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Are open. With so many small fashion businesses being launched using the fast paced world of social media, how do start up designers stand out . How do you get celebrities to wear your clothes . We will be asking one successful entrepreneur. And as barack and Michelle Obama both sign record book deals whose memoir would you be more interested in reading . His or hers . Let us know. Just use the hashtag bbcbizlive. Welcome to the programme. On tuesday, President Trump addressed a Joint Session Of Congress for the First Time Since taking office. In a highly anticipated speech, he spoke of restarting the engine of the american economy. The president reiterated his intention to slash Corporation Tax in the us and provide tax breaks to middle class americans. At the same time, he announced hell be asking congress to approve legislation which will result in 1 trillion worth of investment in us infrastructure. He also called for what he describes as one of the largest increases in National Defence spending in american history. Mr trump pointed to the countrys 800 billion Trade Deficit in goods. Though figures from the Census Bureau suggest this figure reduces to about 500 billion when trade in services is factored in. Heres what the president had to say about his plans to transform americas fiscal policy. Right now American Companies are taxed at one of the highest rates anywhere in the world. My economic tea m anywhere in the world. My Economic Team is developing historic tax reform that will reduce the tax rate on our reform that will reduce the tax rate on oui companies so reform that will reduce the tax rate on our companies so they can compete and thrive anywhere and with anyone. Applause it will be a big, big cut. At the same time, we will provide massive tax relief for the middle class. We must create a level Playing Field for American Companies and our workers. Applause Marianne Schneider petsinger is us geoeconomics fellow with the us Marianne Schneider petsinger is us geoeconomics fellow with the us. What did you think of it . For donald trump it was a big change in the rhetoric. It was a much softer approach compared to his inaugural speech. You say a change in tone, but when it comes to businesses, when it comes to the economy, we wa nt when it comes to the economy, we want the detail now, surely. It has been long enough this wait, hasnt it . It was very short on detail again. He really kind of laid out the themes again that he very much, you know, laid out on the Campaign Trail and you know, laid out on the Campaign Trailandi you know, laid out on the Campaign Trail and i would say only with regards to repealing and replacing 0bamacare, if you see more detail, but again in principles of what he would like to see and the rest, it was really just, would like to see and the rest, it was reallyjust, reiterating the familiar notions and maybe going one oi familiar notions and maybe going one or two steps beyond, but not very much. You say he was short on detail. Lets talk about the debt limit because thats something he didnt mention. Something that the Us Government has a Debt Limit Set by the treasury, they need approval to increase the debt limit. Hes talking about investing 1 trillion in infrastructure. There would be some private investment, but public investment, is there any concern about the debt limit . investment, is there any concern about the debt limit . I think its something that will very much have to be played out within the republican party. There is a fraction who is fiscally conservative. There has to be a balance between spending on infrastructure which is something the democrats want to see, but to what extent does that raise the deficit and the debt . It wasnt much ofa deficit and the debt . It wasnt much of a focus in the speech. It was mentioned in one sentence when he criticised 0bama mentioned in one sentence when he criticised obama and the administration to really balloon the debt, but other than that, it was not a topic. There is concern about the numbers and the fact that they dont add up. When you talk about kugt taxes, but increasing spending, ex etcetera, etcetera, you have got to make it add up . The big Infrastructure Plan of 1 trillion, thats the only figure we have seen so thats the only figure we have seen so far. Tax for corporates, but the middle class as well, but in reality, it is more for the wealthy and they are not really addressing what happens with Social Security and medicare, thats part of the budget that needs to be brought under control, but he hasnt addressed. We will talk to you again about this in probably not the too distant future. In other news Travis Kalanick the boss of Car Service Uber has been forced to apologise, after a video emerged of him swearing at one of the companys drivers. Fawzi kamel has complained that his income was falling because of changes to ubers fare structure. This is the latest problem for the California Based Company comes just days after it was forced to launch an investigation into claims of sexism. The company which manages the undersea rail link between the uk and france says 2016 was the best year in its history. Eurotunnel says net consolidated profit reach just over 210 million, as and passenger numbers and Freight Traffic both saw strong growth. The company says it is confident about 2017 and this follows britains impending departure from the european union. Several high profile websites have been knocked offline or suffered glitches because of a failure at one of amazons major us data centres. Amazons s3 server is responsible for providing Cloud Services to about 150,000 companies around the world. The Music Streaming Platform Soundcloud and the popular Virtual Office Software Slack were among the websites to be affected. A story thats sensitive in the uk partly because of brexit is the outlook for the car industry and lots of talk about a special deal etcetera, etcetera. Well, this is a story thats been breaking in the last hour. The boss of unite which is one of the bigger unions here in the uk, is visiting a ford factory in bridgend in south wales because there is real concern that ford could be following through with significantjob could be following through with significant job cuts, 1163 job could be following through with significantjob cuts, 1163job cuts could be going at ford. Well, unite is warning about this. Theyre going to the site today. It is a very sensitive story. It is one were keeping an eye on. More detail on oui keeping an eye on. More detail on our website. The wonderfrom down our website. The wonder from down under australia has avoided a recession. The latest economic figures from down under have beaten analysts expectations, showing the country returned to growth after contracting last quarter. I thought you were talking about Aaron Heslehurst then, the wonder from down under Maura Fogarty is in singapore. Tell us how did australia pull this off . There was a concern that we could be talking about a recession in australia . Well, if you could have heard it, you could say there was a big collective sigh of relief when the data came out today, showing that not only did australias economy bound, but it avoided a recession. A recession as you know is defined as two consecutive quarters of economic contraction. In the fourth quarter, australias gdp grew by 1. 1 , stronger than expected and again, very, very important because in the previous quarter it had contracted. What this means is the wonder down under had a quarter century of uninterrupted economic expansion. How did they do it this time . Two things really helped the Economy Bounce back. One a surge in exports led by rising global Commodity Prices and two, higher household spending. Australia relies very much on global commod commit prices and exports. Its biggest customer is china and despite the fact that we have seen a rebound in china, the rebound of the prices has seen a strong turn around for australia and next yea rs strong turn around for australia and next years gdp is forecast at 3 . Back to you now. Thank you for that. Lets look at how the markets have been getting on. Yesterday the words for the market were, cautious. Todays word is, muted. The nikkei is up, but thats because of growing expectation of a us Interest Rate hike this month strengthening the dollar. European markets, they are in the green, up over 1 in germany and in france. Not a lot happening in the uk today, but still up just over 0. 5 . Lets go over to wall street. Remember the American Drug company that sparked outrage after it raised the prices of its allergy allergy shot, the epipen, well, they will be reporting earnings and investors will be focussing on how the company will be focussing on how the company will fair against mounting competition. Also reporting earnings on wednesday is best buy. It is an electronics retailer. It had to cut costs a nd electronics retailer. It had to cut costs and the future is not looking too bright. There is not as many exciting products hitting the markets and with no cost cutting measures in place, it maybe a tough yearfor measures in place, it maybe a tough year for best buy, the second biggest Home Improvement company will be reporting earns on wednesday. Lows may ben vit from the rising value of homes in the us which may reverse spending on home remodelling. I wonder when she gets sleep. She has been doing a round the clock job thanks to President Trump. Jeremy cookejoins us. Jeremy cooke joins us. Not much detail came through, the fact that he hasnt addressed too much the economic concerns, the market is closely looking at. It was more of a Socio Economic speech. Chatter about immigration that tended to take the main thrust of the speech and weve heard this language before. It was a campaign speech. It was indistinguishable from what he said on the stump throughout 2016. Given the lack of detail how do you think the lack of detail how do you think the american markets will react today . Do you think we will see them coming off the increases . There is an element, they knew they wouldnt get too much yesterday or overnight because we had to wait on the budget from the white house and in the mid part of march and he said we had to wait, he said a couple of days ago, details around the tax plan which boosted stocks since he won the election, we have to wait until repeal and repair of 0bamacare and thats going to take a couple of months. Something you noticed which is interesting, thats move the bond markets in france is chatter on social media about one of the candidates running to become the next president in france. He may possibly pull out of the race . Yes. It is the likelihood apparently that he is going to pull out of the french president ial campaign. It is just a rumour. French president ial campaign. It is justa rumour. He french president ial campaign. It is just a rumour. He cancelled a number of speaking engagements. 0ne just a rumour. He cancelled a number of speaking engagements. One which isa of speaking engagements. One which is a huge speech. Cancelling that seems to suggest. Plus a Press Conference . A conference is scheduled for later on this morning. Hes third in the preliminary polling which wouldnt take him through to the second round. So is he already out . We will be grilling jeremy whether he would buy barack 0bama jeremy whether he would buy barack obama or my shell 0bamas books. Still to come, we speak to one young entrepreneur about how to stand out in the competitive world of fashion. And how shes managed to get her t shirts on the backs of celebrities. Youre with Business Live from bbc news. There have been fresh calls this morning for sir philip green to lose his knighthood over the collapse of bhs. Thats despite the Retail Tycoon agreeing to pay up to £363 million to reduce the failed retailers pension deficit. Theo leggett is in our Business Newsroom. Bring us up to speed. Whats been happening . Fresh calls for him to lose his knighthood despite the donation . Well, two of the mps who conduct parliamentary inquiries into the collapse of bhs and who have been responsible for putting pressure on philip green to come up with money to fill in the deficit in the bhs pension fund, they have been suggesting that stains on sir philips character have not gone away. They have stopped short of saying he should still lose his knighthood, ian wright, he is chairman of the business select committee, he told the daily mirror newspaper that allowing sir philip to keep his knighthood would be like rewarding an arsonist who put his own fire out. So pretty strong stuff there. Frank field he has continued to be critical. He said this is a good step, but has implied at least it doesnt go far enough. Although sir philip green has put his hand in his pocket and come out with £363 million to help fill the hole in the bhs pension fund, i dont think the criticisms are going to go away. Thank you, theo. Tell us, if you had to read a book of barack obama or Michelle Obama, which would you go for . Would you go verbose . I would go through neither, iam not verbose . I would go through neither, i am not really into political controversies, i prefer a good thriller. The west wing. You heard it from theo, we are creating a picture of the 0hear on bbc world news. picture of the 0hear on bbc world news. Of theo. House prices is something we like to talk about in the uk. They are up again according to nationwide, up 0. 6 in february. We keep hearing that the Housing Market may be pulled down by brexit. It is still going up again, although there is expectation it will slow down this year. More information on that on our tablet. Youre watching Business Live. Our top story, President Trump delivered his highly anticipated first speech to both houses of congress. The first one since he became president but he has disappointed to a degree with the lack of detail. Think of an alluring brand image. And a cockroach probably isnt at the top of the list. But our next guest somehow seems to be able to make it work. Shes marissa montgomery, founder and Chief Executive of rotten roach. The Company Makes Ultra Hip T Shirts and sweat shirts much beloved of celebrities like kate moss and salma hayek. It sells through a few high end retailers, but almost 80 of sales are made online. Marissa established rotten roach in 2012 and chose the name after first hand experience with new yorks Abundant Cockroach population she was featured on the forbes 30 to watch under 30 list. Marissa montgomeryjoins us now. Thank you becoming into the studio. Tell us about your product, your brand. The idea, we have further name comes from your idea of living in new york with lots of cockroaches, rotten roach, but why did you think there is a gap in the market for t shirts . Did you think there is a gap in the market for tshirts . I just know from experience of myself and all my girlfriends, t shirts are something you can buy, you can wear in the day and the evening, i wanted to create this wearable art. I worked with an artist to create one off wearable t shirts, so each graphic is exclusively designed for rotten roach, and they are just funny, tongue in cheek. Roach, and they are just funny, tongueincheek. You wearing one of them now, which says love bug. It is pretty high end, they are not cheap by any means. Talk us through way you wanted to place yourself in the market. Believe it or not, it is affordable luxury, it sits amongst its peers on the lower end, but we do sit in high end boutiques, mosley as we were discussing before for positioning, and we seem to sell really well. We sell all across the world, everywhere from saint barts to greece to miami, la. How did you make that happen . It is partly about connections and who you know, it does help a lot, doesnt it . It definitely does, but if someone doesnt like the product ultimately they will not buy it. You spoke about placement, getting yourself into some high end boutiques, but most of your cells are online. And you are manufacturing in turkey and california, and you have plans to start doing embroidery in the uk. You are still very involved at the minute, you pack up most of the items and sending them out yourself. Iam items and sending them out yourself. I am packing up all of your orders for the moment, when you go on the rotten roach and order something, i am packing them up. In turkey, and in california downtown, i work for a closely with the manufacturers and i am hoping to make in england. Ring it closer to home. This is one of thejumpers. It closer to home. This is one of the jumpers. The boss. It closer to home. This is one of thejumpers. The boss. Not that i am thejumpers. The boss. Not that i am the boss by any means, i wish i was this is one of the jumpers that is out there today. They just came this is one of the jumpers that is out there today. Theyjust came in today so you are the first person to see it. These things just today so you are the first person to see it. These Thingsjust Fly today so you are the first person to see it. These things just fly off the shelves, as it were. And yet you have the likes of kate moss and selma hayek wearing them, had a jamaican that happen . To be honest, both of them bought the t shirts, we did not give them. It is amazing. You can search, because i know which store buys it from, each store buys a different thing, and you are able to trace it. That is a gift for you, you cant beat that marketing. That helps sales incredibly, and social media is so important, so once repairs that picture or a celebrity does, we see a direct correlation with sales on the website, so we can trace it, Click Baxter Regli from instagram, twitter, pinch rest. You mention those social media sites, what percentage of your day do you spend on social media promoting your brand . Too much, i think about it is so brand . Too much, i think about it is so important. We have a blog section on the website where we do interviews with interesting, inspiring women. We are always looking to work with photographers who have big social media influences, so it is a whole new different type of celebrity now you have wearing your product, notjust selma hayek, kate moss come it is also these girls who would not necessarily be known on the street but they have 2 million instagram followers. That is very interesting. You also have one with the boss on. Iam more you also have one with the boss on. I am more of a bus than you, am i . No, im not. Who is the boss . Sally. It is that wander from down under again. Pokemon go took the World By Storm Last year. Nintendos smash hit saw millions of people take to the streets in search of virtual monsters our technology correspondent, rory cellanjones, has been speaking to the man behind the madness, at the mobile World Congress in barcelona. Last summer, an extraordinary craze swept around the world, which saw a lot of people out with their mobile phones, hunting for pokemon. It is fairto phones, hunting for pokemon. It is fair to say that the enthusiasm for pokemon go has faded a little since then, but there are still pokemon to be found out and about here at the barcelona mobile World Congress, and i have also found the inventor of the game, a man who has changed our views on augmented reality, john hankey from the antic. Did you have any concept of how big the game was going to be when it launched . any concept of how big the game was going to be when it launched . I wish i could have predicted that. 0bviously i could have predicted that. Obviously not. It was a huge surprise to us. We spent a good portion of ourselves looking at adidas pause and servers that were going haywire with all of the operators. In San Francisco there was a 9000 people spontaneous pokemon event. It was very surreal, actually does that hasnt it faded quite a lot . Something like that will fade, it exploded on social media, it has a life of its own nite has become a very successful product. Not at that level of frenzy, but it is one of the most used mobile apps out there. Frenzy, but it is one of the most used mobile apps out therem certainly is. Love it or hate it, pokemon go, and that is the man who made it. I didnt let my children know about it. Jeremy is back, as you can see, and were talking about this story all over the papers today, the New York Times it is everywhere. 0bamas make book deal with thing when random house and we dont know specifically the number but with Penguin Random house. A huge amount of money. Now suppose really. Not really, bill clinton got about 15 million, george bush got 10 million, so this can blows it out of the water. It will be interested to see which one is more popular. I would go for the Michelle Obama won, i would like to see her probably layout how she would. Her perspective. And maybe running for office in four five, perspective. And maybe running for office in fourfive, eight perspective. And maybe running for office in four five, eight years time. We had quite a feud tweets on this. Shahada said i would prefer Michelle Obama. 0nly wanted to know about barack obama. Another text says both books and wayne says neither, so that covers the whole gamut. 0ur unscientific poll of the newsroom , gamut. 0ur unscientific poll of the newsroom, most said michelle didnt they . Interesting. Lets talk about they . Interesting. Lets talk about the story about youtube. They have the story about youtube. They have the constant conversation within media about where television is going, and with netflix. It got all of the traditional tv providers really worried about the outlook. But now it looks like this new idea from youtube that actually we are all back in fashion. It is a new Tv Subscription Service from youtube. They have youtube red which delivers ad free content in the us, but this one will bring together nbc, espn, the broadcaster you would typically get in the United States through youtube. Say youre notjust streaming stuff any more . No. Here in the uk, you have the rest real tv, you may have sky, netflix, amazon prime as well. There is a huge range of services you can use. It all depends on cost. There is no details about how much this will cost quite yet. Maybe 30. Looking like 35 for a Family Subscription so like 35 for a Family Subscription so you like 35 for a Family Subscription so you can access like 35 for a Family Subscription so you can access it on up to 60 vices, you dont need a Satellite Dish ora vices, you dont need a Satellite Dish or a tv. But what about your broadband provision and the speed . Sky have talked about delivering their service through the internet in the past six months or so. But high quality tv through your Internet Connection and someone else is on twitter, then it is gone. You are is on twitter, then it is gone. You a re really into is on twitter, then it is gone. You are really into it and it starts doing that. That was an issue, they had a similar Online Search option called directv in the state and it is about 70 a month and viewers missed the end of the super bowl. Disappointing. No one is going to wa nt disappointing. No one is going to want that. Thank you, jeremy, good to see you. Thank you for your contributions today. There will be more Business News throughout the day on the bbc live web page and on World Business report. Sally will be back tomorrow. See you soon, goodbye. Good morning. Lots of whether to tell you about today. It was an icy start for the north analyst of a wintry showers here, while in the south the milder air trent coming off the Atlantic City where the two off the Atlantic City where the two of them eat there could be some snow as well. It is a progressively cloudy day across england and wales. We will see the best of the sunshine probably outside those showers further north. They could still be wintry, showers at lower levels even for parts of scotland, with a brisk wind in the far north. Some sunshine to be found here across Northern Ireland, northern england, with a scattering of showers mixed in. Further south, we have some decent dry, bright and chilly weather to start but this will be that more prolonged area of cloud, with some patchy rain initially turning a little heavy as we go through the day but bringing its influence in the Southern England as we head towards lunchtime, and then gradually creeping its Way Northwards across wales, edging towards Northern Ireland by the end of play but still a little dry and bright weather but it would be particularly warm. We have the cold airfrom the north particularly warm. We have the cold air from the north and as particularly warm. We have the cold airfrom the north and as it particularly warm. We have the cold air from the north and as it aged to the main northwards into the evening hours and ten sabbir we could well see some snow on the hills across the midlands, wales and Northern Ireland. Of course to the south of it as well we are quite concerned now about some strong winds, some gales or even now about some strong winds, some gales 01 even severe now about some strong winds, some gales or even severe Gale Force Winds will start to pick up across the southern half of the country. We could see guests around the coast of around 70 mph, which may cause some issues themselves, and if we see any of this snow falling at lower levels across the midlands, wales, northern england, even Northern Ireland through the evening and overnight. It will be called off again in the north. Icy conditions, and in the south west are to see that situation improving. The winds eased down, The Rain Clears Northwards and is a much brighter weather for thursday but that Weather System is slow to dry out in central areas and we have another pass of rain to come, possibly your snow as well through the latter part of tomorrow heading its way through Northern Ireland and north wales. Temperatures hanging in the balance to penning a few in the milderairof the balance to penning a few in the milder air of the south of the cold air further milder air of the south of the cold airfurther north. It milder air of the south of the cold air further north. It continues further north into friday. Depending if you are in the milder airof the depending if you are in the milder air of the south. Still hanging onto that brighter, chilly weather further north but eventually that low pressure further north but eventually that low pressure meanders its Way Northwards, not particularly damning things up, but keeping things rather u nsettled things up, but keeping things rather unsettled for the weekend. Not particularly warming things up. Hello. Its wednesday. Its 9am. Im victoria derbyshire, welcome to the programme. This morning, well hear about a so called wonder drug for hepatitis c and claims that a charity that tried to force the nhs to buy more of it received large amounts of money from the drugs manufacturers. The pills are 95 effective at curing the disease within eight weeks. You cant put a price on your life, can you . Reporter you dont know if it is going to work. I couldnt go on like i was so going to work. I couldnt go on like iwas so i going to work. I couldnt go on like i was so i had to make a decision. So why isnt it more widely available on the nhs . Well bring you that full exclusive report shortly. If you live with hep c do get in touch. And give us an insight into what it is like to live with it. Also on the programme, tough new rules for motorists caught using their phone when driving. But do they go far enough

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