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Hinders its counter offensive, the top ranking us Military Officer says. Speaking to the bbc, general mark milley said colder conditions would make it much harder for ukraine to manoeuvre. It comes as kyiv was attacked by russian drones early on sunday and debris fell in several districts, ukrainian officials say, but no casualties were reported. At least ten explosions were heard in the capital and Air Raid Sirens signalled that residents should take shelter. Lets go live now to kyiv and speak to our correspondent paul adams. Before to our correspondent paul adams. We talk about ti wa nt before we talk about the fighting, i want to talk about this agreement in delhi, which is not strongly worded, about the war in ukraine. Doesnt criticise russia, Sergey Lavrov has welcomed it and call that a milestone. What has the response from ukraine beam . fix, milestone. What has the response from ukraine beam . Milestone. What has the response from ukraine beam . A rather critical one. The response from ukraine beam . A rather critical one. The response from from ukraine beam . A rather critical one. The response from a from ukraine beam . A rather critical one. The response from a spokes. One. The response from a Spokes Person was there was nothing for the 620 to person was there was nothing for the g20 to be proud about. He reprinted the words on the war in ukraine as a he was a teacher correcting homework, scoring out the references to the war in ukraine and replacing them with the phrase against ukraine. And including the word aggression, because last year, last november, when the g20 address it, they included a reference to russian aggression, which was absent yesterday. As far as they are concerned, it is a step back from the commons the g20 was making last year. I dont think there was any great surprise, there was always an expectation india were try find some middle ground between the western nations that are keen on strong expressions of condemnation for russia and other members of the g20 who are less comfortable. It is worth pointing out, and the former swedish Prime Minister mentioned yesterday, it does refer to the inadmissibility of countries altering International Boundaries through the use of force. The importance of sovereignty. It is a mixed package, as far as ukraine is concerned, but certainly not as strong as they would have liked. Bring us up to date on the counteroffensive. How is it going for the ukrainians . For the ukrainians . Well, mark mille , for the ukrainians . Well, mark milley. People for the ukrainians . Well, mark milley, people will for the ukrainians . Well, mark milley, people will be for the ukrainians . Well, markl milley, people will be scratching their heads around here because in their heads around here because in the last couple of weeks they been talking of Making Progress on the battlefield. Everyone is conscious winter is coming. I dont think anyone here would say it has 30 days orso anyone here would say it has 30 days or so left for a fighting season. They are determined to fight well into the late autumn and into the winter, and theres no reason they shouldnt. Certain forms of warfare become harder, so there will be challenges. As far as ukraine is concerned, it is determined to push ahead. In the meantime, the cost of this war in terms of the suffering experienced by people at the hands of the Russian Occupation forces is something that is occupying the minds of a lot of people. Weve heard repeatedly over the last year and a half of russias use of torture in its war in ukraine, and someone who has been here for the last week is the uns special person on torture, and shejoins me now. Doctor edwards, youve been here for one week. We think weve heard everything weve heard on torture in the war. ~. ,. ,. , everything weve heard on torture in the war. ~. ,. , � the war. What have you learned . Ive been surprised the war. What have you learned . Ive been surprised at the war. What have you learned . Ive been surprised at this the war. What have you learned . Ive been surprised at this scale the war. What have you learned . Ive been surprised at this scale and been surprised at this scale and extent been surprised at this scale and extent of been surprised at this scale and extent of the torture allegations. I think extent of the torture allegations. I think we extent of the torture allegations. I think we are talking about this being think we are talking about this being seen as russias torture war. What being seen as russias torture war. What are being seen as russias torture war. What are we being seen as russias torture war. What are we talking about in terms of scale and maybe also methods . The prosecutor has opened 100,000 proceedings of all war crimes. He counts proceedings of all war crimes. He counts 90 of detainees have suffered counts 90 of detainees have suffered torture or other inhumane treatment. Suffered torture or other inhumane treatment, including rape and Sexual Violence treatment, including rape and Sexual Violence. ,. ,. ,. , violence. You have talked to people, includin violence. You have talked to people, including women, violence. You have talked to people, including women, who violence. You have talked to people, including women, who have violence. You have talked to people, including women, who have suffered i including women, who have suffered Sexual Violence in detention. What stories did they have to tell you . The frustrating thing is there were some the frustrating thing is there were some early cases of large numbers of testimonies some early cases of large numbers of testimonies of torture, sexual torture. Testimonies of torture, sexual torture, and now it seems to have gone torture, and now it seems to have gone a torture, and now it seems to have gone a bit torture, and now it seems to have gone a bit quiet. It is underreported, i think the government should step up their units government should step up their units and government should step up their units and Treatment Facilities for women, units and Treatment Facilities for women, which they are trying to do, but perhaps women, which they are trying to do, but perhaps not the scale which is required but perhaps not the scale which is required for such extensive allegations. Men and women within the context of other torture were describing the context of other torture were describing sexual forms of torture, such as describing sexual forms of torture, such as electrodes being put on their such as electrodes being put on their genitals, threat of Sexual Violence. Their genitals, threat of Sexual Violence, overhearing women crying and screaming from sexual torture. It is and screaming from sexual torture. It is really and screaming from sexual torture. It is really becoming something that is hard it is really becoming something that is hard to it is really becoming something that is hard to pin down, but more evident is hard to pin down, but more evident need to be made so women can feel safe evident need to be made so women can feel safe to evident need to be made so women can feel safe to come forward. They deserve feel safe to come forward. They deserve justice and appropriate rehabilitation. We deserve justice and appropriate rehabilitation. Deserve justice and appropriate rehabilitation. ~. ,. ,. , rehabilitation. We are talking about the treatment rehabilitation. We are talking about the treatment not rehabilitation. We are talking about the treatment notjust rehabilitation. We are talking about the treatment notjust our rehabilitation. We are talking about| the treatment notjust our Prisoners Of War but civilians as Well Question yes, and the accounts of women is being picked up in their homes, some taken to detention facilities. In homes, some taken to detention facilities. , ,. Facilities. In this coercive environment facilities. In this Coercive Environment In facilities. In this Coercive Environment In which facilities. In this Coercive Environment In which in l facilities. In this Coercive I Environment in which in the facilities. In this Coercive Environment In which in the east, this is environment in which in the east, this is nonconsensual activity, and ithink this is nonconsensual activity, and i think that this is nonconsensual activity, and i think that is needed to be reminded. I think that is needed to be reminded i think that is needed to be reminded. , �. ,. , reminded. Youve attempted to reach out to the russians, reminded. Youve attempted to reach out to the russians, to reminded. Youve attempted to reach out to the russians, to hear reminded. Youve attempted to reach out to the russians, to hear what out to the russians, to hear what they have to say, to answer some of these charges. They have to say, to answer some of these charges these charges. What have you heard back . Ive these charges. What have you heard back . We had these charges. What have you heard back . Ive had no these charges. What have you heard back . Ive had no replies these charges. What have you heard back . Ive had no replies to these charges. What have you heard back . Ive had no replies to my back . Ive had no replies to my batch back . Ive had no replies to my batch of back . Ive had no replies to my batch of allegations i sent injune which batch of allegations i sent injune which is batch of allegations i sent injune which is on batch of allegations i sent injune which is on the Public Record now. I reached which is on the Public Record now. I reached out which is on the Public Record now. I reached out to the russian authorities to indicate i am here in ukraine authorities to indicate i am here in ukraine and authorities to indicate i am here in ukraine and i will be checking up and verifying the status and treatment of their own soldiers. Ive treatment of their own soldiers. Ive had treatment of their own soldiers. Ive had no treatment of their own soldiers. Ive had no information forthcoming. Mauv ive had no information forthcoming. Many thanks forjoining us. So that is a reminder, in case we needed it, that all the while, while our attention is focused on the fighting in the south and east and on the supply of western weaponry, there is an insidious ongoing issue of the treatment of detainees in areas that frankly the International Community does not have access to. As weve been hearing, the uk Prime Minister rishi sunak has warned the chinese premier of his significant concerns about beijings interference in democracy. It follows the arrest of a parliamentary researcher on suspicion of spying. Mr sunak met li qiang at the G20 Summit In Delhi hours after news of two arrests in the uk under the Official Secrets Act emerged. A short while ago i spoke to conservative mp and former party leader iain duncan smith. He has been very critical of the uk governments relationship with china in the past. Heres what he said. Well, first of all, this is not the first time that parliament has been penetrated. There was another case, i think the mp Barry Gardiner had an individual who was linked, as the authorities believed, to a breach in security to deal with china. So this time round it shouldnt surprise us at all. In the organisation i set out with the inter Parliamentary Alliance on china, which is international, has 32 countries and is cross party throughout. You know, our sites are attacked regularly. Many of us are sanctioned and i have and im sure others do, a man who was referred to as a wolf warrior, a low level operative who tries to replicate who i am, goes around the world putting false information out. So its not surprising, but theyre doing that all the time. And the problem weve got, i think, right now is that our policy towards china isnt the same as the rest of our allies because it starts with a much weaker position, which is they are only an epoch defining challenge. And we meet them with robust pragmatism, which is kind of sir humphrey talk. I think if you look at america and we are very closely allied with america, two senators who are on the ipac and they will tell you that america openly refers to china as a systemic threat. They believe it to be a threat to both america and to the values of the free world. We start from a weaker position, so when we visit and talk to them, they kind of smile because they know behind the scenes that were not going to do very much about anything. And thats why its important that were not seen as the soft underbelly, which i believe we are. 0ur Universities are penetrated now by many operatives and by huge numbers of chinese students. Now many getting on to post grad contracts in the uk all over the place. 0ur Institutions are getting really, really involved with china and i think its very important for the government to have a much tougher stance. Doesnt mean to say you cant talk to china, but you talk to china from strength. You dont talk to china from a sort of supplicating, knee bending position, which i think sometimes we rather take out. The Prime Minister said he would much rather be in the room talking them to the alternative. What would you like to see the government do then . What is this stronger position . The strong position is we have to redefine what we believe. China really is deep in the bowels of the building amongst the security services. There are no. Theres no doubt china poses an everyday systemic threat to us, to our institutions, to the way we live our lives. And the public position of the government doesnt reflect that. I dont think, and we hear a lot about dialogue, and im no problem with dialogue at all. But its not dialogue with china with the way that it is at the moment. Its the kind of ignored monologue. What happens is the Foreign Secretary begs to have a meeting with them. They didnt ask him to go over there. He begged to go over there. He goes over to beijing for what is literally an incredibly short period of time and has this meeting with them, says a few things about the concerns that the government has, is completely ignored and then told to mind his own business afterwards. Pretty much so. I dont call that what i call a dialogue. Thats really a monologue of the deaf. And the reality for us is that that doesnt get us anywhere. And i think the important point is chinas economy now is in difficulties. And i always think nations that are dictatorial, like china, end up being more dangerous. When their economies go into difficulty. They threaten the taiwan. Theyre going to invade taiwan. Theyve trashed the sino british agreement, locking up democracy campaigners, and theyre committing genocide. This is not a country you can have a dialogue with. What you have is a strong position and make china ensure that they deal on the right level, not the level that they wish to. It is still the second largest economy in the world. Its a country thats hugely important geopolitically. The us does have dialogue with china. Very much so, and senior officials continue to go there from the biden administration. What do you see as the threat from china . What do you think theyre seeking to do in the uk . Well, first of all, they go there on the basis of having publicly made it clear they see china as a threat. And by the way, when blinken came back, he said there was almost no point in having the visit because they dont listen. The German Foreign secretary came back a few weeks ago and said when she raised any of the human rights issues, trying to just basically switched off and said none of their business. So, you know, we are dealing with a country that is not prepared to engage at all on issues other than things that benefit them. So the relationship with us has got to be, one, based on strength. Were clear about who they are. Were publicly clear about it. After all, it was rishi sunak who said before he was elected as Prime Minister, china poses a systemic threat. Not my words. His words. Now, i dont understand why we rather watered that down. That was a good position to take and one that we should take right now. For more than three days sparking a major manhunt has now been returned to custody. 21 year old Daniel Khalife, a former soldier, escaped prison in south london on wednesday. He was caught on saturday while riding a bike along a Canal Tow Path in west london. Detectives say they had more than 100 calls from people offering information about him. 0ur reporter Vincent Mcaviney sent this update from scotland yard. Well, the metropolitan police are continuing to question Daniel Khalife at a Police Station in west london. Now, that four day manhunt involved hundreds of officers and helicopters up searching parts of west london like Richmond Park and chiswick. They received hundreds of tip offs from the public as to where he was. But in the end, it was actually a Plainclothes Police officer in northolt, in north west london, who Spotted Khalife on a bicycle going along a towpath on a canal. Now, he was wearing different clothes. He had a bag with food and he had a sleeping bag nearby as well. Now, that plainclothes officer pushed him off the bike and detained him. He says he didnt put up any kind of fight and went willingly. In the end, this is what the head of the met� s Counter Terrorism police had to say about it all. One of the officers engaged in our operation to locate daniel, a plainclothes officer, saw him on the Canal Towpath on a pedal cycle, a push bike, and was able to pull him off that push bike and arrest him. Weve been really focused with the public support and and also the support of the media in trying to find daniel. Now, weve found him and hes back in custody. We will we will move our resources now back into the investigative effort to identify how he came to to escape from Wandsworth Prison and support any criminal charges that might follow. Well, he was found about ia miles from Wandsworth Prison. And the police saying really all that public support help them track him down. But there are still many questions. Theyre trying to figure out what exactly happened over the last few days. If he received help both inside and outside prison, hes likely to face more charges and be taken not back to wandsworth, but to the high security belmarsh prison, where many say he should have been in the first place. The ukjustice Secretary Alex Chalk has confirmed that approximately a0 prisoners have been moved from Wandsworth Prison, following Daniel Khalifes escape. But hes told sunday with Laura Kuenssberg that the initial findings of a report into the escape have shown that the necessary Security Arrangements were in place at the jail. Its clear the protocols and staff were in place. Its clear the protocols and staff were in place its clear the protocols and staff were in place. They did follow all the rules on were in place. They did follow all the rules on vehicle were in place. They did follow all the rules on Vehicle Searches . I were in place. They did follow all i the rules on Vehicle Searches . This is the point the rules on Vehicle Searches . This is the point. Were the rules on Vehicle Searches . Ti 3 is the point. Were the relevant protocols followed to the extent they should have been . President biden is now in vietnam on a visit that aims to bring the two countries closer than theyve ever been and counter the rising influence of china in southeast asia. Hanoi and washington are expected to sign a new Partnership Agreement and upgrade their relationship less than 50 years after the end of a conflict that left millions of vietnamese and 58,000 us servicemen dead. The bbc has been allowed rare access to hanoi for the visit and are accompanied by vietnamese government officials. 0ur asia pacific correspondent, laura bicker, has this report vietnams next generation believe their moment has arrived even as they sing songs about appreciating what they have. Its clear they want more. This countrys young and talented workforce has attracted foreign businesses here instead of china, and those growing up in beijings back yard are excited about the prospect of even closer ties with the us. A lot of like korean and then Japanese Technology country is pumping money into vietnam to develop Like Technology centres. And then they come to us. I can see in the future vietnam will become another like Silicon Valley for the us and for everyone to come here and work and cant wait for it to happen. Vietnam has rebuilt after its brutal and bloody past. Once one of the worlds poorest nations, its now one of the Fastest Growing economies in asia. And it wants to stay that way. All ready to go. Ok, here we go. Well give it a go. This is an example of what vietnam hopes will be its future new technology, not just that it will sell to its own country, but it hopes to sell it abroad. This company only started making electric scooters five years ago. Now they have contracts with major delivery firms. This is emerging technology built by entrepreneurs with close links to the us. Because you could have worked anywhere in the world. You were educated in the united states. You could have worked any in the world. Why did you come back to vietnam . Because i want to realise my vietnamese dream. I was exposed to the american dream. But i think i have a stronger desire for my vietnamese work. Its the right time. Its the right generation to make the vietnamese dream become true. That drive to succeed is attractive to america. The deal being done will bring washington and hanoi closer than theyve ever been before. Its all part of a us strategy to try to contain china. But while vietnam might be wary of its largest neighbour, its certainly not going to walk away from beijing. Vietnam will try to balance the two superpowers. This communist country with its own brand of capitalism will not want to pick a side. Laura baker, bbc news, hanoi. The United Nations office on drugs and crime has warned that the trafficking of the powerful synthetic drug methamphetamine is expanding rapidly in and around afghanistan, as the trade in heroin slows. The country used to produce more than 80 of the worlds opium, until the taliban introduced a ban on the cultivation of Opium Poppies last year. Live now to our correspondent bethany bell whos in vienna where the un agency is based. Teller is more about the findings. They say the trafficking of methamphetamine is surging. In 2017, two. 5 tonnes were seized. In 2021 over 30 tones were seized. An increase there. The head of the agency said this appears to suggest agency said this appears to suggest a shift in illicit drug markets there. Away from opium poppy cultivation, which was banned by the taliban last year, and more towards the manufacture of this synthetic drug. They say it is easier to conceal the manufacture of this drug and also it is easier to relocate if people are caught. I5 and also it is easier to relocate if people are caught. People are caught. Is there any sense of what people are caught. Is there any sense of what they people are caught. Is there any sense of what they can people are caught. Is there any sense of what they can do people are caught. Is there any| sense of what they can do about people are caught. Is there any sense of what they can do about it . This report is saying they were looking very much at the precursors of methamphetamine, the things needed to make it, and they say there is the plant which grows quite widely in afghanistan, but they say it seems a lot of the methamphetamine sees the is actually made with common cold medications. This report is saying that should be investigated much more, and that people should look at ways to regulate how cold medications are sold so they dont get into the wrong hands. Afghanistans taliban rulers have criticised the closure of their main border point with pakistan this week after clashes between the two sides security forces. They said the halt in trade would see heavy losses for businesses on both sides. The Busy Torkham Crossing was shut on wednesday after troops started firing at each other. Each side blames the other for the flare up. My colleague zari kargar has been following the developments. Just explain the importance of the crossing. Just explain the importance of the crossinu. , ~. ,. , just explain the importance of the crossinu. , ~. ,. , crossing. The Torkham Border is an im ortant crossing. The Torkham Border is an important transit crossing. The Torkham Border is an important Transit Point crossing. The Torkham Border is an important Transit Point for crossing. The Torkham Border is an important Transit Point for afghan i important Transit Point for afghan traders and people, and also from pakistan, for people and traders mainly. It is a historic Border Points and hundreds of people daily crossed the border between both countries. It is a busy area, at the moment, because of the closure last wednesday. Lots of the people are queueing up in front of the border and lots of lorries full of goats, that traders take to both sides. Todayis that traders take to both sides. Today is the fifth day of the border is close. It started last wednesday when Pakistani Border guards and the Talybont Guards Talybont Guards had clashes. Pakistan claimed the taliban were building a new Security Post. The taliban statement said they werent building a Security Post or a check post. In fact, they were rebuilding or maintaining one of the old cheque post which was built several years ago. This affects hundreds of afghans, mainly those who are going for treatment to pakistani side, mainly cancer patients, because they dont have resources in afghanistan for those kinds of treatments. And also traders. Ive been hearing afghan businessmen who were taking foods and tomatoes to pakistani sides. Their goods are rotting because of the heat, it is hot weather. And also for pakistani traders who are taken electronic goods, medicine. It is a very important border, and it affects thousands of people, for both countries. This affects thousands of people, for both countries. Affects thousands of people, for both countries. This is in the first time the border both countries. This is in the first time the border has both countries. This is in the first time the border has been both countries. This is in the first time the border has been shot, l both countries. This is in the first| time the border has been shot, is it . It time the border has been shot, is it . ,. , time the border has been shot, is it . , ,. , time the border has been shot, is it . It has a history. Pakistan has closed the it . It has a history. Pakistan has closed the border it . It has a history. Pakistan has closed the border many it . It has a history. Pakistan has closed the border many times i it . It has a history. Pakistan has closed the border many times in j it . It has a history. Pakistan has closed the border many times in the past, even since the taliban have come. I remember20 past, even since the taliban have come. I remember 20 years ago, when i was a refugee to pakistan, the border was close so we had to cross a buyer mountains. Pakistan has closed this many, many times, and clashes have been happening on different occasions between pakistani guards and taliban gods. It is one of the most coveted prizes in cinema. This years Golden Lion Award at the Venice Film Festival has gone to the british made poor things about a woman whos brought back to life by an unorthodox scientist. Its the latest quirky black comedy from the greek director yorgos lanthimos. He said everyone was disappointed that its star and producer emma stone couldnt be in venice, because of the actors strike. That is it, you can stay up to date on all the stories on our website. 0r On The Bbc News app. I will be back shortly. You can reach me on social media. See you soon. Hello. The September Heatwave continues for many of us today, particularly towards the south. But were also going to see some heavy and some thundery downpours going to work their way gradually further northwards through the day. Now, the last six days in a row, weve had temperatures above 30 celsius. Yesterday was the hottest day at 33. 2. Were probably going to see the seventh day above 30 degrees today. So heat and humidity for many of us. But those thundery downpours on the cards, too, over the next few days. Things change a little as weve got this waving, fairly slow moving weather front, which just slowly creeps its way southwards. And by around about tuesday, were going to start to see that cooler Air Filtering across all parts. But it will take a while for the hot and humid weather to get out of the way from the southeast. But Anyone Running the Great North Run today, i think its looking dry through the morning, threat of some heavy showers and some thunderstorms into the evening hours. And it certainly will feel quite hot and humid for running into the afternoon. Well see heavy showers affecting wales, through the midlands, perhaps into parts of Central Southern England as well. Still some sunshine for east anglia in the southeast, but sunshine for central scotland, Northern Ireland as well. And the weather will improve for the likes of devon, cornwall, somerset as well. Heres where well see the heavy showers and the thunderstorms. If you do catch one, particularly through parts of Northern England, later on, Northern Ireland and southern scotland, it could be really torrential. So a lot of rain in a short space of time and the potential for some localised flash flooding. Its cooler where weve got the rain working in across the north west of scotland, just 1a for stornoway, mid 20s for many Northern Areas but up to 32 for london and the southeast again. Now, through the evening hours, heavy showers and thunderstorms affecting Northern Ireland, Northern England and scotland for a time. And that band of rain creeps its way further south. So its looking pretty wet for parts of scotland in particular, drier further south, some mist and fog and muggy conditions again, but not quite as hot as recent nights. Into monday, then, and still some showers around across parts of Northern England, north wales and for Northern Ireland and scotland. Cloud and patchy outbreaks of rain further south and east. Across england and wales youre likely to stay dry. And for the likes of east anglia and the south east, 27 or 28 degrees. So, still hot, still humid but not quite as hot as weve seen over the past week or so. And then cooler, fresher air reaches all areas by around about tuesday. And its going to be a mix of sunshine and showers through much of the week ahead. Bye for now. Live from london, this is bbc news. The Moroccan Army has cleared one of the main roads to the areas worst affected by fridays earthquake, allowing vital assistance to reach people, as the death toll climbs to more than 2,000. Uk Prime Minister rishi sunak warns the chinese premier of his concerns about beijings interference, after the arrest of a parliamentary researcher on suspicion of spying. World leaders formally adopt Thejoint Declaration at the G20 Summit In Delhi, as india passes on the presidency to brazil. President biden arrives in hanoi to sign a new strategic partnership, nearly half a century after the us withdrew from the vietnam war. Hello, im samantha simmonds. We start in morocco, where three days of National Mourning have been declared following the powerful earthquake in which 2,000 people are now known to have died. These pictures show the moment the quake struck the city

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