Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20161222 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20161222

it's emerged that anis amri had been under surveillance for six months this year, before the operation was halted. german officials say he could be armed and dangerous — they've offered more than $100,000 for information leading to his arrest. 0ur correspondent, jenny hill, reports from berlin. you're looking at europe's most wanted man, anis amri, the main, the only, suspect in the investigation into an attack which shattered germany. prosecutors warn he may be armed, dangerous, and they are offering a 100,000 euro reward. translation: there's a new suspect. we are searching for him. we'll keep investigating every lead. we issued a issued a warrant for this suspect‘s arrest at midnight. the warrant covers all of germany and most of europe. we are learning more about the 24—year—old tunisian. he arrived in germany last year and was refused asylum, but granted temporary leave to stay. the security services admit he was known to them, considered a threat because of his links to one of germany's most notorious to islamist networks. and he will be hard to find. he used six different names, and three nationalities. translation: this person attracted the attention of several security services in germany, through his contact with a radical islamist. the hijacked lorry is yielding grim evidence, documents leading to the suspect, and dna. it is thought amri fought with the man should have been behind the wheel, before shooting him dead. but it was 2a hours before police identified him as a suspect. first they arrested and released an innocent man, giving amri a vital head start. today, flowers for the dead, prayers for the injured. the german foreign minister was joined at the scene of the attack by his italian counterpart. among those missing, and feared dead, fabricio di lorenzo, among those missing, and feared dead, fabrizia di lorenzo, who comes from l'aquila. dalia elyakim, who is from israel, also hasn't been seen since the attack. her husband, rami, is seriously ill in hospital. a time perhaps for faith. tonight, a spontaneous gathering at a berlin synagogue. the ceremony was extremely important, because this attack was not an attack on berlin or on germany. it was not an attack on jews or on christians. this was an attack on all of us. across the city, a vigil of a different kind. the attack, the arrest warrant, have reignited a national debate. the anti—immigrant party alternative fur deutschland blame angela merkel and her refugee policy for this attack. so does geert wilders. the far—right dutch politician posted this picture today, the german chancellor's hands covered in blood. do you blame angela merkel? angela merkel, she says, is a humanitarian woman. she did the right thing a year ago. no—one could know this would happen. we live in a free world. and if we want to stay free, things like this will happen. this country feels nervous. extra security for christmas markets. after all, amri is still at large. but this investigation does now have a face and a focus. that is for some here, perhaps, a little light in the darkness. jenny hill, bbc news, berlin mike pregent was a former intelligence officer and foreign fighter analyst at us central command. good to talk to you. nothing has been proven against this man, of course, but it is difficult to understand how he was not a dent i'd as at least a potential suspect when he was denied asylum, he was under surveillance and had used six different names, three different nationalities and just after the attack his id card was found in the truck cab? he seems to be the one quy truck cab? he seems to be the one guy that should have been in temporary detention before being sent back to tunisia. 100 and 50 individuals in germany which the law enforcement and intelligence agencies are tracking. i think sometimes terrorism is not taken seriously is the term that 549 islamic individuals that may commit political crimes of considerable significance — that is actually committing terrorist acts that it is really ha rd to committing terrorist acts that it is really hard to track that many individuals. that numberjust in germany. is it possible also that there is too much focus on the threat of a massive big scale attack and not enough on these relatively low level, low—tech arbitrary attacks which can cause just as much terror? when there is an individual willie to keel and being killed in the process it is very difficult to stop. —— willing to keel. what is interest the about anis amri is he wa nted interest the about anis amri is he wanted to survive the attack, he fled the scene. that to me shows he wa nted fled the scene. that to me shows he wanted to survive and build some sort of status with isis as he got credit with the attack. it was necessarily a help or it is not necessarily a help or it is not necessarily help when police get information from the public that is misleading which may have happened after this attack was make the pakistani that was detained allowed any summary to have a head start. they were hoping he makes a mistake when he thinks the heat is off of him. we do not know yet why or whether he took advantage of this or police got different information. difficult to have confidence if we know that police are having such trouble tracking possible suspects. very difficult to know what they can do. they had been under surveillance and they dropped the surveillance. did it become too difficult with these different aliases? the way he was moving about? 0r these different aliases? the way he was moving about? or was it a manpower issue? resellers issue. it is very difficult and at times like this in public tends to inundate law enforcement with heaps which further constrain the resources and manpower. “— constrain the resources and manpower. —— with tips. the turkish army says 14 of its soldiers have been killed in fighting with extremists from the islamic state group near the northern syrian town of al—bab. it's thought to be the heaviest losses turkey has sustained in a day since intervening directly in syria in august. here's our arab affairs editor, sebastian usher. these are by far the worst losses turkey has suffered in a single day since it launched its dramatic military intervention into the syrian conflict. forces are cheap quick and resounding victories over both kurdish militants and islamic state fighters. the fight has now been settle on the town of al—bab. the battle has been going on for weeks as destructive tactics have been used— suicide bombers and vehicles laden with explosives. the military says heavy losses on is and it is close to breaking the groups and resistance. if they succeed, how far doesn't wish to go in syria and whether it will play a role in the eventual operation to drive isis out of the capital. that report from sebastian usher. the united nations general assembly has approved the setting up of a body to assist in documenting and prosecuting the most serious human rights abuses and war crimes committed during syria's civil war. the overwhelming vote defied objections by syria and its russian ally. separately, a un inquiry says it cannot pinpoint the perpetrators of an air strike on an aid convoy that killed ten people as it was heading to aleppo in september. however, it says only syrian, russian and us—led coalition forces had the capability to launch the bombing and that it was unlikely to have been coalition aircraft. it's been a stop—start process, but the evacuation of people from eastern aleppo seems to be making fresh progress. a convoy of buses has now left the rebel held areas. and aid groups say the last hospital patients have now departed. our correspondent, james longman, is monitoring events from beirut. we have heard in the last few minutes that the critically injured and very ill have now all been evacuated from east aleppo so now it is about the remaining civilians and rebels who are still in east aleppo. it has always been very difficult to have a true idea of the numbers of people who are in that part of the city. the un says it is around the region of 50,000 needing to come out. the red cross, managing the evacuation, tell us that as people wa nt to evacuation, tell us that as people want to come out, they will be sending buses and thought. they do not have a number. we will keep watching the pictures but it is there to say we are coming towards there to say we are coming towards the end of the evacuation process. these people arejoining the end of the evacuation process. these people are joining the thousands of others already evacuated, heading to the evacuation point to the west of aleppo city where they are given all the things that have been missing out on, food, water, medicalsupplies. that have been missing out on, food, water, medical supplies. a lot of people work in a bad way. aleppo was under siege for a long time, abundance meant a lot of them got severely injured and if not physically, the mental scars are there as well so people are in a bad way. let's round—up some of the other main stories: militants have attacked the house of a member of parliament in the afghan capital, kabul, killing a number of people. the taliban say they planned the assault on the compound of mir wali, an mp for the southern province of helmand. mir wali is believed to have escaped, but local media are reporting that five people were killed, including two children. president—elect donald trump has chosen peter navarro to head the newly formed white house trade council. the economist has written a number of books describing china as a threat to the us economy. he was an adviser to mr trump during the election campaign. american singerjames taylor has cancelled an concert in the philippines. he says he wants to "make a political stand" against the extra judicial killings that have taken place since president rodrigo duterte came to power. mr taylor says the summary executions of suspected offenders are unacceptable. president putin has ordered the russian government to restrict the sale of alcohol not intended for human consumption, after more than 60 people died and 40 more were hospitalised in siberia. the victims drank bath lotion containing toxic methylated spirit. andy beatt reports. the mass poisoning in these knowing siberian city of irkutsk is the worst in modern russian history. dozens of april seeking a cheap i bought this by the oil with an advertised ethanol content of 19%— advertised ethanol content of19%— they did not know it also contained highly toxic methanol. translation: i went to the shop and bought, i am ashamed to say what it was and i drink it with my husband and mother. she unfortunately died. i called an ambulance for my husband and i ended up ambulance for my husband and i ended up here myself. i do not know what happened to him. translation: i work at dawn with a severe headache and i realised i was losing my vision. when i was looking at the light it felt like i was blinded by car headlights. 40 people are still receiving treatment. half are not expected to live according to the ministry. translation: the large number of totality can be explained by the presence of methanol. those people consume much more than the lethal dosage. a massive police operation is under way raiding premises and seizing bottles. operation is under way raiding premises and seizing bottles! people have been decaying. translation: investigators are performing searches. they have confiscated 2000 bottles. everything has its central analysis. the case has its central analysis. the case has prompted nationwide soul—searching, putting russia's relationship with alcohol firmly under the spotlight. previous measures included at raising taxes and banning late licences but they only fuelled bootleg sales. up to 12 million russians are thought to turn the alternatives like antifreeze, and perky. moscow has demanded action. president putin demanding tougher laws on the southern production of many alcoholics products. despite the risks, heavy drinking remains a part of many people ‘s lives. stay with us on bbc news, still to come: we meet an academic who's not ready for the end of term — the 102—year—old professor who's won a battle to keep on working. we saw this enormous tidal wave approaching the beach, and people started to run, and suddenly it was complete chaos. united states troops have been trying to overthrow the dictatorship of general manuel noreiga. the pentagon said the operation had been 90% successful, but it's failed in its principal objective, to capture general noreiga and take him to the united states to face drugs charges. the hammer and sickle was hastily taken away. the russian flag was hoisted over what is now no longer the soviet union, but the commonwealth of independent states. day broke slowly over lockerbie, over the cockpit of the pan—am's maid of the seas, nose—down in the soft earth. you could see what happens when a plane eight storeys high, a football pitch wide, falls from 30,000 feet. christmas has returned to albania after a communist ban lasting more than 20 years. thousands went to midnight mass in the town where there were anti—communist riots ten days ago. this is bbc news. i'm mike embley. the latest headlines: a europe—wide manhunt is underway for anis amri, the prime suspect in the truck attack on a berlin christmas market. german officials say the 24—year—old tunisian could be armed and dangerous. a $100,000 reward is on offer for his capture. authorities in mexico have identified 18 of the 32 people killed in a series of explosions at a fireworks market on tuesday. rescue workers are still searching for bodies and survivors in the wreckage of the market near mexico city. some of the bodies found were so badly charred that neither their age nor gender could immediately be determined. 2016 has seen a series of tough challenges for the european union, with brexit, the rise of nationalist parties and the continuing migrant crisis. our special correspondent allan little considers what impact the momentous political changes in the uk and america might have on europe. in prague, the christmas markets are glittering symbols of a remarkable transition — from dictatorship, foreign occupation and poverty to one of the fastest growing economies in the eu. the country's wealth has more than quadrupled in a generation. the anti—communist revolutions of 1989 changed the shape of europe. somewhere in this crowd, of 400,000, is a much younger me, watching as the dissident playwright, vaclav havel, gave voice to the hopes of half a continent. it was a really thrilling thing to stand here beneath that balcony and watch an entire nation rise up to take back control of its own destiny. it wasn't just about democratic transition, at the heart of that revolution lay the idea that they were returning their country to where it properly belonged, to the heart of europe. is it still so? some here now argue that having taken control of their national destiny from moscow, the former communist states then gave it away again to brussels. to speak about independence is a joke. we wanted to be integrated in the eu, but not unified. i think that the role of the national government is now rather limited. most of the decisions come from brussels, not from prague here. so this is not independence. the former communist bloc has its own rust belt. this steel factory, outside prague, collapsed under market forces. its workforce fell from 20,000 to 300, but openness to europe has given the czech economy far more than it has taken away. it has one of the lowest unemployment rates in europe. there is, even in this dereliction, little appetite to walk away from that success story. translation: i think most people would vote to stay in the eu, at least i would. i look at my family and i think for the sake of my children, my grandchildren, for their future, it's better to be in the eu. germany is europe's centre of gravity now. pianos from this factory sell around the world because they are among the best in the world, and that is germany's economic strength. the pursuit of unity in europe has been germany's way of turning the page on its own dark past. the eu has been germany's act of contrition and of redemption. the pianist, saleem ashkar, is a palestinian, now settled in berlin. what i do see is a country here that has been traumatised by its past and, as a result, has become extremely thoughtful about politics. in a way, germany has used its traumatic past for the good. it is now a very, what do we say in german, very awaken. it's not sleepwalking anywhere or careful, very careful of sleepwalking. 2016 has given germany a new responsibility, one it did not seek — how to lead in europe without rousing the ghosts of german domination in europe. german's are incredibly neurotic about world leadership or even about european leadership. they don't like to think of themselves really having a foreign policy. so, you know, the idea that germany would somehow lead is very disturbing for many germans. so, no, i don't think they're prepared for this moment well at all. although things in germany are changing and there's beginning to be slowly a sense of — if we don't do it, nobody will. for 70 years, leadership of the west has been english speaking. 2016 has upended that assumption. now germany, as it grapples with a security crisis of its own, finds the burden of leadership thrust upon it. allan little, bbc news, berlin. now, this might not be a story for you if you live below a flight path. india is cracking down on airlines releasing human waste from toilets in the air. it follows complaints that an aircraft dumped waste over houses in delhi. our correspondentjustin rowlatt braved a trip to the airport. so, the claim is that planes are regularly discharging their toilets over the indian capital. a retired indian army officer claims his balcony, very near where i am standing, is regularly splattered with human excrement. he cannot prove that this is from planes, but his complaint was taken up with the national green tribunal, an environmental court, and it has ordered that india's aviation regulator makes sure that airlines do not dump human waste in this way. the plan is that there will be spot checks on plane to i lets. if the special tanks used to store human waste are suspiciously empty, the airline could face a fine of up to 50,000 rupees. that is $800, or £600. how plausible are this guy's claims? well, a senior indian pilot told the bbc today that planes do sometimes have to discharge waste from their toilets. he said this is a very rare emergency event, a bit like when they discharge fuel to reduce the weight of a plane. there is, however, another way in which human waste can be as discharged from a plane. these are known as blue ice falls. there are overflow pipes on the tanks, and waste can build up around those pipes. because planes fly at a high altitude, it is very cold. that can build up into a block of ice, which can fall from a plane and occasionally cause real damage. earlier this year i reported on a woman here in india who claimed she had almost been killed in a blue ice fall. britain's civil aviation authority says that 25 blue ice falls are reported in britain every year from 2.5 million flights. whether the measures introduced today will do anything to reduce the risk of being dumped on in this way remains an open question. now, they say you're only as old as you feel, and one academic in australia is determined to keep on working even at the grand age of 102. professor david goodall was told he was a health and safety risk by his employer, edith cowan university in western australia. but now professor goodall has won his age discrimination battle. hywell griffith reports. after seven decades as an ecologist, david goodall says his natural environment is here, on campus, surrounded by academic life. in august, the centenarian was told it was no longer safe for him to come into work at the edith cowan university, and he was asked to stay at home. but, after his case won international support, the management has now relented, and found him this new office. i have only been here one day, so it's a bit difficult for me to express any particular concerns, but i think that they will try to make me at home. the journey from home will be much quicker. reaching his old office involved a 90—minute commute, on a train and two buses. the university says they have always had his interests at heart. first of all, it's closer to his residence, so it's easier for him to commute. secondly, there is an office very close to it, manned most of the time, so we can keep an eye on him and make sure he is ok. having forced to give up his other love, of acting, professor goodall is determined to keep his mind active. but at 102, he is not out yet. that is all for now. there is more news at any time on the bbc website. hello there. well, the run—up to christmas is looking unsettled, as you have probably heard. spells of wet and very windy weather on the cards, certainly very windy weather across the north of the uk. and it is going to be very windy overnight across scotland and northern ireland. frequent showers here, particularly for scotland, with some snow over the higher ground. a few showers across western britain as well, but i think forfor the midlands, the south and the east, it should stay dry. quite chilly, temperatures not far off freezing by the end of the night, and mist and fog falling too. but across the north it will remain very windy. some icy patches to watch out for as well. these showers will be wintry, snow on the high ground, maybe down to lower levels as well. there will be plenty of showers across northern ireland, some of those moving across the irish sea into north—west england, for wales, and into south—western england as well. now, for the midlands eastwards, though, it is a dry start, really chilly, but at least it will be bright through the morning, with some sunshine around. but watch out for the mist and fog across the south—east corner. some of it could be quite dense. but i don't think it will last that long, because the breeze will continue to pick up all the while, so that should clear. showers will continue to move eastwards, but i think many southern and eastern areas will remain dry. and those showers becoming fewer as we head on towards the afternoon. but frequent across the north, heavy ones with hail and thunder mixed in, some snow to the high ground, feeling really cold and raw because of the strong wind. and then itjust gets worse as we head on in towards friday. the met office has issued amber "be prepared" warnings are being issued for the second named storm of the season. storm barbara will impact the united kingdom as we head on in towards friday. it will bring all of us a spell of rain, very windy for us all. but it is the north of the uk, closer to the storm centre, which will be battered by exceptionally strong winds. now, we are looking at gusts up to 90 miles an hour across the north mainland of scotland, 80 mph for the western isles, 70 mph for northern ireland and 60 mph, potentially, for northern wales and north—west england. so this is likely to be very disruptive. keep tuned to the weather forecast. as we head through christmas eve, it remains very windy indeed. the best of the weather across the south, will be fairly mild with some sunshine, but we will still see gales and showers across the north, with a wintry mix over the high ground. for christmas day, we are also looking at some very windy weather, particularly across the north, with a spell of rain which will spread right across the uk. another pretty deep low moving through to bring us those strong winds, and also that spell of rain. but it will be exceptionally mild across the south. in fact, we could see record—breaking mild temperatures across the south—east. the latest headlines from bbc news. i'm mike embley. a manhunt is underway for the prime suspect in the berlin truck attack on a christmas market. german officials say anis amri — a 24 year—old tunisian — who was already known to the security services, could be armed and dangerous. a six figure reward is on offer for his capture. amri's identity card was found in the cab of the lorry that was driven into the christmas market, killing twelve people. german officials say he had been monitored by the security services because of his links to islamist networks — but they couldn't deport him because his documents were missing. the turkish army says fourteen of its soldiers have been killed in fighting with so called "islamic state" militants near the northern syrian town of al—bab. it's thought to be the heaviest losses turkey has sustained in a day since intervening directly in syria in august. now on bbc news, it's hardtalk‘s review of the year.

Related Keywords

Losses , Alcohol , President , Russian , Troops , Border , Restrictions , Bath Lotion , Deaths , 65 , People , Man , Truck Attack , Europe S , Berlin , Police Forces , 24 , 12 , Anis Amri , Operation , Surveillance , Information , Arrest , German , Armed And Dangerous , Officials , Six , 00000 , 100000 , Attack , Suspect , Investigation , Jenny Hill , Most Wanted Man , 0ur Correspondent , The Main , 0 , Translation , Lead , Prosecutors , Euro Reward , Dangerous , 100000 Euro , All , Warrant , Most , Asylum , Leave , Tunisian , One , Links , Threat , Islamist , Security Services , Networks , Person , Nationalities , Names , Contact , Attention , Three , Police , Lorry , Documents , Evidence , Dna , Wheel , 2 , Scene , Foreign Minister , Injured , Head Start , Prayers , Dead , Flowers , An Innocent Man , Giving Amri A , Fabricio Di Lorenzo , Missing , Counterpart , Fabrizia Di Lorenzo , Italian , L Aquila , Dalia Elyakim , Rami , Hospital , Ceremony , Hasn T , Faith , Gathering , Israel , Berlin Synagogue , City , Christians , Arrest Warrant , All Of Us , Jews , Vigil , Kind , Debate , Angela Merkel , Refugee Policy , Party Alternative Fur Deutschland , Geert Wilders , Woman , Politician , Chancellor , Picture , Blood , Hands , Dutch , World , Country , Things , Thing , Bbc News , Focus , Amri , Security , Christmas Markets , Light , Darkness , Face , Intelligence Officer , Fighter Analyst , Nothing , Central Command , Mike Pregent , Course , Dent , Id Card , Guy , Truck Cab , Detention , Quy , 100 , 50 , Term , Individuals , Law Enforcement , Intelligence , Terrorism , Agencies , Tracking , 549 , Terrorist Acts , Crimes , Significance , Scale , Numberjust , Willie To Keel , Attacks , Level , Terror , Interest , He Wa Nted Interest , Help , Sort , Status , Isis , Wa Nted , Credit , Public , Summary , Pakistani , Heat , Advantage , Mistake , Suspects , Confidence , Trouble , Way , Aliases , Manpower Issue , Resellers Issue , Manpower , Resources , Heaps , Times , Soldiers , State , Turkish Army , Fighting , Fighting Islamic , Group , Tips , Extremists , 14 , Town , Turkey , Sebastian Usher , Al Bab , Syria In August , Militants , Battle , Forces , Fight , Military Intervention , Fighters , Conflict , Victories , Military , Groups , Explosives , Resistance , Bombers , Tactics , Vehicles , How Far Doesn T , Syria , Role , Capital , Wish , Separately , War Crimes , Report , Setting Up , Human Rights , Objections , Aid Convoy , Documenting , Prosecuting , Body , Ally , Vote , Perpetrators , Air Strike , Abuses , Civil War , United Nations General Assembly , To Evacuation , Bombing , Eastern Aleppo , Coalition Aircraft , Process , Capability , Us Led Coalition , Ten , Buses , James Longman , Convoy , Events , Progress , Areas , Aid , Hospital Patients , Rebel , Beirut , Idea , Part , Civilians , Numbers , East Aleppo , Rebels , Number , Region , Red Cross , People Wa Nt , 50000 , The End , Evacuation Process , Pictures , Evacuation Point , Thousands , Others , Food , Water , Lot , West , Supplies , Siege , Medicalsupplies , Stories , Some , House , Member Of Parliament , Round , Scars , Abundance , Afghan Capital , Let , Kabul , Mir Wali , Children , Compound , Reporting , Media , Taliban , Province , Assault , Helmand , Two , Five , American Singerjames Taylor , Trump , Peter Navarro , Us , Economy , Concert , The Economist , Election Campaign , Books , Adviser , Trade Council , White House , China , Donald Trump , President Elect , Philippines , Killings , Government , Offenders , Place , Summary Executions , Make A Political Stand , President Putin , Rodrigo Duterte , More , Victims , Human Consumption , Spirit , Sale , Andy Beatt Reports , Siberia , 40 , 60 , Poisoning , Knowing Siberian City Of Irkutsk , Russian History , Ethanol Content , Methanol , Dozens , Cheap , Of19 , Oil , 19 , Husband , Ambulance , Mother , Shop , It , Headache , Vision , Half , Treatment , Totality , Car Headlights , Ministry , Presence , Dosage , Way Raiding Premises , Case , Bottles , Analysis , Everything , Searches , Investigators , 2000 , Measures , Licences , Spotlight , Relationship , Taxes , Nationwide Soul Searching , Bootleg Sales , Action , Antifreeze , Laws , Moscow , Russians , Alternatives , Perky , 12 Million , Academic , Professor , Alcoholics , Risks , Drinking , Products , Production , Stay , 102 , Beach , Chaos , Battle To Keep On Working , Tidal Wave , Objective , Noreiga , Drugs Charges , Dictatorship Of General Manuel Noreiga , Pentagon , 90 , Maid Of The Seas , Hammer , Sickle , Flag , Lockerbie , Cockpit , Soviet Union , Commonwealth Of Independent States , Football Pitch Wide , Midnight Mass , Feet , Ban , Earth , Storeys High , Albania , Eight , 20 , 30000 , Manhunt , Mike Embley , Headlines , Riots , Berlin Christmas Market , Reward , Offer , Capture , Authorities , Mexico , Series , Fireworks Market , Explosions , Rescue Workers , 18 , 32 , Mexico City , Age , Survivors , Parties , Bodies , Crisis , Wreckage , Challenges , Gender , Rise , European Union , Brexit , 2016 , Outside Prague , North America , Allan Little , Uk , Markets , Changes , Symbols , Economies , Generation , Wealth , Revolutions , Dictatorship , Poverty , Occupation , Shape , 1989 , Vaclav Havel , Continent , Somewhere , Hopes , Crowd , Voice , 400000 , Heart , Nation , Balcony , Destiny , Transition , It Wasn T , States , Control , Revolution , Brussels , Independence , Joke , Decisions , Bloc , Rust Belt , Workforce , Market Forces , Openness , Steel Factory , 300 , 20000 , Unemployment Rates , Success Story , Appetite , Dereliction , Pianos , Sake , Grandchildren , Family , Centre Of Gravity , Best , Strength , Unity , Pursuit , Dark Past , Act Of Contrition , Page , Saleem Ashkar , Redemption , Result , Palestinian , Politics , Good , Anywhere , Responsibility , Sleepwalking 2016 , Leadership , Foreign Policy , Domination , Ghosts , , Beginning , Nobody Will , Sense , English , Speaking , 70 , Story , Burden , Security Crisis , Assumption , Leadership Thrust , Flight Path , Planes , Waste , Human Waste , Toilets , India , Airlines , Claim , Houses , Complaints , Air , Aircraft , Airport , Trip , Delhi , Correspondentjustin Rowlatt , Officer , Court , Complaint , Standing , Human Excrement , Tribunal , Indian Capital , Indian Army , Tanks , Airline , Plan , Aviation Regulator , Fine , Rupees , 50000 Rupees , Senior Indian Pilot , Claims , 800 , Â 600 , 00 , 600 , Emergency Event , Bit , Weight , Fuel , Block , Ice , Pipes , Altitude , Blue Ice Falls , Blue Ice , Damage , Risk , Anything , Flights , Being , Civil Aviation Authority , 25 , 2 5 Million , Professor Goodall , Question , Australia , Centenarian , Natural Environment , Safety , Campus , Employer , Health , Age Discrimination , Ecologist , Hywell Griffith Reports , Edith Cowan University , August , Western Australia , Surrounded By Academic Life , Seven , Office , Home , Work , Safe , Support , Management , Journey , Concerns , University , Interests , Commute , Train , Residence , Acting , Eye , Love , Mind , News , Website , Showers , North , Weather , Spells , Cards , Run Up To , Scotland , Northern Ireland , Ground , Midlands , Snow , Temperatures , East , Forfor , Mist , Fog , Levels , Patches , Morning , Midlands Eastwards , North West England , Irish Sea , Wales , Sunshine , Breeze , South East Corner , Eastwards , Afternoon , Thunder , Ones , Hail , Storm , Wind , Because , Season , Amber , Warnings , Met Office , Storm Barbara , Winds , All Of Us A Spell Rain , Closer , Mainland , Gusts , Storm Centre , Mph , Weather Forecast , North West , Western Isles , 80 , Spell , Rain , Gales , Mix , Prime Suspect , Fact , Another , South East , Tunisian Who , Figure Reward , Cab , They Couldn T , Identity Card , Twelve , Fourteen , Globe , Viewers , My Name , Review , Hardtalk , 1 ,

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