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Syria and russia have come under intense criticism at an Emergency Session of the Un Security Council on the gas attack on a rebel village. The attack, in idlib province, killed at least 70 people and injured hundreds of others. President trump has called it a terrible affront to humanity, and his ambassador to the United Nations went a step further accusing russia of helping syria to carry out war crimes. Our correspondent nick bryant reports. Five year old ibrahim went to bed in his spiderman pyjamas and woke up to the latest horror in syrias unending war. His grandmother was at his hospital Bedside Caring For Ibrahim and his sister, tebba, because their father was killed in the attack. Lives ended, lives ruined by a toxic cloud that filled victims lungs with poison. Translation my grandchildren were sleeping. Everyone woke up to a loud noise. They went outside and thats when they came across the chemical attack. They just fell to the floor and died. Its all too easy to become desensitised to the suffering of the syrian people, but consider the plight of abdul hamil al yousf, he lost 20 members of his family, including his twin children, killed in a second explosion. Translation i left them in good health. Why did this happen . I went to help other people and thought my children were 0k. Now they are gone. Yesterday, donald trump derided his predecessor barack obama for warning the assad regime that using chemical weapons crossed a red line, but not following through on that threat. But today, in the fragrant setting of the rose garden, he deployed similar language himself and signalled a change in thinking on syria. These heinous actions by the assad regime cannot be tolerated. My attitude towards syria and assad has changed very much. It crossed a lot of lines for me. In an angry Emergency Session at the United Nations security council, western nations pointed the finger of blame at the assad regime and also its diplomatic protectors here, russia, but moscow claimed that Syrian Rebels were to blame for the deaths. Translation the Syrian Air Force conducted an air strike on the eastern edge of Khan Sheikhoun on a large warehouse of ammunition and military equipment. On the territory of that warehouse there was a facility to produce ammunition with the use of toxic weapons. But that prompted this electrifying moment of diplomatic theatre, the us ambassador, nikki haley, getting to herfeet and holding up graphic images of the dead. Then, eye balling her russian counterpart, she blasted moscow. If russia has the influence in syria that it claims to have, we need to see them use it. We need to see them put an end to these horrific acts. How many more children have to die before russia cares . Today, we saw the usual divisions at the security council, the usual deadlock over syria and the usual inability of the international community, even to agree about basic facts on the ground. This is the deadliest attack in syria in nearly four years and after that atrocity in 2013, the assad regime was supposed to have handed over its chemical weapons stockpile. But its continued to use banned toxic weapons and experts believe the evidence points to damascus having carried out another war crime. Wrecked buildings and ruined cities are usually the grim landmarks of the syrian conflict, but today it was empty streets and signs that warned of the poison still contaminating the air. Nick bryant, bbc news, new york. A service of hope and reconciliation has taken place at Westminster Abbey, a fortnight after the attack on Westminster Bridge and the houses of parliament, in which four people were killed. The duke and Duchess Of Cambridge and prince harryjoined those attending the multi faith service, as our royal correspondent Nicholas Witchell reports. Two weeks after shocking events which occurred almost within its precincts, at Westminster Abbey a service symbolising hope. Leaders of the different faith communities from across the United Kingdom werejoined in the congregation by the duke and Duchess Of Cambridge and prince harry, together with members of the emergency services, some of those who were injured and some of the bereaved, including Melissa Cochrane whose husband kurt was one of the four people who died. Candles were lit to represent the light which can never be extinguished by the darkness of terror. In his address, the Dean Of Westminster recalled that among those who were directly affected by the attack were people from britain and 12 other nations. He posed the question so many have asked why . What could possibly motivate a man to hire a car and take it from birmingham to brighton to london and then drive it fast at people hed never met, couldnt possibly know, against who he had no personal grudge, no reason to hate them and then run at the gates of the palace of westminster to cause another death . We weep for the violence, for the hatred, for the loss of life, for all that divides and spoils our world. Prayers were offered pledging respect between different communities. That the best of muslims is the one who utters beautiful words, who does virtuous deeds. Two weeks after the westminster attack, from an ancient abbey, which has borne witness to so much, a message of hope. Nicholas witchell, bbc news. A brother and Sisterfrom Birmingham have tonight been charged with terrorism offences. Ummariyat mirza who was arrested by armed officers in birmingham a week ago has been charged with purchasing a knife and other items that would help him carry out an attack in the uk. His sister zainub mirza has been charged with with sending links to isis beheading and execution videos, and other terrorist images. Theyre due to appear at Westminster Magistrates Court tomorrow. The defence secretary sir Michael Fallon has announced that the iraq historic allegations team. Will officially close on 30 june 2017. The remaining claims against troops that served in iraq, which are expected to number around 20, will then be dealt with by the service police, hopefully by the end of next year. The governments move was enabled by the striking off of lawyer phil shiner whod pursued multiple cases until he and his firm, Public Interest lawyers, were discredited. The European Parliament has agreed its priorities for the forthcoming brexit negotiations backing a motion that said trade talks could not begin until after substantial progress on the terms of the britains departure. Ukip mep nigel farage said it was behaving like the mafia, setting a ransom demand. 0ur correspondent Damian Grammaticas reports. It began cordial enough smiles, genuine or not, between the architect of brexit and the man who says britain must pay billions, hes michel barnier, the eus chief negotiator. Today, the European Parliament backed his demand. The leader of the Socialist Group said the uk must pay its bills, its like moving house, he said. The gas bill, the electricity, it all has to be settled, said gianni patella. Nigel farage laughed that off. But he had a riposte of his own. As soon as he was on his feet, his tone changed. He said the eu was being vindictive and nasty, making impossible demands. Youre behaving like the mafia, you think were a hostage, were not. Were free to go. And 85. No. Groans at the Mafia Comparison stopped him mid flow. Then this, from the parliaments italian president. Translation im sorry, mr farage interrupted antonio tajani, but saying this parliament is behaving like the mafia, that is unacceptable. 0k, all right. Its a sign of how fractious the real negotiations could become. Mr barnier responded, he will not punish the uk, only ask that it live up to its financial obligations and he said itll have to agree the Separation Terms before trade talks can begin. The sooner we agree the principles of an orderly withdrawal, the sooner we can prepare our future relationship. Among the parliaments other demands, that the uk can have no special access to the eus Single Market for sectors like financial services. The reason this debate matters is that this parliament will have a vote in two years time on any brexit deal, yes 01110. If it doesnt like it, it could throw it out, scupper the whole thing. Was not directed against britain. A different future was laid out too, where a young generation of britons want to rejoin the eu. A young generation that will see brexit for what it really is, a catfight in the Conservative Party that got out of hand. A lot of time, a waste of energy in and, i think, stupidity. But for now, the eu is ready in what it says will be a tough negotiating position. Graham graham, bbc news, strasbourg. Labours ruling body, the National Executive committee, will review Ken Livingstones status in the party after his comments about hitler and zionism and his suspension for another year. The labour leader has issued a statement. Jeremy corbyn said well, this afternoon Mr Livingstone himself gave us his response. The simple fact is this. Ive been suspended for 11 months. The huge investigation by the labour party. Three days of hearings come in 20 hours and at the end of it, i suspect the reason i wasnt expelled from the labour party was that the labour partys from the labour party was that the labour pa rtys barrister was from the labour party was that the labour partys barrister was saying ina labour partys barrister was saying in a private session when they decided on their verdict, if you expel Ken Livingstone, it will go forjudicial review. A britishjudge is not going to say it is wrong to state historical truth. Earlier i spoke tojenny manson, a Labour Party Member who isjewish, and gave evidence at Mr Livingstones tribunal, and she defended the comments. As to mentioning hitler and zionism, it may offend some people that ive been offended by something is such as describing fed being rampant Anti Semitism in the labour party. You have never found Anti Semitism in the labour party. You have neverfound that . Anti semitism in the labour party. You have never found that . Ive never found any. All five of us have had experience of Anti Semitism but not in the labour party. Not, can you not understand why if it is not anti semitic exactly, offence is taken when hitler is described as being in favour of zionism when he was anything but in favour of wanting to allow jewish was anything but in favour of wanting to allowjewish people in the 30s to be self determined. Wanting to allowjewish people in the 305 to be selfdetermined. Ken livingstone did not say hitler was in favour of zionism. What he said, by the way, he was defending a tweet, he didnt know what she tweeted. When he was asked why she mentioned hitler, ifi tweeted. When he was asked why she mentioned hitler, if i remember, he said it was over the top but he had assumed that what she was referring to in the tweet was the agreement between some scientists and hitler to encouragejews to go to palestine. It cant be and no go area. It cant be onlyjewish people can talk about it. Everybody, including non jewish people, can mention hitler. Unless they Say Something anti semitic like, what a goodidea something anti semitic like, what a good idea it all was. Which Ken Livingstone would devastate. It is becoming an increasingly no go area for non jewish people to say anything about israel, about hitler and my view is there is a division coming up between jewish and my view is there is a division coming up betweenjewish members of the labour party and non jewish people in the labour party and people in the labour party and people of the community which would lead to a real Anti Semitism which would be my fear. A real anger that Certain Community is refusing to allow debate. How can, then, the policies of the Israeli Government be criticised without being regarded as Anti Semitism . I think its impossible to be anti semitic if you criticise the Israeli Government. What would be anti semitic is criticising the jews what would be anti semitic is criticising thejews in the Israeli Government. One of president trumps closest advisers, his chief strategist steve bannon, has been removed from his position on the Us National Security council. A senior official said that mr bannon had only been given the position to oversee the work of the former National Security adviser, michael flynn, who was subsequently sacked. The duke and Duchess Of Cambridge have attended a Special Service for the victims of the westminster terror

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