of the pubs struck by the attackers, said her pain would never diminish. Our Special Correspondent, lucy manning was speaking to her. Melissa mcmullan hasjust had the news no sister wants to hear. She now believes her brother, james, was murdered in the London Bridge attack. This morning we received news from the police that my Brothers Bank card was found on one of the bodies from Saturday Nights brutal attack, but they are unable to formally identify him until the coroners report comes tomorrow. While our pain will never diminish, it is important for us to all carry on with our lives in direct opposition to all those who would try to destroy ours. James was 32 years old, from london, on A Night Out With Friends in a pub on borough high street, when he popped outside a cigarette. Despite the anguish, the tears, melissa wanted to speak, to let everyone know what her big brother was like. There will only ever be one james. Nowhere else will you find such humour and unique personality, with someone who puts friends and family above all else. He was an inspiration. Melissa, how would you describe your brother . Loving and caring. And no one could ever replace my brother. The friends who were with james on Saturday Night supported melissa as she left Saint Thomas Hospital this afternoon, all heartbroken. Andy, you were with him on Saturday Night, he was having fun . Oh, yeah, his normal, hilarious self. He was always the life of the party. Yeah, watching the football, james hates the football, he was always outside going for a cigarette, because he just didnt want to watch it with us. It was just a great night. What do you make of what has happened to your friend . Its just an absolute disgrace. And i cant even put into words how much. Yeah, like, why . What is the point . It doesnt achieve anything. All youre doing is breeding hate. More than anything, melissa says her son will desperately miss his uncle james. My little boy loved him so, so much. He was always so excited to see him when he could. And they used to spend hours being silly, taking silly photos of each other, messing around. He was so good with him. Just three days before the general election, the attack has sparked a political row about security policy. The Prime Minister has been accused of Cutting Police numbers during her time as home secretary. For her part, theresa may insists the metropolitan police is well resourced and has accused Jeremy Corbyn of failing to support measures to tackle terror. Laura kuennsberg reports on the political reaction raising the stakes, but is she raising her game . Theresa may called for a new attitude in a new era of terrorist threats. She hopes leadership is her strength, but experience haunts her, too. Because of the changing nature of the threat we face, we need to review our Counterterrorism Strategy to make sure the police and Security Services have all the powers they need. If that means increasing the length of custodial sentences for terrorism related offences, even apparently less serious offences, that is what we will do. They may be uncomfortable for some to contemplate, but nothing is more important than keeping our country safe. Shes promised tighter rules for Internet Providers and a review of counterterror, too, but again and again she was pressed on falling Police Budgets and falling numbers, too. On your watch as home secretary, the number of Armed Police Officers fell, its still lower than it was in 2010. The number of officers fell in total by 20,000, as weve been hearing. And also control orders that Monitor Terrorists were watered down. Would it not be leadership to say that you would reverse those cuts . We have enhanced the powers for the police, weve ensured that the security and intelligence agencies have the powers that they need, but its not just about resource, its about the powers people have. The independent former Terror Watchdog agreed. Do you think that police cuts and the squeeze on the Home Office Budget has made a difference . I think this is a completely misleading argument and the Prime Minister is right about it. The cuts in Community Policing are a legitimate issue to raise in the election, but they are nothing to do with terrorism. Not everyone agrees, and crowds rushed to hear Jeremy Corbyn in the rain in gateshead tonight, and his attack on police cuts and a promise to end austerity. What were saying is its time for a change. Cheering. Jeremy corbyns application for the biggestjob in the land is to restore cuts to public services. Will you take me on as an apprentice in your company . Well, id have to see your grades first. Having seemed to call for theresa may to resign before clarifying, Jeremy Corbyn says hed consider any request from the Security Services for more power. One is more police, thats absolutely essential. Secondly, more intelligence on the operations that are necessary to prevent a terror attack taking place. The reports will have to be looked at. And also, the home office should release its report on funding of terrorist organisations, which its been sitting on and not released for a very long time. Despite the usual energetic photocalls, the weekend attacks have refocused this campaign. There must be a determination across all of the parties to challenge Robustly Extremism in all of its forms. But as we do that, weve got to make sure we pull people together. 0k, right, lets do it. And the lib dems are cautious about any increase in surveillance. Theresa may, who has made a choice to give away Corporation Tax cuts to very wealthy corporations, and at the same time to cut funding for the police. With the choice just days away, the discussions are nearly done, but the closing phase of this campaign is a fundamentally different shape to when it all began. And the question on the table now, the most basic of all who Will You Trust to keep the country safe . The tories hope the Prime Ministers experience will land her back in power. Her record could trip her up, too. Theres been much praise for the Quick Response of the Emergency Services on Saturday Night. But once the injured had been taken to hospitals, Nursing Staff there then had to work through the night to treat life threatening and life changing injuries. Daniela relph has been talking to two nurses donna adcock and Saskia Stephenson Who were called into work at University College london hospital. Instantly, my heart was pounding, and i was rushing around, wheres my car keys, wheres my bag . Just wanted to get there and wanted to help. Anyone that we contacted, who was available and nearby, came. Itjust showed, with no question. The staff themselves were all geared up, they were very controlled, they were supporting one another, and actually the teamwork that was evident was really inspirational. Does it also have an impact when you know that youre coming in to deal with a terrorist related incident . Some of our families dont understand how it is that everybody else is moving away from an incident, and were driving headlong into it, do they . So that in itself can be a real sensitivity for us to manage, then, when we get home, as well. Having to explain to an older child why i have left them in the middle of the night and driven towards a Terrorist Incident is not an easy thing to do. Its unpredictable, its scary, everyone is aware that this is going on in central london, where we all are. What was it like for both of you when you got home . It must be hard to switch off. Absolutely, my mind was whirring for hours. I tried to go and get some sleep because obviously it had been a very long night, but i wasnt able to sleep for quite a while, it was just going over and over in my head. We do know that one of our colleagues was actually on the bridge at the time of the incident. He came in with one of the Emergency Services and continued on duty, volunteered and continued right through towards the end of the incident, which i found exceptional. And it was at the end of the incident, he started you could tell he started the process of the experience that hed been through. Your work over the weekend, that must make you feel very proud to be a nurse . Everything was just so well done, and everyone did such a fantasticjob. Im just really proud to work with this team, and they were great, everyone was fantastic. Speaking to do the nurses there who worked tirelessly on the night of the attack. The first funeral of a victim of the Manchester Arena attack has taken place on the island of barra in the outer hebrides. Eilidh macleod attended the Ariana Grande concert with herfriend, 15 year old laura macintyre, who remains in hospital. As a mark of respect, the local school and businesses in the tight knit community closed for the day. From barra, our scotland correspondent lorna gordon reports. Bagpipes. In this small island community, they said farewell. Eilidh macleods father at the head of a dignified procession, family close behind as the coffin was passed gently from hand to hand. As a gaelic song praising a Fair Haired Girl from barra played on the teenagers beloved pipes. Her family wanted eilidhs funeral to be a celebration of her life a young girl with an infectious personality who loved music, reading, and spending time with herfriends. In contrast to the hate that took her life, eilidhs life was a testament to the world of love, of innocence, kindness, and of faith. Her influence lives on through all the lives that she ever touched. In this safe and gentle place, the grief at eilidhs death has been profound. Her family said most of her happiest times were spent with friends and family on these islands. They are glad to have her back home among those she loved so much. Then, a finaljourney across the causeway to a neighbouring island, as eilidh was laid to rest in the village where she grew up. A beautiful girl, her parents said, who would stay eternally young, loved by all and forever in their hearts. Lorna gordon, bbc news, barra. The leader of the Scottish National party, Nicola Sturgeon, and the Liberal Democrat leader, tim farron, have faced an audience in edinburgh this evening on a bbc Question Time election special. They fielded questions on security, brexit, and a second Scottish Independence referendum. Our scotland editor, sarah smith, was watching. One issue, uppermost in the minds of the audience tonight, security. Tim farron was asked why he didnt support new internet surveillance powers. He said it would be counter productive. The terrorists want us to turn in on ourselves and to be divided as a country. They want us to give up on our freedoms and liberties and those are the things we should not sacrifice otherwise the terrorists will have won. He was tackled on the economy and tax. How can the lib dems justify making every taxpayer pay ip more tax . You can have platitudes from people who will tell you that they can solve the problem without any extra money or we can be honest and say that for the price of a Cup Of Coffee a week we can have the best nhs and social care in the world. The snp leader Nicola Sturgeon was asked how to deal with terror threats. Weve got to tackle and address extremism whenever we find it. And i believe very strongly that we have to do that with the muslim community. We mustnt scapegoat that community. She faced several hostile questions about her demand for another referendum on Scottish Independence. When are you proposing it . At the end of the process. It should be our choice, when the time is right and we know what brexit means for the country, to decide the future of scotland. Education, the nhs and brexit all came up but what the voters here really want to know is how politicians are planning to keep them safe. Sarah smith, bbc news, edinburgh. A number of postal vote Ballot Papers for the general election have gone missing in plymouth, the city council there has confirmed. The papers are for three constituencies. The bbcs Political Editor for the south west, martyn oates has been following the story. We have heard from a number of vote rs we have heard from a number of voters who were disappointed and angry and concerned, that this close to polling day they had yet to receive the postal Ballot Papers they applied for. As you say, the city council have now confirmed that an unspecified number appeared to have gone astray. They have not yet told us how many and they have not said which constituencies are affected. The Plymouth City council of the returning officer, will have coverage of three seats, south west devon, partially rural, that is extremely safe for the tories. The other two seats are marginal. In the case of one, the most marginal seat in the south west and the tories held on to it with just over 500 votes last time. Clearly, aside from theissue votes last time. Clearly, aside from the issue of potentially people who are entitled and want to vote not being able to come in terms of political outcomes, this could be quite significant. Is that it then . If such postal ballots are lost in the post, do you lose your vote or is there a replacement that can be sent out, surely . The council have said they are investigating. I looked at the rules which are issued by the Electoral Commission on this. As you would expect, they aptly specified sum tight safeguards surrounding the way in which postal Ballot Papers are consigned with the appropriate carrier. If, however, people then say that they have not received them, clearly there is a mechanism for returning officers to issue replacements. Although the rules to say that the council, the returning officer, needs to be satisfied as to the identity of the individuals involved and then cites documents like passports and licences which need to be produced. It does sound as if, through no fault of the individuals who are yet to receive their papers, if they then need to the minute applied for a replacement it is a rather more cumbersome process than the initial application postal vote which is intended to make your life easy. The actor, peter sallis, has died at the age of 96. Wallace and gromit. Nick higham looks back at his life. For more than 30 years, peter sallis played clegg, the mild mannered, flat capped philosopher in last of the summer wine. Stay. Steady. Go much of the series Innocent Charm came from peter sallis. Yes this is it this is the tree you can see Tollgate Church it happens sometimes in an actors life, if youre very, very lucky, that Something Special turns up. When i read last of the summer wine, i thought, this is it. Long before the summer wine, peter sallis was a familiar face. Great, good and just. On television, he played samuel pepys. And casanova in the heyday of studio drama. And he appeared in classic serials like the palaces. Im sorry, gromit

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