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The muslim ban and says there should bea the muslim ban and says there should be a Competency Test of all president s. Good evening and welcome to bbc news. 11 people have died in a suspected Suicide Bombing on the metro system in St Petersburg. President putin who was in the city at the time said all causes, including terrorism, were being investigated. The explosion happened in a Train Carriage as it travelled between two stations. Within minutes the entire network was closed and police later found and defused a device at another station. Our correspondent Steve Rosenberg reports from St Petersburg. A woman is shouting. A Train Carriage torn to shreds and a desperate effort to pull people from the wreckage. From the safety of a passing train, a hint of the devastation it is leaving behind. At least ten passengers were killed today and dozens more wounded. The blast occurred in the tunnel but the wrecked train sped on and managed to reach the next station. This was the scene one stop behind. Platform filled with thick, choking smoke and the stench of explosives. Conflation mac there was a huge bang, it was deafening. I was sitting next to a Metal Railing and think it saved my life. Everyone was knocked in One Direction by the blast translation . Direction by the blast translation . The direction by the blast translation . The Emergency Services we re translation . The Emergency Services were in the scene first. The wounded we re were in the scene first. The wounded were helped to the surface and to safety a nd were helped to the surface and to safety and in better physical injuries was a deep sense of shock. A spokesman for russias Antiterrorism Committee said the train had been blown up by an unknown explosive device. Special units of the security forces, he said, were being despatched. The St Petersburg metro went into lockdown. All passengers evacuated, all stations closed and searched. Later it was revealed there was at this explosive device revealed at another Metro Station. This one was made safe. A confirmation that todays explosion was deliberate. Vladimir putin was in Saint Petersburg today. His meeting of the president of belarus overshadowed by the tragedy across town. The police and special services would do all they could to find the cause of what happened, resident putin said, and he promised support for the families of the victims. Russia says this was an Act Of Terror. So, who carried it out . Russia has made enemies with its Bombing Campaign in syria. In recent yea rs, Bombing Campaign in syria. In recent years, the country has been targeted by islamist terrorists. In 2015, a plane carrying russian holidaymakers was blown up, killing 217 passengers and crew. So called Islamic State said it planted the bomb. The russian president Vladimir Putin visited the Metro Station where the bomb had ended the trainsjourney and paid its respect. For the victims of this attack, St Petersburg has declared three days of mourning. The metro is the lifeblood of this city. An Act Of Terror on a train has left people here fearing more violence. Foui men and a woman have appeared in court, charged in connection with an attack on a teenage Asylum Seeker in croydon in south london. This evening, two more people have been charged. Seven people who have been arrested remain in custody. Police say up to 30 people were involved in the incident on friday night. Reker ahmed who is 17 and a kurdish iranian suffered a fractured spine, a fractured eye socket and bleeding on the brain. Our Home Affairs Correspondent tom symonds has the story. The suspects all live close to where the attack happened. Police have asked us not to show theirfaces. Daryl and da nyelle davis, barry potts, jack and george walder, appeared in court charged with violent disorder. Jack walder alone with racially aggravated wounding. It started outside this pub. A group of up to 30, allegedly confronted two young Asylum Seekers a third waiting at a bus stop was dragged in and police said what followed was a horrendous attack. I think this is power by numbers. So theres been an incident outside the pub, they have obviously picked on three young men. And there was no reason for this attack. And i believe that because of the numbers involved, People Havejustjumped on the back of it, and this has turned into this violent brawl, where somebody has been viciously beaten and is very lucky not to have lost his life. Reker ahmeds friends escaped. He was chased by the group. This is where the attack ended, leaving reker ahmed bleeding in the gutter. Police said that neighbours did come and help. Of his pursuers, they said some did not strike any blows but equally they did nothing to stop it happening. Police have gathered cctv footage and released pictures of two more men they want to speak to. 16 have now been arrested and this evening two more people charged. There is a Constant Police presence here and an air of tension. Tom symonds, bbc news, croydon. The Prime Minister has dismissed suggestions of a possible Military Conflict between britain and spain over the future of gibraltar. Yesterday, the former conservative leader Michael Howard Drew Parallels with the battle over the falklands in 1982. It follows a suggestion by the eu that any brexit deal will apply to gibraltar only if spain agrees. Theresa may was speaking on a visit to the middle east. 0ur deputy Political Editor john pienaar is travelling with her. Theresa may is out to show britain will still be a big, Global Player after brexit. Standing by friends, old allies like jordan, and confronting enemies. She came here with promises of Military Training but today she also had to scotch any suggestion those enemies might include spain which claims gibraltar as its own. Negotiation, not war, was the answer. We are focusing on talking with the rest of the eu, starting the formal negotiations, and ensuring that, at the end of those negotiations, we see a result that will be in the interests of the uk and in the interests of gibraltar. Actually i think it will be in the interests of the 27 Member States of the European Union as well. Being the face of british Power Is Serious Work but mrs may had laughed out loud earlier when reporters asked her to rule out war with spain over gibraltar. Another Prime Minister, churchill, famously preferred jaw jaw to war war. Did she . Definitely, jaw jaw, she said. But gibraltar, famous ape population and all, has been coveted by spain for centuries. The rocks freedom to levy lower taxes is resented by madrid, which wants a say in gibraltars future after brexit, not if those in charge now have any say in it. Gibraltar is not a Bargaining Chip in these negotiations. Gibraltar belongs to the gibraltarians and we want to stay british. Nothing is going to change that. Nobody is going to gut our soul by taking away our british sovereignty. The row over the rock is another brexit complication. Every eu state has to approve the brexit deal but spain was taken aback after a senior tory compared the row to the Falklands War in the 1980s. Translation it is obvious that in this case europe and gibraltar the traditional, british phlegm has been noteable for its absence. Today, theresa may calmed the tone of a dispute which had tilted into farce. The notion of a war with spain was always wildly implausible but that dispute goes on and britain will need all the goodwill it can get if it is to get a good deal on brexit. The mission of developing relations outside the European Union is vital. The Prime Minister will carry on with that mission tomorrow. There will be more cash to help jordans rulers to cope with a massive influx of refugees fleeing syria. The next stop is saudi arabia. It has a Human Rights Record that makes for a far less comfortable relationship. Police have arrested and bailed two fifteen year old boys who were observed climbing over barriers to the grounds of the Palace Of Westminster on saturday afternoon the boys did not gain access to the building and the trespass lasted around thirty seconds. The boys attempted to run away but were arrested on suspicion of trespassing on a protected site. The incident is not being treated as terrorist related. Donald trumps america will solve the threat posed by north Koreas Nuclear programme. In an interview with the financial times, the president said the us would act alone if china wouldnt intervene. He made his comments ahead of a visit to the us by the chinese president this week. Heres our correspondent wyre davies. How do you solve a problem like north korea and its growing military ambitions . Under the leadership of kimjong un, ambitions . Under the leadership of kim jong un, north korea ambitions . Under the leadership of kimjong un, north korea is increasingly seen as a rogue nation, threatening enemies and conducting numerous missile test. Historically an ally of the regime injohn yang, china, too has become frustrated and ties are strained but donald trump wa nts ties are strained but donald trump wants the chinese to do even more pyongyang. If china is not going to solve north korea, we will, thats what im telling you. As to whether he thinks he could succeed alone, he replied, totally. Its not the First Time Since the election that mr trump has pushed the issue of north korea to the top of his Foreign Policy to do list without being specific. Obviously it is a big, big problem and we will deal with it very strongly. One of those who interviewed the president said it is clear, ahead of his much anticipated meeting this week with chinese president xijinping. President 0bama said this to President Elect trump. The north koreans will have the ability to ship the american coast. With repeated warnings of north koreas missile capabilities, officials in the Trump Administration are talking tough. During a recent visit to south korea, Rex Tillerson said pre Emptive Military action was an option although it is widely believed that Military Action against north korea will lead to very high military and civilian casualties. It is risky. Not only because north koreas recent advances but because it has thousands of Artillery Cases pointing at the capital of south korea, seoul. If you the discount would be horrific. President xi jinpings visit will be the most important yet during Donald Trumps brief presidency. They have much to discuss. Discussions which mr trump has acknowledged will be difficult. There will be full coverage of that visit to the United States by president xi. Lets take a look at some of the other stories making the news this evenings a man has admitted causing the deaths of two young cousins by Careless Driving in a hit and run crash on new years eve. 12 year old Helina Kotlarova and zaneta krokova, who was just 11, were Holding Hands when they were struck crossing a road in 0ldham. Hungarian driver Gabor Hegedus pleaded guilty at Manchester Crown court. Train drivers belonging to the aslef union have narrowly voted to reject a deal intended to settle their dispute with southern railway. The other union in the dispute about the role of conductors, the rmt, is due to strike again this saturday. Southerns parent company, Govia Thameslink railway, said it was a hugely disappointing outcome. An american doctor who would carry out experimental treatment on a seven month old baby from london with a rare genetic condition has told a judge that the case is uncharted territory. Charlie gard is currently being treated by doctors at great 0rmond Street Hospital Who Have started legal action for permission to turn off his life support. His parents have raised more than a million to take him to the United States. Thats a summary of the news, newsday is coming up at midnight now on bbc news its time for newsnight. Tonight an exclusive interview with john brennan, the head of the cia, until donald trump entered the white house. What does he think of the president ial twitter strategy . I think that there are some things that have been tweeted coming out of washington, where the care was not taken and that was, it was not, the individual who tweeted it was not mindful of the importance that people attach to the words of a president. He warns about the dangers of america going it alone against north korea and decries trumps plans for a travel ban. The St Petersburg blast, which has killed as many as ten people and injured scores more. The russian Prime Minister is investigating a Suicide Bombing. Well ask who is the Prime Suspect in a country with no shortage of enemies . Also tonight i am the devils advocate. We remember the Civil Rights Activist darcus howe. I believe that we are faced with a serious potential, that is the overwhelming intervention of blacks on the current stage of history in britain. And the war on airborne diesel particulates. The mayor of london is expected to announce tomorrow morning a toxin

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