Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170207 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170207

people from seven mainly muslim countries be reinstated? that's a question the us appeals court will hear arguments on later. now some of america's biggest companies are warning the band could harm us businesses. but president trump says it is necessary to protect the country. nick bryant has more. president donald j trump. applause cheering america's new commander—in—chief receiving a standing ovation from the troops now under his control. his speech at this military base focusing on the terror threat to the american homeland, and defending his controversial travel ban that's been blocked by the us courts. we need strong programmes, so that people that love us and want to love our country, and will end up loving our country, are allowed in. not people that want to destroy us, and destroy our country. # god bless america... last night it was lady gaga who was centre stage. she kicked off her super bowl half—time show with god bless america, a patriotic song written by a jewish immigrant. she didn't make an explicit political statement, but was this high—profile hillary clinton supporter sending a message to donald trump? super bowl li! welcome to america. you're not wanted here. go back home. even the adverts last night seemed loaded. this pro—immigration message from budweiser depicted the arrival of one of the company's founders from germany. it's prompted calls for a boycott from some trump supporters. this is the beer we drink... corporate america has also weighed in on the travel ban. around 100 major technology firms, including apple, google and facebook, have filed a legal brief arguing it would make it more difficult to recruit employees. american arrivals halls for now remain places of family reunions. immigrants from the mainly muslim countries hit by the travel ban continue to enter the country, knowing the door opened by the legal challenge to the executive order could soon be shut if appeals judges side with president trump. thank you for every single person who tried to help me bring my kids back. i'm so happy. i'm so glad. this is america. america is for everybody. for everybody. thank you, thank you, thank you. the question at the centre of this legal showdown has huge implications. just how much power does the president wield in deciding who comes to this country? nick bryant, bbc news, washington. let's get more on this from richard lister, whojoins us let's get more on this from richard lister, who joins us from washington. it seems like everyday there is a new twist and turn in this, doesn't there? yes. and the next few days will show more twists and turns because this appeal court isn't the end of the road by a longshot. what it will do is hear arguments from both sides, they will each get 30 minutes to present their case to the three judges this appeals court and then the appeals court will roll. when they decide to make thatjudgement is up to them but they've shown they want to move forward very quickly, so i think the judgement could come within days, potentially even hours after they've heard from the two sides. it's almost certain that the side that loses in that court case at the appeals court will almost certainly then want to take the court on to then want to take the court on to the supreme court, which, of course, has the final say in these matters. this is one step in the road probably this week, there will be more twists and turns to come. this isa more twists and turns to come. this is a ready important battle for president donald trump, tell us why. it is. what we're seeing now is the court defining the limits of his presidential authority. president trump of course is but one arm of the american government, there are three. congress is another and the judiciary is another. the judiciary doesn't make the laws in the us but what it does do is keep an eye on the other two, congress and the president, to ensure what they do doesn't breach the boundaries of the constitution. so that's really what's at stake here. whatever finally the courts decide in this case will give president trump a fairly clear picture of the limits of his power in other areas too. this is really about the next four yea rs, this is really about the next four years, isn't it? it is, and particularly the next eight years if he is re—elected. all presidents have these battles with the supreme court, they all try and get as much done as they can as they see it within the limits of their power. barack 0bama, when he tried to get immigration reform through congress and failed, he tried to implement some of those reforms through executive order, that was blocked in the courts in exactly the same way. george bush also had problems. so this is something that happens in more less every presidency, president trump is not the first, but what's unusual is that this should be happening so quickly in his term. we will watch be watching how it unfolds over the next few days. richard lister, thank you so much. in france the centre—right presidential candidate francois fillon is fighting to stay in the race after admitting he made a mistake employing family members for parliamentary work. but he said salary he paid his wife was entirely justified and legal. but some in his party say he should drop out of the contest. sarah corker reports. using yourfamily using your family members as parliamentary assistants is a perfectly legal practice, but what was acceptable in the past is no longer acceptable. mr fillon's popularity has plummeted since allegations his british wife, penelope fillon, was paid more than 800,000 euros as his assistant for work she may never have done. and jobs done by his two children are also being investigated. he said he made a mistake, but also said his wife's salary was justified. but in 2007, penelope fillon gave an interview to a british newspaper, the daily telegraph, in which she said: and on monday, mr fillon was asked about that interview. translation: when she made that statement it was picked up by a programme which knowingly took bits of a sentence out of context. it was in english, it was for an english audience and the focus of the interview was actually i will not be sharee blair. the journalist who did the interview actually got in touch with my wife to say how shocked she was at the use of those bits. the journalist who did the interview, though, tweeted this: polls are now showing mr fillon is lagging behind his opponents, independent centrist emmanuelle macron, a former investment banker and the national front leader, marine le pen. and with the election 11 weeks away, mr fillon insisted he would stay in the race. sarah corker, bbc news. let's bring you up to date with some news in brief and we start in paris where hundreds of people have taken to the streets to demonstrate after a young black man was allegedly raped while being arrested last week. one police officer has been charged with rape and three others have been charged with assault. the officers have denied the allegations and they say they were targeting drug dealers. the victim was treated for severe injuries in hospital. the israeli parliament has passed a new law legalising some 4000 homes forjewish settlers built on privately owned palestinian land in the west bank. the former owners will get compensation but palestinian groups say the move has legalised theft and destroys any chance of a political agreement. brazilian troops and 200 members of the national guard have been deployed in the south—eastern state of espirito sa nto deployed in the south—eastern state of espirito santo after a surge in violence triggered by a police strike. the police union says 51 people have been murdered in the state capital, vitoria, since saturday when the strike began. local police say they want a pay rise. the pr company representing david beckham has confirmed to the bbc it was subject to a blackmail attempt by hackers threatening to leak his personal e—mails. a british newspaper, the daily mirror, says the private messages were published after the firm refused to hand over after the firm refused to hand over a 6—figure sum. a spokesman for david beckham says the e—mails were tampered with and deliberately inaccurate. our media editor has the story. since hanging up his boots, david beckham's public profile has been largely about charity work, including his role as a unicef ambassador. after playing a key role in the london 2012 games, he wasn't the only person who thought he might be knighted the following year. but the knighthood never came. now hacked e—mails appear to show his anger. it is claimed that david beckham wrote to his pr representative: and: beckham's team say the e—mails have been doctored. some of this morning's papers were unsparing in their headlines, giving brand beckham a battering. i think most people felt that he did deserve a knighthood. but the daily mirror, which has worked with him on charity projects, lea pt to beckham's defence. i can't really see what david beckham's done wrong. he clearly was upset about not receiving a knighthood, but then the whole of the media predicted that he would get one. he worked very hard to bring the olympics to london. and he works incredibly hard for charity. newspapers used to determine the public narrative about the likes of beckham. but social media has changed the game. now celebrities can use new digital platforms to speak directly to the public and try to manage their own image. over the weekend, david beckham's son posted this intimate photograph on instagram, perhaps with his father's approval. alan edwards is one of britain's leading pr executives. he worked closely with beckham for over a decade. i think it's really an ebb and a flow. david's had wonderful publicity for a very long time, and i guess this is a moment, it's the laws of the universe. but i'm sure he'll sail through it. newspapers may not be the force they once were, but negative front pages are bad news for a brand as big as david beckham's. it will take a fresh dose of old—fashioned pr to undo any damage. amol rajan, bbc news. romania's government is rejecting calls to resign despite seven days of massive street protests, which forced it to scrap proposed changes in the law on corruption. thousands of demonstrators are still on the streets, as nick thorpe reports from the rest. day seven of the protests in romanian and i can tell you they're much smaller than they have been. —— from eucharist. —— from bucharest. what will the government do now? they've made clear that although they have been forced to revoke the decree, they still stand by their central argument that the prosecutors in romanian are too powerful and need to be reigned in. that makes people here in the square very angry. in fact they say the whole issue, the handling of the issue has been so bad by the government that they should now resign. nick thorpe, bbc news, bucharest. stay with us on bbc news. still to come: the speaker of the house of commons since an uncompromising message to president trump about his state visit to britain later this this is the moment that millions in iran had been waiting for. after his long years in exile, the first hesitant steps of ayatollah khomeini on iranian soil. south africa's white government has offered its black opponents concessions unparalleled in the history of apartheid. the ban on the african national congress is lifted immediately, and the anc leader, nelson mandela, after 27 years injail, is to be set free unconditionally. the aircraft was returning from belgrade, where manchester united had entered the semi—final of the european cup. two americans have become the first humans to walk in space without any lifeline to their spaceship. one of them called it a piece of cake. thousands of people have given the yachstwoman ellen macarthur a spectacular homecoming in the cornish port of falmouth after she smashed the world record for sailing solo around the world non—stop. this is bbc news. i am lebo diseko. aus this is bbc news. i am lebo diseko. a us court will hear arguments on tuesday on whether to reinstate president trump's travel ban on people from seven mainly muslim countries. let's get more now top story. dors meissner has the think—tank at the migration policy institute joins us now. think—tank at the migration policy institutejoins us now. thank think—tank at the migration policy institute joins us now. thank you for your time. you have worked at the white house as an adviser before. what are your thoughts on how this ban was introduced? well, the ban was in —— introduced without the ban was in —— introduced without the proper co—ordination with the agencies that are needed to implement it and it was done very quickly without the best legal advice and without the best operational advice. how advice and without the best operationaladvice. how to advice and without the best operational advice. how to implement it. i actually have never worked in the white house myself. i have worked in thejustice department and i have been the head of our immigration service which was responsible for implementing these orders and it takes an enormous amount of effort and certainly requires some advanced notice in order to do effectively this if one is to do it. why was this done in the way it was? i don't know. i can only say what it is that we observe and our —— and are experiencing and that it and our —— and are experiencing and thatitis and our —— and are experiencing and that it is a new presidency and a presidency that is devoted right now to very quickly delivering on campaign promises. there isjust a skeletal staff in the white house and the relationships between the new advisors in the white house and the career civil servants and new appointees that are coming into run the cabinet departments that need to implement these policies. none of those relationships have really been developed and built effectively in a way that is required to do something like this. what you are saying is that perhaps the legal steps that we are seeing now that perhaps the legal steps that we are seeing now may that perhaps the legal steps that we are seeing now may not have had —— may not have taken place more slowly and steadily to begin with. yes. donald trump is not the first president to try to limit different types of people coming into the country? well, the president does have very broad authority us immigration law to prevent people from coming if they are coming to the united states and it would be detrimental to the interests of the united states. that is the language in the statute. that is an authority that has been in our immigration laws for more than 50 years but it is being used very sparingly, it has never been used in a sweeping fashion like this and it has been used when there has been real provocation, a real danger, probably the most recent, dramatic example was after the 9/11 attacks. this is the first time that authority has been used just to use the authority. where does donald trump go if things don't go his way with this appeal, just briefly? it is in the courts now and we will perhaps know as soon as tomorrow when a critical hearing ta kes pla ce as tomorrow when a critical hearing takes place whether this stopping of the order will be continued. if the courts stop the executive branch, thenit courts stop the executive branch, then it can't go into effect or it can draft the order again in a way thatis can draft the order again in a way that is consistent with the legal rulings so until we get the legal ruling, we don't really know but it could go either way. doris meissner, thank you so much free time. here in the uk, the speaker of the lower house of parliament says he opposed plans for president trump to address mps and lords when he makes a state visit. he said his concerns followed the decision. it is an honour that has been bestowed on popes and presidents. a speech to both houses of parliament in the splendour of westminster hall was part of the itinerary for these dignitaries when they visited britain. at the same invite may not be coming donald trump ‘s way. in an astonishing intervention, the commons speaker said recent decisions by the president had made him uneasy about an invitation. decisions by the president had made him uneasy about an invitationlj feel him uneasy about an invitation.” feel very strongly that our opposition to racism and sexism and our support for equality before the law and an independentjudiciary are hugely important considerations in the house of commons. rare applause from snp and labour mps who have been highly critical of the american president. donald trump has got to go! and that anger brought anti—trump demonstrations to the prime minister's door after she invited him on a state visit later this year. for us to roll out the red carpet at buckingham palace or to invite him here to speak to us in a grand occasion at both houses send out all the wrong messages. that's why the speaker has called it right today. the speaker of the commons is a powerful figure who has a say in who addresses mps. he's independent of party politics and is supposed to represent the whole house. tonight it's clear that some are unhappy with his outburst. i think the speaker of the house of commons should be neutral. to express his opinion in the way he did today, if he values this great office, is insulting to president trump. —— devalues. generally the speaker is meant to referee all of this and should keep himself above that, so that is to be regretted. but it's a symptom of the controversy around this visit. the prime minister has been trying to forge a close partnership with the new pm in washington, saying today that government should engage patiently and constructively with his administration. while theresa may has launched a charm offensive towards president trump, john bercow suggested he is unfit to come here and speak to and peers. many agree with the speaker, saying he is simply upholding the values of parliament, but others think he has completely overstepped the mark. i invite you, mr president, to address us. and tory mps are pointing out that he has in the past welcomed leaders to parliament whose values britain doesn't always share. vicki young, bbc news, westminster. final preparations are being made for the largest ever exhibition of art by david hockney, one of britain's most influential artists. it opens at the tate gallery this week and features more than 250 pieces tracing his work from his student days in the 1960s. david hockney has been talking to our art editor. it's all about looking. how do we see? do we see like photographs? no, we don't, i don't think. photographs see geometrically. we must see psychologically, mustn't we? do you recognise the artist from these early years, with the artist today? yes. yes, i do. yeah. i mean, when i'm painting i was think i'm 30. did you ever feel under pressure during your career to have a different style, to not do figurative work? well, i neverfelt pressure, no. i always did what i wanted to do. that's what i've done every day of those 64 years. i've done what i wanted to do every day. can you pick a work out which you are less pleased with? one in the exhibition where you go, "that was maybe not my finest hour"? not my finest hour? in your opinion. i don't think there's any in the show that i would say are absolutely terrible. i mean, i'm not saying i'm that good. but i'm not that terrible either. what makes a good picture? we don't know, because if we knew there'd be a lot more memorable pictures, wouldn't there? and there aren't that many. and i've done a few memorable pictures. i know this now. when you were painting the biggest splash or any of those very famous images, you didn't know at the time that these were going to have the potency that they... no, no. i didn't know. in fact, you're always a little bit baffled why. all artists, especially if they're painters, have to take on art history. it's a challenge. do you feel you have successfully done that and earned a place among the greats? well i think i've... i think i have done that. i think i've achieved something here. i think so. beautiful stuff. you can get in touch with me and most of the team on twitter. always lovely to hear from you. i will have the headlines injust the moment from you. i will have the headlines in just the moment but now, that is it from others on bbc news. —— from us. hello. monday turned out to be quite a day of weather across some parts of the british isles with a combination of wind and rain and hill snow through the northern parts as well. tuesday, a chilly start wherever you may be. there will still will be some of that monday rain lingering, especially across the eastern side of both scotland and england, because that weather front will make very, very slow progress through the day into the north sea, and that keeps that chance of a little bit of rain still there across those eastern parts. where the skies clear further west, it'll be a really cold start, there will be some ice around south—western scotland, northern ireland, maybe some sheltered spots across the western side of both england and wales. here, the skies will have cleared for some overnight, and that will give rise to some sunshine first up across the south—west into wales but you'll notice there are showers not very far away. move a little bit further east from that, this is where we get into that murky zone all the way from central southern england, through the midlands to northern england and southern parts of scotland. further east again, there the rain from that old weather front. across western parts of scotland and western parts of northern ireland initially, this is where we are going to see some pretty hefty showers, at times, just merging together to give some longer spells of rain with the chance, i would have thought, of a little bit of hill snow yet again. on through the course of the day, those showers really getting going across parts of wales and the south—west, you might even hear the odd rumble of thunder in the mix there. i think improving conditions gradually getting into central southern england and maybe the north—west of england, south—western scotland. and relatively speaking, compared to what's to come, those temperatures not too bad. nine or 10 degrees across western parts but underneath the cloud and rain in the east around six degrees. as far ahead as wednesday, that weather front is still lurking. it is heading back towards the west, wouldn't you just know it, not the same intensity i suspect than we've seen of late and that is going to open the door eventually to some cold air, which, as we get on through thursday and into friday, absolutely wins out, such that cold air comes to sit across the british isles in the latter part of the week with the mild air lurking out in the atlantic. and this is the difference it makes to the temperatures. no longer eight, nine and ten. it's three, four, five and six for many of us with only the western fringes pushing towards seven or eight degrees. a lot of cloud around. i'm afriad it is going to be fairly leaden skies and that cooling process continues apace on into thursday, two, three, four, five or six degrees so that by the end of the week there will be cold easterly wind with a lot of cloud and the odd snow flurry too. the headlines on bbc news: the united states justice department has formally lodged an appeal against the suspension of donald trump's ban on citizens from seven mainly—muslim countries. a federal appeals court in san francisco has said it will begin hearing the case straightaway. the french presidential candidate francois fillon has apologised for employing his wife as a parliamentary advisor. he is facing an investigation over claims she was paid for a non—existentjob. mr fillon insists he did nothing illegal, and that his campaign will continue. a pr company representing david beckham has told the bbc it was subject to a blackmail attempt by hackers threatening to leak his personal e—mails. a spokesman for david beckham says the e—mails were tampered with, and are deliberately inaccurate. now on bbc news, it is monday in parliament.

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, Appeals , The Travel Ban , Immigrants , Places , Family Reunions , Muslim , Everybody , Centre , Showdown , Kids , Bbc News , Richard Lister , Power , Implications , Washington , Twist , Twists , Yes , Whojoins , Doesn T , Sides , Case , Appeal Court Isn T , Longshot , The End Of Road , 30 , Three , Judgement , Two , Supreme Court , Course , Side , Which , Say , Court , Step , Court Case , Road , Matters , Authority , Trump , Limits , Battle , Isa , Arm , Tell Us Why , Government , African National Congress , Judiciary Doesn T , The Other Two , Another , Judiciary , Do , Laws , Eye , Picture , Constitution , Boundaries , Stake , Areas , It , Presidents , Battles , Try , Four , Eight , Way , Some , Barack 0bama , Immigration Reform , Reforms , 0 , Something , Presidency , First , Problems , Term , George Bush , Francois Fillon , Race , Mistake , Family Members , French , Candidate , Wife , Charity Work , Salary , Party , Contest , Sarah Corker Reports , Yourfamily , Assistants , Practice , Popularity , Penelope Fillon , Allegations , British , Assistant , Children , Jobs , 800000 , 800000 Euros , Daily Mirror , Interview , Daily Telegraph , 2007 , Translation , Journalist , Bits , Programme , Context , Audience , English , Sentence , Focus , Sharee Blair , Use , Though , Polls , Leader , Opponents , Investment Banker , Election , Independent , National Front , Marine Le Pen , Emmanuelle Macron , Streets , Paris , News , Hundreds , Sarah Corker , 11 , Others , Police Officer , Black Man , Assault , Rape , Drug Dealers , Victim , Officers , Parliament , Law , Land , Owners , Injuries , Hospital , Settlers , West Bank , Homes Forjewish , Israeli , 4000 , Chance , Compensation , Members , South Eastern State , Move , Agreement , Theft , Guard , Espirito Sa Nto , Brazilian , Groups , 200 , State , Police , Police Strike , Strike , Pay Rise , Surge , Violence , Capital , Espirito Santo , Vitoria , Police Union , 51 , Subject , Hackers , Blackmail Attempt , Messages , Pr Company Representing David Beckham , David Beckham , Media Editor , Story , Spokesman , Firm , Sum , Boots , David Beckham S Public Profile , 6 , Role , Knighthood , Games , Ambassador , Following , London 2012 , Unicef , 2012 , Team , Anger , Pr Representative , Headlines , Giving Brand Beckham A Battering , Papers , Morning , Whole , Media , Lea Pt To Beckham , Wrong , Defence , Charity Projects , Newspapers , Celebrities , Charity , Game , Social Media , Olympics , Narrative , Platforms , Beckham , Weekend , Photograph , Son , Image , Public , Father , Approval , Pr Executives , Instagram , Alan Edwards , David S , Publicity , Ebb , Flow , Laws Of The Universe , Pr , Brand , Dose , Big , Force , Bad News , Pages , Damage , Romania , Amol Rajan , Thousands , Changes , Demonstrators , Protests , Corruption , Rest , Massive Street Protests , Nick Thorpe Reports , Romanian , Eucharist , Bucharest , Argument , Decree , Prosecutors , Fact , Issue , Handling , Nick Thorpe , Speaker , State Visit , House Of Commons , Stay , Millions , Steps , Concessions , History , Exile , Apartheid , Iran , South Africa , Ayatollah Khomeini On Iranian Soil , Ban , Aircraft , Anc Leader , Nelson Mandela , Injail , 27 , Belgrade , Space , Spaceship , Piece , Semi Final , Lifeline , Humans , Cake , Manchester United , European Cup , Yachstwoman , Lebo Diseko , World Record , Sailing , Around The World , Falmouth , Cornish Port , Ellen Macarthur A Spectacular Homecoming , Aus , Dors Meissner , Think Tank , White House , Adviser , Thoughts , Migration Policy Institute , Migration Policy Institutejoins , Agencies , Best , Co Ordination , Advice , Thejustice Department , Operationaladvice , Order , Immigration Service , Orders , Head , Amount , Effort , Notice , I Don T Know , Our , Campaign Promises , Staff , Thatitis , Relationships , Career , Cabinet Departments , Advisors , Servants , Appointees , Policies , None , Saying , Place , Immigration Law , Types , Statute , Interests , Language , Immigration Laws , Example , Fashion , Danger , Provocation , 50 , Time , Attacks , 9 11 , Appeal , Things , Ta Kes , Executive Branch , Stopping , Ce , Pla , Ruling , Thenit Courts , Rulings , Thatis , Go Into Effect , Mps , Lower House , Doris Meissner , Plans , Honour , Decision , Popes , Concerns , Part , Dignitaries , Houses Of Parliament , Invite , Splendour , Itinerary , Westminster Hall , Commons Speaker , Invitation , Decisions , Intervention , Support , Opposition , Sexism , Racism , Invitationlj , Equality Before The Law , Independentjudiciary , The American , Considerations , Labour Mps , Snp , Prime Minister , Houses , Demonstrations , Occasion , Red Carpet , Buckingham Palace , Of The Commons , Party Politics , Figure , House , Outburst , It Right Today , Opinion , Office , Devalues , Referee , Partnership , Controversy , Visit , Symptom , Many , John Bercow , Charm Offensive , Values , Administration , Peers , Theresa May , Mark , Leaders , Art By , Westminster , Preparations , Values Britain Doesn T Always Share , Vicki Young , Work , Art Editor , Student , Tate Gallery , 1960 , 250 , Photographs , I Don T Think , Artist , Mustn T , Pressure , Figurative , Style , 64 , Work Out , Finest Hour , Wouldn T , Pictures , We Don T Know , Images , Any , Aren T , Splash , Potency , Art History , Painters , Greats , Most , Stuff , Monday , Twitter , Parts , Rain , Weather , Wind , Central Southern England , Western Scotland , Hill , Snow , Isles , Combination , Tuesday , Monday Rain Lingering , Bit , Weather Front , Progress , Skies , Eastern Parts , Ice , North Sea , Showers , South West , Spots , Sunshine , Overnight , Rise , Northern Ireland , Wales , Zone , Midlands To Northern England , Western Parts , Front , Times , Thought , Hill Snow , Odd Rumble , Mix , Thunder , Spells , Temperatures , North West , Conditions , South Western Scotland , The Cloud , Six , 10 , Nine , Air , West , Intensity , Difference , British Isles , Atlantic , Five , Ten , Lot , Cloud , Cooling Process , Fringes , Odd Snow Flurry , Federal Appeals Court , Suspension , Citizens , Has , San Francisco , United States Justice Department , Advisor , Investigation , Non Existentjob , Claims , Case Straightaway , Campaign , Nothing , Hearing Arguments ,

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