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Looking forward to next week, when it is expected the government will fire the starting gun on brexit. Good evening and welcome to bbc news. The worlds facing its largest humanitarian crisis since 1916. That is the assessment of the United Nations, which says more than 20 Million People face the threat of starvation and famine in four countries in africa and The Middle East. £3. 5 billion are said to be needed byjuly to avert disaster. This report from our World Affairs correspondent Richard Galpin contains images you may find distressing. For months now, it has been known that millions of people, including this young baby, in yemen, have been starving. She was just four months old when a bbc team met her in december. Across yemen, Hundreds Of Thousands more children have so little to eat they are struggling to stay alive. And the threat of Mass Starvation is affecting three other countries. This is a refugee camp in south sudan, which, like yemen, has been torn apart by conflict. Families forced to flee their homes, and left with little to eat. Already a famine has been officially declared here, with almost half the population in urgent need of help. We stand at a critical point in our history. Already, at the beginning of the year, we are facing the largest humanitarian crisis since the creation of the United Nations. Now, more than 20 Million People across four countries face starvation and famine. Without collective and co ordinated global efforts, people will simply starve to death. Of the huge number of people the un says are now in danger, almost 2 million are in nigeria, nearly 5 million in south sudan, nearly 3 million in somalia, and more than 1a million in yemen. The un is predicting that, without serious help, 1. 4 Million People could die before the end of the year unless more aid money is found. They are calling for 5. 6 billion to tackle this crisis. Aid agencies on the ground say at the moment they do not have enough money to deal with the rising demand for help. A child who suffers from severe, acute malnutrition, unless they are treated, there is a high likelihood that they will die. If they are treated, then they can recover completely, and the cost of that treatment can be as little as 80. Apart from conflict, another major cause of the crisis is drought. This is somalia, which has been particularly hit hard. In this hospital in the capital, mogadishu, almost 50 children have died in two months, most from dehydration. With the lives of so many children like these now at risk, the un believes the Global Response must be quick. Richard galpin, bbc news. A female judge has been criticised after warning women who get drunk that they are putting themselves in danger of being targeted by rapists. Lindsay kushner qc said what she called disinhibited behaviour could put women at risk. Her comments have been described by the campaigners as outrageous and misguided. Frankie mccamley reports. Jailed for six years, for what police described as a horrifically prolonged attack, Ricardo Rodriguez was found guilty of raping a woman who had been on a night out in manchester. But, sentencing, judge Lindsey Kushner used her final words before retiring to issue a rape warning to women. She said. While many might see her comments as useful advice, others believe this is a backwards step. Im very anxious that, whatever message she meant to send, its very clear that what it has sent is the message that theres not much point in reporting. Thats wrong. Whatever amount of drink youve had, do report. You will be treated better than this suggests. A Rape Survivor herself, this woman now helps others through the ordeal. I think it makes all of us really quite angry. Its one thing to go around making these comments when you sit in a courtroom all day, and you are engaging in one aspect of Society Without engaging with the women who are experiencing this. Judge kushner says she doesnt think it is wrong to teach women to protect themselves. Francis fitzgibbon, the chair of the criminal bar association, has backed the judges comments. He said women who get extremely drunk need to be aware of where it may lead them. It seems to me that she is lamenting the vulnerability of young women to rapists. She was very careful not to blame the victims of the rate for what has happened to them. She said a woman can do with her body whatever she wants and the man will have to adjust his behaviour accordingly and i dont think anyone could disagree with that. It seems to me that what she was really saying is that when a person, any person, does something that is potentially risky, like having extremely drunk, they need to be aware of the risks that they are taking, and have some understanding of where it may lead them. It seems to me, as a parent, and as a lawyer, that it to me, as a parent, and as a lawyer, thatitis to me, as a parent, and as a lawyer, that it is just sensible to tell is children when they start going out on the road, to be alert, to look out for danger, to stay with their friends, to make sure they can get home afterward, and to look after each other as well, so that people dont get separated and isolated. That seems to me to be just plain common sense. Rachel kriss is from the end violence against women coalition. She joins us now via webcam from south london. Thank you very much for being with us thank you very much for being with us this evening. What did you make of her comments . I mean, i am so disappointed to hear them from a judge, from a womanjudge who has beenin judge, from a womanjudge who has been in the court for so long. Because she has seen a lot of rape cases, and she works in the system, she has been working on a system, the Criminal Justice she has been working on a system, the Criminaljustice System, that rape victim is used a lot. They need to use, they need to talk to the police, they need to talk to a rreste rs, police, they need to talk to arresters, and they need to give evidence in court and in front of juries and the thing that stops them, the thing that puts a lot of people off is that they feel they may be blamed. Maybe they did the wrong thing, they drank too much, they may be think they wore the wrong clothes. This is really problematic and what it and is that only about 15 of people who experience rape actually go forward and report it, and we need women to feel much more confident about Going Forward and reporting it, because that will really help that rapists off the street, and it will really help women. At these sorts of comments, theyjust help women. At these sorts of comments, they just be help women. At these sorts of comments, theyjust be that idea that there might be something a woman has done to bring the rate on herself, and it is absolutely not the case. The only people responsible for rape other rape is themselves. But do you not take the point that Francis Fitzgibbon was making that it is not about lame or about being responsible for an attack. Nobody would suggest that. But it is about keeping yourself safe, not making yourself vulnerable when you dont need to be . Well, the truth is that as women we do the sort of work to give ourselves safe all the time. You know, and we get advice from our mothers and we give that advice to our daughters on how to stay safe. Does that mean keeping coherent, not getting so drunk you dont know where you are doing or where you are heading . dont know where you are doing or where you are heading . I think it is about who is saying this and who they are saying it too. In the context of a Criminaljustice System thatis context of a Criminaljustice System that is still failing rape victims, you know, we have come a long way, some Police Forces are are doing quite well and listening to women and making them feel more Co Mforta Ble and making them feel more comfortable and leaving them when they come forward to report rape, but that is not a universal experience. We still only have 15 of rapes reported and that only 7 reach conviction. So with a long way to go with the Criminaljustice System in really dealing with the victims of rape and serious Sexual Assault properly. And so when they hear messages like this, they know that this is what people think, they know that these prejudices and stereotypes about rape victims are still really prevalent. That is what puts women off coming forward. And so puts women off coming forward. And so these comments just reinforce that. So the safety work that women do, that we all do all the time, isnt enough to stop those 85,000 rapes that we have in the uk a year. So its just not enough to say women should keep themselves safe. We have to Start Talking about perpetrators and the fact that they are targeting vulnerable women. They are often targeting young women. We have to intervene there, rather than keep going back to these old jokes about womenjust need to going back to these old jokes about women just need to keep themselves that bit safer. So the fact that judge kushner said there is absolutely no excuse for rape, a woman can do with her body what she wa nts woman can do with her body what she wants and a man will have to adjust his behaviour accordingly, what would you like to have heard her say as she left the courts, with so much experience, essentially . as she left the courts, with so much experience, essentially . Iwould like to have heard her say that she is still really angry that they were so is still really angry that they were so many perpetrators out there going out and targeting women, and that we really need to do more as a society and asa really need to do more as a society and as a Criminaljustice System to stop that, to intervene there and to stop that, to intervene there and to stop it happening so much, rather than turning around and seen if only womenjust would than turning around and seen if only women just would behave slightly differently, it would reduce the number of perpetrators who were able to target them. Thats not the point at all. And so i wish she would have been able to say that. That would have been a good thing for her to lead on. Thank you for speaking to us on lead on. Thank you for speaking to us on bbc news. Turkey and the netherlands are locked in a furious diplomatic row tonight after turkeys president erdogan described the dutch as nazi remnants and fascists, after his Foreign Minister was banned from travelling to rotterdam to attend a rally on his behalf. The dutch Prime Minister said mr erdogans remarks were crazy. There are also reports that a second Turkish Minister has been blocked from entering the Turkish Embassy in rotterdam. From istanbul, our correspondent mark lowen sent this report. They love his nationalism, his bluntness, his standing up to the west, and today, Recep Tayyip Erdogan doled it out. After his Foreign Minister was blocked from landing in the netherlands, president erdogan hit back at the dutch, his diplomacy typically undiplomatic. Translation they dont know anything about politics or international diplomacy. They are very nervous, and cowards. They are nazi remnants, they are fascists. The Foreign Minister had wanted to rally turkish voters in the netherlands before a referendum on boosting mr erdogans powers. But, with the dutch election next week, the government there feared it could provoke tension, and feed the anti immigrant geert wilders. 0n the campaign trail, the dutch Prime Minister said he wouldnt give in to turkish blackmail. This morning, on television, he made clear that he threatened the netherlands with sanctions. And of course we cannot negotiate with the turks under such threats. So then we decided, the Foreign Minister, the french Prime Minister and myself in a Conference Call this morning, that it was better for him not to come to the netherlands. His country having been occupied by the nazis, mr rutte reacted bluntly to the fascist comparison. Its a crazy remark, of course. I understand theyre angry, but this is, of course, way out. Germany, too, was branded nazis by mr erdogan after it blocked turkish rallies, unprecedented language among nato allies. President erdogan has an advantage with europe, turkey the most active route for migrants, and its role crucial to stemming the flow. He has used it as a bargaining chip, but the eu is getting increasingly frustrated with the turkish strongman. This is a classic erdogan political tactic, painting turkey as the victim of western oppression, and himself as the protector of national pride. He thrives when he and his country are seen as the underdogs, and this growing stand off with europe will rally his nationalist support base, which he needs for a referendum victory. So vintage erdogan, pleasing his supporters, horrifying his opponents, and reiterating the sense that polarised turkey is drifting ever further from europe. Mark lowen, bbc news, istanbul. Security officials in washington have arrested a man who scaled a Perimeter Fence in the grounds of the white house carrying a backpack. President trump, who was inside the building when the breach happened, said the Security Officers had done a phenomenaljob. The backpack was found not to contain any dangerous materials. A British Airline which ran services between some of the countrys smaller airports has gone into liquidation. It has left passengers stranded, and others facing much longer journeys to reach their destination. Citywing have released a statement saying all its flights have been cancelled and told passengers not to turn up for flights, because there would be no one to assist. The headlines on bbc news famine in parts of africa and The Middle East could lead to the biggest humanitarian crisis since 1945 according the United Nations. A retiring judge is criticised for saying women can protect themselves against potential rapists by not getting too drunk. Diplomatic Tensions Mount as the netherlands prevents the Turkish Foreign minister entering the country to attend a political rally. Sport now and a full round up from the bbc sport centre. England have retained their six nations title with an dominant 61 21 win over scotland at twickenham. The victory means they win the calcutta cup, and equals new zealands record of 18 straight test wins. Joe wilson reports on a great day for english rugby twickenham just after two, any view will do. England arrived at this match unbeaten, as all the spectators well knew. They have won their games in the six nations by being good enough. The team which have really excelled and found a new level in the tournament, that was scotland. Passion and aggression come as standard the challenge of rugby is control. A minute into the game, a tackle on elliot daly, fraser brown sin binned. But if there was a glimmer of space in the scotland defence, england had a man to exploit it, Jonathan Joseph gone. Scotland were stretched. Their star back, stuart hogg off, head injury. Guess what, Jonathan Joseph had the ball again, and he was gone again. Lovely step, what a try from Jonathan Joseph now, finally, says the coach, you are listening to me. Muscle from one metre can be as effective as a dash from a distance. Two minutes into the second half, joseph again, almost at a stroll, his hat trick. Billy vunipola, more of a bulldozer, and now this was record Score Territory for england. Scottish flair was never given the oxygen to breathe, 61 21 in the end. The six nations cup awaits in dublin, one more win there and england will have the record for consecutive victories. With eddiejones in charge, they can lose, but so far they never have. Earlier, france ended their dismal six nations away form, with a bonus point a0 to 18 points win against italy in rome. France had lost their previous five away matches in a row. The womens six nations will go down to the final weekend, with both ireland and england winning their penultimate matches to remain unbeaten in the tournament. Ireland edged past wales, while englands Kay Wilson Ran in a record seven tries against scotland. England ran out winner by 64 points to nil. Lincoln citys Fairytale Fa Cup Run has come to an end at the quarterfinal stage. They were the first Non League Side to reach the last eight of the competition since 1914 but their efforts werent enough against premier League Arsenal at the emirates. Theo walcott opened the scoring just before half time. The gunners scored four more after the break, including this one from alexi sanchez, to secure their place in the semifinals. Earlier, Manchester City cruised passed middlesbrough at the riverside stadium. Dafid silva scored after three minutes, and Sergio Aguero sealed the victory in the second half. Hull city boosted their chances of premier League Survival with a 2 1win over swansea city. Substitute 0umar niass scored twice, to help hull take an important three points. Swansea got a goal back but remain in 16th place everton continued their push for a top six place, with a 3 0 win over west brom. Bournemouth finally have their First League Win of 2017, thanks to a hat trick from josh king. In the scottish premiership, niall mcginn scored the only goal of the match as second place aberdeen beat motherwell. Fourth placed hearts narrowed the gap on third place rangers to five points, with a four nil thrashing of hamilton. There were also wins for kilmarnock and stjohnstone. Partick drew with inverness. Elise christie has become the first british woman to win a title at the world short track speed skating championships. Christie claimed gold in the 1500 metres, finishing just 0. 12 seconds ahead of her nearest rival. The win represents an excellent comeback for christie who was contemplating leaving the sport after being disqualified from all three of her events at the 2014 winter olympics. To badminton and after victory against the olympic champions yesterday, chris and gabby adcock suffered a narrow defeat in the mixed doubles semi finals of the all england 0pen. The couple had a match point in the deciding set against their chinese opponents but chris broke a string as they lost the rally. Lu and huang closed out the match 22 20 in the decider. The adcocks equalled their run to the final four at last years tournament. Thats all the sport for now. Reports from syria say at least 40 people have been killed and Dozens Injured following two explosions in the capital damascus. Its thought two Suicide Bombers targeted buses transporting shiite pilgrims near an Ancient Cemetery in the city. Its not yet clear who was behind the attack. 0ur Correspondent Alan Johnston reports. These explosions went off in the vicinity of an Ancient Cemetery that houses the mausoleums of several prominent shia muslim figures. It is a sacred place that draws visitors from across the shia world. And when the bombers struck they targeted a parking area for buses that brings pilgrims to the site. Video images showed the vehicles, with the belongings of the victims on the ground around them. Shoes, items of clothing, a wheelchair. There were reports that most of the dead were iraqi citizens. It is not yet clear who was behind this but the Islamic State group has set off bombs before in damascus aimed at causing casualties among shia muslim pilgrims at whom the militants regard as religious heretics. David davis is urging mps to ignore proposed changes to the brexit bill in the commons on monday. The amendments include changes to a meaningful vote on the brexit plan and guarantees on protections for eu nationals living in britain. Article 50, the formal process, could be triggered next week. The brexit bill, that piece of legislation that will allow the government to start the negotiations about leaving the eu is entering the final stages here in parliament next week. The House Of Lords have had their say. They would like changes to the bill, to protect the rights of eu citizens but also a Written Guarantee that parliament will get a say on the final terms of the brexit deal. Tonight there is a very clear message from the government that they will not accept those changes. David davis said he wants the bill to go through with no strings attached. We know that labour will not agree to that. Jeremy corbyn said so today. What is crucial is how many tory mps are prepared to go against the government. They had been given a verbal reassurance that parliament will have the final say on the terms of our departure from the eu. The key question now is whether or not that is enough to stave off a rebellion. This is a significant moment, not just stave off a rebellion. This is a significant moment, notjust a test of the Prime Ministers authority in the house of club and that once the bill is passed, theresa may will be able to Push The Button and start the process which will end with the departure of the uk from the european union. 0nline ticket touts who buy in bulk and then sell tickets for inflated prices will face unlimited fines under new government plans. Our Business Correspondent joe lynam reports. When it comes to seeing your idols up close, people will sometimes pay large sums. But increasingly fans are being priced out by robots, or bots, that Snap Up Tickets in seconds and resell them as at inflated prices. And fans are often squeezed out. It stops the youth from going to these places, from seeing these shows, its not really fair. Its not necessarily fraud, but if people are making money out of something that its kind of a bit like you shouldnt put such a premium on something. The rise of the internet has enabled touts to use software known as bots to automatically buy up thousands of tickets in seconds, and thats what the government wants to make a criminal offence with unlimited fines. We think its unacceptable that fans are being ripped off by these Computer Bots buying up all the tickets and then selling them at inflated prices. So were going to make that illegal, so that people can buy tickets more easily and fans can get to the concerts, the Sports Venues that they want to. But can we ever fully remove illegal ticket touts . Of tickets, there will be people wanting to buy those tickets as well. The important thing is to sort of distil it to a good market, a market that works well for the industry, and a market that works well for consumers as well. And that might mean that official Ticket Sellers for popular shows will have to be far more vigilant when someone tries to suddenly buy or suddenly sell a lot of tickets. Criminalising these bots which Snap Up Tickets which fans otherwise want could work, but if theyre overseas, then theres very little the government could do. Also, ticketing experts say that the bots might in fact be real human beings, paid paltry sums of money by the illegal ticket touts to do their work criminalising them would be fraught with problems. Joe lynam, bbc news, in the west end. One more day of the weekend left i dont think it will be that good. Lets hear about the weather. You hit the nail on the head there. Saturday, today, was definitely the driest and the warmer of the two days of the weekend but tomorrow will not be a washout. This is how the day ended. Look at that beautiful sunset. And the north of ireland had its warmest day of the year so far, 16 degrees at the giants causeway. We did beat that across the south east with 18 degrees but quite a lot of cloud under a Weather Front between that did not provide that much rain however through the evening the rain has been picking up and there is another Weather Front coming in to join it. Two fronts to contend with through the day on sunday, hence the reason it will i wayig tw through the day on sunday, hence the reason all ill 3 wayig tw through the day on sunday, hence the reason all that wayig two through the day on sunday, hence the reason all that cloud ayig two bursts of rain it should be heavy bursts of rain it should be mild. It does mean a different complexion to the weather for the Eastern Scotland and the east of england. The rain starts to reach wales and the south west but there isa wales and the south west but there is a sandwich of dry weather, the filling of the sandwich is the dry bright weather between that will start on a grey and misty note tomorrow morning. We will have ill fog and sea fog as we have had in recent days and then a slow brightening. A different day across south east and east anglia with rain coming into the west. Parts of wales in Northern England not fare too bad in the morning. They should not have too much rain. Still great different across east coast of scotland. The whiskas season rain as well. And then everything is transferring east through the day except the Weather Front is slow moving and it will peter out in situ and then the next front makes its way across wales and scotland, turning chari. For Western Scotla nd scotland, turning chari. For Western Scotland and northern ireland, some lovely weather but only 12 or 13 degrees at best. It is cool and fresh airand degrees at best. It is cool and fresh air and hence it will not be as warm but still above average for march. However, through tomorrow night, the sky continues to clear and we will have a cold night as we move into monday morning there is a potential for slight frost thirsting for the commute was up more cloud will hold off and stay with the frost in the north and the south in the east. The good news is that with High Pressure building into the start of the week and kids Weather Fronts that they are monday and we should season springlike sunshine after that chilly start. Tends to fade in the north with the week rather front coming fade in the north with the week ratherfront coming in fade in the north with the week rather front coming in and then it will tend to meander southwards as we go through tuesday as well. A little more cloud to come across the southern half of the country on tuesday but it does look largely dry. Hello, this is bbc news. We will be taking a look at tomorrow mornings papers in a moment. First the headlines at 11 30pm four countries in africa and The Middle East need urgent help. The United Nations says 20 Million People are facing starvation

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