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Police cordon at the end of a day of terror, chaos, and confusion. Good evening and welcome to bbc news. Westminster is in State Of Emergency after a Terror Attack, in which five people have died and at least a0 others have been injured. Among the five People Killed are three members of the public, the attacker and a Police Officer named as as year old, pc keith palmer. A man drove a car into pedestrians on the Westminster Bridge. He then stabbed the officer outside parliament before being shot dead. The Prime Minister described it as a Sick And Depraved attack on the heart of the capital. She paid tribute to the bravery of the Security Services and said any attempt to defeat British Values was doomed to failure. Extra police are being deployed on the streets of london. We will go to westminster now. Hello. We are at the police cordon. This is as close as the police are letting us get to the palace of westminster at the end of a day which has seen five People Killed, including an attack, and a Police Officer who was stabbed at the palace of westminster and who has been named tonight as keith palmer, who was a 48 year old husband and father. A picture of him has now been released by the metropolitan police and he has had 15 years of police service. Keith palmer was 48 yea rs police service. Keith palmer was 48 years old. We know he was stabbed as he was guiding the gates of parliament. The Foreign Office minister, Tobias Ellwood, tried to save his life by giving him artificial respiration, but sadly failed and keith palmer died, along with the attacker and three other people. So a death toll now of five and at least 40 people have been injured. We have gotten the latest update from the metropolitan polices acting deputy commissioner, mark rowley. One of those who died today was a Police Officer, pc keith palmer, part of the command. He was 48, had 15 years service, and what a husband and father. He left for work today expecting to return home at the end of his shift, and he had every right to expect that would happen. I can also now confirmed there were three members of the public who lost their lives in the attack. Their families will be supported. And as i confirmed earlier, the suspected attacker was shot dead by an armed officer. Shot dead by Anarmed Effieep we have five people who therefore, we have five people who died today. I will not comment at this stage on the identity of the attacker, but the Working Assumption if he was inspired by international terrorism. I should also say at this stage that approximately 40 people have been injured, including several with serious injuries, including three Police Officers, two of whom are in serious condition. After the attack, westminster was in lockdown. Some mps were told to stay in the chamber of the House Of Commons. Others, including peers and clerical staff were moved to Westminster Be. That lock down has been removed this evening. Thousands were in Westminster Be at one stage and they have been allowed home in the last few hours. Theresa may, after chairing a meeting of cobra, the emergency committee, said the attack was Sick And Depraved up at any attempt to undermine British Values in the way of life through terror was doomed to fail. This is laura kuenssberg. Run. Go. Move. Gunfire. The sound of gunfire replacing the bells of big ben. Go go, move yourselves, go the centre of our government, normally a safe place. Not today. Members of the public, politicians, the hundreds of staff for whom this is work. In politics, for some, a home from home. Sprinting for safety outside. The swat team turned up with paramedics, and they asked us to abandon our vehicle and just walk away. There was a body and when i looked further up, there was another body. And then, when i looked over the side of the bridge, there appeared to be a body in the water as well. Sick. To be honest, it is sick to witness these things. And right now, still, my hands are shaking. A car, a weapon, ploughing through members of the public on Westminster Bridge, normally a tourist spot. Today, a site of danger. Two killed, many others seriously hurt. And then the car, only a couple of hundred yards away, careered around to smash into pa rliaments gates. A policeman gave his life to stop the attacker going further. The Prime Minister had been meeting cabinet colleagues in parliament. But was hurried out and then through westminsters backstreets to safety. And inside parliament, lockdown. I, with hundreds of others, bundled back from the front entrance, waiting through fear and confusion. A Police Officer told me someone was killed just yards outside. We heard three or four shots on the right, or which sounded like shots, and then everyone turned and ran back through here and then. Well, we know as much as we know from now on in. But i think generally, a lot of people were walking through that area and most people heard three or four shots. Did you hear anything . Just enormous noise at the front of Portcullis House ten minutes ago. Lots of police and security guards shouting, people running past the building, general sense of panic. Everyone ordered to the back of the building until it was safe to do otherwise. There are at least a couple of 100 people here inside Portcullis House. This is really the heart of where westminster does its business and we are all part of a lockdown after what has happened outside. A Police Officer has told me one man was shot at the front. A few mps have told me they have heard three or four gunshots as they were on their way to vote. This is obviously a place that is very tightly guarded at all times, but there is a sense of shock that finally, it appears that something so serious has happened right here in the heart of westminster. Then, in the chamber that sat on through all sorts of situations, wars and peace, was interrupted. Order i am now going to suspend the sitting of the house. This house is now suspended, but please wait here. Because this place was the focus of danger. Mps and staff watched from their windows as the swat team arrived. Is this the attacker . A First Aid Kit thrown in to help, Emergency Services trying to save him and his victims. While inside, those of us who came here to work today, or to visit or to be part of this place, waited tensely, corridors full of staff who couldnt leave and didnt want to stay, caught up in an attack which stopped the business of democracy. Its just after five oclock. We still dont really know what is going on. This group of students was brought here just for the day to see how parliament works. Little did they know what kind of situation would unfold. And frankly, its still very hard to believe whats really happened here today. Tonight, the meaning of this attempt seems clear. The Prime Minister, obviously angered, and saddened, but resolute. These streets of westminster, home to the worlds oldest parliament, are ingrained with a Spirit Of Freedom that echoes in some of the furthest corners of the globe. And the values our parliament represents democracy, freedom, human rights, the rule of law command the admiration and respect of free people everywhere. That is why it is a target for those who reject those values. But let me make it clear today, as i have had cause to do before, any attempt to defeat those values to violence and terror is doomed to failure. The human cost is only just becoming clear. Weve declared this as a Terrorist Incident and the counterterrorism command are carrying out an investigation into the events today. The attack started when a car was driven over Westminster Bridge, hitting and injuring a number of members of the public, also including three Police Officers on their way back from a commendation ceremony. The car then crashed near to parliament and at least one man armed with a knife continued the attack and tried to enter parliament. Sadly, i can confirm that four people have now died. That includes the Police Officer who was protecting parliament, and one man we believe to be the attacker, who was shot by a Police Firearms officers. The officers family have been made aware. At least 20 people have been injured. My thoughts are with all those who have been affected by todays attack, and as a service, we have lost one of our own as he acted to protect the public and his colleagues. This is a day wed planned for, but we hoped would never happen. Sadly, its now a reality. We will continue to do all we can to protect the people of london. An attack, that in theory, many expected. But the truth of an event like this in practice is a shock in our parliament, a shock in our country. Whatever the motive, an effort to stop our democracy in its tracks, a new, awful page of history in a place where every corner tells of our shared past. Laura kuenssberg, bbc news, westminster. Well, police are saying tonight that the attacker was known to them and was inspired by international terrorism. Now, the attack started with that drive across Westminster Bridge in which the vehicle that the attacker was Driving Careered into many pedestrians on the bridge over there. Among the casualties, schoolchildren, French Schoolchildren, French Schoolchildren from brittany, who we re schoolchildren from brittany, who were on a school trip to london. Also three Police Officers who were attending an event nearby, and a woman who fell over the bridge into the river thames but he was rescued and pulled out alive but with severe injuries. Let us get a report on all that from gavin hewitt on what happened on Westminster Bridge this afternoon. Early afternoon with the traffic flowing over Westminster Bridge. To the right, a grey hyundai starts crossing the bridge and then swerves onto the pavement. A woman jumps into the thames. Others are knocked to the ground and under traffic as the Vehicle Races towards parliament square. Left behind on the bridge, a group of horrified visitors. On the ground, dozens of injured people, some lying on the pavement, many bleeding, one trapped under a bus. Some of the injuries were described as catastrophic. A big sort of crunch, sounded like a car crash but like the crunch of a wheel on a kerb. I saw the vehicle mount the kerb and it was coming out so quickly and i saw some people being hit in front of me, ijumped to the left into the road. I think one of the guys had been hit, but fortunately was kept past me. And then looked around me in shock because i could see bodies, and, yeah, real shock. Some people trying to escape the vehicle ended up in the road, cared for by bewildered passers by. We heard what sounded like metal on metal, and we assumed it was a collision. But then we looked outside and i saw one person down, then another, and i saw five people in all down on the tarmac and on the pavement and then i understood that it must have been deliberate. There were moments when the injured were comforted by others whod been on the bridge. Shortly after, paramedics from nearby St Thomas Hospital arrived. The woman who jumped into the thames was rescued but is in a critical condition. Many on the bridge had severe injuries and two of them later died. The Police Believe there was only one attacker involved here, but their task over the next 24 or 36 hours will be to trace every link to that individual and to satisfy themselves there was no wider plot here. Gavin hewitt, bbc news, westminster. I want to show you what is happening in paris this evening because the mayor of the city said they will turn off the lights of the eiffel tower in a gesture of solidarity for what happened in london. The lights have been turned off on the eiffel tower in paris, the great landmark of the french capital, turned off tonight in solidarity with london and with the united kingdom. Now here at westminster after the attack, mps were told to stay where they were, whether that in the chamber of the House Of Commons or in their offices or in the committee rooms. And then there was a lockdown where they could not leave. Some we re where they could not leave. Some were taken to where they could not leave. Some were Ta Ken To Westminster where they could not leave. Some were taken to Westminster Abbey afterwards to pull the whole area was locked down because the police we re was locked down because the police were worried that there may be another attack on the loose. It was only this evening that people were allowed to leave. Our deputy Political Editor reports. A brutal attack aimed at the heart of Britains National life, on a Peaceful Spring Afternoon in the capital, a Potential Danger so often discussed here at Westminster Became suddenly horribly real. Time for a statement to mps unlike any they had heard before. It seems that a Police Officer has been stabbed, that the alleged assailant was shot by armed police. An Air Ambulance is currently attending the scene. At a time like this, although there has been no time quite like this, an attempt to spread fear and wreck notions of normality drew a familiar response, only now the defence of shared values were delivered with studied calm to an audience absorbing something shocking. The british people will be united in working together to defeat those who would harm our shared values, values of democracy, tolerance and the rule of law. Values symbolised by the houses of parliament, values that will never be destroyed. The lockdown ended. Those who had been penned in streamed away, and there were forceful appeals for people to resist the temptation to give in to hate, to unite, not split apart. My message to those who want to harm us and destroy our way of life is, you wont succeed. You wont divide us. We will not be cowered by terrorists. Parliament will sit tomorrow. The country will go about its business tomorrow. Terrorists tried to strike fear in peoples hearts. They tried to divide communities. Tonight, The Labour Leader emphasised the scale of the security challenge. It is everybody that must be kept safe, everybody, whether they are in parliament or outside parliament. This was an attack on people going about their normal day to day business. And for even hardened politicians, an emotionally tiring day. Just so awful for the people who died and theirfamilies and friends. It is so sick. So finally, here at the heart of government, first hand experience of a lethal danger that will not be easily disarmed, not by policing, not by any peace initiative. For politicians and people, its a test of nerve and resolve, a test that will be long lasting and far from easy to pass. John pienaar, bbc news, westminster. Here are Westminster Parliament will sit tomorrow. A simple, really that terrorism will not win and it will not change what happens here in the heart of british democracy. Mps and peers will sit. The Prime Minister made that clear in her statement this evening. We have been speaking to the conservative mp for windsor who was close to where the attack happened and who witnessed his friend, Tobias Ellwood as he tried to give mouth to mouth resuscitation to give mouth to mouth resuscitation to be fallen Police Officer. We were going about our duties as mps, iwas we were going about our duties as mps, i was walking to the Westminster Chamber to vote and as i was walking through palace yard with other mps, suddenly i heard gunfire. I recognise that sound immediately so i recognise that sound immediately soi i recognise that sound immediately so i ducked in behind a pillar. We we re so i ducked in behind a pillar. We were then instructed quickly by the Health Services and Security Services to return to palace house. I obeyed instructions and as i turned around my good friend, Tobias Ellwood was marching towards us with a determination. I shouted to him, Something Like saying he was looked like he was on a mission. He marched past us and then it occurred to me that he lost his brother in bali and he was going to do whatever he could to assist. I am really proud of him and im sure his family is as well. What are your thoughts at the end of this day that has seen an attack on the heart of british democracy . think there are three things. They sense of sadness for the innocent victims whove lost their lives, who had nothing to do with democracy, they were just having a day out. And also gratitude towards police and Security Services who responded quickly. And above all, a sobering thought and a steely determination. While in lockdown with other mps, every single one of us was clear that we want democracy to continue to function, we will return to work tomorrow. We would go back this afternoon because we cannot allow people to this rail this democratic process and the freedoms we enjoy in this country. Should security around the palace of Westminster Be improved . These are things to be reviewed. I think it is secure enough. If you have somebody using Kitchen Implements and a vehicle there is not a lot you can do about that. Again, itake there is not a lot you can do about that. Again, i take my hat is off to oui that. Again, i take my hat is off to our Security Staff the Police Officers. They put their lives in danger and officers. They put their lives in dangerand in officers. They put their lives in danger and in this case somebody has lost their lives. I have not met an mp today or ever who says they will not do their duty or they are too nervous to do their duty because of the threat like this. That was a conservative mp who was there as the attack unfolded this afternoon here attack unfolded this afternoon here at westminster. This attack is the worst Terror Attack in london since the 7 7 bombings in 2005 and scotla nd the 7 7 bombings in 2005 and Scotland Yard today said that more Police Officers will be on patrol around the capital. Our security correspondent reports. The attacker shot by police lies on a stretcher, then still alive. His weapon, a large knife, apparently lies on the pavement next to him. Now the hunt is on to identify the man and understand what lay behind this attack. Who was he and how did he get so close . Other clues for investigators will include the car that was used so brutally as a weapon. Was it his or a hire car . Armed police have regularly carried out exercises like this one to secure parliament and the area around it. But today the response was for real. The met responded in line with our plans for a marauding terrorist attack. That response included uniformed and specialist firearms officers. We now, of course, have an ongoing operation and while we currently believe there was only one attacker im sure people will understand we are taking every precaution in locking down and searching the area as thoroughly and exhaustively as possible. In recent years security in parliament has been tightened after intruders managed to get inside. Cameras, bollards, armed guards and x ray scanners are all in place. Today an attacker did breach the initial perimeter but police dealt with him quickly. The Security Services say that 13 attacks have been stopped since 2013. Mi5 and the police have certainly improved their ability to detect those behind the plots. But, weve also seen those Planning Attacks switch to less sophisticated techniques which can be harder for the Intelligence Agencies to spot. A year ago exactly saw an attack on Brussels Airport and the metro. That was more sophisticated than what we saw in westminster today, including the use of explosives. Last weekend pariss orly airport showed how sometimes lone individuals are now moving towards more low tech means. A man grabbed a gun from a soldier but was shot. Recent attacks in berlin and nice showed the carnage a vehicle could inflict on innocent people, as happened today on Westminster Bridge. In many recent cases attackers have been inspired by so called islamic state, although not necessarily in direct contact with the group. Well, its very hard to prevent an attack, if you like, a low tech attack like this from happening once an individual is inspired to carry one out. If you havent got the intelligence to know it is happening its very, very hard to prevent lives from being lost once the attack actually takes place. A wide reaching and urgent investigation into this incident is now under way. The attacker may be dead but the priority will be finding out if he worked alone and if this threat has really passed. Gordon corera, bbc news. At the end of an horrific day here in westminster lets get the sort of oui in westminster lets get the sort of our Political Correspondent in our westminster in news room. You have been out here on the streets around westminster ever since it happened. How do you assess this day in terms of whether it will Change Westminster and the way that the police at mt security here at the palace of westminster . It is strange because just a few hours before the incident happened it was just any other day in westminster. We had had a Prime Minister questions with the Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition in the House Of Commons trading blows, if you like, on the future of schools in england. And you we re to the area and the whole of coming to the area and the whole of westminster went into lockdown. And to give you a sense of what that is like, westminster is incredibly busy, not just with like, westminster is incredibly busy, notjust with politicians and mps in the House Of Lords, appears in the House Of Lords, but with the public and tourists at as well. This isa public and tourists at as well. This is a key spot in london where tourists come to take photographs. It is sometimes difficult to get the pavement because it is so down the pavement because it is so full of tourists wanting their photos taken full of tourists wanting their photos ta ken and full of tourists wanting their photos taken and sometimes asking you to take their photo for them. And so then for the area to be so com pletely and so then for the area to be so completely deserted apart from Police Cordons and lou lights flashing everywhere and sirens and helicopters overhead, it was obviously a complete contrast. As mps love this evening i was speaking to them and they spoke of their shock and sadness at what happened but also many were praising the police for not just the job they but also many were praising the police for notjust the job they did today but the job they do day in and day out to protect parliament, the public and our democracy. Just on that point about democracy, parliament will meet . It will sit tomorrow. Mps and peers will sit as normal despite the attacks today. As soon as the incident happened all the proceedings in the House Of Commons and the House Of Lords were clear tonight and defined. She was quite sad by the incident and very angered by it as well but she was defiant that parliament would get back to normal tomorrow, notjust that, people in london and visiting from all corners of the world would get back to normal as well. They would get back on the train and go about their daily life as normal. That is what politicians have said today as well. They will be back in the House Of Commonss tomorrow. We will see mps debating tomorrow. Dont forget, there will be reflection because what has happened today in westminster is so rare, it is someone heard of. This is a huge incident and, yes, politicians will get back to normal and they will be defined in the face of terrorism but they will be reflective as well, of course, remembering those who lost their lives. Thank you very much indeed. Five people lost their life today including the attacker. The 48 year old policeman who was stabbed protecting parliament and three civilians on Westminster Bridge as that car careered across the bridge. The death toll has climbed throughout the day and also the cattle did hole. We now know over 40 people were injured, some of those have serious some Those Have Serious Injuriesrsome Ill those have serious injuriesrsome for| ill tonight fighting for their life in hospital. You very for fighting for their life in hospital. You very for your thank you very much for your coverage this evening. We will keep with this story of course. We will talk about the front page of the newspaper weather is only one story on the front page and we

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