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Footsie slipped a little after a bit ofa footsie slipped a little after a bit of a lacklustre run in asia. Do you fancy yourself as ajames bond. Or perhaps more of a jason bourne . Ftse. Later in the programme, well speak to the boss of a Company Providing high octane Team Building exercises. Exciting orjust excessive . Stay tuned and decide for yourself also today, nokia could be resurrecting the iconic 3310 phones. So we want to know, what Retro Technology would you like to bring back . Just use the hashtag, bbcbizlive. Welcome to the programme. After eight years of negotiations, the Eu Parliament has approved a landmark Free Trade Deal with canada. Lawmakers in strasbourg voted in favour of the so called ceta agreement, which is hoped to add billions of dollars both sides of the atlantic. Once fully implemented, the deal will eliminate 99 of the tariffs between canada and the eu. And the European Commission estimates that this could increase trade between the two regions by nearly a quarter. Now that the Eu Parliament has given the green light to the deal, both sides can start removing trade barriers. But the agreement goes beyond the simple removal of tariffs and calls for further reforms which would require ratification from individual member states. This includes the controversial measures such as the creation of a dedicated court to settle disputes between governments and investors. Ceta is canadas biggest trade deal since the north america free trade agreement. Some Campaign Groups have pointed to ceta as a potential model for brexit, once the uk formally leaves the European Union. Andreas hoepner, is an Associate Professor of finance at the henley business school. Great to have you with us in the studio. A lot of meps giving themselves pats on the back, using words like, a watershed moment, eu trade policy will never be the same, so who is the biggest winner, the eu or canada . I would say both are winners, but the biggest winner is canada. Canada will have access coming forward to the North American market, and the european market. Europe certainly is a winner, following 2016, it is a successful europe. The biggest winner within europe, i think is france, because of the relationship with a french speaking area. That is a good point. Are we here, with there . It has still got to be ratified, and i write, by all the members. And that was little belgium the french speaking part of belgium. Region parliament has two ratify everything, so there are a lot of steps to go through. Has two ratify. It seems quite likely that it is all going the right way. We have elections, could they disrupt . If germany gets a change, the netherlands, could it change the deal . We have seen a level of opposition as well. All the protesters that stormed the European Parliament building, dressed up, saying it was a poor deal, anti globalisation protesters, and that strength of feeling is growing, isnt it . We have elections. Election forecasts are difficult bees days. Dont listen to the polls it could change the European Union more generally. The protesters are important, and make a lot of releva nt important, and make a lot of relevant points, from an environment perspective, but if you ask them to pick a deal, nearly everyone would ta ke pick a deal, nearly everyone would take ceta. Essentially, some of the concerns have been heard. The deal has been made betterfrom their perspective to a degree, and the protest will continue, but it is better for europe of the two deals. Some suggest it is such a good deal, the model of it, not we, says the australian, the brits, as a possible model to use a trade model for when brexit happens. The brits can very much look at it asa the brits can very much look at it as a dealfor them, and canada, and for the uk as a dealfor them, and canada, and forthe uk and as a dealfor them, and canada, and for the uk and europe deal, it doesnt cover financial services, and that is an important point. It does not cover it all. The same question, does europe see it as a potential deal, or look to switzerland and norway four separate deals . I do really think it is releva nt. Andreas hoepner, thank you for your time and for coming in. In other news Donald Trumps choice for Labour Secretary has pulled out of the race for a cabinet position. Andrew puzder lost the support of several republican senators after he admitted employing an illegal immigrant as a former housekeeper. The Fast Food Billionaire had been criticised for his remarks on women and employees at his restaurants. Hes the first trump cabinet pick to fail to secure a nomination. Internet group yahoo has reportedly agreed a price cut on its initial 4. 8 billion sale to verizon. We were waiting for this verizons purchase of yahoos Core Internet Arm was put in doubt last year after disclosure of two cyber attacks. Several reports in the us said yahoo has now accepted a price cut of up to 350 million and agreed to Share Liability with verizon for potential lawsuits. News of the renegotiated terms was first reported by bloomberg, which said an announcement could come this week. Elsewhere, snapchat, all the internet giants throne contenders, look at snapchat. They said it could be 25 billion, this is when it goes public, and lists in new york on the stock exchange. It came up with a valuation of 19. 5 billion to 22. 2 billion. It has never made a profit, and it is a similar story to facebook. It isa facebook. It is a unicorn. We know that already. Similar to five years ago in 2012, with facebook. Looking at twitter as well, it is still struggling. Everyone is saying the same that snapchat has to learn to monetise. It does succeed in having a lot of younger users, which twitter is failing to do. We will have two c. Do you use it . We will have to see. For the second time in three weeks, a court will decide whether to grant a request to arrest the head of south koreas largest company. Sharanjit leyl is in singapore. Will the prosecutors be lucky, if you will, this time . We dont know yet. We will find out at the end of this week, but we speak of the de facto head of samsung group. He is trying to avoid a second Arrest Warrant after allegations against him were widened to include concealing a criminal profit and hiding assets overseas. This is along with the earlier claims of bribery, embezzlement and perjury. Mr lee has denied wrongdoing. The south korean president has orally been impeached, hushed already been impeached. While the arrest has been sought today, investigators have also today been denied access to the blue house, south koreas seat of power to question the nations president. The plot thickens. That is a story we will stay across. There has been a starter in world markets. Japans nikkei fell half a per cent over worry that perhaps the global rally weve seen cant be sustained. Another positive assessment of the us economy, and reassurance over tax reform from president donald trump. Lets take a quick look at how european indices have opened. They are all down, they have pretty much run out of steam after that lacklustre session in asia. Michelle fleury has the details about whats ahead on wall street today. Us stocks sale into thursday powered by record highs on the indexes. They all finished at all time highs. While the american pluto system may feel like it is in chaos. The economy is in rude health. Janet yellin appeared at capitol hill on thursday and reiterated the strength of the us economy. And for proof, she could point to retail sales, which again, were significantly higher, and showed a good deal of strength. What about the other pillar of the us economy . That is the housing market. With Interest Rates going up, and with signs that there might be more rent rises to come, what will it do to Borrowing Costs . Come, what will it do to Borrowing Costs . What is the Knock On Effect for housing . Economists will be looking at housing starts, as well as wielding permits forjanuary as an early indication. James, good to see you. Thanks for coming in. We want to start on the us, the proposal, the border tax, andi us, the proposal, the border tax, and i believe all the us retailers met donald trump yesterday and said they didnt want it. It has not been reflected, the import tax could affect the bottom line. Quite right. There has been a huge wave of infusing as in, looking at it this one it. They have welcomed the trump agenda. They have argued for a lengthy period of two challenges they face on taxation and regulation, and mr trumps headline expectation. He will address the challenges, and it has gone down well. A border charge, a tariff, it isa well. A border charge, a tariff, it is a tax bya well. A border charge, a tariff, it is a tax by a different route. That is a tax by a different route. That is worrying, interns of the sustainability of the expected earnings rate. The index of the Larger Companies in the united states, pencilling in at 11 Percentage Points of this year, 12 next. It allows the market to get reasonably to 2400 or 2500. More than that, it looks like risky territory, as we seal real evidence that we can get sustainable noninflationary growth. Given that we have had employment at less than 596 we have had employment at less than 5 to nine months in a row in the states, it is hard to see that achieved. You will take us through the papers when you come back. Still to come do you fancy yourself as ajames bond. Or perhaps more of a jason bourne . Later in the programme, well speak to the boss of a Company Providing high octane Team Building exercises. Exciting orjust excessive . Stay tuned and decide for yourself youre with Business Live from bbc news. Iceland has been ranked, the store, the top supermarket for Online Shopping in a new survey by which . Magazine. Waitrose has come top for instore experience. Asda has fallen to last place behind tesco and sainsburys. Richard headland is the editor of which . Magazine. A bit ofa a bit of a surprise, richard. What is iceland doing . How has it edged ahead of waitrose and the big names you would expect, ploughing so much into online deliveries. Iceland is still a relative newcomer to the Online Shopping game. It is the second year running they have come top in the online charts and are doing much better as an online supermarket. Waitrose and m s are coming tops again this year. What is the secret of icelands success . What is the secret of icelands success . What are they doing . Is it just on cost, or is there something about the Customer Service . It must be that as well. They do really well on value for money. That is especially important when people are shopping online because they are doing their big shops online and getting more stuff delivered. It is also really good on substitutions, the driver service, convenient delivery slots. It is making sure you get the stuff you ordered when you expected to get it. 0nline is crucial now, isnt it, for all the big supermarkets, and getting that right is really essential for the bottom line. It is interesting to see waitrose top in the bricks and mortar but bottom of the online survey, it there is scope for improvement with some of the big name, in the bricks and Mortar Survey you have aldi and liddle challenging the likes of m s and waitrose, five sta rs liddle challenging the likes of m s and waitrose, five stars for value for money, the quality of the products is good. Some way to go on the quality of the instore experience though. Richard, great stuff, we appreciate your time. Short and sweet. Do you shop at iceland . I dont think i short and sweet. Do you shop at iceland . I dont think have ever. Iceland . I dont think have ever. If it is cheaper i like it, iam not ever. If it is cheaper i like it, i am not posh or stuck up with my shops. Preponderance tata worker, the tata workers quid pro quo, they voted yesterday to close their final salary pension scheme, which had assets of about 15 billion. They wa nt to assets of about 15 billion. They want to have a job. Absolutely. After eight years of negotiationses the eu par. Has approved a landmark Free Trade Deal with canada. Lawmakers in strasbourg voted in favour of the so called ceta agreement, which is hoped to add billions of dollars both sides of the atlantic. 0nce fully implemented, the deal will eliminate 99 of the tariffs between canada and the eu and the European Commission estimates that this could increase trade between the two regions by nearly a quarter. Have you ever dreamt of being james bond . 0ne company says it can make those dreams a reality secret me is a Company Offering spy experience weekends, which teach things like surveillance and hand to hand combat. The packages are run by ex Special Forces operatives and are designed to let people find out how they would react in life changing moments. But the price tag which can run up to £250,000 for a fully immersive espionage experience means only the super rich need apply sara fazlali is the co founder of secret me. She joins us in the studio. Thafrn you. It is a huge price tag, who is paying it . We have all sorts of clients, from hedge fund manager, ceos, a lister, entrepreneur, to kind of just business ceos, a lister, entrepreneur, to kind ofjust business people, and traders who want to do Something Different and learn about themselves, a bit more. |j different and learn about themselves, a bit more. I want to know, do i come to you and you have a something like, i dont want to kill susanna one day as a pretend. I am fully trained. You could kill me. How does it work . We have a list of packages and you have to do the first training weekend before you can do the immersive kind of experience, i guess. And you can choose between what we offer, so you can choose whether you want to do driving or not. You can choose whether you want to do active shooter or kidnap and Hostage Rescues , shooter or kidnap and Hostage Rescues, so within the different skills you can say can we focus more on that one and we say do you want to be lara croft orjason born. You can adaptand to be lara croft orjason born. You can adapt and change and make it more about you and your group. The thing is, if you are an employer and you realise your ceo has spend 250,000 on a Weekend Experience you might be mightily. You might be might be mightily. You might be might aggrieved i should say. Excuse me. I might aggrieved i should say. Excuse me. Iiam might aggrieved i should say. Excuse me. Ii i am using it in the american term the weekend is only 10,000. Oh, £10,000 50 it is term the weekend is only 10,000. Oh, £10,000 so it is a much different price tag between it and i dont think it is, is there a price tag to kind of understanding yourself, how you cope with stress, learning how to think in a different way when you are under pressure . Is it a hard sell . 0r are under pressure . Is it a hard sell . Or when you start it about six yea rs sell . Or when you start it about six years ago. It was, because there is nothing else like us out there, it was a very new product and getting people to understand it is notjust an experience you are learning Real Life Skills that are useful in every day scenarios as well, is, is a challenge. But now we have we are almost six years old, people understand that, we have been out there and we get a lot of return client, the ceos are saying can we bring our entire team. You could get the same experience if you signed up asa the same experience if you signed up as a reserb visit for the armed forces. Reservist. You rub offered the same kind of training. We are not really. 0ur offered the same kind of training. We are not really. Our focus is on the psychology behind you, understanding your psychology, how you cope with stress, how to use that with other people. We teach seduction that how the mind and body connect. I will sign up for that one ican connect. I will sign up for that one i can see you doing that one. It does remind me of the game. That is where it came from. I saw the film. It came from two things, one is that film and i love the idea of immersive thing that challenges you, we dont have my experiences in life that help us find out what we are capable of. You can though gone on mini experience, other companies provide things like you pay for an evening to go on a date and escape from a locked room. Have you seen more firms offering similar things . It isa more firms offering similar things . It is a different ballpark, it is interesting for us, those one day experiences are something we could do but for us it is about the immersiveness, we have Special Forces and Intelligence Officers is as intruck stores, you are are really being taught from the best of the best. If you turn round at the end and you not good at surveillance you will never be, you understand what that means and where your assets is lie. We will leave it there, we really appreciate it. I am glad you said your name because i called you sarah before, it is sarah. Sara. Ina sara. In a moment we will take you through the business pages but first a quick reminder of how to get in touch with us. We wa nt we want to hear from you too. Get involved on the bbc Business Live web page. 0n web page. On twitter and you can find us on facebook, at bbc business news. Business live on tv and online, whenever you need to know. What other Business Stories has the media been taking an interest in . James bevan from Ccla Investment Managementjoins us again. We are are have been talking about the dock nokia, the come back of the dock nokia, the come back of the nokia, that hand set that was so popular and went out of fashion, but apparently, nokia may be thinking about a revamp, do you think it will fit well in this current market . one were to say what surveys tell us about people want, they want simplicity, they Wand Indestruct built, they want low cost, simplicity of operation and a better battery. The bat triis fabulous, one samsung has a better one but very few people wanted it because it didnt have the same sort of Classic Functionality that the nokia had. I worry in bringing it back they will miss the fact that people would like it slightly upgraded, so they would like basic additional features like facebook. Smart stuff about it. Can i say, thank you for your tweet, we asked you what other Retro Product would you bring back. Terry said the walkman. I agree with live in a bubble of history where we remember the things we enjoy, we dont remember how irritating it was when the cassettes got stuck in the machine, i mentioned, a couple of other ones. Game boy, that, nokia hand sets are sought after, the early versions arent they, even mobile phones. It be the 59 euros for the new one, that is the sort of thing people going away for a weekend can take it and if they lose it or break it, so what . It is not the same problem if you lose your smartphone. Talking about battery life. Mineral is actually getting, cobalt is getting really popular, hedge funds are stockpiling cobalt and that is because there is demand from the ultra long life batteries. Interestingly the consensus expectation is that the price will fall from here through 2017 and 2018, the market is in great turmoil in terms of trying to understand where it is going from here. There are ethical issues because a lot of the cobalt is mined in thing on go using child labour, this will cause a furore. Amazon on the brink of launching its fashion label, do you think they could make a success . Yes, they have been successful in food retailing. They have demonstrated delivery and quality matter more than anything, they can do both. They do. London fashion week launching. They have brands already, they are doing a certain number of products and they are demonstrating success. Thank you james. Thats it from Business Live today. Well see you again tomorrow. Good morning. Bit more Sunshine Round today compared with yesterday, it is Zrieer Foreengland and wales, scotland, Northern Ireland more of a breeze compared with yesterday, that breeze compared with yesterday, that breeze comes because of a low pressure to the north of scotland, winds, touching gale force for a few. We will see a lot more showers round, showers in Western Scotland this morning, only one or two reaching the east. Showers easing into the afternoon but Northern Ireland after a bright Morning Clouding over with rain. Much of england and wales mist and fog this Morning Clearing to leave a largely dry and sunny day, especially in southern county, pleasant in the sunshine too, with a gentle breeze, could see temperatures round torbay, exeter getting to 14. Other spots close to 12, 13. Cloud into the midlands, the outside chance of a shower. Patchy rain to end the day. Damper end in Northern Ireland, heavy bursts of rain, scotland, showers tend to ease off, as does the breeze, and some will finish the day with a bit of sunshine. Temperatures above where they should be for the time of year. The rain in Northern Ireland will come and go all night long. Extending in north wales, parts of North West England and with a bit of light rain towards the south east, that Cloudier Zone is where temperatures will hold up. To the south west, may get a frost, greater chance of a frost, North East England fog patches. It will Ta Ke East England fog patches. It will take a while to shift. Lovely bright day, lots of sur, a bit of sunshine at times in the south west and south wales. Not as much as today, from Northern Ireland, through North West England, down to the midland and the south east, fairly cloudy day, some sunny spells, temperatures where you get the sunshine and with light wind feeling on the pleasant side, most above where it should be for the time of year. Into the weekend, we stay with the temperatures above where they should be. Nights on the cool side where skies are clear, some Sunshine Round for all of us throughout the weekend. There will be rain at times too. Northern and western parts of the uk, strong and gusty winds, that Rain Superintendent by the end of the day. The further south and east you stay dry. Into sunday we start with patchy rain, that clears through to sunshine, a sunnier start. Wind into scotla nd sunshine, a sunnier start. Wind into scotland later in the day. Enjoy your thursday. Hello its thursday, its 9 oclock, im joanna gosling, welcome to the programme. Police arrest a third person in connection with the apparent poisoning of kimjong nam, half brother of north korean leader, kim jong un. At this stage its too early to say whether a Foreign Government was involved. South korea says its convinced it was north korea but malaysia are yet to say that. A million pensioners are not receiving the support they are entitled to. We will look at what it means for those that need it. And why is so hard to talk about the menopause . The first time i had a hot sweat, it did take me by surprise. What is that . What am i sitting on it is like sitting on a radiator

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