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Welcome to the first ever Bbc Green Sport Awards. I ella al shamahi, explorer, Standup Comic and paleoanthropologists. And i have no idea what that means. I mark watson, also a comedian, a writer, huge sports fan and we both care about the environment, thats what this programme is all about. Youve just seen recycled footage from the bbc Sports Programme from 30 years ago. And even the awards are made from recycled material, which is all part of the ethos of this program. And its why weve occupied the bbc sport Match Of The Day studio. Former International Footballers and now pundits alan shearer and ian wright have been locked out. They think its temporary but its a dream for me to be and this place all dressed up, especially for it, there is absolutely no way im leaving without a fight. By the end of this ill be the official new Match Of The Day host, theyjust dont know it yet. And with the click of the fingers we can make ourselves feel even more at home. Were going to be highlighting athletes and organisations who are using sport to help protect the planet. Weve got five awards to reveal and we will be taking you around the world, from rio, to sydney, to berlin to florida. And all while keeping an eye on our own carbon footprint. When you consider that the Sports Industry emits something equivalent to the size of spain, its really important we look at what the World Of Sport is doing to help reach this target and to celebrate those leading the way. And what about the role of our Superstar Athletes . They are some of the most famous and influential people in the world. Last year Cristiano Ronaldo moved a bottle of fizzy drinks out of shot at a Press Conference and knocked billions off the value of that drinks company. And our first award for the bbc� s Green Sports Evergreen Award recognises in athlete who has been leading the way in this area for many years. Former Racing Driver Leilani Munter always challenges convention. She only accepts sponsorship from companies with green credentials during her Racing Career and used her car is a 200 mile per our billboard for the environment. Shes devoted to raising awareness and in particularfocusing on the threat to animals. And as part of her prize for winning this years award the bbc gave leilani a chance to highlight in issue close to her heart. An issue close to her heart. Florida may be the Sunshine State but its relationship with water is arguably more defining. Miles and miles of beautiful coastline surround the watery heart. I studied biology and for me conserving all life is paramount. Marine wildlife has a special place in my heart. Our lack of care for our oceans means that for some animals the tide is already turning. Sea turtles predate human life, they were swimming the seas while dinosaurs walked the earth. With all the damage were doing to our planet the worrying question is, for how much longer . Cat eastman has been working to protect them for more than 20 years. We have five of the seven Sea Turtles Species in the world and they nest or live in our area waters. Sea turtles are threatened and endangered so they take all of our work working together to protect them. Cat runs the sea Turtle Hospital programme here in whitby on floridas northeast coast. Assistant professor david duffy is part of the team and is investigating the growing threats faced by these ancient creatures. One of the largest is Climate Change. It produces a whole range of factors producing problems. Another when we see a lot of is pollution and that includes plastic pollution. And finally, the main ones that were focusing on in our facility is facility is a cancer at these turtles are starting to develop, which used to not be a problem but is becoming more and more frequently. Megawatt is a juvenile green sea turtle. About three years old and unfortunately, she is very affected by tumors. What are some of the causes that youre looking at . Is it the warmer water and the increased uv lights through Climate Change . Pollution, the chemicals in the water, things like that. She will undergo probably about six total surgeries for that we cant remove them all at oncel because its not humane. It would be way too painful, she would not survive. The cancer looks horrific. I dont know how anyone can see these pictures and not be affected by them. The tumours are at least easy to spot and that means they can be treated. The team here at the hospital had successfully rehabbed and released 62 green sea turtles. 0kay. Oh my god. I told you, they are so cute. The hospital also takes in Baby Sea Turtles who have been born too weak to make it to the sea. They nurture them and release them. Theyre job now at this age is to eat and grow. The small sea turtles, unfortunately not all of them make it. And the ones that dont make it we examine what the cause of death may be. And one of the things weve been finding in recent years is that not only that but its between 97 and 100 of the animals every year that we investigate, they all have plastic. How many other hatchlings are they are out there that are filled with plastic that are starving to death because they feel full . Its heartbreaking and its because of all of us, we all use plastic in our daily lives. Besides the sea turtle there are actually a lot of other species that are struggling here in florida. And one of them is the manatee. But there is a Success Story that were taking an electric road trip to go see now. So another little bit of hope. Ive come to meet captain Derek Schmidt who is going to be our guide, he runs responsible manatee tours. They are wild animals, we strive to keep the wildlife wild around here. Crystal river is known as the home of the manatee. But even here the populations were struggling due to pollution, habitat loss and being hit by boats. Now though, numbers are rising thanks to a scheme to repopulate the seagrass in these cages. Mike and stacy have been working to protect the manatees in Crystal River for over 15 years. Tell me about the baskets. The reason we put him upl is because the humanities, when they learn about this grass they say oh, a buffet. And so they put the baskets. When they first put the baskets and they didnt have waits on them. The manatees dug up and flip them i over and went down to the buffet. | and was like, oh, this is nice. So after six years they learn how to keep the manatees out of the baskets. The project isjust been phenomenal. 0ur numbers were going steadily up, thank goodness. The recent number was around 7500 they guesstimated throughout almost half and half between the east coast and the west coast. But sadly, the picture is not as positive for manatee populations on Floridas Atlantic coast where they are dying in unprecedented numbers. Last year we sought more than 1000 manatees died during the cold weather season. About half of those died of starvation, that was due to intense pollution in the lagoon and that pollution is algae blooms that come and basically cloud over or shade over the seagrass and kill it off. So all of these manatees come into the lagoon looking for Warm Water Refuge and food to eat and found there was nothing there for them. What are you doing to change that . Basically, were in this position of trying to force the Environmental Protection agency to take that step necessary to ensure that water is clean. And so weve taken them to court. Meeting these guys who are fighting for the manatees, trying to protect their habitat, trying to bring back the sea grasses, meeting the people at the sea Turtle Hospital that have dedicated their lives to helping the turtles, it gives me hope that there are good people working to solve these problems. And they need help. They need as much help as they can get so i hope that were shining the light on the people that are helping and that that will help them help the animals even more. Its important to protect nature for so many reasons. Being in nature actually has an incredible impact on our mental health. It reduces stress, anger, anxiety mark, are you listening to this . It boost your mood for that research has even shown it increases our cognitive abilities, memory and even makes us nicer and more generous. I mean, you are around nature all the time. Are you saying youre more generous to me . I am, im really spectacular as far as generosity is concerned. On with the award. Leilani has clearly used her profile for massive impact. But its not always been the case that our Sporting Heroes have had that platform. Look at this chart which the Massachusetts Institute of technology has put together showing which occupations from the mid 18th to mid 19th century had the most influence on the worlds population. Were looking now at the end of the end of the mid 19th century 20th century foot up if you bring it right up you can see how sports influences the landscape. Politicians being squeezed out, exploration is now down to 0. 8 on that. Mark, hold on. Where does a Comedy Show Panelist fall in this . We dont have time to go back to the statistics. Lets move on with the next award, the 2022 Bbc Green Sport Awards young athlete award. It goes to someone who is making an impact in my opinion and the biggest sport on the planet, football. I just felt hopeless being a Football Player having this huge environmental crisis. My life is about more than football. When i go on vacation i try to use the train as much as i can. Ive got a bike which am riding. Actually, the couches ive got from a player in my last club. Vintage chairs, secondhand. This weather is actually 100 recyclable. Also trying to buy as much second hand close as you can. My engagement started back in 2014 when i started reading about all the things that became kind of overwhelming when i started to understand all the problems and the huge challenges and i became sad and depressed and all these negative thoughts about how can we not be speaking of this . So it actually came to a point that im considering quitting football because of this. In the end i think it was my father that told me morton, that told me morten, the best thing you can do for the environment is actually becoming as good as possible in football and keep speaking up about these issues. So, this is an ongoing project of we play green. Thats what its called. I like it, i like it. For me is very close, its in my living room. We play green is a platform where we want to coach and inspire peers to engage in these issues and use their role to make a difference. Now ive just arrived to a new club and of course the first month is about getting to know everyone. Then also scoring a couple of goals and then i start to speak with them about all the things they can do. How many times a day do my conversation end up in something regarding the environment . Very often. Very often but we also bring it up a couple times, makejokes, maybe on your behalf. The funny thing is, when youre actually making jokes on my behalf and i dont understand and im just continuing for that i say yeah, thats exactly what i mean but were not laughing at you, were laughing with you. I know. Actually, i tried to tell alec before he was going to take the number two shirt. Alex takes number two shirts. I think we will solve the climate crisis. I got an electric car and her name is greta. I think its a cool name, greta. Its very international. My biggest footprint is actually by flying with my team. That the big part for me. Thats not up to me, thats up to the club but i can still try to push my club and tell them that i care about this. I use the term think twice. Thats also because of the two meaning on my shirt for them to symbolise the 2 degrees from 5 degrees and may by 2015 where all countries come together and agree that we have to limit Global Warming to well below 2 degrees. I think im maybe 95 vegetarian. Its important to state how fortunate i am to be a Football Player and i can actually afford to buy sustainable and healthy food, which in many cases are more expensive and not sustainable alternatives. The sustainable and green choice should always be the most affordable options. The summer i went to meet the Prime Minister of norway. I went to meet you and try to speak with them for that because in the entasis teamwork. Because in the end this is teamwork. We need to Work Together to achieve the goals we want achieve. But its notjust about individuals, it has to be bigger than that. Change has to come at every level. So lets look at what sports teams and organisations are doing themselves. The next Bbc Green Sport Award is for ambition and impact. Its all about those that are doing the best work and driving down emissions in elite sport. The Impact League is a major part of sailgp. Were raising him wanted to try and win of course but also raising on land to try and be the most sustainable team. Waste reduction, energy consumption, how you travel to an event, how you use your voice to the wider public. Also try to be collaborative in terms of showing some of those ideas that you might find. And after each Sailing Competition we get audited on all that for them at the end of the season there is an impact for the planet. They winner of the Impact League and you win money for your charitable partner. As the leader of the team it was a very proud moment to see our team payoff and being crowned the champions for that and that money in particular is going to go towards looking at the water kelp is a role to mitigate Climate Change. Its vitally important to the planet its vitally important to the planet. Life on earth is not the healthy planet. Life on earth is not the healthy without it. So we can use the platform we have here in sport to try to connect people to those issues that were doing ourjob. The goal of the on Water Programme is to have 100 clean energy by 2025. So we really want to a shift to Clean Energy Solutions on the water. Remove our reliance on fossil fuels and create 100 Clean Energy Solutions for all our operations. Sailgp, the winners of the 2020 Bbc Green Sport Award for ambition and impact. I think for a lot of us when it comes to the ocean its a case of out of sight out of mind. But Marine Pollution has increased tenfold since 1980. And that starts making its way back into our food chain. We move on to Bbc Green Sport Awards Teamwork Award. The exciting thing about these awards is that we can also celebrate and highlight those individuals who are working incredibly hard 0ur winner of the Teamwork Award fits this description perfectly. And they are doing it in a country at the front line of Climate Change. Im rafaela, im14 years old and i Live In Rio Dejaneiro Me And My Brother Started Learning Tae Kwon Do about six years ago. When people think about rio they probably think about beaches and parties but its a very big city. Were on the other side, not that well known by tours and nowhere near the beach. Were also nowhere near the Amazon Forest but weve been learning all about how important it is at our tae kwon do project. This is jair, he started the association of course the plan is to teach us tae kwon do but his idea goes beyond that. Here we learn to take care of our world. I was once like rafaela and her brother, i start really young in a social project and it changed my life. Our goal here is not only to form athletes but to form champions in sport and in life and sustainability. Its part of our work. Thinking more sustainably changed our routines at home. We end up sharing some information with our families, friends and neighbours, inspiring them to create an impact too. In my neighbourhood there is no official recycling collection. Only the normal one, all mixed together. Here are my kids learn how to separate the rubbish and help some locals who make extra cash with the recyclables. Here they learn about the importance of clean water, the Science Behind erosion, the importance of biodiversity. And they also learn using Virtual Reality headsets. The Tae Kwon Do Association has helped us in over 7000 children from rio to be more conscious of our impact on the environment. We hope to show a good example to the world. 0ne exciting and inspirational project. Lets not forget that brazil with the challenges of deforestation is a country where that work might be just even more valuable. As the amazon rain forest, lets be completely honest are the lungs of our planet. And now to our final award. Were celebrating somebody who spent years using the sporting platform, including the time as the australias rugby union captain to influence environmental issues. And in the past year hes made a giant leap getting elected to work in the australian parliament, he now has the power to act on those issues, senator david pocock. Weve managed to employ the help Of Another Australian Sportstar Star Surprise David with the news. Hi, im pat cummings, australian test mens cricket captain and im on my way to surprise the bbc� s first ever athlete of the year. Im pleased to say this years winner is david pocock. Former International Rugby union player, all around legend in the sport, david has used his profile to raise awareness of environmental issues. Within sport and beyond for that i cant wait to surprise him with this award and thank him for all that is done. David thinks hes here doing an interview with the bbc and talking to the staff here about his life in sport to environmentalism to politics. Lets go and surprise him. Hey, dave. Congratulations, you are the bbc� s first ever athlete of the year. Applause you dont have to be a Climate Scientist to just want Climate Action and to be actually moving in the right direction and Building A Future that is liveable and good for our kids and their kids. Its a challenging thing to do as an athlete where you are flying. But the reality is, this is a big problem that none of us want to take some pretty Uncomfortable Conversations and more more people recognise people have a role to play in some way. Do you worry about the Climate Impact on some of our sports . Its already having an impact, just on rugby at the last world cup there was a typhoon that came through and a whole bunch of games were canceled. The game i used to play for, a lot had to be moved because a smoke for club grounds and drought, too hard, they are in areas where there is flooding and fires so they are hard to ensure her. Were seeing it already and that is only going to get worse. And i do think sport has such a powerful role in terms of the storytelling. How do we play our part . Through sport you can reach a different audience and tell stories about notjust the problems but also the solutions. For all of us growing up, i remember very subtle chaining for all of us growing up, i remember very subtle chaining yourself, it was such a statement i thought as a kid i thought, i want to learn more about this. Were all part of this system that is been so reliant on fossil fuels. But it doesnt mean we cant take a world of action for that weve got so many other solutions that are ready to go for that we just need the will and especially political will to make it happen. Rather than getting cynical and checking out get involved orfind people in your school and neighbourhood who are interested for that act locally but also would push her politicians to get going. We dont have any time to waste. I think its really exciting what we can actually build together. David is a fantastic role model for fans of sport and for the business of sport. In so many ways i think these last two years have been of the bit of a wake up call, right . From covid to extreme weather, its a bit like nature is sending out a distress signal. A serious hats off to all our Award Winners because at the end of the day, this is the only planet weve got. Yeah, you are the scientist with him but i believe so, yeah. Its definitely the only planet weve got. I want to ask about any other options but i agree with you. I think the reason we love sport is that its notjust about the elite heroes at the top are all involved. Sport is for everyone no matter what your standard is or your background. Think for that reason, sport can teach us about looking after our planet. We cant just sit and watch for that we can only make progress if every single one of us is part of the team. Well, that is all from the 2022 Bbc Green Sport Awards. Time for us to turn the power off. Thanks for the loan of the studio, lads. No problem. Until next year, goodbye. Goodbye. If you do need anyone to help out. Im around. If you do need anyone to help out. Im around im around. Lets get out of here. Thank yom im around. Lets get out of here. Thank yom ill im around. Lets get out of here. Thank you. Ill call im around. Lets get out of here. Thank you. Ill call you im around. Lets get out of here. Thank you. Ill call you hello thank you. Ill call you hello there, thank you. Ill call you hello there. At thank you. Ill call you hello there, at low thank you. Ill call you hello there, at low pressure thank you. Ill call you hello there, at low pressure is thank you. Ill call you hello i there, at low pressure is going thank you. Ill call you hello there, at low pressure is going to be dominating the weather zine for the rest of this week. It will stay pretty unsettled of a quite windy at times, outbreaks of rain followed by sunshine and showers for the air source coming from westerly direction it will actually feel on the mild side both by day by day. Things turned very windy as we head through tonight and into a wednesday with a series of low pressure bringing widespread, pretty heavy rainfall through the overnight for the northern and Western Areas initially then started to push its way into much more than a western england and wales for south east will escape and stay largely dry for the very mild for england and wales with the temperatures in the mid teens they are but it will be turning much windier. You can see the fear of low pressure weather weather front crossing the country as you have through wednesday. It will start off wet and windy, northern and Western Areas but it will be turning much windier. You can see the fear of low pressure weather weather front crossing the country as you have through wednesday. It will start off wet and windy, northern and Western Areas particular windy and england and the south east, eventually clear way for the south east, eventually clear way. It brightens up for many through the afternoon, such on blustery showers, foundry in scotland but when does it will be noticeable, in excess of a0 mph, gails rounds of piracy goes for the could cause some disruption, few Tree Branches brought down. It will be turning cooler behind that rain band, temperatures low to mid teens for many. As we have through wednesday night it stays blustery for all areas for the further showers rattling in across the north of the country, maybe longer spells of the country, maybe longer spells of rain for them it will be a chillier night to come to start thursday for the single figure values for most of it double figures in the northwest, more showers and went. As we had through thursday and friday we hold onto long pressure to the door, higher pressure to the south. It stays blustery, Hope Windy At Times as across the country will see Spells Of Rain Followed by blustery showers for the thursday, not a bad day across southern and eastern areas for the for the probably the best of the dry and brighter weather here. Plenty of shows for the north and west even longer spells her brain. Temperatures may be up a notch on thursday on what weve had a wednesday. As we had through friday a similar story wednesday. As we had through friday a similarstory again, wednesday. As we had through friday a similar story again, blustery, lots of showers across Northern Areas with a brief ridge of high pressures for saturday and settles things down before it turns white windy again for the second half of sunday. And not to hand you over to sport. Hello, im nuala mcgovern. Youre watching the context on bbc news. Alarm injapan as north korea fires a missile over its territory for the first time in five years. International condemnation as the us and south korea respond with military exercises off the Korean Peninsula more pressure on liz truss from within her party. This time calls to commit to an increase in benefits in line with inflation. Ukrainian forces seize back more territory in southern and Eastern Ukraine thats been illegally annexed by russia

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