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People are vulnerable in our country who will suffer under this presidency. And the walk to the white house. President trump and the new first lady make their way to their new home. Hello. Donald trump is now the 45th president of the United States. He was sworn in before several 100 thousand people on the steps of capitol hill in washington. In his inaugural speech is that from This Day Forward it will be a America First. That means a Dying American and hiring american. Other countries have been making products, stealing companies and destroying ourjobs. He added that protection will lead to Great American prosperity. John serpell looks back on his big day. Announcer ladies and gentlemen, the President Elect of the United States, donald trump. A scenario few scarcely thought possible, the Billionaire Reality Tv Host about to become Commander In Chief of the most powerful nation on earth. America its a ceremony going back over 200 years that has changed little in that time. I, donald john trump, do solemnly swear. That i will faithfully execute. The office of president of the United States. And will to the best of my ability. Preserve, protect and defend. The constitution of the United States. The constitution of the United States. So help me god. With those 35 words the formality was complete but after that any inaugural address that was anything but a continuation of tradition. The 45th president had won a mandate to be a disrupter of politics as normal. Today we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another, orfrom one party to another, but we are transferring power from washington, dc and giving it back to you, the people. If the vips on the podium were starting to feel uncomfortable, President Trump was just getting started. He painted a hellish picture of america, a very different picture to the one that barack obama was leaving behind. Too many of our citizens, a different reality exists. Mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities. Rusted out factories scattered like tombstones across the landscape of our nation. And an Education System flush with cash but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of all knowledge. And the crime and the gangs and the drugs that have stolen too many lives and robbed our country of so much unrealised potential. This American Carnage stops right here and right now. And then a message to the rest of the world, dont look to us to bail you out, we have different priorities now. We assembled here today, are issuing a new decree to be heard in every city in every foreign capital and in every hall of power. From This Day Forward a new vision will govern our land. From This Day Forward its going to be only America First. America first. Economic nationalism would be the order of the day. We will follow two simple rules. Buy american and hire american. And then an appeal for Unity Couched in these terms. Its time to remember that old wisdom our soldiers will never forget that whether we are black or brown or white we all bleed the same red blood of patriots. But surely if there is one takeout from this inaugural, it is that President Trump fully intends to govern as he campaigned, uncompromisingly. Together we make America Stronger again. We will make America Wealthy again. We will make america proud again. We will make america safe again. And, yes, together we will make America Great again. Thank you, god bless you, and god bless america. Thank you. The crowds werent enormous, certainly nothing like they were 8 years ago for Barack Obamas inauguration. But for those who had come, this was a day to remember. For others a day to forget. How painful this must have been for Hillary Clinton who polled Three Million more votes than donald trump, yet lost the Electoral College. Later the new president would salute the person he vanquished. Let me tell you. There is something i wanted to say because i was very honoured, very, very honoured when i heard that President Bill Clinton and secretary Hillary Clinton was coming today. I think it is appropriate to say and id like you to stand up. Id like you to stand up. Applause after the inauguration ceremony, the final act for the obamas. Power had passed, they are now private citizens. A Us Marine Helicopter Standing by to ferry them out of the city to start a new life. Earlier this morning one final act in the white house for the outgoing president. A handwritten letter to his successor. And then the formal welcome. Barack obama and michelle greeting the new occupants of the house, donald and Melania Trump, and a gift to the outgoing first lady from her successor. And then the pose for posterity, the 44th and 45th president s together. The ceremonial is over and the gladhanding for the moment is done. Now donald trump is making his way along Pennsylvania Avenue back to the white house and the awesome responsibility of being president of the United States of america. And now the real work begins. The parade is another central piece of the pageant on Inauguration Day with Military Bands marching through the streets. But this being donald trump there had to be one surprise, and it came as he was approaching the white house. He got out of the car near the fbi building, but more importantly right across the road from the Trump International hotel. Donald trump the businessman, and donald trump the president seemed to be going hand in hand. The day after his surprise election victory barack obama said the world would keep on spinning, the sun would continue to rise. Hes right, it has. But this morning, washington, america, and the rest of the world has woken to an uncertain new dawn. Jon sopel, bbc news, washington. He was speaking about the parade there which is still continuing. Lets look at some live pictures. You can see where President Trump and his family are watching. The marching burns, twirling batons, cheerleaders, music. It is all going on and very close to those pictures is our correspondent. Laura, you have spoken to many people today who are thrilled with the new man in the white house. Absolutely. It is fascinating to see the different nature of this white house from the inaugural parade. We had a unit of tractors go past and some covered wagons from kansas. It is a far more rural Parade Drawing from Rural America and from military traditions. A big change there from barack obama traditions. A big change there from ba rack obama who traditions. A big change there from barack obama who had many Marching Bands from big cities. I have been speaking to people who are thrilled the donald trump is in the white house, who never thought he would win. Even amongst those i have been speaking to, delighted as they are an much as they hope he will return jobs as promised and he. What they see as trade and in Legal Immigration there is concern that he could do more to try to unite the country. Some people told me they that they wished he had done more to reach out to those who did not vote for him. This is definitely a moment for him. This is definitely a moment for his supporters to celebrate but the crowds are thinner than i have seen the crowds are thinner than i have seen at previous inaugurations and some of these are viewing stand that we re some of these are viewing stand that were not packed to the rafters as they had been before, a reflection, i guess, of the divisions within america and to some degree of the Fa Ct America and to some degree of the fact the donald trump has taken office with historically low approval ratings. Our people worried that he has no government experience, no elected experience at all . Funnily enough i have not heard that from his supporters. Quite the reverse. They see congress as having been gridlocked for the last eight yea rs been gridlocked for the last eight years with Congress Battling against president obama and nothing being done. They seek politicians have not delivered anything to them. The appeal is the donald trump comes from outside the system and he talks about that in his address, about the failure of washington and the power is now returning to the people. The supporters he loved that. They see his experience, they perceive him to be in ita his experience, they perceive him to be in it a successful businessman and a billionaire. They feel that thatis and a billionaire. They feel that that is the kind of experience that will bring jobs back and cut through the deep bureaucracy and cut through the deep bureaucracy and cut through the regulation. It is his Outsider Status that his supporters find some appealing. The parade going on behind you. We will speak to laura a little later. As we have seen, Tens Of Thousands of Trump Supporters witnessed the Billionaire Property Tycoon Swearing as president. The ceremony on capitol hill and along Pennsylvania Avenue and protests are now taking place. We have spent the day with americans on both sides of the support. Every little thing is going to be all right when american president s are sworn in, its usually a time at least to talk about healing divisions, but few have had such divided states to try to reunite. On one side is team trump and hundreds of thousands of them turned out from across the land. Once people see, give him a year, theyll see they have more money in their pockets and be like, whoa, this is a good deal, you know . We dont need anybody else talking, blah blah blah. I feel its like asking President Trump or wishing that he fails is like being on a plane hes piloting and hoping it crashes. You know . Hes president , so youve got to hope for the best now. An underground movement of the disillusioned and dispossessed rallied around the trump campaign. Today, they came from parts of the country many feel have been forgotten. Emerging to the dawning of a very different day in america. I think its going to bring a new era of hope and prosperity for our country. The thing i like about donald trump is hes an alpha male. As opposed to our previous president Commander In Chief. He is an alpha male, hes a shaker and a mover. He has no other agenda than to do the right thing, basically. Which is pretty much the opposite of what todays protesters think. As they swarmed past a car of Trump Supporters. Who are you . Bbc news. I am a trump supporter. London. Awesome. I can see the mask. We are conservative, and love america. This is ridiculous. You dont think they have a right to object and protest . At the right time, not this, theres no class in this. Usa there was anger on the streets of the capital today, but even more striking was the sense of fear about what the next four years will bring. Hundreds of people have converged in washington, dc to protest the inauguration of donald trump. This is a real expression of the anger felt across america by many people. Some of them are objecting to the policies that donald trump plans to introduce. Others question the very legitimacy of the 45th president. Not my president they may have lost the election but dont expect divisions to heal any time soon. Ifeel a little bit afraid. You said you feel scared. What are you apprehensive about . I think theres a lot of people who are vulnerable in our country who are going to suffer under this presidency. In our country who are going to suffer from anger to violence. Some businesses were attacked by a small group of protesters. Dozens were arrested. It seems donald trump will have to work hard to be president of a United States of america. Ian pannell, bbc news, washington. As we heard there have been protests against the presidency of donald trump and our correspondent is among the crowds. There was some violence. A limousine was set on fire. There were flames in the air. The police moved forward to clear people back. They were spraying into the air to move people back. They were moving the media back. They were moving the media back as well as the protesters. Further down the street, there are still a number of protesters who are standing their ground as well. Police have fired some ammunition at them as well in terms of what they call less than lethal munition, rubber bullets, and the like. Flashbangs as well. This has been sporadic. A few clashes around washington, dc. Several hundred in bold in some of them. Broadly speaking, most of the protesting has been peace. White in one of his First Executive moves, donald trump signed a waiver to allow general James Mathison serve as defence secretary, even though it is less than the required seven years since he left the military, his appointment has been approved 98 one by the senate. Still to come, with tvs Around The World watching the inauguration, we will ask our Donald Trumps first policy will be viewed abroad. The people of saigon have just heard there is to be a ceasefire. The reaction of american servicemen was predictable. Im going home demonstrators waiting for mike gatting and his Rebel Cricket Team were attacked with teargas and set upon by police dogs. Anti apartheid campaigners say they will carry on the protests throughout the tour. They called him the butcher of lyon. Klaus altmann is being held on a fraud charge in bolivia but the west germans want to extradite him for crimes committed in wartime france. There he was the gestapo chief klaus barbie. Millions came to bathe as close as possible to this spot, a tide of humanity which is believed by officials to have broken all records. This is bbc news. The latest headlines. Donald trump has been sworn in as the 45th president of the United States. He said he would tra nsfer the United States. He said he would transfer power to the people. Tens of thousands of people watched the ceremony in front of the us capital. There have also been clashes in washington between police and opponents of his presidency. America first Foreign Policy is the new heading on the white house website as of today. There are pledges to rebuild the American Military and destroyed radical islamic terror groups. Following his speech, mr gabriel said this. The taiwanese president said this on twitter, congratulating him. That is a flavour of the Global Reaction for you. With more on what President Trump could mean for the rest of us, here is james robbins. The world really is watching. Billions of people sharing the ceremonial transfer of power, perhaps the most astonishing in history. Across every continent, people trying to figure out what it could mean for them. The world really is watching. Billions of people sharing the ceremonial transfer of power, Donald Trumps toughest language was directed to the middle east. Jihadists of so called Islamic State our target number one, is the new Commander In Chief promised to. Unite the civilised world against radical islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate completely from the face of the earth. And the new administration has announced it will protect america against possible missile attack, from iran, and also north korea, with a State Of The Art Missile Defence system. But what about syria . Ba rack obama allowed russia to take control and President Trump could start working far more closely with the kremlin. Americas allies worry about the new approach to russia, particularly if President Trump actively favours Vladimir Putin over nato and the european union. Ukraine is a real test. Does mr putin feel his intervention there will now cost him less in future . That donald trump could soft pedal on sanctions, favouring partnership, rather than punishment. Donald trumps deal making will really be put to the test over international trade. Trump the candidate demonised cheap imports, particularly from china, as the destroyer of american jobs. The Trump White House has now confirmed us withdrawal from the tra ns Pacific Partnership and threatens withdrawal from the nafta deal with americas neighbours, too, if renegotiation fails. Im afraid International Affairs are messy and complex, and i suspect that if trump clings to that i win and you lose kind of mentality, that will cause problems. So, in Donald Trumps new world, does britain stand to win, or lose . The government hopes for an early trade deal with the new anti eu president , but does his isolationism threaten britains wider global interests . We have a deep and enduring relationship between the uk and the us, and because its so deep and so complex it will prosper and im quite confident of that in the future. Donald trump has got to go. But demonstrators today in several british cities were in no doubt. For these protesters outside the american embassy, its been a bad day, partly made in britain. The brexit vote divided the country and it seems to have given strength to donald trump, increasing his belief he could win. So, on this Inauguration Day, if global anxiety could be measured, would it be off the scale right now . The new president has it in his power to soothe his opponents worst fears, but can he do that without betraying his supporters best hopes . James robbins, bbc news. Lets go back to the bbcs laura trevelyan, who is close to this big ceremonial parade going on. Even after the parade is over, the night is still young. It is. There are three official balls taking place tonight. Donald trump will go to at least two of them. Melania trump and donald trump are expected to take to the floor and danced to Frank Sinatras my way. Donald trump specifically chose that song because he believed it sums up his campaign. And Frank Sinatras daughter Nancy Sinatra pointed out the first line that song talks about how the end is near. Divided in america, a theme of the night. This is an occasion when washington celebrates an evening of glitz and glamour, black ties, magnificent gowns. And all eyes are on Melania Trump to see what she will be wearing tonight. We will leave it there to some of the sights and sounds from washington on the day that the billionaire businessman, property developer, and Reality Tv Star, donald trump, became the 45th president of the United States. 0, say can you see, by the dawns early light. Protesting. Applause. Please raise your right hand and repeat. Protesting. Applause. Please raise your right hand and repeatlj protesting. Applause. Please raise your right hand and repeat. I will faithfully execute the office of the is it in the United States. Congratulations, mr president. Office of the president of the United States. From This Day Forward , United States. From This Day Forward, it is going to be only America First. America first. If you have some time, i will tell you about the weather on the weekend. It could be quite cold and frosty. That is the way of it for the greater part of southern britain. There will be enough cloud across the south west to keep some of the frost at bay. Though i am showing you 1 and 2, around the Welsh Borders, there could be looking at 5, 6. That is what we have seen to be south of london. Cloud across the eastern side of england from early on. Northern ireland, frost and fog. A frost free start in the northern isles. Through the morning, some of that fog lifting away. One or two patches may stick around. All the while, the cloud in the East Of England filling in. It could well push over to the western side of the midlands as well. Whether you see the sun or not, it will be cool. I am sure you what used to this regime now. For the fourth round scottish fixtures, it looks like it will be a glorious afternoon, so called. With the cloud beginning to encroach from the west, we could end up with the premier League Fixtures being more cloudy. A spot of rain towards the eastern side of britain. In the morning, another band of showers will come up in the south western approaches, wales, and the south west of england. Watch out for the odd patch of ice on untreated surfaces. Dry weather around. More uncertainty over who gets the sunshine and who does not. It will stay cool. Watch out for this in the first part of the first part of the week. We may have a bigger issue with fog. High pressure vitamin and fixture. Some dense fog. Any signs of a front, from the atlantics yes. It will push things in towards northern and western parts during the course of tuesday. If you want more details, it is always there for you on the bbc weather website. Hopefully we will see you later on. You are watching bbc news. The Inauguration Parade is still under way in washington, dc. Here are some of the pictures of some of the Military Bands that have been taking part. We have seen piper s and tractors and tanks and all sorts of parts of the military taking part in this parade. There will be a number of balls that mr trump and his family will attend later in the day. We have been watching the various aspects and rituals of the day that occur every time there is a new president inaugurated in the United States. Watching this is our correspondent barbara who is in washington. We have been watching some of the newspapers here and how they are reporting it. Various adjectives being ascribed to the speech of mr trump. What is the reaction in the United States . think from his supporters they have been thrilled with the events of the day. Many of them came to the capital to see him and inaugurated, something that many people thought would not happened. They always believed in him and now they think they have their man in washington. They because he is an outsider who will shake things up and bring back jobs and keep out immigrants and they have been celebrating. On the other hand you have people who see him asa other hand you have people who see him as a threat, as somebody who is divisive and concerned about the Campaign Rhetoric that painted him, where they saw him as a racist, a misogynist and a bigot. You saw the reaction with the protests that have been developing throughout the day and will continue tomorrow. The ta keaway and will continue tomorrow. The takeaway from today, although the traditions of American Democracy We Re Traditions Of american democracy were seen traditions of american democracy were seen through and the importance ofa were seen through and the importance of a peaceful transfer of power, all living president s except the one who is ill with air to see the handoff go forward. Different institutions we re go forward. Different institutions were there. At the same time it was clear that the country was deeply divided and the takeaway from President Trumps speech for many was that he did not really do much to counter that. He made one appeal to counter that. He made one appeal to unity how his speech was quite a call to arms to rally the troops and ta ke call to arms to rally the troops and take on the elite. I think some of his supporters would have wanted him to sound more conciliatory and reach out to the other half of the country that did not vote for him. Very much a case of America First and we will not double in anybody elses business. Nationbuilding as we have seen business. Nationbuilding as we have seenin business. Nationbuilding as we have seen in the past. For many people the contrast in styles between barack obama and donald trump could not be more noticeable. There are two president s, or one leaving, one coming in who have been more starkly different. Mr obamas is measured, calm, so regal. Known as no drama obama. Mrtrump, the calm, so regal. Known as no drama obama. Mr trump, the former Reality Tv Star and bombastic businessman who was quite liberal with fairly radical and divisive rhetoric whereas mr binaries measured and tried to see all sides of a situation and not make people get worked up. In policy as well. This is the big thing. President obama has tried to bring forward policies in immigration reform, environment and reform, healthca re in immigration reform, environment and reform, healthcare and many of these things mr trump has opposed and from day one he will start to to roll these things back, particularly with immigration and environmental policy. You have very different visions of the country and different personalities. What is happening with the parade from a choreography Point Of View . It all looks marvellous like it always does. Either running late . I think we are a bit behind schedule. Im not sure exactly how much. The parade is still going on and it is still passing in front of The Review Stand where the trump family has been watching. Like you mentioned, the bands came out, and we saw veterans organisations, wounded warriors, soldiers who have been injured in iraq and afghanistan. You mentioned tractors as well. This parade, although it has similar characteristics to other parades has more emphasis on Military Involvement and more emphasis on rural participation which, again, other kinds of things that trump has been emphasising. He has made it clear that he wants to be seen as the president of the military and has reached out to rural areas and areas that have felt left behind by the cities and development of the economies of the city. You see that reflected in some of the participation in the parade. Once thatis participation in the parade. Once that is done, the inaugural balls will go ahead and that is where washington is focusing on right now. There will be free. One is the military officers and their families. The other two, one is called the liberty ball and the other is the freedom ball. There are three of them and mr trump and his wife will be attending all of them, i believe, having the first dance in each of them. At one he will be dancing to new york, new york. But that needs to change, he needs to come to washington and take up his place in the white house. I imagine there will be a lot of back and forth to his Business Headquarters in new york, especially as his wife will be living there with her son until the end of the school year. You need a lot of stamina to cope with this spectacle. Busy in conversation there, President Trump, we can seem conversation there, President Trump, we can seem not necessarily paying attention to the parade as those in front of him would want him to. All of these rituals, of course, must ta ke of these rituals, of course, must take place but there is a sign that his government is up and running already. Just a few hours ago the senate has confirmed two of his key appointments. The Homeland Security secretary and the defence secretary. That is quite crucial, to have a National Security team in place to ta ke National Security team in place to take over from day one. There National Security team in place to take overfrom day one. There has been some opposition to its choice for head of cia. It looks as if that appointment will be delayed until monday. There are other members of his team who he still has to get in place. He wanted at least seven of his key Cabinet Ministers approved by now. The democrats have put up a big fight in the confirmation committees, bringing up concerns over policy, at six, conflicts of interest so various, there is a bit of tension between republicans and the democrats about getting this cabinet up and running. The other thing to say is that there have been very few appointments at a lower tier. Although mr trump has selected who he wants to serve in this cabinet, all 21 of them, the middle tier, the people who are very vital in carrying out policy and doing the ground work has. That level has been barely appointed. In the past day he has had to carry over around 50 people from the Previous Administration in key positions so they can be a smooth continuing of governance. We will see what next week brings in terms of house moving that how smoothly that transition goes, not only bringing in new policies to carrying out those that already exist. Will let you carry on looking at the parade and we will have a look at the front page of the newspapers. Thank you to our correspondent in washington. Now the disabled at the front pages here in the uk and how they are reporting now let us have a look at the front pages here in the uk and how they are reporting on the 41st american president. Thank you very much for both of you for waiting patiently while we spoke to barbara. A variety of different ways of reporting the inauguration, it must be set. And a good choice of different pictures for them. The daily mail is where we will start with an doric special edition. It says i swear to be the peoples president. There he is with his hand on the bible that his mother gave him when he was nine yea rs mother gave him when he was nine years old. We have been talking about the different ways in which the newspapers have described this speech. Some say it is chilling, some say this incendiary, electrifying. Electrifying and divided. The daily mail has gone for both options. Hedged its bets. It is interesting, the peoples president. Actually is barbara was saying, he did not reach out and there was no olive branch to the whole of the country. It is his people who he will be president for. That is what his speech really said. It is interesting when we speak about populism, but who is being targeted ina populism, but who is being targeted in a populism . There is a specific group that he and other populist leaders appeal to. So, you are, group that he and other populist leaders appealto. So, you are, i think he has divided his nation, thatis think he has divided his nation, that is the true take home from ta keaway that is the true take home from takeaway takeaway for me. That is the true take home from takeaway takeaway for me. There isjust a takeaway takeaway for me. There is just a Sense Takeaway takeaway for me. There isjust a sense of takeaway takeaway for me. There is just a sense of this takeaway takeaway for me. There isjust a sense of this inauguration being surreal. However you feel about the man, whether you are an opponent or a supporter, today felt like a surreal moment. I think the media is globalised now and many of us media is globalised now and many of us for years saw this person is somebody on the apprentice. Telling people they were fired at the end of an episode. And now his had it onto bibles. The times has gone for a wraparound. And on what would be the back page it features the oath he swore. Back page it features the oath he swore. Of course we have seen protests which is not what we are used to on Inauguration Day. And i was reading as well that there were two new petition with and as released today. One calling on him to release his tax records and another asking that he does not receive payments from foreign powers. That is related to its hotels. It sounds like they are going to continue, these questions. The hotel is interesting and it is fascinating. Trump international hotel, it is not far from the capital and i believe that he got out of his vehicle and marched why it recently. My understanding is that would the fact that he has financial ownership of it allow him to take gifts or be influenced in some way by foreign leaders who stay at the hotel . We have pictures zero people Wearing Masks and a heavy police presence. We have pictures here of people Wearing Masks. cant support Anybody Setting Fire toa car cant support Anybody Setting Fire to a car but this is a democratic right to protest. Not that sort, of course, it is their right to be on the street and to say how they feel about this and to say, frankly, this is not their president. That is well within their democratic right. And we will see another protest tomorrow, mostly to do with women, saying that this is not our president. That will be global, i think. I wonder if any of these movements will have stamina and turn into a Political Organisation beyond this issue, in a way that black lives matters has. There are two obvious things we are calling for. Their tax returns is straight forward. That is what president s do in the past or have done and he has not done that. That obviously makes you think, well, there is something there that you he does not want you to see. But i think the other thing will be electoral reform. I think the Electoral College system, plenty of people are objecting and saying that he is not their president because he lost the popular vote and the system is not as democratic as it should be. The donald here at in another newspaper. He vows to put the United States first and to hell with every other country in what the paper describes as a chilling inaugural speech. He very much keeps returning to this theme, the guardian mentions it as well, that it is going to be America First that diplomacy, relationships with other parts of the world are not going to be as important to this president as they have been in the past. That is difficult in a globalised world. A numberof the difficult in a globalised world. A number of the challenges that he faces are global. The issue of terror that he referred to in his speech. As i believe the guardian makes fairly clear, that is an International Issue that requires International Issue that requires international cooperation. And jobs. Evenif international cooperation. And jobs. Even if we do not like it, we live ina even if we do not like it, we live in a globalised world where trade happens across borders and products are made across different borders. We rely on global trade is an important cornerstone of policy. The guardian has a striking front page as well with his red tide picking out the bread of the carpet a red curtain as well. There is a commentary here from gary younge saying that even the heavens wept. Well, they did if you are not a donald trump supporter. Saying that his address was littoral to a fault. No florida imagery or impassioned ideas. Maybe his supporters are sick of that sort of thing. Maybe this is what his supporters want. He did not go the obama route, there is no hope there. It was a simplistic speech and it had big themes that they were sort of thrown out there, not really elaborated on. It was not a great speech to me but i am not the audience. The fascinating thing is that he did not mention healthcare. The interesting thing is that over the course of his Campaign Time and again he spoke about the affordable ca re again he spoke about the Affordable Care act and his plans for it. Perhaps he will mention a later but today, not at all. The affordable ca re today, not at all. The Affordable Care act has been good in addressing addiction, which was one of the scourges he mentioned as destroying america. D day. The new world vision of donald trump. We have some kind of donald trump. We have some kind of idea of what is already starting. Shortly after becoming president , the department of Housing Urban Development suspended the planned reduction of mortgage Insurance Premium rates which had been intended to make buying a home or affordable. Arguably it could be less afflu e nt affordable. Arguably it could be less affluent people who will suffer. Those are the people who he. They were hoping he would help. And that is a question. Why do people vote against their own interests . It comes down to communication and connecting on a personal level. But what fascinates me is this new world vision. Many of us me is this new world vision. Many of us dont necessarily know what his world vision is going to be. Aside from his tweets and his big messages that he conveys he has no legislative record that we can look at. We dont really know what he is going to do. We know he wants to get rid of islamic terrorism we know he wants to getjobs islamic terrorism we know he wants to get jobs created. Islamic terrorism we know he wants to getjobs created. He wants huge infrastructure rejects. We know that. He referred to them again today. Declaration of independence, thatis today. Declaration of independence, that is the spread on pages two and three of the daily mirror. And a picture of the protests when tear gas was being fired. Baron trump, only ten, attack of the yawns. You cannot blame him. A long day. Let us finish with the final paper that we have got. There are plenty of others and they are all quite different. Page ten of the daily mail. A compare and contrast picture story. Could it be something he said. On the left, the picture of the National Mall in Barack Obamas inauguration. And next to it, today, the same place for donald trump. We need to know the time of day that these pictures were taken to be fair to know whether these are a fair comparison. We do. But clearly it is believed a lot less people came than forobama. Ithink believed a lot less people came than for obama. I think it is a good headline. He offended many people. The other thing is that people are saying there was not thought there was as much violence and security issues. That was pretty unlikely, really. It started out with a lack of star power. When obama was inaugurated twice, beyonce, huge celebrities. Maybe you do not care about obama but you want to see beyonce. Yesterday there were country singers. Many people outside the United States would not be familiar with them. There was not that draw. We remove that the website, whitehouse. Gov has been revamped and some policies are there. Pages on day rights have been taken off. It used the twitter candidate. He is the. Taken off. It used the twitter candidate. He is the. That is it for me papers. There are many more we have not had a chance to show you. So on this auspicious and momentous day, however you want to see it, thank you for coming in and looking at the papers tonight. And now we will take a look at some of those key moments of the day so far. Fanfare. A great sight. We will see how it goes and whether he does what he promised. Protesting. America the beautiful. Thank you. From Sea To Shining sea. Mr President Elect, how are you . America, america. Hello. Hello, everybody. Ladies and gentlemen, the president of the United States, the honourable barack h obama, and the Vice President , joe biden. Applause. Buyer, donald j applause. Buyer, donaldj trump, do solemnly swear that i will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States. And will to the best of my ability, preserve, detect, and the sand, the constitution of the United States. So help me, god. Congratulations, mr president. Fanfare. President carter, clinton, bush, obama. Fellow americans. People of the world. Thank you. Applause. Today, we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another, all from one party to another, but we are transferring power from washington, dc, and giving it back to you, the people. Applause. For too long, a small group in our Nations Capital has had power at the expense of the people. Their victories have not been your victories. Their triumphs have not been your triumphs. And while they celebrated in our Nations Capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land. That all changes starting right here, and right now, because this moment is your moment. It belongs to you. It belongs to everyone gathered here today and everyone watching all across america. This is your day. From This Day Forward, its going to be only America First America First. A new National Pride will stir ourselves, lift our sights and heal our divisions. Its time to remember that old wisdom our soldiers will never forget, that whether we are black or brown or white, we all bleed the same red blood of patriots. So to all americans in every city near and far, small and large, from mountain to mountain, from ocean to ocean, hear these words. You will never be ignored again. Together, we will make America Strong again. We will make America Wealthy again. We will make america proud again. We will make america safe again. And yes, together we will make America Great again. Thank you. God bless you. And god bless america. Thank you. 0, say can you see. Where do i s|gn . 0, say can you see. Where do i sign . Mr president. Unbelievable. Beautiful. There we are. At least the forecast was right. But as the what we have in store across the british isles. Not that wet for many of you. First thing on saturday, if you are planning to step out, you will notice how cold air is. More widely than we have seen it of late. Not eve ryo ne than we have seen it of late. Not everyone will see a frost. The south west will keep it at bay. You do not have to go far into the country to be down into minus three degrees. Somewhere in the Welsh Borders, i suspect 5 or 6. More cloud to the eastern side of the pennines. We will come back to that. Watch out for the odd pocket of fog. Ireland may have some. Scotland as well. A frost, but at least a bright start. Coming back to the cloud. Initially, not a lot of it on the East Of England. With time, it will fill in and work its way back to the west. There will be the odd spot of rain. Across the high ground, something wintry. Not consequential. Taking away the surprise element. Ache cool days. These are the football fixtures. Cloud coming in from the north sea. That will rob some of the sunshine for those fixtures. The weather is not getting in the way for many. Stepping out of because of the evening, frost in the north of scotland and elsewhere in southern parts. Sunday. What changes . Perhaps some showers in the west of england, up through western wales, and one or two showers flirting with the eastern shores. The north East Of England. Generally speaking, a lot of fine weather around. Dry weather, i should say. You will notice the cloud is more extensive in the sunshine more limited for some. On the cool side after that cold start. Next week we are keeping an eye on this. There could be some really dense and extensive fog across the Welsh Borders into the midlands, central and southern england. Itll be another dry day. And other cool days. Especially if you keep the fog. That will be prevalent cause of high pressure. You will notice it is beginning to give ground to be that may have a frontal system into northern and western parts as we go on into the start of the week. Lots going on right now. Hello. Im kasia madera with a bbc news special programme on Donald Trumps first hours as 45th president of the United States. The big moment mr trump takes the oath of office in a ceremony on capitol hill. I, donald john trump, do solemnly swear. To protect the constitution of the United States, so help me god. Tens of thousands gather to watch as mr trump vows to give power to them, to the people. A musician will govan our

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