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What price would you pay for a Second Opinion . We meet the firm that says it can tailormake your Healthcare Plan and guide you through the confusing and expensive world of medical treatment. And as Confectionery Giant Mars says its maltesers, m ms and minstrels packs are to shrink by 15 to keep prices down. We want to know do you prefer higher prices or smaller packs . Let us know, use the hashtag bbcbizlive. Just use the hashtag bbcbizlive. Get in touch. Im sure you have a view. Welcome to the programme. On wednesday, theresa may triggers article 50, and the uk will start two years of brexit negotiations with the rest of the eu. So just how is britains Economy Doing and have any of the predictions of doom and gloom come to pass . The uk economy grew by more than previously reported in the last three months of 2016. The value of goods and services produced in the uk or Gross Domestic Product was up by 0. 7 from 0. 6 according to the office for national statistics. The pound fell sharply after the brexit vote, and has since been trading around 15 lower compared to the dollar and 12 lower compared to the euro. The weaker pound has helped exporters and the Tourism Industry but its hit british tourists abroad. The ftse 100 has risen 16 since the eve of last summers referendum. But the weak pound could be helping Big Companies profits are often international and calculated in dollars and they automatically rise when converted back into sterling. After the referendum, the Bank Of England boosted the economy by cutting Interest Rates from 0. 5 to 0. 25 last august taking uk rates to a new record low. The Unemployment Rate has been falling and is currently around 1. 6 Million People the lowestjobless rate since 2005. Meanwhile, in the three months to january, wages grew by 2. 3 , compared with the same period a year earlier. With me is charles lichfield. Hes the europe associate at the Political Risk consultancy, eurasia group. Salary running to the details and it appears from an Economic Perspective the uk is approaching these negotiations from a sound financial footing salary running. Negotiations from a sound financial footing salary running. Yes, the public deficit is still quite large, but certainly i think it has impressed most observers and surprised them in how it has performed, talking about the uk economy, the Growth Outlook is still quite good and investment is still all right. Inflation is above 2 target and hasnt quite gone crazy. Overall the uks economy is quite strong, but the question is whether the Investment Outlook remains the same and over the next two years, all the people that were interested in the uk for investing will be very interested in the deal that we get with our european partners, our biggest market, and the uk has been seen as biggest market, and the uk has been seen as a biggest market, and the uk has been seen as a investing destination because it was inside the single market, but what about when it is outside . The first issue that you raise, the economy looks ok, but critics will say it looks fine because nothing has yet changed. This is the preamble, but triggering article 50 is when it really starts. Absolutely. The uncertainty is key, but these two years, and you have to look at how it works, article 50, and for the past eight months the uk has defined the timing so we know that we will be leaving at some point but the Prime Minister has been able to decide when she triggers article 50 and what she says before and what the objectives are that she sets out and what Business Leaders she is able to reassure, but when we hand over power to brussels to negotiate we will have less control and i think that will be quite soon, within 48 hours the european institutions will publish a timeline of what will happen and it will be quite clear that we wont be negotiating our economic relationship first. That will come second, and that is not entirely reassuring to investors. What deal will we get . The question is always whether this is in the interests of the European Union to offer us a good deal, because that might set the ball rolling on other countries wanting to leave, but they wont want to penalise us because we area trading wont want to penalise us because we are a trading partner, and working up are a trading partner, and working up the balance will be the toughest bit. Absolutely, the uk is seen as a very important economic partner and some countries want the relationship to remain positive. However they will want to maintain the internal logic of how the eu works and that will mean the uk can have favourable access terms as it does currently, which thinks, you can imagine a relationship without harris, but on nontariff barriers including regulation and Services Markets it will look much more complex than it does you can imagine a relationship without tariffs. Getting all this done in two years will be very difficult. I imagine we will be very difficult. I imagine we will talk about this again. Thanks for joining will talk about this again. Thanks forjoining us. The london mayor has been talking this morning and he said it would be a major mistake if the eu tries to punish the uk for brexit. He is calling on the eu to rise above the temptation to install fear during the brexit negotiations. Now to some other news. Tesco has struck a Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the Serious Fraud Office Following its investigation into the supermarkets overstatement of profits in 2014 by £263m. The inflated Profit Figure was the result of tesco bringing forward rebates from suppliers. Tesco has also agreed with the Financial Conduct Authority to set up a Compensation Scheme for shareholders that will cost an estimated £85m. It has apologised for the errors and investors will receive compensation of just over investors will receive Compensation Ofjust over 100 million. The Billionaire Elon Musk is launching a company that he hopes will merge computers with the human brain. The creation of Neuralink Corp will pursue what musk calls Neural Lace Technology implanting tiny Brain Electrodes that might one day enable the uploading and downloading of thoughts. The eus Health Commissioner says brazil needs to restore trust in its meat exports after being hit by a scandal over rotten produce. A number of countries have placed tough restrictions on brazilian imports. The country has seen its daily meat exports plunge by 19 . It comes investigations by the brazilian authorities found rotten produce and suspected corruption across the industry. The Worlds Largest Carrier American Airlines is set to buy a 200m stake in chinese southern in a bid to increase cooperation. Its being described as a stretgic partnership as china is one of the worlds Fastest Growing aviation markets. The International Air transport association predicts that it will surpass the us to become the biggest in terms of passengers by 2024. Our correspondent, robin brant, is in shanghai. The issue, its a huge market and one that the American Airlines want to be involved with. Everyone would like a slice of the travel market, especially here, and American Airlines relatively late to the party because united already have a tie up with china and delta as well. American airlines, the latest to the party, but they are the Biggest Airline in terms of scheduled passengers. China southern are the biggest in china in terms of flights and passengers they carry, and that is the marriage we are getting. This is the marriage we are getting. This is part of the broad strategy led by the government in beijing which owns Majority Stakes in these three big Domestic Airlines to change the Ownership Structure and encourage foreign investors. And tried to bring ina foreign investors. And tried to bring in a foreign management culture, although this is a 2. 5 sta ke culture, although this is a 2. 5 stake and i dont think we will see a big change in terms of the way that China Southern is run. In terms of the service as a passenger on these airlines, i have to say they get you there on time, but expect big delays if you are going to china, often with no apologies, and maybe there is room for improvement and maybe american will do something there. Im sure they are listing to you and writing notes. Thanks for joining us. Listening to you. He sounded like a frustrated traveller. And now to the markets. The yen has not moved that much versus the dollar but the markets have stabilised after the wobble that started late friday when President Trump did not get through his changes to obamacare. That is what caused a wobble at the beginning of the week but we are back to steady as she goes. Now to europe, we have the Mining Stocks pushing up the ftse 100, the Mining Stocks pushing up the ftse100, they are the big winners so ftse100, they are the big winners so far. We will talk in more detail about what is going on. We can now go to wall street first. Donald trump is keen to make good on his promise to undo barrack balmers climate push, especially the clean power plant barack obama. This is where a significant amount of americas Carbon Dioxide emissions come from, and the role was a frequent target of republicans who said it was a job killer and called It Government Overreach and so no surprise it is on the Chopping Block and the president is expected to sign an Executive Order which will make it easier for companies to produce energy in the United States by reversing many of the regulations which were tied to Climate Change which were tied to Climate Change which were tied to Climate Change which were set by barack obama. There will also be a moratorium on new leases for coal which is mine from federal and lands, but the steps a re from federal and lands, but the steps are not likely to bring back the Coal Industry which was one of the Coal Industry which was one of the Campaign Promises of donald trump, and there are the Global Implications for top the clean power plant was an important part of the us meeting the goals set out under the Paris Climate Agreement but this Executive Order signals that fighting Climate Change is not a priority for this administration. Thanks forjoining us. Joining us is james bevan, chief Investment Officer at ccla investment management. Lets quickly touch on article 50, a big day tomorrow. The calm before the storm. It will be a very slow burner. We have to spend the next two years at least getting up to speed with what will happen. The reality is we will not have concluded the negotiations and there will be plenty of uncertainties. In terms of the market, they feel more Sta Ble Terms of the market, they feel more stable today . Yes, they do. Everyone anticipated that donald trump s back challenges on obamacare were a one off and at some stage it will file, and there is a sense that he will deliver on tax cuts which is what the recent rally has been about it what the recent rally has been about it will fail. What the recent rally has been about it will fail. We can have a look at south africa, it came across the wires that the Finance Minister had been hauled back to south africa, and a Cabinet Reshuffle is expected, 01 and a Cabinet Reshuffle is expected, or that is the speculation. The rand is falling. We know that the Finance Minister and the Prime Minister do not get on and have got on for ages. Whether or not the five Finance Minister has been called back to learn about another shuffle or this isa learn about another shuffle or this is a power play and he has got to be shown who is boss by the president , but the domestic uncertainties will be bad news for the rand when the South African Economy is doing rather better. The central bank is expected to cut rates very soon and growth is excel are rating is accelerating. James, thanks for joining us. Many people getting in touch about their views on chocolate, some saying they want the same size and others saying you have got to cut down. Still to come we meet the firm that sells Second Opinions on your medical prognosis. And offers to guide you through the confusing and expensive world of treatment. But at what cost . Youre with Business Live from bbc news. Lets get more on the news that tesco has been hit with a fine of £129 million by the Serious Fraud office. It follows a two year investigation into false accounting at the supermarket giant. Theo leggett has the details in our business newsroom. Theo, lets start first of all with this sfo investigation it goes back to 2014, a huge black hole in their finances. Bring us up to date with what we know today . Well, the Serious Fraud office and tesco have reached an agreement on a Deferred Prosecution Agreement. That means that tesco has effectively been put on probation. What did it do wrong . Well, back in august 2014 tesco published a Trading Statement. It later transpired that the profits in the Trading Statement were substantially the Trading Statement were Su Bsta Ntially overstated. The Trading Statement were substantially overstated. Initially it was thought by £250 million. That figure was later upped to £326 million. So a serious overstatement of profits and it had to do with how tesco was booking money coming from its suppliers. On top of that agreement to pay a penalty to the Serious Fraud office, tesco has reached agreement with the Financial Conduct Authority to pay compensation of £85 million to shareholders. Why . Well, look at this graph. In 2014 tescos share price was falling anyway, but this is what were interested in here this. Is when the Trading Statement was published and this is just after all that bad news came through. There was a serious drop in tescos share price so it has been told to compensate shareholders and bond holders who were Holding Shares during that period. So there you have it. A big dealfor tesco. During that period. So there you have it. A big deal for tesco. Can you tell us about booker . Its intended purchase of this company and some major shareholders are not happy and they re and some major shareholders are not happy and theyre going public . This isa happy and theyre going public . This is a major, major deal that tesco wa nts to is a major, major deal that tesco wants to push through, a £3. 7 billion purchase of booker. It owns the right to the budgeon and premier brands. Tesco thinks it can get into the food away from home market which has more potential for growth than the supermarket business. One of its group has said it is not happy. It thinks tesco is paying too much and that therefore, this deal offers poor shareholder value. Tesco disagrees. It thinks its a great deal. Theo, thank you very much. Full details on the website. Youre watching Business Live. We are keeping track of The Big Story of the week. Tomorrow, the uk will formally ask to leave the European Union. Londons mayor is warning it would make a Mistake Fort Bloc to try and punish the country. We have been hearing from the london mayor, talking about the trade links between the two. We have had a line out from germany, from the german Chambers Of Commerce saying that britains departure from the eu could hurt german Firms Business with the uk and investment. He says will decline strongly in the long term. Thats the president of Germanys Chamber of commerce. We will get all sorts of reaction as we approach the deadline tomorrow to trigger article 50. Two years. A quick look at how markets are faring. A bit of calm. Well enjoy it while it lasts. It could all take a long time to play out so we will keep you across the changes. President trumps failed attempt to replace the Affordable Care act in the us has put the cost of healthcare back in the spotlight. The global cost of health care is forecast to hit a staggering 8. 7 trillion by 2020. Thats 10. 5 of gdp spent solely on health care. So, is there a way to keep costs down . Well, one way could be through early diagnosis and prevention to save on expensive treatments later. And one company says it is already doing that. Alivia swiss health will assess your health problems, devise Treatment Plans and connect patients to leading specialists. It is like getting a Second Opinion with a highly skilled team. All for an annual fee of around 1,000 a year. Dr vidar arnulf is the co founder and chairman of Alivia Swiss Health and hejoins us now. Welcome to the programme. We touched on how it works there. Talk us through the process. How is it different to going to another doctor and saying, look, this is the diagnosis i have been given from this guy. Talk me through it. Talk me through the package. We give you access to a number of specialists, we dont think there is only one doctor who can know everything. We have a team of scientists, doctors, internationally who will go through your individualfile, internationally who will go through your individual file, assess internationally who will go through your individualfile, assess it internationally who will go through your individual file, assess it and then come up with suggested treatment and diagnostic procedure and verification of that diagnosis. The worst doctor out there is dr google, the one you should always avoid because it will fill you with fear, but the point actually there is so much information out there at the moment to anyone that is able to do the search. Why do we need to pay to you do that when we can do this ourselves . Well, i dont think you can do that yourself. If you google treatment for cancer you will get 28 million hits within 0. 5 seconds and how do you. If you whittle it down to the name of the particular contrast you have and dontjust put ca ncer contrast you have and dontjust put cancer you will get a more defined search. There are ways of finding out these things. It takes time. Search. There are ways of finding out these things. It takes timem ta kes out these things. It takes timem takes time and you dont know the quality of it. I usually compare Second Opinions with being sickjust like at war. It is the civilian population that is the victims of all wars. The soldiers know what to do and have the information and have the intelligence, they do better and i think when youre sick youre at war with yourself and having somebody to come up with Contingency Plans and give you knowledge and empower to make the right decisions for you, thats an asset. Is this just for rich people . Looking at the figures here. You have got 500 patients here paying £800, thats 1,000 a year. In the big scheme of things, maybe it is not that much money, but it is an extra cost. It isa money, but it is an extra cost. It is a cost that people have got to bear and how do you make money from that, 500 patients paying 1,000 isnt much money to run a business . It is not only £1,000, it is £800. It is not only £1,000, it is £800. It starts at £800. It could be more. It starts at £800. It could be more. It could be less. But we have seen we have changed lives. We have changed the destiny of people who had given up op the Health Care Systems and i think it is so important for us to make that available for as many as possible and thats why we are introducing this relatively reasonable pricing for World Experts to look into your case. All right. We are out of time which is a real shame. So much more to discuss. But for now, thank you very much, dr vidar arnulf for come unwilling. Coming in. There is a new quid on the block a new £1 coin becomes legal tender in the uk from today. It is being rolled out across the country to tackle the rise of counterfeits. It has got more sides. Do you think ican get it has got more sides. Do you think i can get a new career . As a hand model. This is the first new £1 coin to be introduced in more than 30 years and will be the most secure of its kind in the world, but is the uk ready for this change . Lets find out. The first pound coin down the back of the sofa already weve done nearly 4,000 across the country. Its made out of two different coloured metals. So theres a nickle, a white Coloured Metal Inner and a brass coloured outer. In addition weve got a semi hologram. If you look at it in one direction, youll see one image. In the other direction, youll see another imaage the figure for a pound. So this pound will buy you less chocolate because it is shrinking. This is about mars . I eat a lot of chocolate. What we have observed are the costs for Chocolate Manufacturers have been going up both because of the devaluation of the pound, but mr hammonds decision that he should be taxing sugar it make us healthier and the Chocolate Companies reckon it is there is a Pricing Point were prepared to pay and no more and guys we will give awe reduced amount of chocolate rather than putting the price up. We saw it with toblerone. It has been going on for years. Easter eggs used to be big, fat chunky things and theyre getting thinner whats your favourite . I like maltesers. Or a swiss lint egg. Youre a Chocolate Snob . The texture of chocolate really matters and thats good. James. Thank you. There has been a tonne of responses to our question. If you want to see them all, Search The Bbc Business Live hashtag on twitter. A lot of people saying it is for your health too. We will see you soon. Is for your health too. We will see you soon. Bye bye. Good morning. Things are changing on the weather front. High good morning. Things are changing on the weatherfront. High pressure is slipping away towards the near continent and this big low in the North Atlantic is slowly taking control of our weather. Turning things more unsettled, but initially the winds are light for many areas. That will slowly lift into spells of sunshine. But were going to see things turning more unsettled with showers developing from the south and the west where the winds are picking up through the morning. There will be wetter weather into Northern Ireland. Very few showers getting into the south eastern corner. We should see sunshine. A different day in scotland. More in the way of cloud, but a lot of dry weather and maybe rain towards the Northern Isles and later on we will see wetter weather getting into the south and the west, but ahead of that, a colder day. The rain pushes through Northern Ireland followed by potentially heavy showers and there will be a scattering of showers and some spells of sunshine across the heart of england and wales. Very few showers in the south eastern corner. Here with sunshine, its 18 or 19 celsius, more cloud towards the south and the west and the showers moving through and there will be drier, brighter interludes, but there is this spell of wetter weather to affect the south west and wales through the evening. That will move northwards and eastwards. It will be a fairly mild night with a southerly breeze. On into wednesday, it is always the north and the west of the uk most at risk of the strongest winds and the thickest cloud and the strongest winds. The south eastern corner stays dry, but fairly cloudy. Underneath the cloud and the rain, its 12 and 13 celsius. Wednesday night and into thursday, this is a warm front and it will be bringing in warm air actually across the south and the east in particular on thursday. We could see Temperatures East Anglia and the south eastern corner getting up and the south eastern corner getting up to 21 celsius. A warm afternoon here, not quite so warm further north and west, but there will be a fair bit of cloud and outbreaks of rain to go with that, but it is another dry this the south eastern corner. Sunshine, 20 or 21 celsius, quite a warm afternoon. The rain further west makes its way eastwards. After a dry week in the south eastern corner, it looks like by friday we will begin to see the rain moving its way in. The rain followed by scattered showers towards the north and the west. Hello, its tuesday, its 9 oclock, im victoria derbyshire, welcome to the programme. This morning in an exclusive interview a Rape Survivor Defends Thejudge in her case who said drunk women are putting themselves in danger. I think she was absolutely right in what she said but it was taken out of context. She put the blame massively on rapists, not the victims. She just simply said to be careful basically, which is smart advice. 19 year old megan clark has waived her right to anonymity to talk to us this morning. Well bring you the full interview in around 15 minutes. Also on the programme should the nhs really spend £114 million a year on prescriptions for medicines for upset tummies, haemmorrhoids, Travel Sickness and indigestion which can be bought

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