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By selling it for one pound to a former bankrupt. Now on bbc news all the latest Business News live from singapore. Charged with bribery and in person, what is next for samsungs acura three bass we find out about berri speirs can deliver a crispy cream hello and welcome. Arrested, handcuffed and in jail, hello and welcome. Arrested, handcuffed and injail, the heir to the south korean big business has been charged with bribery and embezzlement. Lee jae yong is accused of paying nearly 40 million in bribes were confident of President Park geun hye in return for political favours. President Park Geun Hye in return for politicalfavours. For President Park geun hye in return for political favours. For other samsung executives face charges as well. What we now have got is 17 people formally and dieted, formally accused of serious crime by the prosecutor, including the top man in samsung. That is a serious business. If when he goes to trial he is found guilty, he could be sentenced to Something Like 20 years injail. I have to say, these are allegations, unproven allegations, and all the people involved including the lead. But it is a serious business. A daughter, the daughter of the friend of the president received favourable treatment in university, for example. Not from samsung but the university. But the note of this is an allegation that jy lee met the president of this country one on one, just the two of them, and they agreed that if samsung pay nearly 40 million to a friend. Affirm of a friend of the president , the weight of the fund would go behind a merger of some sank which would help the ruling family. The prosecutor has put some pretty eye watering figures on this. The prosecutor alleges that this deal benefited shareholders in samsung to the tune of 700 Million Dollars so we are talking big bananas. Investors in the us and Around The World have had a chicory start to the week. Looking ahead to the key speech by donald trump injust ahead to the key speech by donald trump in just about half an ahead to the key speech by donald trump injust about half an hour or so. Trump injust about half an hour or so. So what can we expect . This is a real chance for President Trump to speak directly to the American People and with regards to what we are going to hear about the economy, we are expected to hear a lot of the same priorities we heard in the shafiq from the president. Initially. That he wants to bring jobs back and make America Great again. If people are looking for specifics, we are not expecting to hear too many but he will highlight the priorities for the administration the repeal of the 0bamacare, he will also be talking about Infrastructure Spending deal and the importance of trying to get americas roads and bridges fixed. When you look at the working relationship between President Trump and congress and the budgetary priorities he is setting forth, it may be a tough ride going forward. The latest economic figures from australia so the economy has returned to growth after contracting last quarter growing at 2. 2 and 1. 196 last quarter growing at 2. 2 and 1. 1 for the quarter. It extends the 25 year run without a recession. Speaking of Economic Growth in india, figures have defied expectations as well. The gdp grew at 7 for the last quarter despite the negative effect to remove the country s biggest bank notes from circulation. It is down slightly from the previous quarter but india is still the world s Fastest Growing economy. Known as a popular in many parts of asia but they have not made a big impact in hong kong. Crispy cream tried to take a bite out of the market but they failed and now a new wave of day makers are confident they have a winning recipe. At the buttery factories some of the top sellers are custard ta rt some of the top sellers are custard tart and even bacon and maple syrup. Which comes with a squirt it you will self syringe. Diana the key is photogenic. People like unusual fages. They like to take a picture before they eat it. Unusual flavours. How about an covered jackie cheung. Trendy flavours and trendy names have helped the Company Expand across the region. The franchise has nearly 300 Stores Across asia. Its latest target hong kong when it is selling thousands of doughnuts every day. Hong kong is accessed with eating, consumers bought more than 500 million worth of goods. But bigger than a brandt have failed before. Us chain, kristy kreme only lasted two years here. Laws make it difficult for foreign Food Companies to succeed here. Also they need to adapt to the local palate. They do not generally like very sweet desserts. Either fruit or nut based. It is confident they can do well in hong kong. We did Sampling Cert we made sure what people wanted, may be less sweet, more strong Coffee Flavour so we did a few adjustments. Tasty and instagram werent there, do not store is will need to stay creative to keep customers hungry for more. From doughnuts to the mentored Reality Game Pokemon Go do not say we do not bring it the fun stories people Around The World essentially chaste character is like these are overlaid in surrounding but can the company maintain its success. We spoke to the man behind pokemon go. Last summer and extra green craze swept Around The World which saw lots of people out with their Mobile Phones hunting for pokemon. It has faded a little since then that there are still pokemon to be found out and about here at the Barcelona Mobile World Congress and i found the inventor of the game, and who has changed views of Augmented Reality. Did you have any concept of how big the game was going to be when it launched 7 how big the game was going to be when it launched . I wish i could have rejected that. 0bviously when it launched . I wish i could have rejected that. Obviously not, it was a huge surprise. We spent a long time looking at the Service Going haywire. It was hard for us just to keep the system operating. In San Francisco there was a 9000 person spontaneous packer man event so person spontaneous packer man event so it was a very surreal stock pokemon. Has faded . It exploded on social media, it had a life of its own and now it has become a successful product but not at that level of frenzy. It is one of the most used mobile apps out there still. Are you betting that dented reality is going to be a more profitable . V our is much more of a cinema like experience, cutting yourself off from the world. Virtual reality. It is for a fine it period of time. But with Augmented Reality you have it all day long. You can do more things, more convenient. To you still play the game yourself . I did caption one earlier. I was out with my son, he is ten years old, and we were out capturing together in the park. It isa capturing together in the park. It is a great thing to do with your family. A very quick look at the markets before we go. The bk is up considerably ahead of the crucial speech from donald trump. Thanks for watching. The bk. The Chief Constable of norfolk, who takes the lead on issues of child protection, has suggested that people caught viewing indecent images of children should not always face a criminal charge. Simon bailey said Police Forces should focus on the most dangerous paedophiles. Mr bailey has been speaking to our home editor mark easton. Saying the unsayable, the Chief Constable who believes paedophiles who view images of child sexual abuse should not necessarily be prosecuted. Simon bailey argues, with resources stretched, those deemed to pose a very low risk of physically abusing children might simply be arrested, monitored and rehabilitated rather than take it to court. We are arresting 400 men every month for viewing indecent imagery of children. We are safeguarding 500 children every single month, but we are dealing with the tip of the iceberg. The public will say its not robust enough. If this is the tip of the iceberg, lets get the iceberg . Right, but i cant. I dont have the resources to get the whole of the iceberg. What im advocating is a proposal that still manages the risk, but its targeted. Police chiefs fear new and historical child abuse cases threaten to overwhelm them. 70,000 investigations in a single year, an estimated annual policing cost of £1 billion and even then just touching the surface, with analysis suggesting half a Million People in england and wales have illegally viewed images of child sexual abuse. How can you be sure that somebody who is at home looking at vile pictures of child abuse is not, the next day, going to go out and abuse a child . And i cant be absolutely sure, but. Well then, arrest them, deal with them . But we are arresting them. As ive demonstrated, 400 every month is more than any other Law Enforcement agency is doing, i believe, anywhere in the world. I have to balance our resources against the whole of the risk. Police in sussex already visit some individuals found to be viewing online images of child abuse and warn them they face criminal action if they continue. But some survivors believe its outrageous to even suggest such offences are decriminalised. I think it was an incredibly unhelpful, id go as far as to say, almost dangerous thing to say, that people who abuse children or who view images and thus pay others to abuse children may escape justice. The home office has distanced itself from Chief Constable baileys remarks, saying that ministers are clear that strong Criminal Justice sanctions remain the response when terrible crimes, like Viewing Images of child sexual abuse online, are committed. Britain is beginning to realisejust how huge a problem the sexual abuse of children has been and continues to be. Now even those charged charged with protecting children admit we cannot simply arrest our way to a solution. Mark easton, bbc news. Time now for all the sports news in sport today. Hi, everyone. Youre watching sport today from the bbc sport centre. Coming up strong words from the most decorated 0lympian of all time, Doping Cheats are ruining sport. The 2022 Commonwealth Games in durban is in doubt. And the aussie open title wasnt enough. Serena williams has itchy feet. I tell you what, you will love this Surprise Appearance that shock to some park players. Wherever you are Around The World, welcome to sport today and michael phelps, the most decorated 0lympian of all time has told the us congress he never felt any competition outside of the United States was clea n. Outside of the United States was clean. The swimmer testified in front of officials from wada and the International Olympic committee. He called for an urgent overhaul of global anti doping

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