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Brexit strategy. And Military Support to the gambia. Will be defeated but defiant president stand down . Good evening, and welcome to bbc news. The foreign secretary, borisjohnson, has been criticised for his choice of language after appearing to compare the french government to the nazis. He said britain should not be threatened with Punishment Beatings in the manner of a World War Two movie for wanting to leave the eu. During the day, european leaders have been giving their reactions to theresa mays speech yesterday, outlining her brexit ambitions. The European Commission president , jean claude juncker, promised to work for good results in the forthcoming talks, as our political editor, laura kuennsberg, reports. Watch out, chaps, im worried about you falling over. Watch out, foreign secretary, more like. Its his job to win friends and influence around the world. On tour in india today. But as the delicate process of leaving the eu begins, rather indelicate words about our old friends and foes, the french. If Monsieur Hollande wants to administer Punishment Beatings to anybody who chooses to escape, rather in the manner of some world war ii movie, i dont think that is the way forward. I think, actually, it is not in the interests of our friends and our partners. From thousands of miles away, he was slammed as crass. Not exactly what you would expect from a foreign minister, one diplomat told me. Awkward, when back home the Prime Minister is urging everyone to play nice. The point he made was a reasonable one, but the language has got to be extremely careful in dealing with colleagues and friends. What does boris do . He comes up with these extraordinary phrases of which we should all be ashamed. Borisjohnsons team says he was just making the point that it makes no sense for the rest of the eu to treat britain harshly. But only yesterday, theresa may publicly reminded ministers here at home of the need for discipline and with a difficult deal ahead, britain needs all the friends it has. Language matters, but itis the words and attitudes of european leaders that will prove vital. Yesterday, the Prime Minister appealed to her eu counterparts, urging them to behave as good friends, even as we leave. The arch european. Jean claude juncker, who leads the commission that will manage the deal was suing for peace. We are not in a hostile mood. We want a fair deal with britain and a fair dealfor britain, but a fair deal means a fair deal for the european union. Yet europes leaders are in no mood to let britain divide and conquer. Their goal right now is sticking together. We now have a clearer idea of what britain wants, Angela Merkel said, the most important thing is that europe is not divided. And in public and private, here is the reality. Whatever the uk asks for, the rest of the eu will not do a deal where the Terms Of Trade are as cushy outside as in. We want a fair deal for the united kingdom, but that deal necessarily needs to be inferior to membership. Are you playing hardball, Prime Minister . She may well smile, her speech yesterday pleased most of her party, but theresa mays still under attack for not giving mps enough of a say. Its not so much The Iron Lady as the irony lady. Ive got a plan. He doesnt have a clue. Next tuesday it is over to the courts, who could force the government to give detail, much more detail, to parliament, before the technical process of extricating ourselves from the eu begins. In these negotiations it will not always seem that ministers are in charge. Laura kuenssberg, bbc news, westminster. In his final News Conference at the white house before he leaves office in two days time, president obama has underlined the importance of accountability and Freedom Of The Press in a healthy democracy. President elect trump has signalled hes considering changes to the traditional white house news briefings, prompting concern that accountability might be more limited. Our north america editor, jon sopel, was at the News Conference and sent this report. For one last time, barack obama came to the White House Briefing room to joust with the press. Good afternoon, everybody. But amid reports that his successor wants to limit access and regularly accuses journalists of being dishonest and liars, the outgoing president spoke of the importance of a strong and free media. Youre not supposed to be sycophants, youre supposed to be sceptics. Youre supposed to ask me tough questions. You are not supposed to be complimentary but you are supposed to cast a critical eye on folks who hold enormous power. This picture was released today of donald trump preparing his inaugural address. Barack obama was asked what advice he would give his successor on this, he steered a diplomatic course. This is a job of such magnitude that you cant do it by yourself. You are enormously reliant on a team. Thats probably the most useful advice, the most constructive advice, that i have been able to give him. And then the final question. Come on, mr president , are you really as sanguine as you are saying publicly about donald trump taking over . This is notjust a matter of no drama obama. This is what i really believe. It is true that Behind Closed Doors i curse more than i do in public. Laughter. Sometimes i get mad. And frustrated like everybody else does. But at my core, i think were going to be ok. Thank you very much, press corps. Good luck. Barack obama will spend the next year writing and being around more for michelle and his two daughters. He says he wont be a back seat driver. But hes given this warning, if he sees things that he really doesnt like then he will speak out. It seems that friday wont be the last we see of barack obama. But in the meantime, theres a new home to get ready. Moving house is said to be one of lifes most stressful experiences. But when you have been president for eight years making Life And Death decisions, where to hang your favourite picture is probably unlikely to keep you awake at night. Jon sopel, bbc news, washington. Scientists at the American Space agency nasa say 2016 was the hottest year since records began over a century ago. Average Global Temperatures edged ahead of 2015 and are now 1. 1 Degrees Higher than pre industrial levels. Its the third Consecutive Year that the record has been broken, according to nasa. Scientists believe that the El Nino Weather Phenomenon played a role but increasing levels of Greenhouse Gases were the main factor in driving up temperatures, as our science correspondent, rebecca morelle, explains. Our planet is warming, fast, and the latest data suggests that 2016 was a record breaking year. This winter, parts of the arctic have had a heatwave, temperatures were above freezing, when they should have been far below. While australias Great Barrier reef was transformed to this. Vast swathes of coral were killed off, as the waters warmed. 2015 was the warmest year on record up until now, so 2016 has just beaten that. Its beaten it by about 0. 1, 0. 12 Degrees Celsius. Which doesnt seem like a lot, but in terms of the yearly variations, it is actually huge. Part of this rise was caused by an el nino event, a warm ocean current that disrupts the worlds weather. But Scientists Say Greenhouse Gases were the main driver. This shows how Global Temperatures have increased since the industrial revolution. The bigger the circle, the hotter the year. And the latest data, collected by nasa and meteorological agencies around the world, suggest 2016 is the third year in a row to break records. The global temperature is edging ever closer towards some worrying figures. Scientists say a rise of two Degrees Celsius above pre industrial levels could lead to dangerous impacts around the world. So a lower limit of 1. 5 celsius was set by the paris climate agreement, a global deal that came into force last year. But with Carbon Dioxide at record levels, Scientists Say this is a Temperature Threshold we are on course to surpass. To tackle global warming, the world is being urged to move away from fossil fuels, like coal. But in the us, donald trump has said he wants to revive the industry, and has threatened to pull america out of the paris climate agreement. The woman who brokered the deal is concerned. If the us chooses to exit the road and the path that is being pursued by every other country in the world, it is only going to damage itself, because it will become less competitive. We are moving toward a de carbonised society. All eyes will now be on this years data. Already, scientists forecast that 2017 wont be as warm, because the el nino event is over. But they say longer term, unless action is taken, the earth will continue to heat up. Rebecca morelle, bbc news. The mayor of london, sadiq khan, has said londons air quality is now a public emergency, afterforecasts for tomorrow showed high levels of Air Pollution in large areas of central and west london. Mr khan promised bold action to tackle the problem and said his office would continue to keep londoners informed of the risks to their health. Unemployment has fallen to its lowest level for more than a decade. Official figures show the number of people out of work in the uk, in the three months to november, was down by 52,000 to 1. 6 million. Average earnings rose by 2. 7 compared with the same period last year. But the figures also show that since july, the total number of people in work in the uk has stopped growing. Before newsnight, lets have a quick look at some of the front pages of tomorrow mornings papers. The metro leads with the reaction from european leaders to Boris Johnsons comments, that frances president was behaving like a world war ii prison camp guard over brexit. The express quotes the brexit secretary, david davis, saying he would stand up to the eu if it threatened britain with retaliation over leaving. The telegraph says uk ministers and officials are already conducting informal trade talks with 12 countries, including china, india, australia and south korea. According to the times, sufferers of cancer, diabetes and asthma could have to wait for treatment, as Health Chiefs consider cost cutting plans to restrict access to medicines. And the guardian leads on president 0bamas final News Conference, and his explanation of why he commuted the Prison Sentence of former us soldier chelsea manning. Now on bbc news, its time for newsnight with kirsty wark. Was theresa mays upbeat speech about a mutually beneficial eu divorce a Tad Pollyanna ish . Judging by the reaction of eu leaders today, the answer to that would be yes. The french boss of the imf told newsnight has this warning. When you belong to a club, whatever that is, either sports or intellectual, whatever, the members of the club have a degree of affinity and particular terms under by they operate. Somebody outside the club, sport or intellectual or whatever, have a different access. Pascal lamy, also french, was both the Eu Trade Commissioner and the head of the world trade organisation. Will he offer a crumb of comfort . Post Election Chaos in gambia tonight. The defeated president refuses to go, thousands flee fearing bloodshed, as nigerian and sengalese military forces prepare to take action. Whats it like to watch on as your country is under threat . And could trump be a tyrant in the making. We consult plato. Eventually, he stands alone, offering the addled, distracted, and self indulgent citizens a kind of relief from democracys endless choices and insecurities. Good evening. Now that the Prime Minister had laid out her vision for brexit, skills in diplomacy and negotiation, both from british politicians and civil servants, are at a premium. 0bviously someone forgot to tell that to the foreign secretary, who, in comments made in india, appeared to throw shade on francois hollande. Boris johnson compared the french president to a character in a wwii movie administering Punishment Beatings after, apparently, an aide to hollande said that britain shouldnt expect a better Trading Relationship with the eu after brexit. Maybe its a good thing that the foreign secratry isnt in davos where all the talk is about the manner of brexit. 0ur Economics editor kamal ahmed is in the swiss resort this evening. Lots of reaction to theresa mays speech, but what is the news in davos about it . Well, i think kirstie, today here in davos we had the sort of day after the party. I think the speech itself, while not made here by theresa may, went down pretty well. There is this idea at least we had some certainty all the nods and winks about being in or out of the Single Market were over. Theresa may made it clear britain was coming out of the european union, but today, a bit of the hand over, the day after. We have had news today from banks here, hsbc based in london and the Swiss Bank Ubs they will be moving jobs or are looking at moving them from london, on to the european continent, because britain would be out of the Single Market and that would mean that some of their service, they provide from london, would have to be provided from within the european union, and as you say, kirstie, noises off from the foreign secretary, some negative reactions from france, to the comments by borisjohnson and really a negative thought today, from davos

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