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Images have been released in the American Media tonight from the scene of the bombing. The uk government has expressed a strong disapproval. So far 14 of the victims have been named but police say they know the identities of eve ryo ne say they know the identities of everyone who was killed. And in Tonights Europa League final, a minutes silence was led by the players off mahan before going on to clinch the title. Of manchester united. Good evening and welcome to bbc news. Police have today confirmed they are investigating a network of people in connection with the bombing at a Music Concert On Monday Night which killed 22, including children, and injured nearly 60. As more details today urged about salman abedi, the Suicide Bomber who carried out the attack, and his links to libya, theres been renewed Police Activity in the city with more raids and arrests. And after last nights decision by the government to raise the uk threat level to critical, the highest rating, soldiers have been deployed onto The Streets Of London to protect parliament and other key sites. Officers here in the uk have now made several arrests, including a man in wigan seemed carrying a sa specialist package and a woman arrested in manchester this evening. Suspicious. The father and the Second Brother of the manchester Suicide Bomber had been arrested in libya. Another Significant Development this evening is that the publication by the New York Times of photographs of what appeared to be the remnants of the bomb from monday night. The bbc understand the bomber is thought to have detonated a device which had been built by somebody else. The Terror Threat alert indicates that further attacks may be imminent. Hundreds of troops have been deployed to protect key sites across the country, including downing street. An Off Duty Female Police Officer was among the 22 killed in the attack, her husband is critically ill and her two true waldrom were injured. Our correspondent gavin hewitt has the latest into the investigation her two children. Late morning, central manchester, and a raid on a block of flats, part of a huge operation to discover the network of the manchester bomber. Police believe he stayed there as recently as 7pm on monday evening of the night of the attack. Todays operation involved armed units, some wearing military clothing. Got to the front door and was greeted by an armed Police Officer with a helmet, face mask machine gun. I asked him what was happening. Hejust said operations, out to gain access to the apartments, they blew down a door. Other police units arrived looking for any signs of a bomb factory. There have been raids in different parts of the city, this one involving armed units. The police regard themselves as in a race against time, trying to find other members of the network to prevent further attacks. This was just one of a number of Police Operations carried out in manchester today. Youll be aware that the level of activity in this investigation is intense and is continuing at a fast pace. I think its very clear that this is a network that we are investigating. As i said, it continues at a pace. Late afternoon and a new arrest, this time on the street in wigan. A man detained. Police say he was carrying a suspicious package. The uk is now a country on high alert. This was reading this morning. And this was the Scottish Parliament in edinburgh. Outside downing street, soldiers were patrolling alongside police. Eventually, 3,800 troops will be deployed. Elsewhere, the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace was cancelled, a nation living with the expectation of an imminent attack. We have now gone to a critical level in terms of the threat. Operation temperer has now been invoked, and that means there will be additional Military Personnel coming to backfill the armed Police Officers so that they can support other areas. All of the Special Operations are aimed at discovering the circle linked to salman abedi, the manchester bomber. It has become clear that he was part of a terror cell. Police today were examining his house in south manchester. Abedi may have been a mule, the bomb carrier. The bomb makers may still be at large. Abedi returned to the uk from libya a few days before the attack. Abedi worshipped at the didsbury mosque. One of the trustees today condemned mondays attack, although he didnt take any questions. The horrific atrocity that occurred in manchester on monday night has shocked us all. It has indeed shocked us all. This act of cowardice has no place in our religion, or any other religion for that matter. On monday, abedi carried out a Suicide Attack at the manchester arena. 22 people were killed and 64 injured. Today, the New York Times revealed pictures from the crime scene in the foyer of manchester arena. They appear to the remnants of the bombers rucksack, the metalfragments used in the attack, and a possible detonator. All day in manchester people have been coming to the town hall to lay flowers a nd been coming to the town hall to lay flowers and to remember. Just pain because everybody in manchester seems to know somebody thats been or attended or my daughter had a friend that went. Its, like, were all linked together and we kind of. Its like its happened to someone in your own family. Ijust its happened to someone in your own family. I just wanted its happened to someone in your own family. Ijust wanted to come. I brought a red, white and blue rose down and just wrote some words and just felt like i had to come. Tonight, manchester is a city that knows there may be people in its midst who planned mass murder and may strike again. Gavin hewitt, bbc news, manchester. This evening The Independent is reporting that police have found more explosives which could be primed for and in and attack. An Doan Thi Huong the line now by the defence responded for The Independent for an imminent attack im joined. You wrote this story on The Front Page of The Independent. Tell us more. We have been told that the police have found material that can be turned into explosive devices as part of the searches. They found one device which was blown up in a controlled explosion. There is no suggestion that bombs are in place to go off. But what i was told was that they had found material which was worrying in pattern with what they thought theyd find. Are you able to say where this material was found . dont know is the answer. What i do know is i cant be sure. I was told that there was one particular device which was blown up. And the others we re which was blown up. And the others were not completed devices. Are you able to say where this material was found . Again, knowl cant. What does this suggest to you . found . Again, knowl cant. What does this suggest to you . I think it is in line with what the police are saying, that this is a very serious matter. As you know they have carried out six arrests so far. They have done operations in libya as well and an ongoing threat. The severity of it of course is something we are not sure about. To a certain extent i think we are. It seems to me from what we know, this is something obviously they are taking very seriously and it is something they are finding evidence to support them taking this seriously. The story that you have written, are your sources uk sources . Not entirely. Im sorry, can you repeat that . It wasnt entirely all uk sources. There was one which was not a uk source. Do i ta ke one which was not a uk source. Do i take that to mean that was an american source . I really dont want to go into where that came from. Can you tell me anything more about the device that was blown up in the controlled explosion . You say that this wasnt the sort of bomb you would think of as such but something that might have been used in bomb making . That might have been used in bombmaking . It was something they felt which was dangerous. Material which could have been used to inflict damage and the decision was taken to carry out a controlled explosion. More than that im afraid i wasnt told. Do you get the impression from whoever it is youve been speaking to that they expect to find more of this sort of material . Certainly they are on the lookout for it. The impression i got was that they are finding things as they carry out arrests and searches. The impression i get is they are finding more and more leads to go through and to follow up. But the precise extent of what theyve got, i do not know. All i do know is basically what i have told you. Kim sengupta, from The Independent, many thanks for joining from The Independent, many thanks forjoining us this evening. Our middle east correspondent Quentin Somerville is in libya, where one of The Brothers Of Salman Abedi was arrested today. He was asked about the likelihood of abedi becoming radicalised while on a visit to libya. We heard this evening from the militia which detained hashim, the younger brother, and ramadan, the father, that hashim was in contact with his younger brother, sal man, and funds were transferred between them and hashim was planning an attack in tripoli, they are holding him in beliefs they have links to the Islamic State. Thejourney him in beliefs they have links to the Islamic State. The Journey Sal Man took here was a regular trip. His parents man took here was a regular trip. H is pa rents left man took here was a regular trip. His parents left libya as part of an exodus during gaddafis time. Gaddafi said extremists were fleeing here. But that isnt the whole story because there was another exodus that happen here in libya after 2011 when Moammar Gaddafi was ousted and that exodus was thousands of libyan fighters heading towards syria. Theyve taken the skills they learned in the Battle Against Gaddafi and they honed them further in syria. Then they returned here to libya with those sharpen skills and they set up a base for the Islamic State in syria inside this country. Hugh, its worth remembering, western governments do not have a presence inside libya, they closed all of their embassies, that makes it much more difficult for western intelligence agencies to have a presence here and to gather every information on the likes of the abedis and others who may have linked to Extremist Groups here in libya, in syria, in iraq and in europe. Quentin somerville there. Reports have emerged there were warnings given to the authorities may be five yea rs given to the authorities may be five years ago about abedis comments and thoughts. Al security correspondent Gordon Corera was at the m15 headquarters in central london. At mis at m15 they are prepared for some tough questions about what they knew and when about abedi. They knew he was known to the authorities this morning, thats what the Home Secretary said, but this morning we learned much more about the number of people raising concerns about Extremist Behaviour and that being flagged to the authorities. That would have meant a Risk Assessment would have meant a Risk Assessment would have meant a Risk Assessment would have been done and there will be questions about whether anything was missed, anything significant. Here at m15 they are stressing that their priority is the current ongoing and urgent operation into him, into that network, trying to establish particularly who made that bomb, because they look like sophisticated devices from the picture. Sophisticated device from the picture that was leaked to the New York Times, thats raised concerns about who the bomb maker might have been, assuming it wasnt salam abedi. I understand there are concerns about what are called unaccounted materials, these may be precursors, chemicals used to make the bomb, and there may be more out there that were purchased or gotten hold of that were used in this device and that may be one of the reasons the threat level has gone up to critical. Greater manchester met said he was troubled by the pictures published. He said he raised complaints with the american ambassador. On monday evening the reports were coming through and i agreed with the cheap Co Mforta Ble through and i agreed with the cheap comfortable that we should take a cautious approach to put information out because we would not want to get anything wrong or compromise police investigations. Yet the first reports were coming out of the United States and that is concerning. Obviously, you want International Cooperation because events like these can have a broader dimension but it worries me greatly andi dimension but it worries me greatly and i have made my concerns clear to the ambassador. There is alive investigation taking place here and we cannot have Information Put in the Public Domain that is not in direct control of security and police. So far 14 of the victims have been identified including 15 year old olivia campbell. And off Duty Policewoman has not been named but she was included in the vic revs. We have been finding a more about some of them. As their names emerged today, one thing was inescapable. The extreme youth of so many. There is a special anguish in this. The carefree tenderness of the lives lost. Olivia campbell from bury was 15. Her family spent yesterday frantically searching for her. They learned early today that she had died. Her mother, charlotte, posted this message on facebook. Saffie roussos was eight. She went to tarlton Community Primary school in lancashire. This morning, her classmates at assembly sang, dont stop believing. Her mother and sister are still in hospital. She was loved by everyone. Her warmth and kindness will be remembered fondly. Saffie was quiet and unassuming with a creative flair. Saffie comes from a close, loving family and we can only imagine what theyre going through. Marcin and Angelika Klis from poland lived in york. This photograph was taken shortly before the attack. They had come to collect their daughters from the concert. Their girls lost both parents in an instant. Ive been a Deirdre Barlow super fan. Shes always been my favourite character. This is martyn hett speaking to the bbc in 2015. He was 29, gregarious, full of enthusiasm. His partner wrote, our wonderful, iconic and beautiful martin didnt survive he left this world factory how he lived, centre of attention. Kelly brewster was 32 and from sheffield. She died shielding her 11 year old niece from the blast. Her partner wrote, kelly really was the happiest shed ever been. We had so many things planned together. Georgina callander had adored Ariana Grande since childhood and had met her. She was 18 and a second year children of health and social care, planning a career committed to helping others. John atkinson, who was 28 and from bury, also studied health and social care. One in a million, his friends said. Loved by so many. A true gentleman. Jane tweddle taylor was a School Receptionist and a mother of three from blackpool. She was waiting for a friends daughter. She is irreplaceable, her colleagues said, bubbly, kind, welcoming, funny, generous. Neljones was 14 and described by her teachers as a bright and popular pupil, always smiling. It feels like the school has lost a sister, they said, not a classmate. Sorrell was also 14 and from leeds. Her mother and grandmother were injured, her grandmother critically. Her sister survived without injury. Marcin klis was married with three young children. Herfamily issued a statement saying, family was her life, she has been taken from us in the most traumatic way imaginable. Friends lisa lees and allison howe were waiting for their 15 year old daughters. Both girls survived the blast but their mothers died side by side. Look into these faces and youth and optimism beam back at you. Children, young parents, leading normal, blameless lives. Alan little, bbc news. As we have been hearing Kelly Brewster died while reportedly shelling her knees. We have more details. Slc on a night out in manchester. Clearly enjoying a few hours together while their daughters we re hours together while their daughters were at a pop concert. The family we re were at a pop concert. The family were to meet after the concert had finished but they never did. Amongst the chaotic scenes in the hours following the tragedy, there 19 year old daughter made a plea, desperate for information about their whereabouts. Today it was confirmed the couple had died in the attack. The principal of york couege attack. The principal of york college spoke to us. There are a number of tutors across the college who are very upset by the news, really sad about what has happened to alex and her family. The students are deeply concerned about her and how she would be coping. We have arranged extract counselling, we have arranged extra support for both stu d e nts have arranged extra support for both students and staff and, of course, we are working with the city and the Wider Networks to make sure we do everything we can to support alex because, actually, she is ourfirst priority. Originally from poland, and they had been in york for many yea rs and they had been in york for many years and were very popular. At the local shop, people will be raising money for their daughter. He was a taxi driver. The Management Team told me he was a pleasant, fun loving family man who was well liked and respected by his colleagues. They will do Everything Possible to support his daughter, fanling and friends. Family. Flowers and left at the steps of another victim. Kelly brewster. The family said she shielded her niece from the blast, saving her life. Many tributes on facebook. Her heroic actions do not surprise those who knew her well. She was a very kind to everybody and. She would help everybody. Shocking. I cannot even think about it. As a victim family tried to comprehends net loss, there are still people unaccounted for. Their family have the most agonising wait for news of their whereabouts. Two teenage victims have travelled had travelled from the hebrides. One is still missing the other in hospital. We report now from the islands reaction. On the outer most edge of the country an Island Community, touched by terror in a city far away. A dark cloud has come down upon the island, a real dark cloud. People are. Theyre a bit in a daze. Were all in a daze. We dont know what to say, what to do. Two of barras own were at the concert in manchester, laura mcintyre, whos 15 seen here on the left is in a serious condition in hospital. Her friend, 14 year old eilidh macleod, is still unaccounted for. Two wonderful, lovely children who have contributed through the years, through their growing up, to the community enormously. The families are distraught with worry and concern. Theyre concerned for each other, theyre concerned for their children. They support each other and just wait and hope and pray. At the islands school, support is being offered to the teenagers friends and fellow pupils. Our school and Island Community are in shock, feeling numb and struggling to come to terms with it. Our thoughts and prayers are with eilidh and laura, their family and friends as they struggle to cope. Barra is small place, it is a place where people know each st. TtzeĀ§ all im trying to do is trying to lift people along with me and just saying, weve got to carry each other because we have to be there for one another but, most importantly, for the two families. We can speak on the line to stacey clark, who witnessed the seventh this evening in 777m 777. ,. ~ ngm n ~~~ arrest this evening in nuneaton. was in the house and heard some shouting outside, Get On The Floor, Get On The Floor and me and my husband and our two friends went outside and we saw a man, on the floor, face down, Police Officers in plain clothes. They were pointing guns at him on the floor. Was this person known to you . No, no. Was it a neighbour . Not that i wear off. How far away was this from you . M was up the street a little bit, not that far away. What time of the evening did this happen . that far away. What time of the evening did this happen . I am trying to think. I think it was about nine oclock. You must have been very shocked to see this going on . Yes, it very shocked to see this going on . 777,7 very shocked to see this going on . Yes, it ff 7 because 1 1 . They were

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