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Police have made and another arrest in connection with mondays Terror Attack in manchester. They say they have found a large part of the network responsible for the bombing. Police are still pursuing a number of lines of enquiry and the terror level remains critical. There will be more Police Officers at prominent events this weekend, such as the fa cup. An already vast investigation, still expanding. Each day, Counter Terrorism detectives raid more properties in manchester, cutting through the shutters at this moss side barbershop. The shop owner, abs forjani, is a cousin of the manchester bomber who was arrested earlier in the week, with two of his brothers. Police also raided another house in the middle of the night, bringing the number of people in custody to nine, all men, mostly libyan, and aged between 18 and 1m. Theyre very significant, these arrests. We are very happy we have our hands around some of the key players we are concerned about. There is still a little bit more to do. The bomber, salman abedi, came back to manchester from libya last week. Renting a flat in this block, he had already bought many of the ingredients for his lethal device. It was here that salman abedi spent his last weekend, putting his bomb together, making the final preparations to attack a concert full of teenage girls. About three months earlier, before he went to libya for the last time, abedi rented a flat in this block, being pored over by forensics officers this week as a possible bomb factory. The flat is owned by aiman elwafi. This evening, his friend told the bbc what aiman found after abedi had left. A piece of metal in the bathroom and electricity switched off, fire alarm is switched off. He can smell a strong, strong, strong smell coming out from the carpet. Aiman told me, i think its like diesel, like petrol, something chemical. Detectives say theyve made very significant finds and, crucially, believe they have captured a large part of his terrorist network. We have seized thousands of exhibits which are now being assessed. I think its fair to say there has been enormous progress with the investigation but still an awful lot of work to do. Police have found bomb making material, but because of concerns about what might still be out there, the threat level will remain at critical. The public can expect much higher security at the 1300 events in the uk this Bank Holiday Weekend. We mustnt let this terrible Terrorist Incident Impact on our lives. Lets carry on this weekend, this Bank Holiday Weekend, with our families and friends. A weekend in which armed officers will be patrolling on trains. Detectives investigating mondays shocking attack are growing in confidence, but for now, going into one of the most important weekends of the summer, everyone remains nervous. Daniel sandford, bbc news, manchester. More details have been emerging about the bomber, salman abedi. The bbc has been speaking to his friend who said his behaviour had changed. Salman abedi, the Suicide Bomber who murdered in his own city. We went at the mosque and we just prayed and that was it. He stayed an extra 5 ten minutes. This is his friend. They supported Manchester United and played football together. Now he is too scared to show his face and says over the past six months, salman abedi changed. There was something up. You could tell something was bugging him. He didnt want to listen to music any more. He didnt think about girls. If there was a nice track on, now he turns it off. He used to do bad stuff. As long as youre praying. You can still get forgiven. I dont know why he did it, knowing him, he would think he went to hell. He wasnt alone. Alongside him, his brother hashim. His father ramadan. His father was a good fighter. He was fighting to die. This man met all the three of them in libya and fought on the front. Frontline. 70 of them were from england. Did the Security Services try to stop you going . No. Some people even brought in laser. The bbc has learned of allegations that ramadan, summoned a bettys father, met people from al qaeda. He denies supporting islamic extremism. He believes. He doesnt believe you can be british and muslim. He said fighting in libya changed him. He believes injihadis values. It is clear. Since the manchester attacker, the bbc has asked for an interview with trustees. Did anybody report this young man . Yes. Yes indeed. One of our imams had reported this. He did not tell anybody inside the mosque. That has got to be a worry. Obviously, we as trustees, should know what is going on. The reason i say suppose, if he reported him, he had information we did not have. Ive not spoken to him since. He has said it to us. I dont have any information. I am not responsible. When he passes the responsibility on to the counterterrorist police who of course, as we all know, has been carrying surveillance on the suspect. It is not my responsibility any more. It has been shifted to the police and Security Services. Counterterrorism officers will not indicate whether salman abedi could have been stopped from taking 22 lives. The New York Times decision to publish photos of the bomb scene fuelled a row over leaks this week and led to the uk temporarily suspending the sharing of intelligence about the investigation with the us. A short time ago the Bbcs Stephen Sackur spoke to the papers executive editor dean baquet who insisted his paper did nothing wrong in publishing the photos. You guys tend to believe what the Authorities Say right away. We tend to err on the side of publishing. We have never heard an outcry from victims it is just as important for people in the world to know about the mundane details. I have seen no evidence, none, except forthe broad statement of police, but they affected their investigations. That is probably not quite enough for the american press. Dean baquet speaking to hardtalks stephen sackur. And you can see the full interview on Bbc World News on tuesday. Egypts airforce has carried out airstrikes in libya, targeting jihadists in the east of the country. Its after an ambush in which at least twenty eight people were killed south of cairo. Egypts president , Abdel Fattah Al sisi, said the strikes were in retaliation for the militant attack on a bus carrying Coptic Christians. President sisi said those behind the shootings had been trained at camps near the Eastern Libyan port of derna. From cairo, orla guerin reports. The bus in which so many were robbed of life on their way to an ancient monastery. The broken windows and scattered belongings, testament to an attack that was merciless and highly toward a naked. There were multiple conmen who escaped across the sands in three off road vehicles. Relatives of the dead told the bbc the authorities should be doing more to protect christians who we re doing more to protect christians who were obviously at risk. This was the scene last month after Church Bombings in northern egypts. A nationwide State Of Emergency was announced and security was stepped up. But many Coptic Christians say the authorities provide more lip service than prop protection. Dozens of church goers have been killed in recent months by the so called Islamic State. It says that christians are its favourite prey and has vowed to keep up the attacks. And as well as the new threat from is, many believers here complain ofa threat from is, many believers here complain of a number problem. Discrimination amongst members of egyptss christian community, the largest in the middle east, there is angen largest in the middle east, there is anger, fear and once again, there grief. All agrarian, bbc news, cairo. Orla guerin. Earlier we asked the bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the uk if he felt egyptian authorities needed to increase Security Measures to keep christians safe from these attacks. I dont think it is a matter of wanting to be helped. We are never looking for privileged treatment. What we are looking for is a sense of security and citizenship that embraces everybody and hold people accountable. These strikes, im not sure of the details of them. Its a strategic decision. What is more important is to deal with the mindset that has become such a Fertile Ground for things like this. A mindset that is so exclusive and narrow that it not only doesnt think that christians should be equal, it is in tolerant of their presents. That is why they become so dish immunised Thomas Aiken Objectified dehumanised and objectified. That even children can become demonised and are targeted. Lets take a look at some of the other stories making the news. As well as the egyptian airstrikes in libya, at least 28 people have been killed and nearly 130 wounded in the capital tripoli in fierce clashes between forces loyal to the un backed unity government and rival militiamen. Witnesses said residential areas had been shelled, as the sound of loud explosions was heard through the city. Dozens of people are thought to have died in the syrian town of al maya deen following what activists claim was a Us Led Coalition air strike. The Syrian Observatory For Human Rights says its the second strike on the town after 15 people were killed on wednesday. Ethnic violence is escalating in the Central African republic. The un says at least Three Hundred people were killed and more than A Hundred Thousand displaced in just two weeks of clashes. The latest bloodshed took place in the city of bria. Leaders of the worlds leading industrial nations the g7 have agreed on new action to Counter Terrorism. At a summit in italy they called on Internet Companies to do more to stop the spread of hateful extremist content online. The british Prime Minister theresa may along with other World Leaders called for a unified effort to tackle foreign fighters. But the leaders were unable to reach an agreement on Climate Change with differences remaining between us President Donald Trump and the rest of the group. James landale is in sicily and has told us more about the progress that has been made so far. There has been some unity, specifically with the issue of dealing with global terrorism. There isa dealing with global terrorism. There is a detailed action plan on what they think they can do collectively to try and tackle what they see as a threat to notjust to try and tackle what they see as a threat to not just themselves to try and tackle what they see as a threat to notjust themselves but every country these days. They have agreed a whole package of measures and put more pressure on Internet Companies to develop new technologies to identify, remove and block extremist material that can be seen to foster hatred but also material that is used to organise terrorist plots. The big question will be how the Internet Companies respond. Can they actually put pressure on these companies that will actually make a difference. They also agreed to do a bit more to tackle the problem of foreign fighters. Now that so called Islamic State is losing territory in syria and iraq, it means this threat is now evolving. More foreign fighters are coming back to other countries. What more can the g7 countries do to share expertise to help other countries in the region identify these people, gather evidence, share intelligence, all of those things. They also agreed to do more to tackle terrorist financing routes. Quite a tackle terrorist financing routes. Quiteafair tackle terrorist financing routes. Quite a fair package of things to do. James landale in sicily. Stay with us on Bbc World News, still to come monta nas newest congressman wins office just hours after being charged with assaulting a reporter. Now he says he shouldnt have done it. In the Biggest International Sporting Spectacle ever seen, up to 30 Million People have taken part in sponsored Athletic Events to aid Famine Relief in africa. The first of what the makers of star wars hope will be thousands of queues started forming at 7am. Taunting which led to scuffles, scuffles to fighting, fighting to full scale riot as the liverpool fans broke out of their area and into the juve ntus enclosure. The Belgian Police had lost control. The whole world will mourn the tragic death of mr nehru today. He was the father of the indian people from the day of independence. The Oprah Winfrey show comes to an end after 25 years and more than a500 episodes. The chat show has made her one of the richest people on the planet. Geri halliwell, otherwise known as ginger spice, has announced shes left the spice girls. I dont believe it, shes the one with the bounce, the go, the girl power. Not geri, why . Hello. This is bbc news. I am ben bland. The latest headlines British Police have detained another person in connection with the Suicide Attack in manchester, saying theyve arrested a large part of the network behind the bombing. The egyptian president says the military have attacked ajihadist Training Camp following the deadly ambush of a bus carrying Coptic Christians. No one has claimed responsibility for the attack. Us Republican Greg Gianforte has won a special Congressional Election in montana, just hours after he was charged with assaulting a uk reporter. Mr gianforte allegedly body slammed the journalist who asked him about health care legislation. After his win the newest member of congress acknowledged that he shouldnt have responded that way. The bbcs nick bryant has the story. Often when politicians when election, they punch the air in delight. But it was a polite way for greg gianforte. The republican accused of body slamming a reporter. He isa accused of body slamming a reporter. He is a celebration doubled as a confessional. I took an action last night that they cannot take back. I am not proud of what happened. I should not have responded in the way idid. Should not have responded in the way i did. By should not have responded in the way i did. By that, i should not have responded in the way idid. By that, i am should not have responded in the way i did. By that, i am sorry. And you are forgiven the police are on the case, charging him with misdemeanour assault after allegedly wrestling to the floor this reporter, benjacobs, from the guardian. Donald trump had strongly endorsed ben jacobss candidacy, on donald trump had strongly endorsed benjacobss candidacy, on a day after a little push and shove of his own with the president of montenegro. A Graduation Ceremony at annapolis, for the next generation of americas military leaders, and a timely reminder, perhaps, from mike pence, about the need for self control. I truly believe that commending others begins with committing yourself. Discipline is the foundation of leadership. Staying with graduation ceremonies, Hillary Clinton was at her all female armada, landings some blows on donald trump, by recalling the nixon era and 1969, the year she graduated. Alma mater. We were curious about the past president ial election. Of a man whose presidency would end in disgrace with his impeachment for the obstruction of justice. Furious. It could be a body blow to his reputation. In kenya theres been a victory for another Indigenous Group know as the ogiek. They were evicted from their ancestral land in the mau forest but will now be allowed to return. The bbcs david wafula travelled there to meet members of the ogiek community. Translation i have lived here since i was born. I gripe here, marriage initially, had my family here, buried my husband in the forest when he died. I grew up here. I did not do anything else. I gripe he would make great grandchildren. Grew up here. The Ogiek Committee rely on the mau Forest Forest for food, medicine, and the preservation of their culture. They lived in many areas spread across the forest. This is one of the few remaining homesteads of them ogiek people. The fear of being ejecta from the forest as many question their existence of future generations. Injected. I had a look at some of the activities behind, in the forest. Injuly, 2008, the kenyan government launched a campaign to project people from the mau forest, to try and protect one of east africas most important watersheds. Transact longer realised all was not well, we tried to protest. We were beaten, others were arrested. Translation when we realised. We read to the Human Rights Headquarters in russia, and it gained momentum, that the ogiek needed to be listened to. Campaigners have pointed out that commercialfarming has campaigners have pointed out that commercial farming has put campaigners have pointed out that commercialfarming has put the forest of more danger. Until this thread is addressed, this delicate ecosystem the ogiek rely on is in danger of degrading further. Bbc news has been given exclusive access to historic footage filmed by Young Adventurers exploring parts of the world that were completely new to western eyes. This remarkable films, from the frozen mountains in the himalayas to the searing Libyan Desert, have not been seen for nearly 100 years. Our science correspondent, pallab ghosh, reports. This is the first ever view of Mount Everest from the air. It was shot in 1933 by a group of pilots who risked their lives to help create an aerial map of the mountain. The film is part of the royal geographical societys archive. It includes the very first attempt to climb to the top of Mount Everest, in 1922. The climbers are treated to a ritual dance at a tibetan monastery. Around the dancers waists are aprons made from a lattice of human bones. The cameraman was captainjohn noel. His daughter recalls how her father filmed the expedition. He had a purpose built tent hed taken with he had a purpose built tent hed taken with him to base camp. And at night, using water from the glaciers and yak dung as a source of heat, he processed 10,000 feet of film on the mountain. Conservation specialists are painstakingly restoring 138 films of some of britains greatest explorations frame by frame. One of them is of a young army officer crossing the vast expanse of the Libyan Desert by motorcar. In 1932, Ralph Bagnold and his Friends Drove Thousands of miles for weeks on end into the blistering heart of the Libyan Desert. His son has read stories about these incredible expeditions, but its the first time hes seen them. Thats my father driving now. He even wrote scientific papers about how sand moves. His research is helping Space Agencies to this day, to develop rovers that can drive across the surface of mars. To see this film makes me feel very proud of him. Im in awe of what he managed to do. We can all now relive these extraordinary adventures, stories from a bygone age when the world held so many mysteries. The chilean president has attended a ceremony, marking the construction ofa ceremony, marking the construction of a billion dollar astronomical observatory, high in the atacama desert. The extremely large telescope, that is its official name, is set to start in 202a. The president said it would represent the possibilities of science and had the possibilities of science and had the potential to transform our understanding of the universe. Dont forget that you can get in touch with me and most of the team here on twitter. I am benmbland. Klepac hello. With the Bank Holiday Weekend now upon us, we are set to see a change in the hot, dry weather, that has been with us for the past few days. He was the scene on friday. One of our weather watchers captured this. We will have similar conditions to start the Bank Holiday Weekend. The humid start. More sunshine, but we are expecting to see some thunderstorms disrupt the sunshine. During saturday morning, we have this frontal system, this area low pressure moving from the south west, bring showers and thunderstorms across many parts of the country. For northern ireland, northern england, right down to the south east through saturday morning and we will see the showers. During the afternoon, there will spread further north across the country. They were then bump into the warm air in place. 30 degrees or so across northern and North Eastern scotland. Lots of these big showers and the thunderstorms. Could be somehow mixed in. This is 4pm on saturday. Thundery showers likely across central scotland, northern ireland, into northern in. A little fresher than it has they can still see temperatures in one or two spots up see temperatures in one or two spots up to around 20 degrees. So lots of sunny weather on the clouds, still, do because on saturday. But the showers across northern parts of the country as we move through saturday evening and overnight. The odd rumble of thunder, here. Into sunday morning, clearer skies across Southern Parts of the country. And it will feel a little more Cloud Doorfor it will feel a little more cloud door for sleeping through the early hours of sunday morning. Temperatures will be down to 13 or 14 temperatures will be down to 13 or 1a degrees. With a rescue heavy downpours at times on saturday and late on sunday, there could be flooding on the road. With the risks of heavy downpours. The next batch of showers will come from the english channel. On sunday, you could see a chance of a thunderstorm. Pretty hit and miss, and many parts of the country will have a dry day, with temperatures between about 16 and 26 degrees or so. But a chance on sunday night and then on to bank holiday monday, there will see some of the showers becoming a bit more extensive. Some uncertainty about their exact position. It ling said they all work gradually north and east across the country as we had to bank holiday monday. They will be hit and miss. Not ever will get a heavy or thundery shower. Everywhere. A cooler and fresh outlook as we have through into the cause of tuesday and wednesday. Have a good weekend. In less than two weeks, voters will go to the polls in the general election, to decide who will represent them in parliament. And who will lead the country. So which of them Country Leaders has the best over the future of the United Kingdom . Tonight, iam over the future of the United Kingdom . Tonight, i am looking to the leader of the labour party, and the leader of the labour party, and the man who hopes to be Prime Minister, jeremy corbyn

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