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And coming up on newsnight, well try to make sense of what we know of that big brexit speech tomorrow, closer to a full english than a continental brexit we think. Well hear from michael gove and from labours brexit secretary keir starmer too. Good evening and welcome to bbc news. Reports in turkey this evening say that the man suspected of carrying out the new years day gun attack on An Istanbul Nightclub has been captured. 39 people were murdered in the attack. The suspect was reportedly arrested in a police raid on a Housing Complex in istanbul. Well be getting the latest on this emerging story from our correspondent in istanbul, mark lowen, shortly. Theresa may has been finalising her long awaited statement on the governments ambitions for the forthcoming talks on leaving the European Union. In tomorrows speech, the Prime Ministers expected to spell out what kind of brexit deal she wants and what sort of Future Trading Relationship with the eu she envisages. Earlier, the us president elect donald trump promised to negotiate an early trade deal between america and the uk. Our Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg reports on what we might expect based on the evidence so far. Heard the one about leaving the European Union . Brexit means brexit. Whats that again . Brexit means brexit. And in case you hadnt heard. Brexit means brexit. But despite what sound like meaningless platitudes, the Big Decisions on the European Union have been obvious since june. There is clearly no mandate for a deal that involves accepting the Free Movement of people as it has worked hitherto. Unlimited eu immigration wont stay, nor the power of european judges. Ourjudges, sitting not in luxembourg, but in courts across the land. Without them in charge, it means well be out of the Single Market. People talk in terms as if somehow we are leaving the eu but we still want to kind of keep bits of membership of the eu. Were leaving, we are coming out. And shes even dressed up to make plain how Doing Business Outside Europe will be more and more important. And a thumbs up for brexit from the man who in 91 hours will be the most powerful in the world. Promises of a quick trade deal given to one of the biggest brexit backers. Former minister, sometimes reporter michael gove. Countries want their own identity. And the uk wanted its own identity. But i do believe this, if they hadnt been forced to take in all of the refugees, so many, with all the problems that it entails, i think that you wouldnt have a brexit. Good cheer for brexiteers ahead of the Prime Ministers speech. Its very good news that the United States of america wants to do a good Free Trade Deal with us and wants to do it very fast, and its great to hear that from president elect donald trump. The Prime Minister may delight them, ready to make plain whats been implied for some time. Were going to have the European Court ofjustice no longer over ruling our laws. Were also going to be outside the Single Market so we can control our own borders. And probably outside the Customs Union so that we can negotiate our own trade deals with the rest of the world. This is the most crucial set of choices any Prime Minister has made for years. And although the fundamentals were clear before she moved in, theres been precious little detail in public. But theresa mays opponents fear shell disappoint because shes juggling her party as well as the public. Partly because shes had to overcompensate, as a former remainer, to prove herself to her own party. Partly because she has no mandate of her own, she has not been elected by anybody, so shes not in a very strong position. But partly because shes chosen, really, only to listen to the 52 of people who voted for brexit, and not the almost half of the remaining part of the voting public voted for a different future. Some people might say that people on your side of the argument havent listened to people on the other side for too long and thats why the vote went the way it did. I accept that unless something dramatic happens or theres a huge change in Public Opinion brexit is likely to occur. What i do not accept is that the brexiteers have a mandate on how to deliver brexit. Tomorrow matters. Theresa may will tell us and them, the other european countries, more about her decisions that will Shape Britain for decades to come. Her political hope, she and the country are not on their way to isolation. Laura kuenssberg, bbc news, westminster. Lets return to our top story, the reports that the main suspect in the new years day gun attack on An Istanbul Nightclub has been captured. Joining me from istanbul is mark lowen. Mark, tell us what exactly is going on, what is the latest . Reports came out late tonight that a police raid on the western istanbul suburb of esenyu rt captured turkeys on the western istanbul suburb of esenyurt captured turkeys most wanted, aao the main suspect. In the aftermath of the attack, Abdulkadir Masharipov managed to escape the nightclub posing as. Cctv footage showed him in various parts of the city just after the attack. Showed him in various parts of the cityjust after the attack. Then he slipped away. There was Police Manhunt a cross turkey and he appears to have been caught tonight in the home of a courteous man and he was picked up along with his four year old son and there were fears he had escaped the country to areas controlled by so called Islamic State in syria and iraq, the group that said it was behind the attack. Krgyz man. But it appears turkish authorities have found the man. Do they believe he was acting on his own . That will be a question they will pose to him in police custody, where he is now being transferred. He appears to have had some kind of Support Network in istanbul clearly where he could take refuge for the past two and a half weeks. Whether or not he had accomplices in the nightclub helping him get access to the nightclub, those will all be questions Going Forward. He appears to be the sole gunmen, there were initial reports there could have been more than one because of the number of bullets used, 180 bullets fired inside the nightclub killing 39, most arab tourists and some turkish citizens and some managed to escape into the freezing waters of the bosporus to escape the attack. These will be questions Going Forward as the turkish authorities will be relieved they have managed to capture him and ca ptu re they have managed to capture him and capture him alive. Mark, many thanks. Michael owen in istanbul. The Power Sharing Executive in Northern Ireland has collapsed and new elections to the assembly have been announced for the second of march. Earlier today sinn fein refused to nominate a new Deputy First Minister following the resignation of martin mcguinness. Sinn fein are blaming the first minister, the dups Arlene Foster, for mishandling a Controversial Energy scheme which could cost the taxpayer £500 million. 0ur Chief Correspondent gavin hewitt reports. The ten years power has been shed in Northern Ireland. It was one of the Foundation Stones of peace. Today that Power Sharing Government collapsed. I propose that a draft 0rder in council be brought forward shortly to set an election date of thursday, the second of march. No one should underestimate the challenge faced to the Political Institutions here in Northern Ireland and what is at stake. The trigger for the breakdown was a row over a controversial green Energy Scheme drawn up by unionist minister Arlene Foster. But the bitter arguments over the scheme exposed growing tensions between nationalist and unionist politicians. I think its both parties, personally. I find it very disappointing and very, very sad. Its the tribal politics, you know, i feel like were back in the 80s and i was really hopeful that for the future generations that they would have a different story. Theres no appetite for a return to any sort of violence at any stage or form in the near future. I think that possibly what will happen is we will be led through another couple of years of political insecurity. At stormont, the Northern Ireland assembly depends on unionists and nationalists sharing power. Today from both main parties were asked to submit a name for one of the two top posts. First up, the democratic unionist party. Mr speaker, i very readily. And they backed their current leader. Nominate Arlene Foster to be the first minister. Next up, sinn fein. There can be no return to the status quo. If something is broke you stop and you fix it. That is the sinn fein approach. But they refused to put forward a name, so ending the Power Sharing Government. What does all this mean . Uncertainty for Northern Ireland. Without an executive, key areas of government will be stalled and then, most importantly, theres brexit. Where will be the Northern Ireland voice when crucial decisions are taken . We are in a very grave situation going into this election and the timing of it went Northern Ireland has no budget agreed, when we are facing brexit and when we are also coming to the end of the Financial Year is possibly the worst time that we could be entering into this kind of disarray. Recent years have changed Northern Ireland, but the shadows of the past still make compromise difficult. The inquests into the deaths of 30 british tourists have started in london. They were shot dead by a gunman at a beach resort near sousse. It was the deadliest Terror Attack on britons since thejuly the seventh bombings in london in 2005. The inquest has been told that some of the victims might still be alive had local Security Forces acted more quickly. Thats a summary of the news, newsday is coming up at midnight, now on bbc news its time for newsnight. Coming shortly the speech of theresa mays premiership. Tomorrow, she sets out her vision of what brexit means and what our new relationship with the eu should be. After months of trying to hold all options open and disguise her thinking, shes coming off the fence. Weve waited six months, but theresa may will finally join up many of the dots to spell out her brexit blueprint. Also with us, the man on the right michael gove. Hes been visiting you know who. And hell be telling us what trump did say, and what mrs may should say. And the Shadow Brexit Secretary tells us not to be distracted by hypothetical deals with the us. Also tonight, trying to stop your children falling for islamic Extremism Letters from a senior diplomat to his sons. We have a series of well funded and persuasive voices who tell us daily that islam is under attack and that we need to be on the offensive. Is this really the case . I do not believe so. Hello. Clarity is coming. For seven months, the picture of what brexit implies for this country has been slowly falling into place, but there has been a good deal of reluctance to spell it out. Yes, you could infer the answers to some really basic questions on the Single Market, for example, but its all been shrouded in obfuscation. Until, we think, tomorrow. Thats when we get an Explicit Brexit a statement from theresa may on our goals for the impending negotiation. 11. 45 tomorrow morning to be exact, at lancaster house. But why wait until then . Nick watt has some of the details and is with me. What do we expect . Theresa may has faced criticism for playing her cards too close to her chest and not spelling out what she means when she says brexit means brexit. Tomorrow we will hear her plan for what is dubbed a clean brexit and she will say the uk is leaving the eu entirely and then will negotiate a new relationship. It is reported the Prime Minister will set out 12 objectives for the negotiations, and at the top will be two fundamental principles. The uk will end Free Movement of people, and the uk will end the jurisdiction of the European Court ofjustice over the uk. There is one big consequence from that, the Prime Minister will say that the uk is leaving the european Single Market, we will no longer be a member of that. But she wants to secure the best possible trading relationship with and within the european market. A lot of that is kind of where we thought it had drifted to. Are there any areas where there are still going to be open questions, where there will be some fudge . Yes, on the Customs Union, which is about tariff free trade, the Prime Minister will be more nuanced and slightly less definitive, and say she wants the broadest trading relationship and she wants it to be tariff free, but that will be a political negotiation saying, do you really want to have Something Like the uk on the the outside, and it will illustrate a wider theme for the Prime Minister. She will be saying to a uk and an eu audience, do not assume im going for any current arrangement that is on the shelf

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