Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170424 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170424

in this year's london marathon. welcome to the programme. so, now we know, in two weeks, the french people in their presidential election will have a choice between emmanuel macron and the far right national front candidate, marine le pen. mr macron said hisjob now was to reconcile the country and gather broad support. marine le pen said her victory in reaching the final round, had been historic. she said it was time to "liberate the french people". so let's have a look at the latest figures from the first round of voting. with 46 million votes counted, mr macron led with 23.82% of votes and madame le pen on 21.58%. the conservative francois fillon and jean—luc melenchon both on i9%. our first report from france, is by our europe editor katya adler. one presidential election, two rival visions for france. fresh—faced emmanuel macron tops poll projections, promising fairer government, neither right nor left wing. a pro—eu centrist, confident of success. translation: i hope that in a fortnight, i will become your president. i want to become the president of all the people of france. the president of the patriots, in the face of the threats from the nationalists. a president able to protect, to transform and to build. emmanuel macron now goes through to the second and final round of france's vote for president. he will be against... far—right marine le pen, anti—immigration, anti—globalisation and anti—eu. her presidential plan was to make france for the french. translation: the time has come to get rid of all the arrogant people who wanted to dictate to the population what they should do. i am the candidate for the people. ever since polls closed, this crowd has waited to see the woman they want as the next president of france — marine le pen. her campaign slogan is "enabling the people of france" — if you hear the insults her supporters hurl at political rivals, you will see that france is extremely divided. there were clashes between police and voters frustrated with the projected election results. this has become known as the most stressful election in modern day france. up and down the country, in bars and living rooms, people were glued to their screens as soon as polls closed. left—wing candidates crushed, their supporters were bitterly disappointed. translation: i am terribly disappointed. now we know france is full of rich people in races. —— and racists. i won't vote at all in the second round. emmanuel macron and marine le pen are now on a charm offensive in the lead—up to the final presidential vote. their political visions may be clear but their parties have never been in government. whichever candidate france chooses, it will be a jump into the unknown. as we've been hearing marine le pen says the survival of france is at stake in this election. her party, the front national, has only ever reached the second round of a presidential race once before. while emmanuel macron‘s party, was set up just 12 months ago. our correspondent in france, lucy williamson takes a look at the changing face of french politics. one country, one electorate, two very different faces. france has chosen change but of what sort? emmanuel macron was once called the champagne bubble, with no previous experience and no established party, he would, critics said, pop very quickly. vive la france! instead, he brought in those disillusioned with france's traditional parties. his liberal, pro—europe policy is attracting voters from both right and left. but voters from right and left also chose marine le pen, who wants everything emmanuel macron does not: leave the euro, slash immigration, and clamp down on free trade. her support has been the steadiest in this election, barely changing from months ago. so why was this result so hard to call? william and his sister helene had no idea who they would vote for today, even as they walked to their local polling station. they were not alone, almost a quarter of the electorate were thought to be unsure who they would support. i will still vote but i don't know who for. i am hesitating between four. it's really hard. i need to choose one, i can't vote for four. months ago, the selection looked far more certain, the favourite the conservative candidate francois fillon. he fought on through a financial scandal as voters left him, adamant until tonight that he would win. on thursday, a reminder of the challenges france is facing. the latest in a long series of attacks. it could have been a sign for some that this is a time for experience not experiment. so why try someone new? the first one, macron, because he was the candidate of hope. the second, marine le pen, because she was the candidate of anger. and you see the conflict between these two emotions. and more profoundly, because the two traditional political parties that have been leading france for the last decade, both collapsed. after months of uncertainty, france has opted for two different futures. hope or anger, free trade protectionism, eu member or not. all that stands in the way of power is one more vote. let's take you like to paris and our correspondent thomas fessy. it is clear that there has been a vote for political change, but the two types of change in the table could not be more different? absolutely. we have seen the meltdown of traditional party tonight. the result shows clear distrust in the political class, and a desire for change. but as you say, two very different visions on the table. on the one hand, you have emmanuel macron, who is pragmatic, somebody who wants to push for deeper european integration, in favour of international trade deals, and who wants to push liberal economic reforms in france. and on the other hand, we have marine le pen, who is all about protectionism, who wants to put france and the french first, with whom foreigners and foreign goods would be kept out of the country, and who wants to ta ke of the country, and who wants to take us, take the french out of the eurozone. so different visions, they are. nothing is certain in this election. —— there. emmanuel macron does have some advantages. there is a precedent for this situation, in which marine le pen's father was in the run—off against ——jacques —— jacques chirac. he only got about 70%. there is a long tradition in france of workers uniting against the national front, whether they are political rivals or not. we have seen that in regional or local elections. and that is the case in national polls as well. that might well happen in the second round, again. emmanuel macron is not from a party in the traditional sense of the word. more of a movement. should he win, he will need support from the national assembly to get his votes through, wendy? and that is the big question. how is he going to pull a majority in parliament, and how will he be up to govern? he says that he is going to select candidates from outside the political system. —— won't he. half of them will be women, he said. but whether he will be up to secure that majority in parliament remains unclear. and that is the main question. we heard tonight that francois fillon, the candidate of the conservatives, who lost to emmanuel macron, saying that the centrist and the conservatives should unite in the next parliamentary election. —— centrists. but how is that going to play out exactly? we have yet to see. if we look forward to the second round, europe is likely to be a central element of that second round, with the two candidates unable to be more different in their view on europe. this is somewhat of a referendum on the place of friends within the european union. yes, on the one hand, emmanuel macron is very pro—european. he wants to push for further integration. very pro—european. he wants to push forfurther integration. he very pro—european. he wants to push for further integration. he wants to make sure that europe is going to stand as it is. he wants to reform it, though. but on the other hand, we have marine le pen, who has said that she would take france out of the euro. she wanted to return to the euro. she wanted to return to the national currency. she would try to negotiate a new european treaty that she would then put to a referendum. so very different european visions, there between emmanuel macron and marine le pen. thank you forjoining us that thomas. but let's look at the economic reaction to the result. the bbc‘s rico hizon is in singapore for us. on the start of a new trading week, how have the markets reacted to this result? if we look at the currency numbers in the morning trade, there isa numbers in the morning trade, there is a lot of volatility between the euro against the us dollar, and against the japanese yen. in early trade, the euro trade rose sharply, jumping toa trade, the euro trade rose sharply, jumping to a five—month high against the us dollar. investors are generally breeding a sigh of relief that pro—european emmanuel macron has taken a lead over far—right candidate marine le pen in the french presidential race. and the european single currency trading as high asi.o 937 european single currency trading as high as 1.0 937 and that was up by about 2%. but there is a lot of volatility in mid—morning trade with the euro now trading just below 1.08 to the us dollar. again, the us to make euro jumped against the yen in early asian trade. —— the euro jumped. as you see on the board here, 116.98 eight and a half. so a lot of volatility there. the french vote was being watched very closely asa vote was being watched very closely as a bellwether for popular sentiment following the election of donald trump as us president and after brexit. —— 116.985. donald trump as us president and after brexit. ——116.985. but i spoke to some traders earlier and they expect investors to be jittery once again closer to the second round of voting on the seventh of may. some say that if marine le pen wins the elections, the euro could ta ke wins the elections, the euro could take a huge fall and can potentially hit parity with the us dollar. other currency others say that marine le pen isjust one big hurdle for the euro. there are more elections coming in germany and italy, and uncertainty here could lead to more euro weakness against the us dollar. —— currency analysts. we will have to wait two weeks to see what happens. they give a joyous, rico hizon. they're with us here in bbc news, because still to come: —— stay. reaching out for help — how those struggling with bereavement, are finding strength in numbers. the stars and stripes at half—mast outside columbine high. the school sealed off, the bodies of the dead still inside. i never thought they would actually go through with it. some places have already had nearly as much rain as they would normally expect in an entire year. for millions of americans, the death of richard nixon in a new york hospital has meant conflicting emotions. a national day of mourning next wednesday sitting somehow uneasily with the abiding memories of the shame of watergate. and lift—off of the space shuttle discovery with the hubble space telescope, our window on the universe. this is bbc news. i'm tom donkin. the latest headlines: the centrist, emmanuel macron, wins through to the second round of the french presidential election. he'll face marine le pen of the anti—immigration, national front, who described the result as historic. now, to the election campaign here in the uk, and jeremy corbyn says he'll order a review of "all aspects" of uk defence policy, if he becomes prime minister. the labour leader, speaking to the bbc‘s andrew marr, also refused to confirm whether renewing the trident nuclear weapons system, would be in his party's manifesto. but a spokesman later made it clear that labour did support retaining trident. in response, the conservatives claim, labour would "dismantle" the uk's defences. our political correspondent, vicky young, reports. jeremy corbyn has an army of loyal supporters who have kept him at the helm of the labour party, despite opposition from many of his own mps. but now he has to introduce himself to a wider audience and persuade voters he's ready to be prime minister. morning, all. some of his views have caused huge controversy, even within his own party members and mr corbyn is opposed to nuclear weapons. so, would labour's election manifesto include a commitment to renew trident? we would include all aspects of defence, as most incoming governments do, i think all have. we would then look at the situation at that time. after the interview, a party spokesman was forced to issue a statement clarifying the situation, saying the decision to renew trident had, been taken and labour supported that. and what about the fight against so—called islamic state? mr corbyn said he might suspend air—strikes on targets in iraq and syria. but what would he do if intelligence chiefs came to him with this information? we know where the leader of isis is and we can take him out with a drone strike, can we have your permission? i'd tellthem, give me the information you've got, tell me how accurate that is, and tell me what you think can be achieved by this? if they do know where he is... can i take you back to the point? what is the objective here? is it to start more strikes that may kill many innocent people as has happened, or is the objective to get a political solution in syria? labour is keen to focus on domestic issues in this election. on grammar schools, mr corbyn said that he did not like selective education. on the economy, he repeated his promise to set up a public national investment bank to plough money into infrastructure. and on private service providers in the nhs, he said he would phase out contracts and bring in directly employed staff. jeremy corbyn supporters say he has been hampered as leader by disloyal mps and a negative press. this election campaign is a chance then to lay out his vision for britain, to tell the voters exactly what he stands for, but any confusion over policy will be seized on by his opponents. cheering in the opening stage of this campaign, the tories have made strong leadership a central theme. today, they said mr corbyn wasn't suitable to be prime minister. it'sjust chaos. you know? jeremy corbyn is putting himself forward as the next prime minister of this country and i think what we have seen this morning is that we would basically have a coalition of chaos if jeremy corbyn became prime minister of this country. the conservatives are portraying jeremy corbyn as a man unable to take the difficult decisions that come with being in power. and his allies say he is a man of principle and they believe voters will warm to him the more they hear his message. vicky young, bbc news. let's turn to some other news this hour. families have been burying their dead as afghanistan observed a national day of mourning on sunday. it follows a taliban attack on a military base in which at least 100 soldiers were killed or wounded. north korea says it's ready to sink a us aircraft carrier which is carrying out naval exercises with two japanese warships in the western pacific. president trump ordered the uss carl vinson carrier group to sail to waters off the korean peninsula, in response to rising tension over pyongyang's missile tests, and its threats to attack the us and its asian allies. the london marathon saw a new world record, a pair of newlyweds among the runners, and a man who sacrificed his own time to help another runner cross the line. in all, 40,000 people took part, and the bbc‘sjoe wilson was there watching. a journey of 26 miles begins with a single hoot — but whose? heads together, the starters and the masses. by 10:30am, we had a thrilling finish, david weir in the pale blue top was desperately seeking a seventh london marathon victory, to overcome the bitter disappointment of the paralympics. at one point, i didn't think i'd even make the start line, so to come away and win, for me personally, is an amazing feeling. missing from the elite women's field, last year's winner, jemima sumgong, she had failed a doping test. westminster showing a triumph of human spirit. not for the first or the last time. in a race where the women's race was seperate, this was the fastest time ever. daniel wanjiru's victory in the men's elite race was the biggest of his career. everywhere, personal limits were being stretched. the blue headbands of the heads together charity found many heads. the charitable causes and outfits defied imagination. the success in the marathon takes many forms, when matthew rees spotted this man out on his feet with the end in sight, his instinct was to assist, forget his own time, come on. they'd never met before. but they made it. it's the same thing anyone else would have done. ijust helped him out when he was in need and i'm glad he's 0k and up to the line. this is the triumphant stage of the marathon, the right side of the finishing line. doesn't matter if you're exhausted, forget about the time, you have made it and got a medal. not an obe, but you never know who will be doing the presentation. perhaps the only way to feel closer to the marathon is to run it yourself. there is always next year. a great achievement for all of those who took part. well, you saw there both prince william and harry, along with kate, supporting runners in the london marathon, on behalf of their charity heads together. the royals have been praised by groups who support the bereaved, for speaking out about the impact on their lives, of the death of their mother diana. but they say more help is needed for those coping with the death of a loved one. here's our health editor, hugh pym. kevin lost his wife to cancer eight years ago. since then, he has been helped by meeting others who have been bereaved through the social support group, widowed and young. at times, kevin says he found himself in a difficult place with his well—being at risk. it's a very traumatic experience and my own experience of that, it is your whole world upside down. you really don't know where to turn or how to cope initially. and, yes, it certainly does affect your mental health overall. yvonne's experience was similar. her husband simon died suddenly on a business trip. she and her chidren were left struggling as they tried to cope with the shock. and, in time, that begins to happen, things begin to normalise. yvonne acknowledges now that she came close to a mental health crisis. i spiralled down very, very rapidly and i got to the point of actually beginning to think like, there is no point in my life any more. the thought of ending it began to cross my mind. and was there anything that helped you pull away from that? yes, finding peer support, finding support initiatives, where people actually understood what i was going through, and were able to encourage me and give me hope. she said she was lucky to have that support, others often don't get it. so she set up a group and website signposting where help and counselling can be found. it's the sort of resource which might have helped angela after her husband took his own life. she said nobody told her where to find support beyond her immediate family. there was no formal process, if you like, that ran alongside the other processes that we become involved in, like coroner's courts and, you know, kind of, funeral directors and things like that. there was nothing offered to me that was specific to my bereavement. and looking back, i wish it had been offered. she is now campaigning on behalf of people bereaved by suicide who are known to be more likely to develop mental health problems. there's people who then consider suicide because they have been bereaved by suicide because this is such a huge thing that comes crashing into your world. if you don't receive the help you need to navigate your way through the situation, absolutely, it can lead to mental health issues. some need a lot more support beyond friends and family, others don't. but there's a clear message from those affected, the challenges and health risks for the bereaved need more recognition, along with places to turn for help. hugh pym, bbc news. and don't forget you can get more on all the day's news on line and you get in touch with me on twitter. i'm at tom donkin bbc. there is a live page on the bbc website being updated as we speak. hugh schofield has written an article about french uncharted waters after the first round of the election. for now, goodbye. hello there. we've got a bit of a taste of winter for the new working week. the cold front is going south across the uk introducing colder conditions. so, through the week ahead, a chance of seeing wintry showers. gardeners, take note, also some frosty nights over the next few nights too. we are already seeing colder conditions moving in across scotland with sleet and snow showers, mostly over the high ground, but some wintry precipitation getting down to lower levels. further south across the uk, we've got quite a lot of cloud. a few outbreaks of rain. but still into the milded air. looking at the weather for monday morning. 8am. largely dry in southern counties. some sunshine in the south coast towards london. so, a relatively fine start to the day. heading our way further north, one or two patchy showers coming out of the cloud and the bulk of england and wales. heavy rain in northern england and northern ireland first thing as well. that is the weather front going south. but to the north of that, sunshine and wintry showers blowing in on that brisk northerly wind across scotland. it will be wintry across the north of scotland. there could be accumulations of snow in the higher ground of scotland. sleet mixed in even at lower levels and hail is possible. further south across the uk, cloudy with outbreaks of rain on that frontal system. some reaching the london region later on. temperature still around 111—15 degrees. further north, struggling, at best, 7—9. still mild in the far south late on monday. getting cleared away and pushed away by the frontal system. that opens the door for cold air to work across all of the country into tuesday. northerly arrows showing a bitterly cold wind. across scotland once again on tuesday, further sleet and snow showers. down the east coast of england, also some showers here. some working further inland. mostly falling as rain on lower levels. but there will be some sleet and snow mixed in. some sunshine and dry conditions across much of southern and south—western england. but temperatures at best around 7—11 on tuesday. a similar day on wednesday. sunshine and scattered showers. a bit of a wintry flavour to some of these showers over the high ground in particular. and again, those temperatures will struggle. just seven degrees in aberdeen. 12 in london. the latter part of the week, gradually things will start to turn a little bit milder and showers should ease in most areas. that's how it's looking. have a good week. hello. my name is tom donkin. the latest headlines: france has chosen the two candidates who will go through to the final round of the presidential election in two weeks time. they're the 39—year—old centrist emmanuel macron and the nationalist right—winger marine le pen. it's being seen as a rejection of the traditional parties. mr macron said hisjob would be to become president for the whole country. he called for everyone to rally against the nationalists. ms le pen said that it was time to liberate the french people. the losing centre—right and socialist left candidates said they were switching their allegiance to mr macron. here in the uk labour has reaffirmed its commitment to keeping britain's trident nuclear missile system — afterjeremy corbyn appeared to throw the policy into doubt. the labour leader refused to confirm in a bbc interview whether renewing trident would be included in his party's election manifesto. time now on the bbc news channel for a look at the week in parliament.

Related Keywords

People , All , Round , Result , Candidate , Translation , Population , Who , National Front , Arrogant , Runners , Uk , Confusion , General Election , Opposition , Stance , Tens Of Thousands , Nuclear Deterrent , Programme , London Marathon , Election , Choice , Two , Emmanuel Macron , Marine Le Pen , Support , Country , Victory , Hisjob , Liberate The French People , Francois Fillon , Votes , La France , Look , Pen , Voting , I9 , Conservative , Report , Figures , Led , Jean Luc Melenchon , 46 Million , 21 58 , 23 82 , Europe , Macron Tops , Government , Katya Adler , Rival Visions , Wing , Poll Projections , One , President , Success , Fortnight , Pro Eu Centrist , Nationalists , Face , Patriots , Threats , Vote , Anti Immigration , Far Right , Anti Eu , Plan , Polls , Woman , Crowd , Supporters , Rivals , Campaign , Slogan , Voters , Election Results , Police , Clashes , Bars , Rooms , Candidates , Screens , Vote , Races , Racists , Visions , Parties , Survival , Jump , Charm Offensive , Unknown , Hearing , Stake , Party , Race , Lucy Williamson , Electorate , Politics , 12 , Experience , Change , Faces , Champagne Bubble , Pop , Critics , Euro , Pro Europe , Free Trade , Left , Everything , Immigration , Clamp , Liberal , Prince William , Helene , Polling Station , Idea , Steadiest , Don T Know Who For , Four , Favourite , Scandal , Selection , Challenges , Some , On Thursday , Sign , Attacks , Latest , Series , Anger , Hope , Emotions , Someone , Conflict , Second , Political Parties , Uncertainty , Futures , Way , Power , Thomas Fessy , Stands , Member , Free Trade Protectionism , Paris , Eu , Table , Types , Meltdown , Class , Desire , Distrust , Hand , Integration , International Trade , Favour , Deals , Protectionism , Reforms , Us , Eurozone , First , Goods , Whom , Foreigners , Ta Ke , Situation , Nothing , Precedent , Advantages , Jacques , Which , Father , Jacques Chirac , Workers , Tradition , 70 , Elections , More , Case , Word , Sense , Movement , Parliament , Majority , Wendy , Assembly , Big Question , Women , Half , System , Won T He , Conservatives , Question , Centrist , Centrists , View , Element , Place , Yes , Referendum , Friends , Forfurther Integration , It , Currency , European Treaty , Reaction , Lot , Bbc News , Jumping Toa Trade , Volatility , Currency Numbers , Isa Numbers , Rico Hizon , Markets , Singapore , Dollar , Investors , Yen , Euro Trade Rose , High , Sigh , Relief , Japanese , Five , Currency Trading , Lead , O 937 European , 1 0 , 937 , Trade , 2 , 1 08 , Eight , 116 98 , Donald Trump , Traders , Asa Vote , Bellwether , Sentiment , Brexit , 16 985 , 116 985 , Of May , Fall , Say , Others , Parity , Euro Weakness , Isjust One Big Hurdle , Italy , Germany , Currency Analysts , Stay , Help , Bereavement , Stripes , Stars , Numbers , School , Finding , Bodies , Columbine High , Half Mast , Rain , Places , Death , Millions , Richard Nixon , Watergate , Window , Lift Off , Shame , Memories , Space Shuttle Discovery , New York Hospital , Hubble Space Telescope , The Universe , Tom Donkin , Election Campaign , Headlines , Jeremy Corbyn , Prime Minister , Policy , Defence , Aspects , Labour Leader , Review , Trident Nuclear Weapons System , Andrew Marr , Uk Labour , Response , Manifesto , Vicky Young , Trident , Defences , Spokesman , Army , Conservatives Claim , Many , Mps , Helm , Audience , Views , Party Members , Weapons , Controversy , Commitment , Governments , Statement , Party Spokesman , Interview , Air Strikes , Decision , Fight , Targets , Islamic State , Leader , Information , Drone Strike , Chiefs , Permission , Syria , Iraq , Tellthem , Point , Objective , Strikes , Issues , Solution , Grammar Schools , Economy , Contracts , Education , Promise , Service Providers , Staff , National Investment Bank , To Plough Money Into Infrastructure , Nhs , Chance , Press , Stage , Opponents , Cheering , Vision , Disloyal Mps , Wasn T , Mr , Leadership , Stories , Theme , It Sjust Chaos , Chaos , Coalition , Man , Decisions , Principle , Allies , Message , News , Families , Let , Afghanistan , North Korea , Military Base , Mourning , Aircraft Carrier , Attack , Soldiers , Exercises , Warships , Taliban , 100 , London , Carrier Group , Missile Tests , Tension , Newlyweds , Pair , Saw A New World Record , Western Pacific , Asian , Uss Carl Vinson , Korean Peninsula , Pyongyang , Part , Line , Runner , Journey , Bbc Sjoe Wilson , 40000 , 26 , Heads , Starters , Hoot , Masses , Paralympics , Top , Disappointment , Finish , Seventh London Marathon Victory , 30am , David Weir , 30 , 10 , Feeling , Start Line , Win , Elite Women S Field , Jemima Sumgong , Doping Test , Winner , Westminster , Triumph Of Human Spirit , Daniel Wanjiru , Charity , Everywhere , Blue Headbands , Biggest , Career , Men , Causes , Imagination , Outfits , The Heads , Limits , Thing , Marathon , Matthew Rees , Eforms , Sight , Instinct , End , Feet , Anyone , Come On , Need , Ijust , 0k , Doesn T , Presentation , Side , Obe , Medal , Achievement , Behalf , Royals , Groups , Bereaved , Harry , Kate , Kevin , Hugh Pym , Ndiana , Loved One , Lives , Impact , Coping , Cancer , Wife , Times , Social Support Group , Risk , Well Being , Yvonne , Mental Health , World , Similar , Things , Simon , Business Trip , Shock , Chidren , Normalise , Life , Mental Health Crisis , Thought , Support Initiatives , Finding Peer Support , Mind , Anything , Website , Husband , Signposting , Sort , Counselling , Group , Resource , Family , Processes , Process , In , Nobody , Funeral Directors , Kind , Courts , Coroner , Ran , Suicide , Mental Health Problems , Health , Risks , Recognition , Touch , Don T , Twitter , Uncharted Waters , Article , Page , Tom Donkin Bbc , Hugh Schofield , Showers , South , Sleet , Conditions , Snow Showers , Bit , Cold Front , Scotland , Taste , Winter , Working Week , Take Note , Gardeners , Levels , Ground , Outbreaks , Cloud , Precipitation , Weather , Monday Morning , Milded Air , 8am , 8 , Counties , North , Sunshine , Bulk , The Cloud , South Coast , Northern England , Wind , Weather Front , Heavy Rain , Wales , Northern Ireland , Snow , Frontal System , Hail , Accumulations , Door , Temperature , Region , Struggling , Best , 9 , 7 , 15 , 111 , Arrows , East Coast , Temperatures , Particular , Flavour , 11 , My Name , Areas , Seven , 39 , Everyone , Rejection , Socialist Left , Election Manifesto , Afterjeremy Corbyn , Allegiance , Interview Whether , Trident Nuclear Missile System , Policy Into Doubt , Globe , Cow , Emmanuel , Viewers , Threat , North America , Oui ,

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