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Welcome to bbc news. Theres been further confirmation of the difficulties within the nhs as its emerged nearly half of all hospitals in england declared a major alert in the first week of the year. That means they had no more beds available, all routine surgery was cancelled and doctors were called in from leave. Four out of ten trusts were forced to raise the alarm as hospitals and accident and Emergency Departments struggled to cope. Nhs england says six of the trusts overall issued the highest alert, meaning patients safety could be at risk. Our Health Editor hugh pym has more. How do you feel now . Its still sore but a lot better than it was. Perfect. Another day, another a e patient. Here a fractured wrist is dealt with. Apologies for the delay. Patients waiting and nhs staff doing the best they can under extreme pressure. The story here at Northwick Park hospital in london is the same as across the service. Things are a little quieter today, but they know bad weather could bring a surge in patients this weekend. This a e consultant told me it was the busiest shed known in her 16 year experience. There have been moments in the last two weeks, like the whole country has had, where actually its been quite frightening for members of staff, for the nurses, for the doctors, for the Ambulance Crews who are bringing patients in, and there have been moments where it has been very sticky. But we have managed as best as we can and everybody has worked incredibly hard. Todays figures from nhs england showed that last week, 43 of hospitals had declared a major alert. That means when helps required to handle Patient Numbers or safetys at risk. 16 faced this serious pressure every day of last week. After a difficult few days, the Prime Minister was asked again about the state of the nhs. We have acknowledged that the nhs is under pressure. We always see increased pressures in the nhs overwinter periods. That is why in preparing for winter the period this time, £400 million was put in to ensure that winter preparedness. But the labour Leaderjeremy Corbyn will argue in a speech tomorrow that the government must invest more in social care to ease the pressure on what he calls a danger zone for the nhs. In northern ireland, nearly four in ten patients waited more than four hours in a e during the christmas period. In wales, latest data showed nearly one in five patients were waiting longer than four hours. Scotland was performing better than those levels and englands in the holiday week, but at this Glasgow Hospital pregnant women were turned away yesterday and sent to other maternity units, because of a high level of general admissions. Management said safety was maintained at all times. Back at Northwick Park, a Traffic Light style screen monitors hospitals across the capital, including bed capacity. As you can see there are some hospitals under real pressure right now, and thats indicated by the black. This is the sort of thing you will find in most hospitals each day Ambulance Crews queueing in a corridor with patients, waiting to hand them over. They are in a safe situation, but there is no room in the accident and emergency unit at this stage for them to be treated or assessed. The message is theyre coping for now, but they know a flu outbreak could make life even tougher on the front line. Thousands of People Living on the east coast of england have been evacuated and had an anxious wait as the Emergency Services prepared for severe flooding caused by a tidal surge. Preparations have been under way since yesterday with the army helping Police Forces and volunteers to bolster the flood defences. But tonight as high tide has peaked along most of the coast, the threat appears to be receding. Sophie long reports from great yarmouth. Right along the east coast of england, waves battering seaside towns. Streets have been submerged in water as the tidal surge of reached seawalls. Here, people filled sandbags leap, collate into the evening. Lastminute precautions to protect their properties. From early this morning people braved the cold and snow to prepare for are the worst with potentially life threatening conditions ahead. People were urged to leave their homes. A little bit worried that this happened a couple of years ago and we all got evacuated and it was 0k, thankfully, because we built the defences up so fingers crossed they have done a good job and build the defence enough to protect us. Who knows . Tonight will tell. We got flooded quite a bit, we are living over the road. We have moved everything upstairs already so is just a waiting game now. In essex, Police Initiated a full evacuation plan. Emergency services were called to assist anybody in need. The Environmental Agency but warned people not to be complacent. The issueis people not to be complacent. The issue is that it is about the high wind coinciding with high tides and if you get that you get really, really high levels. That can be changeable through the day so we are monitoring it as closely as we can. It is quite important that people stay alert because some of these tides will happen late. Police urged people to comply with their constructions to head the centres like this one in the relative safety of daylight. Some needed less persuasion than others. There is no question. The moment i knew i had to goi question. The moment i knew i had to go ijust question. The moment i knew i had to go i just left. Question. The moment i knew i had to go ijust left. I left everything behind, as long as i was safe, that was all that mattered. Earlier, waves crashed over the lighthouse and reached seawalls, forcing those who chose not to stay away to run for cover. And much of whitby has been drenched in water as communities up and down the country battle against the elements. Labours former education spokesman, Tristram Hunt is resigning as an mp, triggering a by election in his stoke constituency an area which voted for brexit and where ukip came second in the last election. Mr hunt, whos leaving to become director of the victoria and Albert Museum in london, had been critical of Jeremy Corbyns leadership. Today, mr corbyn said he was looking forward to the by election campaign. Our deputy Political Editor John Pienaar Reports from stoke. Stay with labour, convinced they will lose, or walk away and leave politics behind . Tristram hunt chose to walk. His leader doesnt like it, but for this famous tv historian, when i caught up with him in stoke, this job offer was too good to turn down. Being director of the victoria and Albert Museum, the greatest museum of art and design, was my dream job, and it was not something i could turn down. Youve been pretty clear that labour is heading for trouble withJeremy Corbyn as leader. You havent changed your mind, have you . I have had differences withjeremy in the past, but now i am off to be a museum director, an impartial director of a great museum, and so it is not the time to rehearse those differences now. I spoke tojeremy this morning and he was incredibly gracious, he was interested in the job, he was interested in the victoria. And also, i imagine, rather disappointed . Well, he was a bit thrown. Nobody wants this on friday 13th. He was pulling his punches today, but his verdict on labours leader is firmly on the record. We are facing an historic wipeout of the labour party. Today, Jeremy Corbyn is glossing over troubles ahead. No, i dont want anyone to resign, i dont want to lose mps but he has taken this position as director of the v a, good luck to him, and well have a by election. Yet here in stoke, where most voted for brexit and where ukip came second by 5,500 votes last election, ask anyone this will be a hard test for labour and its leader. Ukip, labour itll always be in the balance whether labour get in or not. Is labour going to have a tough time holding on here . More tough a time, i think. Politics is so muddled now, traditional labour voters do not know how to vote now, because the brexit thing. You want labour to win here. You are a labour man, right . Historically, yes, historically. But today there is no clear choice. Ukip seems up for the fight. Tristram hunt has left fundamentally because he feels he has a Brighter Future away from Jeremy Corbyn and the labour party. Were confident theres a large number of voters in the Stoke Central Constituency that will feel exactly the same way. For labour, this is a difficult time for a by election. Its in a tough place, and its not the only one. Some labour mps ive spoken to have told me they are either preparing to quit politics before the next election, or resigned to defeat when it comes. Labour will have to throw everything into this campaign. This fight will gauge, can labour hold its ground, or are traditional supporters turning their backs and walking away . Police in the United States say a newborn girl who was stolen from a hospital in florida 18 years ago has been found alive in South Carolina. Kamiyah mobley, who was taken from her biological mother in 1998 when she was just eight hours old, was found after a tip off. Authorities in walterboro, South Carolina say the 51 year old women she was living with has been charged with kidnapping. Investigators obtained a dna sample from her earlier this week. That sample submitted to for testing and last night we received confirmation that the young woman we contacted in South Carolina is in fact the missing baby. In the interest of reducing any further trial, i am not revealing the name she has lived underfor all of those revealing the name she has lived under for all of those years. Please remember that this young woman was abducted as a newborn and she will need time and assistance to process all of this and we are respecting her privacy. Lets take a brief look at some of todays other news. A teenager has appeared in crown court in leeds, accused of murdering seven year old katie rough in york. The 15 year old cant be named for legal reasons. She was remanded into secure youth accommodation. A woman who alleges she was indecently assaulted by tv presenter rolf harris when she was just 12 years old, has told a jury at Southwark Crown court The Entertainer put his hand up her skirt after she asked for an autograph. Mr harris denies seven charges of Indecent Assault and one of sexual assault. Lord snowdon, the former husband of Princess Margaret and celebrity photographer, has died. He was 86 years old. The first commoner to marry a kings daughterfor a50 years, the then Anthony Armstrong jones married Princess Margaret in 1960. Theirs was the first royal marriage to be televised. But they separated after 16 years and eventually divorced. 0ur royal correspondent Nicholas Witchell looks back at his life. He was the Society Photographer who took pictures of the royal family, and who married one of its leading members. It was in 1960, at the start of a decade of considerable social change, that the then Anthony Armstrong jones married the queens younger sister, Princess Margaret. He was an untitled commoner, she was the princess who, a few years earlier, had had to renounce her love for a royal official because he was divorced. Archive with unbounded enthusiasm, acclaim for Princess Margaret and her husband when they appeared on the balcony. The couple brought glamour to the british royalfamily. They travelled widely this was them on a visit to san francisco. A list celebrities before the term had really been invented, presenting an image of britain more in keeping with the informality of the time. Although he became the earl of snowdon, he continued to work as a photographer. He was also a talented designer one of his proudest achievements was designing the aviary at london zoo. The queen wanted above all else her sisters happiness, and her sister seemed to have found happiness with this very different young man who was extremely artistic, very talented, and i think people really respected him for that. By the late 1960s the couple had two children, but their marriage was in serious difficulty, both were having affairs. In 1976, lord snowdon announced that he and Princess Margaret were to separate. Naturally, desperately sad in every way. As a child, hed contracted polio. Throughout his life he campaigned on behalf of disabled people, and in latter years, despite his own increasing frailty, he retained his passion for photography. I like these ones because theyre simple. He could look back on a life notable for his marriage into the royal family, but which had also produced many professional achievements. Memorable images, among them this one of the queen which ended up on britains postage stamps, or this relaxed 80th birthday portrait taken at his home. As for the photographer himself he shared the view of many an amateur snapper. Its all luck im always relieved that they come out lord snowdon, who has died at the age of 86. Thats a summary of the news, newsday is coming up at midnight now on bbc news, its time for newsnight tonight, labour lose an mp once tipped to be a future party leader. Tristram hunt will become the new head of the v a museum. He insists hes not trying to rock the boat. He was no fan ofJeremy Corbyn. But its no time to quit, say those on right of the party

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