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The bbc understands the conservatives will promise additional measures to curb immigration when they publish their manifesto tomorrow. There will also be extra costs for employers who choose to hire non eu immigrants in skilled jobs. Our Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg has more. The publication of any manifesto is a Big Dealfor A party leader, especially for theresa may. This is the first big document to come from the first big document to come from the conservative party since she has beenin the conservative party since she has been in charge. It is her decision to call the election and her calculation that the idea is that she and her team put forward will be enough to keep her on in downing street. One of the first messages is uncompromising on immigration. It is their calculation that there was a clear instruction from voters that immigration must come down. Theresa may will say in her view immigration is too high and she will suggest in her view Web Immigration is too high it has consequences for society. The question of course is there and what she is going to do about it. Dont forget, as Home Secretary in charge forget, as Home Secretary in charge for six years, she missed the target of bringing immigration down to under 100,000. Tomorrow, though, of bringing immigration down to under100,000. Tomorrow, though, she will commit to the figure and make the promise to the electorate again that, if elected under her leadership, immigration will come down to under 100,000. She will also say that Student Numbers will stay in those Immigration Figures and there has been pressure on her to change that, arguments that it creates a false picture. She will also propose extra charges for employers who bring in non eu workers from around the world. She will double the amount of money that they are expected to pay if they wa nt to they are expected to pay if they want to hire them. There is also a suggestion that people from around the world other than the eu will have to pay more money to use the nhs during the time they are here. There will be plenty more big ideas we hear on social care but i think broadly this is not going to be an ma nifesto broadly this is not going to be an manifesto that is full of hearts and flowers. I think it is going to be quite a hardheaded document with theresa mays ambition, her calculation, is that by saving to the country, i know there are problems that you want me to fix, she will come across as the leader that they believe can sort them. The Liberal Democrats have pledged to hold a second referendum on the final brexit deal if they win the election. In their manifesto, which they launched today, the party promised to spend billions more on housing, education and the nhs. It would be funded in part by a Penny Increase on income tax. Other policies include the legalisation of cannabis and a future ban on sales of diesel cars and vans. Heres our political correspondent, vicki young. Even before he spoke, the platform was clear tim farron wants his election to be about brexit. And under the Bright Lights of a pact is london nightclub the lib dem leader made his pitch to voters concerned about the consequences of leaving the eu. Someone is going to have the final say over the final brexit deal. It could be the politicians, 01 deal. It could be the politicians, or it could be the people. I believe it must be the people. Applause. But is his message getting through . I caught but is his message getting through . Icaught up but is his message getting through . I caught up with mr farron as he toured a school. Certainly there are people in this country lacking hope. They think the only thing on the table is theresa mays vision of us leaving the eu with a hard brexit. There are many people who voted to remain who accept that result. Something you are willing to do. And they feel that you have to get on with it now. Many think theresa may is the person to do that. with it now. Many think theresa may is the person to do that. I think what there is are many people who feel they have given up the fight and what i am saying to people is i havent and if you believe that britains future is better alongside oui britains future is better alongside our neighbours in europe, you should not be forced to accept a stitch up between brussels and london. You should have the final say. The liberal democrat manifesto also promises £7 billion of extra investment in education in england, the increase Corporation Tax and a penny rise in income tax to Fund Spending on health in england. And an end to the freeze on working age benefits and the party to legalise cannabis. There is no mention, though, of abolishing tuition fees in england, a Policy The Lib Dems are banned and when they went into coalition with the conservatives. Do you now except tuition fees are the right thing to do and they are working . I voted against the rising fees and it is important that people keep their word. That is why my advice to others is dont make promises you cannot keep. Would you reverse it now, why not put the reverse it now, why not put the reverse on it . We would put significant money into returning gra nts to significant money into returning grants to students to make sure it is affordable. Here in Southwest London the Lib Dems Hope for a comeback. The area voted overwhelmingly against brexit. So, how is their promise of another referendum going down with remain voters . Referendum going down with remain voters . It is childish to thinkjust because you dont like at decision that has been made and voted for that has been made and voted for that you can go and reverse it or rearrange it. This is democracy, the country we live in, and we should support that and stand by that, even though the decision was one i liked. I dont think that the fire should ever stop. I think it is far too important and it affects far too many lives. Yes, we should carry on fighting until we have no fight left. I was disappointed with the news about a potential referendum. I think that ship has sailed now and it is about trying to get the best kind of brexit. So, how many seats do you need to gain to keep your job . My sense is we need to increase the number of seats, the vote share, but what we need above all else is to offer the british people this chance. This is the last chance for britain. If you believe britain is open, tolerant and united, if you reject the extreme version of brexit that theresa may, Jeremy Colburn and ukip pushed through the house of commons, if you want that, then the lib dems are the only Party Offering hope corbyn. Lib dems are the only Party Offering hope corbyn. Two years ago the lib dems narrowly avoided a election wipeout but they are hoping the vote to leave the eu has thrown then a political lifeline. Within the past half hour, its been announced that the former labour First Minister of wales, rhodri morgan, had died. He was 77. He was first elected as an mp in 1987 and rose to become the longest serving First Minister of wales, holding the position for nine years. He is widely credited with having bought stability to the Fledgling Assembly after its turbulent start in 1999. He is survived by his wife, julie, two daughters and a son. Ca rwyn carwyn jones says wales hasnt lost just a great politician we have lost a real father figure. President trump has been accused of trying to shut down an fbi investigation into the links between his former National Security adviser and russia. The white house denies the allegation but there are calls for all records of a meeting between the president and the former fbi director, james comey, who was sacked by mr trump, to be released to congress. Our north america editor jon sopel reports. Donald trump was today on the way to the Us Coastguard Academy as his administration seemed to be listing. Our commander in chief, donald trump. This has been the most torrid week of the presidency and though he didnt address each individual setback, there was a message. No politician in history, and i say this with great surety, has been treated worse, or more unfairly. You cannot let them get you down. I didnt get elected to serve the washington media, i got elected to serve the forgotten Men And Women of our country and thats what im doing. He has become more famous than me far and away his biggest problem comes from the sacked fbi director james comey. The disclosuree that james comey kept notes of his meetings with the president , including over the sacked michael flynn, is serious. Donald trump is reported to have said to comey. Amid allegation that this amounted to obstruction ofjustice, the white house denied any wrongdoing, saying the president hadnt told the fbi director to stop his work. It brought this from the democratic leader. The president says what comey says was wrong. Prove it. It is easy to prove. As long as there are tapes or transcripts of what happened. If the president s right, he will have no problem releasing memos, tapes, transcripts that corroborate his story. Other democrats have started using the i word. I rise today, mr speaker, to call for the impeachment of the president of the United States of america. For obstruction ofjustice. This is not good for america. Some influential republicans too a re growing restless, with comparisons to the days of nixon. I think we have seen this movie before, i think its reaching the point where it is of Watergate Size and scale and a couple of other scandals that you and i have seen. It has been a calamatous week last tuesday came the firing of james comey with the white house giving muddled explanations about why. And then the president seemed to threaten the former fbi director, saying he had better hope there are no tapes of our conversation. And the president divulged material to the Russian Foreign minister when he visited the white house. But what about the mood outside washington . In the home of country and western, in nashville, the trump loyalists arent changing tune. Theyre still singing stand by your man. You cant tell me that all these leaks and comments that come through almost daily are not because people are trying to subvert the president. The things theyre saying about him is a lie. All the media are democrats and left wingers, they dont want to see him do well or america do well. Theyjust want to give america away. The president , who returned to the white house tonight, will be buoyed by this support, but thats what gets you elected, not what keeps you in power, and this administration cant afford any more weeks like the one thats just gone. And i should add we have news coming in that the Justice Department has appointed the former fbi director Robert Muller to be a Special Counsel to lead the investigation into whether or not the russian government tried to influence the 2016 president ial election mueller. And it says interestingly related matters, so slightly separate from the situation going on with the firing of james comey and the controversy there. Remember, president obama made it clear that after investigation from the Justice Department and the fbi, they firmly believe that russia did try dumoulin the 2016 election. The former fbi director, robert mueller, has been named as Special Counsel to lead the investigation into alleged russian meddling in the 2016 residential campaign. The ashes of ian brady will not be scattered on saddleworth moor, according to his solicitor. Brady tortured and killed five children with his lover myra hindley, and buried four of his victims on the moor. The assurance came during a Coroners Court hearing today. Sheffield city council has been ordered to pay nearly £200,000 in compensation to a former employee who was sexually abused by a council official. Richard rowe, who has waived his right to anonymity, successfully sued the council after being assaulted by roger dodds in the early 1980s. Dodds was sentenced to 16 years in prison in february for a series of assaults on colleagues and students. The irish prime minister, enda kenny, has announced he will stand down next month when his party, fine gael, elects a new leader to take over. He led the country through the economic crisis but his position was weakened after last years election which resulted in a Minority Coalition government. There is a warning about a squeeze in Living Standards following figures showing inflation outstripped wages for the first time in three years. Meanwhile, a Record Number of people have jobs, in three years. Meanwhile, a Record Number of people havejobs, with unemployment falling to its lowest level since 1975. A Business Fair in leeds and good news onjobs. A Business Fair in leeds and good news on jobs. Those a Business Fair in leeds and good news onjobs. Those hiring plenty of people as Economic Growth is positive. We are constantly recruiting staff. We have grown quickly from four to 32 people. We have employed a new manager and we have employed a new manager and we have employed a new manager and we have employed in the last couple of months groundstaff. At this moment in time, on our Company Website i think we have 15 vacancies posted. The last time we saw unemployment is low was 1975. The price of a pint of milk was seven p. It was an era of high inflation and rapidly increasing incomes. To date information is creaking back. Incomes growth is falling. Lets look at the recent history of rising prices in britain and pay. If you go back to the year 2000 you can see that earnings were consistently above the rate of inflation. On average people were better off. That came to an abrupt

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