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In the uk after brexit . We have exclusive new information. Good evening and welcome to bbc news. President trump has suffered a major defeat tonight over one of his Biggest Campaign pledges his vow to reform americas healthcare system, known as obamaca re. Mr trump was facing Opposition Notjust from democrats but from his own party in congress. The president had staked his personal authority on his scheme, issuing an ultimatum to the republicans that hed drop it altogether, if they didnt back him. But tonight, just minutes before the vote, he was forced to abandon his plans dramatically, after being told he simply didnt have enough support. Our North America Editorjon Sopel reports from washington. Mr Vice President , do you have the vote 7 a day of truly frantic meetings and phone calls, as the Vice President , mike pence, went to the hilt to try to secure the votes needed to Pass Health Care reform trumpcare. And the usual tools deployed, a mixture of menace and flattery. But it wasnt going well. My vote is still a no. If anybody tells you for certain they know what is go to happen, they are lying. The situation is still very fluid. And if concessions are made to the right of the republican party, you lose the moderates, and vice versa. At the white house, there were no attempts to distance themselves from the legislation. The president s spokesman saying donald trump had done everything he could. There is no question, in my mind, at least, that the president and the team have left everything in the field. We have called every member with a question and concern, taking into consideration the strength of the bill. But there was one definitive statement about how the day would unfold. Obviously, later today, the house will vote on the American Health care act, the current vote is scheduled for 3 30pm. Except it didnt, with Journalists Prowling every corridor, doubts started to creep in and then the Bombshell Announcement after the speaker, paul ryan, went to see the president to tell him they didnt have the votes. We came close, today, but we came up short. I spoke to the president , just a little while ago, and told him the best thing to do was to pull the bill and he agreed. I will not sugar coat this. This is a disappointing day. Doing big things is hard. And the president was defiant in defeat. Ive been saying for the last year and a half, that the best thing we can do, politically speaking, is let obamacare explode. It is exploding right now. But on the campaign trail, donald trump said it would be easy. And this was his pledge that every rally. Obamacare has to be replaced. We go to get rid of obamacare, which is a disaster. Repealing and replacing the disaster known as obamacare and the author of the art of the deal said only he could deliver it. If you cant make a good deal with a politician, then there is something wrong with you. Youre certainly not very good. Hey hey, ho ho, donald trump has got to go protestors were vocal in their opposition to the reform plan, which could have seen 2a million americans lose their health insurance. West virginia was solidly behind donald trump last november. John ingram, a retired miner, articulated an uncertainty that echoes around the country. I hope to god that they realise what they are actually doing. In effect, they are dealing with life and death situations. For notjust me, but for millions of people. Do you use the rapid insulin, too . At the Cabin Creek Health centre, they are watching these proposed changes with alarm. Its the disturbing to think that, you know, we have made some gains to take that away is especially difficult. It is disheartening. For patients. Yesterday, donald trump Clambered On Board a giant truck. Today, his politicaljuggernaut came to a grinding halt. Make no mistake, this is a huge embarrassment and setback. Here, Counter Terrorism police are trying to establish whether the man who launched the attack on westminster was working alone or with others. Police have released the first image of the attacker, 52 year old Khalid Masood, who was born in kent, and named adrian elms at birth. Tonight, seven people who were arrested have now been released. Four are still being questioned. Heres our special correspondent lucy manning. The face of Khalid Masood. The face that confronted Police Officers at parliament. The face that looked out of the car at pedestrians, as he knocked them over. The 52 year old was known by a number of names. Born adrian elms in kent, by the time he was at Huntleys Secondary School for boys in tunbridge wells, he was called adrian ajao, after his mother got married. School friends remembered him as a sporty pupil, who liked to party. Adrian was a nice lad, a fun guy, always laughing, always joking. Worked reasonably hard. Good at sport. Played rugby very well. Just an unassuming guy. But masood was soon developing a reputation for violence. In the sleepy Sussex Village of northiam, where he lived in his 20s, at the local pub he slashed a man in the face with a knife and was sent to jail. He didnt have a very good reputation, definitely. I remember he was a bit of a troubled character, i think is probably the way to describe it. A Family Friend said this wasnt the only time aidy, as he was known in the village, turned violent. A chap was looking at aidy. I was just sitting at the pool table and i happened to look over and he took umbrage against the landlord for looking at him like he was, and he flew over the bar. And luckily i was really close, because he got a glass, he was going to do him. He was likejekyll and bloody hyde. He said he thought he felt affected by racism. He said to me, he said, to be honest with you, i dont like myself. He said, i dont like my skin. Masood spent time in three prisons, hmp lewes, wayland and ford. He worked as a teacher in saudi arabia in 2005 and again, in 2008. Hed already converted to islam by them. Hed already converted to islam by then. His mother now lives in a remote farmhouse in carmarthenshire, which detectives searched yesterday. They havent been, from what i understand, in any sort of contact with their son for well over 20 years, and at the end of the day, when it comes to terrorism, unfortunately nobody can be responsible for the action of their children. Masood, we now know, launched his Terror Attack after staying overnight at a hotel in brighton. He stayed in room 228. He seemed happy, staff said, untroubled by what he was about to do. That he was about to leave his hotel room to drive to london to kill. He was joking and smiling and friendly. He was a very, very friendly person, when he walked in. The receptionist said, hes a lovely guest, iliked him. She put comments in the system, you know, as a nice guest. There was nothing in his conduct or demeanour that would have made me get a feeling that theres Something Weird about this guy. And hesjust on his way to commit mass murder. Detectives have searched the hotel and there have been more raids, more arrests. In manchester, a car was taken away by police in didsbury and two arrests, described by Senior Officers as significant, were made there and in the West Midlands. The police are still trying to build a picture of a man who came here to attack westminster. They say their main aim now is to try and work out if he was acting alone, inspired by terrorist propaganda, or if there are others, still out there who encouraged him, supported, or even directed this attack. But its clear there are still gaps in the polices knowledge. What were appealing to today is to the public, to say, if, even in hindsight now, you realise something about Khalid Masood, something about his associates, something about his movements, somethign about planning, now is the time to come forward and speak to our officers. A bright student, turned violent man, turned terrorist. No one is still sure how, or why. Lucy manning, bbc news, westminster. 17 people remain in hospital tonight after the westminster attacks six of them are in a critical condition. The fourth victim, who died last night, has been named as 75 year old Leslie Rhodes from in south london. This afternoon, Prince Charles visited some of the injured in hospital and thanked staff for their hard work. 0ur correspondent Sarah Campbell reports. A royal thank you to the medical teams, who are continuing to deal with the aftermath of wednesdays attack. 17 people remain in hospitals across london, including here, at kings college. As many as 50 people were injured and most have now been discharged. Francisco lopes from portugal is amongst the first to talk publicly about what happened. He started to move towards the Pedestrian Pavement and started to take out the people that were in front of the car. So literally, when i realised this, the car was literallyjust about one metre away. So i had literally no time to get out of the way. Travis frain, a student from lancashire, was asked by the prince what he remembered of the attack and how he was being cared for in hospital. The visit was also a chance for staff to reflect on what they themselves have had to deal with. It was inspiring, the way people just worked together and communicated to deal with the patient in front of them. It didnt matter how many would be coming. You knew you would just keep working. In westminster, as the number of tributes continued to grow, so too did the number of People Killed in the attack. Friends and neighbours here in clapham, south london, are mourning the loss of Leslie Rhodes. He was 75 years old and a retired window cleaner. He would clean the windows without even asking. He would just clean the windows, take the rubbish downstairs. He would do anything for you. To be there at that precise time and get hit by that maniac, i mean, unbelievable. Hell be sorely missed. He was a lovely man. Old school. Pc keith palmer, pictured here with an american tourist in the hour before he was stabbed to death in the line of duty. An online appeal for his family, organised by the metropolitan police federation, has reached more than half a Million Pounds double its target. Named today Police Constable kris aves. Hes been left with significant injuries after being struck by the car. He and two other officers were returning from a commendation ceremony. And still unconscious but now in a stable condition, andreea cristea. She was thrown into the thames by the force of the cars impact. A romanian citizen on holiday with her boyfriend, today, the countrys ambassador told me she should have been celebrating her engagement that day. They were coming to london to celebrate their birthday. He intended to ask her for marriage on the same day. This was unfortunately the destiny. Today, at westminster abbey, in a show of solidarity, religious leaders joined together for a minutes silence to remember the four who were killed and the many more who were injured. Sarah campbell, bbc news. In belgium, prosecutors have charged a 39 year old man with attempted Terrorist Murder after a car was driven at high speed towards crowds in antwerps shopping district yesterday. The suspect is a French National of North African origin identified as mohammed r. Hes also been charged with possession of weapons, after several knives and an unloaded shot gun were found in the car. The European Union wont try to punish britain during brexit talks. Thats according to jean Claude Juncker, president of the European Commission. But mrjuncker insisted that the uk would have to honour its financial commitments as part of any deal a figure that he said could be around £50 billion. He was speaking to our europe editor katya adler ahead of celebrations marking the eus 60th Birthday celebrations in rome. Kicking out the red carpet for the leaders of the eu. Coming to rome for the clouds 60th anniversary. The timing of this Birthday Bash is awkward. Just as one of the eus most influential members, the uk prepares to leave. Jean Claude Juncker is the president of the European Commission, which will be the lead eu negotiator in brexit talks. In brussels, just before leaving for rome, jean Claude Juncker said theresa may would be mr the weekend. 0n juncker said theresa may would be mr the weekend. On saturday, there will bea the weekend. On saturday, there will be a celebration. The leaders of 27 Member States will be there. U nfortu nately, yes. Member states will be there. Unfortunately, yes. Not 28, 20 seven. That will be an elephant in the room, isnt it . That theresa may will not be there . Her absence will be felt. I like her as a person. I am deeply respecting the british people and the british nation. You cannot forget that the european continent has a duty when it comes to britain, because without charge oi to britain, because without Charge Oranti to britain, because without charge or anti british people, we would not be where we are today. Churchill. How do you balance that when it comes to brexit negotiations, on the one hand, wa nted negotiations, on the one hand, wanted to keep eu close uk, but on the other went into separate. What it comes negotiations, we will never said in a frank way, that we had to say it in a frank way, if airway, and not be naive. So what of the over £50 billion that the commission has demanded written pay before it leaves the eu, covering long term budget commitments, for example . There will be no sanctions. No punishment. Nothing of that kind. But britain has to know, and i suppose that the government does know it, they have two honour the commitments and the former commitments. To the tune of £50 billion . I was mentioning that years ago, £50 billion, £60 billion, it is around that. But that is not the main story. We have two calculate scientifically. How will you feel on wednesday when that letter of notification, that formal note that make notification arise in brussels . That formal notification arrives. The Mika Miyazato to be. Does it feel like a failure, jean Claude Juncker . It is a failure. And more sombre was for the eu this evening in the vatican. Pope francis welcomed leaders ahead of the 60th Anniversary Celebrations with a warning without new vision, a renewed social conscience, he said, the European Unions days were numbered. You are watching bbc news. A reminder of the headlines President Trump is forced to abandon his Health Care Bill after some republicans threatened to rebel. The westminster attacker. Police try to find out if Khalid Masood was working alone. Four people are still being questioned, while seven have been released, one on police bail. A £50 billion bill for the uk to leave the eu. The head of the European Commission puts a pricetag on brexit. An Employment Tribunal has ruled that a self employed Cycle Courier for the firm excel was actually a worker. Andrew boxer argued that he was entitled to one week of holiday pay based on his work for excel. The tribunal said that the firm unlawfully failed to pay mr boxer. The ruling adds more legal weight to claims that some firms in the so called gig economy are engaged in bogus self employment. The Telecoms Regulator is calling for Automatic Compensation for phone the assault on so called Islamic State is gaining ground on two fronts in iraq, where the attack on mosul continues, and also in syria. In northern syria, government forces, backed by russian and iranian allies, have recaptured the ancient city of palmyra from the extremists for the second time in a year. 0ur chief International Correspondent lyse doucet has travelled to palmyra and its historic ruins and sent this report. Palmyra. Roman ruins, precious world heritage. Is occupied this site twice in the past two years. Their last target, the Roman Theatre A Stage for grisly executions, slitting throats, shooting soldiers and civilians here. Is has lost this prize and ground beyond here to the syrian military, backed by its allies. The Helicopter Overhead is russian. Palmyra matters, but the battles which lie ahead, Including Raqqa the iss self declared capital matter more, and are far more difficult. And thats because confronting is in syria means confronting a fundamental question. Are the west and countries in this region now willing to work with president assad and his russian and iranian allies to fight their common enemy . The world knows of is crimes now. In the basement of a deserted building we are shown whats called a makeshift courtroom. And the paper trail of its brutal rule. The arabic word for execution. The crimes include leaving islam, spreading corruption. Two men, called ahmed, were thrown from the top of a building no reason given. The city of palmyra next to the ancient site is a ghost town. People fled is and the ferocious fighting here, including syrian and russian air strikes. This is where some of the displaced have taken refuge. An abandoned school, 100 miles away. 30 families here, including this woman and her five children. She remembers the exact moment when is fighters came to her door. Translation it was a quarter to five in the morning. I opened the door and saw men shouting at me. They came in and took my husband and niece. I was told they chopped off his head. They took my nephew, who was only 15. My Brother In Law was beheaded too. She doesnt know how herfamily will cope. Its the story of syria. Is no longer occupies their home, but its dark shadow hasnt left their lives. Lyse doucet, bbc news, palmyra. Russias President Putin has held a meeting with the french far right president ial hopeful, marine le pen. Ms le pen was invited to the kremlin, where mr putin told her that he attached great importance to russias relations with france. But he added that he did not want to influence events in the run up to the French Election in any way. In return, the National Front leader said that if she won the vote, she would consider Lifting Sanctions on moscow. Theyre just four years old but twins samuel and roman sharma managed to help save their mothers life when she collapsed at their home. Roman found her iphone and used his mothers thumbprint to open it so that he could ring the emergency services. Duncan kennedy has been speaking to the twins and their mother. When it comes to ingenuity, this boisterous pair dont do things by halves. Four year old twins roman and Samuel Sharma saw their Mum Claudia Faint onto the floor. But what did they do . Panic, cry . Oh, no. First, samuel picked up his mums hand, to place her thumb on her iphone to unlock it, and then they did this. Siri, call daddy. They used siri, the phones Voice Recognition system to call not dad, but 999. The boys knew about siri by watching their mum and dad. Isaid, siri, 999. And what happened . The police and the doctor came. Eventually, mum was taken to hospital. As a parent you tell them things and you hope things sink in but you dont expect it ever to happen orfor them to remember what you said. The boys say using smartphones is, well, smart. Clearly a life changing piece of four year old philosophy. Thats a summary of the news. Newsday is coming up at midnight now on bbc news, its time for newsnight with naga munchetty. What do we now know about what drove Khalid Masood to become the man who murdered four people and injured 50 others in westminster on wednesday . Does he fit the profile of such an extreme and violent attacker . What is so extraordinary about Khalid Masood . Known as adrian elms where he grew up in tunbridge wells, in the garden of england. And at the end of a week where we saw london under attack who, what or where should be held responsible for Extremist Violence . Also tonight did the government Give Sweeteners to nissan to stay in the uk after brexit . We have exclusive new information. And. We came really close today, but we came up short. A big setback for donald trump as his Health Care Bill crashes in Congress Killed by his own party. What happens next . I think well end up with a truly great Health Care Bill in the future, after this mess known as 0bamaca re explodes. Hello. Today Police Issued an appeal for information to anyone who can shed light on whether the westminster attacker, Khalid Masood, acted alone or was directed by others. Police made two more significa nt arrests, taking the total to ii six of whom were released tonight with no further police action. Three vehicles were seized by police after an armed raid on a house in birmingham. Masood, who had used a number of aliases, was believed to have been living in the West Midlands before the attack. He had previously spent time in west sussex, east sussex, london and went to school in tunbridge wells, kent. John sweeney has been looking more into the man responsible for the deaths of four people and injuring 50 others. Khalid masood grew up in the garden of england. This is the story of a Home Counties boy, who went on to strike terror in the heart of london. Masood was Born Adrian Elms on christmas day, 1964. His birth was registered in dartford, kent. But he grew up in tunbridge wells, where he most often used the surname ajao, that of his mothers new husband. He went to a Secondary Modern School in tunbridge wells, where he was known as adrian ajao, a mixed race people in a primarily white school. He was always laughing, always joking. He was good at sport and played rugby well. Just an unassuming guy. At some point after finishing school, adrian moved to this village in sussex. Convicted for criminal damage at the age of 18, he stood out. I was under the impression that he was a black man in a white mans pub, you know . And he was going to fight for it. I said, look. I dont care if you are black or white. I am quite happy to have a drink with you. If you want to buy me one now, im happy to take it i cannot even remember if he bought me one or not, he shook my hand. Was he funny and intelligent . Yes. But some people in the village saw a nasty side to adrian. In 2000, adrian elms, that was his name before he changed it to masood, got into a fight with another local. In the village boozer. The fight turned nasty, the local paper reported there were racial overtones and the other man ended up with a slash on the side of his face needing 20 stitches. Adrian elms was sent to prison. When you heard the news about the attack in westminster, what was your reaction . Well, it was put over that it was a terrorist attack. But, having known him and what i found out tonight, he was just a crazy man. Mind you, i dont know how you could recognise him since, but he was not a terrorist here. A drinker . He was, yes. From here, to prison to eastbourne, and there, the first suggestion of an interest in islam. A friend at the time has told the bbc that he was using cocaine at the time and also reading the koran. In 2003 there was a fight outside of this nursing home and in december he was found guilty of possessing a knife. His last conviction aged just shy of a0. He was still adrian elms. In november 2005, he first travelled to saudi arabia, and used the name Khalid Masood. In all, he spent two years there, teaching english. He taught here, at the saudi Civil Aviation authority, injeddah. In 2010, Khalid Masood was back in blighty, in luton, we believe, teaching english. He had two children at the time he was here, they appeared to be Primary School children. He had a People Carrier and would load his children into a People Carrier with child seats. He was a portly gentleman, and frequently wearing tracksuit bottoms. And also would be wearing slip on moccasins, quite relaxed attire, i would say. Always gardening. By last year, he popped up in londons east end. There had been searches there two. He moved to birmingham, most recently it seems in ladywood. Before that, winson green. He would help me to jump start my car. He was nice, a nice family. He would drop his kids at school. Normal stuff. You would never think anything dodgy, of all of their neighbours on the road. Last week, Khalid Masood returned south to the part of the country where adrian elms had grown up. He stayed here, in this room. He was joking, smiling and friendly. He was a very friendly person when he came in. Actually, the receptionist said that he was a lovely

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