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The mp for eastbourne, Caroline Ansell. The white house spokesman, sean spicer, has admitted he made insensitive remarks about hitlers use of Chemical Weapons. The First Lady Melania Trump has received an apology and damages from the daily mail, over allegations about her work as a model. Also coming up. A suspect with Islamist Links has been detained, in connection with the bomb attack on the Borussia Dortmund football team. Last nights events didnt keep fans away from this evenings re scheduled match, which has taken place amid tightened security. Good evening to you and welcome to bbc news. Rex tillerson has held talks in moscow with his counterpart Sergey Lavrov the meeting was described as frank. The politicians said they found common ground. President putin earlier said relations between the countries had deteriorated. The meetings took place in week after the chemical attack on syria. Yesterday the g 7 blocked a plan to face more sanctions on the assad regime and its russian backers. Mr lava said the discussions have been substantial and certain issues were time bombs inherited from Barack Obamas administration. My sense of the negotiations without the plethora of problems, objective and subjectively created. Russia is open for dialogue with the United States in various areas. Not only for the dialogue, but for joint actions aimed at the result in the areas where there is common interest of both countries. We will respect reciprocity from the United States and im positive todays meeting, the hours weve spelt with Rex Tillerson, The Two Of Us and along with the russian president , have not raised it. Mr tillerson said the talks have been productive, saying the two main Nuclear Powers could not have a poor relationship. The two main Nuclear Powers could not have a poor relationshiplj expressed the view the current state of Us Russia Relations is at a low point. There is a low level of trust between our two countries. The two foremost Nuclear Powers cannot have this kind of relationship. We further discussed approaches to improving our channels of communication. We had a lengthy exchange of views regarding syria and shared perspective on possible ways forward. He signalled the us might be open to some kind of independent investigation into the Chemical Weapons attack on syria last week. Our moscow correspondent olga ivshina gave her reaction to Rex Tillerson. The west accused russia of putting the edge down. Moscow again just called for an independent investigation. This going back and forth for months. This might be the case again. Russia would cause for international investigation, it would go back and forth for months. Moscow is very interested in dialogue with washington. And ready for cooperation because russia has invested so much in its Syrian Campaign . And they want to remain. They need to find common language with washington. With me now is dr derek averre from the centre for russia, european and eurasian studies. I hope you managed to get a few ideas as to what these two men were saying. What do you make of that Press Conference . I think its a case of trying to repair the immediate state of the relationship. It was mentioned some measures have to be taken to assure what the media is calling deconfliction, in other words that american air strikes will not strike russians. That any type of russian action will not interfere with the operation of american forces. That is the first thing because that could potentially lead to an escalation. Secondly, they have to revisit the diplomatic state of negotiations, which go back to june 2012, and the geneva Conference Held there. Which spoke about a possible transition in syria, which would include elements of the present government. That seems to have been more or less forgotten. As far as diplomacy is concerned that needs to be visited, i think. Interestingly mentioned that. It seems to have been forgotten. 0ne Little Dig mr lavrov had against Rex Tillerson was he suggested a lot of post was in the State Department Richie Gray lot of posts in the State Department havent been felt. He suggested posts hadnt been filled. Do you think it is down to a lack of depth in the State Department in conducting Foreign Affairs . It will take time for the Trump Administration to find its feet. Events will not wait for that. Tillerson seems to be a good start, seems to have a more measured approach to these things. We had a few problems on the line, we had Trouble Hearing what you said. Thanks forjoining us from the centre for russia, european and eurasian studies. Lets talk to our washington correspondent gary 0donoghue, standing by. There seems to bea 0donoghue, standing by. There seems to be a lot in common between the trump and 0bama administration, having enormous problems with russia. Yes, they are. In fact the russians referred back to a lot of problems they had with the 0bama administration. Vladimir putin in that interview this morning, the newspaper interview, saying things have got worse even since the 0bama days. They are talking, at some sort of progress. Rex tillerson in the same room as Sergey Lavrov. It may bea same room as Sergey Lavrov. It may be a precursor to some kind of summit between President Trump Vladimir Putin later in the year, who knows. Rex tillerson did get the chance to talk to Vladimir Putin for a couple of hours today. That was in doubt so itll be seen as a positive. They are still poles apart the key issues. They cant agree, wont agree on whether those chemical strikes were carried out by the Syrian Regime. Russia has called americas retaliation, those tomahawks, an illegal act. They dont agree on accusations of russian involvement in the american election, in terms of cybercrime. There is a whole range of issues where they are just not even near one another. But what theyve done todayis one another. But what theyve done today is theyve agreed, and it sounds like a small step, and it is a small step, to set up a working group, some lower level Diplomatic Contact group, some lower level Diplomatic Co nta ct to group, some lower level Diplomatic Contact to try and smooth out and perhaps end some of this Megaphone Diplomacy weve had between the sides. At the heart of the differences between both countries, of course, is syria. Are you any clearer. Are americans any clearer, on what the administration of donald trump. What his policies towards syria . We did get something concrete today when donald trump gave an interview to fox business news. He said, were not going into syria. That was later interpreted by his press spokesman as large numbers of us troops on the ground. We know for sure hes not going to do that. We assumed he wasnt going to do that. We know that for sure now. What we dont know is what will prompt donald trump to launch more strikes. He talked today for example about barrel bombs. You know, these are the barrels of explosive tnt rolled out of the back of helicopters. Accusations the syrians and russians have used them on multiple occasions across syria. Donald trump talked about those in the same bracket as Chemical Weapons. If there is evidence of more use of barrel bombs, is he going to retaliate . We dont know at this stage. The russians want some sort of independent investigation into the Chemical Weapons attack. They say there are no facts yet, everything has been done from distance, nothing gathered properly on the ground. But they still look pretty sure they are going to stand out against this United Nations resolution before the Security Council is due to come up later today. What about tomorrow mornings rampages make of one of this . Well tell you what they are reporting tonight at 10 40pm. Our guests joining me tonight are the daily mirror columnist Susie Boniface and steve hawkes, deputy Political Editor at the sun. President trumps spokesman, sean spicer, has apologised after saying that hitler didnt use Chemical Weapons. Sean spicer made the remark during a White House Press briefing, as he answered questions about the war in syria. Journalists pointed out to him that gas was used to murder millions ofjewish people, and others, during the holocaust. David willis reports from washington. Asked about the syrian governments use of Chemical Weapons, The President S Press Spokesman made the surprising assertion. We didnt use Chemical Weapons in world war ii. You had a comedian, someone as despicable as hitler, who didnt even think to using Chemical Weapons. Asked to clarify those remarks, mr spicer dug himself in even deeper. He brought them into the holocaust centre. I understand that. The way assad used them, went into towns, drop them down to innocent. Into the middle of towns. The use of it, i appreciate the clarification, that was not the intent. In a statement the Anne Frank Centre accused mr s ice bridge on ago mr spicer engaging in fa ke bridge on ago mr spicer engaging in fake news by denying hitler gassed millions of dues to death. Calls mounting for his dismissal, the spokesman went back in front of the cameras to offer this apology. |j made a mistake, there is no other way, no other way to say it. I got into a topic i shouldnt have and i screwed up. It really is painful to myself to know that i did Something Like that. Because that obviously was not my intention. And to know when you screw up that you possibly offended a lot of people, ijust, you know. So i would ask obviously folks forgiveness to understand i should not have tried to make a comparison. There is no comparing atrocities. On monday mr spicer suggested the use of barrel bombs by the Syrian Regime could merit renewed Military Action on the part of the United States only for the white house to deny its policy had changed. Now the Trump Administration is facing further unflattering headlines amid suggestions that this mans days at the lectern could now be numbered. David willis, bbc news, washington. Sean spicer has been involved in several controversies since his appointment as White House Press secretary. After President Trumps inauguration ceremony, he accused journalists of reporting inaccurate crowd numbers. Mr spicer claimed that the ceremony had attracted a larger crowd than barack 0bamas, despite photographic evidence to the contrary. The Trump Administration was criticised for omitting any mention ofjews or antisemitism from a white house statement commemorating International Holocaust Remembrance Day mr spicer described these critics as pathetic in one of its most controversial moves the Trump Administration placed restrictions on travellers from seven primarily muslim countries. Mr spicer blamed the media for describing the restrictions as a travel ban, even though President Trump used the term himself in a tweet. When asked about trumps tweet, spicer responded, hes using the words that the media is using. Im joined via webcam byjeff mason, reuters correspondent and president of the White House Correspondents Association hejoins me from he joins me from washington. Hejoins me from washington. Hello to you, thanks for being with us. My pleasure. How do you think sean spicer ended up making this colossal mistake . I cant answer that, that isa mistake . I cant answer that, that is a question you would have to ask him. It certainly was a colossal mistake and he spent the last almost 24 mistake and he spent the last almost 2a hours apologising for it. Certainly something that caught journalists here off guard. And i know he feels bad about it, and he should. When i say how could he have made such a mistake, we gave a litany of some of the other gaffes that have come from sean spicers mouth. A lot of those are the result of policy or of someone behind the scenes telling him to say something. This one seems to have come from his own volition, his own brain, as it were. Yeah i would be relu cta nt to com pa re brain, as it were. Yeah i would be reluctant to compare what he said yesterday compared to the one you cited, the first date of the administration, when he came out to talk about crowd size. He was doing that first one the day after the inauguration, sort of on the orders of his boss. I think what happened yesterday was not on the orders of anyone, it was a massive, massive mistake. Do you think his job is on the line now . Its hard for me to a nswer the line now . Its hard for me to answer that. I think hes certainly under a spotlight right now and i think he realises that. But there has been a lot of intrigue at the white house in terms of whose jobs are on the line and who is not. Its ha rd to are on the line and who is not. Its hard to answer that, they think well have to watch and see what the fallout is. He certainly has tried to make up for what he did by apologising and doing so profusely and doing so in many different avenues. Did you guys, when you sit in front of him, when he gives these briefings, do you believe what he says . You know, i think its important as a journalist, regardless of where you are, what youre covering, what issue youre covering, to listen closely to the sources that are both in public and behind the scenes, to what they say, and fact checked if necessary. We certainly had to do some Fact Checking of what sean has said from the podium. Its important for a journalist regardless of what youre covering. Is it something you had to do with previous administrations . think its been a theme. Even more in the last few months. Thatjust reinforces the importance of Good Journalism and quick thinking reporters. It also reinforces the importance of actual facts. The relationship between the media and the white house, its coming up to 100 days since the inauguration, is it getting any better, that relationship . Because we know when it began it was dreadful. Well, the White House Correspondence Association has worked hard to build a constructive relationship with this white house and we continue to do that work. You are not wrong to say there has been tension in that relationship, that is absolutely true. There has been tension in relationships between the press and virtually every white house that has covered. The tension we have right 110w covered. The tension we have right now is certainly unique. But were working on it and i think we address it in large part by coming to work every day. Im here at the white house, my colleagues are around me and were doing Ourjobs Covering the president and his administration, telling the story of how President Trump is governing. Its a long time since a president has refused to go to the white house Correspondents Dinner. Indeed, the last president who did not attend the president white house Correspondents Dinner was president reagan in 1981, because he was recovering from having been shot. The comparison is not really apples for apples. Its been several decades since the president didnt come. Weve made very clear President Trump is welcome, as is the white house staff, its up to them to explain what kind of signal they want to send by not coming, but well be celebrating the First Amendment of the first constitution at that dinner and look forward to having him with or without the president. Jeff mason from the White House Correspondence Association and correspondent for reuters. My pleasure. The headlines. Following talks in moscow, the us Secretary Of State and his russian counterpart admits there is work to do if relations are to improve. The Health Secretary has ordered a review into the shrewsbury and Telford Nhs Trust after concerns raised over a number of baby deaths. A manjailed after concerns raised over a number of baby deaths. A man jailed for four months for threatening on facebook to kill the mp for eastbourne. The Football Match between Borussia Dortmund and monaco after an explosion on the Dortmund Team boss is taking place in monaco. Mark barker is recovering with a broken wrist. Authorities are questioning a suspected to be an islamist. Experts are checking the authenticity of notes found at the scene demanding the withdrawal of german warplanes from syria. Marc bartra. Police are treating it as a terror attack, asjenny hill explains. They say they found three letters at the sight of the explosions. They say the content of those letters point to a potential islamist Terror Motive for the attacks. They are being examined, they say, by islamic experts. Now we dont know much about the letters but they are said to have contained among other things demands, for example, that german tornadoes are withdrawn from syria, and that germany closes its us army base at ramstein. An intriguing twist to the investigation. These letters appear to be very much the focus of the investigation at the moment. There have been serious clashes between police and football fa ns clashes between police and Football Fans in madrid out of the Champions League quarterfinal between Leicester City and Atletico Madrid. Police are reported to have Chapter Crowds In The City Main Square after a flare was sent off and bottles thrown. Phil mackie is in madrid for us. Thrown. Phil mackie is in madrid for us. Fill us in on exactly what happened. This was in the main square two hours before kick off. It had been very busy all day. Several thousand fans had been their drinking, eating and singing are taking pictures of one another. Then All Of A Sudden a couple of players we re All Of A Sudden a couple of players were led off stock around half a dozen or so riot vans, police vans, with Riot Officers in, jumped out with Riot Officers in, jumped out with their helmets, at one is out. Fans with their helmets, at one is out. Fa ns were with their helmets, at one is out. Fans were told to move on. Not very much time to get going. Within 30 seconds or so, the police basically forced them out. Those people who objected were hit quite severely with add ons. I saw some nasty cuts and bruises. Lots of people quite shocked. Some of the people were quite young, some old. Men and women we re quite young, some old. Men and women were attacked. The atmosphere moments before the flare went off was quite joyous really. Moments before the flare went off was quitejoyous really. There moments before the flare went off was quite joyous really. There were a lot of Drunk Leicester fans, singing songs, but they werent particularly offensive songs. The atmosphere was no different to that which is seen in other cities in europe. Werejust which is seen in other cities in europe. Were just looking at some of the pictures of what may have happened today. Thanks very much, phil mackie, reporting from madrid. The Health Secretaryjeremy hunt has ordered a review at an nhs trust, after concerns were raised over a cluster of baby deaths. The bbc has learned there have been at least seven avoidable deaths over 20 months within the shrewsbury and Telford Hospital trust in shropshire. Five of the deaths were contributed to by the same problem a failure to properly monitor the babys heart rate during labour. In response, the trust say their Mortality Levels are in line with the national average. 0ur correspondent, michael buchanan, has this exclusive report. Basic errors at this trust have caused healthy babies to die. I dont want another mum to feel this. Dad to have to put the lid on his daughters coffin. Promises to learn lessons have not been kept. They were interpreting my heartrate as hers. They missed the opportunity to see that there was any distress. But now a family long denied justice themselves have prompted the Health Secretary to act. How many more babies need to die at this trust before somebody somewhere says, enough is enough, we need now to investigate . Its all ive got left. Bits of hair is not enough. A memory box is all kellyjones has of her twin girls ella and lola. Her daughters were stillborn in 2014. The trust admitted the deaths were avoidable. Theyd failed to spot their heartrates were deteriorating, so the twins suffered fatal brain injuries. That midwife come in crying, saying, oh, im so sorry, im so sorry. Too late. Damage is done. My girls are gone. Hospital staff ignored kellys repeated calls for them to deliver the twins, leaving her now utterly bereft. They have four missed opportunities to deliver my girls. And they didnt. So now i get to spend the rest of my life going, what if, what if, what if . Following the twins deaths, the shrewsbury and Telford Hospital trust promised kelly theyd improved how they monitored babies heartrates during labour. But the mistakes continued. Errors with foetal Heart Monitoring contributed to the deaths of five healthy babies between September 2014 and may 2016, the most recent of which was ivy morris. I never saw her smile. It was just something that she couldnt do. Ivy died last may aged just four months. A brain injury at birth gave her a little quality of life. The hospital had mistaken her mothers heartbeat for ivys and failed to spot the baby was in distress. Ive had an apology from the hospital. Ive had assurances that this wont happen again, and i accept those. But other families have had those assurances and those apologies, and if. If they were followed up in the way that they said that they would, and in the way that theyd assured those families, then i wouldnt be sat here talking to you, and i would have my daughter. Foetal Heart Monitors are commonly used on women in labour to ensure the baby isnt in distress. Mistakes are made, but the repeated errors at the shrewsbury and Telford Trust have prompted the Health Secretary into taking action. Jeremy hunt has ordered a review of deaths at other Maternity Errors a move prompted by the tireless campaigning of one family. Richard and Rhiannon Have fought the trust for years over the avoidable death of their daughter kate. Isabellas big sister died in 2009 following numerous mistakes during labour. After seven years of fighting, their determination eventually got them a full apology. But they say the trust could have avoided more deaths if they havent been ignored. They haventjust killed my daughter, but they have disregarded the value of her life, her memory,. Her life had value and meaning, because there was so much from it that they could have learned and improved from. The shrewsbury and Telford Trust have promised theyll cooperate fully with the upcoming inquiry. The medical director admitted to me theyd made mistakes. Sadly, there are cases where losses occur. But what families expect when a loss occurs, as an absolute minimum, is that lessons are learned. I would acknowledge that, in the case of foetal heartrate monitoring, weve identified a number of cases where that hasnt been fully implemented and where we have learnt both in terms of human error and in terms of analysis and monitoring. Too many families have been failed by this trust. The upcoming review will hopefully stop such unnecessary heartache. Michael buchanan, bbc news, shropshire. Michael buchanan is here with me 110w. Michael buchanan is here with me now. The problem seems to be in relation to the monitoring of faecal hearts. Whose fault is that . Double. In sometimes midwives, sometimes doctors make mistakes, sometimes doctors make mistakes, sometimes both by either not working together properly or simply not working together at all. In broader terms there is a cultural problem that the trust. There have been at least two reports in the last year 01 s0 least two reports in the last year or so that have highlighted this trust them in the word of one of them, does not have a Safety Culture at all. Given that avoidable death in 2009 was effectively denied by the trust for a number of years, the question of that family who you saw there have is, we surely will not be only get that was avoidable at this trust over the years. The other thing the trust has failed on is, there was a review of all nhs trusts in england published last year, that looked into how they learn from incidents, what the Reporting Culture is like. This trust came up properly, having a poor Reporting Culture, one of the worst in england. I think there is a huge cultural problem that the trust has had, at least historically, and they are trying to grapple with at the moment. Its only now because, as you put out there in that report, its only because of the dog eared work of families involved in these Tragedies Thatjeremy Hunt is getting involved. Where the monitors who are supposed to be looking at the performance of trusts . That is a good question, this review has been brought about by dogged determination of someone whose daughter died in 2009. In 2014, the trust denied responsibility, effectively, for the deaths. The sea qc went into this trust. They went into this trust and said that the Maternity Services were good, that is despite the fact that when you look at the support that the regulators produced, they raised a number of concerns about the culture, how they were treating serious incidents, when you look at that report you wonder how regulators can go in and judge it as being good, given that they knew there were problems with the case in 2014 and given that there were other questionable deaths at the trust. But the regulators said at the time they looked at it they thought that you Maternity Services were good, despite the fact that overall the trust was rated as requiring improvement. Jeremy hunt is involved 110w improvement. Jeremy hunt is involved now so we improvement. Jeremy hunt is involved now so we shall see what happens. Many thanks. Before we go to the weather i should just tell you that some Breaking News out of the un in new york, russia has vetoed that un Security Council draft resolution presented by britain, france and america demanding that syria cooperates with an investigation into the suspected Chemical Weapons attack last week. The strike killed nearly 90 people. The Us Ambassador said it was long past time for russia to skip covering the president assad, but russias ambassador to the un said he was amazed that western countries could blame the syrian leaders as nobody had visited the scene so how could they know. Russia has vetoed the d raft they know. Russia has vetoed the draft resolution to compel president sr al assad to allow an investigation into the suspected Chemical Weapons attack last week. Any investigation has to be at the behest of the country involved. If president assad says it aint happening then it aint happening. Time for a look at the weather. Some of those caught a few april showers today and sunshine as well. That is the story for the rest of the week. It will stay fairly fresh and we will continue to see on enough showers with some sunshine. Neither particularly warm nor particularly cold. These are the temperatures for nine oclock this evening, soon after that they will dip away quite quickly particularly across these click used in areas. A touch of grass bossed on the way. Touch of brass frost on the way. In towns and cities by ellie thursday morning, 5 degrees in newcastle, ten implement. Tomorrow, more of the same. There will be some showers affecting scotland, but i think generally speaking there will be a dry day most of the time with some hazy sunshine from time to time. Hello. Top stories for you, it is coming up to 25 minutes to nine. Following talks in moscow, the us Secretary Of State and his russian counterpart, admit theres work to do, if relations, are to improve. There is a low level of trust between our two countries, the worlds two foremost Nuclear Powers could not have this kind of relationship. We understand to ove ico [ti e relationship. We understand to overcome these barriers we need substantial efforts. At the un russia had vetoed a Draft Legislation that calls on syria to cooperate in an investigation into thom the Health Secretary has ordered a review into the shrewsbury and Telford Nhs Trust in shropshire, after concerns raised over a cluster of baby deaths. A man has beenjailed forfour months, for making threats to kill the mp Caroline Ansell, in a facebook post. Police in germany have detained a man they say may have links to islamist groups, over last nights attack on the borrusia dortmund football team. Sport now and a full round up, from the bbc sport centre. Its one of the biggest nights in the history of Leicester City. Theyre taking on Atletico Madrid in the first leg of their Champions League quarterfinal in the calderon. The spanish side won a controversial penalty, it seemed the box. But a spot kick was given and the man who won it, scored it. It is also one zero at the alianza arena. German police have detained as suspected Islamist Links. Monaco w011 as suspected Islamist Links. Monaco won the Receptacles Quarterfinal first leg in germany, both squads arrived amidst heavy Police Presence and were welcomed by the fans. 0n the pitch, the german side were very much overwhelmed in the first half. An own goal gave them a 2 0 advantage at half time, monaco where 31 advantage at half time, monaco where 3 1 up. The side state with a late goal. 3 2, the final score to monaco. Next months championship Playoff Semi Finals will use Goalline Technology for the first time. The Goal Decision System has been in use by the Premier League since 2013 as well as some fa cup matches. And it will be adopted in all Championship Games next season. The system uses fast frame cameras which are instantly analysed by a computer to see if the ball has crossed the line. Lions head coach Warren Gatland will name his squad for the tour of new zealand a week today. There is still speculation around who will be picked as captain, particularly with favourite Sam Warburton being ruled out for the rest of the domestic season with a knee injury. Among those also in contention is the england skipper dylan hartley. He missed out on The Last Lions Tour in 2013 after being originally selected because of a ban for verbally abusing a referee. Anyone selected im sure it is a great honour. I have been previously selected, so yes it is a great honour. But to talk, im sure it is a great experience as well. But i am not counting my chickens, i do not wa nt to not counting my chickens, i do not want to build myself up for possibly sit back, in my eyes, i am just taking it as it comes and im happy where i am at the moment. If it comes it is a bonus if not i have other things to play for and other things to look forward to. The World Track Cycling Championships are under way in hong kong. Great britain have already won a medal on day one, Elinor Barker picked up a silver in the womens scratch race. She won gold at the rio 0lympics as part of the team pursuit. It looked like she might get her hands on another one. But was pipped on the line by italian rachele barbieri. It all worked out 0k, perhaps i wasnt fast enough. 0bviously, it all worked out 0k, perhaps i wasnt fast enough. Obviously, it does not always stay the same and you have to watch out the different people all the time. I merely disappointed. And there could be more medals to come tomorrow. Gbs Mens Team Pursuit will race for a bronze against italy. They beat switzerland earlier with the fourth fastest time in qualifying. That is all your spot for now. More in the next hour. The us Secretary Of State, Rex Tillerson, and his russian counterpart, sergei lavrov, have spoken about the deteriorating state of relations between their two countries. The pair have been holding talks in moscow, following a us air strike on russias key ally syria. Relations have deteriorated dramatically. At a News Conference a short time ago, mr lavrov said discussions had been substa ntial and frank. Russia is open for the dialogue with the United States and various areas, not only for the dialogue but for joint action is aimed at the result in the areas where there is common interest but both countries. Of course, we will respect receptor city from the United States and i am positive that todays meeting with Rex Tillerson, both the two others and along with the russian president s, were not wasted. expressed the view that the current state of Us Russia Relations is at a low point. There is a low level of trust between our two countries. The world with the the most out of we had a lengthy exchange of views regarding the situation in syria and share perspectives on possible ways forward. President tom has met the nato secretary. He was highly critical of the alliance saying it was obsolete as he complained about countries that do not spend enough on their own defence and suggested that American Sarri and america would decide whether to come to an allys aid after looking at those payments. We can speak to scott lucas from the University Of Birmingham, whos a professor of american studies. It is good to see you. The Breaking News weve had tonight, which is that russia has vetoed that un Security Council draft resolution, which would have compelled president assad to allow an investigation into the suspected Chemical Weapons attack last week, considering russia has been saying, look we need an investigation, why do you think they vetoed this . Because russia does not really wa nt a n vetoed this . Because russia does not really want an independent investigation, simple as that. Russia is trying to buy time because there is a lot of evidence always bury already collected, the Us Intelligence has it that smack that there was a lot of evidence already collected. Sorry, were going to have to stop it there. It is a dreadful line. Well try to bring it up a bit later on. Scott lucas that from Birmingham University giving us his views on why the russians have vetoed that d raft why the russians have vetoed that draft resolution. Which would have compelled president assad to collaborate with an independent resolution. Lets move on now. Americas first lady, Melania Trump, has accepted damages, reported to be in excess of £2 million from the publishers of the daily mail, after it printed allegations about her past career. The paper, which has also agreed to print an apology, suggested that work undertaken by mrs. Trump in the 1990s went beyond simply modelling. Today it accepted that those suggestions were untrue. 0ur Media Correspondent David Sillito reports. My wife melania, who is here right now. Melania trump, first lady of the United States its a position that is always going to attract press attention, but when the daily mail published an article last august making a series of accusations about her past, she called in the lawyers. Today, that process came to a conclusion. And in a Statement Read out in court today, they address the allegations in that article headlined racy photos and troubling questions, in which the daily mail republished allegations that Melania Trump had provided services beyond simply modelling, all of which it now accepts is entirely untrue, defamatory, and for which the daily mail has now apologised unreservedly. The size of the settlement hasnt been made public, but a figure ofjust under 3 million is being widely reported. Its a big figure for a libel claim, but Melania Trump had, at the beginning, been seeking 150 million for what her claim said was the loss of a once in a lifetime opportunity to extend her brand. There was no mention of business or branding todays statement, rather, the allegations strike at the heart of the claimants personal integrity and dignity. The claimant has not acted as alleged. Melania has been a very soft and easy target for the press. In terms of the criticism levelled against her, and the specific types of allegations that she has suffered from, it really is a kind of lazy sexism. Shes been criticised because people want to attack her husband. In court, the statement on behalf of the daily mail was brief an apology, a retraction, and publicly setting the record straight. David sillito, bbc news. A Factory Worker from eastbourne in east sussex has beenjailed for four months for posting a threat to kill his local mp on facebook. In the message, mark sands, whos 51, said he would stab Caroline Ansell to death in her home. The conservative mp said she hoped the case would be a deterrent, as her family had been affected by the chilling threat 0ur Political Correspondent alex forsyth reports with a brazen hand gesture, mark sands arrived in court. Never in trouble with police before, now in jail for threatening to kill his local mp. When police found his facebook page, it was full of posts described as hateful and vitriolic, showing entrenched political views. He referred to himself as a trainee murderer. He wrote, end poverty, kill a tory now. And the one for which he was jailed, if you vote to take my money, that was aimed at Caroline Ansell. She received a call from police last year saying there was a credible threat against her life. Seen it on the front page of your local newspaper, and then seeing it in every cafe in the town, supermarkets and newsagents. It was very powerful. I sat with my 12 year old son and his eyes widened, as youd imagine, as he saw the red that message and saw my photograph alongside the man who had been charged. In her eastbourne constituency come she has had to tighten security, wanting to stay accessible to constituents, but now mindful of the risks. The very nature of an mps job, public facing, openly political, means they have always been subject to criticism, not least from local people who may not agree. But in the last few years, there has been a substantial increase in the level of online abuse that has been reported, according to police. The nature of it can be very personal, highly offensive and sometimes threatening and violent. The murder of the Labour Mpjo Cox Last year has heightened awareness about the potential consequences of public anger towards politicians. Prosecutors say even online threats are taken seriously, and are a growing problem. When you see some of the impact it has on individual to have suffered online abuse, it is quite devastating for their lives. If threats are made, they are concerned for their own safety and others they may work or live with. The threats made Caroline Ansell were called sinister. While she is not put off politics, she fears unless there is a change in public opinion, others might be. Alex forsyth, bbc news. The headlines. The us Secretary Of State and his russian counterpart admit there was work to do is relations are to improve. The Health Secretary has ordered a review into an nhs trust after concerns were raised over a number of baby deaths. A man has beenjailed forfour months for threatening and facebook to kill the mpp spawn. At the mp for eastbourne. Unemployment has fallen to its lowest level in a decade. In the three months to february, the number of people out of work fell by 45,000 to 1. 56 million. But as our economics correspondent, jonty bloom, explained, average earnings are struggling to keep up with inflation. It is good news. We are very good at creating jobs, but not increasing productivity and therefore ning enough to pay ourselves more. Ever since the Credit Crunch we have dove we are creating jobs but they are low paid jobs. All thejobs we are creating jobs but they are low paid jobs. All the jobs we we are creating jobs but they are low paid jobs. All thejobs we have are not getting the pay rises that they used to in the past. Customers of the Energy Company edf are facing another price rise the second in just four months. The companys standard variable price for electricity will increase by 9 , and gas will go up by five and a half percent. The Energy Regulator has described the hike as difficult to justify but it follows price rises by other leading energy companies. Lets give back to Us Russia Relations and that meeting in moscow between the us Secretary Of State and his counterpart the stop in fa ct, and his counterpart the stop in fact, both men had a meeting with Vladimir Putin as well. Lets talk to scott lucas from the University Of Birmingham, Professor University professor of american studies. We willjoin you on the phone now. That Breaking News, is tonight that the russians have vetoed that Security Council draft resolution that would have demanded syria cooperate with an investigation into that suspected Chemical Weapons attack. Given that the russians say there is no proof that assad was behind the attack, that assad was behind the attack, that an investigation is necessary, why would they vetoed this resolution . Because the russians do not want a genuine investigation of the incident. There is a Flea Market Evidence that has already been collected. There is a radar. There is a three mega evidence is leaving collected. A bit sarri what russia have been trying to do is hold up the idea that they can investigate but then when it comes to the crunch, calling on the establishing to cooperate then they vetoed. This same pattern occurred four years ago after the attacks near damascus that killed more than 1400 people and the un was delayed the days and even weeks from carrying out a significant investigation into the evidence was moved or was unable to be collected. Im afraid that the same class as has happened here or at least that is the attempt. What is washingtons next move, do think the next move is ona next move, do think the next move is on a couple of levels, on an immediate level there has to be a call back to the russians which say, put your money where you mouth is. If you are calling for an investigation lets have it and by the way heres the evidence that has already been collected and nannies to be considered as well. And if the Assad Regime Dove and along the game is still the same to get the russians to distance themselves, if not from the syrian state from president assad personally. President assad personally. President assad personally. President assad is the likely perpetrator of this attack and many other war crimes. That is what will continue despite the limited alcon tillerson. At continue despite the limited alcon tillerson. At the moment the fact is the russians believe they are in a better position with president assad as an ally then trying to kick him out, at least they have leveraging syria, and influence in the middle east. There are some russian officials in recent weeks have said privately that they are not committed to assad being in office for the indefinite future and they are going to try and drive a ha rd they are going to try and drive a hard bargain. Theyre not get given immediately, instead they will trying get a political process which they think is to the favour in exchange for assad being pushed aside. So, todays vents are not the end of the process. They are just the beginning of what is the next phase in the syrian crisis. The secession is that if no other reason than money, the russians cannot continue this adventure, as it were, in syria, but politically they need keep things going. The suggestion is they are looking for a way out but what is the bargain you think they would be able to strike or at least that america would be willing to agree to . I think there are two levels to talk about here. One is that if the us and europeans and gulf states and tacky really want to put pressure it is drawing a line at any games Chemical Attacks put any tax bombing by the assad regime. I do not think the us will go that far, i would look at some effort to get some sort of safe stones, assad can be safe in his area of syria but you also provide some safety for the syrian kurds. It is at that point that you can begin political talks. And at that point potentially if that happens sometimes of safe stones are set up for civilians in syria, then a concerted and detailed discussion on The Future Of Prison Assad could take place . Safe areas for civilians in syria. It could not happen before that, there is no they that the opposition will discuss the long term future of syria while they are under day to day farming and why the areas of the seized by the syrian military. Assad has a military that is at Breaking Point and is weak in many parts of the country. Theres pressure on him. Through to establish the safe zones changes. Given the level of anti puppy that there is between these american and russia, given that the russians are saying that the situation has deteriorated even further than it was with president 0bama at the helm, that the russians have agreed to restore the Air Safety Agreement to restore the Air Safety Agreement to prevent any accidents with americanjets to prevent any accidents with american jets and russian jets over the skies of syria. Well, the russians have always. The idea that relations are at their lowest point is very device to say, this is a bad idea, while at the same time it is quite practical, they do not wa nt to it is quite practical, they do not want to open conflict with the us inside syria. Nor does washington wa nt to inside syria. Nor does washington want to conflict with moscow. Which is why when the us carried out the attack on the assad regimes airbase last week the russians were notified in advance so they could evacuate the personnel. That sort of cooperation will go on regardless of the political situation. Do you know about President Trumps ideas on syria, and does look like the idea ofa syria, and does look like the idea of a the idea of safe zones. Syria, and does look like the idea of a the idea of safe zones. You do not look to President Trump bought an answer, he has very little knowledge of the crisis and is incoherent. But they want to defeat isis and draw a line under Chemical Attacks, the question is whether they want to address the core problem which is the assad regime versus the opposition. That not know. Ive think Rex Tillerson gave us no know. Ive think Rex Tillerson gave us no idea of where they are going and to be honest with you i think the pentagon and others are going to have to keep pushing if they going to get beyond what is a very limited approach which is defeat isis and somehow every thing will be ok. We got there in the end and it was fascinating talking to you. Thank you bjorn analysis, scott lucas on the University Of Birmingham a professor there of american studies. Lets hear what borisjohnson has to say to the russian veto at the un. It is interesting that it was only the russians who websters significant country to beat it is, even the chinese abstained, i think the pressure on them is now very considerable. I have been recognised that. Today, the Crucial Development is that it has been clear that this was either a sarin or a m lenchon like substance that was used. The question for the russians is how can they continue will start a sarin 01 they continue will start a sarin ora sarin like they continue will start a sarin or a sarin like substance. Boris johnson responding to that Breaking News this evening that russia has repaid that un Security Council d raft repaid that un Security Council draft resolution demanding that russia cooperates with an independent enquiry into last weeks suspected Chemical Weapons attack. Time for a look at the weather. The weather is looking quiet. We have had a few showers, pretty fresh as well. There has been no real change for the Run Up To Easter and throughout east itself. There is a lot of cloud out across the atlantic meeting our way. It should break up as it features ores and i think over all it is a case of, cloudier moments with sunny spells. Not a night though, of course it will be clear and dark across eastern areas. Temperatures will be Nippy First Thing on thursday morning. In towns and cities, there will not be grass brust. Tomorrow, drew showers across the north west of the country particularly the Western Isles of scotland. There will be sunshine around the south, but also cloud and temperatures anywhere between ten and 13 degrees. I think that should cover it for most others. Im ross atkins, welcome to outside source. When he became President Donald Trump promised closer cooperation with russia. This is how its going. Cooperation with russia. This is how its going. There is a low level of trust between our countries. The worlds two foremost Nuclear Powers cannot have this kind of relationship. Vladimir putin is no more optimistic about that relationship. On a Working Level especially on the military level it has not improved. But rather has deteriorated. Will bring you the latest from moscow and expect a press c0 nfe re nce latest from moscow and expect a Press Conference from donald trump and the nato secretary general. When that happens in washington, youll see it here on outside source. We report from germany where a man with Islamist Links has been detained in connection with that attack

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