Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC Business Live 20170801 : compare

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC Business Live 20170801

the trading day. and, do businesses really know their customers? and we'll be getting the inside track on how you build customer loyalty as your business grows with the boss of enflux, sources of information. anthony scurried she is fired after ten days in thejob, we want anthony scurried she is fired after ten days in the job, we want to know what the shortest job you ten days in the job, we want to know what the shortestjob you have ever had is... —— anthony scaramucci. keep your comments coming in, use the hashtag. i worked in a garden centre for five hours watering hanging baskets, it was boring, short and paid a little bit of money. much like that, i was able to reach the top of the hanging baskets. good morning, let's make a start. in the last hour and a half one of the world's largest energy producers, the london listed bp has been telling us how much money it's been making, and pension funds everywhere will be relieved to see they are in the black. profits for the three months from april to june came in at $684 million, that's using what's known as the the replacement cost measure — and it's better than expected. but — it's been hit by some big costs too. it wrote off just over $750m for a gas project in angola that the company decided wasn't worth developing. why is that important? that tells you a lot about bp's broader strategy. it's being more selective about its investments to keep costs down. the price of oil is down 10% compared to last year. and it's also keeping costs down using data. it's invested heavily in sensors to collect five million bits of information from its facilities every single minute — and it's using that to make those facilities run more efficiently. thank you, ben. cailin birch, commodities analyst at the economist intelligence unit is with me. good morning, thank you for coming in. ben was going through the numbers, give us your take on those results 7 numbers, give us your take on those results? as you said, they were better than they expected, based on company better than they expected, based on com pa ny surveys better than they expected, based on company surveys and market expectations, it will boost bp in the near term, in what is a negative time and uncertain for oil prices coming off quarter to. we have two remember that this is lower than profits in the same quarter of 2016 when oil prices were much weaker. then we were expecting this year. we have seen a significant impact on that right down. and that loss in angola continues to hurt bp, and whether it will improve significantly? costs have been going down, they have written off those obligations for five years. what is important to notice is for companies gci’oss important to notice is for companies across the sector, efficiency will be key. cutting down costs and trying to be as efficient as possible, in investment and operation expenditure, bp has a weight of debt to pay off and other companies are not struggling. that is an issue, other oil majors have become leaner and meaner, shell is making more money and other investors are looking at shell or others as an alternative to bp? some are concerned that bp cannot stick to promises like dividend payments? it isa to promises like dividend payments? it is a real risk, bp has obligations to pay off and in the medium term it will weigh on profitability which is why we see the strategy we are looking at where bp has been shedding a lot of profitable assets and the right thing in angola is on the bottom line —— the writedown. every time they get a project which would further add to their spending bill in the medium to long—term, they become more efficient. thank you very much indeed, an analysis of bp, their shares are up are up over are up over2% are up over 2% on the news. and we will take a full look at what the markets are doing later in the programme. let's take a look at some of the other stories making the news... how prepared are banks and insurance firms for brexit? the newly—appointed head of the uk parliament's treasury select committee has demanded the information, in one of her first moves since taking on the role. in a letter to the bank's prudential regulatory authority, she asked for the key risks facing the industries if there's no deal with the eu — the so—called ‘hard brexit‘. toshiba's shares have been demoted to the second tier of the tokyo stock exchange because the value of everything it owns is less than its total debts. toshiba, originally known for its consumer electronics products, has faced a series of financial difficulties, with the biggest the huge losses at its us nuclear power division. apple and google have removed over 300 so—called binary trading applications from their online stores. that's after intervention by the australian securities & investments commission, which said it made the request to the companies after numerous cases of fraud involving unlicensed operators of the apps. the apps encourage consumers to make bets on whether shares or currencies will rise or fall. a really busy day for earnings and among them is the japanese technology giant sony. sony has reported its highest ever profits from the april tojune period, leaving it on course for its highest annual profit in nearly 20 years. it's interesting, we have talked about their woes for so long. monica miller is in singapore... it is really interesting, so many well—documented problems for sony and now it appears that they are on the up again? it is a first for the japanese company, they beat analyst expectations with a threefold jump, with operating profits of almost $1.5 billion, due to its strong demand for smartphones, healthy sales of the playstation for consoles and games, and in the box office they see success with spiderman homecoming, so hopes that earnings will be strong for the film division. as you mention, this comes after a tough year for the company including an earthquake which crippled camera chip production and a$1 crippled camera chip production and a $1 million writedown of the film division. we will keep an eye on that, on track for their best figures in nearly 20 years, whether it will play out we will find out. those good figures from sony — and a similarupdate from panasonic wasn't enough to keep their shares afloat. toshiba down 2.2%, after reporting a rise in profits, but sales fell short of market expectations. sony shares were down nearly 1.8%. but the overall market ended the session higher as earnings season picked up — and investors reassured that there's an uptick in company profits. earnings season too in the uk — engine maker rolls—royce telling investors that engine deliveries rose sharply helping it report a pre—tax profit of £1.94 billion for the six months tojune, that's a reversal of a loss of #2.15 billion loss over the same period last year. in the us later, we'll hear from apple and pfizer — samira has those details from new york. the big news for tuesday will certainly be apple, due to report earnings after the bell and the key metric investors will be looking at oui’ metric investors will be looking at our sales of the iphone. sales for the iphone seven and seven plus have been really strong which is likely to boost revenue for the company. but there is some worry that customers may delay upgrading their phones in favour of the next device. apple usually releases a new smartphone in september but that could be delayed until october. also reporting on tuesday, pharmaceutical giant pfizer, demand for breast cancer treatment and rheumatoid arthritis drugs will lift earnings for the company but the looming patent exploration of drugs like viagra has investors focusing on plans to resuscitate the great engine and whether deals are on the table. some era patent expiring on viagra, write your aston ‘s please! ? joining us is richard fletcher, business editor at the times. it's good to see you. let's talk about a couple of stories in the news, british american tobacco, this serious fraud office are launching an investigation? a long-running enquiry, panorama had a programme about what the business and some of its agents in africa were up to, with internal investigations they tried to play down allegations at the time that there was an announcement at the time that the serious fraud office is going to look at this, a lot of uk companies have been caught up by what has happened overseas but it is another blow for the business. the fda and the us announced on friday that they wa nt to the us announced on friday that they want to reduce nicotine to nonaddictive levels in cigarettes, they cannot ban them but they can reduce the levels of nicotine which hit producers around the world, including vat, they continue to sell off yesterday. i looked a moment ago and they are up a fraction —— bat, but it is another blow. the white house saga continues in america, we love the drama but the dollar doesn't? the president was tweeting yesterday about a record high. markets, but not the dollar. a fifth monthly decline for the dollar, the worst since april 20 11. the markets are split by two things, the chaos in the white house and what it means not only for his reform and infrastructure spending and tax reform... this is the firing of anthony scaramucci, the communications director? it is the latest in chaos, and they are spooked by the fact it looks like the fed isn't going to do reforms and we will not get a rise in september. some in government like a wea ker september. some in government like a weaker dollar, that is a good thing? it is 10% down on the year. what is the shortest job you it is 10% down on the year. what is the shortestjob you have ever had? i got the shortestjob you have ever had? igota the shortestjob you have ever had? i got a tryout for the milkman, i did a paper round, the milkman said that he would pay me more, i did today, i dropped too mini bottles, i was never invited back! we've heard about yours... there is a food theme going.. mine was five hours doing hanging baskets! we have some brilliant tweets from you, christian, not even a day in a cheese factory, i was sick on the shop floor, straight out the door and never to return. i agree! and another ben, two days of strawbridge picking with my leg in plaster as a teenager —— strawberry picking. my mum saidi teenager —— strawberry picking. my mum said i could not laze around for the summer. and stevie, putting the colour labels on lipsticks when i was a teenager, i lasted two hours until tea break. where is your staying power? send us in more! thank you so much for coming in today, richard. still to come... do businesses really know their customers? we get the inside track. how do they keep customers loyal? the firm enflux claim they have 18,000 sources of information about us. you're with business live from bbc news. energy giant british gas is to raise electricity prices by 12.5% from mid—september — but gas prices will be kepy on held. but gas prices will be kept on held. it means the average annual bill for a typical household will go up by £76 to £1,120. ian conn is the chief executive of parent company centrica, he explained why to our business editor, simonjack. the reason for this is the transmission and distribution costs have been going up, as well as the environmental and social policy costs, and recently we have actually been selling electricity at a loss. those are the reasons we've had to put up prices, beginning in the middle of september. the overall impact for the average dual fuel bill is 7.3%. 0r, impact for the average dual fuel bill is 7.3%. or, £76. this impact for the average dual fuel bill is 7.3%. 0r, £76. this will affect 3.1 million of our customers, out of a total of 8.4 million. defending that 12.5% rise in electricity prices, business editor simonjackjoins us from our business newsroom. what did you make of what was said and why they are rising prices? we are used to hearing energy companies say that the main reason they raise prices is because of the price they pay, the wholesale markets for electricity, that has gone up and they are passing it along. they acknowledged this time that since they put on this time that since they put on this freeze in prices back in december, wholesale costs have gone down. they say, it is not our fault but the fault of renewables and government policy. renewable energy at the moment costs a little more than gas generating electricity and that has been passed on, and also connecting renewable sources to the grid which brings gas and electricity into our homes, costing money and the government's historic policy of allowing people to generate their own electricity and sell it back to the great takes administering and that costs money too. they say it isn't their fault, they are selling at a loss but this will be a big blow to 3.1 million customers but could push up inflation as it is a big component of many household bills. simon jack, thank you. more on that story on the website. house price inflation continues to rise. uk house prices upjust 0.3% month on month. full details, as you can see, on the bbc business live page. you're watching business live. our top story: shares in bp are on the up. they posted a second quarter profit of $684 million. a quick look at what the wider markets are doing. reporting season is well under way. we have had a whole raft of figures this morning as sally said from bp. we've heard from toshiba and sony and from rolls—royce. if you're a small business, getting to know your customers is pretty easy, but as firms grow — that gets more and more difficult. but knowing your customers helps firms build loyalty, make better products and sell more. so companies are turning to social media sites like twitter, facebook and instagram to predict what their customers want. one of the tools to do that is called enflux. it says it analyses millions of social media posts and brings together 18,000 different sources of data. it's just one of many firms that do the same including simply measured, brandwatch and social bakers and demand for them has soared. joining us is avery booker, the chief executive of enflux. good morning. good morning. sojust tell us a bit about the background here. this company, which you've started, has been running for a few yea rs. started, has been running for a few years. prior to that you were working in the luxury goods market. just talk us through how this all materialised? sure. so, one thing i saw as a consultant was that most of the companies in the world were spending millions and didn't know the full effects of what they were doing. they were using gut instinct and data here and there, but they didn't know what was going to be the next trnd. really, not knowing the next trnd. really, not knowing the next thing to come will always keep you one step behind. the started the company to you one step behind. the started the com pa ny to really you one step behind. the started the company to really not use retrospective data, but to take the data in real—time and shape the predictions and say this is what we expect to happen in three months or six months. what your predictions provide for quite a few of your clients is not just provide for quite a few of your clients is notjust information about what somebody might buy next, ie the next handbag, it's, they use this data to decide where the next store be or where they should expand? we have done everything from telling a company that they have under served markets in america. so we found six, served under served markets that like your product, but don't have it. where should be the next store be? where should the next event be? where does this data come from. we talk about social media, is it as simple as that person says this person says they want to buy a bag in paris. we take all the context that somebody puts out in the world and it is all public data. so we take the information and put it in this data engine and we can infer this person lives in paris and wa nts to infer this person lives in paris and wants to go shopping in london. how do you make the distinction between what is maybe wishful thinking? we know social media is always about presenting a better version of ourselves. so maybe i have lots of money and i want to buy lots of handbags in paris. that's not always the reality? we try to do what we can to see what matters to the consumers and the brands can put it out in the world. it is the brand's job to make that sale. are you going to move into the area of artificial intelligence as well? are you already working in that area? we are already working in that area? we are already working in that area? we are already working in that area. a lot of, we need a lot of that because we are pulling in this real—time data. we can't do that without ai. we are not doing it in any way that's spooky. that is what worries me. i have got one of these things in my kitchen and i make sure she is switched off, from my point of view, she is listening to what everything i say. we do a bit of that, but not the spooky stuff. we are used to firms tracking our spending habits and behaviour, be it with loyalty cards, club cards, credit cards, where does the next ten years take us? that relationship has changed significantly over the last decade. iimagine significantly over the last decade. i imagine there is huge changes on the way. the companies are going to know much more about us in ten years than they do today, that's the spooky part. what is going to happen, right now companies are using this data, but in ten years, consumers will use this data, if they want to get in shape, they will be using more big data to figure out where should i go, what should i do? do you have to do the same technique on your own business to make sure you're still around in ten years? we are taking a bit of our own medicine, that's true. there are a lot of companies like that you that offer burberry the same service?|j think offer burberry the same service?” think that services are a bit different. a lot of people use the data to shape today, but we use today's data to shape what we expect today's data to shape what we expect to happen tomorrow and that's a more difficult proposition. thank you for coming in. your shortest job?” painted fences for a week in texas in the summer time. that must have been... that was a rough one. it was pretty boring. that sounds pretty rough to me. i will reveal mine in a few minutes. stay with us. stay tuned for that! the uk government is challenging the likes of facebook, twitter and google to do more to remove online extremist content online which it says is fuelling terrorism. the home secretary amber rudd has been meeting the companies at a technology summit in san francisco from where dave lee reports. terror of the streets of the uk. 0rganised police say with the help of social media. so companies here in silicon valley are being told they must do more to prevent the spread of extremist content online. what i need them to acknowledge is that the enemy, who is really trying to move swiftly online, to radicalise people in their own homes, are really stepping their game up and we need our response stepped up as well. and there is also a concern that new measures might mean a loss of privacy for all of us. it's not possible to say we're going to monitor all communications on our platforms, but still preserve users privacy. they may attempt to minimise the impact on users privacy. they have to face up, people who might oppose this, to what our enemy is trying to do. they're trying to weaponise people at home. another worry as security experts will tell you is that terrorists could simply move to harder to reach parts of the internet. dominic o'connell is with us. nice to see you dominic. so the papers, online media, all over the firing of scaramucci afterjust ten days as communications director in the white house. your thoughts? well, the wider impact is, of course, about the end of the trump bump and how business is losing confidence in trump's ability to deliver. turmoil in the white house is not good for the dollar. the dollar had its worst run of the year in the last week because this turmoil speaks to turmoil‘s ability, make america great, reinvestment in the us manufacturing base. people 110w the us manufacturing base. people now doubt that those things can actually happen. that those prom us will be made good and the departure of scaramucci is another example of this turmoil and it has hurt the dollar. the conspiracy theorists would have it isjust dollar. the conspiracy theorists would have it is just a dollar. the conspiracy theorists would have it isjust a distraction. the problem is what's the evidence of that? although there is the other school of thought is that trump is all and school of thought is that trump is alland in his school of thought is that trump is all and in his business life has been destruction to create the other. you go in and you shape things up and change the way of doing things and build again the way you want it and it pays off. that might be true in the business world, if you are a new chief executive, you can sack everybody. it is not as if he inherited these people in the white house. he built them up. there is the new chief—of—staff who says you're fired. it wasn't trump, remember. we think that. your shortestjob? remember. we think that. your shortest job? a couple of weeks in a ba ke ry shortest job? a couple of weeks in a bakeryjob. why a few weeks? there we re bakeryjob. why a few weeks? there were issues with management! laughter did buns fly around in the rage? buns were flying! what's yours? i was the boss's daughter. so, of course. . . was the boss's daughter. so, of course... 0h, here we go. i never got the sack. he ran his own printing factory. he could have sacked me many, many times, but i stayed fort duration. it cost him, i think, his earnings were lower than expected due to bad issues, family issues! let's take some more from the viewers. simon, "0ne shift in a chicken factory. the smell was sickening, i didn't go back."” lasted one day at a call centre. i saw the supervisor mooching around so saw the supervisor mooching around soi saw the supervisor mooching around so i thought i was allowed to and i was not! " dominic, thank you for your time. nice to see you. thanks for your company and thanks for your comments. we will see you tomorrow. have a really good day. bye—bye. good morning. it is the first day of august and the weather is looking pretty unsettled for the first week of the month. low pressure is in charge of our weather. there is another area of low pressure pushing in tomorrow bringing more wet and windy weather with it, but today, we do have a few showers. but equally, there will be sunshine in between to enjoy as well. much of the showers across northern and western parts this morning. gradually they will track their way eastwards. the south east seeing the showers later on in the day and it will be breezy, especially along the coastal areas. across scotland and northern ireland as we head into the afternoon, we have sunny spells, but also heavy, thundery showers likely. perhaps a little bit of dry weather across northern parts of england, the midlands, the heavy showers continuing. for wales and the south—west, fewer showers this afternoon. some sunny spells to look forward , afternoon. some sunny spells to look forward, it will be breezy along the south coast. as we head on into the south coast. as we head on into the south east, relatively dry, but i can't rule out the odd shower. east anglia seeing some heavy showers as well with the temperatures around 22 celsius. through tonight the showers will continue for a while, gradually clearing and easing. the winds will ease as well and it is all eyes to the west for this weather system which will bring rain no devon, cornwall, the south—west of wales into the early hours of tomorrow morning. the temperatures in double figures perhaps in the countryside getting down into single figures. tomorrow we have this weather front which is tracking its way north and eastwards bring wet and windy weather with it. so just eastwards bring wet and windy weather with it. sojust a dry eastwards bring wet and windy weather with it. so just a dry start tomorrow morning the further north and east you are. further west we have the rain, gradually making its way inland, the temperatures tomorrow not impressive underneath the rain band. northern parts of scotla nd the rain band. northern parts of scotland enjoying a lot of dry weather for much of the daylight hours tomorrow with highs of 16 to 20 celsius. some heavy pulses of rain into tomorrow evening as well. that rain band will clear through. thursday is a day of sunny spells and blustery showers. some of the showers could be heavy and thundery. the temperatures will get up to 23 celsius. then as we head towards the end of the week we have more u nsettled end of the week we have more unsettled weather to come. blustery showers. some sunny spells to look forward to and then hopefully the weather will settle down by the time weather will settle down by the time we get to the weekend. hello — it's tuesday, it's nine o'clock. i'm tina daheley in for victoria derbyshire, welcome to the programme. 0ur our top story today, this programme has learned greater manchester police is facing new investigations by the police watchdog over three separate fatal firearms incidents. you've got quite a number of separate fails which then brings that big picture of an organisation that is questionable — it looks farfrom good. we'll bring you the full exclusive story shortly. also on the programme — a jury at the inquest of a mentally ill prisoner at hmp holloway who took her own life at the jail last year has identified serious shortcomings in her care. we'll bring you sarah reed's full story before ten. calls continue for channel 4 to cancel

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Details , Lots , Image Sensors , Customers , Business , Businesses , Track , Boss , Of Enflux , Customer Loyalty , Trading Day , Job , Information , Anthony Scaramucci , Sources , Ten , Shortestjob , Comments , Money , Bit , Hanging Baskets , Top , Garden Centre , Hashtag , Five , World , Profits , One , Bp , Pension Funds , London , Energy Producers , Everywhere , Replacement Cost Measure , Half , Black , Start , Making , 684 Million , Three , 84 Million , Company , Costs , Angola , Gas Project , Hit , Wasn T Worth Developing , 50m , 750m , Lot , Strategy , Data , Ben Thompson , Price , Investments , Soil , Facilities , Sensors , Bits , 10 , Five Million , Morning , Cailin Birch , Economist Intelligence Unit , Numbers , Market Expectations , Term , Results , Company Surveys , Many , Com Pa , 7 , Oil Prices , Two , 2016 , Loss , Impact , Companies , Notice , Obligations , Efficiency , Sector , Investment , Issue , Debt , Weight , Meaner , Oil Majors , Operation Expenditure , Shell , Investors , Some , Dividend Payments , Risk , Promises , Alternative , Others , It Isa , Cannot , Thing , Profitability , Assets , Bottom Line , Writedown , Project , Medium , Spending Bill , Analysis , Add , Markets , Programme , Shares , News , Firms , Look , Stories , Head , Over2 , Insurance , Treasury Select Committee , Banks , Hard Brexit , Uk Parliament , 2 , Toshiba , Risks , Bank , Deal , Role , Moves , Authority , Letter , Industries , Eu , Everything , Debts , Tier , Value , Tokyo Stock Exchange , Us , Apple , Stores , Losses , Consumer Electronics Products , Binary Trading Applications , Intervention , Difficulties , Series , Nuclear Power Division , Australian Securities Investments Commission , Google , 300 , Earnings , Consumers , Apps , Operators , Fraud , Cases , Request , Currencies , Bets , Technology Giant Sony , Japanese , Profit , It , Course , Woes , Monica Miller , Singapore , 20 , First , Problems , Jump , Analyst Expectations , Demand , Sales , Consoles , Box Office , Smartphones , Games , Success , Playstation , 5 Billion , 1 5 Billion , Spiderman Homecoming , Earthquake , Film Division , Figures , Camera Chip Production , Eye , 1 Million , , 1 , Million , Rise , Market , Similarupdate , Panasonic Wasn T , 1 8 , Earnings Season , Rolls Royce , Uk , Company Profits , Uptick , Session , Tojune , Engine Deliveries , Reversal , 2 15 Billion , 1 94 Billion , Â 1 94 Billion , Six , Pfizer Samira , Metric , Bell , Iphone , Oui , Worry , Revenue , Smartphone , Favour , Phones , Device , Iphone Seven And Plus , Seven , Pharmaceutical Giant Pfizer , Viagra , Engine , Breast Cancer Treatment , Rheumatoid Arthritis Drugs , Drugs , Patent , Deals , Plans , Table , Looming Patent Exploration , Business Editor , Couple , Richard Fletcher , The Times , Talk , Aston , Let , British American Tobacco , Agents , Investigation , Enquiry , Panorama , Africa , Serious Fraud Office , Investigations , Allegations , Announcement , Blow , Fda , Levels , Nicotine , Cigarettes , Bat , Hit Producers , Vat , White House , Fraction , Around The World , Dollar , Saga , President , Tweeting , Drama , Dollar Doesn T , Record , Fifth , 11 , April 20 11 , Things , Chaos , Split , Spending , Reform , Tax Reform , Infrastructure , Firing , Reforms , Fact , Fed Isn T , Government , Milkman , Ker September , Tryout , Igota , Wea , Food Theme , Paper Round , Bottles , Cheese Factory , Tweets , Shop Floor , Door , Christian , Teenager , Saidi , Strawberry Picking , Summer , Plaster , Leg , Stevie , Strawbridge , Staying Power , Tea Break , Labels , Enflux , Electricity Prices , Bbc News , Gas Prices , Energy Giant , British Gas , Kepy On , 12 5 , 18000 , Centrica , Ian Conn , Household , Chief Executive , Bill , Â 76 , 76 , 1120 , Â 1120 , Reason , Distribution , Transmission , Simonjack , Prices , Electricity , Fuel Bill , Social Policy Costs , Reasons , Middle , 0r , Total , 3 1 Million , 8 4 Million , 7 3 , 0 , Hearing Energy Companies , Business Newsroom , Simonjackjoins , Freeze , Fault , Government Policy , Renewables , Renewable Energy , Son , People , Homes , Policy , Gas , Takes , Grid , Isn T , Inflation , Component , Household Bills , Administering , Story , More , House Prices , House Price Inflation , Website , 0 3 , Cup , Business Live Page , Way , Sally Bundock , Season , Craft , Loyalty , Small Business , Social Media , Twitter , Millions , Products , Sites , Tools , Posts , Instagram , Facebook , Booker , Bakers , Brandwatch , Background , Sojust , Running , Consultant , Luxury Goods Market , Yea Rs , Most , Effects , Gut Instinct , Trnd , Didn T , Predictions , Clients , Few , Somebody , Handbag , Store , Person , Don T , Product , Event , Context , Paris , Data Engine , Bag , Wishful Thinking , Shopping , Distinction , Wa Nts , Version , Brands , Handbags , Reality , Sale , Brand , Area , Artificial Intelligence , Ai , Kitchen , Point Of View , Club Cards , Credit Cards , Loyalty Cards , Stuff , Spending Habits , Behaviour , Relationship , Part , Changes , Iimagine , Big Data , Technique , Shape , Service , Medicine , Services , Proposition , Fences , Texas , Extremist , Amber Rudd , Content , Terrorism , Stay , Technology Summit In San Francisco , Police , Terror , Streets , Help , Being , Dave Lee , 0rganised , Silicon Valley , Enemy , Game , Spread , Response , Privacy , Communications , Platforms , Wall , Concern , Measures , Users , Parts , Security Experts , Internet , Terrorists , Home , Dominic O Connell , Media , Dominic , Papers , Scaramucci Afterjust , Turmoil , Ability , Trump , Thoughts , Confidence , Trump Bump , Run , America Great , Manufacturing Base , People 110w , 110 , Conspiracy Theorists , Example , Prom , Departure , It Isjust Dollar , School , Thought , Alland , Life , Mother , Problem , Distraction , Evidence , Destruction , Everybody , Staff , Nba , It Wasn T Trump , Bakeryjob , Ke Ry , Issues , Buns , Management , Rage , Laughter , Daughter , Times , Printing Factory , Here We Go , Sack , Chicken Factory , Viewers , Smell , Family , 0ne Shift , Call Centre , I Didn T Go Back , Supervisor Mooching , Soi Saw , Thanks , Weather , Pressure , Charge , Bye , Showers , Much , Sunshine , Spells , Afternoon , Areas , South East , Scotland , Northern Ireland , South West , South Coast , Wales , England , Midlands , Temperatures , Shower , Easing , East Anglia , 22 , Eyes , West , Winds , Weather System , Countryside , Cornwall , Rain No Devon , Rain , Weather Front , Least , North , Rain Band , Northern Parts , Highs , Pulses , Scotla Nd The Rain Band , 16 , End , Thundery , Celsius , 23 , Weekend , Hello It , U Nsettled , Nine , Victoria Derbyshire , Tina Daheley , 0ur , Organisation , Number , Looks Farfrom Good , Police Watchdog , Firearms Incidents , Picture , Greater Manchester Police , Shortcomings , Jail , Prisoner , Inquest , Jury , Hmp Holloway , Projects , Electronics Giant , Level , Ones , Focus , Adapating , The New Normal , Tuesday The 1st Of August , Calls , Care , Channel 4 , Sarah Reed , 00m , 700m , 4 ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC Business Live 20170801 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC Business Live 20170801

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the trading day. and, do businesses really know their customers? and we'll be getting the inside track on how you build customer loyalty as your business grows with the boss of enflux, sources of information. anthony scurried she is fired after ten days in thejob, we want anthony scurried she is fired after ten days in the job, we want to know what the shortest job you ten days in the job, we want to know what the shortestjob you have ever had is... —— anthony scaramucci. keep your comments coming in, use the hashtag. i worked in a garden centre for five hours watering hanging baskets, it was boring, short and paid a little bit of money. much like that, i was able to reach the top of the hanging baskets. good morning, let's make a start. in the last hour and a half one of the world's largest energy producers, the london listed bp has been telling us how much money it's been making, and pension funds everywhere will be relieved to see they are in the black. profits for the three months from april to june came in at $684 million, that's using what's known as the the replacement cost measure — and it's better than expected. but — it's been hit by some big costs too. it wrote off just over $750m for a gas project in angola that the company decided wasn't worth developing. why is that important? that tells you a lot about bp's broader strategy. it's being more selective about its investments to keep costs down. the price of oil is down 10% compared to last year. and it's also keeping costs down using data. it's invested heavily in sensors to collect five million bits of information from its facilities every single minute — and it's using that to make those facilities run more efficiently. thank you, ben. cailin birch, commodities analyst at the economist intelligence unit is with me. good morning, thank you for coming in. ben was going through the numbers, give us your take on those results 7 numbers, give us your take on those results? as you said, they were better than they expected, based on company better than they expected, based on com pa ny surveys better than they expected, based on company surveys and market expectations, it will boost bp in the near term, in what is a negative time and uncertain for oil prices coming off quarter to. we have two remember that this is lower than profits in the same quarter of 2016 when oil prices were much weaker. then we were expecting this year. we have seen a significant impact on that right down. and that loss in angola continues to hurt bp, and whether it will improve significantly? costs have been going down, they have written off those obligations for five years. what is important to notice is for companies gci’oss important to notice is for companies across the sector, efficiency will be key. cutting down costs and trying to be as efficient as possible, in investment and operation expenditure, bp has a weight of debt to pay off and other companies are not struggling. that is an issue, other oil majors have become leaner and meaner, shell is making more money and other investors are looking at shell or others as an alternative to bp? some are concerned that bp cannot stick to promises like dividend payments? it isa to promises like dividend payments? it is a real risk, bp has obligations to pay off and in the medium term it will weigh on profitability which is why we see the strategy we are looking at where bp has been shedding a lot of profitable assets and the right thing in angola is on the bottom line —— the writedown. every time they get a project which would further add to their spending bill in the medium to long—term, they become more efficient. thank you very much indeed, an analysis of bp, their shares are up are up over are up over2% are up over 2% on the news. and we will take a full look at what the markets are doing later in the programme. let's take a look at some of the other stories making the news... how prepared are banks and insurance firms for brexit? the newly—appointed head of the uk parliament's treasury select committee has demanded the information, in one of her first moves since taking on the role. in a letter to the bank's prudential regulatory authority, she asked for the key risks facing the industries if there's no deal with the eu — the so—called ‘hard brexit‘. toshiba's shares have been demoted to the second tier of the tokyo stock exchange because the value of everything it owns is less than its total debts. toshiba, originally known for its consumer electronics products, has faced a series of financial difficulties, with the biggest the huge losses at its us nuclear power division. apple and google have removed over 300 so—called binary trading applications from their online stores. that's after intervention by the australian securities & investments commission, which said it made the request to the companies after numerous cases of fraud involving unlicensed operators of the apps. the apps encourage consumers to make bets on whether shares or currencies will rise or fall. a really busy day for earnings and among them is the japanese technology giant sony. sony has reported its highest ever profits from the april tojune period, leaving it on course for its highest annual profit in nearly 20 years. it's interesting, we have talked about their woes for so long. monica miller is in singapore... it is really interesting, so many well—documented problems for sony and now it appears that they are on the up again? it is a first for the japanese company, they beat analyst expectations with a threefold jump, with operating profits of almost $1.5 billion, due to its strong demand for smartphones, healthy sales of the playstation for consoles and games, and in the box office they see success with spiderman homecoming, so hopes that earnings will be strong for the film division. as you mention, this comes after a tough year for the company including an earthquake which crippled camera chip production and a$1 crippled camera chip production and a $1 million writedown of the film division. we will keep an eye on that, on track for their best figures in nearly 20 years, whether it will play out we will find out. those good figures from sony — and a similarupdate from panasonic wasn't enough to keep their shares afloat. toshiba down 2.2%, after reporting a rise in profits, but sales fell short of market expectations. sony shares were down nearly 1.8%. but the overall market ended the session higher as earnings season picked up — and investors reassured that there's an uptick in company profits. earnings season too in the uk — engine maker rolls—royce telling investors that engine deliveries rose sharply helping it report a pre—tax profit of £1.94 billion for the six months tojune, that's a reversal of a loss of #2.15 billion loss over the same period last year. in the us later, we'll hear from apple and pfizer — samira has those details from new york. the big news for tuesday will certainly be apple, due to report earnings after the bell and the key metric investors will be looking at oui’ metric investors will be looking at our sales of the iphone. sales for the iphone seven and seven plus have been really strong which is likely to boost revenue for the company. but there is some worry that customers may delay upgrading their phones in favour of the next device. apple usually releases a new smartphone in september but that could be delayed until october. also reporting on tuesday, pharmaceutical giant pfizer, demand for breast cancer treatment and rheumatoid arthritis drugs will lift earnings for the company but the looming patent exploration of drugs like viagra has investors focusing on plans to resuscitate the great engine and whether deals are on the table. some era patent expiring on viagra, write your aston ‘s please! ? joining us is richard fletcher, business editor at the times. it's good to see you. let's talk about a couple of stories in the news, british american tobacco, this serious fraud office are launching an investigation? a long-running enquiry, panorama had a programme about what the business and some of its agents in africa were up to, with internal investigations they tried to play down allegations at the time that there was an announcement at the time that the serious fraud office is going to look at this, a lot of uk companies have been caught up by what has happened overseas but it is another blow for the business. the fda and the us announced on friday that they wa nt to the us announced on friday that they want to reduce nicotine to nonaddictive levels in cigarettes, they cannot ban them but they can reduce the levels of nicotine which hit producers around the world, including vat, they continue to sell off yesterday. i looked a moment ago and they are up a fraction —— bat, but it is another blow. the white house saga continues in america, we love the drama but the dollar doesn't? the president was tweeting yesterday about a record high. markets, but not the dollar. a fifth monthly decline for the dollar, the worst since april 20 11. the markets are split by two things, the chaos in the white house and what it means not only for his reform and infrastructure spending and tax reform... this is the firing of anthony scaramucci, the communications director? it is the latest in chaos, and they are spooked by the fact it looks like the fed isn't going to do reforms and we will not get a rise in september. some in government like a wea ker september. some in government like a weaker dollar, that is a good thing? it is 10% down on the year. what is the shortest job you it is 10% down on the year. what is the shortestjob you have ever had? i got the shortestjob you have ever had? igota the shortestjob you have ever had? i got a tryout for the milkman, i did a paper round, the milkman said that he would pay me more, i did today, i dropped too mini bottles, i was never invited back! we've heard about yours... there is a food theme going.. mine was five hours doing hanging baskets! we have some brilliant tweets from you, christian, not even a day in a cheese factory, i was sick on the shop floor, straight out the door and never to return. i agree! and another ben, two days of strawbridge picking with my leg in plaster as a teenager —— strawberry picking. my mum saidi teenager —— strawberry picking. my mum said i could not laze around for the summer. and stevie, putting the colour labels on lipsticks when i was a teenager, i lasted two hours until tea break. where is your staying power? send us in more! thank you so much for coming in today, richard. still to come... do businesses really know their customers? we get the inside track. how do they keep customers loyal? the firm enflux claim they have 18,000 sources of information about us. you're with business live from bbc news. energy giant british gas is to raise electricity prices by 12.5% from mid—september — but gas prices will be kepy on held. but gas prices will be kept on held. it means the average annual bill for a typical household will go up by £76 to £1,120. ian conn is the chief executive of parent company centrica, he explained why to our business editor, simonjack. the reason for this is the transmission and distribution costs have been going up, as well as the environmental and social policy costs, and recently we have actually been selling electricity at a loss. those are the reasons we've had to put up prices, beginning in the middle of september. the overall impact for the average dual fuel bill is 7.3%. 0r, impact for the average dual fuel bill is 7.3%. or, £76. this impact for the average dual fuel bill is 7.3%. 0r, £76. this will affect 3.1 million of our customers, out of a total of 8.4 million. defending that 12.5% rise in electricity prices, business editor simonjackjoins us from our business newsroom. what did you make of what was said and why they are rising prices? we are used to hearing energy companies say that the main reason they raise prices is because of the price they pay, the wholesale markets for electricity, that has gone up and they are passing it along. they acknowledged this time that since they put on this time that since they put on this freeze in prices back in december, wholesale costs have gone down. they say, it is not our fault but the fault of renewables and government policy. renewable energy at the moment costs a little more than gas generating electricity and that has been passed on, and also connecting renewable sources to the grid which brings gas and electricity into our homes, costing money and the government's historic policy of allowing people to generate their own electricity and sell it back to the great takes administering and that costs money too. they say it isn't their fault, they are selling at a loss but this will be a big blow to 3.1 million customers but could push up inflation as it is a big component of many household bills. simon jack, thank you. more on that story on the website. house price inflation continues to rise. uk house prices upjust 0.3% month on month. full details, as you can see, on the bbc business live page. you're watching business live. our top story: shares in bp are on the up. they posted a second quarter profit of $684 million. a quick look at what the wider markets are doing. reporting season is well under way. we have had a whole raft of figures this morning as sally said from bp. we've heard from toshiba and sony and from rolls—royce. if you're a small business, getting to know your customers is pretty easy, but as firms grow — that gets more and more difficult. but knowing your customers helps firms build loyalty, make better products and sell more. so companies are turning to social media sites like twitter, facebook and instagram to predict what their customers want. one of the tools to do that is called enflux. it says it analyses millions of social media posts and brings together 18,000 different sources of data. it's just one of many firms that do the same including simply measured, brandwatch and social bakers and demand for them has soared. joining us is avery booker, the chief executive of enflux. good morning. good morning. sojust tell us a bit about the background here. this company, which you've started, has been running for a few yea rs. started, has been running for a few years. prior to that you were working in the luxury goods market. just talk us through how this all materialised? sure. so, one thing i saw as a consultant was that most of the companies in the world were spending millions and didn't know the full effects of what they were doing. they were using gut instinct and data here and there, but they didn't know what was going to be the next trnd. really, not knowing the next trnd. really, not knowing the next thing to come will always keep you one step behind. the started the company to you one step behind. the started the com pa ny to really you one step behind. the started the company to really not use retrospective data, but to take the data in real—time and shape the predictions and say this is what we expect to happen in three months or six months. what your predictions provide for quite a few of your clients is not just provide for quite a few of your clients is notjust information about what somebody might buy next, ie the next handbag, it's, they use this data to decide where the next store be or where they should expand? we have done everything from telling a company that they have under served markets in america. so we found six, served under served markets that like your product, but don't have it. where should be the next store be? where should the next event be? where does this data come from. we talk about social media, is it as simple as that person says this person says they want to buy a bag in paris. we take all the context that somebody puts out in the world and it is all public data. so we take the information and put it in this data engine and we can infer this person lives in paris and wa nts to infer this person lives in paris and wants to go shopping in london. how do you make the distinction between what is maybe wishful thinking? we know social media is always about presenting a better version of ourselves. so maybe i have lots of money and i want to buy lots of handbags in paris. that's not always the reality? we try to do what we can to see what matters to the consumers and the brands can put it out in the world. it is the brand's job to make that sale. are you going to move into the area of artificial intelligence as well? are you already working in that area? we are already working in that area? we are already working in that area? we are already working in that area. a lot of, we need a lot of that because we are pulling in this real—time data. we can't do that without ai. we are not doing it in any way that's spooky. that is what worries me. i have got one of these things in my kitchen and i make sure she is switched off, from my point of view, she is listening to what everything i say. we do a bit of that, but not the spooky stuff. we are used to firms tracking our spending habits and behaviour, be it with loyalty cards, club cards, credit cards, where does the next ten years take us? that relationship has changed significantly over the last decade. iimagine significantly over the last decade. i imagine there is huge changes on the way. the companies are going to know much more about us in ten years than they do today, that's the spooky part. what is going to happen, right now companies are using this data, but in ten years, consumers will use this data, if they want to get in shape, they will be using more big data to figure out where should i go, what should i do? do you have to do the same technique on your own business to make sure you're still around in ten years? we are taking a bit of our own medicine, that's true. there are a lot of companies like that you that offer burberry the same service?|j think offer burberry the same service?” think that services are a bit different. a lot of people use the data to shape today, but we use today's data to shape what we expect today's data to shape what we expect to happen tomorrow and that's a more difficult proposition. thank you for coming in. your shortest job?” painted fences for a week in texas in the summer time. that must have been... that was a rough one. it was pretty boring. that sounds pretty rough to me. i will reveal mine in a few minutes. stay with us. stay tuned for that! the uk government is challenging the likes of facebook, twitter and google to do more to remove online extremist content online which it says is fuelling terrorism. the home secretary amber rudd has been meeting the companies at a technology summit in san francisco from where dave lee reports. terror of the streets of the uk. 0rganised police say with the help of social media. so companies here in silicon valley are being told they must do more to prevent the spread of extremist content online. what i need them to acknowledge is that the enemy, who is really trying to move swiftly online, to radicalise people in their own homes, are really stepping their game up and we need our response stepped up as well. and there is also a concern that new measures might mean a loss of privacy for all of us. it's not possible to say we're going to monitor all communications on our platforms, but still preserve users privacy. they may attempt to minimise the impact on users privacy. they have to face up, people who might oppose this, to what our enemy is trying to do. they're trying to weaponise people at home. another worry as security experts will tell you is that terrorists could simply move to harder to reach parts of the internet. dominic o'connell is with us. nice to see you dominic. so the papers, online media, all over the firing of scaramucci afterjust ten days as communications director in the white house. your thoughts? well, the wider impact is, of course, about the end of the trump bump and how business is losing confidence in trump's ability to deliver. turmoil in the white house is not good for the dollar. the dollar had its worst run of the year in the last week because this turmoil speaks to turmoil‘s ability, make america great, reinvestment in the us manufacturing base. people 110w the us manufacturing base. people now doubt that those things can actually happen. that those prom us will be made good and the departure of scaramucci is another example of this turmoil and it has hurt the dollar. the conspiracy theorists would have it isjust dollar. the conspiracy theorists would have it is just a dollar. the conspiracy theorists would have it isjust a distraction. the problem is what's the evidence of that? although there is the other school of thought is that trump is all and school of thought is that trump is alland in his school of thought is that trump is all and in his business life has been destruction to create the other. you go in and you shape things up and change the way of doing things and build again the way you want it and it pays off. that might be true in the business world, if you are a new chief executive, you can sack everybody. it is not as if he inherited these people in the white house. he built them up. there is the new chief—of—staff who says you're fired. it wasn't trump, remember. we think that. your shortestjob? remember. we think that. your shortest job? a couple of weeks in a ba ke ry shortest job? a couple of weeks in a bakeryjob. why a few weeks? there we re bakeryjob. why a few weeks? there were issues with management! laughter did buns fly around in the rage? buns were flying! what's yours? i was the boss's daughter. so, of course. . . was the boss's daughter. so, of course... 0h, here we go. i never got the sack. he ran his own printing factory. he could have sacked me many, many times, but i stayed fort duration. it cost him, i think, his earnings were lower than expected due to bad issues, family issues! let's take some more from the viewers. simon, "0ne shift in a chicken factory. the smell was sickening, i didn't go back."” lasted one day at a call centre. i saw the supervisor mooching around so saw the supervisor mooching around soi saw the supervisor mooching around so i thought i was allowed to and i was not! " dominic, thank you for your time. nice to see you. thanks for your company and thanks for your comments. we will see you tomorrow. have a really good day. bye—bye. good morning. it is the first day of august and the weather is looking pretty unsettled for the first week of the month. low pressure is in charge of our weather. there is another area of low pressure pushing in tomorrow bringing more wet and windy weather with it, but today, we do have a few showers. but equally, there will be sunshine in between to enjoy as well. much of the showers across northern and western parts this morning. gradually they will track their way eastwards. the south east seeing the showers later on in the day and it will be breezy, especially along the coastal areas. across scotland and northern ireland as we head into the afternoon, we have sunny spells, but also heavy, thundery showers likely. perhaps a little bit of dry weather across northern parts of england, the midlands, the heavy showers continuing. for wales and the south—west, fewer showers this afternoon. some sunny spells to look forward , afternoon. some sunny spells to look forward, it will be breezy along the south coast. as we head on into the south coast. as we head on into the south east, relatively dry, but i can't rule out the odd shower. east anglia seeing some heavy showers as well with the temperatures around 22 celsius. through tonight the showers will continue for a while, gradually clearing and easing. the winds will ease as well and it is all eyes to the west for this weather system which will bring rain no devon, cornwall, the south—west of wales into the early hours of tomorrow morning. the temperatures in double figures perhaps in the countryside getting down into single figures. tomorrow we have this weather front which is tracking its way north and eastwards bring wet and windy weather with it. so just eastwards bring wet and windy weather with it. sojust a dry eastwards bring wet and windy weather with it. so just a dry start tomorrow morning the further north and east you are. further west we have the rain, gradually making its way inland, the temperatures tomorrow not impressive underneath the rain band. northern parts of scotla nd the rain band. northern parts of scotland enjoying a lot of dry weather for much of the daylight hours tomorrow with highs of 16 to 20 celsius. some heavy pulses of rain into tomorrow evening as well. that rain band will clear through. thursday is a day of sunny spells and blustery showers. some of the showers could be heavy and thundery. the temperatures will get up to 23 celsius. then as we head towards the end of the week we have more u nsettled end of the week we have more unsettled weather to come. blustery showers. some sunny spells to look forward to and then hopefully the weather will settle down by the time weather will settle down by the time we get to the weekend. hello — it's tuesday, it's nine o'clock. i'm tina daheley in for victoria derbyshire, welcome to the programme. 0ur our top story today, this programme has learned greater manchester police is facing new investigations by the police watchdog over three separate fatal firearms incidents. you've got quite a number of separate fails which then brings that big picture of an organisation that is questionable — it looks farfrom good. we'll bring you the full exclusive story shortly. also on the programme — a jury at the inquest of a mentally ill prisoner at hmp holloway who took her own life at the jail last year has identified serious shortcomings in her care. we'll bring you sarah reed's full story before ten. calls continue for channel 4 to cancel

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Details , Lots , Image Sensors , Customers , Business , Businesses , Track , Boss , Of Enflux , Customer Loyalty , Trading Day , Job , Information , Anthony Scaramucci , Sources , Ten , Shortestjob , Comments , Money , Bit , Hanging Baskets , Top , Garden Centre , Hashtag , Five , World , Profits , One , Bp , Pension Funds , London , Energy Producers , Everywhere , Replacement Cost Measure , Half , Black , Start , Making , 684 Million , Three , 84 Million , Company , Costs , Angola , Gas Project , Hit , Wasn T Worth Developing , 50m , 750m , Lot , Strategy , Data , Ben Thompson , Price , Investments , Soil , Facilities , Sensors , Bits , 10 , Five Million , Morning , Cailin Birch , Economist Intelligence Unit , Numbers , Market Expectations , Term , Results , Company Surveys , Many , Com Pa , 7 , Oil Prices , Two , 2016 , Loss , Impact , Companies , Notice , Obligations , Efficiency , Sector , Investment , Issue , Debt , Weight , Meaner , Oil Majors , Operation Expenditure , Shell , Investors , Some , Dividend Payments , Risk , Promises , Alternative , Others , It Isa , Cannot , Thing , Profitability , Assets , Bottom Line , Writedown , Project , Medium , Spending Bill , Analysis , Add , Markets , Programme , Shares , News , Firms , Look , Stories , Head , Over2 , Insurance , Treasury Select Committee , Banks , Hard Brexit , Uk Parliament , 2 , Toshiba , Risks , Bank , Deal , Role , Moves , Authority , Letter , Industries , Eu , Everything , Debts , Tier , Value , Tokyo Stock Exchange , Us , Apple , Stores , Losses , Consumer Electronics Products , Binary Trading Applications , Intervention , Difficulties , Series , Nuclear Power Division , Australian Securities Investments Commission , Google , 300 , Earnings , Consumers , Apps , Operators , Fraud , Cases , Request , Currencies , Bets , Technology Giant Sony , Japanese , Profit , It , Course , Woes , Monica Miller , Singapore , 20 , First , Problems , Jump , Analyst Expectations , Demand , Sales , Consoles , Box Office , Smartphones , Games , Success , Playstation , 5 Billion , 1 5 Billion , Spiderman Homecoming , Earthquake , Film Division , Figures , Camera Chip Production , Eye , 1 Million , , 1 , Million , Rise , Market , Similarupdate , Panasonic Wasn T , 1 8 , Earnings Season , Rolls Royce , Uk , Company Profits , Uptick , Session , Tojune , Engine Deliveries , Reversal , 2 15 Billion , 1 94 Billion , Â 1 94 Billion , Six , Pfizer Samira , Metric , Bell , Iphone , Oui , Worry , Revenue , Smartphone , Favour , Phones , Device , Iphone Seven And Plus , Seven , Pharmaceutical Giant Pfizer , Viagra , Engine , Breast Cancer Treatment , Rheumatoid Arthritis Drugs , Drugs , Patent , Deals , Plans , Table , Looming Patent Exploration , Business Editor , Couple , Richard Fletcher , The Times , Talk , Aston , Let , British American Tobacco , Agents , Investigation , Enquiry , Panorama , Africa , Serious Fraud Office , Investigations , Allegations , Announcement , Blow , Fda , Levels , Nicotine , Cigarettes , Bat , Hit Producers , Vat , White House , Fraction , Around The World , Dollar , Saga , President , Tweeting , Drama , Dollar Doesn T , Record , Fifth , 11 , April 20 11 , Things , Chaos , Split , Spending , Reform , Tax Reform , Infrastructure , Firing , Reforms , Fact , Fed Isn T , Government , Milkman , Ker September , Tryout , Igota , Wea , Food Theme , Paper Round , Bottles , Cheese Factory , Tweets , Shop Floor , Door , Christian , Teenager , Saidi , Strawberry Picking , Summer , Plaster , Leg , Stevie , Strawbridge , Staying Power , Tea Break , Labels , Enflux , Electricity Prices , Bbc News , Gas Prices , Energy Giant , British Gas , Kepy On , 12 5 , 18000 , Centrica , Ian Conn , Household , Chief Executive , Bill , Â 76 , 76 , 1120 , Â 1120 , Reason , Distribution , Transmission , Simonjack , Prices , Electricity , Fuel Bill , Social Policy Costs , Reasons , Middle , 0r , Total , 3 1 Million , 8 4 Million , 7 3 , 0 , Hearing Energy Companies , Business Newsroom , Simonjackjoins , Freeze , Fault , Government Policy , Renewables , Renewable Energy , Son , People , Homes , Policy , Gas , Takes , Grid , Isn T , Inflation , Component , Household Bills , Administering , Story , More , House Prices , House Price Inflation , Website , 0 3 , Cup , Business Live Page , Way , Sally Bundock , Season , Craft , Loyalty , Small Business , Social Media , Twitter , Millions , Products , Sites , Tools , Posts , Instagram , Facebook , Booker , Bakers , Brandwatch , Background , Sojust , Running , Consultant , Luxury Goods Market , Yea Rs , Most , Effects , Gut Instinct , Trnd , Didn T , Predictions , Clients , Few , Somebody , Handbag , Store , Person , Don T , Product , Event , Context , Paris , Data Engine , Bag , Wishful Thinking , Shopping , Distinction , Wa Nts , Version , Brands , Handbags , Reality , Sale , Brand , Area , Artificial Intelligence , Ai , Kitchen , Point Of View , Club Cards , Credit Cards , Loyalty Cards , Stuff , Spending Habits , Behaviour , Relationship , Part , Changes , Iimagine , Big Data , Technique , Shape , Service , Medicine , Services , Proposition , Fences , Texas , Extremist , Amber Rudd , Content , Terrorism , Stay , Technology Summit In San Francisco , Police , Terror , Streets , Help , Being , Dave Lee , 0rganised , Silicon Valley , Enemy , Game , Spread , Response , Privacy , Communications , Platforms , Wall , Concern , Measures , Users , Parts , Security Experts , Internet , Terrorists , Home , Dominic O Connell , Media , Dominic , Papers , Scaramucci Afterjust , Turmoil , Ability , Trump , Thoughts , Confidence , Trump Bump , Run , America Great , Manufacturing Base , People 110w , 110 , Conspiracy Theorists , Example , Prom , Departure , It Isjust Dollar , School , Thought , Alland , Life , Mother , Problem , Distraction , Evidence , Destruction , Everybody , Staff , Nba , It Wasn T Trump , Bakeryjob , Ke Ry , Issues , Buns , Management , Rage , Laughter , Daughter , Times , Printing Factory , Here We Go , Sack , Chicken Factory , Viewers , Smell , Family , 0ne Shift , Call Centre , I Didn T Go Back , Supervisor Mooching , Soi Saw , Thanks , Weather , Pressure , Charge , Bye , Showers , Much , Sunshine , Spells , Afternoon , Areas , South East , Scotland , Northern Ireland , South West , South Coast , Wales , England , Midlands , Temperatures , Shower , Easing , East Anglia , 22 , Eyes , West , Winds , Weather System , Countryside , Cornwall , Rain No Devon , Rain , Weather Front , Least , North , Rain Band , Northern Parts , Highs , Pulses , Scotla Nd The Rain Band , 16 , End , Thundery , Celsius , 23 , Weekend , Hello It , U Nsettled , Nine , Victoria Derbyshire , Tina Daheley , 0ur , Organisation , Number , Looks Farfrom Good , Police Watchdog , Firearms Incidents , Picture , Greater Manchester Police , Shortcomings , Jail , Prisoner , Inquest , Jury , Hmp Holloway , Projects , Electronics Giant , Level , Ones , Focus , Adapating , The New Normal , Tuesday The 1st Of August , Calls , Care , Channel 4 , Sarah Reed , 00m , 700m , 4 ,

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